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Optimum State Space Control of

BLDC Motor
(Simulation and Experiment)
Auralius Manurung
December, 2009
• Model Identification
• Control Design
• Simulation Results
• Experiment Results
• Conclusions
• References
Model Identification
• Well defined model is very important for
optimum control design.
• Input data (applied voltage) and output data
(rotational speed) were recorded during
• Numerical process to identify the system was
conducted by using MATLAB.
Model Identification (cont’d)
Parameter estimation was conducted by using MATLAB.
Model Identification (cont’d)
• The BLDC motor is a nonlinear system. Coloumb friction is considered as
its main cause.
• Precise model is difficult to get.
Model Identification (cont’d)
• From model identification, the transfer function of the BLDC motor
s 2 + 10340s + 11670

• The state space of the system are:

− 10340 − 91.17
 128 0 
B= 
C = [0 46.97]

• Where x1(t) is the angular velocity of the motor shaft, x2(t) is the
armature current of the motor, and u(t) is voltage applied to the
motor driver.
Control Design
• State feedback controller with LQR design to minimize the
quadratic cost function:

J = ∫ ( x(t )T Qx(t )) + u T (t ) Ru (t ))

• Optimal feedback gain:

K = R −1 BT P
• Solution of P is solved using algebraic Ricatti equation:
AT P + PA − PBR −1 B T P + Q = 0
Control Design (cont’d)
• Feedback control signal:
u = −Kx +Vωr
• Feed-forward term is used to compensate disturbance
and model uncertainties:
V = −(C ( A − BK ) −1 B ) −1
• To reduce steady state error, integral term is introduced:
ε = ∫ (ωr − ωa )dt
Control Design (cont’d)


Speed Regulator Structure

Simulation Result
• clc;
• close all;

• A = [ -10340 -91.17 ; 128 0] ;
• B = [ 32 ; 0];
• C = [0 46.97];

• %Weighting matrices
• Q = [ 1 0 ; 0 0.1 ];
• R = 1;

• %State feedback controller gains that minizimizes the
• % cost functional with the above given weighting matrices
• K = lqr(A,B,Q,R)
• 'Multiplied with xR'
• B*K

• %Regulator closed loop system
• Ac = A-B*K;
• eig(Ac)
• Bc = [ 0; 1 ];
• Cc = eye(2);

• Dc = [ 0 ];
• sys = ss(Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc);

• V = inv(C*(inv(A-B*K)*B))
• %Step response
• figure
• step(sys)
Simulation Result (cont’d)
• Using weighting matrices:
Q = [ 1 0 ; 0 0.1 ];
R = 1;

• We can get:
– Kω = 0.0564
– Ki = 0.5599
– Kff = 0.0610
Experiment Results
• LabVIEW 8.5.
• NI PXI-7358 controller.
• Maxon servo amplifier DES 70/10.
• Maxon EC45 BLDC motor with choke inductor.

NI-PXI Maxon DES 70/10 Maxon EC

Experiment Results (cont’d)
With Only Integrator as Controller

Time delay
Experiment Results (cont’d)
With Integrator and LQR as Controller

Time delay

%Weighting matrices
Q = [ 1 0 ; 0 0.1 ];
R = 1;
Experiment Results (cont’d)
With Integrator, LQR, and Feed Forward as Controller

%Weighting matrices
Q = [ 1 0 ; 0 0.1 ];
R = 1;
Experiment Results (cont’d)
Disturbance Test

With Feed-forward Term Without Feed-forward Term

Kff = 0.0610 Kff = 0

Time delay
• We have designed a control system for a BLDC motor based
on system identification and LQR.
• LQR control provides an optimal state feedback control that
minimizes the quadratic error and control effort. In our case,
it makes the transient respond time of our system become
• In general DC motor, the effect of Coloumb friction can be
reduced by introducing feed-forward control to the system,
increasing its disturbance rejection capability and reduce
delay time.
• This control method has been implemented to real system
and considerably well suited for BLDC motor.
• M. Ruderman, J. Krettek, F. Hoffmann, and T. Bertram, Optimal State Space
Control of DC Motor, Proceedings of the 17th World Congress IFAC, Korea,
• P. Chevrel, L. Sicot, and S. Siala, Switched LQ controllers for DC motor
speed and current control: a comparison with cascade control, Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, Italy, 1996.
• Aimin Liu, Yaru Liang, Shang Gao and Jun Gao, Modified linear quadratic
optimal control method and application in linear brushless direct current
motor, . International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,

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