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Ciclo 2011 – 01 SEMESTRE Primero GRUPO AT-11 FECHA

Materia Ingles I Pre-Intermedio Calificación

Profesor Miguel Angel Alvarado Moreno Puntaje


Complete the conversation with the correct words.

A: Does (do / does) Jeff like hip-hop?
B: Yes, he does (do / does).

2. A: Is Ellen ____________________ (use / using) the computer?

B: No, she ____________________ (doesn’t / isn’t).
3. A: What ____________________ (are you / you are) doing?
B: I’m ____________________ (look / looking) for a new microwave.
4. A: Would you like ____________________ (a / an) apple?
B: No, thanks. I don’t like ____________________ (a fruit / fruit).
5. A: Is this ____________________ (your / you’re) CD player?
B: No, that’s ____________________ (Peter / Peter’s).
6. A: Is your wife ____________________ (in / on / at) work?
B: No, she doesn’t work ____________________ (in / on / at) the afternoon.
A: Really? Does she work ____________________ (in / on / at) Saturday and Sunday?

Look at the response. Complete the information question. Use contractions when possible.
A: What’s he doing?
B: He’s looking for a new CD player.

7. A: ____________________ the art exhibit?

B: It’s on Friday night.
8. A: ____________________ that?
B: That’s my sister-in-law Karen.
9. A: ____________________ the concert start?
B: It starts at 7:30.
10. A: ____________________ the movie theater?
B: It’s on the corner of Green Street and Fifth Avenue.
Complete the conversation. Choose the correct answer.
A: What do you feel like eating?
B: __________
a. I’ll take the check, please.
b. Coffee with milk.
c. I’m in the mood for pasta.

____ 11. A: Let me introduce you to my wife, Karen.

B: __________
a. This is my teacher.
b. Nice to meet you.
c. Please call me.
____ 12. A: Do you want to see a jazz concert?
B: __________
a. Thanks, but that’s not for me.
b. Where’s the play?
c. The theater is across the street.
____ 13. A: Excuse me. I’m looking for the art museum.
B: __________
a. I’m sorry, that’s past my bedtime.
b. I’m sorry, that’s not my style.
c. I’m sorry, I’m not from around here.
____ 14. A: Tell me something about your family.
B: __________
a. Does your brother live in Buenos Aires?
b. Sure. What do you want to know?

____ 15. A: I’m looking for a new laptop. Any suggestions?

B: __________
a. What is a Vensa 2200?
b. What about a Vensa 2200?
c. What are you doing here?
____ 16. A: This photocopier isn’t working!
B: __________
a. That’s a shame.
b. How’s it going?
c. That’s great!
____ 17. A: What does that come with?
B: __________
a. The tip is included.
b. Soup and a salad.
c. We’ll take the check, please.
____ 18. A: __________
B: No, we’re Australian.
a. Are you Canadian?
b. Where are you from?
c. How are you?
____ 19. A: __________
B: She’s an artist.
a. Where is the art museum?
b. How about your brother?
c. So what does your sister do?

Read the description. Then choose the correct answer.


b Stacey’s a chef. She prepares terrific meals for many people. Stacey
works in _____.
a. an office
b. a restaurant

____ 20. Jane loves rock, hip-hop, and jazz. She goes to a concert every weekend.
She’s _____.
a. an athlete
b. a fan
____ 21. My brother and I have the same birthday. We look exactly alike.
We are _____.
a. twins
b. nephews
____ 22. My mother’s older brother is a doctor. My mother’s younger brother is a pilot.
These men are my _____.
a. cousins
b. uncles

____ 23. My new CD player is small. It’s also easy to carry.

This CD player is _____.
a. guaranteed
b. portable
____ 24. The sink is full of water. There is water all over the floor.
This sink _____.
a. is clogged
b. won’t flush
____ 25. The children don’t want fruit and vegetables. They want candy and cookies.
They like _____.
a. sweets
b. grains
____ 26. The TV in my room isn’t working. There is no picture and no sound.
This TV won’t _____.
a. turn on
b. turn off
Answer the question. Use information about yourself.

“What do you do?”

I’m a photographer .

27. “Where are you from?”

28. “What does your best friend do?”

29. “What is your favorite food?”



Ellen Martin is having a party at her house next week. She is inviting several family
members and some friends from the office. Ellen works as a computer programmer at a
large company. There are twenty people invited. For dinner, the menu is shrimp in
orange sauce, coconut rice, and a fresh fruit salad. Ellen doesn’t really like to cook, but
her husband, Ron, does. In fact, Ron is a chef at a major hotel, so the meals at Ellen and
Ron’s house are always amazing because he cooks. Everyone wants to come to their
parties. Ellen wants to introduce her sister Amy to Alan Waters, a colleague. Amy
works as a pilot for an international airline, and she loves to travel and listen to Latin
and rock music. Amy is single. Alan is single, too. Alan also loves to travel, and he is a
fan of Latin music.

A. Read the paragraph. Then read the statements and check true, false, or no information.

true false no info

Example: Ellen works for a small company.
(1) Ellen Martin’s party is on Saturday.
(2) Ellen is inviting twenty people to her party.
(3) The menu includes seafood, fruit, and a rice dish.
(4) Ellen has a brother.
(5) Ellen’s sister works for an airline.
(6) Alan doesn’t like Latin music.
(7) Alan and Amy are colleagues.
B. Read the paragraph again. Then answer each question. Write complete sentences.

What does Ellen do?
She’s a computer programmer.

(8) When is the party?

(9) Who is Ellen inviting to her party?
(10) Who is cooking for the party?
(11) What does Ron do?
(12) What is Amy’s occupation?
(13) Is Ellen married?
(14) Is Ellen’s sister married?
(15) Where is the party?
(16) Does Ellen like to cook?
(17) Does Alan like Latin music?

Answer Section


1. ANS:
(1) a (2) c (3) c (4) b (5) c (6) b (7) c (8) a (9) b (10) c (11) c (12) b

Audio: Top Notch 1, Track 7



A: Who’s that man over there?
B: That’s my brother Fernando. He’s a photographer.
A: What’s he taking a picture of?

A: Excuse me. Where’s the Weston Theater?
B: Turn left at the corner. It’s just across the street from the art museum.
A: Thanks!

A: Are you ready to order now? Or do you think you need more time?
B: I think I’ll have soup and a salad.
A: And to drink?
B: A bottled water, please.


Conversation A
Emily: Hey, Bill. Do you want to go to a concert?
Bill: Sure, Emily. I’d love to go. Who’s playing?
Emily: It’s a new jazz group called Blue Friday.
Bill: When is the concert? And where?
Emily: Sunday night at 10:00. They’re playing at Maxim’s. That’s the new place on Third Avenue
next to the park. It’s not too far from your apartment.
Bill: I’m working until 9:30 Saturday and Sunday. Do you want me to meet you there?
Emily: Yes, that’s a good idea.
Bill: Is it OK to bring my brother Jake? He’s a real fan of jazz.
Emily: No problem. My friend Linda’s coming, too. See you then.
Conversation B
Rita: Hi, Paul.
Paul: Hi, Rita. How’s it going?
Rita: Fine. I’m here buying a new laptop. What are you shopping for?
Paul: My printer isn’t working, and it’s driving me crazy. I’m looking for a new one. Do you have
any suggestions?
Rita: I have an Etson 914, and it’s awesome. Do you use your printer for pictures?
Paul: Hmm. I don’t have a digital camera, but I am buying one next month.
Rita: Then you want a good printer. What about the new Etson 940A?
Paul: Is that model very expensive?
Rita: I don’t know. You can ask the salesclerk.

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Listening


2. ANS: using, isn’t

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: The present continuous SKL: Grammar
3. ANS: are you, looking

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: The present continuous SKL: Grammar
4. ANS: an, fruit

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Count and non-count nouns; A / AN / THE SKL: Grammar
5. ANS: your, Peter’s

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Possessive nouns and adjectives SKL: Grammar
6. ANS: at, in, on

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Prepositions of time and place SKL: Grammar
7. ANS: When’s

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Information questions with BE SKL: Grammar
8. ANS: Who’s

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Information questions with BE SKL: Grammar
9. ANS: What time does / When does

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: The simple present tense: information questions SKL: Grammar
10. ANS: Where’s

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

OBJ: Information questions with BE SKL: Grammar


11. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Social Language
12. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
13. ANS: C PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
14. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
15. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
16. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
17. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
18. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
19. ANS: C PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Social Language
20. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
21. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
22. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
23. ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
24. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
25. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary
26. ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1
SKL: Vocabulary


27. ANS:
(Sample response:) I’m from Argentina

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Social Language
28. ANS:
(Sample response:) My best friend is a teacher

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Social Language
29. ANS:
(Sample response:) My favorite food is pasta

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Social Language


30. ANS:
(1) no information
(2) true
(3) true
(4) no information
(5) true
(6) false
(7) false

(8) (Sample response:) The party is next week
(9) (Sample response:) She is inviting several family members and some friends from the office
(10) (Sample response:) Ellen’s husband, Ron, is cooking for the party
(11) (Sample response:) He’s a chef
(12) (Sample response:) She’s a pilot
(13) (Sample response:) Yes, she is
(14) (Sample response:) No, she isn’t
(15) (Sample response:) The party is at Ellen and Ron’s house
(16) (Sample response:) No, she doesn’t
(17) (Sample response:) Yes, he does

PTS: 0 DIF: Mixed REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Reading


31. ANS:
• Machines (Sample response:) I have a new laptop. It’s fast and convenient. I use it at school.
• My family (Sample response:) There are four people in my family. My wife’s name is Carmen. I
have one son and one daughter.
• Music (Sample response:) Classical music is my favorite. I love to go to concerts. I like the violin.

PTS: 0 DIF: 3 REF: Top Notch 1 Review Test 1

SKL: Writing

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