Excel Task 1-5

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1)Exercise - Family Expenditure

(Expected time to solve 4-8 minutes)

​ 1. In the first table, Calculate the total expenditure for each month.
​ 2. In the first table, Calculate the total expenditure for each type of bill.
​ 3. In the first table , Calculate the percentage represented by each type of bill on the
total expenditure for each month.
​ 4. In table 2 , Calculate the percentage each bill represents on the total expenditure for
each type of Expenditure.



2)Exercise - Turnover Analysis

(Expected time to solve 3-5 minutes)
1.Calculate the year-over-year variation in turnover for each customer, returning "Not available"
if data for the previous year is missing, and
2.Calculate the percentage variation in turnover for each customer under the same conditions.

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3)Task: Customer Care Services Data Management

(Expected time to solve 5-8 minutes)

You are tasked with managing and analyzing customer care data for a company with a global
customer base. The company operates customer care services offices in India, USA, and China,
each responsible for handling assistance requests from customers based on their origin country.
Additionally, the company aims to prioritize assistance requests for damaged products based on
the purchase value.


1)Assign Helpdesk:
In the dataset, add a new column titled "Helpdesk". Utilize a function to assign each customer
assistance request to the appropriate helpdesk based on the customer's country of origin:
China Helpdesk: For customers from South Korea or Japan.
India Helpdesk: For customers from Sri Lanka, New Zealand, or Wales.
USA Helpdesk: For customers from all other countries.
Determine Priority:

2)Add another column titled "Priority". Implement a function to identify and mark assistance
requests that require immediate attention:
Mark as "High" priority for assistance requests with the reason "Damaged Product" and a
purchase value greater than the average of all purchase values in the dataset.
Leave the cell empty for all other cases.

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4)Task: Cinema Ticket Sales Analysis

(Expected time to solve 6-10 minutes)


Total Earnings Per City:

1)Calculate the total earnings for theaters in each city. This involves summing up the earnings
from ticket sales per city.The Average Ticket Price is 250.
Total and City-wise Ticket Sales:

2)Calculate the total number of tickets sold across all cities.

Determine the total money earned from ticket sales across all cities.
Calculate the total number of tickets sold and total money earned for each city individually.
Statistical Insights:

3) Calculate the minimum, maximum, and average number of tickets sold across all cities.
Determine the minimum, maximum, and average revenue generated from ticket sales across all
Percentage Takings Per City:
4)Calculate the percentage contribution of each city's earnings to the total revenue generated
from ticket sales. This will help in understanding the revenue share of each city in comparison to
the overall performance.

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5)Task: Sales Data Analysis Using Pivot Tables

(Expected time to solve 2-3 minutes)

You are provided with an Excel spreadsheet named "Sales Data.xlsx" that contains detailed
records of sales transactions, including types of goods sold, company names, and sales figures.
Your task is to analyze this sales data to understand the sales performance of different
companies and their products.


Create a Pivot Table:

1)Generate a pivot table to summarize the total types of goods sold by different companies. This
pivot table should help in visualizing the quantity of each type of good sold by every company.
Calculate Sales:

2)Use the pivot table to calculate the total sales (revenue) generated by each company from
their goods. This involves summing up the sales figures associated with each type of good for
every company.

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