Regulated Expansion of ISKCON in India

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Regulated Expansion of ISKCON in India

Adopted by the RGB in April 2004

WHEREAS, the RGB is concerned that unregulated expansion of ISKCON's activities in India could
result in weakening of the institution as a whole and pose threats to ISKCON achieving its overall goals.
Thus, it would like to establish procedures to make sure that any expansion plans are discussed and
approved at appropriate levels.
WHEREAS, in the normal course of affairs, ISKCON first begins its formal organizational setup in a new
place as an Extension Center of an already established neighboring ISKCON temple. Then, as it develops,
it can be promoted into a Preaching Center. After that, it may become a full-fledged ISKCON branch with
independent identity. And,
WHEREAS, in addition to centers which are part of ISKCON's formal organizational setup, ISKCON
may allow its name to be used in a restricted manner by other localized groups under certain terms and
It is hereby resolved as follows:
The various Divisional Councils are responsible to allocate preaching areas to existing ISKCON centers.
This is necessary to avoid jurisdictional disputes between the different centers in a Division. Once
allocated a preaching area, an ISKCON center may proceed to develop ISKCON's activities throughout
that area, including establishing temporary outposts where ISKCON functions are conducted, as well as
authorizing Nam Hatta Centers and other similar groups. This should be done under the general
supervision of the Zonal Secretary(ies) for the area.
In the course this establishment of outposts, when a particular location is thought to be promising for
establishing a permanent location, then an outpost may be recognized as an official Extension Center of
ISKCON under the parent full-fledged ISKCON center. This requires the written permission of the Zonal
Secretary(ies) for the area, and the Divisional Council shall be notified and take cognizance of the
decision. Alternatively, an Extension Center of an existing center may be established directly by
resolution of the Divisional Council. If there is no parent center willing to take responsibility for opening
a particular Extension Center, then with the permission of the Divisional Council a Zonal Secretary may
directly take responsibility for it. In authorizing an Extension Center, the authority involved should be
satisfied of the following requirements:
a. The parent temple, or if no parent temple then the Zonal Secretary, is prepared to take full
responsibility for the Extension Center.
b. The devotee-in-charge, to be designated as Manager, must be a twice-initiated devotee in good
standing with at least three years managerial experience at a regular ISKCON center. He shall be
competent to see to the affairs of the center in all areas, including, but not limited to, community
relationships, devotee management, conduct of spiritual programs, fiscal responsibility, legal
affairs, and accounts.
c. There should be at least two full-time devotees apart from the Manager.
When a center is officially designated as an Extension Center, the following shall apply:
a. The designation of the devotee in charge of the extension center shall be “Manager of Extension
Center of the Parent Temple".
b. The collection can be done only on the basis of a detailed agreement with the parent temple that
hold collection rights of that area. There should be a written understanding of such arrangement.
It is not encouraged to maintain the preaching by life membership. It is desirable to solicit
congregation‘s support to maintain such a place rather than enrolling life members. It will be a
good experience for the devotees to introduce annual membership right from the beginning. Any
life membership collected may be saved for future capital expenses in that area.
c. All expenditures must be reported to the parent temple, and the parent temple is to approve all
major changes like hiring buildings, dealing with property donations, etc. All fixed assets of the
center are to show in the balance sheet of the parent center. Arrangements should be made to
invite the internal auditor of the Bureau for inspection within six months of inauguration of the
Extension Center.
d. May put up a name board as an ISKCON Extension Center only after six months of existence,
with the permission of the parent temple.
e. May not print separate letterheads.
f. No deities may be installed. Pictures may be placed on a simple altar.
g. Registration of life members should be with the parent temple.
h. There shall be no separate ISKCON bank account connected to an extension center. However, the
parent temple may have an ISKCON account in that city.
i. Any other directions by the parent temple or the GBC in the matter of expansion to be strictly
followed by the manager of an Extension Center.
j. Shall not be listed in the BTG under centers list, although they may be listed with a separate
k. A Zonal Secretary cannot force a center to take responsibility for an Extension Center.
An Extension Center may be promoted to a Preaching Center only by resolution of the concerned
Divisional Council, with the recommendation of the local Zonal Secretary(ies). The following should be
ascertained before promoting an Extension Center to a Preaching Center:
a. Should have a minimum of five full-time devotees for a continuous period of six months just
before seeking recognition.
b. Must have at least one public program in a week.
c. There should be a solid record of stability of income sufficient to maintain the Preaching Center
without dependence on the parent temple.
d. The devotee-in-charge, to be designated as General Manager, should be a twice-initiated devotee
in good standing with at least five years ISKCON managerial experience. He should have a
proven record of cooperation with the Divisional Council and the Bureau, as well as competence
in seeing to the affairs of the center in all areas, including, but not limited to, community
relationships, devotee management, conduct of spiritual programs, fiscal responsibility, legal
affairs, and accounts.
e. Should have facility for regular full sadhana for the residents. A six months daily record of
sadhana of the devotees should be maintained and submitted at the time of seeking recognition.
When a center is officially designated as a Preaching Center, the following shall apply:
a. The designation of the devotee in charge shall be "General Manager".
b. At the time of designation, the Divisional Council shall assign a specific preaching and collection
c. Life members should continue to be registered with the parent temple on remittance of a
percentage as maintenance charges.
d. May open a separate ISKCON bank account as per Bureau procedures.
e. After inspection and approval by internal auditor from Bureau office, the fixed assets of the
center may be transferred to a separate balance sheet for the Preaching Center. Initially, the
Preaching Center accounts may be consolidated with the parent temple before audit by a
Chartered Accountant, but a plan should be made for instituting a separate audit of the Preaching
Center accounts well in advance of any application to be recognized as a full-fledged center.
Internal auditor from Bureau office should visit regularly and all recommendations should be
f. Must submit regular financial reports to the Zonal Secretary and the parent temple, as per their
requirements, but not less frequently than quarterly.
g. Must take prior permission from the Divisional Council (through the parent temple) before
undertaking any major project, especially projects that involve major expenditure.
h. May be publicly advertised as being a center of ISKCON.
i. May be listed in the BTG list of centers.
j. Deities may be installed (cala prathista) with permission of the Divisional Council provided the
Divisional Council is satisfied that there are a sufficient number of brahmanas to conduct the
worship on a long-term basis.
A Preaching Center may be promoted to a Full-fledged Center only by resolution of the RGB, upon
recommendation by the concerned Divisional Council, the local Zonal Secretary(ies), and the parent
temple, with certification of the ISKCON Bureau that the center has fulfilled all statutory requirements. A
Preaching Center shall be promoted to a Full Center when the Divisional Council is satisfied that the
center can be permanently maintained and that the management is sufficiently mature to be operated as a
branch of the society abiding by all rules applicable to ISKCON centers.
a. The designation of the devotee in charge shall be "President".
b. A Full Center may directly enroll life patron members as per the rules of the society.
c. May be publicly advertised as being a center of ISKCON.
d. May be listed in the BTG list of centers.
e. Deities may be installed (cala prathista) with permission of the Divisional Council provided the
Divisional Council is satisfied that there are a sufficient number of brahmanas to conduct the
worship on a long-term basis.
Full ISKCON centers may authorize a local group to conduct preaching activities under the banner of
"ISKCON Nam Hatta Center", or similar name that includes the word "ISKCON" or the words
"International Society for Krishna Consciousness", under the following conditions:
a. Such a group must enter into a written agreement with the sponsoring ISKCON center that spells
out the extent of its activity, that its activities are under the supervision of the sponsoring center,
and that the permission to use the word "ISKCON" or the words "International Society for
Krishna Consciousness" in its name may be withdrawn at any time at the sole discretion of the
sponsoring center. Such agreements must be approved in advance by the Bureau Legal Office.
b. Such a center is not allowed to collect funds in the name of ISKCON or to have a bank account
with a name that includes the word "ISKCON" or the words "International Society for Krishna
c. Such a center is not allowed to collect funds among the general populace. Its collection activity, if
any, should be restricted to collections among the members for the sole purpose of supporting the
center's incidental activities.
d. Any asset, movable or immovable, to be acquired by such a center with a value in excess of
Rs.5000 must be purchased in the name of the sponsoring ISKCON center.
a. No center may open a school or start any cow protection programme without the approval of the
b. Acquiring land in a new location must be approved by the Divisional Council, but in an
emergency it may be approved by all Zonal Secretaries for the area if they are reasonably certain
that the Divisional Council would not have any objection. Such acquisition without Divisional
Council approval should be reviewed by the Divisional Council at its next meeting.
c. For projects costing more than one crore, for installing deities, for opening of farm projects or
hospitals, there must be approval in advance by the Divisional Council.

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