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Season 4

Scenario: 4-06
Levels: 3–6
Combatant s
Concerto: Prelude
to Revolution
By Shay Snow

Table of Contents
Shay Snow
Adventure � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �3
Jenny Jarzabski
ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Encounters� � � � � � � 17
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Encounters� � � � � � � 19
Addley C. Fannin Appendix 3: Game Aids � � � � � � � � � � � � � 21
EDITORS Organized Play � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 24
Addley C. Fannin and K. Tessa Newton

Mark Molnar and Milos Rocenovic

GM ResouRces
Javier Charro, Pixeloid Studios (Mark Molnar, Campaign Home Page:
David Metzger, Gaspar Gombos, Zsolt ‘Mike’ Szabados, Books: Starfinder Core Rulebook, Starfinder Alien Archive (AA) and Starfinder Alien Archive 2 (AA2),
Janos Gardos, Laszlo Hackl, Peter Lerner, Orsolya Villanyi), Starfinder Armory (AR), and Starfinder Near Space (NS)
and Milos Rocenovic Maps: Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starliner and Starfinder Flip-Mat: Warship
Online Resource: Starfinder Reference Document at
Damien Mammoliti

Adam Vick
scenaRio TaGs
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information
Emily Crowell
on scenario tags see the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society. This scenario has no tags.
Linda Zayas-Palmer


Tonya Woldridge SUMMARY
Adam Daigle The adventure begins with the PCs arriving to the theater ship Grand Mezzanine for a concert and
gala celebrating the anniversary of the “peaceful” annexation of pahtra homeworld Pulonis into
the Veskarium. The PCs meet with two High Despots and a famous pahtra singer and songwriter
Erik Mona
named Miiyu. Veskarium military official Tassada Kor asks the PCs to look into reports of a
planned insurrection that could put numerous innocents in danger. During their investigation, the
PCs uncover a plot to assassinate the High Despots and attendees in an act of open rebellion by
the Liberators, a known pahtra revolutionary cell. Finally, the PCs have a chance to prevent the
assassination and save the attendees aboard the ship.





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7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
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combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

ADVENTURE Where in the

Of all planets in the Veskarium, Vesk-6 enjoys an
extraordinary amount of independence, which was While the bulk of this adventure takes place on the theater
hard-won and ripped from the invaders’ grasp by pahtra ship Grand Mezzanine, it reflects tensions between the
defenders. Even with this relative freedom, revolutionary Veskarium and Vesk-6, called Pulonis by its indigenous
groups on the planet still fight, using guerrilla tactics and stealing pahtra citizens. This adventure wraps up in Starlance, the
weaponry to further their plans. The Veskarium’s hold on Vesk- second-largest city and only spaceport on Vesk-6.
6 is shaky at best, and this fact is well known by all parties
involved. In a misguided attempt to promote cultural exchange
and unity, High Despot Kavadroz, the Veskarium official in charge
of the planet, has organized a gala celebration to commemorate
the “voluntary” surrender of the planet and the “peace” currently
held between vesk and pahtra citizens, despite knowing that the
situation is anything but stable.
The Vesk-6 Victory Gala has been a week-long event full of
dramatic recitals of vesk war-plays and pahtra cultural musical
performances. It’s set to culminate in a stunning performance VESK-6
from Miiyu, a pahtra electrical percussion pop star known for Diameter: ×1/2; Mass: ×1/12; Gravity: ×1/3
her impressive, rhythmic vocals and emotion-stirring lyrics that Atmosphere: Normal; Day: 54 hours; Year: 20 years
center on freedom and a dedication to family and culture. Miiyu An extremely warm and humid jungle world filled with
has experienced a recent rush of popularity since being featured massive predators and cunning inhabitants. The intense
in a single with Strawberry Machine Cake, and she’s hoping to use magnetosphere retains the planet’s atmosphere but
this event to bring the galaxy’s attention to proper pahtra culture, disrupts most technology, to the frustration of Veskarium
and not just what the Veskarium allows to escape their tight grasp. leadership. For more, see Starfinder Near Space, page 50.
Miiyu’s open support for pahtra independence is well known and
seems at odds with her willingness to perform at the gala, but vesk
leadership is unconcerned with her political leanings so long as against the attendees. Miiyu is one of these agents, along with a
she can provide a groundbreaking performance. Also attending Krreyvash named Jiira and an explosives specialist named Zinye.
the gala is High Despot Teret Cahan, the current leader of Vesk-3. Miiyu believes that the attack will be a demonstration that will
He’s a pahtra military leader who is disinterested in the colonialist cost the Veskarium government millions of credits in repairs but
celebration, but lends his presence to the event for political won’t harm anyone. She doesn’t realize that her two companions
reasons. Teret has been very shrewd in his political movements secretly plan to assassinate the two High Despots in attendance
and is trying maneuver his way to taking over as the High Despot by sealing the auditorium and flooding it with poison gas. She’s
for Vesk-6, though whether he’s more concerned about his own willing to fight for pahtra freedom, but her fellow Liberators
ambitions or the good of Pulonis is unclear. haven’t briefed her that she’ll be killed in the attack, alongside
Recently, a group of Starfinder Society agents assisted all the attendees. The fanatical agents consider one silly pop star
the Veskarium in sabotaging a weapons run conducted by a playing rebel to be an acceptable casualty in their war.
revolutionary cell known as the Pulonis Liberation Front, or
the Liberators. The Starfinders’ contact in this mission, and GETTING STARTED
the official in charge of rooting out insurrectionist activity, was The PCs start out in a Society ship (likely an Azata, Drake, or
Veskarium military officer Tassada Kor, who has also been invited Pegasus), on their way to the Grand Mezzanine. Provide the
to attend the Victory Gala. The Liberators are not a group to players with Handout #1 and give them time to read the short
easily forget a plot against them, and they’ve noted the number message from Venture-Captain Arvin. Once they’ve read and
of officials and important faces in the event lineup. They sent discussed their mission briefing, provide them with Handout
three agents to infiltrate the event and orchestrate an attack #2 and allow them to read over the invitations. Venture-Captain

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Arvin has arranged for the PCs to attend the Vesk-6 Victory Gala 10+: Vesk-6 is the sixth planet from its system’s sun and is the
as representatives of the Starfinder Society, despite his personal native pahtra homeworld. Before its annexation, the world was
distaste for the event. Though the PCs can’t ask Arvin questions called Pulonis by its indigenous population.
directly, they can recall information about the upcoming gala 15+: The surrender of Vesk-6 was far less peaceful than the
based on their own cultural or political knowledge. Veskarium is interested in sharing, and numerous revolutionary
cells have sprung up in the wilderness of the planet, fighting to
CULTURE (RECALL KNOWLEDGE) undo the current colonial rule.
OR PROFESSION (HISTORIAN OR 20+: A group of Starfinders recently assisted a vesk military
POLITICIAN) officer in preventing a group of pahtra rebels from absconding
Based on the result of a Culture check to Recall Knowledge with stolen weaponry. The crew, led by Captain Brygin, was shot
or a Profession (historian or politician) check, the PCs might down in the ship Pouncer. Following Brygin’s arrest, he was taken
understand the context behind Venture-Captain Arvin’s personal in for questioning by Veskarium official Tassada Kor and hasn’t
feelings about the celebration. They learn all of the information been heard from since.
listed for the DCs equal to or less than the result of their check. 25+: It’s not typical for Veskarium celebrations to wrap up
PCs who played the quest Exosphere, part of Starfinder Society a conquering gala with a performance from an individual of a
Scenario #3-11: Into the Veskarium, know the information listed in conquered species, so someone very high up in military command
the 20+ entry, since they were part of that group of Starfinders. must have recommended Miiyu. High Despot Kavadroz is known
for his willingness to work with the pahtras he governs for their
support, and rumor has it that he was the one who personally
suggested Miiyu for the performance.
30+: Miiyu is known for her revolutionary lyrics and open
support of the pahtra liberation movement. Her debut album
was called “Pulonis”. The album’s hit single “Magical Ribbon”
was performed alongside Strawberry Machine Cake, but another
popular track from the album is a tragic love song called “Pouncer.”

As the PCs’ ship exits the Drift, they arrive near the Grand
Mezzanine, a famous theater ship known for its opulent interior
and fantastic acoustics. Floating near the Grand Mezzanine is an
enormous dreadnought, the Talon’s Razor, captained by Tassada
Kor (N female vesk soldier). A comm from Tassada appears on the
PCs’ viewscreen. If any of them have played Starfinder Society
#3-11: Into the Veskarium, she greets the PCs by name. Read or
paraphrase the following to get the adventure underway.

“Starfinders! Good to see you. I’m glad you could make it! It’s
not every day that the Veskarium celebrates such a powerful
victory!” Tassada seems genuinely pleased, but her face soon
grows serious.
“While this is a joyful celebration of vesk might, I have some
concerns. I have reason to believe that the Pulonis Liberation
Front has infiltrated this event and is planning some sort of
attack to further their political goals. Why they can’t just accept
the grace of the empire is beyond me. I’d have my military forces
go in and put a stop to it, but I’m concerned that they’ll either
set everything off early, or that the rebels will flee, and we won’t
be able get any information about their next steps or leadership.
“That’s where I’m hoping I can depend on you. I know the
Starfinder Society is interested in preventing a loss of life, so I
want you to investigate and find evidence of the rebels’ plots.
tassada kor Prevent whatever disaster they’re planning and then report back
to me. Will you help me? Do you have any questions?”

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Possible questions for Tassada and her answers appear below. SCALING IMPRESS THE VIPS
Who is the Pulonis Liberation Front? “They are pahtra For groups of four PCs, the VIPs are easier to influence,
insurrectionists.” Tassada grimaces as she speaks the words. “I’ve requiring only three successful skill checks each.
had run-ins with their type before, but this group seems genuinely
determined and well-led, and they don’t have any qualms about
hurting innocents. If we can nip this attack in the bud and take IMPRESS THE VIPS
some of them prisoner, I can work them over and try to get When a PC chooses to spend their phase interacting with one
information about their leadership.” of the VIPs, they can either try to directly influence the VIP by
What do we get if we assist you? “Well, aside from anything attempting an influence check or try to learn more about the
you pull off their bodies, on my ship I have some new military gear VIP with a discovery check. Instead of attempting their own
that I’m delivering to the High Despot. I’m sure he’d understand if check, PCs can spend their phase attempting to Aid another PC’s
I gave each of you first pick of what I’m hauling. Also, you’d have influence or discovery check. If the PCs succeed at four influence
the gratitude of the Veskarium as a whole.” checks against a VIP, they earn the VIP’s favor.
This seems wrong./We’re not interested in helping. “I won’t say Biases: The first time each PC interacts with a VIP, whether for
I’m not disappointed, and that’s your decision and your prerogative, an influence check or a discovery check, they can attempt a DC
but I thought the Society was more dedicated to helping innocents 20 Sense Motive check. On a success, they learn that VIP’s biases.
than political ideals. Contact me if you change your mind.” Influence Check: A PC can attempt a skill check to influence
After Tassada’s answered all the PCs’ questions, she provides one of the VIPs. The types of skills that the PCs can use to
them with her contact information before ending the call. The PCs’ influence each VIP are listed in the VIPs’ statistics. The PCs don’t
ship docks with the Grand Mezzanine, and after presenting their automatically know which skills are effective at the beginning
invitations to the staff, the PCs are led into the main ballroom. of this encounter, but they can either guess based on the
information they have already learned or apply knowledge they
CALL TIME have gained from successful discovery checks (see page 6). The
DCs for skills that aren’t listed should generally be Hard, though
The ballroom of the Grand Mezzanine is expansive and elegant, the PCs may come up with creative tactics that justify lower DCs.
with a black ceiling covered in twinkling lights and soaring arches Encourage players to roleplay with the NPCs, but make sure that
designed to look like ornate wooden structures. The soft, maroon no one is put on the spot or pushed beyond their comfort zone.
carpet gently muffles the noise of the conversations between the PCs who succeed at an influence check by 5 or more also gain
event’s attendees. In the center is a massive buffet line, serving the benefit of a successful discovery check against the VIP. A
delicacies from across the galaxy. Double doors lead into the PC who fails at an influence check by 5 or more can’t attempt
auditorium where the final show will be held. to use the same skill to influence that VIP again. If they fail by
Three people in particular seem to be centers of attention—a 10 or more, they can no longer attempt to influence that VIP by
tall pahtra man who is clearly armed and wearing armor under his any means.
suit, a muscular vesk man in a suit with a prominent facial scar,
and a pahtra woman dressed in the latest fashions accented with
glimmering lights. Some of the attendees seem to be enjoying the
complimentary beverages a little too exuberantly, stumbling and
clutching at their respective partners for balance.

The PCs’ goals in this part of the adventure are make a good
impression on the VIPs while also investigating evidence of
sabotage or rebel activity. This event is divided into four phases.
During each phase, each PC can either attempt to impress one
of the VIPs (see below) or investigate one of the four areas
of interest (see page 8). Once the PCs have completed
all four phases or gathered all of the influence and
evidence they can, move to the Intermission section
on page 9. The DCs of skill checks in this section are
listed as Easy (DC 15 for Levels 3–4, DC 18 for Levels
5–6), Standard (DC 20 for Levels 3–4, DC 23 for
Levels 5–6), or Hard (DC 25 for Levels 3–4 or DC 28 grand mezzanine
for Levels 5–6).

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Discovery Check: Instead of attempting to influence a VIP, TERET CAHAN

a PC can attempt an Easy Sense Motive check to learn more LN Male pahtra
about them. PCs who succeed can choose one of the following DESCRIPTION
pieces of information to learn: the NPC’s Strengths, the NPC’s Background High Despot Teret Cahan is the current leader
Weaknesses, or one of the skills that can influence the NPC of Vesk-3 and has been openly working to restructure the
(starting with skills with Easy DCs). For every 5 by which a PC order of government to allow for more autonomy among
exceeds the DC of the discovery check, they earn one additional the skittermanders he governs. Despite his progressive
piece of information. After the first success, all PCs gain a +4 style of governance, he’s a loyal Veskarium soldier, known
bonus on their discovery checks against that NPC. for his quick decisions in battle and willingness to lead by
The VIPs: To the north, High Despot Teret Cahan (LN male example. His ultimate goals are to rule as High Despot of
pahtra soldier) stands apart from the crowd, surrounded by his Vesk-6 and work within the structures of his home planet
honor guard. He’s the current leader of Vesk-3 and is attending to effect change.
this gala out of a sense of duty, though he privately finds it Appearance Teret is tall for a pahtra. Though he’s dressed
distasteful. for a formal event, he carries a weapon at his side, and
it’s obvious that he is wearing a full set of armor under
his suit. It’s difficult to read any emotions on his face or
get a sense of how he’s feeling, as his expression remains
neutral during conversation.
Personality Teret is calculating, serious, and focused on
making it through the evening without an incident. He’s
quick to either address hostility or dismiss mockery. He is
calm under pressure and soft-spoken, even when issuing a
Biases Teret is fond of his current base of operations, and
skittermanders remind him of home. Skittermander PCs
gain a +2 bonus on checks to influence him.
Influence Teret responds well to details and stories of personal
ambition or feats of strength and prowess (Easy Acrobatics,
Athletics, Bluff, or Profession). He is easily influenced
when approached with respect for his position (Standard
Diplomacy). PCs that discuss their time with the Starfinder
Society gain his attention, as he’s curious what the Society
thinks about Vesk-6 and Vesk-3 (Standard Culture).
Weaknesses Teret respects the sight of a team helping each
other. PCs who successfully Aid an influence check against
him grant a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2.
Strengths PCs that approach Teret disrespectfully take a
–2 penalty to influence him, and if they fail a Diplomacy
check, he shuts them down harshly and immediately
leaves the area. A PC who fails a Diplomacy check against
him can no longer attempt checks to influence him.
Benefit If the PCs influence Teret, he decides to assist
them with building connections in turn. He gives the PCs
information about the other two VIPs (this provides the
PCs with the results of two successful discovery checks
against each of them).

To the east, High Despot Kavadroz (NE male vesk envoy) is

currently being interviewed by the evening’s emcee, Twee-23 (N
teret cahan female android). Her drone is floating around his head, snapping
pictures constantly. He seems to be holding up under the intense

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

scrutiny of the interview, but the PCs can’t get close to him in the through the crowd around her. Failing to reach Miyuu does not
first phase. Any PC who succeeds at an Easy Perception check take up a PC’s phase.
while approaching Kavadroz hears rumors that Kavadroz is known
for his light hand when dealing with pahtra civilians as well as his MIIYU
willingness to open dialogue with revolutionary groups. CG Female pahtra
KAVADROZ Background Miiyu is a young and newly debuted pop star,
NE Male vesk most widely known for appearing alongside Strawberry
DESCRIPTION Machine Cake on their recent single “Magical Ribbon.” She
Background High Despot Kavadroz is a storied vesk soldier carefully conceals details of her personal life, but she has
known for both his brutality in combat and his experimental mentioned in interviews that she was born and raised on
leadership style. When governing Vesk-6 he mimics the Vesk-6 by a huge extended family, where she traveled
leadership styles used on other planets and works to ensure around learning to play several instruments while also
that pahtra citizens are considered equals in the Veskarium. developing her singing and songwriting talents.
The citizens of Vesk-6 respect Kavadroz and recognize his
efforts to improve their world’s political standing and create
new opportunities for pahtra youth.
Appearance Kavadroz is easily identified by the large scar
across his face, narrowly missing his left eye. He’s taken
every effort this evening to look casual and unthreatening,
which is not an easy feat for him given his large, muscular
frame. He’s wearing a fashionable suit and is currently
unarmed and unarmored.
Personality Kavadroz once struggled with managing his
anger. Since retiring from active combat duty, he’s learned
to control his temper and is open to negotiation even when
someone has gravely offended him. He has a known habit of
counting to five in his head before answering questions, to
allow himself time to come up with thoughtful answers.
Biases PCs with the Biohacker, Mechanic, or Technomancer
classes gain a +2 bonus to checks to influence Kavadroz, as
do PCs with augmentations or technological companions.
Influence Kavadroz loves hiking and camping and eagerly
swaps tips and stories with other enthusiasts (Easy
He is interested in scientific research and will engage in
conversation with any PCs with augmentations or drones
(Standard Computers, Engineering, or Piloting). While he
tolerates idle conversation, he’s not particularly interested
in it (Hard Diplomacy).
Benefit High Despot Kavadroz spends time watching the other
attendees in search of others who share his interests, and
in the process locates weapons that would have otherwise
been used against the PCs (see area B1 on page 12).

To the south Miiyu (CG female pahtra envoy) is engaged

in conversation with a small group of elebrians. She has a
huge crowd around her, and occasionally the enrapt audience
bursts into laughter, including her rictus-grinning fellow
conversationalists. Reaching Miiyu during this conversation kavadroz
requires an Easy Athletics, Acrobatics, or Intimidate check to get

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Appearance Miiyu is exquisitely dressed—she’s wearing her AREAS OF INTEREST

signature purple fringed shawl over a fashionable outfit The PCs can investigate the following areas for clues.
inspired by Vesk-6’s natural features and traditional Auditorium: To the south, behind Miiyu’s entourage, are the
customs. The pattern of her fur is complimented by the propped-open doors to the auditorium. PCs who investigate
sparkling lights sewn into the ribbons on her shawl, the auditorium and succeed at a Standard Engineering or
and though she appears to be quite young, she displays Computers check notice unusual wiring attached to the lights
intelligence and poise beyond her years. and speakers.
Personality Miiyu is friendly and charming, quick to make Backroom: A small door to the west leads to the staff areas
lighthearted jokes to relax tensions or smooth over social of the Grand Mezzanine. Normally these rooms are off-limits,
blunders that she or someone else may make. She’s but thanks to Tassada’s influence the PCs can investigate
passionate about the liberation of Pulonis and openly refers without alarming the staff. PCs who succeed at an Easy Bluff or
to her homeworld by this name. Diplomacy check encourage the waitstaff to gossip about the
Biases Though she remains polite to anyone who speaks with VIPs, primarily focusing on Miiyu. The staff is eager to report
her, vesk PCs take a –2 penalty to their checks to influence that she’s truly kind and gracious, and stubbornly refuses to
Miiyu, unless they refer to Vesk-6 as Pulonis without stop calling Vesk-6 Pulonis, even going so far as
prompting. PCs that correct Miiyu when she refers to her to correct Kavadroz during a conversation. A PC
home world by its original name also who succeeds at an Easy Perception check spots
take a –2 penalty. a discarded keycard that looks different from
INFLUENCE the other staff badges. A PC who takes a
Influence Miiyu takes genuine closer look at the card and succeeds at a
interest in others and loves to Hard Perception or Sleight of Hand check
hear personal anecdotes or stories confirms that it’s a hastily made copy of
about achievements (Standard Bluff, the master keycard, meaning someone
Diplomacy, or Profession). She’s also with this card could access any door
intensely spiritual and enjoys learning and on the ship.
talking about other religions and beliefs, Buffet Line: In the center of
especially if the PCs are wearing religious the room is the massive buffet line,
symbols (Easy Culture or Mysticism). staffed exclusively by pahtra waiters except
Weaknesses Miiyu spends most of her time for one very tall, bald human man. Samples
either practicing instruments or exploring of various delicacies from across Near Space
other culture’s musical traditions. PCs occupy the line, and the PCs are free to
that have a background in music enjoy the refreshments and mingle with
and offer to perform the crowd. PCs who succeed at a Standard
for her automatically Sense Motive or Life Science check
succeed at influencing determine that attendees who drink
her, as she immediately the green punch are acting unusual.
calls for the crowd to be quiet A round of investigating around the
and watch their performance, and buffet line turns up empty packages
performs with them if invited. of mild sedatives. Additionally, PCs
Strengths Miyuu is adept at noticing lies and who succeed at a Standard Culture
becomes subconsciously wary in the presence check overhear a few finely dressed
of evasive language. While she accepts that a bit skittermanders gossiping about Kavadroz and
of exaggeration is a natural part of storytelling, a PC who his current plans to improve the standing of
attempts to deceive her outright takes a –4 penalty on their pahtras in the Veskarium.
checks to influence her. Security Office: To the east, a small door
Benefit If the PCs influence Miyuu, she lets down her leads into the security office. Normally, the
guard and admits how important this show is to PCs wouldn’t be allowed back here, but Tassada
her hopes of greater unity between Pulonis and the has already reached out to the security team
Veskarium. At the end of the authorizing them to investigate. Jex
adventure, she responds more (LN nonbinary pahtra) is the PCs’
favorably to the PCs (see Curtain miiyu primary security liaison. Jex has a
Call on page 15). wry sense of humor but is dedicated

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

to keeping the event safe for all attendees, and they eagerly
cooperate with the PCs’ investigation. PCs who check the security LEVEL 5–6 (CR 8)
footage and succeed at a Standard Perception or Computers
check notice that the security camera in the kitchen and loading THRESHWOLVES (3) CR 5
dock areas are on a loop, rather than a live feed, meaning that Page 19, art on page 22
security hasn’t been monitoring activity in those areas.
Treasure: Tucked behind the threshwolf cages is a personal
A. INTERMISSION travel bag, emptied of any identifying documents but containing
Once the PCs have completed their investigation, they receive a a ship staff uniform. Underneath the uniform is a credstick with
message on their personal comm units from the security team. 50 credits, two mk 1 serums of healing, a medpatch, and a wire
Read or paraphrase the following when they answer. garrote (Starfinder Armory 52). For Levels 5–6, there is also a
stabilize spell ampoule.
“Hey, Starfinder team? This is Jex from security. Tassada
forwarded me through to you. Listen, I don’t have much time to
talk, but we need your team down in the starboard staff area as
soon as possible. The ship’s crawling with wolves, of all blasted
things. My team is busy keeping the guests calm and evacuating
staff from the area, so we could really use your help. Ping me
when it’s all clear. Good luck!”

If the PCs refuse to help, Jex sighs and asks why Tassada gave
them the PCs’ contact information if they weren’t going to help.


(CR 6 OR CR 8)
The staff area is starkly different in appearance from the main
part of the ship, with the soft carpeting and draped walls replaced
by polished metal flooring and holographic reminders about food
safety. The hallway past the automatic double doors is wide
enough to allow for large carts and groups of staff to efficiently
move around. This area is well-lit with a 20-foot-wide hallway,
allowing the PCs to glimpse the empty cages at the end. An
overturned cart blocks the center of the hall, the sumptuous meat
and cheese boards it once held strewn over the floor.
Use the map on page 10 for this encounter.
Creatures: A pack of threshwolves occupy this room, currently
fighting over cuts of meat. Once the PCs enter, they aggressively
react to the intrusion. Pahtra rebels smuggled the animals
in through the back areas of the Grand Mezzanine, releasing
them from the cages at the far end of the hallway to distract
security while making their final preparations. For Levels 3–4,
the threshwolves have the exhausted condition from transport;
this condition has been applied to their statistics. The hungry
threshwolves fight until they’re incapacitated, unless a PC
succeeds at a DC 20 Survival check to Handle Animal to lure the
animal safely back into its cage. If other PCs are hostile to that
threshwolf in the same round, this DC increases by 2 for each
successful attack made against the animal.

LEVEL 3–4 (CR 6)


Page 17, art on page 22

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution






Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Development: After taking care of the threshwolves, the LEVEL 3–4 (CR 3)
PCs can attempt a DC 17 Life Science check. On a success, they
recognize the creatures must have been transported aboard the JOLTING CONSOLE TRAP CR 3
ship intentionally. If the PCs don’t want to kill the threshwolves, Type technological; Perception DC 24; Disable Engineering DC
they can speak with Jex about returning them to their home 19 (reroute wires)
habitat. While investigating the cages, the PCs locate tags Trigger touch; Reset none; Bypass wireless key card reader
indicating that the animals were purchased from a seller on Vesk- (Computers DC 19 to hack)
6. PCs who spend 10 minutes looking around find something even Effect arc of electricity (6d6 E); Reflex DC 14 half
more ominous: emptied poison gas canisters and a discarded
tube of cement glue exclusively used to bind explosives to a LEVEL 5–6 (CR 5)
target. The PCs can also use this time to take a 10-minute break
With this evidence, PCs can attempt a DC 15 Piloting check to Type technological; Perception DC 27; Disable Engineering DC
determine the best place on the ship to set explosives. If none of 22 (reroute wires)
the PCs have Piloting or they all fail the check, they can instead Trigger touch; Reset none; Bypass wireless key card reader
reach back out to Jex, who confirms that the ideal location for (Computers DC 22 to hack)
damaging explosives is the ship’s core. If the PCs chose not to Effect arc of electricity (2d12+4 E); Reflex DC 15 half
investigate at all during the social rounds, Jex updates them with
the clues from the guest area, saying that their security team Once the PCs access the core room, they can attempt to disable
located the discoverable items while sweeping the ship during the explosives. A PC who succeeds at DC 15 Perception check
the threshwolf attack. They close the call by requesting that the locates a timer showing that the explosives are set to detonate
PCs check on the core, providing directions and clearance to the shortly after the concert begins, giving the PCs about 30 minutes
restricted area. to defuse them.
To stop the bombs, the PCs must either defuse them directly or
A2. CORE ROOM (CR 3 OR CR 5) disconnect them from the computer system. Defusing requires a
successful DC 20 Computers, Engineering, or Piloting check (DC
The hallway outside the core room is well-lit and canvased by 23 for Levels 5–6), and disconnection requires a successful DC 20
clusters of security cameras. The breakproof glass doors and
windows to the room show twin power core housing surrounded
by computers and warnings printed in several different
languages. There is a card reader to the left of the doors, which
currently sparks and emits quiet buzzing noises. The edges
of the door appear to have been recently soldered shut,
preventing easy access.

The PCs can look through the windows into

the chamber and see that several explosives
have been hooked up to the cores’ outer casing
and attached to the computer systems in the
room. A quick inspection of the door reveals
that not only is the soldering job fresh, but it was
hastily done, leaving large gaps. These gaps allow
a PC to get a grip on the door, prying it open with a
successful DC 15 Athletics check, or a successful DC
15 Engineering check to wedge leveraging objects into
the gaps and force it open. Once the door is opened, the
trap below triggers on any PC currently touching the door.
Use the map on page 10 for this encounter.
Traps: When the Liberators broke the card reader, it disrupted
the wired connections, turning the soldered door into an electrical
conductor. Once the trap triggers, it shorts itself out, leaving it Threshwolf
disabled and unable to trigger again.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Sleight of Hand or Athletics check (DC 23 for Levels 5–6). Each room. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check spots a
attempt takes 1 minute, and the PCs must accumulate a total folded note next to the main console’s keyboard. It contains a
number of successes equal to the number of PCs to completely missive for Miiyu, giving her instructions on how to connect a
disable the bomb. The PCs have enough attempts that they are sonic switch to her microphone pack that will activate the gas
almost certain to succeed but feel free to describe the ticking canisters inside the auditorium. A PC can attempt a DC 15 Sense
down of the timer to create an atmosphere of tension during this Motive check while reading this missive. A success reveals that
challenge. If the PCs take more than 3 minutes to disable the the message seems authentic; however, its placement in this
bomb, the release of tension after they finally succeed takes its room is suspicious, as Miiyu’s activities have been filmed and
toll, and the PCs are fatigued for the encounters in area B. tracked from the moment she boarded the ship. The PCs also
Development: The PCs can reach out to Jex and let them know locate a Veskarium military-issue datapad containing coded
that the bombs are disabled. Afterward, they’re free search the messages. PCs can attempt to break the code with a DC 20 Bluff
or Culture check; PCs that were born or raised in the Veskarium,
or who speak Vesk, receive a +2 circumstance bonus to their
check. Breaking the code reveals a brief message containing
no identifying details or names, stating: “Infiltration successful.
Plans changed from demonstration to assassination. Agent 03
probably collateral. Give regards to Vesk Prime.”
If the PCs disabled the explosives in 3 minutes or fewer, they
have time to take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.
Otherwise, proceed immediately to the Finale.

Once the party has completed their investigation of the core
room, they are interrupted by a polite voice over the Grand
Mezzanine’s speakers announcing that Miiyu’s performance will
begin shortly and that doors to the auditorium are closing. The
PCs should recognize this is their last chance to save everyone
aboard the ship. If PCs contact security, Jex urges the group to
help their team evacuate the auditorium.


Thanks to their prior investigations, the PCs are familiar with
the main event floor of the Grand Mezzanine. Various amenities
for guests’ enjoyment, including holographic pools and
games courts, occupy the ornately decorated room (area
B1). Between the PCs’ starting position and the three
entrances to the auditorium (area B2) stands a grand
glass staircase. A few guests linger in this area, but most
are already inside the auditorium.

B1. Event Floor (CR 7 or CR 9)

While the PCs were busy exploring the Grand Mezzanine, the
Liberators prepared for their attack on the attendees. The only
remaining members of the team are Miiyu, Jiira, and Zinye. Miiyu
is currently in the auditorium preparing for her show, and the
other two have just finished preparations around the auditorium.
When the PCs arrive on the scene, both Jiira and Zinye move to
engage them. Read or paraphrase the following.

Standing between a shimmering holographic pool and the

jiira games court are two pahtra soldiers. One is lithe and bristling
with weapons, and the other is an enormous mass of muscles

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution







Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

and cybernetics. The smaller pahtra steps to the side, allowing Development: Once the PCs defeat their opponents, the music
her partner to move forward, before pulling out her datapad and announcing Miiyu’s opening number blares out of the auditorium,
using it to activate a program. signaling that the poison gas may be released at any moment. The
“I thought Miiyu was lying to me!” The large pahtra laughs PCs need to act quickly to save everyone aboard.
gruffly, pulling out his gun. “I guess Starfinders love licking vesk
boots. Well, let me introduce myself. I’m Captain Jiira, and this is B2. Auditorium Doors (CR 3 or CR 5)
my right-hand woman, Lieutenant Zinye. We’re not going to let
you end our revolution before it starts! You’ll find we won’t go At the top of the grand glass staircase are three doors, which
down as easy as Pouncer. Pulonis lives!” operate on identical mechanical hinges. When one door opens,
the others move along with it. The doors are made of a beautiful
Jiira and Zinye are also part of the Pulonis Liberation Front. white wood, inlaid with carvings of musical notes and scores. Just
While Miiyu expected a demonstration causing no loss of beyond them, the sound of percussive beats can be heard, along
life, Jiira and Zinye plotted to murder the High Despots, even with the sounds of a crowd beginning to panic.
if it meant killing other attendees. Over the past years, their
revolutionary cell was infiltrated by an outside interest that has Jiira and Zinye locked and trapped the doors to the auditorium
fomented violent tactics and fanaticism among the members. just before the performance, hoping to prevent any security or
Unlike Miiyu, Jiira and Zinye were corrupted by that influence other meddling forces from interrupting their plans. A PC must
and refuse to let anyone, including themselves, live if it means succeed at a DC 20 Athletics check to force the doors open or a DC
forsaking their cause. 20 Engineering check to disable the locks (DC 23 for Levels 5–6).
Use the map on page 13 for this encounter. The decorative knobs on the doors look almost molten and radiate
Creatures: Jiira and Zinye are devoted to their cause and fight heat. Touching them or otherwise tampering with a door triggers
to the death. Jiira is a Krreyvash pahtra who prefers to get up close the trap below.
to his opponents and deal melee damage to any heavy hitters, Use the map on page 13 for this encounter.
while Zinye targets ranged or spellcaster combatants, intending Traps: The Liberators rigged the doorknobs with a heated
to trick attack and provide Jiira with flanking opportunities. If element to burn anyone trying to assist the attendees. Once the
Jiira falls first, Zinye switches to throwing grenades. If the PCs trap is triggered on one knob, it activates on all of the knobs.
successfully influenced High Despot Kavadroz earlier in the
adventure, he spent time closely watching other attendees for LEVEL 3–4 (CR 3)
anyone else that shared his interests. He was able to pick out
Zinye’s weapons at a distance and alerted Jex. As a result, Zinye HEATED DOOR KNOB TRAP CR 3
disposed of her grenades; remove them from the encounter. Type technological; Perception DC 24; Disable Engineering DC
19 (disable heating mechanism)
LEVEL 3–4 (CR 7) Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect burn flesh (6d6 F plus burn 1d8 for 1d4 rounds); Reflex DC
Page 18
LEVEL 5–6 (CR 5)
Page 18, art on page 21 HEATED DOOR KNOB TRAP CR 5
Type technological; Perception DC 27; Disable Engineering DC
LEVEL 5–6 (CR 9) 22 (disable heating mechanism)
Trigger touch; Reset none
LIEUTENANT ZINYE CR 5 Effect burn flesh (2d12+4 F plus burn 1d8 for 1d4 rounds); Reflex
Page 20 DC 15 half

CAPTAIN JIIRA CR 8 Development: The PCs force the doors open just as the gas
Page 20, art on page 21 is starting to release and the crowd is beginning to panic. Since
the doors all open at once, the attendees start flooding out of the
Treasure: In addition to the equipment that the Liberators are auditorium, following the directions of the security team, who
wearing, the PCs find a set of reckless gloves (Starfinder Alien were also trapped inside the room. The fleeing crowd causes the
Archive 79). For Levels 5–6, they also find a mk 1 diffraction cloak entire auditorium to function as difficult terrain. PCs who succeed
(Starfinder Armory 112). at a DC 15 Acrobatics or Athletics check move easily through the

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

crowd and catch up to Miiyu on the stage. Alternatively, PCs can Treasure: If the PCs agree to let her go home, she gives her
succeed at a DC 15 Intimidate or Diplomacy check to convince thanks before urging them to report back to security before they
the crowds to part around them and allow them to continue to get suspicious. If the PCs successfully influenced her earlier, she
the stage. Security is too preoccupied with the panicked guests presents them with a gift: a diplomat serum of enhancement. She
to assist or hinder the party. explains, “I am sure the Veskarium soldiers will want to interrogate
Miiyu is frozen in shock on the stage, watching the crowd you about what you’ve seen and discovered tonight. I hope this
flee before realizing that the PCs are coming her way. She slips will assist you in your retellings of tonight’s tale.” After this, she
backstage, but ultimately, there’s nowhere for her to go where the slips into her dressing room to wait for her escort back to her ship.
Starfinders won’t find her. She surrenders peacefully outside of her
dressing room. CONCLUSION
Once the crowd is returned to their rooms, the PCs are free to
CURTAIN CALL rendezvous with Tassada Kor with or without Miiyu. If the PCs contact
After the PCs corner Miiyu, she slowly turns to face them with Jex instead, they direct the PCs to Tassada. Tassada escorts them to a
her hands in the air. She has obviously given up but holds her private room to discuss the happenings at the gala. If the PCs tell her
head high and proud as she regards the party. Read or paraphrase the truth and turn over Miiyu into her custody, she’s ecstatic. “Well
the following. done!” She grins at the party, giving them an enthusiastic salute.
“You’ve stopped the revolution in its tracks, and I’m pleased to see
“I should have known when you boarded that this plan wasn’t your willingness to make hard decisions that benefit the Veskarium!
going to work. I told them that you were too smart to be fooled by And the Starfinder Society and Pact Worlds, of course.” As promised,
some punch and a pretty smile.” She laughs bitterly and lowers she arranges for some of her military equipment to be delivered to a
her hands to her sides. Society ship for transport back to Absalom Station.
“It was just supposed to be a demonstration. The explosion If the PCs return to Tassada without Miiyu, they must succeed
would stop the ship in its tracks—without hurting anyone—and at a DC 20 Bluff check to lie about the singer’s involvement. If
then they’d all have to listen to my song. Jiira never told me about they succeed, Tassada comments on how odd it is that the entire
the poison. Seeing all of this,” Miiyu gestures to the fleeing crowd revolutionary cell was led by two people willing to die in combat,
and the panicked civilians. “I realize now how oblivious I was and leaving no leaders to succeed them. She still arranges for the
how he was willing to take advantage of that. equipment to be donated to the Society.
“If you let me go, I can promise to report back to our leaders Should the PCs fail the Bluff check, Tassada threatens to report
with the truth behind Jiira’s plans. The wider movement won’t their failure to capture Miiyu and their willingness to lie to their
stand for even one civilian sacrifice. We can be better than this. I superiors. By this time, Miiyu has safely fled the Grand Mezzanine,
promise you that. Our revolution will still move forward, but with and it’s too late to arrest her without causing a scene.
my eyes open, I can push for better leaders at the helm of our Regardless of their decisions with Tassada, the PCs are still
operations. treated as heroes by the Grand Mezzanine’s guests and staff. They
“You can turn me in to the Veskarium authorities, and I won’t receive complimentary room upgrades, tickets to the next three
blame you. I made a terrible decision by trusting Jiira. But turning shows on the Grand Mezzanine and are treated to as many drinks
me in will only create a new political toy for the vesk to tout and delicacies as they can handle.
around the galaxy. It will prevent my knowledge and decisions A few days after the gala, the PCs are wrapping up their stay
from getting back to the true leaders of the Liberators. But it’s up at a luxury resort in Starlance. Playing on the screen behind the
to you, Starfinders.” checkout desk is a news briefing. Read or paraphrase the following.

At this time, the PCs can present Miiyu with any evidence “Officials state that the terrorist incident on the Grand Mezzanine
they found in the core room. If the PCs successfully influenced was handled quickly and efficiently by the Veskarium military
her during social rounds, she believes them. If they failed, they and allied Pact Worlds contractors. There was thankfully no loss
must succeed at a DC 14 Diplomacy or Bluff check to convince of life, but this reporter wishes our soldiers good luck at locating
her that the datapad they found is real. these unknown attackers and hopes that this reign of anonymous
If the PCs choose to turn her over to Tassada Kor for terror is at an end. Next up on our program, lashunta scientists
arrest, Miiyu agrees to accompany them peacefully. If they debate: how much thought-slang is too much?”
successfully influenced her before, she requests that they wait
in her dressing room until the crowd has dispersed, to avoid Headlines scroll beneath the image of the vesk reporter, including
any scandals for the Starfinder Society. Before leaving, she the following messages: “Terrorists suspected of receiving funding
removes her shawl and asks the PCs to return it to her mother from outside Near Space,” “Vesk-8 leader suspended following
on Pulonis. investigation,” and “More digital attacks rock Pact World system.”

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


If the PCs turned Miiyu over to Tassada, check box A. If the PCs let If the PCs complete at least three of the following, they complete
Miiyu go and didn’t tell Tassada, check box B. If the PCs let Miiyu their secondary objective and earn 1 additional Reputation for
go and told Tassada (or she discovered the lie), check box C. their current faction: investigate all four areas of the event floor
during the social rounds, successfully influence all three VIPs,
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES save or defeat the threshwolves, find Miiyu’s missive in the
The PCs complete their primary objective by defusing the core room, crack the coded datapad in the core room, and either
explosives around the core of the Grand Mezzanine and saving the successfully lie to Tassada about Miiyu’s involvement or turn
attendees from being poisoned during the concert. Doing so earns Miiyu in for arrest.
each PC 1 Reputation for their selected faction.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


3–4 ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat of four PCs.
blocks for creatures appearing in this adventure, including Give the threshwolves the sickened condition.
any variation described in the text. These encounters are
written for a group of 5–6 PCs of 3rd level. Use the scaling
sidebars for each encounter to adjust the encounters for a
group of four PCs. For groups of different levels, consult the
Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society for instructions.



Variant threshwolves (Starfinder #28: The Hollow Cabal 60)
N Medium Animal
Init +2; Senses blindsense (scent) 30 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +11
EAC 12; KAC 14
Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +4
Defensive Abilities quills (1d4 P, DC 13); Immunities poison
Weaknesses vulnerable to sonic
Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d6+5 P plus grab)
Offensive Abilities thresh (1d6+2 S)
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +2; Int –4; Wis +1; Cha –3
Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +8, Survival +16
Quills (Ex) A threshwolf’s mane consists of sharp, glasslike
hairs that protect its neck and shoulders. A creature
attacking a threshwolf with a natural weapon, an unarmed
strike, or a melee weapon without reach must succeed at
a DC 13 Reflex saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage
as several of these sharp quills break off in its flesh. The
attacking creature also gains the off-target condition until
the beginning of its next turn due to the pain and irritation.
Thresh (Ex) Whenever a threshwolf succeeds at a combat
maneuver to grapple or maintain a grapple, it can
immediately shake its mane as a swift action, raking a
grappled or pinned victim with razor-sharp quills and
inflicting 1d6+2 slashing damage.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Female pahtra operative Give Zinye the off-target condition and give Jiira the
CN Medium Humanoid (pahtra) shaken condition.
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +9
EAC 14; KAC 15
Fort +2; Ref +5; Will +6
Speed 40 ft.
Melee wire garrote +7 (1d12+3 S)
Ranged explorer handcoil +9 (1d6+3 E; critical arc 1d6)
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +9, Bluff +14, Computers +14,
Culture +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +14, Engineering +14
Other Abilities evasion, operative exploits (uncanny mobility),
specialization (hacker), trick attack +1d8
Languages Common, Pahtra
Gear clearweave I AR, wire garrote AR, explorer handcoil AR, shock
grenades (3)

Male pahtra soldier
CN Medium Humanoid (pahtra)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +13
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5
Speed 40 ft.
Melee red star plasma doshko +16 (1d10+14 E & F; critical
severe wound)
Ranged static arc rifle +13 (1d12+6 E; critical arc 1d6)
Offensive Abilities charge attack, fighting styles (blitz)
Str +7; Dex +5; Con –2; Int –2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +18, Intimidate +13, Survival +13
Languages Common, Pahtra
Gear inheritor’s grace I AR, red star plasma doshko, static arc

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


5–6 ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat of four PCs.
blocks for creatures appearing in this adventure, including Remove one threshwolf from the encounter.
any variation described in the text. These encounters are
written for a group of 5–6 PCs of 5th level. Use the scaling
sidebars for each encounter to adjust the encounters for a
group of four PCs. For groups of different levels, consult the
Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society for instructions.


Starfinder #28: The Hollow Cabal 60
N Medium Animal
Init +5; Senses blindsense (scent) 30 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +11
EAC 15; KAC 17
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +4
Defensive Abilities quills (1d4 P, DC 13); Immunities poison
Weaknesses vulnerable to sonic
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +11 (1d6+8 P plus grab)
Offensive Abilities thresh (1d6+5 S)
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +2; Int –4; Wis +1; Cha –3
Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +11, Survival +16
Quills (Ex) A threshwolf’s mane consists of sharp, glasslike
hairs that protect its neck and shoulders. A creature
attacking a threshwolf with a natural weapon, an unarmed
strike, or melee weapon without reach must succeed at
a DC 13 Reflex saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage
as several of these sharp quills break off in its flesh. The
attacking creature also gains the off-target condition until
the beginning of its next turn due to the pain and irritation.
Thresh (Ex) Whenever a threshwolf succeeds at a combat
maneuver to grapple or maintain a grapple, it can
immediately shake its mane as a swift action, raking a
grappled or pinned victim with razor-sharp quills and
inflicting 1d6+5 slashing damage.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Female pahtra operative Give Zinye the off-target condition and give Jiira the
CN Medium humanoid (pahtra) shaken condition.
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception
EAC 17; KAC 18
Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +8
Speed 40 ft.
Melee basic spined blade +10 (1d6+5 P; critical injection DC +2)
Ranged frostbite-class zero pistol +12 (1d6+5 C; critical staggered)
Str +2; Dex +5; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +2; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +12, Bluff +17, Computers +17,
Culture +12, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +17, Engineering +17
Other Abilities debilitating trick, evasion, operative exploits
(elusive hacker, uncanny mobility), specialization (hacker),
trick attack +3d8
Languages Common, Pahtra
Gear estex suit II, basic spined blade AR, frostbite-class zero
pistol, shock grenades (3)

Male pahtra soldier
CN Medium humanoid (pahtra)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16
EAC 19; KAC 21
Fort +12; Ref +10; Will +7
Speed 40 ft.
Melee paramagnetic storm hammer +19 (3d6+17 B & E; critical
Ranged snub scattergun +16 (1d12+8 P)
Offensive Abilities charge attack, fighting styles (blitz)
Str +8; Dex +6; Con –2; Int –2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +21, Intimidate +16, Survival +16
Languages Common, Pahtra
Gear night plate I AR, paramagnetic storm hammer AR, snub

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


Miiyu Jiira

tassada Kor Jex

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


grand mezzanine kavadroz

teret cahan threshwolf

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

I have personally recommended your team for this mission due to your previous spectacular work and dedication to our
organization. You’ll be representing the Starfinder Society at the Vesk-6 Victory Gala. While I personally find the basis of
this particular gala to be distasteful, I feel that it’s important for you to enjoy yourselves at a luxurious event once in a
while. Please remember that you are our representatives, and other attendees will be looking to you to understand who the
Starfinder Society counts as their best and brightest, and what we as an organization stand for. I have included your formal
invitations, and I’ve arranged for all of you to stay at a resort in Starlance on Vesk-6 following the event.
Venture-Captain Arvin


You are cordially invited to the Veskarium’s Victory Gala

in celebration of the acquisition of Vesk-6.

Hosted by Master of Ceremonies Twee-23
featuring a poetic interpretation of the victory on Vesk-6.

Closing performance by Miiyu, fresh from her debut tour around the Veskarium!

5:00pm Dinner and Cocktails / 8:00pm Closing Ceremonies

Black Tie Attire

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


Call Time 365 credits 719 credits 1,073 credits
A1 365 credits 718 credits 1,072 credits
A2 365 credits 719 credits 1,073 credits
B1 365 credits 718 credits 1,072 credits

The PCs earn the rewards for each area if they meet the conditions
listed below.
Call Time: The PCs keep these rewards if they investigated at
least three areas and influenced at least one VIP.
A1: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeated or contained
the threshwolves.
A2: The PCs keep these rewards if they defused the explosives.
B1: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeated Jiira and Zinye.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -7 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Reputation
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

□ Acquisitives □ Dataphiles
Character Name: □ Exo-Guardians □ Wayfinders
□ Dead
□ Second Seekers ( )
Org Play #: -7 Level □
□ Infamy

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

combatants,s concerto:
concerto: prelude to revolution


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Creative Director • James Jacobs
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn
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works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e)
“Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying Designers • James Case and Michael Sayre
marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, storylines, Managing Editor • Leo Glass
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, Senior Editors • Avi Kool and Lu Pellazar
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, Editors • Addley C. Fannin, Patrick Hurley, Ianara Natividad, and
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions K. Tessa Newton
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and Managing Art Director • Sonja Morris
special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical Art Directors • Kent Hamilton, Kyle Hunter, and Adam Vick
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any Senior Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity Director of Brand Strategy • Mark Moreland
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs President • Jeffrey Alvarez
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, Chief Creative Officer • Erik Mona
“Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and Chief Financial Officer • David Reuland
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz
means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains Project Coordinator • Lee Rucker
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in Vice President of Sales & E-Commerce • Mike Webb
terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that Director of Sales • Pierce Watters
you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as Sales Manager • Cosmo Eisele
described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Vice President of Marketing & Licensing • Jim Butler
Open Game Content distributed using this License. Director of Licensing • John Feil
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Marketing Coordinator • Leah Beckleman
acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, Marketing and Media Manager • Aaron Shanks
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Organized Play Manager • Tonya Woldridge
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Organized Play Associate • Alex Speidel
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Accountant • William Jorenby
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your Accounting & AP Specialist • Eric Powell
original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
this License. Director of Technology • Rei Ko
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add Software Architect • Brian Bauman
the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT Software Developer • Robert Brandenburg
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Software Test Engineers • Erik Keith and Levi Steadman
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including
as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, System Administrators II • Whitney Chatterjee and Josh Thornton
independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. Web Content Manager • Maryssa Lagervall
You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Webstore Coordinator • Katina Davis
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content Customer Service & Community Manager • Sara Marie
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of Customer Service Lead • Diego Valdez
such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Customer Service Team • Raychael Allor, Heather Fantasia, Keith
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Greer, Logan Harper, and Austin Phillips
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall Warehouse Manager • Jeff Strand
retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. Logistics Coordinator • Kevin Underwood
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate Warehouse Distribution Lead • Heather Payne
which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Warehouse Team • Alexander Crain, Mika Hawkins, James Mafi, and
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to Loren Walton
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under
any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
copy of the Open Game Content You distribute. This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with Starfinder.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
from the Contributor to do so. nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the proper nouns), artworks, characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines, trade dress, the historical
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to period called the Gap, the terms kishalee, sivv, skyfire, Dreamer (the official Open Game Content term for which
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open is “dreaming barathu”), and the Drift (the official Open Game Content term for which is “hyperspace”). (Elements
Game Material so affected. that have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively derived from previous Open Game
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply Content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form
such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it without written permission.
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Starfinder Society Scenario #4-06: Combatant’s Concerto: Prelude to Revolution © 2021, Paizo Inc. All Rights
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the
Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path,
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder
Gygax and Dave Arneson. Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path,
Starfinder Society Scenario #4-06: Combatant’s Concerto: Prelude to Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying
Revolution © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Author: Shay Snow. Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Starfinder Society Scenario 4-06

Scenario #4-06: Character Chronicle #
Combatant’s Concerto:
Prelude to Revolution

LEVELS Normal Max Credits

- 3–4 1,460
Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction

Out of
Adventure Summary 2,874
You boarded the Grand Mezzanine to attend a gala celebrating the Veskarium’s takeover of Vesk-6. You influenced the
VIPs and investigated the ship before fighting off wild animals, defusing a bomb, and stopping revolutionaries from LEVELS Normal
killing innocent civilians. You were presented with the options to turn the leader of the revolution, Miiyu, into the
5–6 4,290
Veskarium or let her go. You □ let her go, or □ turned her over to Tassada Kor.


— —

Starting XP

Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Starfinder Society Achievement Points, a currency that can
be redeemed on our website at for special character boons. To redeem your Achievement Points, on our website
at and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a account XP Gained (GM ONLY)
and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.

Final XP Total

Starting Credits

Credits Garnered (GM ONLY)

All Levels Levels 5–6

diplomat serum of enhancement (475; item level 5; Core aurora storm doshko (6,700; item level 7; Near Space +
Rulebook 225) 150) Day Job (GM ONLY)
mk 1 diffraction cloak (3,200; item level 5; Armory 112) vesk overplate II (10,250; item level 8; Core Rulebook
field irising shield (4,350; item level 6; Near Space 151) 198)

Credits Spent

Faction Reputation Faction Reputation

Faction Reputation Infamy Total

For GM Only


Chronicle Code: WYUL

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