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English 3
Carla M. Armendáriz
Mauricio R. Rodríguez

BGT3_SHAR3_PORTADILLAS.indd 1 15/03/2024 12:53:31 p. m.

You Share 3 / English 3

Derechos reservados:
© 2024 Editorial Vortex, S. A. de C. V.
Calle Faisán 50, 1a Sección Lomas Verdes,

C.P. 53120, Naucalpan, Estado de México

© 2024 Carla M. Armendáriz

Mauricio R. Rodríguez

Primera edición: 2024


Miembro de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana.
Registro No. 3882
Queda prohibida la reproducción o transmisión total o parcial del contenido de la
presente obra por cualquier medio: electrónico o mecánico, incluso el fotocopiado,
sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del editor.

Impreso en México/Printed in Mexico


Editorial Development Director: Alberto García

Digital Development Director: David Campuzano
Layout & interior design: Gabriela Gil
ELT Editorial Coordination: Yuriria Tabakova
Cover design: Paola Corona, Javier Pérez
Images: ©123rf

PRELIMINARES INGLES III.indd 2 28/05/24 11:54


Dear reader:

This resource you hold is without a doubt of great value in your formative process. More
than a book, we seek this material to be an accompanying and guiding instrument in the
journey to reach your objectives.
Our friendly, innovative and disruptive proposal aspires to the contribution of a fairer,
humane and prosperous educational system which values the importance of community

development, active participation and social commitment. We pursue the transformation
of students from being subjects of teaching, to subjects of learning; from teachers that
administer information to teachers that drive talent. Our inspiration is to make the school
environment… a true life experience!
You Share has been designed from a forward-thinking and learning methodology called
MAPA: Disruptive Paradigm. Its main purpose is to integrate philosophical, pedagogical,
and curricular elements congruent with the demanding advances that new generations
look for in a society of change, adaptation and constant evolution. It is focused on the
principles and fundaments taken from the NMS (Nueva Escuela Mexicana) to improve the
quality of our education.
Student’s journey begins with engaging moments to gather attention preparing them to
generate knowledge, motivating them to explore a great variety of tools and resources,
which act intuitively as a base to explain the available access routes towards life-long
learning. Students will elaborate a variety of activities to assess their personal acquisition
of knowledge and performance.

You Share integrates a metaverse of high impact digital resources (TICCAD): videos,
podcasts, didactic video games, as well as augmented reality activities. We address
different learning styles to reach the expectations of 21st century generations who are in
the learning process.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

– Alo Tse –

Let’s get to work! Enjoy the journey!

Scan this QR code if you want to explore our educational proposal.

PRELIMINARES INGLES III.indd 3 28/05/24 11:54

Get to know MAPA


We live in a dynamic world in constant evolution! New generations learn through
different experiences, generating the need to discover strategies and tools with
a sole purpose: to break through traditional paradigms and have the capability
to adapt to student needs in a globalized setting.


MAPA, tracing new routes to

make learning …
a true life experience!
X Origin

Disruptive Paradigm, an
evolution in the way of thinking
as a springboard to human

MAPA: Disruptive Paradigm is an active learning methodology that allows


the evolution of a wholistic education and formation of the individual based

on knowledge, capabilities, values, attitudes and aptitudes, promoting
student performance by means of their experience, involvement and
interaction in contextualized settings.

PRELIMINARES INGLES III.indd 4 28/05/24 11:54

UNESCO: Textbooks constructed
under the concept of fundamental Active methodologies: Integrate
contents established by The multiple active approaches, such
United Nations Educational, as projects or case studies, for the

Scientific and Cultural acquisition of knowledge.

1 2

TICCAD (Information,
Communication, Knowledge,
and Digital Learning
Technologies): Incorporates
interactive and innovative
digital resources: Platforms,
mobile and tablet apps,
augmented reality, didactic
X Activities: More
than 12 different
videogames podcasts, and types of activities
many more. that develop and
foster thinking.

Inclusive resources:
Guide students towards
a reflexive process of
sociocultural importance:
gender equality and
perspective, disabled Socioemotional skills:
citizens, indigenous Strengthen skills towards
population, immigrants, behavior, empathy,

eradication of violence and decision-making and

Community context: personal growth.
poverty, and prevention of
Promotes participation
from within the community
setting. Integrates texts
6 that encourage the bond 4
between students and their

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Get to know MAPA


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Interactive GPS & HOLOX



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Get to know your book

Table of Unit Entrance

Table of contents

Unit 1 Who Am I? Hours: 15

UNIT 2 Outcomes
Progressions Page Category / Subcategories Vocabulary
It’s Been a While Hours: 16

1 Understand the use of the verb “To be” (in Categories: Learning Outcomes
professions Life-Long Learning New Mexican School Category Subcategories Life-long
affirmative, negative and interrogative forms)
and personal pronouns to present personal
information and that of others.
• Listening

• Speaking
Culture of Peace
Demonstrate appreciation and respect

Listening for Gist
Listening for Detail
of one’s body as well as others. Fluency
• Reading numbers Reading
2 Identify the Imperative form to promote Exchanges related to: providing Understands, uses, comprehends Using Functions
communication in the English classroom to give • Writingpersonal information, following and writes about personal interests, Social Responsibility Writing Pronunciation
classroom instructions
family, relevant topics, places, jobs and Scanning
and follow instructions. instructions, describing people and Show responsibility to take care of the
orders occupations at a basic level. mental and physical health of those Skimming

places, talking about object(s) that are
3 Understand the use of the verbs “To be” and Subcategories:

Learning evidence-
directions closest to us. Spelling
far or near, talking about the location
“Have” to describe people, places or things and
• Listening for gist
of people requests
or things, acknowledging Punctuation
use qualifying adjectives and indefinite articles Culture of Peace Coherence and Cohesion

Project work
• Listening for detail
ownership of something.
to detail their characteristics. Reflect on the importance of self- Layout
• Fluency awareness.
4 Understand the use of demonstrative adjectives personal belongings
(this, that, these, those) in their affirmative, • Using functions public places
negative, and interrogative forms to point out • Pronunciation animals

something or someone based on their location qualifying adjectives
• Scanning
(if it is far or near) and quantity (singular or (opinion, size, shape, age,
color, origin, material, type,

• Skimming
purpose) 6 Identify the use of the prepositions: since and for to express and complement previous
• Spelling
5 Understand the use of there is, there are experiences, actions, and situations that began in the past and continue in the present
Socioemotional Resources

(affirmative, negative and interrogative) and the • Punctuation School supplies (Present Perfect).
prepositions of place to mention the existence or • Coherence and cohesion Affective emotional Well-being Promotion of Mexíco´s Identity
not of people or things in a specific place. parts of the house Expand general culture and learn how
• Layout great artists are created and formed 7 Express ideas in the Past Continuous affirmative form to talk about actions that were
furniture • Self-awareness
6 Understand the use of Possessive Pronouns within the country. happening in a certain period of time in the past.
• Honesty
objects inside a house
(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs) in order
to promote honesty and acknowledging what is classroom objects Participation in the transformation
of society 8 Report actions that happened in the past where the period of time is relevant, and a
theirs and what is not.
Promote the transformation of certain activity or context is emphasized using the Past Continuous in its negative and
society identifying the importance of interrogative forms.
personal items expressing events that may put us in

Learning Outcome: Life-long Learning:
Presentation of unit content
danger or risk.

Honesty as a fundamental behavior

Exchanges related to: interpreting informa- • The student shares information about the

including learning outcomes,

Denote how being honest can make past, environment, and immediate needs;
tion heard; developing simple conversatio-
life easier for everyone.
nal expressions with time prepositions makes sense of oral information about
and Past Progressive tense; comprising the past and shares oral information.

life-long learning, socioemotional

basic written texts; and writing small texts Selects simple texts that generate
in a coherent way and with appropriate pleasure in reading and expresses in
conjugations. written form aspects of the past.

resources and the learning

Learning evidence -
Project work:
Socioemotional Resource
evidence-project work. The
unit is structured within the five
Understand identity as a way of • Social Responsibility

Scope and sequence of all the sections properly

communicating experiences, legends,
and narratives of different cultures • Socioemotional Well-being

E’s Approach: Engage, Explore,

making a creative presentation.

aligned to the New Mexican School English

Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.
Program. It presents the objectives, categories
and subcategories, vocabulary, learning
outcomes, life-long learning, and socioemotional
resources of each progression in an organized
and easy to follow format.
Where am I? The context is in the text

The context is in the text

Healthy Body: Helpful People on the Way
Where am I?
Understanding our body's needs, emotions, and habits can help us make better choices for our well-being. Did

Reading comprehension
you know that there are people who can guide and support us, making it easier to have a healthy body?

Health Coach:
Diagnostic Evaluation
Health coaches are experts who help us with our health and wellness goals.

Diagnostic Evaluation Content and Language

They help us make smart decisions about food, exercise, and other lifestyle
1. Are you married? - No, I . choices. Health coaches motivate us to take care of ourselves and live better.
a. am married b. am single c. isn’t married d. are single

2. Marlon and Claire are from the United States. They

a. is American b. aren’t American

c. are America d. are American

Integrated Learning
3. Saiko lives in Japan. She is .
Mental Health Professionals:
Taking care of our bodies also means taking care of our feelings and that helps the student
connect to language
a. Japan b. Japans c. Japanian d. Japanese thoughts. Mental health professionals, like friendly psychologists or
therapists, help us understand our emotions. They create a safe place
4. are my notebooks. for us to talk about our feelings. They show us ways to be happier and

Provides the opportunity a. These

5. Is it ?
b. This c. It d. That healthier.

through engaging
to identify what students a. a eraser

6. My brother has a red car. This is

b. an erasers

c. an eraser d. a erasers
texts. Students develop

know and can do to vocabulary, reading

Mindfulness and Yoga Teachers:
a. his b. her c. my d. its
Mindfulness and yoga are fun ways to take care of our bodies and
minds. Mindfulness teachers help us pay attention to our bodies and
7. there pictures in the living room?

skills, self-awareness
how we feel. They show us how to make good choices for our health.

support their learning and

a. Is b. Are c. Have d. Do Yoga teachers teach us exercises that make us strong and flexible. We
have fun moving our bodies and learning about ourselves.

and reflection while

8. are you from?

to build on the student’s

a. When b. What c. How d. Where Knowing how our bodies work and making good choices is important
for staying healthy. Health professionals are here to support and guide

learning about different

9. a small insect on the table. us on our journey to a healthy body. By learning about ourselves and getting help

strength and address

a. Is b. There is c. There are d. There when we need it, we can grow and have a healthy and happy life.

subject matters.
10. This pen is not mine. Is it ?

specific needs.
a. yours b. your c. my d. her
Reading comprehension

11. What does he look like? I. Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences.
a. He’s Canadian. b. He’s a doctor. c. He’s tall and thin.
Mindfulness teachers Psychologists Yoga teachers Health coach
12. He brown eyes and curly hair.
1. _____________________ help us understand our emotions.
a. is b. has c. have
Yoga teachers
2. _____________________ teach us exercises that make us strong and flexible.
Health coach
3. _____________________ help us with our health and wellness goals.
Mindfulness teachers help us pay attention to our bodies and how we feel.
4. _____________________


Where am I going?
Embarking on | U1 Progression 2

the Journey

1 What’s your name? Video: Self Introduction Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Students actively explore Grammar Focus Imperatives (instructions)
Understand the use of the verb “To be” (in affirmative, negative
Progression: and interrogative forms) and Personal Pronouns to present
personal information and that of others.
Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning or instructions, and (if you use please) to

new concepts through

Engage make a request. To make an imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without “to”.
What is his / her name? Repeat the words. Sit down! Be quiet! Please, pick up the garbage.
Trigger question To make a negative imperative, put do not or don’t before the verb.
What’s his nickname?

concrete learning
Don’t leave this room! Do not touch the paintings.
Where is he / she from?

Explanation of the concepts

What does he/she do?
Look at the pictures, give the instructions they might represent and write them down.

Where am I going? Explore

Listen to the dialogue. Are they friends? Complete Kadisha’s form below. Role play the dialogue.
Help Kadisha! Track 1
experiences. The key students have been exploring 1. Write down

concepts in the topic are


providing them with opportunities

Kadisha: Excuse me, could you help me complete this form? I don’t write well in English.
Ingrid: Of course. What is your full name?
Kadisha: My name is Kadisha Mirosh. My friends call me Mika. 3. Listen
1 2 3
Ingrid: Oh, it’s your nickname. How do you spell your last name?

identified while learning with to verbalize their conceptual

Kadisha: It’s M – I – R – O – S – H. 4. Point at…
Ingrid: What’s your e-mail address?
Kadisha: It’s 5. Write on the board
Ingrid: Where are you from?

understanding . Through new

Kadisha: I’m from Lebanon. I’m Lebanese. 6. Ask a question

hands-on activities.
Ingrid: Are you married?
Kadisha: No, I’m not. I’m single. I have a dog, Bobo. 7. Participate in class
Ingrid: I’m single, too. Where do you live?

experiences, they develop

Kadisha: I live in London. I love British people. Pay attention
Ingrid: How old are you? When is your birthday? 4 5 6
Kadisha: I’m eighteen years old. April 5th, 1995. My brother Alan is twenty-five. First name Kadisha 9. Be quiet
Ingrid: Is he single, too? Does he live in the UK? Last name

broader understanding of
Kadisha: He’s married and has two children, Mike and Dina. They’re two years
E-mail address
old. He lives in the US. How do you spell your name?
Ingrid: My name is spelled I – N – G – R – I – D. I’m German, but I live in the Country Lebanon
United States. My e-mail is Nationality Lebanese

major concepts, obtain more Date of birth April 5th, 1995 Health Passport
Kadisha: Thank you so much, Ingrid. Nice to meet you. Hope to see you soon. Marital status Single
Ingrid: Nice to meet you, too. See you later, Kadisha.
Current city London
Sleep 7-9 hours every night and give your

information about areas of

body the rest it needs. Avoid activities that 7 8 9
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate will keep you up, such as using electronic

interest, and refine their skills.

English Alphabet Track 2
Listen and repeat the English alphabet. Spell your name.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M Learning Evidence P2
[ei] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [ef] [dʒi:] [eit∫] [ai] [dʒei] [kei] [el] [em] Pair Work
[en] [əʊ] [pi:] [kju:] [a:] [es] [ti:] [ju:] [vi:] [ˈd˄bəlju:] [eks] [wai] [zi:]

Ask your partner to: Create a poster with 10 rules for your classroom. Design your poster using
Match the drawings to the personal pronouns. I You (S) He She It We You (P) They
• follow your instructions. your favorite App or tool. Share with your classroom. Which of your rules
• give you some instructions to follow. are similar to your classmates? Which are different?
! ! !

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
He I It They She We You (S) You (P)


PRELIMINARES INGLES III.indd 8 28/05/24 11:54

Info-Capsules Health
Workbook | U1 Progression 1 Passport
Travel log Evaluate
1. Match the questions with the answers.

Brief informative segment with precise

1. What’s your full name? a. Mr. Sanchez
2. How old are you? b. No, I don’t.
3. Where are you from? c. Yes, they are.

and useful content within the principles

4. Are you French? d. Carlos Contreras
5. What’s your phone number? e. Yes, she is.
| U1 Progression 1
6. Who is your math teacher? f. Mexico
of MAPA: Disruptive Paradigm.
7. Do you live in Germany? g. No, I’m not.
Grammar Focus Simple Present of Verb to be and Subject Personal Pronouns
8. What is your e-mail address? h. eighteen

prevention 9. Are your parents Mexican?

10. Is your sister six?
j. 55987621
Affirmative / Negative Interrogative
Affirmative / Negative Interrogative

I am / am not…
2. Complete these sentences. Am I...? He he
(I'm / I'm not)

• Glossary
She is / isn't... Is she …?
a. Nice to you! e. Good ! You are / are not… It it
Are you...?
(You're / You aren't)
b. How you? f. is my sister, Liz.


c. evening! g. I have to go. Good !

d. See you ! h. How do you your name?
You you
We are / are not… (aren’t) Are we …?
3. Use the correct personal pronouns to substitute the words in brackets. They they
Examples: Are you Sophie? – No, I'm not. I'm Anya. She is Sophie and he's Andrew. They are my best friends.

• Peace Culture
a. is a student. (My sister)
b. are my friends. (Alex and Lola)
c. is a soccer player. (Chicharito) Health Passport Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be.
d. are tall. (My brothers)

• Health Passport
1. You my best friend.
e. is from Mexico. (Salma Hayek)
Are you stressed? Read. Reading a book 2. They my classmates. Note this!
f. are friendly. (My family and I) can lower levels of cortisol, and other
3. His name George.
g. are in the garden. (Trees) unhealthy stress hormones, by up to 68%. Contractions
4. He

• Stopover
h. is at home. (My dog)
i. are so happy. (My friends and I) 5. I fine, thank you. I am - I’m
j.TICCAD 6. your teacher nice? You are - You’re We are - We’re
is big. (My house)
He/she/it is - He’s / She’s They are - They’re
7. This my dog.

• Addiction prevention
Lorem 4.ipsum
Complete withs the
dolor it acorrect
met, form of the verb ‘to be’.
consectetuer adipiscing e lit, sed
a. She Daniela. g. It a dog.
8. These Mary and Liz.
diam nonummy n ibh euismod
b. They
tincidunt u t laoreet children.
dolore h. They Mary and Liz. 9. you the new student?
magna a liquam
c. We e rat volutLorem students. i. He a teacher. 10. We good students.
ipsum dolor adipiscing e lit, sed Culture of Peace
d. He Jack. j. We people.
diam nonummy n ibh euismod
e. I
tincidunt ut ten years old. k. She Irina.
“Every human being, of whatever origin,
f. She a doctor. l. It a house.
of whatever station, deserves respect.
5. Choose three sentences and change them into questions Countries and Nationalities Vocabulary We must each respect others even as we
respect ourselves.”
Match the countries with the nationalities. Find the stamps/flags -U. Thant-
of the mentioned countries.

Where are you from? What nationality are you?

I’m from . I’m .

1. China Israeli
2. Canada Swedish
3. Norway Moroccan
4. The United States of America French
5. Great Britain Chinese

6. Australia American
7. Israel Norwegian
8. France British
9. Romania German
10. Sweden Canadian
11. Germany Australian
12. Morocco Romanian
Culture of
Peace 23

Cardinal Numbers Track 3
1. Listen and repeat the numbers.
1 – one 6 – six 11 – eleven 16 – sixteen 21– twenty-one 70 – seventy

2 – two 7 – seven 12 – twelve 17 – seventeen 30 – thirty 80 – eighty
3 – three 8 – eight 13 – thirteen 18 – eighteen 40 – forty 90 – ninety
4 – four 9 – nine 14 – fourteen 19 – nineteen 50 – fifty 100 – one hundred
5 – five 10 – ten 15 – fifteen 20 – twenty 60 – sixty 1000 – one thousand

Pair Work Kate:

Track 4
2. Circle the numbers you hear.
1. 7 / 17
2. 13 / 30

Track 5
3. 20 / 12
4. 19 / 90
5. 80 / 8
6. 50 / 15
7. 100 / 1000
8. 16 / 60

3. Listen to conversation 1 and complete the information in the dialogue. Then, practice the dialogue in pairs
using your own information.
Conversation 1
Kate: What's your name, please?
Robert: It's Robert.
Ok, and your last name?
Robert: Jones.
Kate: And what's your telephone number, Robert?
Robert: It's
Ok, thanks. And what's your e-mail address?
9. 11 / 1
10. 40 / 14
X Indicate different types of working
Robert: Oh, it's
All the letters are lower case.

4. Listen to conversation 2 and fill in the student form.

Workbook | U2 Progression 11
Student Form Group Work Travel log Evaluate
First Name:

Team Work
Last / surname: Work in groups. Tell your partners about your best 4. Use the information given to write sentences with the frequency adverbs.
Telephone: friend's name, address, e-mail, age and telephone
E-mail: number. a. My little brother / his bedroom. (rarely) My little brother rarely cleans his bedroom.

b. I / to work late. (hardly ever) I hardly ever get to work late.

Pair Work
c. In the evening, Sandra / tea. (usually) In the evening, Sandra usually has tea.
d. My friends / to the movies. (sometimes) My friends sometimes go to the movies.
Complete the first form with your personal data. Then ask a partner the

Travel log
appropriate questions to fill in his / her form. Learning Evidence P1 e. Mia / photos with her cell phone. (often) Mia often takes photos with her cell phone.
My data: My partner's data: f. My aunt / us on weekends. (always) My aunt always visit us on weekends.
Name: Name: Bring a photo of your favorite celebrity.
Age: Age: Introduce him/her to your classmates. 5. Write sentences in the simple present tense about what these people usually do according to the pictures.
Spell his/her name. After your classmates Crossed pictures mean “never”.
Telephone: Telephone: listen to your presentation, ask them to
E-mail: E-mail:
write your favorite celebrity’s profile.

Group Work
Facebook username: Facebook username:


a b c

Andrew – bathe the dog Mary – cut her hair Paola – go out with her friends

Assessment material that includes


vocabulary, functional grammar and

writing activities to review, consolidate
d e f

Jasmine – jog Leonora – wash the car Marco – play soccer

and evaluate each progression. It

Example: Anna usually plays tennis. Anna doesn't usually play tennis.

a. Andrew usually bathes the dog.

b. Mary never cuts her hair.

helps ensure that students have

c. Paola usually goes out with her friends.

How did I do?

d. Jasmine never jogs.
e. Leonora usually washes the car.

acquired the outcomes intended.

f. Marco never plays soccer.

6. Write some sentences about your Saturday routine. Use frequency words. Student's Own Work

How did I do? Evaluate

Read the statements. Shade the number of squares according to the scale.

1 - I do this with difficulty.
1 2 3 4 5
2 - I need more practice.
3 - I often do this well.
4 - I do this pretty well.
5 - I master this competence.

How am I doing?
1 2 3 4 5

• Identify and use possessive adjectives.

• Understand the use of 's with nouns to express possession. How am I doing?

• Identify family members and talk about my family.


• Understand and select Wh-questions to interview someone. Music Video: “Who we are”
Fighting for Human Rights
• Ask questions with Why and answer with Because. Human rights are very important. People all over the world work together to make sure
everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

In Mexico, there is a special document called the Constitution that guarantees

• Create simple dialogues asking and answering questions.
equal rights to everyone. One group that is working hard for human rights is

• Socioemotional
focused on Indigenous girls. These are girls who belong to Native American
• Identify months, and seasons. tribes in Mexico. They face many challenges when getting an education,
finding jobs, and staying safe. Some people bully them just because
they are Indigenous. But there are organizations and people who speak

• Understand simple texts about a person’s daily routine. up for them, make sure they are treated with respect and have the same
opportunities as everyone else.
Language is also an important part of human rights in Mexico.
• Interact discussing daily routines using time expressions. The main language spoken in the country is Spanish, but there are also

Enhances students’
many Indigenous languages. It’s important that all languages are respected and
supported. People are working to make sure that Indigenous children can learn in their
• Use simple phrases and sentences to talk about my routines. own language and that their teachers can speak their language too. This helps them feel proud of their
culture and express themselves better in school.

capacity to integrate skills,

A person’s age, race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, and nationality all
• Understand the use of simple present verbs with third persons. form a person’s social identity. Understanding diversity and human rights leads to more inclusive and respectful interactions with
others and helps develop a sense of empathy and understanding for people who may have different experiences or perspectives.
• Describe others' routines.

attitudes, and behaviors

• Ask simple questions related to daily routines. I. Match the word with the correct description.
Ensuring that all individuals are welcomed, respected, and

through reading skills, self-

Human rights valued in a community.
• Answer questions related to my routine.
Diversity Treating others with consideration and courtesy.
Inclusion Human differences, including ethnicity, race, gender,
• Express how often I do things. Respect sexual orientation, age, etc.

awareness and reflection.

Promote dignity, equality, and justice for every human being.
• Identify and use frequency adverbs. Reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning
II. Find three important details in the text. Write them with simple sentences.

78 • Unit Project 1.
3. Let’s Reflect

Students learn by actively

IV. Pair work. Read the following quotes.
Choose the one you like the most. Discuss
with your partner: why did you choose that
Human quote? Why do you like it?

engaging in real-world
Rights and Diversity

Performance rubrics that indicate achievement Self-Awareness

and personally meaningful

III. Read the following rights. Rephrase them in your own words as personal responsibilities. Compare them with your

criteria across different components.

classmates. Look at the example.
Right Responsability

I have the right to feel safe. Example: I have the responsibility to:

• Self-evaluation • Coevaluation
behave correctly to keep myself and others safe.
I have the right to speak freely and express my ideas. I have the responsibility to:
I have the right to be treated the same as everyone else. I have the responsibility to:


PRELIMINARES INGLES III.indd 9 28/05/24 11:54

Table of Contents

Unit 1 Life Experiences Hours: 17

Progressions Page Category / Subcategories Vocabulary

1 Use the modal verb would to formulate, restaurant objects
22 Categories:
accept, and reject invitations. Learn how to and activities
make a request in a normal context. • Listening

• Speaking

• Reading
2 Use the Present Continuous to talk about 26 • Writing travel
plans and events in the future.

3 Identify regular and irregular verbs in the

past participle.
30 Subcategories:
• Listening for gist services

• Listening for detail

• Fluency

• Using functions daily activities

4 Use the Present Perfect in its affirmative professions

form to explain facts and experiences that • Pronunciation services
occurred at a time in the past and may or travel
• Scanning
may not continue in the present. countries

• Skimming work

• Spelling daily activities

5 Use the Present Perfect in negative and 38 • Punctuation
interrogative forms.
• Coherence and cohesion travel

• Layout work

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Learning Outcome Life-Long Learning New Mexican School

Intercultural Awareness:

Encourage recognition, respect and

appreciation for cultural diversity.

Exchanges related to: understanding The student shares information about

frequently used everyday expressions the past, environment, and immediate
needs. Comprehends simple oral and Civic Responsibility:
as well as simple phrases intended to
satisfy immediate needs; formulating, written information with everyday
Promote values and human rights for
expressions in areas such as family,
accepting, declining invitations, and
shopping, places of interest, and development of the individual and the
making requests; articulating future occupations.
plans and events; talking about past community.
experiences with relevance to the
present. X Honesty as a Fundamental
Promote honesty for building trust and
congruence within a community.

Participation in the Transformation


of Society:

Identify the importance of active


resolution of common conflicts.

Culture of Peace:

Promote solidarity and the search for a

sustainable and inclusive society with

Socioemotional Resources equal opportunities.

Affective emotional well-being

Unit Project
• Social Responsibility

• Human dignity and diversity Plan a social gathering demonstrating

consideration of diverse preferences,
and create a memorable and enjoyable
dining experience.

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Table of Contents

Unit 2 It’s Been a While Hours: 10

Progressions Page Category / Subcategories Vocabulary

6 Identify the use of the prepositions: since 52 Categories: experiences
and for to express and complement
• Listening
previous experiences, actions, and
situations that began in the past and • Speaking
continue in the present (Present Perfect). • Reading

• Writing


• Listening for gist

7 Express ideas in the Past Continuous
affirmative form to talk about actions that
X56 • Listening for detail

• Fluency
past habits and routines
were happening in a certain period of time
in the past. • Using functions

• Pronunciation

• Scanning

• Skimming

• Spelling

8 Report actions that happened in the past 60 • Punctuation


where the period of time is relevant, and a • Coherence and cohesion past habits and routines
certain activity or context is emphasized
• Layout
using the Past Continuous in its negative
and interrogative form.

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Learning Outcomes Life-Long Learning New Mexican School

Promotion of Mexico’s Identity:

Favor the love of the homeland,

appreciation of the culture, history and
Exchanges related to: interpreting The student shares information values of our country, respecting the
information heard; developing simple about the past, environment, and diversity of culture and thought.
conversational expressions with time immediate needs; makes sense of oral

information about the past and shares
prepositions and Past Progressive
oral information. Selects simple texts
tense; comprising basic written texts;
that generate pleasure in reading and
and writing small texts in a coherent
expresses in written form aspects of
way and with appropriate conjugations.
the past.

Participation in the Transformation

X of Society:

Identify the importance of active

resolution of common conflicts.

Intercultural Awareness:

Encourage recognition, respect


and appreciation for cultural diversity.


Socioemotional Resources Unit Project

Affective emotional well-being Understand identity as form of

communicating experiences, legends,
• Social Responsibility and narratives of different cultures
making a creative presentation.
• Socioemotional Well-being

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Table of Contents

Unit 3 Once Upon a Time Hours: 21

Progressions Page Category / Subcategories Vocabulary

9 Use the contrast between Simple Past and shopping

Past Continuous in affirmative form to narrate center
small stories about past anecdotes with actions vacations
that happened while others were being carried visits

out or interrupted. Categories: celebrations
• Listening
10 Use the contrast between the Simple Past • Speaking center
and the Past Continuous in negative, and 78 vacations

interrogative forms to describe anecdotes • Reading visits
about actions that were in progress. celebrations
• Writing memories

11 Classify sequence connectors (and, or, but, so,

first, then, later, before, after that) to talk about Subcategories: classic
82 literature
events that occurred at a particular time in
the past.
X • Listening for gist

• Listening for detail

12 Apply the conjunctions when and while to • Fluency
best seller
express time, cause and effect, contrast and
condition, exchanging information through own 86 • Using functions
• Pronunciation

• Scanning preferences
13 Use verbs that imply liking or disliking: like,
likes and
enjoy, love, hate followed by action or activity • Skimming dislikes
(verb + ing) to talk about tastes and preferences.

• Spelling

• Punctuation
14 Use the verbs: need, want, think, know, believe
that express desire or need, as well as verbs • Coherence and cohesion
implying belief to express activities carried out Mexican culture
by family members and relevant aspects of 94 • Layout

Mexican culture.

Classroom-School- Community Project 102

Embracing Inclusion

Audio Transcripts 104

Verb List 107

Vocabulary 109

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Learning Outcomes Life-Long Learning New Mexican School

Intercultural Awareness:
Encourage recognition, respect and
appreciation for cultural diversity.

Exchanges related to: using The student shares oral information
conversational expressions, interpreting about the past, environment, and
Participation in the Transformation
information heard, using grammatical personal affairs; selects simple texts
of Society:
that generate pleasure in reading

structures and sequence connectors, Identify the importance of active
expresses in written form aspects of
accessing simple written texts that resolution of common conflicts.
the past.
provide enjoyment of reading, writing
basic texts about characteristics of
known people or things. Culture of Peace: Promote the resolution
of conflicts through constructive dialogue
that leads to agreements and not
through violence. Promote solidarity and
X the search for a peaceful society with
sustainable, inclusive development and
equal opportunities.
Intercultural Awareness:
Encourage recognition, respect and
appreciation for cultural diversity.

Socioemotional Resources Citizen Responsibility:

Promote the use of values and human
• Social Responsibility rights for the development of the

individual and the community.

• Cultural Diversity
Promotion of Mexico’s Identity:
Favor the love of the homeland,
appreciation of the culture, history and
values of our country, respecting the
diversity of culture and thought.

Unit Project

Create a storytelling experience that

shows classic literature richness, and
the importance of grammar in narrative

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Life Experiences Hours: 17

Category Subcategories
Speaking Listening for Gist
Listening for Detail

Reading Using Functions
Writing Pronunciation
Coherence and Cohesion


1 Use the modal verb would to formulate, accept, and reject invitations. Learn how to make a
request in a normal context.

2 Use the Present Continuous to talk about plans and events in the future.

3 Identify regular and irregular verbs in the past participle.


4 Use the Present Perfect in its affirmative form to explain facts and experiences that occurred at
a time in the past and may or may not continue in the present.

5 Use the Present Perfect in negative and interrogative forms.

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Learning Outcome: Life-long Learning:


Exchanges related to: understanding • The student shares information about

frequently used everyday expressions as the past, environment, and immediate
well as simple phrases intended to satisfy needs. Comprehends simple oral and

immediate needs; formulating, accepting, written information with everyday

declining invitations, and making requests; expressions in areas such as family,
articulating future plans and events; talking shopping, places of interest, and
about past experiences with relevance to occupations.
the present.

Learning evidence - Socioemotional Resource

Project work:
Plan a social gathering demonstrating • Social Responsibility
consideration of diverse preferences,
and create a memorable and • Human dignity and diversity
enjoyable dining experience.

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Where am I?

Diagnostic Evaluation
I. Underline the correct answer.

1. I ________ like some pizza. 10. Have you worked on the presentation?
a. would a. No, I have.

b. eat b. No, I have not.
c. had c. No, I has not.
2. ________ you pass the salt, please? 11.The exam has ________.
a. Like a. starting
b. Would b. started

c. Where c. start
3. Would you like soda or water? 12. Have they finished the project?
a. I would like water, please. a. No, they haven’t.
b. I would water, please. b. No, they not.
c. I would prefer, please. c. No, not finished.
4. We ________ traveling this weekend.
a. am
b. is
13. Has she tried pizza lately?
a. Yes, she has.
b. Yes, she have.
c. are c. Yes, she tried.
5. Jenny ________ her clothes. 14. You have ________ the USA this year.
a. are packing a. visit
b. am packing b. visiting
c. is packing c. visited

6. It ________ to rain. 15. turn: turned, open:

a. is starting a. opened
b. be starting b. opens

c. are starting c. opening

7. Is she accepting the invitation? 16. shake: shaken, take:
a. Yes, she is. a. took
b. No, she not go. b. taked
c. Yes, she will going. c. taken
8. Is the party going to be formal? 17. write: written, give:

a. Yes, formal. a. given

b. Yes, it is. b. gave
c. Yes, it is going. c. gaved
9. Are they ________ for Christmas? 18. eat: eaten, break:
a. come a. broke
b. coming b. broked
c. came c. broken


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| CLIL 1

The context is in the text Video: “Flynn McGarry”

Would you like to come to my restaurant? Augmented

Today, Flynn McGarry is 25 years old. At the age of 18 he opened
his first restaurant in New York city in 2017, GEM (his mother’s
name backwards), a non-traditional restaurant. By the age of 15

he had quit school. This extraordinary young chef had a full-
time job when he turned 12. Cooking since he was 10 years
old, it was a big career for someone so young! He learned to
cook from books. So, his mother bought him all the cookbooks
he wanted.

He has been a passionate, self-made chef for 15 years now. But why has he
been so successful? First of all, his drive, dedication and passion have made him the entrepreneur he is today.
Secondly, Flynn is always trying new dishes for his restaurant.
McGarry has always felt that restaurants are not very cozy; his purpose was to make people feel at home,
comfortable and in a friendly atmosphere.
He recently wrote “This Is Not a Cookbook,” a book with a pinch of creativity and discipline. Aimed at youngsters,
it begins with his obsessive journey, from an improvised bedroom kitchen to a real restaurant in New York City.
He believes that one of the best ways to inspire one’s creativity is to identify
your problems, prejudices, and dislikes and use them to create something that
brings you joy. For example, he doesn’t like beets, so he created a tasteful dish
based on this vegetable. Nowadays, it is selling more than any other item on
the menu.
Flynn explains that the challenge of first working and learning to appreciate
this thing you hate and discovering that you can like something you once
hated is the best part. He is applying this principle to everything he does!

Reading comprehension

I. Fill in the following mind map. What characteristics make Flynn a great chef? What characteristics make his
restaurant unique?

1. self-made 1. non traditional


McGarry GEM


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II. Fill in the crossword puzzle with the following words:

challenge cozy entrepreneur demand tasteful self-made

1 2

1. to have good flavor in the mouth 3

3. something difficult which requires great effort
5. a person that starts a business in any industry

Down 5
2. to become rich and or successful as a result
of one’s own work
3. to give the feeling or sensation of warmth
4. to have a strong dedication, skill or effort to meet
high standards
Reading Skills
III. Mark the correct answer.
1. Flynn has been a chef since he was _____. 5. The article is about _____.
a. 18 years old b. a young chef with expensive dishes

b. 15 years old c. an unexperienced chef

c. 12 years old d. a young, successful chef

2. He opened his restaurant in _____. 6. He learned to cook from _____.


a. 2014 a. cookbooks
b. 2017 b. his mother
c. 2008 c. grandmother

3. He is motivating himself to _____. 7. What is the aim of his book?

a. confront the future a. self-Improvement
b. confront his workers b. having a restaurant

c. confront his obstacles c. autobiographical

4. What happened when he was 15? 8. Flyn believes that you have to _____.
a. He entered school. a. love only the thing you like
b. He went to Germany. b. appreciate what you don’t like
c. He quit school. c. wait for things to happen

Web Article: “ Flynn McGarry

Responds to His Critics”


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IV. Mark the types of food you have tried.

Fast Food Regional Mexican

French Tex-Mex
Steak & Grill Asian
Italian Bistro
Middle Eastern Seafood

1. Which of the above is your favorite food? _________________________________
2. Circle your favorite restaurant style.

Fine Dining Buffet Diner Pub Cafeteria Franchise

V. Name your favorite dish for each course. Work with a classmate and ask and answer questions. Then complete
the second column.
Example: Starter: I love chicken soup. What do you like as a starter?

I love… My classmate loves…


Main Course


Let’s Reflect

VI. Discuss the following questions.

• Have you had any entrepreneurship? Why or why not?
• What is the most important characteristic of a self-made entrepreneur?

• What do you need to be an entrepreneur?

VIDEO:” Meet the
Let’s Expand Culinary Entrepreneurs”

VII. Explore and name some of the dishes you find at these restaurants.

Fast Food French Seafood Steak & Grill Tex-Mex



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1 Would you like to eat out? “7 Strangest restaurants
in the world”

Learning Use the modal verb would to formulate, accept, and reject
Progression: invitations. Learn how to make a request in a normal context.


Would you like to eat…

Trigger question
under the ocean? inside a prison? in a dark place?

Use the QR Code to watch the video and discover if there is a place where you would like to eat!

Where am I going? Explore

Track 1 Alex and Emma are at a restaurant. Listen and follow
the conversation.

Waiter: Good evening! Would you like to see our menu?

Emma: Yes, please.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Yes, I would like the Caesar salad, please. X
Excellent choice. Would you also like a salad, sir?
I would have a salad, but I prefer a steak with extra vegetables on the side.
Of course. Would you like your steak well done?
Alex: I would prefer it to be medium.
Emma: Excuse me, waiter, would you serve the salad dressing on the side?
Waiter: Not a problem at all. I would be happy to accommodate that request.
Emma: Great, thanks! Alex, would you like to share a dessert after our meal?
Alex: That’s a fantastic idea! I would love to share a chocolate lava cake!
Waiter: Certainly. Enjoy your meal!

Circle if the statements are True or False.

1. Emma would like a Caesar salad. True False


2. Alex would like a well done steak. True False

3. Emma would like the dressing on the salad. True False
4. Emma and Alex would love to share a dessert. True False

Write the correct word under the picture.


dressing meal salad waiter

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________


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| U1 Progression 1
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
The modal verb would is used to make invitations, politely decline invitations, and make a formal request.
Affirmative form = would + verb
Negative form = would not + verb
Interrogative form = Would + noun/pronoun + like + noun / to + verb?

Invitation/offer: Would you like to go for dinner tonight?
Accept: I would love to!

Reject: I would love to, but I’m busy. / No, thank you.
Request: Would you show me the menu, please? Video: “Would Like
English grammar”

Underline the option that is correctly written in each pair.

1. Would you like to have lunch with us? 3. No, I would love to go! Glossary
Would you like have lunch with us? Yes, I would love to go!
tip = small sum of money given to
people who provide a service
2. Would you to drink water or tea? 4. Tom would love to have dessert. cutlery = spoons, forks, knives
side dish = small portion of food
Would you drink water or tea? Tom would to have love dessert. added on the side

Would you follow me to your table?

Write the following questions under the correct group.
Would you like to try out the new soup?
Would you like to add a tip? Would you mind give me a spoon?
Would you please add a tip? Would you like to come for lunch this week?

Requests Invitation/Offer

ID: 1

Use would to make a request, an invitation or an offer for the following situations. Elaborate

Example: Ask a person to open the window.

Would you please open the window?
1. You are organizing a dinner party. Invite your best friend.

2. You want a table near the window. Make the request to the waitress.
3. A customer wants the menu. Offer help.
4. Invite your best friend to have breakfast with you.
5. Your friend wants to have lunch at 1:00 p.m. Request him/her to change the time.

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1 WB
Travel log Evaluate

According to the Guinness Book of World Records,

Botin Restaurant in Madrid, Spain, is the world’s
Underline the correct answer. oldest operating restaurant since 1725.

1. Would you like some water? 4. Would you not drink all the coffee?
a. Yes, I would not. a. OK, thanks.

b. Oh, sorry. b. I’m sorry, I’ll make some more.
c. No, thanks. c. I’ll eat it all.

2. Would you like to come in? 5. Would you like to turn the volume up?
a. That’s not an excuse. a. No problem.

b. Sorry, I forgot. b. You would, too.
c. All right. Thanks. c. Of course!

3. Would you help me? 6. Would you like to come with me?
a. Sorry, I can’t right now. a. I’ll close it.
b. No, thanks. b. Not right now.
c. I forget. c. Excuse me. I didn’t know.

Pair Work
Look at the following conversation. Work with a partner to write your own conversation. Remember to use the
modal would. Then take turns role-playing.

Dining Out
Waiter: Good evening, Welcome to Asian Collection Restaurant.

Would you like to see our menu?

Customer: Yes, please. And I would like to order a soda.
Waiter: What would you like to order for dinner?
Customer: I would like a spicy kimchi soup.

Waiter: Would you like a salad or rice?

Customer: No, thank you. I would only like the soup.

Waiter: ________________________________________________
Customer: _____________________________________________
Waiter: ________________________________________________

Customer: _____________________________________________
Waiter: ________________________________________________
Customer: _____________________________________________

Learning Evidence P1

Pair Work. Create a small menu using recycled materials. Exchange your menu with a classmate, take turns
role-playing first as a waiter/waitress and then as the customer.


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Workbook | U1 Progression 1

1. Use the correct form: would or wouldn’t to complete each sentence correctly.

a. I ___________________ appreciate a glass of water.

b. She ___________________ go with us. She has other plans.

c. ___________________ you bring me some bread?

d. We ___________________ love to have you at our party next weekend.

e. Kevin ___________________ like to order the chocolate cake. He’s on a diet.

f. ___________________ you pass him the salt, please?

g. ___________________ you warm my chicken? It’s a bit too cold.

h. I ___________________ like to eat in that place. It’s too expensive.

i. ___________________ you like a cup of coffee?

accepting or denying.

a. The customers are making a ________________.

2. Listen to the following conversations. Write on the line whether they are making an invitation, making a request,
Customer A: Excuse me, waiter. I would like to order the spaghetti carbonara, please.
Customer B: Could I have a glass of water, please?
Customer C: I would appreciate it if the chef could make the dish a bit less spicy.

b. The host is making an ________________.


Host: Welcome to our restaurant! Would you care for some appetizers?
Customer: Thank you. I would love to try the chef’s special.
Host: Would you like something sweet to complete your dining experience?

c. The waiter is ________________.

Customer: Would you change the potatoes for carrots, please?
Waiter: Unfortunately, we can’t modify the ingredients.

d. The customer is ________________.

Waiter: Would you like any additional sides?
Customer: Yes, please. I would like to order a bottle of the red wine you have on the menu.


The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the role of menus in restaurants. Nowadays, menus
are either digital or on screens. There are also disposable menus made from recycled paper.
Which type of menu do you prefer?


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2 I’m Going on Vacations! “At the airport.”

Learning Use the Present Continuous to talk about plans and events in
Progression: the future.


Look at the activities my family is doing next weekend.

Is my family…?
Trigger question

skateboarding swimming going on a picnic
playing soccer riding a bike playing with a tennis ball

Where am I going? Explore

Read the poster. Circle 5 different activities

mentioned. Next, list them below.

ady to
• u getting re
ro u s ex p lo rers! Are yo are flying on a
adventu We
• Hey there, ey with me? istorical
ar k o n a th rilling journ cities, experiencing h a beautiful
emb g new g on
ne, explorin t cuisines, and relaxin create
• magical pla n g d if fe re n p lo re , an d
tryi r us to ex
landmarks, n g fo

w ai ti
world is
• beach. The !
rg et ta b le memories

Match the words to their definition.

1. check-in • • leave the ground


2. take off • • an escape

3. getaway • • to be pleased or excited that it is going to happen

4. look around • • process where people announce their

arrival at a hotel or airport Culture of Peace
5. look forward •
• explore a place “The best way to predict the
future is to create it.”

-Pope John Paul-


INGLES III U1 PRog1-5.indd 26 28/05/24 11:28

| U1 Progression 2
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
Use the Present Continuous (am/is/are + -ing) to talk about future arrangements.
Present Future (tomorrow, next week)


Affirmative Subject + auxiliar verb (to be) + verb+ing We are traveling tomorrow.

Negative Subject + auxiliar verb (to be)+ not + verb+ing. John is not taking time off.

Auxiliar verb (to be) + subject + verb+ing + complement? Are you going by plane?
Interrogative Wh-question + auxiliar verb (to be) + subject + verb+ing + Yes, I am. No, I am not.
complement. Why is she going next week?

Remember: I = am he, she, it = is you, we, they = are

Write the -ing form of the verbs.

-ing form
X -ing form
visit reserve

fly cut

hike play

see have

Change the verb to the Present Continuous form.



1. Anna __________________________ (rest) on Saturday.

Webpage “Verb -ing
2. I __________________________ (talk) to the agency tomorrow at 3 p.m. Spelling Changes
(Continuous Tenses)”
3. Bella __________________________ (cook) dinner this evening.

4. They __________________________ (help) with the luggage when they arrive.


5. He __________________________ (drive) next week to his hometown.

Answer the questions in affirmative (+) or (-) negative form.

1. Is she climbing a mountain tomorrow? (-) ______________________________________________________________

2. Are they buying tickets for their next trip to Torreón? (+) __________________________________________________

3. Is the guide taking us on Friday? (+) ___________________________________________________________________

4. Are you traveling alone next summer? (-) ______________________________________________________________


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Look at the following pictures. Choose two and describe what Thomas and his friends are doing on their next trip.
Write four sentences for each. Example: Thomas and his friends are visiting the pyramids next week.

Picture #1

1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________

Picture #2

1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________

Pair Work

Take turns asking questions about the pictures you selected. Try to guess the picture.
Example: Student A: Are the people in your picture hiking next vacations? Student B: No, they are not.
Travel log Evaluate

Track 2 Listen and complete the sentences.


On Saturday, Aisha and Marcel ________________ on a trip. Aisha _________________reservations in a luxurious

hotel in Cabo day after tomorrow. On Monday, Marcel __________________ fun things to do there. Aisha

__________________ after school because she doesn’t have time today. They ____________________ next weekend.
How exciting!

Write the sentences using Present Continuous.

1. to the gym tomorrow / go / I 4. on Sunday / fly/ They
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2. You / blue jeans / wear/ in the summer

5. to Paris / Claudia / travel

3. talk / We / to Tony / after lunch

Learning Evidence P2 Stopover

Autonomous ride service is becoming part of people’s

Use digital storytelling tools or apps to create a short everyday lives. In cities like Beijing, Shanghai and
video narrating someone’s upcoming plans. Use the Guangzhou, each robotaxi on Apollo Go is completing
Present Continuous in your narration. more than 15 rides per day on average.


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Workbook | U1 Progression 2

1. Underline the correct form of the verb in the Present Continuous tense to complete each sentence.

a. Maria and her friends ____________________ a movie tonight.

watch watching are watching watched
b. After lunch, my sister ____________________ her homework in the living room.

does is doing doing did

c. It ____________________ on Easter.
Wordwall Game
is raining rain rained are raining “Present Progressive”
d. Why ____________ you ____________ tomorrow?

leave does; leaving is; leaving are; leaving
e. The children ____________________ in the park.
play are playing played plays

2. Answer the following questions. Some require an affirmative answer and others a negative answer.
Example: Are you going home after the lesson? (negative)
No, I am not going home after the lesson.
a. Are you traveling to Guadalajara next week? (affirmative)
b. Are you living in Washington during the summer? (affirmative)
c. Are you going to London this weekend? (negative)

d. Are you meeting friends on Saturday? (affirmative)


e. Is Yuri playing football on Sunday? (negative)


3. Look at the photograph. Gaby and Claudia are visiting San Luis Potosi next Thursday. Choose the correct answer.

Gaby a. Are they riding a bike ? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
b. Is Claudia taking a bus? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
c. Is Gaby wearing a jacket? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
d. Is Claudia buying clothes? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.


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3 Where have you worked? Video: “What are top jobs
for next 5 years?”

Progression: Identify regular and irregular verbs in the past participle.


Look at the following picture. Follow the instructions. Trigger question

• Circle the person who has painted a picture.

• Underline the person who has cut wood.
• Cross out the person who has collected honey.

Where am I going? Explore

Track 3

Listen to the audio. Fill in the words that are missing.
Hey, guys! Have you ______________ about what jobs might be in demand in the future?
I have __________ that jobs related to artificial intelligence and robotics have really __________ off.
Emma: Absolutely! I have __________ about data science and machine learning being crucial in industries.
Sarah: Interesting! Have you guys __________ the news about renewable energy jobs?
Alex: Yes! The push for sustainability is creating a lot of opportunities in the green energy sector.
Emma: And healthcare, too! With the aging population, nursing and caregiving jobs have __________on the rise.
Sarah: True. I also read that freelancing and remote work options

have _____________ important.

Alex: Have you heard about jobs related to space exploration and
technology? With advancements in space travel, there has

been a need for engineers and scientists.

Sarah: Wow, that sounds cool! I guess the job market has
________________ into a more diverse opportunity.

Choose the correct answer for the following questions.


1. Artificial intelligence and robotics have taken off means that:

a. they have become unnecessary b. they have become very necessary
2. What is creating opportunities in the green energy sector?
a. sustainability b. health care
3. With advancement in space travel, there has been a need for:
a. nurses and caregivers b. engineers and scientists

Freelancer = someone who works on different projects with different companies
Caregiver = paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.


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| U1 Progression 3
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus

Past Participle verbs are used with have/ has to express a completed action.
The past participle of irregular verbs is formed in various ways. Video: “Past Tense Verbs
They often end in d, t, and n. vs.Past Participles”

How to Form the Participle of a Regular Verb Regular Verb Past Participle

Add 'ed' check, walk checked, walked

Add 'd' bake, live baked, lived

Double last consonant before adding 'ed' stop, mop stopped, mopped

Change y to 'i' and add 'ed' study, worry studied, worried

On the line, write the correct past participle form of the regular and irregular verbs.
X Present Past Past Participle
see saw _______________________
apply applied _______________________
write wrote _______________________
receive received _______________________
speak spoke _______________________

1. 2

Write the past participle of the verb in parentheses.

1. My new co-worker has ____________________ (collaborate) in many projects.

2. Biotechnologists have ____________________ (develop) advanced medical treatments.
3. Cybersecurity analysts have ____________________ (play) a crucial role in protecting sensitive information.
4. Urban planners have ____________________ (design) eco-friendly and sustainable cities.

5. Drone pilots have ____________________ (become) indispensable because drones are used for data collection.

Health Passport

Reduce your caffeine consumption! Some people enjoy having coffee during the workday to help
them stay alert. However, this alertness only lasts for a short period and leads to a crash later in the
day. Too much coffee has side effects: nerves, restlessness, upset stomachs or dizziness.
These effects could disrupt workplace performance.


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Complete the descriptions with the verbs from the list in their past participle form. Look at the example.

work perform train prescribe cure design

win fly analyze become be develop

Miguel De Icaza is a prominent
Mexican software developer. He
has worked for different companies.
José Hernández is a Mexican
American astronaut who has
_________ to outer space. His
Dr. Alfredo Quiñones is an excellent
physician. He has ______________
surgeries with modern technology
He has ______________ and career has not _______ easy but and has _______ many patients. Dr.
_______________ important he has ___________a lot to be Quiñones has ____________ new
information for the database. a good astronaut. He has also alternatives of medicine and has
He has ______________ several ___________ famous because _______ numerous awards and
remarkable software. there is a movie about his life. recognitions.

Pair Work

Ask your partner questions about the jobs above. Take turns and answer your partner’s questions.
Follow the example:

Example: Student A: “What has José done?”

Student B: “He has flown to outer space.”

Travel log Evaluate


Game: “Find the Match”

Write the letter of the verb that completes the questions.
1. Has Kevin _______________ English? a. worked
2. Have you ___________ as an industrial engineer? b. been
3. When has your secretary _______________? c. learned Learning Evidence P3
4. Where have you _______________ lately? d. gone Teamwork. Create bingo cards with various verbs in their
base form. Call out sentences using past tense or past
5. Have the doctors _______________ to surgery? e. left participle forms, and participants mark the corresponding
base form on their bingo cards.


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Workbook | U1 Progression 3
1. Fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct verb in past participle.
1 2
Down: Across:
1. lost 3. tell
2. produce
5. sit
3 4. shake
8. analyze

3 6. take
7. type 9. make
5 6 7


2. Complete the descriptions with verbs in past participle. Then write the letter under the correct profession.

X 1. 5

a. I have ______________________ (encounter) many amazing sea creatures.

b. In my job, I have __________________ (create) modern iron sculptures.

c. There were many dangerous fires in the forest, I have used __________________ (use) my hose to put them out.
d. I have __________________ (fly) to space and have __________________ (see) the moon up close.

3. Circle the verb in each set that is written correctly in the past participle form.

1. seen 4. drove 7. called 10. drived

saw driven callen driven

2. turnt 5. spoken 8. was 11. taken

turned spoke been took
3. opened 6. typen 9. looked 12. flew
opented typed looken flown

NMS New Mexican School

Honesty results in a more collaborative and transparent work environment that

fosters innovation and gives everyone the resources they need to succeed.


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4 I have been to Paris! Game: “Past Participle

Learning Use the Present Perfect in its affirmative form to explain facts
Progression: and experiences that occurred at a time in the past and may or
may not continue in the present.


Walk around the classroom and find someone who…

Trigger question

has worked in a restaurant. has gone on a vacation.

has visited the beach. has studied math.

Where am I going? Explore

Track 4
match the photograph to the description.
Listen to the audio. Write the letter of the description in the audio on the correct line. Then draw a line to
1. _______ Lucas and Sophie love extreme sports. They have
gone skydiving four times now!

2. _______ I love my job. I have worked from home for about

three years now.

3. ________ Mike is an intellectual. He has read so many

books in just a short time.

4. ________ Lucero’s favorite place is the beach. She has

traveled to Mexican beaches the whole year.

5. ________ I have taken the bus this past week.


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| U1 Progression 4
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
Present Perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now
but not specified.

• When the time period referred to has not finished: I have worked hard this week.
• Actions repeated in an unspecified period between the past and now: They have seen the film six times.

• Actions completed in the very recent past (+just): I have just eaten.

Affirmative Subject + has / have + past participle She has visited Paris many times.

Choose the correct answer:

1. I have / has known Katy for twelve years.

2 . Robert has / have just started the university.

3. The family have / has gone to the seaside.

4. Dad have / has watered the plants.

5. Sam has / have never been to the USA.

6. Our English teacher have / has never ridden a horse.

Use the words to form complete sentences in Present Perfect.

Example: your father / pay the bill. Your father has paid the bill.

1. Peter / lose his keys / this morning. ___________________________________________________________________


2. Susan / come back / from the office. _________________________________________________________________

3. we / called Mary / recently. _________________________________________________________________________


4. everybody / go home. _____________________________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the suitable verb from the box in Present Perfect.

finish iron call send


1. My boss ________________________ everyone in the company an email.

2. My sister ________________________ her homework on time.

NMS New Mexican School
3. I ________________________ the pants I am going to wear. Developing conflict resolution skills has helped
teenagers manage conflicts in a constructive
4. Zain ________________________ his girlfriend on the phone. and peaceful manner, leading to stronger and
healthier relationships.


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Pair Work

Talk to a partner about the following topics.

Name a book you have read.
Name a pet you have had. List 3 songs you have listened to.

List 3 things you have eaten. Say 4 words you have learned.
Say 4 things you have worn lately.

Writing a Cover Letter. A cover letter is a one-page document you send with your

resume that provides additional information about skills and experiences related
to the job you’re pursuing. Webpage “How
to Write a Cover
Write a cover letter for a job application. Use the Present Perfect tense. Letter”

Your Name: _____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________
Dear, ________________________
I am applying for _________________________________________________________________
My experiences, skills and qualifications:
Sincerely, (your name): ________________________

Travel log Evaluate


Choose the correct answer:

1. I __________ (eat) lunch already. 3. She __________ (never, try) sushi before.
a. eat a. never try
b. ate b. has never tried
c. have eaten c. did never try
2. She __________ (visit) Paris twice. 4. They __________ (live) in this city for five years.

a. visited a. have lived

b. visit b. live
c. has visited c. has lived
5. He __________ (travel) to many countries.
Learning Evidence 4 a. traveled
b. has traveled
Create a video mentioning eight things you have done. c. travel
Follow the example of the viral trend in TikTok . Example:
“I am Deyanira and I have learned two languages.”


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Workbook | U1 Progression 4
1. Tina is 75 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she done? Make sentences about Tina’s life using the
words in the boxes. Look at the example:

have all over the world

do many different jobs
travel ten books

be a lot of interesting things
write a lot of interesting people
meet married two times

a. Tina has had many different jobs.____________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

f. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Perfect tense of the verb.

a. Teresa and Anne (talk) _______________________ to their boss many times about the new project.

b. He (fix ) __________________________ the car.

c. I (visit) __________________________ New York City many times.
d. Elizabeth (send) __________________________ three emails.
e. She (go) __________________________ skiing a lot.
f. Tom (decide) __________________________ to join a gym.

g. Rita (write) __________________________ a text message to Paul.

h. Sonia (answer) __________________________ his calls.
i. They think that the delivery person (forget) _____________________ their packages.
j. Mark (plant) __________________________ three pine trees in the last six months.

Game “Present Perfect”


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What have you done in

your life? Video: “A Clever Lesson
In Self Worth”

Progression: Use the Present Perfect in negative and interrogative forms.


Read the following list. Tick the things you have not done: Trigger question

sung in a karaoke eaten lobster traveled by train

climbed a tree been stopped by a police officer flown a kite

driven a truck attended a cultural event made a prank call

Where am I going? Explore

Track 5
blanks with the words you hear.
Listen to a conversation between Susan and Tom. Fill in the
Tom: Hello, Susan! How are you?
Susan: Hi, Tom! I’m good, thanks. How about you?
Tom: Not bad. ____________ you ever ___________ to London for work?
Susan: No, I ________________ to London yet. Have you?
Tom: Yes, I have. I went there last year for a business conference. It was a great experience.

Susan: That sounds interesting. I _________________ much for work. Where have you traveled recently?
Tom: I have visited Paris and Tokyo in the last six months. Both trips were for important meetings.
Susan: That’s impressive! I ______________________ internationally for work yet. _____________ you ever
___________ any challenges while traveling?

Tom: Unfortunately, yes. I have missed a connecting flight before, and it was a bit stressful.
How about you? ________ you ever ___________ a flight?
Susan: Yes, I have, but only once. It taught me to always check the flight schedule carefully.

Listen to the conversation again. Choose the correct answer for the following questions.

1. Has Susan been to London for work? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

2. Has Tom been to London for work? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

3. Has Tom been to a business conference in London? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

4. Has Tom traveled recently to Canada? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

5. Has Susan traveled internationally for work? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.


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| U1 Progression 5
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
Remember the Present Perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past.

Negative Subject + has / have + not + past participle It has not rained.

Interrogative Has / have + subject + past participle Have they traveled recently?

has not = hasn’t have not = haven’t

Rewrite the following statements. Change the underlined verb to negative form.
1. I have completed my project ahead of schedule.

2. She has visited five different countries in the past year.
3. We have learned a lot from the training sessions.
4. He has passed all his exams this semester.
5. Andy has eaten a lot of traditional food.

Match the question to the correct answer.

1. Has your dad bought a car? No, they haven’t. They have gone to class.

2. Have the students gone on a field trip? No, I haven’t. I don’t like them.
3. Has Ryan opened the envelope? No, he hasn’t. He has bought a truck.
4. Have you ever eaten snails? No, he hasn’t. He has put it away.

Answer the questions with the short negative form of the Present Perfect.
1. Has Kenia ever traveled to a foreign country? __________________________________________________________

2. Have they visited the new museum in town? __________________________________________________________

3. Has your sister eaten tomato soup before? _____________________________________________________________


4. Have you met the company’s CEO? __________________________________________________________________

5. Has Roger seen that movie everyone is talking about? ___________________________________________________


VIDEO “Understanding
The Present Perfect” Foreign = from a country other than one’s own
CEO = chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company


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Read Mike’s list of things he has and hasn’t done. Write sentences. Look at the example.

Example: Mike has called Jonathan.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________ book plane tickets

3. ______________________________________________________ buy a suitcase

call Jonathan
4. ______________________________________________________
pay bills

Now fill in your to do list. Write sentences in Present Perfect.
take Bingo to the vet

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Travel log Evaluate


Write the verb in the negative form of the Present Perfect.

1. We (be married) ____________________________ 4. How long (they/live) ________________________
for ten years. in Spain?
2. They (fly) ____________________________ to 5. Why (she/come back) _______________________
Martinique. from her business trip?

3. Renne and Sam (took) ______________________ 6. I (go) _________________________ to Korea

a boat to St. Lucia. in three years.

Learning Evidence 5

Teamwork. Formulate an interview with an adult in your school.

Use the Present Perfect. For example: GAME: “Present
Q: Have you traveled to another country? perfect- positive and
negative sentences”
A: No, I haven’t. I haven’t traveled to another country, but I have
traveled all around Mexico.


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Workbook | U1 Progression 5

1. Write the following verbs in past participle.

Then find the past participle verbs in the wordsearch puzzle.

get ______________
speak ______________ E D O W E I T A I E A E O R
take ______________ E N K T S A T V D D P N R I
read ______________

fly ______________ N E K E O E E T K D E E T N
be ______________ A I B N T T V R E N L R T R
make ______________ M R K T N S K E E D R S I B
shake ______________

drive ______________ G I K D N K E E K W O K V P
write ______________ E P N E M T E E E E W E R L

2. Put the words in order to make questions.

Example: You have school finished? Have you finished school?
a. rained has today it ? ______________________________________________
b. done this you exercise have before? _________________________________
Culture of Peace
Social solidarity is the cooperation
c. got better has for life people? _______________________________________ between individuals to promote a
solidary and equitable society
d. have world’s risen temperatures the? _________________________________ fundamental for sustainable
development and a society with
e. gone the gas price up has of ? ______________________________________ a dignifying quality of life.

f. at you have seen a the play the theater? _______________________________


g. season football has begun? _______________________________________

3. Look at the picture of Ramiro’s favorite hobby. Read the text and answer the questions using the negative form of

the Present Perfect. Add the correct information. Look at the example.

Ramiro loves fishing. He has gone fishing so many times! He has never
gotten lost because he uses his GPS. He packs a lot of food and a tent to
sleep over the night.
Example: Has Ramiro gone hunting? No, he hasn’t. He has gone fishing.

1. Has he slept in a cabin?

2. Has he forgotten his lunch?
3. Has Ramiro gotten lost?


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How am I doing?


Human Dignity
Nowadays, “human dignity” is a very popular Human dignity involves reverence,
term, and we are hearing it very often. It is the core respect, and protection towards each
foundation of human rights. But, why does it matter? person. It does not matter the class,
The essence of it is the belief that all people have race, gender, religion, abilities…

a special value which is tied to one’s humanity. everyone is human!
The meaning of the term has evolved. At
first, it meant “merit” related to a person. If
a person was “dignified,” it meant they were
of a high status. But the United Nations ratified the phrase in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 as we

understand it today. The first article states: “All human beings
are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
What does human dignity require?
• Preserve people’s lives and to ensure their safety.
• Work for the human development of every person.
• Be compassionate in times of difficulty and distress.

I. Complete the sentences using the vocabulary words.

humanity core Human Rights dignity

1. The world accepted The ________________ 3. The evolution of ____________ has been in motion
Declaration in 1948. for seven million years.

2. Mexicans need to respect the human __________ 4. __________ is the part of something that is central
of older generations. to its existence.

Reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning

II. Underline the correct answer.
1. The article is about _________. 2. Before1948, dignity meant ______. 3. What did being dignified mean?
a. Human Dignity a. defect a. being of high status
b. Religion b. merit b. being equal

c. Human Rights c. demerit c. being lower status

Create a poster with a slogan to promote Stopover
Pair Work Human Dignity in your community.
Since its creation in 1990, the National
Human Rights Commission (CNDH) has
established an extensive network of cooperation
Let’s Reflect and collaboration with various agencies.
IV. Explain a case where Human Dignity is respected in your school.


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Destination: Unit Project 1

Would you like to have a night out?

Objective: reality

Plan a social gathering demonstrating consideration of diverse preferences,

and create a memorable and enjoyable dining experience.

Scenario: Your best friend who lives in another city is coming to visit you. You are

planning to take your friend out to lunch or dinner. You also want to invite other friends
to come and join you.
Step 1:
Choose one place to eat in your town/city where you would like to take your friend. Mention 3 characteristics of
the place you choose.

1. •

Step 2:
Write an invitation to the lunch/dinner party.
Incorporate the use of Present Perfect tense and


Webpage: “How to Write
a Dinner Invitation” 


Step 3: Describing Events 

Pair Work Role-play scenario based on the invitations and responses you have written.

Project Assessment Rubric:


Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

Grammar Accurate and consistent Generally accurate Some errors Significant errors

Invitations Clear and appropriate Mostly clear and Some difficulty Unclear

Communication High effectiveness Communicates Somewhat effective Lacks communication



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How did I do? Evaluate

Read the statements. Shade the number of squares according to the scale.
1 - I do this with difficulty.
1 2 3 4 5
2 - I need more practice.
3 - I often do this well.
4 - I do this pretty well.
5 - I master this competence.

1 2 3 4 5

• Use the modal verb would to formulate, accept, and reject invitations.

• Make a request in a normal context.

• Use the Present Continuous to talk about plans and events in the future.

• Identify regular and irregular verbs in the past participle.

• Use the Present Perfect in affirmative form. X

• Use the Present Perfect in negative and interrogative form.
• Explain facts and experiences.

• Understand frequently used everyday expressions.

• Encourage recognition, respect and appreciation for cultural diversity.


• Promote values and human dignity.


• Promote honesty for building trust.

• Identify the importance of active resolution of common conflicts.

• Write about everyday topics such as family, shopping, places of interest,

and occupations.

• Interpret written messages about simple tasks using familiar expressions.

• Use everyday expressions, such as shopping, sights, and occupations.

• Interpret information heard and verb conjugations.


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How did I do? Evaluate



Read each of the statements carefully and write a number according to your perception of your partners’ performance. Use the
following code:

1 2 3 4 5

Always Almost always Sometimes Rarely Never

Classmate Me

Is willing to help his/her peers.

Is respectful to his/her peers.

Carries out the assignments within the group.

Brings the necessary materials when working in groups.

Participates actively in group activities.

Copies the work of other members of the group.

Co-Evaluation – Learning Co- and peer-evaluation means that students evaluate the
work they are doing and the teacher accepts or corrects the
evaluation made by the students.

Name: Date:

Signature of evaluator:

Mastery of contents (grammar & vocabulary)
Level of input (listening, reading) interpretation
Execution of procedures (tasks)
Application of concepts (grammar & vocabulary)

Attitude towards study
Learning effort

E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good A = Average NI = Needs Improvement


INGLES III U1 PRog1-5.indd 45 28/05/24 11:29

It’s Been a While Hours: 10

Category Subcategories
Speaking Listening for Gist
Listening for Detail

Reading Using Functions
Writing Pronunciation
Coherence and Cohesion


6 Identify the use of the prepositions: since and for to express and complement previous
experiences, actions, and situations that began in the past and continue in the present

(Present Perfect).

7 Express ideas in the Past Continuous affirmative form to talk about actions that were
happening in a certain period of time in the past.

8 Report actions that happened in the past where the period of time is relevant, and a
certain activity or context is emphasized using the Past Continuous in negative and
interrogative forms.

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Learning Outcome: Life-long Learning:


Exchanges related to: interpreting • The student shares information about the
information heard; developing simple past, environment, and immediate needs;
conversational expressions with time makes sense of oral information about

prepositions and Past Progressive tense; the past and shares oral information.
comprising basic written texts; and writing Selects simple texts that generate
small texts in a coherent way and with pleasure in reading and expresses in
appropriate conjugations. written form aspects of the past.

Learning evidence - Socioemotional Resource

Project work:
Understand identity as a way of • Social Responsibility
communicating experiences, legends,
and narratives of different cultures • Socioemotional Well-being
making a creative presentation.

INGLES III U2 PRog6-8.indd 47 28/05/24 11:39

Where am I?

Diagnostic Evaluation
I. Underline the option that correctly completes the statement.

1. I have been a student ______ eleven years. 10. ______ they working on the assignment?
a. since a. Was

b. in b. Is
c. for c. Were
2. I was ______ video games last week. 11. She was not ______ during the lunch break.
a. played a. eat
b. playing b. eating

c. play c. ate
3. We ______ listening to the math teacher. 12. They ______ not dancing cumbia music.
a. was a. was
b. were b. is
c. are c. were
4. My friends have been in judo ______ two years. 13. Have they played ______ ten years?
a. for
b. since
X a. for
b. since
c. ago c. in
5. I have been in school ______ I was in kindergarten. 14. F. Mercury has been famous ______ 1973.
a. for a. since
b. since b. for
c. from c. ago
6. My mom ______ working last week. 15. ______ your sister walking in the park?

a. were a. Is
b. was b. Were
c. is c. Was

7. Ruben has liked cars ______ middle school. 16. Jose ______ reading a book this morning.
a. for a. were
b. since b. was
c. ago c. am
8. The doctor has worked ______ 8:00 am. 17. He has lived in Mexico City ______ twelve years.
a. since a. since

b. for b. for
c. from c. from
9. Mary _____ singing karaoke last weekend. 18. ______ the team playing at the stadium?
a. are a. Was
b. is b. Are
c. was c. Were


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The context is in the text Video: “ Aztec Love Story”

A Love Story: Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatéptl Augmented

Once upon a time in the Valley of
Mexico, there was a beautiful princess

called Iztaccíhuatl, daughter of the
emperor of Tlaxcala. Many powerful
men in the region wooed her and were
always asking her father for her hand in
marriage. But her heart belonged to the
brave and handsome Popocatépetl.

The Aztecs were ruling the region and
were demanding a mandatory tax from the neighboring areas to the Valley of Mexico. The emperor
of Tlaxcala was getting tired of this and decided to engage his enemy. He asked all his warriors to confront and go
to battle for their people. Popocatépetl asked to marry the princess and her father gladly accepted. Her father
also offered to have a big wedding celebration in condition to Popocatepetl’s
victorious return. When they declared war on the empire, Popocatépetl had to
take up arms and was fighting for his people.
Iztaccíhuatl saw her future husband away and promised to wait for his return.
During the war Popocatépetl fought with all his might for a long time and
defeated his enemies. One of Iztaccíhuatl’s suitors was spreading the rumor
that Popocatepetl was missing in action. When she heard this, she became
extremely sad and fell in a profound sleep from which she never woke up.
Popocatépetl returned to the palace and was devastated by her condition. He
decided to take her in his arms to a very high mountain to protect her on his own. Soon their bodies were

covered by a blanket of snow, so they became the watchers of the valley.

Many years have passed where these lovers lie. Today, two gigantic volcanoes have emerged: Iztaccíhuatl, “The
Sleeping Woman” and Popocatépetl “The Smoking Hill”.

It is said that the princess’s heart has beaten ever since she fell asleep under the snow. While her lover has looked
after her since the moment she fell asleep, remembering their eternal love.

Reading comprehension

I. Match the definition to the correct vocabulary word. Write the letter on the line.
1. _________ suitor a. a very great or intense state
2. _________ woo b. confront in battle or war
3. _________ mandatory c. become ready to fight
4. _________ devastate d. cause a person severe and overwhelming shock or grief
5. _________ profound e. a person that seeks a relationship with plans of marriage
6. _________ engage f. required by law
7. _________ take up arms g. try to look for the love of someone


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Reading Skills
II. Fill in the timeline with the events in the correct chronological order.

Popocatépetl proposes marriage. They turn into volcanoes. Popocatépetl goes to war.

The Emperor grows tired of taxes. Iztaccíhuatl dies. Aztecs demand a mandatory tax.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

III. Choose if the statements are True or False.

True False 1. This is a real story.

True False 2. Tlaxcala’s emperor fought the Aztecs.

True False 3. Popocatépetl died during war.



4. Iztaccíhuatl woke up from her dream after the war.

5. Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl were never married.

True False 6. Both are petrified trees called “watchers of the valley”.

IV. Circle the correct answer.

1. Who did Princess Iztaccíhuatl’s heart belong to?

a. The emperor of Tlaxcala

b. One of her suitors
c. Popocatépetl

2. Why did the emperor of Tlaxcala engage in battle with the Aztecs?
NMS New Mexican School
a. To conquer their land
b.To end the mandatory tax demand Mexican mythology is a
c. To seek revenge for a past conflict product of syncretism—a
process in which two belief
systems merge to form one
3. What caused Princess Iztaccíhuatl to fall into a profound sleep?

that is different.
a. Hearing of Popocatépetl’s supposed death
b. A curse
c. Exhaustion from the war

4. What do the mountains Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl symbolize in the story?

a) Eternal love and protection
b) War and conquest
c) Sleep and wakefulness


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V. We use our strengths to demonstrate our love and protection to others around us. Complete the following chart.
List your strengths and qualities. Explain what you do to show your love to a special person in your life.

My strengths and qualities How I demonstrate love and protection

Pair Work
Let’s Reflect

VI. Most love stories we learn about are tragic or have a lot of drama. Discuss with your partner the following
• What other love stories with tragic ending do you know?
• Do you know any family or Mexican love story with a happy ending?
• Do you believe in eternal love? Why or why not?
Let’s Expand
VII. Do you know these famous love stories? Write the name of the couple on the line next to each description.

Romeo and Juliet Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera


Florinda Meza and Chespirito Alma Reed and Felipe Carrillo

a. ____________________________________ Relationship between two artists characterized by love, artistic


collaboration and mutual influence.

b. ____________________________________ Love story in the early 1920’s between an American journalist and
the Mexican governor of Yucatán.

c. ____________________________________ Romantic and tragic tale of young love that confronted family
rivalry written by W. Shakespeare.

d. ____________________________________ Romantic partners joined by

the success and challenges of their work in the entertainment industry.

Web Article: “The tragic love

story of Alma and Felipe”


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6 How long? Video: “Prepositions:

Learning Identify the use of the prepositions: since and for to express and
Progression: complement previous experiences, actions, and situations that
began in the past and continue in the present (Present Perfect).


Answer the following riddles: Trigger question

• What goes up but never goes down? _______________
• What can go through glass but never break it? _________

• What happens four times in a teenager’s life,
once in adult life and never in childhood? ___________

Where am I going? Explore

Track 6 Listen to some people talk about their experiences. Write their name under each photograph.

Rodrigo Bernardo X Edwin Toto Itzel Luisa


________________________ ________________________ ________________________


________________________ ________________________ ________________________


Listen again. Decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Since Rodrigo was 12 years old, he has evolved as a programmer. True False
2. Bernardo has been a mechanic for 10 years. True False
3. Edwin has disliked music since he was a child. True False
4. Itzel has lived in Quintana Roo for 17 years. True False
5. Luisa has helped in the ranch since she was 16 years old. True False
6. Toto has had only one friend for three years. True False


INGLES III U2 PRog6-8.indd 52 153932410

28/05/24 11:39
| U2 Progression 6
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
We often use for and since when talking about the duration of an action.

For + period of time Since + point in time

for 20 minutes since 9:00 a.m.

for three days since Monday
for 6 months since 1997
He has lived in Bangkok for a long time. He has been here since 9:00 a.m.

Write the following periods/points under the correct preposition of time.

Monday six days 2012 last summer a long time

one semester last class childhood June one hour

For: Since:

Circle the preposition that correctly completes each sentence.


1. I have worked in that company since / for last weekend.

2. We have played tennis since / for three hours.

3. Fatima has watched TV since / for the morning.

4. Menny and Aslyn have slept since / for last night.
5. My mother has been in the kitchen since / for three hours.
6. They have studied for the exam since / for a week.
7. Gaby has been out since / for ten o’clock.

8. Miguel has led the team since / for five years.

9. The computer has been broken since / for one week.
10. Town people have celebrated that tradition since / for 1900.

Complete the statements with your personal information:

1. I have been in this school since ______________. 3. I have listened to music since __________________.
2. I have known my best friend for _______________. 4. I have lived in this town / city for ________________. Guí


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Webpage: “ Inside Mexico:
Myths and Legends”

Pair Work

Scan the QR Code to research famous legends. Choose the two legends you liked the most and complete the chart.
Discuss your findings with your classmates.

Legend #1 Legend #2

Name of Legend:


How long ago did it happen?

How long have you known it?

Brief summary

New Mexican School

Mexican legends have had their origins in indigenous cultures. They often revolve around
Legend = a story coming down
nature, gods, and the afterlife. Some of these beliefs have merged with the arrival of the from the past, especially one
Spanish and began to incorporate Catholic symbols, rituals, and figures alongside indigenous popularly regarded as historical
beliefs, resulting in stories that often reflect the heart and soul of Mexican culture. although not verifiable

Travel log Evaluate

Order the words to form correct sentences.


1. one year / we / for / have been / in Chihuahua.


2. since / we / May / have heard / about the legend of La Pascualita


3. has displayed / a bridal mannequin / Pascuala Esparza / 94 years / for


4. Esparza / 1930 / her daughter’s body / since/ has mummified Learning Evidence P6
Research a popular legend from your
5. 2019 / Pascualita / has been / in Mexico City for a display / since community by writing a short story
based on what is said about a certain
_________________________________________________________________. place or people, using the Present
Perfect and the prepositions since
and for.


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Workbook | U2 Progression 6

1. Write for or since to complete the sentences.

a. I have known my best friend __________ kindergarten.

b. We have been playing together at the park ________ half an hour.

c. Sarah has been waiting patiently ________ her birthday party to begin.

d. Tommy has been studying math ________ two hours.

e. My family has lived in this house _________ last week.

f. We have been friends __________ we were babies.

g. Jenny has read her favorite book ________ the last few days.

2. Play in teams. Use the QR Code to roll the dice. Complete the sentence with the Present Perfect tense and
complete with for or since.

I ___________ (be) They ___________ We _____________ Jerry ____________

a teacher _________
1994. months.
(live) here _______ two (have) our car ________
a year.
(wash) his car
_______ hours.

I ________________
She _____________ Mr. Gru MOVE Peter ____________
(not watch) this
(not phone) them ____________ AHEAD 3 (be) my friend
film ________
________ Christmas. (work) in this SPACES ________ 2001.

company ______
a week.

I _______________ They
We ___________ _______________ She _____________
(not think) about it
(be) together (not win) a match GO BACK (study) maths
_______ a year.

_______ years. ______ a long time. __________ last

3 SPACES December.

I _____________ She GO BACK

_____________ It ____________
(not eat) fast
FINISH food _________ (not visit) her (rain) non-stop
________ two
yesterday. parents _______
months. days.


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7 I Was Scrolling My Phone Video: “Covid-19”

Learning Express ideas in the Past Continuous affirmative form to talk

Progression: about actions that were happening in a certain period of time
in the past.


Use the QR Code to watch the video. Trigger question

Discuss the following questions:

• What were you doing when you heard about Coronavirus?

• How was your family getting prepared for the pandemic?
• What measures were you and your family taking?

Where am I going? Explore

Track 7 X
Listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Vanessa: Hello Kevin, congratulations on winning the scholarship! What _______

you _________ yesterday when you heard the good news?
Kevin: Oh, I _______________ at home, scrolling through my phone when
suddenly my mom called me.
Vanessa: And what _________ she _________?
Kevin: She ________________ with excitement. She _______________ that I
had won the scholarship I applied for!

Vanessa: Wow, that’s amazing! What ________ you __________ at that moment?
Kevin: I ______________ up and down with joy! I couldn’t believe it was true.
Vanessa: How did you celebrate?

Kevin: Well, I _______________ on the phone with my mom, so we ________

____________ and _____________ together.
Vanessa: I bet you _________________ from ear to ear!
Kevin: Absolutely! It was one of the best moments of my life!

Match the question to the correct answer.

1. When Kevin heard the news, he was jumping

2. Kevin’s mom were cheering and laughing.
3. Kevin _________ up and down with joy. was sitting at home.
4. Kevin and his mom was smiling from ear to ear.
5. Kevin was saying he got the scholarship.


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| U2 Progression 76
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
The Past Continuous, or Past Progressive, is used to talk about actions that were in progress at a specific time in
the past.


Subject was/were verb (-ing) complement

I / he / she / it was studying French last year.

we / you/ they were eating a cake yesterday.

Write the -ing form of the verbs below.

-ing -ing -ing

save hear serve

run play think

say give make

drive call
Complete the following sentences with the Past Continuous form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I __________________ (watch) a movie when you called.

2. He __________________ (solve) the math problem.
3. Tom and Elsy __________________ (talk) about their work experience.

4. Luz __________________ (shop) all weekend.

5. Sarah __________________ (reading) the book that you recommended.

6. She __________________ (study) all night for her exams.

7. I __________________ (sleep) when you knocked on the door last night.

Circle the sentences that are in Past Continuous tense.

1. My teacher is dictating some new words. 6. They were buying groceries in the morning.
2. Tom and Jane were dating a year ago. 7. Tim is playing video games at home.

3. Mauricio was flying to Colombia. 8. The children were running in the park.
4. The reporters are attending the event tomorrow. 9. The hurricane struck hard.
5. I was very happy to hear the news. 10. My phone was ringing all night.

New Mexican School

In Mexico on September 19th, 2022 people were living their normal lives when a 7.6 earthquake struck.
The earth was shaking and people were trying to get to a safe place. Everyone was scared because they
were remembering the tragic earthquake that hit in 1985 and 2017.


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Group Work
Pair Work Inteview two classmates. Find out what they were doing at the specific times mentioned
and complete the chart with complete answers.

Example: Maggie was attending English class.

Time Classmate #1 Classmate #2

4:00 p.m. yesterday

8:00 a.m. last Monday

2:00 p.m. last Saturday

7:00 a.m. last Sunday
6:30 a.m. this morning

Travel log Evaluate

Look at the following pictures. Use the verbs in Past Continuous to talk about what the people were doing yesterday.
The first one is done for you.
paint read prepare work sew knit

Laura Javier Larry


Jazmin Andres Ramiro


1. Larry was reading his favorite novel all afternoon.

2. Jazmin ____________________________________________________
Learning Evidence 7
3. Laura _____________________________________________________
Narrate an event that marked
4. Ramiro ___________________________________________________ your life positively in the past
and what you were doing at that
5. Javier ____________________________________________________ moment when you received
the news.
6. Andres ___________________________________________________


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Workbook | U2 Progression 7

1. Underline the answer that completes each statement.

a. I ______________ dinner at 6:00 p.m. yesterday.

cook was cooking

b. The children ______________ outside yesterday.

play were playing

c. At 9 o’clock last night, I ______________ TV.
were watching was watching

d. We ______________ in the mountains last weekend.

were hiking were hiked

e. Sarah ________________ a book while her brother ____________________ video games.

reads / played was reading / was playing

Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.

a. He / yesterday evening/ a book / was reading X
___________________________________________________________ Game: “Past Continuous”
b. studying / The students / hard for their exams / were
c. was walking/ in the park/ I / this morning
d. They / all day / were laughing

3. The Johnson’s had a very busy morning yesterday. Look at the schedule below and then complete the following

Time Mrs. Johnson Mr. Johnson

7:00 a.m. make breakfast shave
7:30 a.m. eat breakfast eat breakfast
8:00 a.m. go to the gym go to work
9:30 am. go grocery shopping attend meeting

11:00 a.m. clean house write reports

a. At 7:00 a.m. Mrs. Johnson ___________________________________________.

b. At 7:00 a.m. Mr. Johnson ____________________________________________. Glossary
c. At 7:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson ____________________________________.
d. At 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Johnson ___________________________________________. sew = attach cloth with a needle
and thread
e. At 9:30 a.m. Mr. Johnson ____________________________________________. knit = make (a garment, blanket,
f. At 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Johnson __________________________________________. etc.) by interlocking loops of wool


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What were you doing

Video: Mexico’s Child

Learning Report actions that happened in the past where the period of
Progression: time is relevant, and a certain activity or context is emphasized
using the Past Continuous in negative and interrogative forms.


What were you NOT doing this morning before this class? Mark your answers. Trigger question
discuss in class how many of you were not doing these activities.

mopping the floor studying at school scrolling my phone

sending a text having breakfast driving to school

walking to school drinking coffee speaking to a friend

Where am I going? Explore

Track 8 Listen to a news story about a fire in Pine Ridge National Park. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

What was happening in Pine Ridge National Park last Saturday? A wildfire was raging for the
past week. It _______________ threatening nearby wildlife and homes. But people were
calling firefighters to help put out the fire.
The fire _______________ spreading rapidly, because strong winds _______________
blowing and it was starting to rain.
“It ____________ an impossible task. We were
doing everything we could to contain the fire.”
said Chief Firefighter Ramirez.

Finally, the smoke was clearing, but residents _______________ returning to

their homes until it was safe. Before that, people _______________ thinking

about the importance of fire safety measures and conservation efforts in

preventing future disasters. But now they do!

Listen to the audio again. Circle True or False.

1. A wildfire was raging. True False


2. It was not threatening wildlife and homes. True False

3. People were not calling firefighters. True False

4. The fire was not spreading rapidly. True False

5. It was an impossible task. True False

6. Residents were returning home. True False

7. People were not thinking about the importance of fire safety measures. True False


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| U2 Progression 86
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
The Past Continuous, or Past Progressive, is used to talk about actions that were in progress at a specific time in
the past.

Interrogative Yes/ No Questions

Was / Were subject verb (-ing) complement ?

I / he / she / it
Was / Were playing chess last night?
we / you / they

Interrogative Wh-Questions

Wh-question + was/were subject verb (-ing) complement

Where were you living last year?

Subject was/were not verb (-ing) complement
I / he / she / it
we / you / they
was not / wasn’t
were not / weren’t
French last year.
a cake yesterday.
Short Answers

Yes, / No, I / he / she / it / we / you / they was / were. wasn’t / weren’t.

Fill in the blanks with was or were.

1. ____________ I singing? 6. ____________ the cat sitting under the table ?

2. ____________ the dog barking? 7. ____________ your father reading the news?
3. ____________ you listening to music? 8. ____________ your parents travelling by car?
4. ____________ the boys skating? 9. ____________ Damaris painting a picture?

5. ____________ you climbing up a tree? 10. ____________ the students studying French?

Answer the questions using short form:

1. Was Peter writing an email? No, __________________.
2. Were you feeling sick ? No, ______________________.
3. Was I ironing the clothes? Yes, ____________________.

4. Was your father gardening? No, ___________________.

5. Was the dog hiding under the bed? Yes, _____________.

Complete the following statements with the Past Continuous negative form.
1. Julia ____________________________ tea. (not / drink)

2. They ____________________________ in the beach. (not / surf)

Video: “Past Continuous
3. My brother ____________________________ yesterday. (not / sail) Negative”

4. Oliver ____________________________ jokes. (not / tell)


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My family went to the amusement park last weekend. Look at the photographs. Answer with short negative answers.
Then write what they were doing. An example is provided.
1 2 3 4 5


1. Were Scott and Sandra resting? No, they weren’t. They were taking a selfie.
2. Was Melanie eating pizza? _________________________________________________________________________
3. Were Rene and Samantha drinking coffee on the beach? ________________________________________________
4. Were your friends having fun on a train? ______________________________________________________________
5. Were the children riding a boat? _____________________________________________________________________

Pair Work
Write three questions in Past Continuous and ask your partner about what she/he was
doing on the weekend. Example: Student A: Were you studying? Student B: No, I wasn’t. I was playing soccer.

Student A Questions Student B Answers

1. 1.
2. 2.

3. 3.

Travel log Evaluate


Read each situation below and answer the following questions.

1. Dan was walking to work this morning and it was raining.

a. What was Dan doing this morning? ______________________________________________________________
b. Was it snowing? _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Marian was sending an email and speaking on the phone to her boss.
a. Was Marian reading a book? ___________________________________ Learning Evidence 8
b. Was Marian speaking to her boss in person? ______________________
Pair Work. Role play. Student A: You were
lost in the forest. Describe your actions and
3. Ileana was cooking dinner when she saw a mouse in the kitchen. feelings. Student B: You were trying to help
a. Was Ileana playing the piano? __________________________________ your friend find the way out of the forest.
b. What was Ileana doing when she saw Ask questions to help your friend.
a mouse? _____________________________


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Workbook | U2 Progression 8

1. Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous negative form of the verb in parentheses.
a. We _______________________________ documents. (download)

b. Claire _______________________________ her T-shirt. (wash)

c. He _______________________________ his homework. (do)

d. Their parents _______________________________ e-mails. (write)

e. Our dog _______________________________ after the white cat. (run)

2. Change these sentences into negative form.

a. I was dancing with Paul.


b. My grandparents were planting a garden.


c. Mary was climbing a tree.


d. Peter was waiting for the bus.


e. We were trying to help her.


3. Circle the mistake in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

a. Sam weren’t digging in the garden yesterday. _______________________________________________________

b. Yesterday the kids wasn’t walking. ________________________________________________________________

c. I wasn’t wear my favorite T-shirt. __________________________________________________________________

d. The fire didn’t burning two days ago. ______________________________________________________________

e. The dog weren’t barking last night. ________________________________________________________________

f. The shop assistant wasn’t counted the goods. ________________________________________________________


g. They weren’t sit on a bench in the park yesterday. ____________________________________________________

h. James wasn’t try to find a new flat last week. ________________________________________________________

Culture of Peace Stopover

Past experiences shape the person that we are today. Roller coasters get recycled! It is cheaper to reuse
Learning how to harness the good and expel the bad an old roller coaster. The Tsunami, a roller coaster in
can bring us peace and contentment. Aguascalientes is currently on its fourth life!


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How am I doing?

SOCIOEMOTIONAL RESOURCE Video: “Social Influence and
Adolescent’s Identity”

Becoming Socioemotionally Intelligent

We think we know what socioemotional means and… we don’t! Social emotional wellness is
a person’s ability to understand and manage their emotions, make responsible decisions, build
and maintain relationships, and understand and empathize with others.
Here are five important concepts that can help set you up for success throughout your school

years and your adult life. These can be applied in the classroom, at home, and in students’
• Self-awareness: recognize your emotions and how they impact your actions; acknowledge your
strengths and weaknesses to gain confidence in yourself.
• Self-management: take control and ownership of your ideas, emotions, as well as setting personal goals.

• Social awareness: put yourself in the shoes of another person in any situation. Be empathetic and
act appropriately at home, at school, and with your friends.
• Relationship skills: build and have good relationships with people from different cultures.
Listen to and be able to talk to others in a peaceful manner, resolve conflict, and know when
to ask for or offer help.
• Making responsible decisions: know how to act or respond to a situation such as ethics, safety,
weighing consequences, and the well-being of others, as well as yourself.

Reading Comprehension Vocabulary

I. Fill in the gap using the underlined words in the text.
1. I am able to identify my _____________________ and improve them in my social life.
2. _____________________ are the most difficult to weigh when your head is hot.
3. I can communicate with others with respect and without affecting our _____________________.
4. In my family we always set ________________ to be proactive in times of difficulty.

Reading Skills – Skimming and Scanning

II. Complete the sentences. Underline the best option for each case.
1. When you are in emotional stress, you can _______. 4. To put yourself in the shoes of another person is to _____.

a. think properly a. see if their shoes look good on you

b. not solve problems b. let your imagination fly
c. have a positive attitude c. imagine what they are going through
2. When you learn to control yourself, _______. 5. Relationship skills is not about _______.
a. you are aware of the situation a. having a healthy diet
b. you can play video games b. having new friends

c. you take 5 minutes to rest c. respecting people from other countries

3. The article is about _______. 6. Learning to control yourself is not _______.
a. learning to know the rules at school a. being patient
b. learning to be good at school b. acting without thinking
c. learning to be social-emotionally aware c. being reflexive of your actions

Self-Awareness Let’s Reflect

III. Think about the five concepts mentioned in the text. IV. Discuss a problem you had with another person
List three that you think are your strengths. Then list two that and explain how you solved it in a positive manner.
you think are your weaknesses. Explain why.

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Destination: Unit Project 2
Exploring Legends and Memories

Understand identity as a way of communicating experiences, legends,
VIDEO: “Myths, Fables,
and narratives of different cultures. Legends, and Fairy Tales”

Step 1:
Research legends from different countries. Choose three and fill in the chart.

Country: Name of the Legend: Main Characters:

1. 18
Step 2:
From the three legends listed, choose the one you like best. In a separate piece of paper, create a graphic organizer
like the one below. Fill it in with information from the legend you chose.

Title of Legend

Setting Main Characters

X Glossary
Moral = the lesson
that the story teaches
Conflict Resolution

Moral of
the legend

Step 3: Presenting Step 4: Reflective Writing

Write a summary of the legend using Past Continuous, Make a creative presentation to narrate the legend to
Present Perfect and the prepositions since and for. your classmates.

Project Assessment Rubric:

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Demonstrates effective Shows a good Demonstrates some Shows limited 1. 1
Use of Past understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding.
Progressive and

Present Perfect

Selection and Selects compelling stories Chooses appropriate Selects stories with some Selects stories with
Construction of with relevance. stories. relevance. limited relevance.

Clear, engaging, and high Generally clear and Somewhat unclear. Unclear, unengaging.
Summary level of proficiency. engaging.

Well-organized, appealing, Organized, appealing, Somewhat disorganized, Disorganized,

effectively communicates communicates key ideas struggles to effectively unappealing, or fails to
Presentation key ideas. adequately. communicate key ideas. effectively communicate
key ideas.


INGLES III U2 PRog6-8.indd 65 28/05/24 11:40

How did I do? Evaluate

Read the statements. Shade the number of squares according to the scale.
1 - I do this with difficulty.
1 2 3 4 5
2 - I need more practice.
3 - I often do this well.
4 - I do this pretty well.
5 - I master this competence.

1 2 3 4 5

• Express experiences and actions that began in the past and continue in
the present.

• Identify the use of the prepositions: since and for.

• Express ideas in the Past Continuous affirmative form.

• Talk about actions that were happening in a certain period of time in the past.

• Report actions that happened in the past where the period of time is relevant.

• Use the Past Continuous in negative and interrogative forms.

• Narrate an event that marked my life positively in the past.

• Identify and understand cultural identity by talking about myths and legends.

• Understand the importance of active resolution of common conflicts.


• Develop simple conversational expressions.


• Access simple written texts that provide enjoyment of reading.

• Express in written form aspects of the past, environment, and immediate needs.

• Make sense of oral information about the past.


• Encourage recognition, respect and appreciation for cultural diversity.

• Appreciate the culture, history and values of our country.

• Work collaboratively.


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How did I do? Evaluate



Read each of the statements carefully and write a number according to your perception of your partners’ performance. Use the
following code:

1 2 3 4 5

Always Almost always Sometimes Rarely Never

Classmate Me

Is willing to help his/her peers.

Is respectful to his/her peers.

Carries out the assignments within the group.

Brings the necessary materials when working in groups.

Participates actively in group activities.

Copies the work of other members of the group.

Co-Evaluation – Learning Co- and peer-evaluation means that students evaluate the
work they are doing and the teacher accepts or corrects the
evaluation made by the students.

Name: Date:

Signature of evaluator:

Mastery of contents (grammar & vocabulary)
Level of input (listening, reading) interpretation
Execution of procedures (tasks)
Application of concepts (grammar & vocabulary)

Attitude towards study
Learning effort

E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good A = Average NI = Needs Improvement


INGLES III U2 PRog6-8.indd 67 28/05/24 11:40

It’s Been a While Hours: 21

Category Subcategories
Speaking Listening for Gist

Listening for Detail
Reading Using Functions
Writing Pronunciation
Coherence & Cohesion


9 Use the contrast between Simple Past and Past Continuous in its affirmative form to narrate
small stories about past anecdotes with actions that happened while others were being

carried out or interrupted.

10 Use the contrast between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous in negative, and
interrogative forms to describe anecdotes about actions that were in progress.

11 Classify sequence connectors (and, or, but, so, first, then, later, before, after that) to talk about
events that occurred at a particular time in the past.

12 Apply the conjunctions when and while to express time, cause and effect, contrast and
condition, exchanging information through own experiences.

13 Use verbs that imply liking or disliking: like, enjoy, love, hate followed by action or activity
(verb + ing) to talk about tastes and preferences.

14 Use the verbs: need, want, think, know, believe that express desire or need, as well as verbs
implying belief to express activities carried out by family members and relevant aspects of
Mexican culture.

INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 68 28/05/24 11:49


Learning Outcome: Life-long Learning:


Exchanges related to: using conversational • The student shares oral information
expressions, interpreting information heard, about the past, environment, and
using grammatical structures and sequence personal affairs; selects simple texts that

connectors, accessing simple written texts generate pleasure in reading; expresses

that provide enjoyment of reading, writing in written form aspects of the past.
basic texts about characteristics of known
people or things.

Learning evidence - Socioemotional Resource

Project work:
Create a storytelling experience that • Social Responsibility
shows classic literature richness, and
the importance of grammar in narrative • Socioemotional Well-being

INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 69 28/05/24 11:49

Where am I?

Diagnostic Evaluation

I. Select the correct option in each case.

1. We were _____ out of school when it happened. 10. Were you watching TV when the earthquake _?
a. come a. start
b. coming b. starts

c. came c. started
2. She ___ a blouse that she liked better. 11. They were _____ on the highway when it happened.
a. saw a. drive
b. see b. drove
c. seeing c. driving

3. ____, read the instructions. 12. You need to take a test _____ you get the license.
a. Later a. before
b. First b. after
c. Or c. later
4. I was on time, ______ there was a lot of traffic. 13. What was she doing _____ the race finished?
a. but a. while
b. before
c. and
X b. when
c. or
5. Bill was talking on the phone ___ he was waiting. 14. I hate _____ pickles, they are very acid.
a. when a. eating
b. or b. eat
c. while c. ate
6. My aunt _____ having tea with her friends. 15. Our dog doesn’t love _____ on the couch.
a. loving a. slept

b. enjoyed b. sleeping
c. enjoy c. sleep
7. Do you _____ there is life on other planets? 16. My sister _____ to get married in the winter.

a. believe a. want
b. believed b. need
c. believing c. wants
8. I ______ a little more about the Toltec culture. 17. I like _____ sci-fi movies with my cousin.
a. know a. watching
b. knows b. looking

c. knowed c. beginning
9. I was cooking ______ Sue was playing the guitar. 18. I _____ a new notepad for my math class.
a. while a. buys
b. or b. buying
c. when c. bought


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The context is in the text Video “ Checo Crashes
Out at the First Corner!”

Checo Pérez: A Driving Ambition Augmented

There’s a special local connection with Checo that
has intensified over the last four years.
Mexican Sergio Pérez, also known as Checo,

started karting in 1996. Then, in 2004, he began
racing in a series called skip barber under Scuderia
Telmex. In 2007, he raced in Britain for T-Sport
and won the national Junior Championship. Then
he raced in a bigger series. In 2008, he started
well but finished fourth that year. The next year,

he raced in GP2 and finished in 12th place.
In 2011, he joined Kamui Kobayashi and was training with Ferrari. He became the first Mexican in 30 years to race
in F1. Before that, only 5 Mexicans had raced in F1. Checo has raced for many teams like Sauber, McLaren, and
Force India. Now, he races for Red Bull.
He started his F1 career with Sauber in 2011 and then moved to McLaren. But he didn't stay there for long and
raced in Europe for two years in the German Formula BMW championship. While racing
for Sauber and McLaren, he was on the podium many times. He even came second in
2012. But he also faced difficulties like accidents on the track.
When Checo raced for Force India, he had some good races but also had accidents that
cost him points. He won a big race in 2015 and celebrated with his team. In 2017,
he had problems with his teammate, Esteban Ocon, which affected their team. Pérez
finished fourth in the championship that year.
During the pandemic in 2020, he got COVID-19 and couldn't race much. But the big
bad news he received was when he lost his place in his team. Eventually, Red Bull hired
him for the next year. Although he only finished in the top five twice in the next eight

races, he got a contract extension until 2022.

Today, he is a clear example of perseverance and determination. On October 29,
2023, while he was racing in Mexico City and just a few seconds into the race, Checo
crashed. A very unfortunate event because he wanted to give his fellow citizens a good show.

Reading comprehension
I. Draw a line to connect the word to the part of the vehicle.

Windshield Window
Headlight Trunk
Hood Tail light
Bumper Rim
Wheel Door handle
Rearview mirror Door


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Reading Skills
II. Underline the correct answer.

1. ______ Mexicans have made it to F1 before Checo. 6. Which team signed him after his uncertainty?
a. Six a. McLaren
b. Five b. Force India
c. Eight c. Red Bull
2. Checo is an example of ______. 7. What place did he win in 2012?

a. perseverance and determination a. second
b. giving up easily b. first
c. depression and anxiety c. third
3. Who did he have problems with? 8. His career started to grow while racing for ______.

a. Force India a. McLaren
b. Ferrari b. Force India
c. Esteban Ocon c. Red Bull
4. In what year did he move to Britain? 9. He got infected by a virus in ______.
a. 2011 a. 2019
b. 2015 b. 2020
c. 2007
5. What happened in 2015?
a. His first big win.
X c. 2021
10. Did he drive for Ferrari in 2013?
a. No
b. His first big loss. b. Yes
c. His first crash. c. Does not say

III. Number (1-7) the following statements in the correct order.

_______ He raced in Britain for T-Sport.

_______ Sergio Pérez trained with Ferrari.

_______ He crashed as soon as the race began on October 29, 2023.
_______ Pérez finished fourth in the championship in 2017.

_______ Checo started karting.

_______ He lost his place in his team.
_______ Checo moved to McLaren.

Culture of Peace

“One day is very good, one day is very bad,

and it’s like with racing, it doesn’t matter
what you do, it’s where you finish.”
-Checo Pérez’


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 72 28/05/24 11:49

IV. Answer the following questions about yourself to see how competitive you are. Write Yes or No.

Do you hate losing? _______ Do you create competitions in your mind? _______
Do you prefer working alone or in a team? _______ Have you lost friends for being competitive? _______
Does the success of others motivate you? _______ Do people like being in your team? _______
Do you think failure is part of life? _______ Do you do whatever it takes to win? _______

Do you compare yourself to others? _______ Do you think other people envy your talent? _______

Key: 1-3 Yes: Not competitive / 4-5 Yes: Somewhat Competitive / 6-8 Yes: Competitive / 9-10 Yes: Highly Competitive

Health Check

V. Think about a moment in your life where you were competitive.
Write a short paragraph describing that moment.
• What did you do?
• How were you doing your best?
• How did you feel?

Share it with your classmates.

Culture of Peace
By competing positively with your friends, or teammates,
you may run faster, increase your motivation, study more,
and work harder toward your goals.

1. 15

Let’s Reflect
VI. Read and discuss the following text.

Healthy competition in the classroom refers to a positive and

constructive environment where students are encouraged
to strive for excellence while respecting their peers. It
involves setting achievable goals, fostering collaboration,
and celebrating individual and collective successes. Healthy
competition motivates students to improve their performance,

promotes academic growth and cultivates essential skills such

as teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship.

Peer = someone who shares similar characteristics
Foster = encourage
Resilience = ability to recover quickly from adversity or challenges


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9 Tell me all about it!
Video “ Trip to Japan”

Learning Use the contrast between Simple Past and Past Continuous in
Progression: affirmative form to narrate small stories about past anecdotes with
actions that happened while others were being carried out or

Trigger question
How fast can you say this tongue twister?

Betty Botter bought some butter
but she said the butter’s bitter
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better

So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter

Where am I going? Explore

Track 9 Listen to the audio carefully. Number the events from 1-8 in chronological order as they happened.

Bruno and I went on vacations to a ski resort.

______ We learned a lot about the different ski techniques.
______ We traveled for an hour to Copper Mountain Resort.
______ We took a long rest.
______ We were taking skiing lessons.
______ We looked for accommodation

______ We arrived at Denver’s airport.

______ We finished the check in.
______ Bruno was watching TV.

We all enjoy talking about our past experiences with our friends and family
Pair Work
describing those moments that were important to us.

Think about the last time you went on a holiday. Discuss the questions with a classmate.

Where did you go? What happened while you were enjoying your vacation?

Who did you go with? Did you have a good time?

What did you do? What activity did you enjoy the most?

Culture of Peace

“Look back on time, with kindly eyes”

1. 167735775
-Emily Dickinson-


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| U3 Progression 9
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus

It is used to talk about finished actions

Simple Past I traveled to Durango last week.
in the past.

Describes an action in progress at a I was watching the game at ten

Past Continuous specific moment in the past. o’clock last Saturday.

When we use these two tenses together, it shows that the simple past action happened in the middle of the
past continuous action, while it was in progress.
I was watching TV when my mom arrived.

When = An action interrupting another action in progress. I was sleeping when he called.

While = two simultaneous continuous actions. I was walkikng while I was talking to Larry.

Write if the statement is in Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1. Jessica was doing her homework last night. ___________________________
2. We celebrated Christmas at Grandma’s house. ___________________________
3. The airplane landed on time.
4. My friends went on a trip all together.
X ___________________________
5. Ryan was riding his bike all morning. ___________________________

Complete the sentences. Use the Simple Past of the verbs in parentheses.
1. John ______________________ (have) a costume party.

2. Lorena and Jenny ______________________ (buy) colorful accessories.


3. We ______________________ (go) all dressed up with wigs and hats.

4. Everyone _____________________ (enjoy) and had fun!


Complete the sentences. Use the Past Continuous form of the verbs.

1. The children __________________ (play) games when their mother called them.
2. Sue _______________________ (wash) the dishes when the phone rang.
3. My father _______________________ (cook) lunch when I got home.
4. Mary _______________________ (slice) the cucumber when she cut her hand.

5. My brother _______________________ (jump) on the bed when my mom walked in.

Draw a line to match the columns to complete the sentences.

1. The airplane landed while the cat was passing by.
2. The dog barked when his mother got home.
3. The students were shouting when the car broke down.
4. Ryan was playing while it was raining.
5. We were driving when the principal came to the classroom.

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Complete the text. Use the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.

It _______________ (be) a rainy day of November. We ____________________ (come) from school at 2 o’clock.
While we _______________________ (walk), we __________________ (find) a coin. It __________________ (be) a
strange coin. We _____________ (pick) it up and _________________ (continue) walking. We _______________ (feel)

excited about the coin! Jonathan _____________ (say) the coin __________________ (give) us good luck because it
________________ (stop) raining!

Travel log Evaluate


Pair Work

Lee visited her friend Ji Yung who was living in China last summer. Look at Lee’s photographs.
• Discuss with a partner the different experiences Lee and Ju Yung had or were having at that moment.
• Write a description of the trip using Simple Past and Past Continuous tense. Include the verbs in the
word bank.

visited were admiring was eating took many photographs

traveled was staying were shopping returned

Last summer,___________________________________________________________________________________________


Learning Evidence P9

Webpage: “Canva
Brochure Template” Celebrations help us to remember important moments. Choose your
favorite local celebration and create a brochure to describe it using
Simple Past and Past Continuous tenses.


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 76 28/05/24 11:49

Workbook | U3 Progression 9

1. Fill in the gaps with the verbs using Past Continuous.

make travel climb write sign search walk

a. I _______________________________ out of the door when I saw my uncle.

b. The boy _______________________________ for the keys when we noticed him.
c. She _______________________________ up the letters when the boss arrived.

d. My parents _______________________________ in Greece from August till September.
e. We _______________________________ the hill when it got dark.
f. The kids _______________________________ the paper from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
g. My parents _______________________________ plans when I came in.

2. Choose the correct words in each sentence.

Game "Past Continuous"
a. Jim was breaking / broke his leg when he was playing golf.
b. When I arrived, I was going / went into the kitchen.
c. I was seeing / saw an old friend while I was waiting for the bus.
d. While I had / was having a bath, the phone rang.
e. Anna was meeting / met Judy while she was doing some shopping.
f. While Joe was cooking / cooked lunch, Clare arrived.
g. Someone was taking / took Peter’s bag while he was making a phone call.
h. While Maria was walking home, she was loosing / lost her money.

3. Mark if the statements are Simple Past or Past Continuous.


Past Simple Past Continuous

1. We were having fun.

2. I took the photo of the trip.


3. Marcy was joking all the time.

4. Tommy was wearing a purple sweater.

5. The tour guide was very patient with us.

6. Robert was complaining about the food.

7. We also went to the shopping mall.

8. The plane was leaving in the evening.


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10 Were you having fun? Webpage “What Did People
do in the Past for Fun?”

Learning Use the contrast between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous
Progression: in negative and interrogative forms to describe anecdotes about
actions that were in progress.


Look at the following picture. Trigger question

• What do you think was happening at that moment?

• How was he feeling?

Get together in teams. Each team will start with one student writing a sentence
to the story. After one minute, pass the paper to the next student, who then
continues the story with another sentence. Pass on the paper until time is over.
Read your stories to see which is the most creative.

Where am I going? Explore

Write the correct vocabulary word under each photograph.

grocery shopping
food court arcade brands aisle

Track 10 Listen to the audio. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

1. __________ Randy and John __________ shopping?

No, they __________. They went to eat a hamburger at the food court.

2. __________ they _______________ the new brand on television?

No, they ____________. They were doing it on a poster in the street.

3. __________ Mom and Dad _____________ clothes yesterday?

No, they __________. They were grocery shopping.
4. __________ you find the soup on aisle B2?
No, I __________. It was on aisle C3. Research has shown that 4:00 p.m. on
a Wednesday is the time of the week
when most people surf the web to make
5. __________ the children __________ in the playground? purchases.
No, they __________. They were playing in the arcade.


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 78 28/05/24 11:49

| U3 Progression 10
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
Simple Past

Interrogative Did + subject + verb in base form + complement

Example: Did you spend Easter in Colima?
No, I didn’t spend Easter in Colima.
Negative Subject + did not + verb in base form + complement

Past Continuous

Interrogative Was / Were + subject + verb(ing) + complement ?

Example: Were you taking the bus yesterday?
No, I wasn’t taking the bus.
Negative Subject + was / were not + verb(ing) + complement

Circle the correct word that completes the statements.
1. Bob weren’t / wasn’t traveling the whole summer.
2. It weren’t / wasn’t raining and the wind was blowing from the east.

Video: “Past Continuous
3. We weren’t / wasn’t passing by the ancient castle when Dad called me. Information Questions”

4. I weren’t / wasn’t feeling sick the whole day yesterday.

5. The boys weren’t / wasn’t walking when I saw them.

Change the following sentences to interrogative form.

Example: Paul opened the package.
Did Paul open the package?

1. Nick was looking for the souvenirs near the shop.


2. Mary went on a boat trip last Sunday.

3. It was snowing hard all evening.

4. The car moved quickly on the freeway.
5. I was watching a movie at noon yesterday.


Answer the questions with short negative answers.

Example: Did they play outside? No, they didn’t.

1. Were the people arriving to the park? _________________________________

2. Did the guide take you to the Art Museum? ____________________________
3. Was Anna studying for her exam? ____________________________________
4. Did you take the dog to the vet? _____________________________________


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Write a list of things you didn’t do and weren’t doing. The first ones are done for you.

Things I didn’t do when I was a kid. Things I wasn’t doing last weekend.

1. I didn’t eat spinach. 1. I wasn’t playing video games.

2. 2.
3. 3.

4. 4.

Teamwork. Write down questions and take turns to ask your teammates. The first ones are done for you.

When you were a kid, _________? Were you _________ last weekend?

1. Did you ride a bike? 1. Were you swimming last weekend?
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Travel log Evaluate X

Read the following text. Underline the correct answer to the questions below.

The traditional retail experience dominated consumer habits. Shopping involved walking through aisles and
relied on store hours and availability. But online shopping was revolutionizing the retail industry. It provided
consumers with the convenience of purchasing products from the comfort of their homes. Companies
innovated their platforms and enhanced user experiences.

1. Did traditional retail involve browsing internet? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.

2. Before online shopping, did you have to walk to find a product? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
3. Was online shopping revolutionizing retail industry? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
4. Did online shopping limit products? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
5. Were companies stopping platform innovation? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Learning Evidence P10

Take out your favorite past memory from your social media
(Facebook, Instargam, etc). Present it to class and give a short
description about that moment.


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 80 28/05/24 11:49

Workbook | U3 Progression 10

1. Circle the correct negative form for each sentence.

a. Yesterday, I _____ for my exam.

didn't studying didn't studied wasn't studying
b. They _____TV when the power went out.
weren't watching didn't watched didn't watching
c. She _____ a cake last night.

didn't baking wasn't bake didn't bake
d. We ___________ soccer when it started to rain.
weren't played weren't playing didn't playing
e. Paulina _____in the lake at that time.

wasn't swimming didn't swimming wasn't swim
f. My friends _____during the movie.
didn't talking didn't talked weren't talking
g. They _______at the party last night.
didn't danced didn't dance weren't danced
2. Circle the mistake in each statement. Rewrite the statement correctly.
1. 372
a. Tom didn’t shared photos very often.
b. Did you calls Martin Smith on Wednesday?

c. Tim weren’t visiting his friend at 9 a.m.

d. Mary posts five stories last week.

e. Were your brother browsing the new website?
1. ID: 1
f. We didn’t saw his new posts.

g. My mother didn’t knew how to use social media.



A new ‘Memory Story’ appears in some feeds now to encourage

users to share old posts. Social Media promotes re-sharing of
past stories encouraging more engagement.


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11 What happened next? Video: “ Top
Mexican Writers”

Learning Classify sequence connectors (and, or, but, so, first, then, later,
Progression: before, after that) to talk about events that occurred at a particular
time in the past.


Play “Stop”. One student says the alphabet and another

student shouts “stop!” Everyone has to write the following Trigger question
with that letter:

• Famous writer • Famous book • Famous soap opera

• Movie • Famous Character • Name of Country

Where am I going? Explore

Video: “The
Use the QR Code to watch the video. Pay close attention to everything the boy does.
Number from 1-5 the statements as they happened in the video
Bicycle Boy”
__________ After that, he delivered the newspaper to different houses.
__________ Then, he rode his bicycle through the countryside.
__________ Later, he read the newspaper to a blind man.
__________ Next, he collected newspaper.

__________ First, the boy woke up.


Read the text. Write the vocabulary word next to the

correct meaning.

preserve evoke facilitate inspire develop

1. _____________ : trigger a reaction or emotion.

2. _____________ : grow, progress, or advance

3. _____________ : protect or maintain

clu d in g enterta 4. _____________ : achieve their aspirations
urposes, teach us
a v e various p va ti on. They 5. _____________ : to make easier
Stories h l pre s e r evoking
n , o r cultura e x p e riences,
educa ti o s an d erving
r e n t culture ic a ti on, pres
about d
if fe mm u n skills,
, fa c il it ating co r it ic a l thinking
s g c
emotion velopin
ra l h e r itage, de
cultu ativity.
iring cre
and insp


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 82 28/05/24 11:49

| U3 Progression 11
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus Sequence Connectors

Sequence connectors are used to link opinions from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence.
Connectors help us organize the events of the beginning, middle and end of a story.

In the Beginning In the Middle Interruptions In the End

first after that but then after all
once then suddenly at last
once upon a time later however in the end
and finally
before lastly


Example: First, I went to the barber shop. Later, I took a shower. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. At last,
I realized it was my cat.

Choose the correct sequence connector to complete each sentence.

1. Jenny woke up early. ______, she ate breakfast.

a. First b. Before c. After that
2. Tom finished his homework, ______ he went to play.
X 3. ______, Sarah packed her backpack then she left.
a. Before b. Later
4. ______, there was a beautiful princess.
c. First
a. before b. so c. at the end a. Once upon a time b. Finally c. Suddenly

Track 11 Listen to the story. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

_______________________, there was a young prince named Hamlet. He was sad

because his father, the king, had recently died. Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, married

Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, and became the new king. This made Hamlet
very upset and confused.

____________ one night, Hamlet was visited by the ghost of his father.
__________________, the ghost told Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius who
poured poison into his ear while he was sleeping.
______________, Hamlet investigated and discovered that Claudius was guilty of his
father's murder.
____________, Hamlet arranged a play acting the murder of his father, hoping to

provoke a reaction from Claudius. When Claudius reacted guiltily, ____________, Hamlet found the courage to
confront him. In a final duel, Hamlet killed Claudius but Hamlet was also mortally wounded by a poisoned sword.
______________, Hamlet named Fortinbras, as the new ruler of Denmark.


Do you find any similarities between Hamlet and The Lion King? Well, it is
because Disney based the movie on the famous classic novel by William


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Look at the following pictures. Write one sentence for each picture telling what you think happened. Create your
own story.
Example: One day, Monica and Beto entered an abandoned house.

Beginning Middle Interruption

1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Pair Work. Share your story with your partner. Listen to your partner’s story. Together create an unexpected ending.
Draw a picture for your ending,


Travel log Evaluate


Choose the correct answer.

1. What does the term SEQUENCE mean? 3. Words used at the BEGINNING are:
a. Do your homework. a. After that, later, then
b. The order of events. b. In the end, finally
c. Something is wrong in the story. c. Once upon a time, first, to begin

2. Examples of words used for sequence are: 4. Words used in the MIDDLE are:
a. First, next, then and last a. In conclusion, finally, in the end
b. Big, small, large, and tiny b. One day, to begin, yesterday
c. Blue, red, green, and yellow c. After that, later, then

Learning Evidence P11

Sociodrama is the dramatic representation of a topic of interest or of everyday life, which allows us to learn
about a social problem. In teams, make a representation of a social issue and a possible solution. Act it out.


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 84 28/05/24 11:50

Workbook | U3 Progression 11

1. Write the correct option on the line.

a. _______________________, there was a sweet little girl.
Once upon a time Lastly Before

b. _______________, Rene went to the river with his friends.

After And One day
New Mexican School

c. _______________, she passed the exam.
At last Once upon a time Before El laberinto de la soledad (1950) by
Octavio Paz is his most famous text,
and focuses on Mexican identity,
d. They were tired after playing , ________ they went home.
basing it in on particular events or
so once now

traditions, such as the Revolution, the
1968 student massacre and the Day
e. _______________, the children in the bedroom started crying. of the Dead.
Once After Suddenly

f. _______________, she got engaged in March.

Finally Before Once
2. Read the following sentences. Circle the option with the correct order.
a. Next, Super Kid flew down to the tree and tried to grab the cat, but it
scratched her!
b. Super Kid used the blanket to grab the cat and flew it down to the ground.
Finally, the cat was safe.
c. One day, Super Kid was flying around when she saw a cat that was stuck in a

tree. She wanted to help the cat.

d. After the cat tried to scratch her, Super Kid had a great idea. She went to get
a blanket.

a) B, D, A, C c) A, B, C, D

b) D, C, B, A d) C, A, D, B

3. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with: then, next, first, finally.

Yesterday, Sarah and her friends spent the day at the park. _________________, they packed a picnic basket
with sandwiches and fruits. _________________, they rode their bikes to the park. ________________, they
found a nice spot under a shady tree and enjoyed their delicious lunch. _________________, they played
frisbee and soccer until it was time to go home.


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12 While I was reading… Video: “For the Birds”

Learning Apply the conjunctions when and while to express time, cause
Progression: and effect, contrast and condition, exchanging information
through own experiences.


Use the QR Code to watch the video “For the Birds”.

Trigger question
Discuss the following questions.
• Why were the birds fighting?

• When did the birds get nervous?
• Why did they start laughing?
• When the big bird fell down, what happened?

Where am I going? Explore

Track 12 Listen to the audio. Read while you listen.

My favorite best seller book is The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
When a group of teenagers woke up with no memory of their
past, they were trapped in a mysterious place called the Glade.
They were struggling to get out of the everchanging maze while
deadly creatures, known as Grievers, were attacking them. When
a new arrival triggered a series of events, they started to question
everything they knew about their situation. Tensions grew and
alliances shifted when they had to uncover the truth to escape and

regain their freedom. I like Maze Runner because it explores

themes of survival, friendship, identity, and the consequences of
scientific experimentation.

Match the two columns to complete the statements.

1. When teenagers woke up, while Grievers were attacking.

2. They were struggling to get out of the maze they questioned everything they knew.

3. When a new arrival triggered new events, when they had to uncover the truth.

4. Tensions grew they had no memory of their past.

Pair Work
Use the QR Code to watch the Maze Runner trailer.

Then, discuss with your partner the following:

• What emotions did you experience while watching the movie trailer? Video: “The Maze
• If you were in the characters' shoes, how do you think you would react
to being trapped in the maze with no memories?


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 86 28/05/24 11:50

| U3 Progression 12
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus When and While

We use connectors to join sentences to express time, cause and effect, contrast and condition.

While = shows two continuous actions that happened at When = shows a specific point in time when something
the same time. happened. Actions that are finished.
Example: Example:

Can you wait in the car while I run into the shop? When we were in Greece, we went to many islands.
While they were talking, he was explaining the task. When he woke up, he didn’t know where he was.

• With the Past Progressive, use while to emphasize actions that were in progress at a specific time.
While I was eating, my mom was cleaning the kitchen.

My mom was cleaning the kitchen while I was eating.
(Notice that if you start the sentence with the connector, you have to use a comma between the clauses.)
• Use when + a simple past tense.
I was sleeping when you called me.
When you called me, I was sleeping.
• While is used with an action in progress. With short, completed actions use when.
while you arrived when you arrived

Fill in the blanks with when or while.

1. Sarah was watching a movie ____________ she fell asleep. Video: “ When vs
2. I was listening to music ____________ I was cooking dinner.

3. Tom was singing _____________ he was waiting for the bus.

4. ____________ we went for a walk, the weather was nice.


New Mexican School

5. I was preparing dinner _____________ Melanie was working upstairs.
Social action is people coming
6. ____________ Tom was the town president, he gave food to the homeless. together to address an issue, support

other people, or improve their local

7. Students were attending a biology class __________ the lights went out. area. People give time and other
resources for the common good, such
as, volunteering to community service.

Combine the following sentences using when or while as indicated.

1. Antonia was packing her suitcase. Albert opened the door. (when)

2. It was raining. I was having a nice cup of coffee. (while)
3. My friend called me. I was studying English. (when)
4. You were working. I was taking care of your mom. (while)


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Pair Work You and your partner are the writers for a newspaper. Write an imaginative short article
about an important event. Follow the example:
Example: Last week, Thomas Brown won a science prize. He was doing an experiment when he discovered a new
element. While other scientists were busy doing research, Thomas was publishing his results.

Last week, _________________________________

When ____________________________________
While ____________________________________
X __________________________________________
Travel log Evaluate

Match the sentences.

1. Mrs. Brown was cooking a. while we were breaking the piñata.

2. While they were speaking, b. he was driving at a high speed.

3. Tom was opening presents c. the paint bucket fell.
4 While Zeyn was painting a picture, d. when she cut her finger.

5. When he had a car accident, e. we visited the Eiffel Tower.

6. When we traveled to Europe, f. I was writing down everything.

Choose the right answer.

1. When I saw Ahmet, he ___________ 3. Mary was waiting for me when I ___________.
a. is working b. worked c. was working a. arrived b. arriving c. arrive

2. While I ___________ to work, I saw an accident. 4. We ___________ while they were dancing.
a. drive b. was driving c. did drive a. was talking b. talking c. were talking

Learning Evidence P12

Make a creative poster to compare and contrast two social

actions that occurred in the past. Present it in class.


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Workbook | U3 Progression 12

1. Write the correct word (when or while) to complete each sentence.

a. I was listening to music ____________ you called me.

b. He was falling asleep ____________ he was waiting for the bus.
c. ____________ I was studying, my sister was playing video games.
d. ____________ we met, we were travelling in Europe.

e. She was cooking dinner ____________ her husband was watching TV.
f. ____________ I was walking in the park, I was making a phone call.
g. He checked his email ____________ the meeting began.
h. ____________ she was reading a book, her cat was sleeping on her lap.

i. He was walking to work ____________ he fell.
j. Jose was cooking ____________ I was watching the news.
k. It was raining ____________ you left.

2. Write a sentence for each picture using when or while. Use the words provided.

drive (when) car broke down

dance (while) celebrating shop (when) announced discounts

a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. In pairs, order the following words to form sentences.


a. While / were playing / the kids / Miriam / was cooking / dinner

_______________________________________________________________________________ Game: “When vs While”

b. The students /the bell / rang / when/ the exam / were answering


c. she / the movie/ she /was eating / While / was watching / popcorn



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13 I love eating pasta! Game “Likes
and Dislikes”

Learning Use verbs that imply liking or disliking: like, enjoy, love, hate
Progression: followed by action or activity (verb + ing) to talk about tastes
and preferences.

• What music do you love listening?

Trigger question
• Which animal do you like?
• What food do you hate eating?

Use the QR Code to play a game with your classmates. Take turns spinning the
wheel and answering the questions.

Where am I going? Explore

Track 13 Listen carefully to Cristiano Rolando’s likes and dislikes. Underline if the statements are True or False.

1. Cristiano enjoys spending time with his family.

2. He hates playing video games.

X True


3. He enjoys going on adventures. True False

4. Cristiano loves traveling. True False

5. He hates losing. True False


6. He likes negativity. True False


Look at the photographs. Match them with the corresponding description.


Jennifer hates smelling She dislikes working Jennifer likes meditating She loves wearing
strong perfumes. in cold weather. in the morning. digital watches.


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| U3 Progression 13
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus
We can use : like, enjoy, love, hate + another verb with -ing to say how we feel about an activity.

Subject love/enjoy/like/hate verb + ing complement

I / We/ They/ You love swimming in the summer.

He/She/It hates playing baseball.

*Remember that in Simple Present, he, she or it use the “s” form.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in parentheses.

1. I like ______________ (go) out with friends.

Video: “ love, like, don't
2. She doesn’t like _______________ (play) any sport. like, hate+v+ing”

3. He hates _______________ (cook) fish.

4. She loves ______________ (swim) in the beach.

5. I like ______________ (dance) ballet.

6. My mother loves _______________ (sing).

7. He hates ________________ (listen) to K-pop. New Mexican School

8. I like _________________ (read) books.

Personal preferences influence all of
us and the more we know about a
9. They love _________________ (play) games. person’s preferences, the closer we
can match our support to their wants

10. He likes ________________ (run). and needs.


Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Sarah ____________ playing tennis on weekends.

likes liking liked

2. We ____________ swimming in the ocean during the summer.

likes liking like


3. My brother ____________ hiking in the mountains.

enjoys enjoy enjoying

4. They ____________ watching movies together as a family.

loving loves love

5. Maria ____________ watching horror movies.

hates hating hate


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The marked Emoji shows how much people like or dislike doing these activities. Write a sentence for each saying if
they love, enjoy, like, don’t like or hate them. The first one is done for you.

Kevin /
1. Kevin hates mopping the floor.

mop floor

Lupita /

2. ______________________________
play soccer

Beto /
3. ______________________________
play online
My friends /
4. ______________________________

ORK. Make a list of the activities you like or don’t like doing. Take turns telling and asking your partner about them.

Example: I hate eating broccoli. Do you like eating broccoli?

My Likes My Dislikes Partner’s Likes Partner’s Dislikes


Travel log Evaluate

Hi! I enjoy spending time outdoors, and I like


You and Marcela are online friends. Read the bringing my dog Bingo with me. I also love
email she wrote to you. In your notebook, write cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
an email responding to her about your likes Something, I hate washing dishes and doing
and dislikes. laundry. What about you? What do you like
Hope to hear from you soon,
Learning Evidence P13

Make an infographic to present 4 things you like

about your town/city and 4 things you don’t like.


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Workbook | U3 Progression 13

1. Circle the correct answer.

a. He ___________ playing video games with his friends on Saturdays.

likes liking like

b. The children ___________ going to the park after school.

loves loving love Culture of Peace

c. We ___________ cooking new recipes together as a family.
“We don’t need to share the same opinion
enjoy enjoys enjoying
as others, but we need to be respectful.”
d. Rebecca ___________ exercising before work. -Taylor Swift-

hate hates hating

e. My dad _____ riding his motorcycle on Sundays.

enjoying enjoys enjoy

go jump carry
2. Use the verbs from the box to complete the sentences. Use the correct -ing form.

feed eat sing

a. Mario loves ______________ Liana’s shopping bag. d. Daniel loves ______________ the rope.
b. Lorena likes ______________ French songs at home. e. Margaret likes ______________ vegetables at any time.
c. Elsa has a farm. She enjoys _____________ the hens. f. Sarah hates ______________ to the dentist.

3. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Then rewrite it correctly.


a. People in the north loving grilling meat.

b. Camila enjoys collect snow globes.
c. Emiliano likes be a big brother.

d. My dog Toki hating hearing fireworks explode in the sky.


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14 Believe it or not! Video “Mexico”

Learning Use the verbs: need, want, think, know, believe that express desire or
Progression: need, as well as verbs implying belief to express activities carried out
by family members and relevant aspects of Mexican culture.

Trigger question
• What do you know about Mexican traditions?
• Do you believe traditions are important? Why?

Guess the tradition: In Mexico, I am honored with much delight, families
gather together, embracing the night. My origins are ancient, with roots
deep and strong, a symbol of love for those who have long been gone.

Where am I going? Explore

Track 14
Listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
Milo: Hey, Lucy! Have you been to Mexico? I've always _____________ to visit
and experience its culture and traditions.
Lucy: No, I haven't been there yet. I _____________ it would be an incredible
experience to immerse ourselves in Mexican culture.
Milo: Absolutely! I have always ______________ to try authentic Mexican cuisine,
like tacos, enchiladas, and churros. I’ve heard they are delicious!

Lucy: Me too! And I ______________ to see a traditional Mexican festival, like Día
de los Muertos. I _____________ it would be a beautiful celebration to experience.
Milo: I _____________ to learn more about their indigenous cultures and the
significance behind their rituals and ceremonies.

Lucy: Same here! I ______________ there's so much we can learn from Mexican
traditions, like their strong sense of family and community.
Milo: Definitely. I _____________ it's important to respect and appreciate different
cultures, and visiting Mexico would give us the opportunity to do just that.

What makes the state you live in unique and special? List some characteristics.

Name of State: ______________________________________

Special Traditions Unique Food Traditional Clothes


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 94 28/05/24 11:50

| U3 Progression 14
Embarking on the journey Explain & Elaborate

Grammar Focus Verbs: need, want, think, know, believe

These verbs can have different functions in sentences to express wants or needs:

Expressing Needs and Wants

need Refers to something that someone needs to do or have. I need more clothes.

want To express that someone wants something. They want to visit Durango.

Personal Beliefs
think To express opinion. She thinks it is time to go.

know To talk about what is known. He knows that carrots are healthy.

believe To express beliefs. We believe it is a good idea.

*These verbs use preposition TO when actions are involved. Example: I need to buy a new phone.
*When things are involved TO is not required. Example: I need a new phone.

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.

1. She ___________ to visit Veracruz for her birthday.
Video: “Selena Gomez:
believes wants thinks Believe in Yourself
Motivational Speech”

2. We ___________ that learning about new cultures makes us grow.

want need know
3. He ___________ he can finish his homework before dinner.
thinks needs wants

4. They ___________ that going to the beach on weekends is a great idea.

want need believe

5. She ___________ to learn how to speak Spanish.

wants thinks believes

Unscramble the words to form complete sentences.

1. I / to / learn / English / want 4. a / bike / wants / new / he


_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

2. practice / she / to / folkloric/ dance / needs / every day 5. need / TV / our homework / before / we / to finish /
3. believe / in / they / hard work / success / leads to

_______________________________________________ Glossary
Believe = (verb) accept something as true
Belief = (noun) an acceptance that a statement is true


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Walk around the classroom, ask each question to a different classmate. Answer with complete
Pair Work statements using the underlined word. Write down the response. Look at the example.
Example: What do you think about traveling? I think traveling helps learn about new cultures.

1. What do you know about Morelia, Michoacán?


2. What do you need to buy when going on a trip?
3. What do you want to do on your next vacation?
4. What do you think about celebrating Halloween?

5. Which do you believe is the best city to travel to?
6. What do you know about the alebrijes?

Travel log Evaluate

Underline the appropriate verb to express desires or needs in each sentence.

1. Sarah (believes, needs) to finish her homework before dinner. New Mexican School

2. We (believe, want) that learning a new language is beneficial. Did you know that the first “Pueblo
3. He (wants, thinks) a new laptop for his upcoming project. Mágico” in Mexico was Huasca de

Ocampo in the heart of the state

4. I ( need, think) it's important to stay positive in difficult times. of Hidalgo?

5. They (believe, need) more time to prepare for the exam.


Match the sentences on the left expressing desires or needs with the appropriate responses.

1. I really want to visit Japan someday. a. I agree. It's important to stay healthy.
2. She believes that hard work is important. b. True! They help us keep family values and beliefs.
3. We know that traditions are important. c. Yes, it's a beautiful country with rich culture.

4. He thinks he should start exercising. d. Absolutely! Saving money helps achieve travel goals.
5. They need to save money for their vacation. e. I believe she is right.

Learning Evidence P14

In pairs, write and recreate a dialogue where you talk about

what you like most about your culture and how it influences
you in a positive manner.


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Workbook | U3 Progression 14

1. Circle the correct word that completes each statement.

a. I _______ it's going to rain later. think want

b. He _______ he can pass the exam. needs believes

c. They _______ learning Chinese is important. want know

d. Sandy _______ to visit her grandparents during the holidays. wants believes

e. We _______ that eating vegetables is good for our health. know need

f. Roberta _______ to buy a new laptop for work. believes needs

g. My father _______ to travel to Tamaulipas. wants knows

2. Complete the crossword puzzle with the verbs: need, want, think, know, believe.

1 2 Down:
1. Use this verb to describe a desire or
X 2. Use this verb to express a personal belief or
4. Use this verb to indicate certainty or
3 4
familiarity with a fact.

3. Use this verb to express an opinion or idea.
5. Use this verb to express something necessary

or required.

Pair Work 3. You are stranded on a desert island. Look at the objects below. Brainstorm a list of things
you think you would need. Then, discuss them and choose only three objects from the list.

I think we need… My partner thinks we need…


The three objects we chose are:

We chose these objects because:


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How am I doing?

to go to school?"

Education: A Human Right

Social Responsibility refers to the obligation for governments to act in the best interest
of their citizens. This includes providing services such as healthcare and education,
protecting people from harm, and ensuring that the legal system is fair and just.
With social responsibility comes the respect for human rights. Did you know that

education is a human right?
UNESCO states that education transforms the lives of future generations to a
better tomorrow, building a safe environment in peace and without poverty. Their
mission statement includes to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable
development. To be a meaningful right, education has to have the Four A’s, it has to be: available, accessible, acceptable

and adaptable.
Education should provide all students with the skills and knowledge, attitudes and behaviors to lead positive and
productive lives. Not only literacy and numeracy should be included, but also broad life skills that empower you to be
leaders and the makers of tomorrow.

Reading Comprehension: Vocabulary

available accessible
I. Write the correct term next to its description. Discuss the terms with your classmates.

acceptable adaptable
1. ________________ : The education system is 3. ________________ : Content of education is
non-discriminatory. relevant, non-discriminatory, culturally appropriate,
2. ________________ : Education evolves with and of quality.
the changing needs of society. 4. ________________ : Education should be free and
for all.

Reading Skills – Skimming and Scanning

II. Circle the correct answer.
1. Social responsibility includes: 3. One of the Four A’s of education is that it has to be:

education poverty government adaptable agreed on amazing

2. UNESCO mission statement includes: 4. Life skills empower you to be:
to build poverty to build hunger to build peace a mathematician an astronaut a leader


III. Underline the habits or skills that are not applicable for transforming your education.

sleeping late communicating critical thinking watching TV

collaborating with others skipping school being creative playing video games

Let’s Reflect
IV. Teamwork. You can raise awareness on the right to education. If individuals know their rights they are empowered to claim
them. Discuss in what other ways you can help raise awareness of the right for education.


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Destination: Unit Project 3

A Journey Through Literary Time


Create a storytelling experience that shows classic literature richness, and
Video: “Pixar in a Box:
the importance of grammar in narrative coherence. Introduction to Storytelling”

Teamwork Project

Step 1: The Adventure Begins
You are going to write an interesting story. Brainstorm your characters, plot, setting, climax, and resolution.
Fill in the chart.

Characters Setting Main Problem Resolution

Step 2: Story Segment
Write your story. Use sequence connectors to transition between events.
• Incorporate Past Continuous tense to vividly describe ongoing actions.
• Combine Simple Past and Past Continuous tenses to convey the
journey's progression.
• Include an unexpected ending in your story.

Step 3: Storytelling

Create a presentation for your story and present it to class.

Include pictures to help you tell your story.

Project Assessment Rubric:

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
1. 1

Presents a diverse range of Demonstrates creativity Shows minimal effort in

Brainstorming well-developed elements. and effort.
Presents basic elements.

Exceptional use of tense to Consistently utilizes tense

Generally uses tense to Rarely uses tense to
Grammar vividly describe ongoing effectively to describe
describe ongoing actions. describe ongoing actions.
actions. ongoing actions.

Engages audience
Engages audience effectively Struggles to engage Fails to engage the
adequately through
through captivating audience Utilizes some audience. Utilizes
Storytelling storytelling. Utilizes visuals to
captivating storytelling.
visuals to enhance the visuals inconsistently or
Utilizes visuals to enhance
enhance the narrative. narrative. ineffectively.
the narrative.


INGLES III U3 PRog 9-14 Y BACK.indd 99 28/05/24 11:50

How did I do? Evaluate

Read the statements. Shade the number of squares according to the scale.
1 - I do this with difficulty.
1 2 3 4 5
2 - I need more practice.
3 - I often do this well.
4 - I do this pretty well.
5 - I master this competence.

1 2 3 4 5

• Use the contrast between Simple Past and Past Continuous in

affirmative form.

• Narrate small stories about past anecdotes.

• Use the contrast between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous in
negative and interrogative.

• Describe anecdotes about actions that were in progress.

• Classify sequence connectors. X

• Talk about events that occurred at a particular time in the past.
• Apply the conjunctions when and while to express time, cause and
effect, contrast, and condition.

• Exchange information through own experiences.

• Use verbs that imply liking or disliking.


• Talk about tastes and preferences.


• Use the verbs that express desire or need.

• Express activities carried out by family members and relevant aspects

of Mexican culture.

• Compare and contrast social actions that occurred in the past.


• Create brochures to describe local celebrations.

• Identify the characteristics of a sociodrama.

• Encourage recognition, respect and appreciation for cultural diversity.


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How did I do? Evaluate



Read each of the statements carefully and write a number according to your perception of your partners’ performance. Use the
following code:

1 2 3 4 5

Always Almost always Sometimes Rarely Never

Classmate Me

Is willing to help his/her peers.

Is respectful to his/her peers.

Carries out the assignments within the group.

Brings the necessary materials when working in groups.

Participates actively in group activities.

Copies the work of other members of the group.

Co-Evaluation – Learning Co- and peer-evaluation means that students evaluate the
work they are doing and the teacher accepts or corrects the
evaluation made by the students.

Name: Date:

Signature of evaluator:

Mastery of contents (grammar & vocabulary)
Level of input (listening, reading) interpretation
Execution of procedures (tasks)
Application of concepts (grammar & vocabulary)

Attitude towards study
Learning effort

E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good A = Average NI = Needs Improvement


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Classroom-School- Community Project

Objectives: Understand the importance of inclusion and diversity.
Encourage reflection on personal experiences related to
inclusion. Explore how inclusion and empathy contribute to Video: “Offer Empathy”
a positive school-community environment.

Embracing Inclusion

Have you ever thought about what it means to be included? Inclusion is making sure that everyone feels welcome, valued,
and respected. It's like being part of a big team where everyone's unique qualities and differences are appreciated.
Inclusion means no one is left out because of who they are or what they believe in. The world is exciting because we
are all different! We come from various backgrounds, cultures, and families. No matter who we are, where we live, or

what we believe, we all deserve respect and equal opportunities.

Think about how you feel when you're included in a game or a group
project. It feels great, doesn't it? Now, imagine if someone was left out or
treated unfairly just because they were different. That wouldn't feel good
at all. Inclusion matters because it creates a world where everyone has a
chance to shine and be their best selves.
Sometimes, we might see or hear about unfair
things happening around us. It could be
someone being teased for how they look or not being included
in a game because they are new. It's up to us to speak up and stand up for what's
right. By showing kindness and respect to everyone, we can make a big difference

in our schools and communities.

What can you do to promote inclusion and human rights?


• Be a good friend to everyone, no matter their differences.

• Be open-minded and willing to learn about other cultures and traditions.

• Stand up against bullying or unfair treatment.

By embracing inclusion and standing up for human rights, you're helping to build a better, brighter world for everyone.

Passively excluded = students might not think to involve a student
Actively excluded = students might intentionally exclude a student
Actively persecuted = students bully a student through unkind words or actions


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Class Work
1. Complete the following with your personal answers. Then discuss in class.

Name a moment where you Name a moment where

Name your strengths Name your weaknesses
felt included you felt excluded

2. Think about the moment you felt excluded? Why were you excluded?
How did you feel? What could have been done to include you?

3. Discuss: What actions could you take to include…?

• a new student to a group of friends • an autistic student to your class

• a paralytic student to a sports class • a non-native speaker to your school

School Action X
4. Teamwork. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect of inclusion or human rights
(for example: cultural diversity, disability inclusion, LGBTQ+ rights). Research in what ways your school promotes
or supports inclusion related to your assigned theme.

Inclusion Theme: ______________________________________

Actions your school takes to Are they the proper actions?

What can be improved?
promote inclusion Why or why not?

5. In teams, create a poster or artwork that represents the assigned theme and its importance in promoting inclusion

in school.

Community Engagement
6. Invite a guest speaker, local activist, diversity educator,
company manager, etc.) to talk about their work
in promoting inclusion.

7. Make a short video promoting your assigned theme

and share it on social media.

New Mexican School

In May 2019, the Mexican Constitution was amended to incorporate paragraphs

into Article 3. This emphasizes that inclusive education should attend the diverse
abilities, circumstances, and needs of learners.


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Audio Transcripts U1


On Saturday, Aisha and Marcel are going on a trip. Aisha is making reservations in a luxurious hotel in
Cabo day after tomorrow. On Monday, Marcel is booking fun things to do there. Aisha is packing after
school because she doesn’t have time today. They are arriving next weekend. How exciting!

Sarah: Hey, guys! Have you thought about what jobs might be in demand in the future?
Alex: I have heard that jobs related to artificial intelligence and robotics have really taken off.
Emma: Absolutely! I have read about data science and machine learning being crucial in industries.

Sarah: Interesting! Have you guys seen the news about renewable energy jobs?
Alex: Yes! The push for sustainability is creating a lot of opportunities in the green energy sector.
Emma: And healthcare, too! With the aging population, nursing and caregiving jobs have been on
the rise.
Sarah: True. I also read that freelancing and remote work options have become important.
Alex: Have you heard about jobs related to space exploration and technology? With advancements
in space travel, there has been a need for engineers and scientists.
Sarah: Wow, that sounds cool! I guess the job market has transformed into a more diverse opportunity.

a. Mike is an intellectual. He has read so many books in just a short time.
b. Lucas and Sophie love extreme sports. They have gone skydiving four times now!
c. I have taken the bus this past week.
d. I love my job. I have worked at home for about three years now.
e. Lucero’s favorite place is the beach. She has traveled to Mexican beaches the whole year.

Tom: Hello, Susan! How are you?
Susan: Hi, Tom! I'm good, thanks. How about you?
Tom: Not bad. Have you ever been to London for work?

Susan: No, I have not been to London yet. Have you?

Tom: Yes, I have. I went there last year for a business conference. It was a great experience.
Susan: That sounds interesting. I have not traveled much for work. Where have you traveled recently?
Tom: I have visited Paris and Tokyo in the last six months. Both trips were for important meetings.
Susan: That's impressive! I have not traveled internationally for work yet. Have you ever had any
challenges while traveling?
Tom: Unfortunately, yes. I have missed a connecting flight before, and it was a bit stressful. How about

you? Have you ever missed a flight?

Susan: Yes, I have, but only once. It taught me to always check the flight schedule carefully.


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Audio Transcripts U2 |


1. My name is Rodrigo. Since I was twelve, I have evolved from a novice coder to a seasoned
programmer, embracing the evolving landscape of technology.
2. For the past 5 years, I've been immersed in the world of car mechanics. I am Bernardo and since I

first picked up a wrench as a teenager, working with my father in our small garage is what makes
me happy.
3. Hi! I am Edwin. For as long as I can remember, music has been my sanctuary since childhood. I
have perfected my skills over the years, mastering instruments and exploring genres.
4. Since my first steps, this town has been my home, shaping my experiences and molding me into

the person I am today. I am Itzel and for 17 years I have lived in Quintana Roo.
5. I am Luisa. Since my earliest days, I've helped tend to the animals, from feeding the chickens at
dawn to herding the cattle in the afternoon sun.
6. My best friends have been by my side. They call me Toto. Since childhood, we've shared
countless adventures, laughter, and tears. For me, they're more than just friends.


when you heard the good news?

Vanessa: Hello Kevin, congratulations on winning the scholarship! What were you doing yesterday

Kevin: Oh, I was sitting at home, scrolling through my phone when suddenly my mom called me.
Vanessa: And what was she saying?
Kevin: She was shouting with excitement. She was saying that I had won the scholarship I
applied for!
Vanessa: Wow, that's amazing! What were you feeling at that moment?
Kevin: I was jumping up and down with joy! I couldn't believe it was true.
Vanessa: How did you celebrate?

Kevin: Well, I was talking on the phone with my mom, so we were cheering and laughing together.
Vanessa: I bet you were smiling from ear to ear!
Kevin: Absolutely! It was one of the best moments of my life!

What was happening in Pine Ridge National Park last Saturday? A wildfire was raging for the past
week. It was not threatening nearby wildlife and homes. But people were calling firefighters to help
put out the fire.
The fire was not spreading rapidly, because strong winds were not blowing, and it was starting to
rain. "It was not an impossible task. We were doing everything we could to contain the fire."
said Chief Firefighter Ramirez.

Finally, the smoke was clearing, but residents were not returning to their homes until it was safe.
Before that, people were not thinking about the importance of fire safety measures and conservation
efforts in preventing future disasters. But now they do!


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Audio Transcripts U3

PROGRESSION 9 TRACK 9 When a group of teenagers woke up with no memory

Bruno is from Italy; he went on holidays with me last of their past, they were trapped in a mysterious place
winter. We went to Aspen, Colorado. It is a ski resort called the Glade.
town where you can practice winter sports and meet They were struggling to get out of the everchanging
interesting people from all over the world. We arrived maze while deadly creatures known as Grievers were
at Denver’s airport at 9:00 am. Then, we got to the attacking them. When
Colorado Express Mountain, and we traveled for an a new arrival triggered a series of events, they started
hour to White Mountain Resort, where we looked for to question everything they knew about their situation.
accommodation. As soon as we finished the check in, Tensions grew and alliances shifted when they had to

we took a long rest, because we didn’t sleep during the uncover the truth to escape and regain their freedom.
flight, so we were really tired. When I woke up, Bruno I like Maze Runner because it explores themes of
was watching TV. Then we ordered something to eat survival, friendship, identity, and the consequences of
and went to sleep. The next day, we took skiing lessons. scientific experimentation.
Rebeca, our instructor, was very patient with us, and

while we were taking our lesson, she was joking all the PROGRESSION 13 TRACK 13
time. We learned a lot about the different ski techniques. Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous soccer player known for
Did we enjoy our vacation? Of course! We had a great his incredible skills on the field. Off the field, Cristiano
time, and Bruno was happy while we were skiing. enjoys spending time with his family and friends, whether
it's playing video games or going on adventures. He
PROGRESSION 10 TRACK 10 loves working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
1. Did Randy and John go shopping? No, they did not. He often likes going to the gym or practicing his soccer
They went to eat a hamburger at the food court. skills. Cristiano loves traveling and experiencing different
2. Were they advertising the new brand on television?
No, they were not. They were doing it on a poster in
the street.
cultures, which fuels his curiosity about the world.
However, there are a few things Cristiano doesn't like
doing. He hates losing, as he's incredibly competitive
3. Were Mom and Dad buying clothes yesterday? No, and always strives to be the best. Additionally, Cristiano
they were not. They were grocery shopping. dislikes negativity and enjoys surrounding himself with
4. Did you find the soup on aisle B2? positivity and motivation. Despite his fame and success,
No, I didn’t. It was on aisle C3. Cristiano remains grounded and focused on his goals
5. Were the children playing in the playground? No, both on and off the field.
they were not. They were playing in the arcade.

PROGRESSION 11 TRACK 11 Milo: Hey, Lucy! Have you been to Mexico? I've always
Once upon a time, there was a young prince named wanted to visit and experience its culture and
Hamlet. He was sad because his father, the king, had traditions.
recently died. Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, married Lucy: No, I haven't been there yet. I think it would be

Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, and became the new an incredible experience to immerse ourselves in
king. This made Hamlet very upset and confused. Mexican culture.
Later one night, Hamlet was visited by the ghost of his Milo: Absolutely! I have always wanted to try authentic
father. Suddenly, the ghost told Hamlet that he was Mexican cuisine like tacos, enchiladas, and
murdered by Claudius who poured poison into his ear churros. I’ve heard they are delicious!
while he was sleeping. Lucy: Me too! And I need to see a traditional Mexican
After that, Hamlet investigated and discovered that festival, like Dia de los Muertos. I believe it would

Claudius was guilty of his father's murder. be a beautiful celebration to experience.

Then, Hamlet arranged a play acting the murder of his Milo: I want to learn more about their indigenous
father, hoping to provoke a reaction from Claudius. cultures and the significance behind their rituals
When Claudius reacted guiltily, finally, Hamlet found and ceremonies.
the courage to confront him. In a final duel, Hamlet Lucy: Same here! I believe there's so much we can learn
killed Claudius, but Hamlet was also mortally wounded from Mexican traditions, like their strong sense of
by a poisoned sword. In the end, Hamlet named family and community.
Fortinbras, as the new ruler of Denmark. Milo: Definitely. I think it's important to respect and
appreciate different cultures, and visiting Mexico
PROGRESSION 12 TRACK 12 would give us the opportunity to do just that.
My favorite best seller book is The Maze Runner by
James Dashner.

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The English Irregular Verb List | U1 U2 U3

Base Form Simple Past Past Participle 3rd Person Singular Present Participle / Gerund
awake awoke awoken awakes awaking
be was/were been is being
become became become becomes becoming
begin began begun begins beginning
blow blew blown blows blowing
break broke broken breaks breaking
bring brought brought brings bringing

build built built builds building
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned burns burning
buy bought bought buys buying
catch caught caught catches catching
choose chose chosen chooses choosing

come came come comes coming
cost cost cost costs costing
cut cut cut cuts cutting
dig dug dug digs digging
dive dived/dove dived dives diving
do did done does doing
drawn X
drive drove driven drives driving
eat ate eaten eats eating
fall fell fallen falls falling
feed fed fed feeds feeding
feel felt felt feels feeling
fight fought fought fights fighting

find found found finds finding

fit fit/fitted fit/fitted fits fitting
fly flew flown flies flying

forbid forbade/forbad forbidden forbids forbidding

forget forgot forgotten forgets foregetting
forgive forgave forgiven forgives forgiving
get got got/gotten gets getting
give gave given gives giving
go went gone goes going

grow grew grown grows growing

hang hung/hanged hung/hanged hangs hanging
have had had has having
hear heard heard hears hearing
hide hid hidden hides hiding
hit hit hit hits hitting
hold held held holds holding
hurt hurt hurt hurts hurting
keep kept kept keeps keeping
know knew known knows knowing

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The English Irregular Verb List
lay laid laid lays laying
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned learns learning
leave left left leaves leaving
lend lent lent lends lending
let let let lets letting
lie lay lain lies lying
light lit lit lights lighting
lose lost lost loses losing

make made made makes making
mean meant meant means meaning
meet met met meets meeting
mistake mistook mistaken mistakes mistaking
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood misunderstands misunderstanding

pay paid paid pays paying
put put put puts putting
read read read reads reading
ride rode ridden rides riding
ring rang rung rings ringing
run ran run runs running
X says
sell sold sold sells selling
send sent sent sends sending
shoot shot shot shoots shooting
show showed shown shows showing
sing sang sung sings singing

sink sank sunk sinks sinking

sit sat sat sits sitting
sleep slept slept sleeps sleeping

smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled smells smelling

speak spoke spoken speaks speaking
spend spent spent spends spending
stand stood stood stands standing
steal stole stolen steals stealing
swim swam swum swims swimming

take took taken takes taking

teach taught taught teaches teaching
tell told told tells telling
think thought thought thinks thinking
throw threw thrown throws throwing
understand understood understood understands understanding
wake woke woken wakes waking
wear wore worn wears wearing
win won won wins winning
write wrote written writes writing

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American and British English |

The list of common words in American and British English

American English British English American English British English American English British English
apartment flat (car) hood bonnet period full stop
argument row jello jelly pharmacist chemist
baby carriage pram jelly jam potato chips crisps
band-aid plaster kerosene paraffin rent hire
bathroom WC or loo lawyer solicitor sidewalk pavement
can tin license plate number plate soccer football

chopped beef mince line queue sweater jumper
cookie biscuit mail post subway metro / tube
corn maize motor home caravan trash can bin
diaper nappy movie theater cinema truck lorry
elevator lift muffler exhaust (car) trunk boot

eraser rubber napkin serviette vacation holiday
flashlight torch nothing nought (car) windshield windscreen
fries chips overpass flyover zip code postal code
gas petrol pacifier dummy
guy chap pants trousers
highway motorway parking lot car park

Understanding American English X

• Use last names with people you do not know. Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names.
• Always use “Ms.” when addressing women: It is important to use “Ms.” when addressing a woman. Only use “Mrs.” when
the woman has asked you to do so!
• Many Americans prefer first names: Americans often prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very
different positions. Americans will generally say, “Call me Jack.” and then expect you to remain on a first name basis.
• Americans prefer informal: in general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when
speaking with colleagues and acquaintances.

Common spelling differences between American and British English

American British

color colour

favorite favourite

honor honour

catalog catalogue

center centre

theater theatre

meter metre

check cheque

program programme


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At the Restaurant Daily Activities Shopping Center
appetizer brush the teeth aisle
bill do the laundry brand
bowl drive to work cart
charge feed the dog cashier
dinnerware get home discount
fork go to bed fashion
knife hang the clothes fitting room
napkin have breakfast food court

plate have dinner pack
side dish have lunch pharmacy
spoon iron the clothes product
tablecloth make the bed receipt
teaspoon take a taxi refund

tip wake up sale
Routines Literature
Travel climbing autobiography
airplane cooking biography
airport cycling character
check in
X dancing
do homework
drink water
check out drive a car genre
destination gardening legend
expenses listen to music nonfiction
front desk listening to music novel
guest ride a bicycle plot
hostel spend time with friends rhyme

itinerary taking photos setting

passenger watch TV
passport playing video games

train Culture
Celebrations ancestry
Work anniversary art
application April Fool’s Day bicultural
commuter celebration diversity
employee chant folklore
employer Christmas fusion cuisine

front desk cultural globalization

human resources Easter day heritage
manage festival indigenous
occupation fireworks nationality
office spectacle ritual
profession Thanksgiving taboo
salary tradition tradition
110 work

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Notes |



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