Mpp_execution (1)

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Execution Scenario: pharmacy database management

Screen 1:

User Name :




New User?

First screen will be the login for both admin and customer
Maintain single admin, customer can be multiple
 If Admin logged in show proper validation and messages
 If Customer logged in show proper validation and messages
 After clicking on view button for viewing and hiding the
 After clicking on new user it should navigate to next screen

Screen 2: table control screen For CRUD operations

product and Customer Detials

Med Id Medicine Name Company name Med type Cost

Insert Update Delete Clear

1. Medicine id field should be in non-editable and it should be SNRO

2. Medicine type field should be in dropdown (ex : tablet, syrups)
3. Validation must be done
4. If you click on Customer Details icon it should display the
customer details in grid alv format
5. Here validation need to be done for every field
6. If you click on X it should navigate to login screen
Screen 3:
If user clicks on new user it should navigate to tabstrip screen
Signup sceen Buy Medicine Update Profile

In Signup screen: screen 4

For creating new User:
Customer ID

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Gender M F T

Date of Birth





Password ****************
Confirm Password *****************

Sign In

1. Customer Id should be in non-editable mode (SNRO)

2. Concatenate first name, middle name, last name as NAME in
Database table
3. Use radio Buttons for gender
4. Country should be in F4 help
5. State should be in dropdown (Based on country selection)
6. City should be dropdown (Based on State selection)
7. Hide Password field
8. Use show button for viewing and hiding the password
Do necessary validations for each and every field.
In Buy medicine tab: screen 5

Mediicine Type

Here use drop down, based on the medicine type need to display the
data in alv format.

Screen 6: after clicking on customer details in admin side, need to

display the customer and medicine details in blocked alv format
Screen 7: update profile screen

Customer ID


1. Base in customer ID data need to be displayed in Grid format

2. Customer id should be in non-editable mode
3. The remaining field should be in editable mode ,user can edit and
save (update) the data.
4. Use update function module for updating the data.

 Use message classes
 field symbols

 proper naming conventions

 Text elements when necessary
 Maintain separate Package and TR
 Update function module for updation

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