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Thinking Doing
IB workshop
Initial Ideas Reflection
View the resources provided, then After observing the Initial ideas and
complete these two statements: Inquiry question:
concept maps of other teams,
1. Based on these resources, and How do we motivate update your own concept map to
what I already know, I think a a safe and reflect your current understanding
pleasant, impactful, and effective and complete this inquiry by finishing
workshop environment comes from… collaborative
the following statements:
2. I think workshop participants environment in all 1. My ideas are similar to other
might be affected by…
modes of delivery? people’s ideas in the following
3. Viewing these resources has also ways…
made me wonder about… 2. Ways that my ideas differ from
others include…
CONCEPT MAP: 3. As I worked on this inquiry, I found
Create a concept map of the terms I need to spend more time on…
below in relationship to facilitation of
IB workshops. Ensure that you New-updated CONCEPT MAP:
distinguish, where necessary, based
on mode of delivery.:

To encourage
participation in a
Establishing connections workshop or training
can enhance the session, it is
effectiveness of a important to
workshop or training maintain a positive
session. This can be and encouraging
achieved by using pre- attitude, and to
workshop surveys and draw on the
engaging participants in experiences of the
interactive games such participants to
as the "4 Corners of the motivate them.
Globe" game. In order to
To ensure that promote active
participants have involvement in a
understood the workshop or
material presented training session, it
in a workshop or is important to
training session, it facilitate the voice
is important to of the participants
follow up and and encourage
provide enough their active
time for them to participation.
ask questions and
clarify their
During a training or
workshop, it is important to
ask for clarification and not
assume that the participants
have acquired the
knowledge being presented.

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