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Title of module: Lecturer: Coursework: Coursework issue date: Coursework submission date: Assessment Task

Organizational Resource Management Mudassar Mehmood Assignment I 01/11/2011 01/12/2011 Critically analyse the relative role and collective impact of HRM, Marketing and IS in achieving organizational objectives.

Assessment Format Word Limit Learning outcomes to be examined Assessment Criteria Content, Style, Relevance, Critical Analysis Evidence of wide reading Conclusion Referencing and Bibliography

Essay 3000-3500 words 1,2,3 and 4 Explanatory Comments on the assessment criteria The ability to relate theory to the real world References from a wide range of academic sources Harvard style

Preparatory Task
Gather relevant information about HRM, marketing and IS to use as evidence to support your conclusions in each of the following tasks.

Critically analyse the HR planning process of an organization of your choice and assess the factor which affect the process. Assess the training need of the employees and develop a training program for them. Identify and critically analyze the recruitment and retention strategies of the organization. Identify the strategic objectives of an organization and evaluate the effectives of its HR strategies in achieving those objectives. Assume any product and develop a comprehensive marketing plan for the organization. Evaluate the contribution of marketing plan and strategies towards organization objectives. Assess the aptness of Information systems used by the organization to support the marketing and HR functions. Evaluate the possible risk associated with its IS and suggest the techniques to eliminate or minimise them Students should conform to the conventions of the above assessment format in the preparation of their assignments. The relevant assessment criteria have been stated to enable and guide students in the preparation of their work. Achievement of the learning outcomes and the application of relevant theories to the assessment task should be demonstrated. Detailed assessment criteria can be found on the Last Page.

Guide for Students

Penalties for Late submission of coursework If you fail to submit coursework on time you will be penalised on the following scale: 5% per day will be lost from your overall mark. (For purposes of calculating penalty each period of up to 24 hours after the initial submission is counted as 1 day). However, this will be capped at 25% (5 days) maximum penalty. Normally you will not be allowed to submit after the cut-off date. Saturdays and Sundays count as periods late when calculating the penalty. Extenuating Circumstances Extenuating circumstances normally mean circumstances beyond your control. Wherever you believe you have circumstances which constitute a good reason for the non submission of course work you can apply for a course work extension. This will be the responsibility of the Examination Board, but may be delegated to the Head of Academic Planning. Plagiarism and referencing Plagiarism is the failure to credit the writings or ideas of another person that you have used in your own work. In such cases you are, deliberately or inadvertently, attempting to pass their work off as your own. Be sure to record your sources when taking notes, and to cite these if you use ideas or, especially, quotations from the original source. Ensure that all works used are referenced appropriately in the text of your work and fully credited in your bibliography. It can also be plagiarism to summarise another person's ideas or judgements without reference to the source. Copying material from web pages without acknowledgement is plagiarism. Copying from another student (with or without their consent) is plagiarism and both parties will be subject to investigation and possible penalty so do not copy and do not allow others to copy from you. As a rule, the very least penalty you can expect is to receive zero for the module in question. Reassessment is often permitted for a first offence in the early stages of their study however a simultaneously or a second breach of the use of unfair means could result in your program of study being terminated

Learning outcomes 1. Understand the role of human resource manage in supporting business strategies. HRM link to organizational strategy, link to organizational purpose, recruitment, selection, reward management, training and development, performance management, employee relations, labour flexibility employee involvement, best practice human resource management. 1. Understand the role of human resource manage in supporting business strategies. Human resource planning: Internal factors, impact of technical change, location of production, skill requirement, workforce profile, external factors, supply of labour, labour cost, workforce skills, government policy, labour market competition, changing nature of work, employee expectations, impact of automation, impact of organizational change. 2. Know how to develop human resources in organization. Recruitment and retention: selection methods, induction, remuneration, reward, contractual terms, conditions of employment, reward management, career planning, organizational culture and ethos, corporate governance, managerial transparency, equity , enlargement, job enrichment, organization learning, intellectual capital, learning organization. 2. Know how to develop human resources in organization. HRD: Training needs analysis, training,

Assessment criteria: To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:

Identify the strategic objectives of an organization and evaluate the effectives of its HR strategies in achieving those objectives.

Critically analyse the HR planning process of an organization of your choice and assess the factor which affect the process.

Identify and critically analyze the recruitment and retention strategies of the organization.

Assess the training need of the employees and develop a training program for them. 4

coaching mentoring, career planning, performance management, performance indicators, job evaluation and appraisal, discipline procedure, grievance, employee engagement. 3.Understand the role of marketing in supporting business strategy. Marketing: organizational strategy and marketing, marketing techniques, marketing mix, supply chain, market analysis, competitor analysis, market segmentation, buyer behaviour, product positioning market, structure, branding, brand development, product life cycle, marketing strategies, marketing in service organization, marketing in not for profit. 3. Understand the role of marketing in supporting business strategy. Market development: marketing planning, operationalizing market plans product strategy, price strategy, IT and marketing viral marketing, relationship marketing, marketing and supply chain, logistics, ethical issues in marketing. 4.Understand the role of information system management in supporting business strategy. IS: organizational systems, software, hardware, data, processes, networks, purpose, structure, effectiveness m management of information system, synchronization of systems, harmonisation of system common data bases, alignment of information system management to organisational purposes, finance, legal and regulatory framework, corporate information structure requirement,

Evaluate the contribution of marketing plan and strategies towards organization objectives.

Assume any product and develop a comprehensive marketing plan for the organization.

Assess the aptness of Information systems used by the organization to support the marketing and HR functions

4.Understand the role of information system management in supporting business strategy. Operations management: data and information management, risk management, access control, physical security disaster recovery system, equipment and network management, software management.

Evaluate the possible risk associated with its IS and suggest the techniques to eliminate or minimise them

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