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E: Welcome to IBM. I am (Nombre).

Hi Mr (Nombre)

Hi Mr (Nombre)

E: let me introduce myself. I am the director of our management department here and we
have a vacancy, which is why we have been interviewing.

E: Please introduce yourselves and share a little about your studies.

My name is Axel Condori Hinostroza, I am 23 years old and from Peru. I am passionate about
sustainable infrastructure design. I am currently pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering at UTP

I'm (Name), I am 25 years old and from Perú. I studied Architecture at the UTP University. I
specialized in eco-friendly building design and now I work in an architectural firm that focuses
on sustainable projects.

E: very interesting. Now, I would like you to share an outstanding personal experience in your

For me, it was when I participated in an internship program at a well-known construction

company. During that time, I had the opportunity to work on a landmark project in the city,
designing the structure of a skyscraper.

One of the most enriching experiences was when I participated in an international

architectural competition. My team and I had to design a residential complex that integrated
concepts of energy efficiency and the use of renewable materials.

E: Now, let's talk about your future goals. What do you hope to achieve in your respective

My main goal is to become a reference in my field and contribute to the development of

sustainable infrastructure in my country.

My long-term goal is to establish my own architecture firm focused on sustainable design.

E: Finally, let's talk about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. How do you incorporate
wellness into your lives?

I make sure to exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet.

In addition to taking care of my body with exercise and healthy eating, I also put emphasis on
my emotional well-being.

E: Do you have any questions for me?

No, I don t have any.

E: Excellent! Thank you for participating in this interview, I hope to see you in the next one.

Thank you See you

thank you very much

E: Welcome to IBM. I am Marlon

A: Hello Mr. Marlon

J: Nice to meet you Marlon

E: I am the director of our management department and we have a limit of vacancies available,
which is why we have summoned you for this interview.

E: Please introduce yourselves and share a little about yourself and your studies.

My name is Axel Condori Hinostroza, I am 23 years old and I am of Peruvian nationality. I am

passionate about sustainable infrastructure design. I am currently studying Civil Engineering at
UTP University.

J: My name is Jean, I am 25 years old and I am from Peru. I studied Architecture at UTP
University. I specialized in green building design and now work at an architecture firm that
focuses on sustainable projects.

EN: very interesting, for both parties, they stand out in different areas. Now, I would like you to
share an outstanding personal experience in your field of work.

Axel:For me, it was when I participated in an internship program at a well-known construction

company. During that time I had the opportunity to work on an emblematic project in the city,
designing the structure of a skyscraper.

Jean: One of the most enriching experiences was when I participated in an international
architecture competition. My team and I had to design a residential complex that integrated
energy efficiency concepts and the use of renewable materials.

E: Now, let's talk about your future goals. What plans do you have for the future?

Axel: My main objective is to become a leader in my field and contribute to the development
of sustainable infrastructure in my country.
Jean: My long-term goal is to establish my own architecture studio focused on sustainable

E: Finally, let's talk about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. How do you incorporate
wellness into your lives?

Axel:I make sure to exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet.

Jean:In addition to taking care of my body with exercise and healthy eating, I also put emphasis
on my emotional well-being.

EN: Do you have any questions for me?

Axel: What degree did you study?

E: Good question Axel! It's interesting that you ask, I also studied Industrial Engineering at UTP
University, and I completed my studies at the age of 26.

Jean: Did you specialize in any area?

E: It's good that you asked Jean, I love the area of marketing, after completing my university
studies and obtaining my degree at the age of 23, I spent three years studying marketing

I: Do you have any other questions?

Axel: I think we don't have any more questions.

E: Excellent! Thank you for participating in this interview, we will call you soon.

Thanks, see you

thank you so much

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