Unit 1 (Global 10) (HS) Vocab+ Grammar

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New words (Từ mới)

Words Type Pronunciation Meaning

benefit (n) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợi ích

bond (n) /bɒnd/ sự gắn bó

breadwinner (n) /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ trụ cột gia đình

celebrate (v) /ˈselɪbreɪt/ tổ chức tiệc

achievement (n) /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ thành tựu

appreciate (v) /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ biết ơn, trân trọng

character (n) /ˈkærəktə(r)/ tính cách

cheer up (v) /tʃɪə(r) ʌp/ làm cho vui lên, cổ vũ

choice (n) /tʃɔɪs/ lựa chọn

cook (v) /kʊk/ nấu ăn

damage (v) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ phá hỏng

difficulty (n) /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ vấn đề khó khăn

discuss (v) /dɪˈskʌs/ thảo luận

divide (v) /dɪˈvaɪd/ chia

fair (adj) /feə(r)/ công bằng

gratitude (n) /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/ lòng biết ơn

grocery (n) /ˈɡrəʊsəri/ thực phẩm và tạp hóa

grow up (v) /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ trưởng thành


heavy lifting (n) /ˌhevi ˈlɪftɪŋ/ mang vác nặng

homemaker (n) /ˈhəʊmmeɪkə(r)/ người nội trợ

honest (adj) /ˈɒnɪst/ thật thà

household chore (n) /ˈhaʊshəʊld tʃɔː(r)/ công việc nhà

housework (n) /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ công việc nhà

instead of (adv) /ɪnˈsted əv/ thay cho

laundry (n) /ˈlɔːndri/ quần áo, đồ giặt là

life skill (n) /ˈlaɪf skɪl/ kĩ năng sống

list (n) /lɪst/ danh sách

manage (v) /ˈmænɪdʒ/ xoay sở

manner (n) /ˈmænə(r)/ tác phong, cách ứng xử

prepare (v) /prɪˈpeə(r)/ chuẩn bị

put out (v) /pʊt aʊt/ vứt

raise (v) /reɪz/ nuôi nấng

respect (n) /rɪˈspekt/ sự tôn trọng

responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ trách nhiệm

result (n) /rɪˈzʌlt/ kết quả

routine (n) /ruːˈtiːn/ công việc hằng ngày

rubbish (n) /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ rác rưởi

spotlessly (adv) /ˈspɒtləsli/ không tì vết

strengthen (v) /ˈstreŋkθn/ củng cố, làm mạnh

success (n) /səkˈses/ sự thành công

support (n, v) /səˈpɔːt/ sự ủng hộ, hỗ trợ

value (n) /ˈvæljuː/ giá trị

washing-up (n) /ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp/ việc rửa chén bát

task (n) /tɑːsk/ nhiệm vụ

truthful (adj) /ˈtruːθfl/ trung thực

I. Present simple and present continuous. (Thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
1. Công thức, dấu hiệu cách sử dụng

Present simple (Hiện tại đơn) Present Continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)

Công thức Công thức

(+) S + Vs, es/ V1 (+) S + is/ are/ am + V-ing

(-) S + do/ does + not + V1 (-) S + is/ are/ am + not + V-ing

(?) Do/ Does + S (?) Is/ Are/ Am + S + V-ing?

Cách dùng Cách dùng

- Hành động lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen - Hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm nói
- Hành động lâu dài, bền vững - Hành động tạm thời xảy ra
- Lịch trình, thời khóa biểu - Tình cảm, cảm xúc - Kế hoạch trong tương lai gần
- Chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên đúng

Dấu hiệu Dấu hiệu

- always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, - Look! / Listen! / Be quiet! / Be careful! /
seldom, occasionally, never, ... Don't make noise! / Keep silent!
- every day/week/ month/ year, … - now, right now, at the moment, at the
present, ...
- on Mondays/ Tuesdays, Sundays, ...
- today, these days, this week, this month, ...
- once/ twice / three times a week/ month
- every two weeks, every three months, ...

Chú ý Chú ý
Vị trí trạng từ tần suất (always, usually, often, Is/ Are/ Am + always/ forever + V-ing
sometimes, seldom, rarely, never)
- Diễn tả hành động xảy ra quá thường
- Trước động từ thường xuyên và mang lại cảm giác khó chịu
I often go out with my friends in the evening. You are always stepping on my foot.
- Sau động từ to be
I am never late for school.
- Giữa trợ động từ và động từ thường
He doesn't always get up early in the morning.

2. Các động từ không chia tiếp diễn

Senses / feel hear see smell taste


assume believe consider think

find (= consider) suppose feel doubt

forget imagine know mean

states notice recognize remember understand

want/ need fear dislike/ hate hope wish

Emotions /
desires like love mind prefer regret

Measureme contain/ consist cost hold measure weigh


look be depend
belong have seem/ appear

* Lưu ý: Những động từ này có thể sử dụng với thì tiếp diễn nhưng chúng mang ý nghĩa khác.

This coat feels nice and warm. John's feeling much better now. (His health is

She has three dogs and a cat. She's having supper. (She's eating).

I can see Anthony in the garden. I'm seeing Anthony later. (We are planning to meet)




Exercise 1. Write the words below into the correct column.

crash brother crowded cricket trousers

truth traffic credit cream broad
create brown train truck

/br/ /kr/ /tr/

_______________________ ________________________ _________________________

_______________________ ________________________ _________________________
_______________________ ________________________ _________________________
_______________________ ________________________ _________________________
_______________________ ________________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________ __________________________

Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. public B. globe C. brother D. climb
2. A. bull B. but C. son D. fun
3. A. clock B. secret C. specific D. education
4. A. children B. member C. content D. special
5. A. team B. patient C. between D. later
6. A. mum B. fun C. huge D. rubbish
7. A. heavy B. ready C. bread D. break
8. A. parents B. careers C. rings D. couples
9. A. establish B. significant C. financial D. economic
10. A. enjoyed B. developed C. prepared D. transformed
Exercise 3. Find the word whose main stress is different from others.
1. A. standard B. argue C. debate D. decade
2. A. amount B. adopt C. attend D. option
3. A. household B. laundry C. routine D. picnic
4. A. similar B. important C. atmosphere D. breadwinner

5. A. discipline B. emotion C. together D. consider
6. A. export B. knowledge C. technical D. resurface
7. A. society B. encouragement. C. relationship D. independen
8. A. provide B. private C. arrange D. advise
9. A. indicate B. forefinger C. procedure D. enemy
10. A. tiredness B. contribute C. benefit D. nursery
Exercise 1. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase from the box.

breadwinner housework groceries homemaker heavy lifting

responsibility gratitude strengthen family bond duty

1. Each of us must take ___________________ for our own actions.

2. How much do men share ___________________ and the care of the children?
3. Mothers have been leaving the traditional role of fulltime ___________________.
4. Do your ___________________ to your parents because they have given their entire lives to us.
5. A ___________________ is the strong connection that exists between family members.
6. The supermarket donated a year’s supply of ___________________ to one needy family.
7. We wish to show our ___________________ and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher’s Day!
8. This is a special set of exercises which will ___________________ your back muscles.
9. One of the causes of low back pain is poor lifting technique or frequent and __________________.
10. Women in the past have been content to let the man be the ___________________ and head of
Exercise 2. Fill in each blank with the correct word below.

bonds benefits example laundry

washing-up breadwinner chores role

1. Mr Long has found that his wife receives a great deal of love when he shares household _______.
2. In fact, childcare seems to have some important ____________for young children.
3. My mother was hanging out the ____________in the sun.
4. ____________in the extended family are generally very close.
5. Mothers play an enormous ___________ in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong.
6. You should set a good ____________for your little brother.
7. Traditionally, the ____________in the home is the father.
8. Every day at 7 pm, dinner is finished and the ____________is done.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct words.
1. Everyone in my family shares the cooking and domestic chores / housework.
2. Women became managers / breadwinners while their husbands went to fight in the war
3. Yesterday she went to the supermarket to buy the laundry / groceries and flowers.
4. For this exercise, the teacher is going to divide / make the class into tour groups.
5. You should tidy up / away your room at the weekend.
6. My sister did the laundry / groceries and hung wet clothes out to dry
7. My grandfather can’t do heavy lifting / loud voice because he has a bad back.
8. Every day after dinner I do the routine / washing-up before 1 do tny homework
9. My dad is the breadwinner / game-winner. He goes to work to support the family
10. My sister tries to get some simple basic home cook / cooking from my mother
Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D.
1. Studies show that doing chores _______ is good for children.
A. regular B. regularly C. regularity D. regularities
2. Housework is work around the house such as _______ cleaning or washing clothes.
A. cook B. cooks C. cooker D. cooking
3. They have to try to finish their tasks _______ they don’t enjoy doing them.
A. despite B. indeed C. although D. because
4. Parents will be able to see the classes broadcast _______ on the internet.
A. live B. life C. living D. lives
5. Children need to learn to take care _______ other family members.
A. of B. to C. for D. with
6. Jessica always quibbles about _______ affairs with her mother.
A. homework B. homemaker C. household D. housewife
7. Her dad usually _______ a bedtime story to her and her brother.
A. read B. is reading C. reads D. doesn’t read
8. His parents always listen to him and _______ whenever he has problems.
A. cheer up he B. cheer up him
C. cheer he up D. cheer him up
9. I _______ outside with my friends now because it.
A. am playing - rains B. am not playing - is raining
C. am not playing - rains D. don’t play - is raining
10. Is it true that women more assertive in the past decade?
A. have become B. became
C. become D. are becoming

11. The kid feels _______ that he knows how to run a washing machine.
A. proud B. pride C. proudly D. prideful
12. The material has exceptionally high _______ for its weight.
A. strong B. strength C. strongly D. strengthen
13. Your living is determined so much by the attitude you bring _______ life.
A. to B. from C. on D. in
14. The point of the program is to empower young fathers with _______ skills.
A. parenting B. parented C. parents D. parent
15. Family values define what is _______ to your family - the beliefs and ideas that bind your
family together.
A. mean B. meaning
C. meaningful D. meaningfully
16. On the top of British family values are the values of _______ truthful and honest.
A. be B. to be C. been D. being
17. To_______ responsibility is to accept the duty of deciding for oneself what is right.
A. make B. take C. get D. have
18. In this photo, my grandfather _______ beside a lake near my house.
A. is walking B. walks C. was walking D. walked
19. I _______ tired now. I think I _______ at home and watch TV tonight.
A. am - will stay B. will be - will stay C. am - am staying D. am - stay
20. I _______ my grandparents in the countryside next week. I can’t wait!
A. visit B. will be visiting
C. will visit D. am going to visit
Exercise 5. Choose the answer which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words.
1. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among Vietnamese people.
A. popular B. rare C. regular D. communal
2. It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.
A. context B. notion C. proof D. reality
3. The more successful we are at extending longevity, the more it will cost us.
A. endurance B. durability
C. year D. life expectancy
4. They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.
A. bear B. feed C. raise D. teach
5. The number of children and the family dynamics have changed over time.
A. extents B. norms C. standards D. motions

Exercise 6. Choose the answer which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words.
1. These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic targets.
A. critical B. vital C. key D. unplanned
2. I’m sure that his parents won’t allow him to stay out late.
A. permit B. admit C. ban D. grant
3. Each school should evolve its own way of teaching during the pandemiC.
A. decrease B. develop C. leave D. diminish
4. Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university’s institute.
A. group B. entity C. privacy D. persons
5. Nowadays many women refuse to take on the traditional woman’s role.
A. classic B. modern C. ancient D. old
Exercise 7. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. For a small woman, she has surprising __________________. (strong)
2. They relied __________________on the advice of their grandparents. (heavy)
3. She doesn’t have to do anything except __________________a little. (cook)
4. The kitchen was __________________clean, with nothing out of place. (spot)
5. The book provides __________________information on recent trends. (value)
6. No one can tell you what book to buy - that’s a __________________choice. (person)
7. You should make friends with whom you share common __________________. (interest)
8. __________________housework helps young people learn to be more responsible. (Share)
9. Teenagers need love, __________________and reassurance from their parents. (encourage)
10. Cycling is highly __________________to health and the environment. (benefit)
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1. Who is responsible ________ taking care of the children?
2. Would you like to share your feelings ________ the group?
3. Parents should set an example ________ their children.
4. Doing exercise regularly is good ________ you.
5. Close relationship is one of the most effective ways _____ creating a good atmosphere ______ all
of us.
6. The most important thing that my old grandparents care ________ is health.
7. I have quite a good relationship ________ my teachers and classmates.
8. She’d like to show a deep gratitude ______ the teacher who had encouraged her to go to university.
9. What are the qualities that are needed ________ job?
10. My dad and I do the repairs ________ the house.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous.
1. My brothers ____________________ TV now. (not watch)
2. I ____________________ English at school five periods a week. (study)
3. My cat ____________________ at the moment. (not sleep)
4. What ____________________ your mother ____________________ every morning? (do)
5. What’s that noise? – Carl ____________________ the piano. (play)
6. My best friend ____________________ football every weekend. (not play)
7. ____________________ Angelina ____________________ skirts? (always wear)
8. That girl over there ____________________ a beautiful dress. (wear)
9. They sometimes ____________________ chess during break time. (play)
10. Katy ____________________ the windows because it’s too hot inside. (open)
11. I ____________________ this is a good idea. (not think)
12. Don’t disturb him. He ____________________ to sleep. (try)
13. You ____________________ a lot! Stop it a moment please. (talk)
14. Shops ____________________ late on Saturday and Sunday nights. (close)
15. Jim ____________________ lemonade or soft drink at night. (never drink)
16. Teachers ____________________ with students in summer. (usually travel)
17. ____________________ the students ___________________ to school by bus? (travel)
18. What social media ____________________ you ____________________? (usually read)
19. _________________ you _______________ the television? Can I turn it off? (watch)
20. We __________ to Da Lat on holiday, but this week we ______ to Phu Quoc. (usually go)/(go)
21. We ____________________ that car. (not own)
22. I think this box ____________________ about 9 kilos. (weigh)
23. Johnathan ____________________ his old friends this afternoon. (see)
24. Are you free tonight? We ____________________ a party. (have)
25. In my opinion, she ____________________ beautiful. (not be)
26. How much ____________________ the ticket ____________________? (cost)
27. Take an umbrella. It ____________________ outside at the moment. (rain)
28. We ____________________ anything special for this event. (not have)
29. Call later. My sister ____________________ for her exam now. (study)
30. Right now I ____________________ for information about famous artists. (look)

Exercise 10. Choose the underlined words that need correction.
1. There is no question that life for women is more difficult than life for man.
2. Family life had completely transformed during generations since the rise of technology.
3. Technology makes our lives easier and it makes us to feel like we are more in touch with the
4. Family life may have changed but family values today remain as strongly as they were.
5. Women have attained immense succeed in every field, whether it is sports, politics or academics.


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