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1. Anita is looking at the appearance of the night sky in late August as shown in the following
image. In 2020, the Moon is the best time to view Jupiter and Saturn.

When looking up at the sky, the planets Jupiter and Saturn are shown successively in the sign
…. Z and x
2. The planets that are classified as outer planets are …. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
3. Mars is a planet that is considered similar to Earth. If indeed the planet Mars has life then it
should at least... have water in liquid form
4. Venus has a farther distance relative to the Sun compared to Mercury which is the closest
planet to the Sun. The future of planet Earth will be as threatened as planet Venus if….
Humans let the greenhouse effect continue
5. Mars is included in the Terrestrial planet group because …. has a large size and its
constituents are metals and silicates
6. The celestial body that limits the solar system to interstellar space where the influence of
the sun's gravity is very weak and easily disturbed by other stars passing by is…. Oort cloud
7. The movement of the planet Earth around the sun is usually called …. revolution
8. As a result of the rotation of the earth is ….
Daily Pseudo Motion of the Sun
Time Zone Difference
Deflection of Wind Direction
Deflection of the Direction of Sea Water Currents
9. One of the effects of the earth's rotation is the difference in time zones. Indonesia has three
divisions of time which are determined based on …. position relative to longitude line
10. The Coriolis force affects the deflection of the wind direction. Winds are deflected to the
right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The reason for
this phenomenon is... The earth is spherical and rotates
11. The lunar eclipse occurs when …. the position of the earth is between the sun and the moon
in a straight line
12. Look at the picture of the position of the Sun (M), Earth (B), and Moon (b) in the following
Based on the picture shown. Full moon events occur at the time month is in the number
position.... 3 and 4
13. Observe the following events.
1) Salt making
2) Tidal rice fields
3) Filter drinking water
4) Ship sailing to the pier
5) Tidal power generator
Events tides are the impact of the movement of the moon. The following are activities that
take advantage of the ebb and flow of sea water indicated by the number…. 1, 2, 4, and 5

14. Look at the following picture of the movement of the earth around the sun and the moon
around the earth!

The neap tide occurs when …. the position of the moon is at point 2 or 4

15. The phenomenon of a solar eclipse does not always occur during the new moon phase. This
is because…. the moon's orbit is tilted 5° to the plane of the ecliptic

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