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Soal Latihan Pre Final Test

Do the test below and send back the answer to my email at :

A. MCC - Answer thee question with 2 answers choices :

1. In article 33 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, it is stated that economy

is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship. From the
statement above, it means that in economic the business activities the
principle of cooperation is used, helping each other in an atmosphere of
economic democracy to achieve mutual prosperity in a fair manner.
The following is cooperation form in the economic sector which expected of
this article is ………....
A. Cooperative Savings and Loans Unit
B. Multi – Business Cooperative
D. Commander Vennootschap (CV)

2. Humans are social being who need help or cooperation to get things done.
This happens because of a common interest and awareness in order to
achieve common interests. The following objectives of cooperation in all
aspects are:
A. Strengthening brotherhood and togetherness
B. Exclusive and biased to certain group
C. Encouraging the emergence the spirit of chauvinism
D. Doing heavy work to be light work

3. Cooperation is a basic form of social interaction. Cooperation can describe

many forms of social interaction. Cooperation is intended as a joint effort
between individuals or groups of people to achieve one or several common
goals. Cooperation will occur if people realize that they have the same
interests and at the same time have enough knowledge and control of
themselves to achieve shared interests. ( Charles H. Cooley )
The following statement shows the benefits of cooperation is ........and …..
A. to improve efficiency
B. to improve productivity
C. to expand social net
D. to create a comfortable environment

Pay attention to the following info graphic

4. The incorrect statement on the results of the National Survey, Life Experiences of
Children and Adolescents show that ……
A. 1 of 17 teen boys and 1 of 11 teen girls have experienced physical violence.
B. 1 of 2 teen boys and 3 of 5 teen girls have experienced emotional violence.
C. 1 of 3 teen boys and 1 of 5 teen girls experience sexual violence
D. 3 of 5 teen girls and I of 2 teen boys dominated experience in emotional violence
5. The data reveals that high levels of violence against children occur on ……..
A. 1 of 2 teen boys and 3 of 5 teen girls have experienced emotional violence.
B. 2 of 3 teenager of Indonesia experience violence.
C. The majority of violence victim occur among the teen boys
D. The age range of violence victim is above 17 years

7. Possible consequences will arise if violence on children continues to go on is ...

A. Decreased brain function
B. Unwilling to socialize
C. Often participates in religious activities
D. More browsing by cellular phone

8. The ways to avoid violence against teenagers, its best is ………

A. girls have to be more careful than boys
B. developing 2-ways communication
C. Instilling moral education
D. Imposing strict sanctions

B. Essay

9. The concept of an archipelagic state as a basic principle of international law only gained
international acceptance with the adoption and enactment of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982. Through this convention,
Indonesia obtained legal recognition of its status as an archipelagic state.

The above statement determines 3 Indonesian maritime boundaries based on international

law. Write 3 Indonesian maritime territorial boundaries, included its respective

10. Humans as social creatures can never be separated from the norms that apply in society.
There are at least four norms that are applied in everyday life.
Write and explain the 4 norms existed in our daily life.

---------------------------------------------------- good luck----------------------------------------------

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