Latihan soal XII

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This text is for questions number 1-2

1. . “Interested candidate, please bring your CV and ….”

The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
a. Correspondence
b. Applicant
c. Owner
d. Worker
e. Leader
2. “Walk-in interview” is one of the models of job vacancies. It means that the
applicants should ….
a. call the company to get a job.
b. wait for the call from the company.
c. send their job application by email.
d. send their job application to the company by
e. bring their application and having interview
directly without any arrangement before.
3. . The expression that can be used in opening paragraph and expressing interest on
filling certain position is ….
a. Thank you for considering my request.
b. I am writing to apply for the staff position.
c. Please give my application strong consideration.
d. I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.
e. The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting.
4. The correct expression in closing paragraph in job application is ….
a. Dear Sir or Madam.
b. Thank you for considering my request.
c. I am writing to you in response to your
advertisement for a writer position.
d. I am writing to you in response to my
advertisement for a writer position.
e. I believe that my past experience meet the
requirement of your company need.
5. There are some characteristics in composing the application letter, EXCEPT ….
a. using action verb
b. using active voice
c. using short words
d. using short sentences
e. using informal words
6. Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence.
the1 – nurse2 – apply3 – position4 – I5 – for6 – writing7 – to8 – am9
The best arrangement for the jumbled words above is ….
a. 5 – 9 – 7 – 8 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4
b. 5 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 8
c. 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 4
d. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 8 – 3 – 6
e. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 8

This text is for questions number 7-10

7. The first Coachella Festival was held in ....

a. 2003
b. 2012
c. 1999
d. 2015
e. 1993
8. The third paragraph mainly talks about ....
a. the Woodstock event
b. the concert-goers
c. the music genres
d. the camping
e. the tickets
9. . The statement which is true based on the text is ....
a. The festival has more than one stage.
b. The first festival was held in April 10-12.
c. The fans were not allowed to camp in 2003.
d. The admission tickets were sold out in 2012.
e. The Coachella Festival only hosts music performances.
10. “The festival was founded by Paul Tollet in 1999.” (paragraph 1) 29. The underlined
word can be replaced by ....
a. discovered
b. bargained
c. invented
d. started
e. caught

This text is for questions number 11-14

11. Vultures cannot be found in ...

a. Asia and Europe
b. Africa and Europe
c. Asia and Australia
d. Africa and Antarctica
e. Australia and Antarctica

12. The statement which is true about the Old World Vultures is ....
a. They are found in Americas.
b. They use both sight to find food.
c. They use tremendous sense of smell to find food.
d. They are bigger than the New World Vultures.
e. They are found in Asia, Europe, and Australia.

“Vultures are endangered animals.” (p.4)

13. The opposite word of ‘endangered’ is ...
a. Threatened
b. Protected
c. vanishing
d. Scarce
e. Rare

14. From the last paragraph we can infer that ....

a. Vultures are threatened with extinction mostly because of food poisoning.
b. Poachers hunt vultures to make traditional medicine.
c. There are only a small number of vultures which is threatened with extinction.
d. Poachers killed elephants to be fed to the vultures.
e. Vultures are easy to find in poaching locations.
15. News is important because ….
a. it provides us information
b. it gives us amusements
c. it exercises our eyes
d. it is not interesting
e. it wastes our time

16. Listening to news can help increase our .…

a. nutrition
b. listening skill
c. health condition
d. interests in sport
e. sources of pleasure

This text is for questions number 17-20

17. The expression “some people consider this to be beneficial” can be paraphrased into .…
a. it is said to have some advantages
b. people have consideration
c. there are many disadvantages
d. the benefit of this news is great
e. the benefits are reflected in the news

18. The word “required” is closest in meaning to .…

a. vital
b. needed
c. optional
d. requirements
e. computerized

19. One of the positive points for having this new regulation applied is .…
a. It will make the quality of local workers better
b. Investors will not want to invest in Indonesia
c. Companies will have to hire more workers
d. It increases the quality of foreign workers
e. It arises controversies in society.

20. One of the negative points for having this new regulation applied is .…
a. Foreign workers need to speak in English
b. Local workers need to learn a second language
c. The importance of Bahasa Indonesia will be lessen
d. Bahasa Indonesia will be compulsory for local workers
e. Bahasa Indonesia will be important for foreign workers

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