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Final Exam


Dr: Shaymaa Bayoumi

Student name: Hany Hosny Mohamed

Student ID Number: 22221035339

MBA Group: 246

Summary of the case

Rachel Adams founded the Independent Center for Clinical Research

(ICCR) to offer independent, credible, and cost-effective clinical trials.
Under her transformational leadership, ICCR grew rapidly, employing
100 mostly female staff and generating $6 million in revenue.
However, growth led to challenges: Rachel's extensive travel reduced
her engagement with daily operations and employees, and strategic
decisions began shifting away from her original vision.

1-What is it about Rachel’s leadership that clearly suggests that she is engaged
in transformational leadership?

A. Visionary LEADERSHIP:
- Created a unique vision for ICCR as an independent research center.
- Focused on blending credible science with cost-effective clinical trials.
- Set ICCR apart from traditional pharmaceutical companies.

B. Inspirational Motivation:
- Radiates positivity and optimism, encouraging a similar attitude among employees.
- Takes risks and embraces new opportunities, motivating employees to innovate.
- Weekly talks to keep employees motivated and aligned with the company’s vision.

C. Individualized Consideration:
- Implemented on-site day care to support employees with children.
- Introduced flexible scheduling for mothers with young children.
- Offered full health coverage to part-time employees, shows the she values and care for her
- Actively supports women’s health issues and participates in national committees, emphasizing
her commitment to gender-specific concerns.

D. Intellectual Stimulation:
- Encourages free thinking and openness to new ideas.
- Fosters an environment where creativity and innovation are valued and rewarded.
- Challenges employees to think critically and explore new ways of achieving goals.

E. Role Modeling:
- Acts as a role model, especially for female employees.
- Demonstrates successful leadership while balancing support for women's issues.
- Employees look up to her for inspiration and guidance in their professional lives.

2. In what ways has the growth of ICCR had an impact on Rachel’s leadership?

A. Reduced Direct Engagement:

- Increased travel has limited her ability to be present in the office.
- Feels distant from day-to-day operations, losing touch with the company's daily workings.
- Reduced personal interactions with employees, weakening her influence and connection.

B. Decreased Personal Interaction:

- Shifted from weekly pep talks to only two formal presentations a year.
- Employees are less familiar with her, some not knowing her personally.
- The personal touch that characterized her leadership has diminished.

C. Delegation of Authority:
- Growth necessitated delegation of planning and decision-making to department heads.
- Department heads are making strategic decisions that may not align with her original vision.
- Feels a loss of control over the strategic direction and core focus of ICCR.

3. Given the problems Rachel is confronting as a result of the growth of the
company, what should she do to re-establish herself as a transformational
leader at ICCR?

A. Re-engage with Employees:

- Schedule regular virtual town hall meetings to share updates and gather feedback.
- Increase presence through regular site visits.
- Organize small group meetings to maintain a personal connection with employees.

B. Strengthen Leadership Team Alignment:

- Conduct strategic retreats with department heads to ensure alignment with the company’s
- Foster continuous dialogue about the company’s mission and goals.
- Create a shared vision among the leadership team to maintain coherence in decision-making.

C. Delegate Effectively but Maintain Visionary Control:

- Establish a strategic oversight committee or advisory board to monitor major decisions.
- Retain control over the strategic vision while delegating operational tasks.
- Regularly review and approve strategic plans to ensure alignment with ICCR’s core values.

D. Enhance Internal Communication:

- Implement regular newsletters or updates detailing company achievements and goals.
- Encourage two-way communication through surveys and suggestion boxes.
- Hold regular meetings to discuss progress and address employee concerns.

E. Empower and Develop Leaders:
- Introduce mentorship programs and leadership training workshops.
- Create continuous learning opportunities for leaders to develop transformational leadership
- Promote a culture of leadership development to build a strong, aligned team.

F. Reaffirm the Company’s Mission and Values:

- Frequently communicate the company’s founding principles and values.
- Celebrate achievements that align with ICCR’s vision.
- Publicly recognize employees who exemplify the company’s mission and values.

By implementing these actions, Rachel can re-establish her presence

and influence ensuring that the company continues to grow in line
with her vision.

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