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px | St Foseph’s College Total pages: 5 & SI Integrated Humanities Time allowed: 60 minutes Final Examination 2021-22 Total marks: 100 Name: _(ahviel_So class:_[A (26) PUT ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED Section A. Multiple choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each) Choose the BEST answer. 1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a global city? A. Hong Kong B. New York C. Ulaanbaatar D. Tokyo 2, Hong Kong enjoys free flow of @ talent i) information Gi) capital A. (@and Gi) only B. (and Gii) only C. ii) and (ii) only D. @, Gi) and (ii) 3. Which of the following is an example of non-renewable energy? A, Solar energy B. Nuclear energy C. Hydroelectric energy D. Geothermal energy 4. The SR Principles can be practised by individuals to ensure sustainable development. “SR” includes: (i) Reuse) (ii) Reject) (ii) Reset (iv) Report (v) Recycled A. (D. (ii) and (iv) only B. (i), (ii) and (v) only . Gi) and (iv) only D. (iii), (iv) and (v) only 10. Currently, the largest producer of hydroelectric power, solar power and wind power is A. China B. Russia . India D. Germany ‘Which of the following is NOT a key element in the description of weather and climate? ‘A. Air temperature B. Brightness C. Wind direction D. Relative humidity In general, average temperature would be higher in areas with A. lower latitude B. higher latitude C. lower longitude x D. higher longitude % Which of the following substances would cause the greenhouse effect? @ Ethanol (i) Methane (ii) Carbon dioxide A. @ and (ii) only B. @ and (ii) only i only D. @, Gi) and (iii) Warmer environment leads relative humidity in dry areas, the chance of soil erosion, and. the situation of desertification. A. lower...decreases...improves B. lower...increases...worsens C. higher...decrease. D. higher...increases... worsens Which of the following is NOT a change which has occurred Hong Kong's climate in recent decades? ‘A. Decreased visibility B. Increased frequency of rainstorms C. Increased number of hot nights D. Increased wind speeds Section B. Fill in the blanks (16 marks, 2 marks each) Fill in each blank with the MOST suitable word. Fill in ONE word per blank. Hong Kong has a high degree of __(1) freedom which offers people an ideal platform to establish media organisations in Hong Kong. There is little to no __(2)__ of information to ensure people can receive and spread information via the internet without excessive restrictions. b. There is arising __(3) for energy, while its _(4) fails to keep up. As a result, the problem of energy shortage is worsening. ‘The key element that measures the amount of rain is called __(5)___ (also known as rainfall). In general, areas around the Tropic of Cancer (j.e, 23.5 degrees north) and the __(6)___ (ie. zero degree latitude) have higher amounts of this element. d. As temperature and rainfall patterns change, the __(7) __ (.¢. living environment) of animals will also change. Ifa species fails to adapt to the changes, they would die in large numbers, resulting in eventual (8) of that species. Section C. Completing diagram (10 marks, 2 marks each) ‘The diagram below shows the workings of the greenhouse effect. Complete the diagram with the MOST suitable word in each blank. 1. The sun’s energy reaches the earth’s : 2. The earth’s surface 5. The earth is kept f: some of this energy. 7 -— Section D. Matching (20 marks, 2 marks each) 1, Hectopascal (hPa) 4 Y. A type of fossil fuel. 2. Coal 3. Sulphur dioxide 4. Nitrous oxide BR Established in 1997. Some countries agreed to limit their emissions of greenhouse gases. 5. PM2.5 |X. The unit of measurement for ar pressure, 6. Paris Agreement iM-F Signed in 2015. Participating countries agreed to revise their emission targets and measures every five years. 7. Kyoto Protocol S Causes acid rain, 8, Nuclear fuel “HA cause of global energy shortage. 9. Population growth x. A result of fossil fuel mining. 10. Soil erosion | Highly radioactive in nature. Section E. Short questions (16 marks) You must use complete sentences to answer the following questions. 1. State TWO ways in which energy is significant to human society. (4 marks) 2. State TWO potential problems created by climate change. (4 marks) 3. State and explain ONE reason why itis difficult for different countries to reach/enforce agreements and treaties with each other regarding sustainable development. (4 marks) 4. State and explain ONE reason why renewable energy cannot completely replace non-renewable energy as the major source of energy in the near futur. (4:marks) Section F. Data response questions (18 marks) ‘You must use’ complete sentences to answer the following questions. Question 1 (10 marks) Source A: A brief introduction of Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme in Hong Kong The first phase of the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme (#7fTEMAAFYIUC#2) is scheduled to begin on 1* September 2022. Adopting the “polluter-pays” principle, people would be charged depending on the amount of solid wastes they have created. Types of waste to be charged include domestic waste (from homes), commercial and industrial wastes (from firms). ‘The goal of the scheme is to discourage people from creating solid wastes through imposition of potential financial burden on polluters. It is estimated that there would be a decrease of 57% in solid wastes within a year of implementation of the scheme. a. State the definition of sustainable development. (2. marks) b. Evaluate whether the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme is effective to the sustainable development of Hong Kong with reference to economic, environmental, and social dimensions Wwe [ee (6 marks) c. Besides the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme, state ONE measure the Hong Kong government can carry out to enhance sustainable development in Hong Kong. (2 marks) Question 2 (8 marks) Source B: Housing Affordability Index 2022 of selected economies Selected Economy’ ‘Housing Affordability Index* 2022 Hong Kong 0.34 Singapore : 0.94 Seoul 0.46 Paris 0.92 London 1.08 Tokyo 1.34 *The higher the index number, the more affordable housing is. a. State whether the source has shown a push drive or pull drive of Hong Kong to transnationals. Briefly explain your answers. (2 marks) b. Apart from Source B, state ONE push drive of Hong Kong to transnationals. (2 marks) Apart from Source B, state ONE pull drive of Hong Kong to transnationals. (2 marks) d. State ONE measure the Hong Kong government can carry out to attract foreign talent to work in Hong Kong. (2 marks) END OF PAPER Zo i 2 St. Joseph’s College Wetl Dorm, va SI Integrated Humanities Final Examination 2021-22 ‘Total pages: 5 ANSWER SHEET Name:__ Gabriel So class:_]A_( 2¢ ) A) Multiple choice questions (20 marks) Choose the BEST answer. Geol : «C20 [ep [40 [5A [ep] A RC T98 Gy: ) Fill in the blanks (16 marks) Fill in each blank with the MOST suitable word. Fill in ONE word per blank. 3B 1 press 5 precipita tig > restriction 6 fyuator dermand habitat iS suppl] 5 extinction C) Com) di: (10 marks) 4 Ca? 2 absorbs 3 Grwnhouse~ 4 rervadiatyk zl ([ 2 & warm D) Matching (20 marks) Qoed LEJEA ot A EET [ey HE 20 E) Short questions (16 marks) ‘You must use complete sentences to answer the following questions. f mY Enea) iscqudiint human tart, beans Ath 1b énproes | * ne teil ae ona ng FAs roa] tential prs shh | the tnelting ef Ze in te Arc eT awh cea levels will rise, lead ike Hoody i jions. Secondly, Chere will feo wi lis As high fempernlare is favoarble for bacteria growth ay the high fengertlare preching Fe Fonpernte Lones, diseases will berme more anh wore in the world. Qs = It, [kc tilt fr dient ett rach agmannti | aucoding tn tnoney and eogrnghi cal location go Ct teats it fr Siitad(e daialagtnerdt Pea Toate e eronswie Dimengty Rereuble energy Cornet cenpletely rgb goh- renewable ; the tnajor _sourte_ of fu a |_feyewdl ourtes are intecinitfeat in nature, Ar exaryjle, | ink sa hol Miss Ua onl ae Gan deel tad leaps dias |_Adritto ue 2s_ne a n= |_Vemwwelle ones. Ac a repdt, renewcble (onnot _Latuple egles tan Wenevelle enteyy ® tions (18 marks) ‘You must use complete sentences to answer the following questions. ‘Question 1(10 marks) a fhe Thee Huvivgdl Soll Wide Uragint ene eterno |S -| te the onctainalle developmart of Hang lang, beer regarding | . ic Dimension, Hang bo out 5 es) eure the mount _of aster whi the | ae oF Hang ee ai e_eeirommenta was As otha ees 9s, it~ worsens a ce) Detressing the anount of solid wastes will alse = 4 ie ves the global _wornig. 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