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Matrix number: BK21110182

Tutorial 3

A. Impulse current generator circuit with C1 is 1.2n F.

1. Hand calculation of L1, R3 and im.

1 ω
tf = tan( )
ω α

t t=

√ 1
L1 C 1
− α2

π −6
20 ×10 =
ω=157.08 ×10
−61 157.08 ×10
8 ×10 = 3
tan( )
157.08 ×10 α

α =3.0508 ×10

157.08 ×103 =
√ 1
L1 (1.2× 10 )
−(3.0508 ×10 3)2

L1=33.76 mH

R3=2× L1 × α
−3 3
¿ 2 ×33.76 ×10 × 3.0508 ×10
¿ 205.99 Ω
V1 − αt
i m= ×e f

ω L1
140 ×10 −(3.0508×10 )(8 ×10
3 −6
¿ 3 −3
(157.08 ×10 )(33.76 ×10 )
¿ 25.76 A

2. Simulation result of front time, tail time and the peak value of the output current.
10% and 90% ,50% peak
−6 −9 −6
t f =6.3478 ×10 − 666.807 ×10 =5.6810 ×10 s
t t=22.957 × 10 s
I o (t f )=8.6471 A

B. Impulse current generator circuit with C1 is 8 uF and L1 is 8.125 uH.

1. Hand calculation of R3 and im.

−6 3
R3=2× 8.125× 10 ×3.0508 × 10
¿ 49.58 × 10 Ω
L1 C 1
− α2

√ 1
−6 −6
(8.125 ×10 )(8 ×10 )
¿ 124.00 ×10
−(3.0508 ×10 3)2

V1 − αt
i m= ×e f

ω L1
140 ×10 3
−(3.0508× 10 )(8 ×10
¿ 3 −6
(124.00 ×10 )(8.125 ×10 )
¿ 135.61 kA

2. Simulation result of front time, tail time and the peak value of the output current.
10% and 90% ,50% peak
−6 −9 −6
t f =9.558 ×10 − 1.3274 ×10 =9.5567 × 10 s
t t=22.957 × 10 s
I o (t f )=132.395 kA

C. Discussion

In the realm of simulating the generation of impulse voltage, the discrepancy between
the peak current value obtained in simulations and the actual values observed can often
perplex engineers and researchers alike. This phenomenon occurs due to various factors
inherent in the simulation process. One primary reason is the simplification of models and
assumptions made during simulation, which may not fully capture the intricacies of real-
world conditions. Additionally, the simulation environment might lack the fidelity to
accurately replicate all the dynamic aspects of impulse voltage generation. Furthermore,
imperfections in the components used in simulations, such as circuit elements and
transmission lines, can contribute to deviations from real-world measurements. Moreover,
environmental factors like stray capacitance and inductance may not be adequately accounted
for in simulations, leading to discrepancies between simulated and actual peak current values.
Hence, while simulations serve as invaluable tools for analysis and prediction, the inherent
limitations underscore the importance of validation against real-world data to ensure accuracy
and reliability in the study of impulse voltage generation.

In the simulation of the generation of impulse voltage, it's not uncommon to observe
differences between the front time and tail time values obtained through simulation compared
to those expected theoretically. These differences can occur due to various factors inherent in
the simulation setup and the real-world conditions. One reason for the lower values could be
attributed to the simplifications and assumptions made in the simulation model. Often,
simulation models rely on idealized conditions and simplified representations of the physical
phenomena involved, which may not fully capture the complexities of the real system.
Additionally, factors such as parasitic elements, non-linearities, and imperfections in the
simulation setup can contribute to discrepancies between simulated and theoretical values.
Moreover, variations in component characteristics, environmental factors, and measurement
inaccuracies can also influence the results. Therefore, while simulations provide valuable
insights into the behavior of impulse voltage generation systems, it's essential to interpret the
results with caution and consider the limitations and uncertainties inherent in the simulation
D. Conclusion

In conclusion, the simulation of impulse voltage generation presents challenges

related to discrepancies in both peak current values and front time and tail time values. These
issues arise from a combination of factors, including model simplifications, environmental
conditions, and component imperfections. While simulations offer valuable insights into
system behavior, caution must be exercised in interpreting results due to the inherent
limitations of simulation approaches. Validation against real-world data is essential to ensure
accuracy and reliability in the analysis of impulse voltage generation phenomena. By
acknowledging these challenges and addressing them through careful validation, researchers
and engineers can enhance the effectiveness of simulations and advance understanding in this

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