Gem Assessment

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Getting Started with Vendor Assessment gemacminecemorg | MON WL4.4:28 PM | 2 min read Dear MANOM, “Thankyou for rointring onthe GeM Por for Venda Asssement “The proces of th esesment inci two sages: Sage I: Des Assessment Suge 2 Video Assesmeat, + Desktop Assessment (Stage 1) ‘The Destop Assesment requires yout fil in bse nfomaton along with ploding relevant documents within 2 working ys. Aer he Desktop Assessment is ome, QCL wil tke 2 day tine review the submited form. any non-somplince is dtcted an e-mail infring abot he sme willbe sent you and note 2 working days willbe given o cones Once the Desitop Assessnent frm i fll veifed by QC, you would be eligible for sage ie, Video + Video Assesment Stage 2) ‘The Video Astron wil be cond tog a wdetlephoy proses, Vidso Assesment wil nol valdting al the process montionedinDsstap Assesment, Before roesding inthis pase ofthe assessment, an mal earn he selection ofthe dt nd tne ot wl be shared with you. The 2nd phase of the asec wil bg spr te carefully chose wad dte shot Request you oatach relevant documents, wherever applica ia he Assessment. lease ase the below we pot ink ofl the Desktop Assessment For ‘ser 1D aya Password: MvKISIGe For any fuer slriications and ques, the deine helpline number is +1-9810811852 “Thanks! Warm Regarés Quality Coun of ada Helpline Numbers 919810811852

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