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English-ll (Answers)

1. Adjective- adds something to the meaning of the noun “waters”.
2. Adverb- adds something to the meaning of the verb “lives”.
3. Preposition- shows the relation between ‘storm’ and ‘comes’.
4. Adjective- adds something to the meaning of the noun “effects”.
5. Adjective- adds something to the meaning of the noun “train”.
6. Adverb- adds something to the meaning of the verb “weigh”.
7. Preposition- shows the relation between ‘all’ and ‘battle’.
8. Preposition- shows the relation between ‘yard’ and ‘me’.
9. Adverb- adds something to the meaning of the verb “came”.
10. Verb- says something about ‘Moham medans’.
11. Noun- the name of something.
12. Preposition- shows the relation between ‘is’ and ‘committee’.
13. Adverb- adds something to the meaning of the verb “moves”.
14. Noun- the name of something.
15. Conjunction- joins the two parts ‘I will watch’ and ‘you sleep’.
16. Verb- says something about.

1. Them
2. I
3. They
4. Me
5. Me
6. I
7. I
8. Me
9. They
10. I
11. Me
12. I
13. Him
14. I
15. Him
16. Him
17. Him
18. They
19. Them
1. Who
2. Whom/What
3. Who
4. Whom
5. Whom
6. What/Who
7. Who
8. Whom/what
9. Whom/what
10. What/whom
11. Whom
12. Which
13. Whom
14. Whom/what

1. Wants
2. Bought
3. Have just cleared
4. Has been raining
5. Have done
6. Smell
7. Is rising
8. Has been
9. Rarely comes
10. Have been waiting
11. Broke
12. Have seen
13. Have arrived
14. Haven’t seen

It is years since I saw him. He has seen his best days.
Of late the custom has fallen into use.
The lot fell upon him.
The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm
He spoke freely when he had drunk alcohol.
Marathi is spoken in the Maharashtra.
My patience wore out at last.
The inscription has worn away in several places.
In a fit of rage, she tore up the letter
The country is torn by factions.
He has been stung by a scorpion.
The remark stung him.
You look as if you had run all the way home.
He ran for his life.
Once Sydney Smith, being asked his name by the servant, found to his dismay that he had forgotten
his own name.
A better day for a drive could not have been chosen. Computer technology has come a long way
since 1970s.The old beggar was bitten by a mad dog.
A mad dog bit him.
The boy has swum across the Indus.
A cloud swam slowly across the moon.
I think he should have written and told us.
Honesty is written on his face.
He laid the book on the table. He had not laid a finger on him. They laid their heads together.
We lay beneath a spreading oak. He has long lain under suspicion.
A beautiful shot from cover-point took off the balls.
He has taken a fancy to the boy.
Recently the price of sugar has gone up. The argument went home. The verdict went against him.
He had begun his speech before we arrived. He began to talk nonsense.
Do as you are bid/bidden. He bade us goodbye.
He bid three hundred rupees for the pony.
Has the warming-bell rung?
I rang him up last night.
Someone has stolen my purse. She stole his heart.
You must reap what you have sown.
Poor fellow! he was very hard. They say he drove a hard bargain
It seemed to me that she had never sung so well. Our bugles sang truce.
He was much shaken by the news. His voice shook as he spoke.
He is eaten up with pride. In the end he ate his words.
Let us have done with it. I did my duty.
Homer describes a race of men who sprang from the gods.
The ship sprang a leak.
Has Rustum shown you his camera? He showed a clean pair of heels.
The explorers were frozen to death. The blood froze in their veins.
I was struck by a stone.
It never struck me before that he was old.
I found upon inquiry that I had mistaken the house.
He mistook me for my brother.
Go, ask the ferrier whether he has shod the horses yet.
His path was strewn with flowers.
His voice gradually sank to a whisper.
And thousands had sunk to the ground overpowered.
He has risen from the ranks.
Walking through the jungle, he trod on a snake.
As his friends expected he rose to the occasion.
On the arrival of a policeman, he beat a hasty retreat.
He beat the Afghans in a bloody battle.
It was not the only battle in which they were beaten.
The tempest blew the ship ashore.
Walking on the beach, we caught sight of a strange bird.
He has caught a Tartar. After the storm we had a spell of fine weather.
The story is tediously spun out.
It for a joke. He was mean for a lawyer.
Suddenly the wind arose. There never has arisen great man.
who has not yet been misunderstood.
Who drew the first prior? He has drawn a wrong inference.
The train drew up to the station.
I certainly understood you to make that promise.
I am afraid I did not make myself understood.
He was accidentally shot in the arm.
He is not known ever to have shrunk from an encounter.
There was no cruelty from which the robber chief shrank.
I noticed that he smelt of brandy.
The cart stuck in the mud.
The soldiers swore allegiance to the Constitution of India. He was yesterday sworn in as a member of
the Legislative Council.
The waves wept the pier. The pier was swept away.
Plague wept off millions.
Often a lie has cost a life.
His folly cost him years of poverty.
A rupee bought twice as much fifteen years ago.
His enemies crew/crowed over his fall.
He dealt unfairly with his partner. The robber dealt him a blow on the head.
His rashness lost him his life. Lost time is never found again.
The man who yields to the fascination of the gaming-table is lost.
Sir, I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.
The picture found its way to the auction-room.
Christ forgave his crucifiers.
It is said of Akbar that he rarely slept more than three hours at a time.
His company is greatly sought after. It might be truly said of him that he never sought honor.
Adam and his wide hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God.
He fell never to rise again. A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among
He has fallen asleep.
He has set his heart on success.
The teacher set them an example.
He died at a ripe old age.
I saw her singing at her work.
He has seen the ups and downs of life.
The news spoiled my dinner.
He has left a large family. The police left no stone unturned to trace the culprits.
Three years she grew in sun and shower. Some of these wars have grown out of commercial
I have thought of a plan.
I thought of Chatterton, the marvelous boy.
He became the slave of low desires.
Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note.
He hopes his prayer will be heard.
He fought for the crown. He has fought a good fight.
His courage forsook him. He has forsaken his old friends.
The village master taught his little school.
They have taught their tongue to speak lies.
She wrung her hands in agony.
Any appeal for help wrung her heart.
He wound up by appealing to the audience to contribute to the fund.
He was thrust through with a javelin.
He has said the last word on the matter.
The bird has flown away.
The bird flew over the tree.
The murderer has fled to Australia.
The terrified people fled to the mountains.
During the night the river had overflowed its banks.

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