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Backwards Planning Lesson Plan: Basic Needs of Humans, Plants, and


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to infer the basic needs of humans, plants, and animals (air,
food, water, and shelter) to sustain life.


Teacher Observation Checklist: Students will participate in a class discussion and complete a worksheet
identifying the basic needs of humans, plants, and animals.

Key Points:
 Humans, plants, and animals have basic needs in order to survive and thrive.
 The basic needs of living things include air, food, water, and shelter.
 Each living thing has unique requirements for these basic needs.

 Begin the lesson by eliciting students' prior knowledge about what they think is necessary for
humans, plants, and animals to live.
 Show a picture of a human, plant, and animal and ask students to identify the basic needs that
each might require.
 Discuss students' responses and encourage them to think critically about why these needs are
essential for survival.

Introduction to New Material:

 Introduce the concept of basic needs by defining the term and providing examples.
 Explain that all living things, including humans, plants, and animals, have basic needs that
must be met to ensure their survival.
 Present the four basic needs: air, food, water, and shelter, and explain their importance for
each type of living thing.
 Address a common misconception: Some students might think that animals and plants don't
need air to survive, so clarify that all living things require air in some form.

Guided Practice:
 Provide guided practice opportunities for students to reinforce their understanding of basic
 Present scenarios or images depicting different living things and ask students to identify the
basic needs for each.
 Scaffold questioning from easy to hard, starting with humans and progressing to plants and
 Monitor student performance by circulating the classroom, providing guidance, and checking
for understanding.
 Offer feedback and clarification as needed during the practice activities.

Independent Practice:
 Assign students a worksheet where they need to identify the basic needs of humans, plants,
and animals.
 Provide clear behavioral expectations for the work time and remind students to refer to the
key points discussed in class.
 Circulate the classroom to monitor student progress and provide individual assistance where
 Collect the completed worksheets for assessment purposes.

 To summarize the lesson, have a class discussion to review the basic needs of humans, plants,
and animals.
 Ask students to share their worksheet responses and explain their reasoning behind their
 Emphasize the importance of understanding basic needs for all living things and how meeting
these needs contributes to their survival.

Extension Activity:
 For students who finish early, provide them with additional resources, such as books or online
articles, to research more about the basic needs of specific animals or plants.
 Encourage them to create a poster or a short presentation showcasing their findings.

 As a homework activity, ask students to observe the basic needs of humans, plants, or animals
in their own environment.
 They can record their observations in a journal or create a visual representation of what they

Standards Addressed:
 Philippines Standard 1: Grade 3 Science - Earth and Space - The learner demonstrates
understanding of the basic needs of plants and animals.
 Philippines Standard 2: Grade 3 Science - Life Science - The learner demonstrates
understanding of the basic needs of humans.

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