Letter Class 6

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Neela, my dearest,

When I found out about your kidney problems, I felt really sorry. I want you to know that
you're never far from my thoughts, even though I can't begin to imagine how tough this
must be for you.

I want you to concentrate on your well-being and recovery at this time. Know that you are
not experiencing this alone. I want to help in any way I can, and I'm here for you at every
turn. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need someone to chat to, help with
errands, or simply have something to divert your attention.
Remember all of our enjoyable moments spent together as well as our future travel plans. I
am so excited to laugh and recollect with you once more. I'm sending you all of my love and
good vibes until then.

My dear friend, get well soon. I hope you feel better soon since I miss you.

If there is any letter format given by your school teacher use that.

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