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A. 4 Stages Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier Circuit

1. Hand calculation of Ripple Voltage.

I 1 n(n+1)
δV =
fC 2
5 ×10 4(4+ 1)
¿ −6
(120)(0.05 ×10 ) 2
¿ 8.33 ×10 V

2. Hand calculation of Voltage Drop.

∆V = [
I 1 2 n3 n 2 n
fC 3
+ −
2 6 ]
[ ]
−3 3 2
5 ×10 2(4 ) (4) 4
¿ −6
+ −
(120)(0.05 ×10 ) 3 2 6
¿ 41.67 × 10 V
3. Simulation result of Ripple Voltage.

(PSPICE circuit)

4. Simulation result of Voltage Drop.

B. 8 Stages Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier Circuit

1. Hand calculation of Ripple Voltage.

I 1 n(n+1)
δV =
fC 2
5 ×10 8(8+1)
¿ −6
(120)(0.05 ×10 ) 2
¿ 30 ×10 V

2. Hand calculation of Voltage Drop.

∆V = [ ]
I 1 2 n3
fC 3

[ ]
5 ×10−3 2(8)
¿ −6
(120)(0.05 ×10 ) 3
¿ 284.44 × 10 V

3. Simulation result of Ripple Voltage.

4. Simulation result of Voltage Drop.

C. Discussion

The Ripple voltage in a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit is caused

by the charging and discharging of the capacitors in the circuit. In a voltage multiplier
circuit, such as the Cockcroft-Walton configuration, the output voltage is not perfectly
smooth due to the charging and discharging cycles of the capacitors. This results in a
ripple voltage, which is the AC component superimposed on the DC output voltage.
The ripple voltage is influenced by various factors including the number of stages in
the multiplier circuit. In general, as you increase the number of stages in the
Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit, the ripple voltage tends to decrease.
When comparing a 4-stage Cockcroft-Walton multiplier to an 8-stage one, the main
difference lies in the number of capacitor stages. An 8-stage multiplier has more
capacitors in series compared to a 4-stage multiplier. More stages mean that there are
more capacitors charging and discharging in sequence, which helps to smooth out the
output voltage and reduce the ripple. Therefore, all else being equal, the ripple voltage
in an 8-stage Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit would typically be lower
compared to a 4-stage one. However, it's essential to consider other factors such as
component tolerances, load conditions, and frequency of operation, which can also
influence the ripple voltage.

The voltage drop in a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit refers to the

decrease in voltage from the input to the output of the circuit. This drop occurs due to
various factors including diode forward voltage drop, capacitor voltage ratings, and
losses in the circuit. When comparing a 4-stage Cockcroft-Walton multiplier to an 8-
stage one, the main difference lies in the number of stages in the multiplier circuit.
Each stage of the multiplier contributes to increasing the output voltage, but it also
introduces losses. In general, as you increase the number of stages in the Cockcroft-
Walton voltage multiplier circuit, the voltage drop tends to be larger. This is because
each additional stage adds more diodes and capacitors, which introduce more losses
into the circuit. However, while the voltage drop may be larger in an 8-stage
multiplier compared to a 4-stage one, the overall output voltage can still be higher in
the 8-stage circuit due to the cumulative effect of the additional stages. The increase
in voltage from stage to stage typically outweighs the increase in losses, resulting in a
higher overall output voltage.

Therefore, while the voltage drop may differ between a 4-stage and an 8-stage
Cockcroft-Walton multiplier circuit, the key factor to consider is the overall output
voltage, which tends to be higher in the circuit with more stages.


In summary, the voltage drop in a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit

varies with the number of stages. Generally, increasing the number of stages, such as
from 4 to 8 stages, tends to result in a larger voltage drop due to additional losses
introduced by more diodes and capacitors. However, despite this increase in voltage
drop, the overall output voltage of the circuit typically increases with more stages due
to the cumulative effect of additional stages, resulting in a higher output voltage in the
8-stage circuit compared to the 4-stage one.

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