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ENS6127 Final


ENS6127 Master of Engineering: Project 2

Supervisor: Dr Yasir AL-ABDELI

Modelling and optimization of HVAC system for a commercial


Muhammad Zeeshan AHSAN

Student # 10397947
Master of Mechanical Engineering (I59)
Edith Cowan University

Date of Submission: 30/10/2017

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I declare this thesis to be my own work, unless otherwise referenced, and I am fully aware
of plagiarism policies of ECU which have been followed while writing this work

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I would like to take this opportunity to commend the staff of ECU for their assistance
throughout the project. In particular, I would like to thank Dr.Yasir AL-ABDELI for his
guidance and continued support throughout the development of this project. Without his
supervision, it would have been impossible for me to achieve the project objectives. Finally,
I would like to thank my parents, especially my mother who continues to inspire me, and
has been instrumental in helping me reach where I am today.

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HVAC systems are instrumental in providing the comfort level for occupants inside a
building. Around 82% of the buildings in the world have HVAC system installed within in
some capacity and this trend is ever growing. The primary fuel of this power is coal, and its
consumption have wide ranging impacts both economically, and environmentally. The aim
of this project is to analyse and differentiate the impact of various parameters in an average
size room on the overall load consumption against Perth weather. These parameters are
contribution of construction material, occupancy, building orientation, type of activities
inside a room. This analysis will help us devise strategies to conserve energy. In addition, a
heating load and cooling loads are calculated for both winter and summer respectively. On
the basis of these loads, a more detailed cost and CO2 emission analysis is also carried out
to evaluate the effect of power generation in economic and environmental terms. All of
these objectives are achieved with the help of a software called HAP Carrier.

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Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................................................................................................7
1.1 Report structure:.......................................................................................................................11
1.2 Project objectives:.....................................................................................................................12
1.1 Significance of project:..............................................................................................................12
Chapter 2: Literature Review...............................................................................................................13
2.1 Modelling by HAP Carrier:.........................................................................................................15
2.1.1 System design features:......................................................................................................16
2.1.2 Energy analysis features:....................................................................................................16
2.1.3 Climate analysis features:...................................................................................................16
2.1.4 Load calculation features:...................................................................................................16
2.1.5 Air system features:............................................................................................................16
2.1.6 Energy system features:......................................................................................................16
2.1.7 Plant equipment features:..................................................................................................16
2.1.8 Utility rate features:............................................................................................................16
Chapter 3:Methodology......................................................................................................................17
3.1 Software:...................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Weather:....................................................................................................................................18
3.3 Windows, building wall and roof:..............................................................................................18
3.4 Mathematical relationships:......................................................................................................19
3.5 Thermal load:.............................................................................................................................19
3.6 Room selected:..........................................................................................................................21
3.6.1 Window:.............................................................................................................................23
3.6.2 Wall:....................................................................................................................................23
3.6.3 Roof:...................................................................................................................................24
3.6.4 Heat load due to people:....................................................................................................24
3.7 Cost:...........................................................................................................................................24
3.8 CO2 emission calculations:........................................................................................................25
Chapter 4: Results and disscussion......................................................................................................26
4.1 Load calculation analysis for one room:....................................................................................26
4.1.1 Changing single value:........................................................................................................30
4.1.2 Changing multiple value:....................................................................................................31
4.2 Impact of occupants and their activity on load consumption:...................................................34
4.3 Building orientation:..................................................................................................................35

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4.4 Cost estimation analysis:...........................................................................................................36

4.4.1 Cost difference by changing single value :..........................................................................37
4.4.2 Cost difference by changing multiple values:......................................................................38
4.4.3 Impact of occupants and their activity on cost:..................................................................39
4.4.4 Building orientation effect on cost:.....................................................................................40
4.5 CO2 emission calculation:..........................................................................................................40
4.5.1 Impact on CO2 emission by changing single value :............................................................41
4.5.2 Impact on CO2 emission by changing multiple values:.......................................................42
4.5.3 Impact of occupants and their activity on CO2 emissions:.................................................42
4.5.4 Building orientation Impact on CO2 emission:....................................................................43
Chapter 5: Conclusion and future recommendation...........................................................................44
Apendix A
Apendix B
Apendix C

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This chapter is gives an introduction about HVAC systems, their
significance, applications, and thermal performance evaluation. Besides, there is an
overview of about significance of Building services, and the components of load generation
inside it. Throughout humankind’s history, humans have conceived methods for changing
energy into work for them. They have found methods of developing new techniques for
cultivating food instead of looking for it in the wild. People even have devised techniques
about how to convey electronically as opposed to utilising a delivery person or utilising a
post service. This regularly developing thirst to imagine for quicker, simpler, and more
productive methods to meet human needs has led to new energy solutions over the course
of human history. However, the assets at presently utilised for producing energy for the
most part non-renewable sources are running out. The contamination delivered by the
utilisation of these resources is fundamental driver of harming the planet's natural order.
Thus, individuals are starting to search for proficient power utilisation to meet their
consistently developing energy needs.(Caldas and Norford 2003)

The sun is the most established natural source of energy. It been providing energy and light
for billions of years and maintainability of a wide range of life on the planet is directly
dependant on it. energy, in all its forms, begins with the sun. In any case, from the earliest
starting point people have thought that it was difficult to control it, and along these lines
investigation for different sources of energy started. For example, humankind influenced an
innovation to create their heat from wood, to oil and gas and so forth. However,
incineration has been one of the widely used source of power production. (Scotton, Lirong
et al. 2013)

With the expansion in human population with the passage of time, humankind reliance on
fire has enlarged. This upgrade in number occurred due to extraordinary inadequacy of
wood in a few sections of the planet. For example, by the sixteenth century, in UK number
of trees had decreased to such a low because of over cutting and the locals began to employ
other sources of fuel. Rather than trees, Coal, oil, and gas were utilised. These are
additionally called non-renewable energy sources because of their extraction from fossilised
plant and creature material from profound underneath ground. Subsequently, began the

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utilisation of petroleum derivatives. The Industrial Revolution brought a monstrous change

for individuals around the globe as reliance on machines replaced physical work. Before
long, the hardware principle fuel was coal, and it went ahead until twentieth century when
the option petroleum products like oil and gas emerged into spotlight and dependence on
coal diminished. In the 1960's the atomic innovation happened for power production.

Presently as we move forward into future the energy efficient innovations have been
foreseen as the significant source of energy. Nonetheless, the reliance on traditional sources
can't be ruled out entirely. After the advancement of industry in later past an unnatural
weather change has turned out to be one of the consuming concerns of 21st century and
there have been broad endeavours going ahead around the globe to make the current
advances in green energy more effective.(Fernandez, Katipamula et al. 2015) In such
manner, demonstrating of energy efficient techniques is one of the urgent territory of
research going ahead. This field empowers specialists to relate their insight into Physics,
math, and science with monetary and environmental energy practices. The primary aspect
of energy research is to innovate sustainable techniques to operate buildings and
manufacturing facilities.

Nowadays, Modelling of HVAC energy systems is hot topic for researchers around the globe
considering around 40-60% of energy consumption in commercial sector comes from HVAC
systems load consumption. It all started in early 1920’s, and at present they are installed in
82% of the buildings worldwide.(Wang, Chang et al. 2014). HVAC normally referred to as ‘’
air conditioning’’ deals with controlling the temperature, outside air supply for air
movement, filtration of air, and ventilation. All of these tasks are achieved by the following

1. Heating – generating heat energy inside the observatory environment to augment

and sustain the temperature.
2. Cooling – Heat removal from the inside area to mitigate the temperature
3. Humidifying – Increase of moisture content inside the air by adding water vapours
4. Dehumidifying – Removing water vapours in the environment to reduce humidity.
5. Cleaning – filtering the dust, particles, insects from the air to improve the quality of
6. Ventilation –Naturally (windows etc.) or mechanically exchanging the air to the
7. Air movement - Ventilation and heat transfer is achieved by circulation and mixing of
air through conditioned space

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Primarily, HVAC systems are used to provide adequate atmosphere and comfortability to
human beings either to work or live inside a structure, which is heavily reliant on the climate
outside. The value of each of aforementioned processes change with the weather. E.g. in a
dessert the key processes are cooling, air movement humidifying, and dehumidifying,
whereas, heating and cooling are main processes in a cold environment. However, (HVAC)
systems comprises of different components working together to distribute, introduce, and
condition air for maintaining the human comfort level.(Wang, Lin et al. 2015)
Basic components of HVAC systems are fans, boiler, chiller, cooling tower, heat exchanger,
furnace, coil, Condensing unit, ducts thermostats, vent and refrigerant ducts (Firszt, 23
November2014). Moreover, one of the key entities in HVAC systems are Air handling units
(AHU). AHU is an assembly of fans, and other essential equipment to perform cleaning,
heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, and mixing the air.

AHU controls and regulate the following parameters.

 Air Movement
 Temperature
 Humidity
 Air Cleanliness

Another key component of Chiller is used to remove the heat from the liquid using the
fundamentals of vapour absorption or vapour compression cycle.(Homod, Sahari et al. 2014)
The circulating liquid cools the surrounding environment. A brief description of vapour
compression cycle is as below.

There are four major processes in a vapour compression cycle, which are in the following

1. Heating inside evaporator

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2. Compression

3. Heat removal in condenser

4. Expansion

Designing the HVAC systems are one of the key aspects of building services, and now a brief
introduction of building services is given as below.

Building services is field where engineers work together with other professionals such as
structural engineers, architects, and quantity surveyors to ensure the right architecture,
sustainability of a building as well as meeting its energy demand. Along with construction,
instrumentation, and security, building service engineers are also responsible for heating,
cooling, ventilation, humidity, lighting, and acoustic design to provide the required internal
environment. (ASHRAE.2009)

Heat transfer from occupants in a building to its surroundings consists of:

Conduction: the elements that are in direct contact with skin like clothing, structure,
equipment, floor, and furniture.

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Convection: the heat transfers to the space, and in that regard mechanical ventilation air
flows and external wind pressure can be a major source of cooling and heating.
Radiation: Heat exchange with exposed surrounding by rays and gains from hot surfaces,
radiant heaters, and sunshine.
Evaporation: heat exchange via exhaling of humid air and sweating.
There are various factors which influence human comfort. The first two is as below

it is a measurement of heat potential (recorded in degrees Centigrade
Or Kelvin). Heat flows from a higher temperature entity to relatively lower temperature
substance. In Perth, temperatures are maintained within
19°C to 24°C range, complaints are not usually raised depending on room use and season.
Winter’s Temperatures are usually controlled at the lower end of the scale while
Summer’s temperatures are held at the higher value.
Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer:
These values are usually
measured in Watts. Designers need to be careful in Perth of radiant overheating. Unwanted
heat gains from conduction, convection and radiation can be managed at source. An
epitome of this is managing non-required winter heat losses and solar heat gains through
windows by Setting up a dedicated air conditioning zone which offers an air‐conditioned air
flow barrier between the occupied space and the window. This is referred as a
window washing air system. (ASHRAE 2011).

Air movement:
comprising outside air and recirculated air, measured in air changes (room
volumes) per hour and litres per second.

Human Activity: The level of physical exertion measured in Watts

Clothing: The influence on comfort due to insulation value of clothing
The other two factors are Air purity and humidity.

Fans, furnace, heat exchanger, thermostats, ducts, vent, evaporative coil,

condensing unit, and refrigerant lines are the basic components of HVAC systems. HVAC
system is the key factor which should be considered while constructing a building.
HVAC system are spread widely in the buildings, from hotels, commercial buildings
Hospitals, to food preservative industries they are commonly used. ASHRAE. (2012).

1.1 Report structure:

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Chapter 1- Introduction: Introduction to HVAC systems and building services

Chapter 2- Literature review: this chapter entails all the detailed theory related to project

Chapter 3- Methodology: the method employed to achieve our objectives are discussed

Chapter 4- Results and Discussion: this chapter elaborate the results for their better

Chapter 5- Conclusion and Future Work: on the basis of results conclusion is drawn, plus the
future works are also discussed.

1.2 Project Objectives:

Following objectives are achieved while modelling of HVAC system -
 To calculate the contribution of room’s internal heat, construction material,
and occupancy in the cooling and heating load of room at changing conditions
 To demonstrate the comparison by changing the different parameters of building
construction material as well varying the occupancy level
 To investigate the difference in load consumption by changing the building
 To analyse the cost comparison by performing the aforementioned processes
 To estimate the production amount of hazardous gases like Carbon-di-oxide (CO2),
Methane (CH4), and Nitrous oxide (N2O), which are emitted while burring the coal
for power generation.

1.3 Significance of project:

The given project illustrates the impact of different factors like changing construction
parameters, occupancy, and orientation as well as the environmental and economic
significance of producing the required power Furthermore, it helped me develop skills in
HAP Carrier as well which is prominent software in building services. Now, in order to
produce the cooling load required, HVAC system consumes a bigger part of electricity in the
room power consumption and emission of hazardous gases like Carbon-di-(CO2), Methane
(CH4), and Nitrous oxide (N2O) oxide is resulted because of the coal consumed to generate
this amount of electricity. These gases have an impact on the human life and environment
on a large scale. Also, the building construction is vital factor to be considered while
calculating the HVAC system power consumption. By Evaluating the effect of material
change in construction material, this study highlights the difference in the power
consumption required for different requirements of HVAC. Systems. It will provide an in-

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depth information about the various factors, which can be Useful in planning an efficient
building HVAC system.

Chapter 2

Literature review:

The modelling of the heating, ventilation, and cooling systems

(HVAC) are a hot topic of research at the moment due to number of factors e.g. high level of
power consumption, practical, huge investment capital and environmental, and vast
mechanical issues. The modelling of the HVAC systems is influence by the required
conditions inside, specifications of air handling units (AHU) types of gear, and the
surroundings. In the recent days, numerous HVAC framework strategies have been
developed and there is handful of research going on the same time. We will discuss some of
the research below and the research, which lead me to this point.

This chapter briefly discuss the research papers, journals, methods, experiments that were
refereed to while working on the project.

Global warming is a cause of concern for the world of research. To mitigate the
effects of this phenomenon development of green buildings in order to save energy is a hot
topic. E.g. excessive heating or cooling of the building, causes energy waste plus
inconvenience to the occupants. For conserving energy, some research has been conducted
for occupancy detection, as natural lighting effects get influenced by occupancy. cooling
load dictates Setting the temperature in the room. External and internal heat loads are
influenced by heat sources of energy. External heat comes from conduction, convection and
radiation while the internal heat load Is caused by the occupants and electrical equipment in
the room. (2003) Among all HVAC functions, ventilation is the main issue for providing
required Indoor Air Quality to optimum level, and energy consumption in buildings is heavily
reliant on it as well. Thus, enhancing ventilation systems performance plays a key role not
only in improving energy efficiency of the building, but also in offering improved indoor
climate for the people inside. In the recent years, myriad of efficient ventilation methods

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have been developed to reduce energy. Along with these energy-efficient strategies such as
hybrid and natural ventilation techniques, the energy demand in buildings is also affected by
the occupants’ behaviour towards it.(Chenari, Dias Carrilho et al. 2016). A model based
control approach needs to be adopted to achieve a better control on the required comfort
level as well as reduce the energy consumption within a building(Virk 1994).

There are number of factors which influence our decision to select a HVAC system for a
certain building. These could be building design gain, occupant design requirement, their
comfort level requirement, climatic conditions, building orientation (Kassas, 2015).
Varying the insulation layer in the construction material of a building plays a significant role
in reducing the cost. For a HVAC system while having a continuous operation, an adding of
an insulation layer results in reduction of 20% in life cycle cost in terms of thermal code
requirements. During an operation, even insulating the inner side of the walls reduces load
consumption by 15% as compared to insulating the outer wall. (Ibrahim, Ghaddar et al.
2012). Although it is well known that construction material has great impact on the load
characteristics, however the effect of weather variation pattern has not been investigated in
–depth. The models used for gauging the response to external
weather conditions of building HVAC systems are as below
(1) models based on first
(2) regression-based models.
Each model has discrepancies, e.g. It is difficult to calibrate the models based on first
principles and it is costly as well.(Hadley 1993)

Windows have become an influential element of envelope. Utilizing daylight in perimeter of

the commercial buildings offers opportunities save energy. The performance of daylighting
is influenced by factors like shading properties, glazing size, control, room size, and
orientation. The thermal loads are also affected by these factors and thus the energy
performance of the building. Different window characteristics are often interrelated and
thus carefulness is required while defining the ranges and density functions. E.g. a high solar
heat gain coefficient type window may also have a higher U-value. These properties are not
entirely independent and the combination among them is not random.(Shen and
Tzempelikos 2013). It’s important for stakeholders and Urban planners to have in-depth
knowledge of the city-scale climate adaptation measures for sake of developing climate
resilient settlements and to move forward with the process of implementing the climate
adaptation techniques. Heat load results are dawn from a mathematical process to ascertain
the application, capacity, and type of HVAC system in order to maximize comfort inside and
ensure energy efficiency of the building.(Fahim and Khalil 2015) This investigation of load
computation is fundamental for a building since it picks the best orientations and centres to
discover an orientation that will lessen energy because of direct sunlight based radiation.

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One of the variables influencing this evaluation is the dimensional elements of the area.
improper orientation of a building's gives rise to extra consumption of energy called CL. This
total heat gain is calculated with the assumptions and equations as per ASHRAE code.
Moreover, by changing the building to proper orientation, the load consumption from
electrical equipment can be reduced and thereby energy is conserved.(2010)

In Australia, both renewable and non-renewable sources to produce electricity for

commercial buildings, residential buildings, hospitals and offices. Non-residential buildings
consume around 70% of that energy (Vahid Vakiloroaya Bijan Samali, Ahmad Fakhar, &
Pishghadam, 2014). The highest percentage of electricity consumption comes from buildings
compared to other sectors (Mehreen S. Gul & Patidar, 2015). Although, this percentage
value of energy consumption is not throughout the world. However, HVAC systems
contribute a great deal to energy consumption inside a building. Various types of fuels
sources like coal, natural gas, renewable sources that are used to produce this huge sum of
electricity. But, the prime source of energy production is black coal which produces 66% of
total energy (Pam Pham et al., 2015). So the more electricity production, the more coal is
used. However, when coal is burned, harmful toxic gases like Methane, Carbon-di-oxide,
and Nitrous oxide are produced, which leads to air pollution, that directly affect Human
Beings and environment, the major issues are greenhouse gases, and respiratory problems
(Sreedevi, Kaul et al. 2014). Besides its environmental impact, coal consumption has a
massive impact on National economy as well (Pam Pham et al., 2015). To soften these
economic and Environmental impacts it has become essential to recognise the major
contributing areas to this consumption, and to find solutions that can mitigate this problem.
Nowadays, extensive efforts have been orchestrated to reduce the amount of pollutant
stemming from the burning of fossil fuels. E.g. a research on modelling of HVAC energy
system conservation of energy for a commercial building can be achieved by management
and monitoring of input power. A big commercial building was simulated inside the
LABVIEW to analyse the influence of power management and it was inferred that gaseous
emissions were decreased by huge amount simply by managing the power source.(Sreedevi,
Kaul et al. 2014). An importance of natural ventilation in conserving the energy research was
by Homod, and Sahari. According to a Research ,by appropriate operational zoning, and
suitable operation techniques upto 30% reduction in power consumption can be achieved.
(Budaiwi and Abdou 2013).

There extensive research in HVAC systems have resulted in innovative solutions. One such
example is Phase change materials. They are an innovative technology that can mitigate the
HVAC energy consumption and peak loads in buildings.(Florides, Tassou et al. 2002)
Fundamentally, they are capable of storing or releasing thermal energy as latent heat. With
the occupants and their type of activity, the latent heat absorbed or released is much higher
than the amount of sensible heat, thus these materials in buildings can reduce energy

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consumption to significant level. Now, because the temperature at which latent heat is
absorbed or released is different for each material, it is vital to use the right type of material
while building an envelope design.(Seong and Lim 2013)

2.1 Modelling by HAP Carrier:

While modelling a HVAC system for a building various
type of factors are kept in mind e.g. people, equipment, construction material, floor
location, orientation and many more.(Khalil and Medhat 2013) So in order to entail all this
information a sophisticated software is required which have comprehensive built-in
features. So, in our case we selected HAP Carrier software and in the paragraphs below I will
delineate a brief overview of the software.

Hourly Analysis Program (HAP) is equipped with two tools, in a single

package. Not only it HAP provides wide range of features for modelling HVAC systems
for different types of commercial buildings, but It also provides us tools for comparison
between operating costs and energy consumption for the given structure. The results are
calculated swiftly, and they can be used in energy studies. It is designed for
design/build contractors consulting engineers, facility engineers HVAC contractors, and
other professionals involved in the design and modelling of a building’s HVAC systems. (HAP
Some of the key features of HAP are as below.

 2.1.1 System Design Features:

HAP follows a system-based approach to calculate results for
the design, which enables us to make reports and procedures for a certain type of the
system being designed, thus offering us an advantage over a hand based calculation in
terms of time and productivity.

 2.1.2 Energy Analysis Features:

HAP performs an hourly analysis of the whole system as well
as its individual components against the weather data of the whole year which is already
built into it.

 2.1.3 Climate analysis features:

There is a built-in data for over 800 cities of the
 2.1.4 Load calculation features:
Provides a detailed analysis of heating and
cooling loads for the building.

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 2.1.5 Air System Analysis Features:

An hour by hour analysis for system design
and energy consumption is carried out for each air handling unit.

Moreover, there are other features as well which are as below.

 2.1.6 Energy analysis feature:
A detailed energy reports depicting hourly,
monthly, and annually analysis can be generated from the program as well.
 2.1.7 Plant Equipment Features:
 2.1.8 Plant Equipment Features:
 2.1.9 Utility rate features:

Chapter 3
This chapter elaborates the approach adopted for the project and
provides the explanation for mathematical relationships, data used in the project, and the
software used to achieve these targets.

First, a brief overview of practices used in the project are discussed below.

 A detailed study of building services material was conducted to understand the

theory behind the project.
 Detailed study of HVAC system from articles, web source, textbooks, journals,
project report 1, and government documents.
 Study of thermal properties for construction material
 Study related to Impact of construction material, people, orientation on the heating
and cooling loads
 Study of material related to calculation of cost and CO2 emissions
 Developing the basic understanding of the software and performing the required
 Documenting the results in the report.

3.1 Software:
In this project, the HAP carrier software is used to analyse the thermal performance of the
given room. The given program gives us a comprehensive platform to perform the
calculations by considering a range of factors such as building material, occupancy, and their
activities while modelling and calculating the total load for a room. Another thing, which

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sets it apart from other modelling software’s like MATLAB, FORTRAN etc., is the agility and
ease with which the actions can be performed. Last but not the least, the program is only
specified for building services calculations, which is the core aspect of this project.

Another overt facet of the project is that a cost analysis and CO2 emissions analysis is also
carried out, but these values are calculated by using MS Excel from the data generated by
HAP Carrier. Now in the theory below we will discuss the various aspects of HAP Carrier.

3.2 Weather:
The given program gives us an option of selecting different locations in different countries.
Therefore, Perth weather selected and the following temperature values were used.

3.3 Windows, Building walls, and roof:

The software gives us an option to select
different layers of the windows, walls, and roofs. Initially, an investigation on the effect of
change in wall material was done, and following base material was selected to play around

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Then in the next phase, same procedure was done for roof with the starting material as
shown below.

And for window

After entering this data for the specifications of room elements the software perform
calculation and generates a PDF file, which entails all the information related to loads
calculations, airflow rates, systems used inside etc. Once I got these results, I was able to
create graphs inside Excel to display different trends.

3.4 Mathematical relationships:

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Now, in order to understand the working of software

we need to understand the equations from building services. In this section, a brief overview
is given in that regard.

There is correlation between the surroundings, building envelopes, occupancy,

Their activity, the variance in climatic conditions and the HVAC system used in that building.
Now, the effect of each of these factors is investigated below.

3.5 Thermal Load:

The thermal load obtained for the system helps us to determine power source, investigate
the cost, and to calculate the CO2 emissions for the given room and lastly design a more
energy efficient system. The design cooling load is calculated for summer while the design
heating load is attained for winter.(Bataineh and Fayez 2011) Total heat consists of external
heat: a heat disposed from walls, roof, windows etc., and internal heat: the heat generated
by people and their activities, lights, appliances, and all the other internal elements.

Conduction heat transfer forms the bigger chunk of total load consumption, and it is
transferred through wall, windows and roofs.
The primary equation used to calculate load through conductivity in this study is as below.
Q= U* A* ΔT
Q= Heat loss through conduction in Watts.
U= Coefficient of heat transmission in W.m2/K
A= Total area of the surface (wall, roof, window) in m2
ΔT= temperature difference between inside set point and outside temperature (K)

Q (conductivity)= Q(wall) + Q(window) + Q(roof)

Q(total) = Q(conductivity) + Q(sensible heat) + Q(latent heat)

As discussed above, the peripheral elements of room further consist of different layers of
material, which means a different value for coefficient of thermal conduction; thus, it is
important to calculate the overall value, which is given by


Rt= total resistance to thermal conduction

The impedance offered by material to conductivity is called “thermal resistance”. This heat

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Obstruction rate depends on the manufacturing properties and the thickness of material
that room is made of.


x= Thickness of material

C= Thermal conductance

h= surface conductance.

k= Thermal conductivity

3.6 Room selected:

The total load of the HVAC system is affected by occupancy, the type
of material used for building construction, building orientation, electrical equipment, and
ventilation rate. In this project, the basic dimensions of the rooms remain the same;
however, the type of material is changed. Furthermore, the occupancy umber, and building
orientation is also changed. The figure below depicts the model created in SolidWorks plus
the dimension of the object as well.

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Model of selected room

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Detailed drawing of room

The room (20*15*12) has one window (5*3.23) and one door (3*5). All these values are in
metres. Moreover, the formula for load calculation from different components is given

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3.6.1 Window:
The area for window is calculated by

A(window) = length * height

A(window)= Area of window in m2.

The heat conduction through window is determined by

Q(window) = U(window) * A(window) * ΔT


U(window) = overall coefficient of conductivity through window in W.m2/K

3.6.2 Wall:

Only one side of the room consists of a window while the rest have none of them. So,
the following formulas are used to calculate the load transfer through this side

A(wall) = A(total) – A(window)


A(wall)= Area of wall of Room in m2

A(total)= total surface area of wall in m2

A(window)= Area of window in m2

Q(wall) = U(wall) * A(wall) * ΔT

Q(wall)= heat loss through wall surface of room in watts/s.
U(wall) = overall coefficient of heat transmission in W.m2/K

However, for other sides the formula for heat loss is,

A(wall) = length * height

Here, because there is no window so area is total surface area of the wall

Moreover, total heat conduction is,

Q(wall) = U(wall) * A(wall) * ΔT

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3.6.3 Roof:
As roof is also in contact with the atmosphere, there is heat conduction through it as

Q(roof) = U(roof) * A(roof) * ΔT


Q(roof)= heat loss through roof in watts/s.

U(roof) = overall coefficient of heat transfers from roof surface in W.m2/K.

A(roof)= total area of roof in m2.


A (roof) = Length * width

3.6.4 Heat Load due to people:

The people in the room not only generate sensible heat
load but they produce latent heat too. Sensible heat is related to change in temperature
while latent heat deals with change in humidity. Moreover, occupancy also leads to change
airflow rate.

In our calculations, three groups of occupants are considered which are 0 people, 10 people,
and 20 people. Following equations are used to calculate loads from occupants,

Q (sensible) = number of occupant * sensible heat gain per person * CLF

Sensible heat gains per person = 73 watts

CLF= Cooling load factor is taken from ASHRAY HVAC Tables


Q (latent)= number of people * latent heat gain per person

Latent heat gain per person is 58.7 watts.

3.7 Cost Calculation:

In order to calculate cost, we first have to find a unit power, which is KWH. This is
done by following equation,

Wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 = KWH of electricity

Moreover, total cost is determined by multiplying KWH with cents/KWH

Cents/KWH x KWH of electricity = Cost of electricity

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The value of Cents/KWH changes in different states of Australia as the state government
regulates them.

3.8 CO2 Emissions Calculations:

The Equation used for calculating the gas emissions factor is.


Eij means gas type (j), (carbon dioxide, methane etc.),

From type of fuel (i) (CO2-e tonnes).

Qi= fuel type quantity (i) (in cubic metres)

ECi= Energy intensity factor value for type of fuel (i) (gigajoules per cubic metre)

if Qi is gauged in gigajoules, then ECi is 1.

EFijoxec= fuel emission factor for different gas type (j)

This relationship provides emission values for different type of emission gases. However, to
deduce a single value, which entails all, types of gases the equation below can be used,


Y = equivalent value (tonnes) of CO2 value incorporating all gasses like (CO2, CH4, and N2),
Q= electricity produced in KWH,


As EF is 760 for Western Australia, so the above equation becomes

Total CO2 emission= 0.76* total load

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Chapter 4
Results and Discussion:
In this section all the load calculations are done considering varying
factors inside the room. Moreover, a detailed comparison is carried between various
parameters which contribute to overall loads. Finally, a cost estimation and Co2 emission as
a result of above mentioned loads are also calculated.

4.1 Load calculation analysis for One room:

Although the whole analysis is carried
out by the help of HAP Carrier software, but for sake of understanding the science behind
the working of software a generic handwritten version of the calculations is done below ton
showcase the contribution from various elements of the room to overall load consumption.

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4.1.1 Changing single value:

So after changing the single parameter in the above values we got the following results. The
first graph indicates load consumption for summer

Design Cooling load (KW)








Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Origional load Varied Load load consumption trend


Similarly, we plot the design heating loads for winters in Perth.

Design Heating load (KW)

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Origional Load Varied load Varied load trend

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In the figures above, room 1 has varied wall parameters, room 2 has different window, room
3 has different roof, and room 4 has changed door to the original designed room.

4.1.2 Changing multiple parameters:

Now in the results above we changed single parameters but now we are goanna change all
the parameters (of roof, wall, window, and door) at the same time and try to make the
rooms more efficient by changing their construction material. Thus the resultant graph takes
the following form

Total load consumption




Loads (KW)





Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5

Now, these rooms are different from each other in terms of material of their walls, roofs,
and windows. However, their basic dimensions plus orientation remains the same.
Following layers of material are used for different elements of room.

Room 1:

Wall Window Roof

-Gypsum Board outer glazing= 3mm clear Steel deck

-Air Space Glazing #2 = 3mm clear Board


-LW Concrete Block Glazing #3 = Not used Built-up


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-Face Brick

U-value = 1.280 W/m2. K U-value = 3.08 W/m2. K U-value = 0.685

W/m2. K

Room 2:

Wall Window Roof

-10mm plywood outer glazing= 5mm clear 10mm plywood

-Air Space Glazing #2 = 6mm clear 13mm

gypsum board

-102mm Face Brick Glazing #3 = 6mm grey reflective 25mm


-RS. I 4.4 Batt-insulation

U-value = 0.199 W/m2. K U-value = 2.104 W/m2. K U-value = 2.663

W/m2. K

Room 3:

Wall Window Roof

-Wood Siding Aluminium with thermal breaks Asphalt Shingles

-Air Space Glazing #2 = 3mm grey tint 13mm vegetable


-203mm LW concrete block Glazing #3 = 3mm clear RS. I 2.5 board


-102mm common brick

U-value = 1.021 W/m2. K U-value = 3.133 W/m2. K U-value = 0.341

W/m2. K

Room 4:

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Wall Window Roof

-102mm Face brick Aluminium with thermal breaks 102mm face


-Air Space Outer glazing= 3mm bronze tint Asphalt


-102mm LW concrete block Glazing #2 = 3mm clear Slate

-RS. I 1.5.3 Batt-insulation Glazing #3 = 6mm grey reflective

U-value = 0.165 W/m2. K U-value = 2.862 W/m2. K U-value = 1.933

W/m2. K

Room 5:

Wall Window Roof

-203mm Face brick 3mm clear low-e Acoustic tile

-Air Space 6mm clear Board


-Wood shingles 6mm bronze reflective RS. I 1.2 board


-RS. I 6.7 Batt-insulation U-value = 0.132 W/m2. K U-value = 2.213

W/m2. K U-value = 0.364 W/m2. K

Now all of these calculations are done by taking into account the peripheral elements, but
what happens inside still needs to be investigated which is done below.

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4.2 Impact of occupants and their activity on load consumption:

At different times, during the
day the number of occupants varies, so a comparison of loads is done below to illustrate the
difference the number of people make on the overall load. Moreover, their type of activities
also plays a key role in ascertaining the total load.

Sensible load (KW)







Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

As we know that sensible heat requires no phase change, and in all the values above phase
change doesn’t take all the values basically demonstrate SENSIBLE HEAT
CONSUMPTION, but once we take into account the load consumption from people change
of phase takes place, and the sensible heat is produced. These values are shown by the
following graph.

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Latent load (KW)


Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

4.3 Building orientation:

It means the positioning of windows, rooflines, and other features. Successful orientation
rotates the building to minimize energy loads and enhancing the efficiency of the building.
other factors such as trees that shade the site and proximity to surrounding buildings also
play a vital role in ascertaining the overall load. (R. Awan, 2014). Effective solar orientation
requires an understanding of sun paths at the required building at different times of the
year. According to data available from different housing estates and builders, for Perth the
most efficient direction for the houses is that they should be facing north or south, so we
varied the direction of the building and attained the following results.

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Load (KW)
Facing East Facing North Facing West Facing South

Load Consumption

As we can see the form the graph that the minimum load consumption was recorded for
north and south direction which again proves the above mentioned point.

4.4 Cost Estimation analysis:

This analysis is done to showcase that how changing a material
can affect the overall cost for supplying the power. In this analysis the cost is calculated for
all the loads above, and the following formulas are used to achieve it.

To calculate power in KWH,

Wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 = KWH of electricity

Now, total cost can be calculated by multiplying KWH with the value set by west Australian
government to produce single KWH which is 26.474 cents/KWH, as per Synergy Electricity
corporation. (Standard electricity prices and charges 2017) Thus,

Cents/KWH x KWH of electricity = KWH of electricity

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4.4.1 Cost difference by Changing single value:

Initially, we calculate the cost difference by
changing the single parameter is the surfaces of walls, roofs, and windows.

First of all, the cost for cooling in summer is calculated below

Design Cooling load cost (AUD $)

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Origional load Cost Varied Load cost load consumption cost trend

And the cost for heating in summer is

Design Heating load cost (AUD $)

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Origional Load Cost Varied load cost Varied load cost trend

In the figures above, room 1 has varied wall parameters, room 2 has different window, room
3 has different roof, and room 4 has changed door to the original designed room.

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4.4.2 Changing multiple parameters:

Now in the results above we changed single parameters but now we are goanna change all
the parameters (of roof, wall, window, and door) at the same time and try to make the
rooms more cost effective in terms of load consumption. Thus the resultant graph takes the
following form

Cost of Total load consumption





10 9.32

6 4.8 4.75

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5

Now all these rooms have same specifications as mentioned in the calculations above.

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4.4.3 Impact of occupants and their activity on Cost:

The cost analysis for both sensible and latent heat is carried out to demonstrate the
different the occupants make on the cost of energy.

Cost of Sensible load ($)








Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

Cost of Latent load ($)









Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

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4.4.4 Building orientation effect on Cost:

Here, cost analysis for buildings facing different
directions is done.

Cost ($)
Cost ($)

8 7.8

Facing East Facing North Facing West Facing South
Building orientation

Load Consumption

4.5 CO2 Emissions Calculations:

Now, for the loads above, emissions analysis is done to
compare the effect of different parameters.

To calculate CO2 emissions, the following formula is used

Y = equivalent value (tonnes) in CO2 value equal to sum of value all gasses like (CO2, CH4,
and N2),

Q = electricity produced in KWH,

EF = emission factor

Now according to NATIONAL GREENHOUSE ACCOUNTS FACTORS table, for Perth EF is 760


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Total CO2 emission= 0.76* total load

Now we carry out emission analysis in the same sequence as it is done for the cost

4.5.1 Impact on CO2 Emissions by Changing single value:

So after changing the single parameter in the specifications of room elements we got the
following results. The first graph indicates CO2 Emissions for summer

CO2 Emissions from Design Cooling load (Kg)






Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

CO2 Emissions from Origional load CO2 Emissions from Varied Load
CO2 Emissions from load consumption trend

Similarly, we plot the results for winters in Perth.

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CO2 Emissions from Design Heating load (Kg)




Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Origional Load Varied load Varied load trend

4.5.2 Changing multiple parameters:

Now in the results above we changed single parameters but now we are goanna change all
the parameters (of roof, wall, window, and door) at the same time and try to make the
rooms more efficient. Thus the resultant graph takes the following form

CO2 Emissions from Total load consumption


CO2 Emissions (Kg)

30 27.2

14.1 13.9


Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5

Now all these rooms have same specifications as mentioned in the calculations above.

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4.5.3 Impact of occupants and their activity on CO2 Emissions:

The CO2 Emissions for both sensible and latent heat is carried out to demonstrate the
different the occupants make on the CO2 Emissions from power consumption.

CO2 Emissions from Sensible load (Kg)










Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

Similarly, for latent heat,

CO2 Emissions from Latent load (Kg)


Office work Sedentry work Athletics Dancing Heavy work Medium work Seated at rest

No people 10 people 20 people

4.5.4 Building orientation impact on CO2 Emissions:

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The emissions follow the same

trend as load consumption.

CO2 Emissions from Load (Kg)


CO2 Emissions


23 22.8


Facing East Facing North Facing West Facing South
Building orientaion

Chapter 5

Following observations were made from the results,

 A change in single parameter contributes considerably to overall load reduction for a

room, be it wall, roof, or window.
 A room can be made more efficient by changing more than one component in the
construction material; however, it is important to realise that this action does not
enhance the cost of material itself. Subsequently, a trade-off should be made in
terms of load consumption cost and construction cost.
 The location of the building plays a significant role in determining heating and a
cooling load, e.g. in our case there was massive difference between heating and
cooling load for Perth, as the heating load was much higher; however, for a place
with cold climate the values will be other way round.
 Building orientation should be set by considering the sun direction, for Perth, the
room had much lower load consumption while facing North or South

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 Latent heat is produced when there are people or equipment involved in the
building, and its amount is reliant upon the type of activity carried out inside the
 Cost and CO2 emissions can be reduced to great extent by modifying the
construction material of the building

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Future Recommendations:
 First, we can extend these results from a room to a comprehensive design and
modelling for a whole building. Furthermore, by using the software results and
ASHRAY standards, not only we can develop a duct design, but we can also select the
elements of HVAC systems like fans, chiller, boiler etc. based on the required data of
the building.

 Investigating the effect of using different types of air condition systems like central
air conditioning system, multi split system, single split system, hybrid air conditioning
system, and Geothermal Heating & Cooling systems while selecting the type of
system for the building. Furthermore, a cost & emmision analysis of different types
of can be carried out as well.

 A more detailed study can be conducted by simulating the building in various parts
of the world.This can easily be done as software has options of selecting different
location.Moreover, the influence of other room elements of lighting, equipment etc.
can also be checked.

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Apendix A
This appendix delineates the calculations delineated by HAP Carrier software

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Apendix B
The Tariffs for different times are given below by Synergy

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Appendix C
This table illustrates CO2 emission value for different states of Australia

State, Territory of Australia Emission Factor value (kg CO2-e/kWh)

Queensland 0.81
WA 0.76
SA 0.61
NSW 0.86
NT 0.68
Victoria 1.18
Tasmania 0.20

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