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Q.c -0g} DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS (COMPUTER BASED TEST) | Survey Department Test - Draughtsman Name of the Test ~ Paper I (Without Books) 003 Test: zl Maximum Time: 2.30 Hour Maximum Marks: 100 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE TYPE Asnene 6 ass] ems gen Read the following instructions carefully before beginning to answer the questions. ASME EGG Hoor_wohsss ASM mG’ (pein) &Kpsssim syHaysnysorards SOITLOTEL LigSEYLD, 1. ie s computer based Test contains 100 number of questions in objective er SRM cups Coijemeng, 100 QendreN cumauleonan oennéaenaré Gesmrsion_gy 2. Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark SMAI MearrésGHsGh Horulohssap gadamG Mera ee WALGUST 2 mL Wg. i 3. In case of doubt, English version is the Final, Mennésahed shad Heuer gywseo amgode enGsatur.Garer MernssGa Qo sHusmengy, | 4. Words of masculine gender in these questions shall, where the context so require, be taken to include feminine gender. Bip Memssahe Oro Auyppcren| asia ures sauflen cuisongeated CZmanuns Si ygsGahu usin unclensqourfletr AMTGS OFS EHD LGD. 5 }. Before answering the questions in CBT, candidates should read the following instructions displayed in the monitor: | Aeromiugiyjsch see as CspoMe alem_wsiss Asm sid War seater Seoul CHnetHLd oyHaynysener seremonet Ui Seed, @) One question will be displayed on the screen at a time. BCI CpIsHed GE Hem WLECw genhahs Henyuted Constrgd. b) Time available for you to complete the examination will be displayed through @ countdown timer in the top right-hand corner of the screen. It will display e@ 1, The Village map is drawn to the scale Aymo even uLt) —————— rein srorrofled exon ui i@élpg. = 5000 mm (B) 1mm = 2000 mm 000 1 ab = 2000.8 (©) 1mm = 1000 mm (D) 1mm = 500 mm = 1000 WB 1B = 500 9.8 2. A Compass is used to find Direction. Bonsangue pend sin Sluciusng Magnetic North-south P 3outh Sip EG OHS Spe (C) East-West (D) Magnetic West-East ApsG CoG sibs CopG-SpsG 3. Expansion of GTS GTS crériger oflfleunéintd Great Trigonometrie Station (B) Government Technical Survey (C) Government Town Surveyor (D) Government Triangulation Survey 4, Notice to the Land holders after completing the survey will be issued under section survey —— and boundary Act fa efeouncris esse Bo serena (pais Deny flor sete pid cdmasdr GHSs alu Gflay or Bip PeAny auprissiiGrd. BG, (A) Section 5 ection 9(2) ila, 5 flay 9(2) (C) Section 10 (D) Section 13 (1) Sify 10 flay 13(1) 5. ‘Total Angle calculation formula is Canamrixecfen sat Oe Qprene sfiumids 2 sau GaSmd VA (2n 4) x90" (B) 2n-2)x270" (C) (@n~2)x180" (D) %(n-4)x90" 3 084/DD/22 [Turn over 6. In Traverse Survey measurement of Angle and distance are noted in igpraitcy sjernanuder Gung Goneniisepd giytis@sb ————— ule, Gawusciu@id (A) Traverse B-field Book ggreuiteo 9 Yo Uggetd (© FMB (D) Eye Sketch YOULL seu, ais Guengusttd 7. Cadastral Survey helps the Government to safeguard the communal lands from © QOS 27s Porisonsr ungerés s_nddtjh siGa: 2.padpg) (A) Individual Holding Encroachment BaAlput esliupg SATO (©) Patta (D) Government Land udor 21s Bland | 8. Expansion of GPS GPS créer Aifleundsib Global Positioning System (B) Government Private system (©) Global Public System (D) Global Pointing System 9. Measurement of cross staff Syren server He7e) (A) 5em x 5em x 8em wv em x 10cm x 6em 5 Gei8 x 5 Gei8 x 8 Ge 10 Ge.8 x 10 Ge.i8 x 6 Gs5 (C) 10cm x 10cm x 5em (D) 5em x 5em x 6.5em 10 Gg.8 x 10 Ge8 x 5 Os.8 5 Gsi8x 5 Qsi8 x 6.5 Oe.8 | 10. Which Scale used to draw the town Survey sketches of Open, Medium and Closed Blocks? bay Bema ai@juLsisd ApssGac, sOSET woH ApEssore UGPId A@MPULIUOd sera 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500 (B) 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:500 (©) 1:2000, 1:500, 1:1000 (D) 1:50, 1:1000, 1:2000 084/DD/22 4 Ls <= @ 11. Length of Metric Chain commonly used in Survey is flo sarenawSer Gungy Gungiane WUUOSEHUGI seAuesr Sond (A) 10 meter (B) 15 meter 10 BLU 15 Bout AI 20 meter (D) 25 meter 20 Bout 25 Bc 12. Finalization of Survey was notified under of District Gazette. Posierera: ver apa ipgibd Dod Aenburd wre sndipiie GrefearinGdngy (A) Section 5 (B) Section 8 Gifiay 5 Gila, 8 (©) Section 9(2) WAP Section 13 fie, 9(2) (Gif, 13 13. 1 Hectre is 1 Gamat oremugy (A) 2.47 Ares (B) 2.37 Acres 2.47 gited 2:37 gest MN 2.47 Acre (D) 2.57 Acre 2.47 gait 2157 gaat 14. Three villages meeting tri-junction points had a mark on the top of the survey stone eperg = Agmomsdr shHlsdlerm cpsehsl sadder Goo ———————_ @ fl AsgSsUUC 4 GEG aA 4 @) s © = @) + 15, ‘The Survey Stones in Goyernment Poramboke lands had a mark on the top SH DOCU PlowseAd pLOUGID sbSler Cod QegGssIUL RGSS GOO @ - (B) + As @) A 5 084/DD/22 [Turn over 16. stones planted at the boundary of Khandams and minor circuits. Serb wpb Ag abgLi49 cdeodus lremud Cainuyd Gung, spear pLOUL Caudn@ib a A (B) Pointer 2 umiseisr_tt Plummet hole cut on the topof — (D) C.S Codused Gonbwot. gon — Gauderr sitar 17. Subdivision in each survey field should be numbered in the consecutively commencing from corner of the field. 6 YosSd cc Mlaseree eC9Mey croinsdr ————____ paren Gigi AsnrGssciuw. North West (B) North East ai Gnd ar dpag, (©) South East (D) South West Aperdlips 6 AperCooe 18. The Instrument used to Measure the Angle and Distance Carasnd odgid gimb sors LMT (G68 (A) GPS (B) Chains hidereiv anidld) (©) Crosstop ‘Total Station GpiGenasr aco. GL L@ evGager 19. ‘The boundary line Connecting from one Field Tri-Junction to another is called 0G Ys HAISESS UPGNIG ésbSau Beansed ademas Can genon = seg) se padiGpmd. (A) Gline (B) AandD G @aer A wpgi D (©) Ground line F- line Ajayan. wer F- ad 20. Addition of all angles of a Triangle is (Hstaransher crdon uss Canemmisafler sa Gi Gprens (A) 90° (B) 360° “4 180° (D) 270° 084/DD/22 6 21, 22. 24. 25. DOP denotes DOP erénugy VA Dittusion of precision (B) Direction of precision eo Slyyser at fled eo jose ati ANésdr (C) _Dilusion of point (D) Direction of point oo Syyoetr 40 unre eo yéaer 950i LS The Square of 25 is 25-

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