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The application of nanobubble

technology for enhanced yields in

aquaculture production system
Henk Stander
Division of Aquaculture, Department of Animal Sciences,
Stellenbosch University

he metabolic rates of fish can be 100% ASV = 468/31.6 T
severely affected by the concentration
Where T is temperature in °C.
of oxygen in a rearing environment.
Suppressed dissolved oxygen levels It is also worth noting that although the
leads to decreased respiration and feeding capacity of water to hold oxygen in solution
activity that slows fish growth rates. It can decreases with rising temperature, the oxygen
also lead to disease and fungal infections. If needs of fish increases with temperature.
correctly applied, oxygen supplementation Dissolved oxygen concentrations may
ensures that fish and seafood farmers can show daily fluctuations that reflect the
achieve the highest possible survival rates photosynthetic activity of aquatic plants in
under optimum breeding conditions to boost nature.
yields and profits.
Water as a chemical compound:
The amount of any gas that can be held Water is a transparent, tasteless, odourless,
in solution by water depends upon the and nearly colourless chemical substance,
temperature and atmospheric pressure. It which is the main constituent of Earth’s
is worth noting that whereas one litre of air streams, lakes, and oceans, and the fluids
contains about 200 ml of oxygen, one litre of most living organisms. It is vital for all
of water contains about 10 ml. Dissolved known forms of life, even though it provides
oxygen concentration may also be expressed no calories or organic nutrients. Its chemical
as a percentage of the saturation value. The formula is H2O, meaning that each of its
amount of oxygen (as mgl-1) that gives 100% molecules contains one oxygen and two
saturation (ASV- Air Saturation Value) is given hydrogen atoms connected by covalent
by the equation: bonds. Water is the name of the liquid state

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of H2O at standard ambient temperature and parts of the world. Much of long-distance trade
pressure. It forms precipitation in the form of of commodities (such as oil and natural gas)
rain and aerosols in the form of fog. Clouds and manufactured products is transported by
are formed from suspended droplets of water boats through seas, rivers, lakes, and canals.
and ice, its solid state. When finely divided, Large quantities of water, ice, and steam
crystalline ice may precipitate in the form of are used for cooling and heating, in industry
snow. The gaseous state of water is steam or and homes. Water is an excellent solvent for
water vapor. Water moves continually through a wide variety of chemical substances; as
the water cycle of evaporation, transpiration such it is widely used in industrial processes,
(evapotranspiration), condensation, and in cooking and washing. Water is also
precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the central to many sports and other forms of
sea. entertainment, such as swimming, pleasure
boating, boat racing, surfing, sport fishing, and
Water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface,
mostly in seas and oceans. Small portions
of water occur as groundwater (1.7%), in Density: 997 kg/m³
the glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica
and Greenland (1.7%), and in the air as Boiling point: 100 °C
vapor, clouds (formed of ice and liquid water Molar mass: 18,01528 g/mol
suspended in air), and precipitation (0.001%).
Formula: H2O
Water plays an important role in the
world economy. Approximately 70% of Melting point: 0 °C
the freshwater used by humans goes to What is Nanobubbles (microbubbles)?
agriculture. Fishing in salt and fresh water Nano bubbles are nanoscopic gaseous
bodies is a major source of food for many (typically air) cavities in aqueous solutions

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that can change the normal characteristics important at this quantum-realm scale, and
of water. Ordinary bubbles have a diameter so the definition shifted from a technological
which range from 1 µm and larger. These goal to a research category inclusive of all
quickly rise to the surface of a liquid and types of research and technologies that deal
collapse. Nanobubbles which are < 100 nm in with the special properties of matter which
diameter will randomly drift owing to what is occur below the given size threshold. It is
termed, Brownian Motion and can remain in therefore common to see the plural form
liquids for an extended period. “nanotechnologies” as well as “nanoscale
technologies” to refer to the broad range of
What is Nanotechnology?
research and applications whose common
Nanotechnology (“nanotech”) is manipulation
trait is size. Because of the variety of potential
of matter on an atomic, molecular, and
applications (including industrial and military),
supramolecular scale. The earliest, widespread
governments have invested billions of dollars
description of nanotechnology referred to the
in nanotechnology research. Through 2012,
technological goal of precisely manipulating
the USA has invested $ 3.7 billion using
atoms and molecules for fabrication of
its National Nanotechnology Initiative, the
macroscale products, also now referred
European Union has invested $ 1.2 billion, and
to as molecular nanotechnology. A more
Japan has invested $ 750 million.
generalized description of nanotechnology
was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally
Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines very broad, including fields of science as
nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter diverse as surface science, organic chemistry,
with at least one dimension sized from 1 to molecular biology, semiconductor physics,
100 nanometres. This definition reflects the energy storage, microfabrication, molecular
fact that quantum mechanical effects are engineering, etc. The associated research and

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applications are equally diverse, ranging from The Application of Nanotechnology in
extensions of conventional device physics Aquaculture:
to completely new approaches based upon Application of microbubble generators
molecular self-assembly, from developing new to aquaculture was studied in the 1980s
materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to because various farms including shellfish
direct control of matter on the atomic scale. culture and fish culture suffered from
shortage of oxygen supply due to high-density
Scientists currently debate the future
culturing. Prof Hirofumi Ohnari, Tokuyama
implications of nanotechnology.
College of Technology in Japan, invented
Nanotechnology may be able to create many
a microbubble generator and used it to
new materials and devices with a vast range
control DO levels of the water in an oyster
of applications, such as in nanomedicine,
farm in Hiroshima Bay, in Seto Inland Sea.
nano-electronics, biomaterials energy
His original microbubble generator adopts
production, and consumer products. On the
a nozzle that creates a “Rotational Flow of
other hand, nanotechnology raises many
the water” in the nozzle, using a water pump
of the same issues as any new technology,
and produces microbubbles, breaking the air
including concerns about the toxicity and
leading to the centre of the rotational flow of
environmental impact of nanomaterials, and
the water. He demonstrated that the addition
their potential effects on global economics,
of microbubbles is very effective to add
as well as speculation about various
oxygen to the water of the oyster farm, and
doomsday scenarios. These concerns have
this technology drew the attention of many
led to a debate among advocacy groups and
researchers, and various types of microbubble
governments on whether special regulation of
generators have been invented in the last
nanotechnology is justified.
decade in Japan.

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Researchers from the Prefectural University later), respectively. In the experimental net
of Kumamoto in Japan conducted DO control pen, the body weight of the fish was 1.19 ±
experiments in a fish farm on red seabream 0.24 kg in wet weight (mean ± SD, n = 30),
with the microbubble generating system in slightly lighter than that of the control net
Kusuura Bay, Amakusa, Kumamoto Prefecture, pen at the beginning of the experiment. The
Kyushu, western Japan, between 2003 and difference in the mean body weight between
2007. The water depth of the bay was between the experimental net pen and the control
16 and 20 m at the centre of the bay. The net pen was not statistically significant (p =
annual temperature of the surface water 0.15, Mann–Whitney’s U test, n = 30). The fish
ranged from 19.7°C to 29.3°C between May grew faster than that in the control net pen.
and October 2007. This study was financially The body weight reached 1.83 ± 0.21 kg in
supported by a Research and Development wet weight at the end of the experiment (108
Program for New Bio-industry Initiatives days later), which was 0.13 kg heavier than
of the Bio-oriented Technology Research that in the control net pen. The difference
Advancement Institution of Japan. in body weight between these two net pens
was statistically significant (p = 0.02, Mann–
The results of the experiments indicate that
Whitney’s U test, n = 30). The increase in the
the control of DO levels of water in the net pen
body weight of the fish in the experimental
using the microbubble generator improved
net pen during the period of the experiment
the growth rate of the fish significantly. In the
for 108 days was 0.64 kg in wet weight, which
control net pen, the body weight of the fish
was 42% more than that in the control net pen
was 1.25 ± 0.17 kg in wet weight (mean ± SD,
(0.45 kg).
n = 30) at the beginning of the experiment
on June 18, 2007, and they gained 1.39 ± In the experimental net pen, the body weight
0.25 kg and 1.70 ± 0.26 kg by August 8 (50 of the fish was 1.33 ± 0.22 kg in wet weight
days later) and October 3, 2007 (108 days (mean ± SD, n = 30), slightly heavier than that

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of the control net pen at the beginning of the general. The maximum growth rate and lowest
experiment. The difference in the mean body feed conversion ratio for fish can be attained
weight between the experimental net pen at higher oxygen saturation levels between
and the control net pen was not statistically 90% and 120%. However, more research is
significant (p = 0.15, Mann–Whitney’s U test, needed in order to know at which saturation
n = 30). The fish grew faster with almost point the growth is maximized for individual
the same growth rate as the fish reared in aquaculture species.
the experimental net pen for 50 days (The
A nanobubble generator can increase the
growth rates of fish in the experimental
dissolved oxygen in the cultivation media
net pens were 1.19 and 1.21, respectively,
from the initial DO level to a much higher level
while that in the control net pen was 1.11).
up to 30 ppm as was tested in Stellenbosch
The body weight of the fish reached 1.61 ±
0.21 kg in wet weight 50 days later from the
start, which was 0.22 kg heavier than that Regarding future experimental work, the
in the control net pen. The difference of the results of these trials should be reconfirmed
mean body weight between these two net and given more time so that more
pens already became statistically significant observations can be made. The actual oxygen
(p < 0.01, Mann–Whitney’s U test, n = 30). saturation point at which a fish species has a
Thus, DO control of the water in the net pen maximum growth should be identified, hence
using the microbubble generator can bring a more experimentation is needed.
remarkable acceleration of growth to the fish.
The results suggested that oxygen saturation Pictures from Google images.
levels affect the growth performance of fish
(red seabream) and bivalves (oysters) in

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