Farscape RPG - D20 Core Book

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" = c e ® = #B 5 a u 4 S Ps Ce mes Peeren eters eres ra een eer Keen Carpenter eed Paares ee aa eee ees Coat] Lh A dil Po Ken Carpenter fe ener rane! Teter one cna Lee liemmsck Kelly Hil mee ate arr ere enre ti ete ae Ree fey eee alla peteenen Seay ee eee ee eee ee ee Animal Lagi. who provided the torte er eee 2) gallant ae Ge eed eee Rare es Dedeatian — Seo eee eect cee eee Whats Rolo Paying? « ‘What This Book Contains Chapter O Semon One. Semon Two « Chapter te: Farscape Personalities John Crichton & ery Sun sy. kaDArgs rn Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan cy ‘Chiana ... 6 Red XV. 7” Moye and Pst 3 Bhar Cras De eum se Scores & Chapter Ihree. Farscape Races Bata scenes 8s Debine ° 8 ; 98 Livan ¢ i 94 7 Hiyneria Reborn fara Ket ist ° “The Kopod Belt Kroywen Karey aby: oy. Lesser Duranga Satelite Clsier Melia Mise Munaris Myths Hope Nebar Prime Nevins Hold Onis Paradise Petal... Plas Mistake Syher Tin Prime Tak Slaton soos sesesseeees Yinaran Moon Chain Chapter Five. Character Creation Abies - Generating Abliy Scores The Alstes . : Changing Abily Scares « Derived Values .. Wound Points ConieelPoirbs Chapter Sm. Character Races (Character Generation « Alahly Actes Bans Delvians Hynerians lanice Lasers Nebar Searrars Sebacoane: Sheyange Tivleke « Vorcarie - Zonatans Chapter Seven. Classes (Css Deseriptions ...- 6 Aristocrat i esa ‘Cemmande =. rene Diplomat 285 Mystic: aes 66. Prate Priest Backgrounds . Chapter Eight Peas. Powers a Skis Buying Sil nd Gi ail Poin « Skil Checks Skill Descriptions Feats Stalls Using Powers Conircl Cost. Power Descriptions ‘Other Common Actions .. Jojry and Death ... ‘Quiside of Combat. Corrying Capacity... Encumbrance bb beaeeee aaahed bk Ee 5 6 7 Chapter Eleven: Ships Ship Construction Rules ‘Shig-lo-Ship Combat Rules Fleets siecsees Chapter Twelve: Game Master “The Flavor of Ferscape Pulting Il All Together. Creating Adventures Creating Campatgns ==. NPCS. Problems Conclusion Chapter Thicteen. Lifeforms rat Balkan Bast Spter Arana Crouack Diegin recon Dagos Snake - Ohi Spread Donati Grind Kegsane Kleark Kora Wind Whale Kyatar . Nrss Nyasa Poetin lice. Phelo Fish . Recycler « ‘Scapper Reto Shacoss- ‘Shar Wing -+-eeor-0 Shossn“Shodow Hunters” Shisha soso Smosgers S008 Tan Appendix Sarmple NPCs Key Characters ‘Character Sheet Index ‘Open Gare icenae tee HEITH RA ted ‘Wl you look tl tha [ohn Crichton saree cot othe portale ofthe Yathan transport pen arnazarnart. What he sa could ary be described asa spoceship junkyard locking forall he world the the old Margoin house that he and OK uso to play a kid, Cron even recognized pile of shpss one looked the = 7 alan to the llr had comme across afew wecke bach: But reat were ob uaa as - well hall he thoaghh os anjamitar as every dan this been since that worrbcte shoved me andFirscape tothe ober dl ofnovhore, ‘ting nest te i a! af the pack Ka D'Arga in the ex suddenly thr} out enw of His Irge arms. “There: the Lan Youusure Tt is, ig gay” Crichtx Didga fed him wih a penetrating giz. “I know the shox of my peopl lu chedlin’ Welda sant to waste hep youre 20 conceoned, you should ye stayed on Moy loti one ot fee holies. “Sides you aloyourtlea Seb. that ane day your viculous babbtiw will Jc! somecne to ply Chet DA o give “Prowse begin to ke sense, Crichton gre ath ova hac comme ecrow this callecton of powerese veh allstar da beloved aan hip anil he fedora Oe ed insist! on yng te buerd Ko see 2 held any rap bers rework Argo hee! a sri cue Crichton and Avsyn frm them the way to i ovkeily recently butchase to cnet icles ose vas il soment ut nexpertonced wth the transp let Age do the driving while he ized extotthe portale and a Fook. It was eerie, ely secing al hee ships of so many cals. designs shapes aid i268 yet they were a eles, Running gts extraushed. no ‘moan except fr inet dri Hey, Argo. you race someting weil Besides the fat th ee es preetane Sreilng sedovicaly, Crichion said ier eet a ee ce oe eer inpitinty. Se ees ee eee ed "When they're chenagedd beyond repair Ses ces Pare nacre eee ee ce eae ton contend et ears Ce eee ee ca ees es en some kind of resting place Fore tips ie, but itzceme tome that tt ese Se net eee ns septs broken ot ght Pere ae rs Crichton wae about er ees aye er me onyow 59 why waste Se eee ee sean lor ony powererisons eae ee eee ae _ eee es net ee ee ee eet Pst ees eee ee eee ae ita See ti ee ene unload Eee eee ships eee yee sai ee eee ee) detecting 0 sal but steady power source on o planeta a th pee err enes ee er ee en eee Pe ere Coa -_ Se tec eS Pe eras! eee ee ee Se ee ete nee en eee eee eee ee ee eee ec i er ae ee meee Se ae ee eee Dee eee ene eee eee re ees Dee et eee aca ee ct eee eee pene ore eer are Sere ss ey eae Se cet ee ee Ce eee ent ae ee ee ee ea ee ee oe See me ers Sa St eee Dee eee ee ee ee eee ere ee eee Se eee ee ee ere er ree eee ea) Peete nF ato dev a the ei Belore DiArgo-couldfnkh the Beira eleparfed te en fen part by some urknewn ently woukkn' dete iin seaterce he appeared Noes thelest light ne weird eect noth One Chichtatto mavetonardD Ange but he vet riagerede ree eet moment be was there the net he charg. whi kep hin rozen in places wasn: The onl nication tha anything DONT BOTHER, a voxe spake arecty nla Crehion’s brain, YOURE had happened wes the popping sand SLRROUNDEDBY AFRCEFIED. made bythe a-ring ins the spece he ‘When Grichton opened his meuth te speak to D’Ango: he ice cin hu occupiod DONT BOTHER TRYING TO TALK ETHER SOUND DOESNT TRAVEL Crichton blinked “Oho: thibisverybad. OUTSIDE THE FORCE FELD. YOU DONT MOVE “TIL 1 SAY YOU. This every very bid. The svery very ery MOVE. SODONT MOVE, ALL AGT? ba” “re, whatever: Wha’ gin’ on here” The lights grew dinmen. This mas even AT THE MOMENT. NOTHING. BUT NOW THAT YOU AND THE ‘noise hav hen fe nd Aer were topped _LUKANHAVESHOWNUP, WE CAN BEGIN, inthe Fla. Then las they hed emergency "Bein wit” lghing At his rate rough the hits woud be GIVE ME AMICROT, WILL YOU! LLEXPLAIN, comptaly out inside of ten mirols Ps of Catchton ea wished the voice bekrged to a body: Or al east course, nthe Flax he dhad Aerynis company 4 face The fce bind tha voce desperay ceeded a sock Then fe wisn on he pod sinners: As wth tothe Dirge, there wes no fash ot ight no Seeing of ‘SEE. YOURE HERE BECAUSE YOU WERE DAMN FOOL dsorieieton ~ he jt land himael somewhere ENOUGH TO COME INTO THE FIELD. EVERY TIME ce, SOMEONE DOES, THEY PLUCK ONE PEPRESENTATIVE “Semeheore ok” appeared ie beapleret Hesincd FROM WHATEVER RAGES ARE ON THE SHIP, THEY ina clearing about larly motes indimeter,sirroonded BRING ‘EM CKQWN AND AUNG EVERYONE ELSE NTO by tres wih bli bark anid bright orange leaves Stange. STASIS. rerkshyellow grass covered the ground. ile are hill “Pl then what stich em ina eld andhine ‘em choose lay about hak a mi or so away. Several purple winged upsides for sf” igure Hew overhead. au Crehion eouliht make set any ‘The voice seemed to chuckle, NOT FAR OFF, eta “ACTUALLY JF IM UNDERSTANDING THE IMAGESIM He couldnt heer ny asie atl GETTING INYOURBRAIN BASICALLY. ONCE THEY A choler of figs sho ccapied the clearing Crithion —GETTENOF EN- caunted nine, Some belonged to species he reogniced. The “Whos they? rst wie 3 Shoyarg snack race e-breathrs tha they WHATRE YOU, DENSE? THE PEOPLE bad enesuntored trying te sshags the Zelbiien Another was 3 THAT BROUGHT YOU HERE. LOOK, DONT Zenelv- the acest pitclesrosponsbletocthe Han ththadalmest INTERRUPT, ALL RIGHT? IT'S HARD ENOUGH Hiled hin and Acryn. hid wes nlc -avace arto Lusans, ‘TO GET MY SIGNALS THROUGH YOUR probebly foxn the slip hl Crichton recognized, A fourh wes TRANSLATOR MICROBES, CKANT Deeian ake - ke Zhae, hha bh shin blue Zhean hed ful “Sern” read of wate har, The sthers, Crichton dt recognize: but they WHERE WASIOR YEAH- ONCE THEY Inchced a lour keep create loorely derebed avacrossbetweena GET TEN, THEY BRING “EM TO THS porter are an igor: an amorphous blab ot gltinans red gocr anda, —-PLANETOIO, SEE THIS IS AN ISLAND - Iuae ponderous, beshed hig moore bre backcosk ‘ONLY LANDMASS ON THE PLANETOID. CGrehion wes ob to amie wilithe nl ve Rgures One wanofeoure, ACTUALLY, THAT HLL OVER THERE'S DiAgo, The te ws the Peacekeeper copan who had hounded! fim RIGHT INTHEMIDOLE OF IT, since he trsticacheted no this cammer athe glnB Cra “Geet” Grehton meres When the wormhole spit Crchion out, his motile colle with = 50. YOU TEN ARE CHARGED Peacekeeper Prowles ploted he ltr levned, by Crst’s brother, Crs had WITH GOING OUT AND FINDING. fake been in charge of Moya when he Leviathan had escaped, inthe moths THE PRZE, WHOEVER GETS THE since then, their lies hoe! heen’ a constant chase through the Uncharled PRIZE, WINS. Fesrories «Ces slopped a oething te hunt them down, He saved pear "Win nal sehemerce for Crichton. whom be blame forthe death o his brother: SS ee Another chuckle, GET THE “Geol” Crehvon muileredl "Now are we done wih the macho chest beating” PRZE, AND YOULL END OUT He pointy looked Cris who eed him sve iran bind O’Arge’s ade. “We're supposed to work va histke whisper he pcthigsor sid, “We have been ghee out tk. eget. aie wha” The privet atthe cei. Theil set there: lle fo the center and carn THATS UPTO TOU IFTWOCF ——teprze wllwn Youle” ‘YOU FIND THE PRIZE, YOU BOTH ‘With tat ached elegy ito the ornge foes on lou ata rahor WIN, ALL TEN, YOU ALL WIN, lenin speed, Id Crichton wondered they a fled in snipe TT VARES, YKNOW. AND ITS. declatve serene ori his ont wedi shtick DIFFERENT EVERY TIME IN. FACT. “lansing nie you ae Ke DArgs” Cras spake nami WEVE GOT TWO NEW RACES calmer vaice, Criitan took a good lec ol Cris el natced that the THIS GO-ROUND YOU AND THE caplavhadn't shaved racer He goatee was untcrumed and stb HALOSIAN THATS THECHAPWITHTHE darkened his checks Igoe jen that violates some PK chess code or BEAK. ather. Obvious, Cis’ sre rrinded pura o! Maye was geting he richtén role Hisieyes “Chit whats thier ol i 6 Sta Tek epbod? Theyre kang us to see "Ades werewoityol hes ol leorsoie capthe ta” “Yes” Cris sid lll you your feecom, You wil be NO. NOTHING URE THAT THEYRE [UST exenersied af fhe charge ol murdering jour il and be euted BORED, IS ALL. A thee chuckls THEPRIZEIS N wth your on Alladin exchargeishins” Cras didnt somuchsay ‘THE CENTER GOOD LUCK eer thal bstyar ‘With tak tie veice eseppeated. And so di he Grihiontensed Seeing is son spunwes more iyportetlo force DiArgo than erg nel twas sil Cech and D' Arg ‘As soa as wen! down D/Argo unsheshed hi were hest fiends anyway Hell dock on Dam Bo.De Dept me ‘Qualls lide. Cras unholetered fis puke pital the prettynuchcximited tha weesuldproboblynevarbe fonds. enetan produced his oun weapon the panealigior “Then O'Argo thook his head. “Typical You think tht | Abed onishind gs andthe Sheyanglookaideepbreah, would ark deel nih ry alr and Letiy a fal? “Whoa Hail Tike eas Ferhapathat the way of your foulknd Peacekeeper. Bue” Coals ince splt ines asta "Crile He red hs sta DiArgst words were intomptod bya screeching = to ne ff. Cras tired several mara times, but nathng sau Cichion losis up and saw ene ofthe winged happened. purple crstures awooping down, As i gol closer. "Allcutsbunets, Crichton aidinhishestElmerFuddvoice, Crichton sow that it locked mash bie he fst Naw cn we stop wih the acho poskring cap and figure cul thought the a gleraneden on acid with big purple how were supposed to get out ois Wings ons the is of Montana, and avery fg, Screaming Cras threw dawmbie pists ancichirged at Crichton. Boake dove sraighl down ini the ees and rosea OA sepped in rent af Crichton his Quiks peined drcctlst fave marnonis iter wih another screech, ching Crs. The Penceheopr. sen ed hi charge the pantie in alos. The aber srg ‘Danet come Been me and ny vengeance DAs” voilpasthebied ingle plees nl ey DAego smi! a veious ile war more concemed wits my oll cute sight serweace: Peaceeies” Ande red his Qt “Oh his heeps ingyen” Or rahe: Hed to worked a wal a Cra’ pet “The Debian gazed atthe dense woods “Okay. wmaparre obiuslya bigot re-nm” Crichton said “The ChTs wes foot Come esl go Not entre" Dirge touched» wd on bol this Gat and agroup reverted ram blslr to sword form. My Blade can sl sepuate bis “The Sheyag the Zenetn ane Hac pownkah’shead rom is shoulders cschagedelnces.T wait go with i” Sukderh,Gcton (ck si hee wile o sete Shejangspla he Sheyong spt wha dvi foo t huge bal ine eh Bec = het cl the Yaiew of Dnom cal ‘er? tho Zonta, "Shee tart Halts osama? Cau fost ~ suing he hd ee nda ig “Lek wo’ lng” th Zen oak Beak Guyletoutsngonaed quunkssthe Linesbunedhinte scrip, sik ecatchng hor bead stb The Sheyangheld upishands.‘Dontworry-Lhawenoinlentoncfatidcig The tne wahed upto the Dehn. ary 9 theres ef you, Bl that Holoson red on my ves when we were ona "hl ccompary you Para the leit slags operation. wed hm thal” Zina vl be sie wth ts esd ee the lei 2 h that allcker to the Chala. If net ating a seal Wikvan ang shiek he winged Jon. bul he lhe wor ed to bea! her sink where i alens loosened. That nay have bean a mistake skarereeased ber andshe wentplummtirg cxt other pocket “we shall cyl toward the oun Forthe fs! ime. there goo moved shering @ spol uneer the danic Unbolserng 0 dagger the Zenctin and spreadgiteel into a wider form, Tho lank landed onthe goo. Heed Imin-provided he Sheyarg ond butalva scheeper slay here: | don! the The red goo apcle ty abigh piched vsice:“Sate yee - and | really don’ li Nice work JelLO Mas” Crchksn asi then metlered, "Ar s wasnt oven paying terion. “Wht Bier anew: Ke DeArgst sa thats obvious, Csi. ill mover she ced wil tees ol you oaks the were suck in Mexican standst 2 i) ove: Cenc? Cirehton| peeve over np lage shoulder, cantont kaos the bi shesen him and the PK cep 1 these fool ply their games’ the Dehisn Beant Lek use! fe wentntothe lores followed by tellaric andthe himsel te Sheyang stiyed behind. grumblng 1 moved since the force ame kind of plan sic “Wo eant uxt wand here lows a cach “The Sheyerg nin the forest docan' Te goo ad more tose: “Approwth lad New way ® ip few wa bewarhing Maybe,” Crichton nodded “but.” He Isched «gs to rn wascouring own again ~ bs lime makyslo- th clearing, Specialy for the lie sills oa lop al he Kew. Nol" Wihiout en thing. he leapt toward the other allons. he had thaxght about, held have vealized thal gyab Him in ‘Whi was. infact wht happened to soe three mare tocking goes. ltching one. of tho: prisar ‘tan put up = but the Zinmm had completely bowled the Delian, (Al least sumed Debins The Zetwtris SS eS “Grichion!” D’Argo3 powerful ‘Thblime the sereech eae nat rom a Znirm bl rom Cieh. Wth D'Avgo vice cred cut as Crchion ound temporary removed san impedimer. the Poxekesper leapt at Crichton wth fisell suddenly ities wes alain Jury, More: pat shot through Crichton’ entre: ey as hi brad fx he the time he add Dad went collded wth he hard grr "iil you once and for al Cricion! Yu wil" parmallngn the Baar chen be was Belorshe ould irsche hough. 0 Arge'torgpa ade outta the abide pidiscupvarestheloudness _Peaceheeper. Cris brked ence, thon opp over unconacsus The Lan the winds the sudden brd-eye view then olered Crichlonabend up. of the ple nhere held been stands, “Thanks. ne” he sald ashe tookit Then sal louder- "Ow, ow om! rly maine belo Nom fren: he Mn ths ts ‘how. thoi hen fos a hares nota "We need 6 fra a nay to get the pre and goto this dren pil parafpurletalnstherors abeustenpme —DiArgossid, Inks ny i “Tthink ured out how” Crichon sad through clenched teth ‘Ashe el the creature’ griphon ersurd The pn om his vss was about thausond ines wise alter Cra's hi stomach, He poked down al the ule “get goad bok a ths clearing for up yonder Is. pert eating ~ and saw someting that amezed im. cc Unfornaty he was inno pasion too ating “So uhat” he Shopng ead sboutit "So, Omnascio! Narlor Guy sid that the rie was a the Thesthes were though Afrbalshotup irom center Wel sain his tat bil since thatthe coker o the sound, presumably fom fe Sheyaras alle. the blend What he mensthe enter athe ce” Unovtunetely, mised. Damn piles, can’ ean DArgolooked dutiouslyat Crichton. “iteatbethatsinple™ amiigh Crchion shrugged thn inet regretted theron Crichton grmaced as the sharp pints of the “fine essid."you go ahead snd waleto to hill Witch out lor inarens ans pierced his ight suit Any sacand now ling Zinn ordi beashonaut stich obo Vcannothurtie look, he Shepard Then something ele rose up Irom the ceri The Kor sid rote, but sary thinned isl ot To Grchion’s amazement. tt wis B'Arge’s blade. toalong strand that crotch across the diameter ofthe. Yiu jackass Bart inave you defenseless agarst Cras! eating, Than it compretsod ~ an eae reversal he hethoughtasthe Quill wise ough the sitowards him Ian's telescoping sll ~ inte aeal bel. “Epicenter Unite the Sheysrystrebol,DArgescim wastes andthe here” sad Blade wentrghttroush ie Zimenm’ shed, tather daustig Gonre,Crichon ih, “Eacellrit Les hear for yelow sobstce splitredall aoundhim asthechtgmonstr ths Gros and Power Keo! Now wo jt dahl” shried fo tamble through the alr and plummet iouard the He loaked over at D'Argo ~ or, mons spacial, cewre, Diana's Qual. ‘Nee ig D'Arge. Coen tought Now isla of bang cto The Leena hineyes. “Fra” He ot donn ribbons Il bee grease soi on yelow gress Sl inthe grip othe on ovielneeund shoved habe He the ground talons, he could gt inloa proper bell posire Thank God fr asthe Kor rll obedelly outa the way: Aer cosiranat traning er probably be sik my somoch ri now repeat the motion several mes; ho and ‘Attne spose of ane tumbles Crichton naiced thathe wastaling no! Crichton stated caring away the det, dug, toward yell, but red. elL© Man! Groat Hell cot eto! lathe no be ground The Koz was wondrluly soll Island on ~ ike 35, red plow This i idles” se Sheyang sid “The Shejang immeditly tan over and pried the islrs lose while “Stand bic Let me handle hs belo we DArgoretricved is Quaks rem the Zinn shed. “Thenks 95" ie of ed oge wang fr you bv fh D’Aag> wiped the Zinmir Hood of he Qual veh is seve: “Aer Crichton quickly rose ard backed _youriienered on bebo the fini: we could esa ss” tp D’Aye did Mewes, The Sheyerg “Hows sho!” Crichton cada he got up ofthe Kea. “Ol” he aided ss tack a doop breath and then spt ot 2 shop pain sliced rough hi torso bulla ne ever kes pressive hon the “Wha i the Sheyeng shed cone he missed the Zim with “Cracked 2 couple rita Ibe tne” He waved he Shey Heyer @ wes probably sulivient b> “The laic's wnanadious” D’Argo si. “tul de shod be ne ‘et through simple det and ges Crichton nore “Liste re out what we Hope the pre is freproof SS Be DS Giehlon thoughtasthesaseousbal “Are you insane! We hive le get hoek to Moys and SlarBurt blero Cras Slsmuned! ino Ge dit igntieg the Commend Carrer cen pursue.” DArgo suled actions to words. as he earby apis, programmed a course To Crichions apprise, the: Kaz “Bute” As Crihfor wired, he noticed th the pan of hs cracked ih was mode a beslne for the the and gone. Thay realy del hoa all wounds. Hor damn tf they know smothered it puitig taut in aly short He sigeel Mobs the big guy's night fs nat worth risking Cras eaptaring vx ‘seder. Gotta get me one them. Besides ey way nothnom. Peering into the hole made by the Digs. ol con'you read us” Sheyarls supehilloss. Cochin sew a “Lou al clea. hea” Crichon replied sone he ao of st was smalard round Zhaat'ssejvwis aude even over he comm. “Tk he Goddess ‘ed kind f cul ‘were reacing many of thesis powertig ip ~ und Pao cys fat ore of “Thats Af | nearly gel cut ll by the them is Ceplan Cres’ one-eyed, ene horned hn purple people Command Carrer: yedh: wo know: We bumped nto our of slr ustseeansey got rk? by Bal, We veaete head stron in heh He'seuthe alight THETRICKS FINDING THEPRIZENOTTHE on heplnetoid, but weatll need to Ska! rent, PRZEITSELE.INNIT? “Toon understand what happen?” “Oh grat” Crichton groin lookrgup. oven “AWe'lgve yo helt ceel when see bic bea" though there was bore thr to realy see “Which” D'Arge added “wil bei eighty micros Plot be eure beck 50, we dug up the rack Now wha resdyto StarBurt he ineant he dackng web has us” YOU WIN. THE FOUR GF YOU GET TO GO “Undersivod, "Pia sid BACK TO YOUR SHIPS; SAFE AND SOUND. FOR Cichtn ct the connect. then tuned to D’Ango, Did GOOD MEASURE, ALL YOUR INURIES Will BE you mean what you said to Crab! Wien you fold him Iwas HEALED, AND YOUR SHPSLL WOR JUSTINE yourtrend?” ‘Agin. the chuckle, GOOD WORK, BY THE WAN. Didtgo did not look at Crichton ae he rumbled, USUALLY PEOPLE JUST BUGGER OFF TO THE HILL “Awarior does nat iete his enemy bath” AND BECONE ZIMMM.FOOD, YOU LOT ARE THE “Well thenks. ax. I rea of” He locked at his FRST IN ABOUT FOUR OR FIVE CYCLES TO GET IT reicout "Approaching Moya. The dochirg wets got” RG *Relessng contol ts Plot” O'Ango sa Crichton snorted, “Bully for us” Within micas. the hang ad pressive and “What about Cras and the lari!” D'Arge asked. “Anelthe Age and Cricon were naling ward the ost cers for that meter. dawn the patiny between the varios trsport THE SEBACEAN AND THE LANIC WILL BE LEFT HERE. poth. oseope lard Aerts escchexper Prowler TTLLBE UP TO THER SHIPMATES WHETHER OR NOT TO —_Unble tore, Chon put his and on DYArgo’s RESCUE THEM, THE OTHERS - THEYRE DEAD, LUXAN, 5 sheulder. “Lota tic void be tho bogrning of NOTA GREAT DEAL'S GONG TO VAPREN'TO'EN ATTHS beaut ends PONT. REALLY. DiArgos realy was lat ab Moys went ino “Goad” Cethtonsaid, "hit mean wecangetelad talon Gris SarBurs. tilehis Cornand Carrie picks hin up” “So thats al” The Shuyarg spread his cubby arms in prots No bourty? No reward” THE REWARD iS YOU GET TO LIVE, SHEYANG, AND YOU GOT. YOUR REVENGE ON THE HALOSIAN.SO QUIT WHNN. ALL RGHT? NOW GET OUTTA HERE SO WE CANLURE MORE SHIPS INH ERE. “Youre ps gorrabeep doi this? Crcion asked curegert YUP. GOTTA KEEP FEEDIN THE ZIMNMS SOMEHOW. GOOD.BYE, HUMAN ENJOY YOUR TRPBACK HOME. “Wotasec.you know abot Earth You can get me Belore Cison coulis he was back in the cop's et on fe anspor ped. “home. Duramt” He tured to ace the Linan bac inthe pial set “DArgn see you can ser course forthe pened” ee Yy nome i fn Crichton aseneut, « rodten wove fit end J got shot through a won fo. now I in soe cil rtf the unre, Dacpinepare cauntsslg yeors ern ourlitls bkyreen planet fie the Uncharted Temtares IN 4 wll untied region, ful el aber planets and lhoutands ol talent spaces, Grestempires bordel tra the Sebcss Peacekeope's othe otiivian Nebr but her, fs hist font, they hold litle pewer, The Terrteries cleaperatverd the idee So weersonthenn horn he Peachecpers oF iii tees. Others belong to pkietry goverment, ying, to But they al protect thor people frm the dangers surround have anc thingin cavemen: hey al nus arn ts survive inthe lest region steivlzed space, Inte the Uninet Teoies comes the Levisthan Maya, Wing ship cxewes by eile eacaped prisoners. and a humen arom [ohn Crichtn.who four hinselth ale ciarbialexerivent sucked bin throug a worrshale. They have fived countess dangers on thar oumey, ard ub they da’ alkays gt along they sick tether through the worst he unserso can throw at but ‘und arid the Uncharted Tertories lhem They xe the heroes ol he Farscape tleison sh hei on Thisboohis lal cling ote, wii WHAT IS @ ak engines RPG ae deter om the gies rest people eve used fa Phyers doalt amp asital each oti and there ae no whiners snd lors lesan the radbonal sense Ines, rale-phying reerbles.asephisscatec erm of make bole Thepliyere gettagethor a plece of imeroistonal theatre - where thoy pertry the heroes and harsines, Using rls, ce, anda He Fightin they crete ban ‘ob fichous characters, then run etn thro séries of adventures which anotiorpiyer the Game Masten contra. The Fes exist ta detormine the aime of certain vrebles se yaur hati or ree do the gr hear yousneshing around? bathe main ction takes plice inthe players! Imeginebors. sre like TY shows. Each represents anoter episode, where the heroes deal wih problems rewohe disputes, ght thet smrrica arcdiollinlowe Sutuntte whale riverse The Uncharted Tetris 8 ig place, ad he GM uno chrce TTY shows where the seit fs set toserveas tear lors sis and wonders. seed wochiogng. RPGS. gre. the ‘Tpps and ideas on Garneratering forsee game can be found Chaplet Pnerachince oafectheoulcome, Tae decide whether they should Make gy bos sek n What You'll tieed Ibrough the rar entrencecor evenevoid __Ineddion le thissourceback, you need severl-hecl sfpeper.pencisot ‘ential; The sionyire depends on the pen for wilting aid dice ~ ete oF more foursided dee i eahtsidee ‘hserdecions. ghing them achence to eceidB wees hice ehal an twenty iced die io) at kl oe “ee spontaneously rather than reepond '9 side ce (de aoe a! least fours sided ce ds. They car be four a scioled necessity. Inthe end. feyalsharein any neighbarhood game shop. You might so want to laralarie youre lhe rewards or after he peeuly lor llre__wththe Farscape TV show: thought sno! nocassatyn order to ply the teifthe next adventure, when anew tes or game. pestle hes The Rules: Players “Th ied do Salts he ence eres secre ‘Ore cane lok athe FarscopeRPG as sin everyone hit a good time. They en iva rling ce. ch sf ofthe Fersape TY show Ireicad oi plying smulie he ode ohana ter hg s ental anal ora plot ‘Grichton, Aeryn. and the other members of Moyes ‘suxcesslully newigating through a space battle, While they are very: lcrew.the players create thei owncres.thensetthem important. they: shouldnt gel in the way of having fun fH info he Uncharted Tertares in search sb Sematnes. that maars bend or bnvkig oles nich at chestre, Every player ave one; the Game Miser) orkfor yar atta pay sik, The GM hostho final ay on Gevclopse-ingk chanclereongraieom abulyLinanto wha fo we, vhalfo ned and wattoigperotn cond he ‘e cunning Sebaceen or arythire between. Using the only thing thot matters is trot everyone has fun, ess a guideline thoy shape fal charactr“sbotkgrourel ihn pots ek They er psy bs Krowmenouticcengieorterctencimnang WHAT THIS BOOK CONTAINS is ocber speech pltrns. and soon. Some payers event so speculae an actors or actresses they envision plovng thet This book's divided roughly in hal The ist section hueactrs Together all ol the player characters PC! ious ——cansists ol source materiel provide 2 sold goipcled a"piry who mustworktageberts overcomethe background lor the Uncharted Tentores and ts _chatcls they encounier: Like the bckorhg members of Moya danizens. The second half cotans the rles and rena the PCanced netalves gt along butte end althe dy, tnecharics section. tlle you howto este anc un ther corimen gosl overshadow their dilererces chansciets and provides 9 complete st ol lls PCscancome iroma vide vaielyel bakgrcunds ard belongto ables, end other expe ues. labo nudes snyone ot dozerraces Fanherdletalscn character teatoncanbe tps and guidelines lor Gamemasterng, lst found in Chapter Fie trough Nine, of eqapment and vehicles, and bestary containing some of the Temitories’ most Bame Masters tereingthrs While mos players have bul single character to hewp tacks the Game Expling the Uncharted Terroies takes Masts jabisrnc uncompleted Heershe sees asacomblnaion trun caurage and more than ii ke of mater, referee and supparing cst he develops the sete and Hoste alers and feud stafleets await ackenksros, describes the environment and plot developmonts, and the urmery-and even the nes nnocuis porteys any renplyer characters INPCa! the PCsrmay encounter. The GM encounter could tam deadly na stn, tbe serves as en arbiter of the tues, enforcing the de ols and making ure I's wid place. but those who sve X thatthe group mabtahs proper bebe. Hei in elcc the dretor ofthe wil see things that few could ever Farscape tory which he up 6 lig stserg tin the rght dkectons and dream of And whatever hppens gargtho PCs he oppanunty opiy Hers soullhave your good tends thereto WhlotheGMsjobinvolves muchmreworkthan he phyers Reancieobo the backyeur move. righ? ‘est ronssng, The plyershave alter characters o rons the GM Inthe Wseameto Ferscepe

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