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Distraction Sugosteogenesis: Its Biologic Bases and Therapeutic Principles

Article in The Journal of craniofacial surgery · October 2018

DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004892


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1 author:

Jaime Castro-Núñez
University of Alabama at Birmingham


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Distraction Sugosteogenesis: Its Biologic Bases and

Therapeutic Principles
Jaime Castro-Núñez, DMDy

Purpose: Recently, the terms sugosteogenesis and distraction Key Words: Active negative pressure, decompression,
sugosteogenesis have been introduced to the scientific literature. marsupialization, odontogenesis, odontogenic cysts
While the former describes a biologic phenomenon, the latter refers (J Craniofac Surg 2018;29: 2088–2095)
Downloaded from by pcUzqATA5iBL9bzZ7Ker2HOoIdxnC7gVLFGs1U1q1T3XSQjjcLl2/G19s/XtFRxzY/SChE7q6BnukjoQ+5/ACXRgy8YwSlKkuecTwePwDwpfS6pq5Kffs0SRXyCqHdmr on 11/05/2018

to the clinical technique which relies on the accelerated normal

bone healing process that takes place at the osseous walls surround-
ing a cystic cavity when active negative pressure is applied. The
purpose of this study is to provide the biologic bases and the O dontogenesis is a complex process by means of which a tooth
is developed from cells from both the ectoderm of the first
pharyngeal arch and the ectomesenchyme of the neural crest.
therapeutic principles of this emerging technique. Employing
well-stablished biologic principles, clinical evidence from analo- Together, the enamel organ, the dental papilla, and the dental
follicle (tooth germ) form a tooth. Eventually, it erupts into the
gous techniques, emerging experimental data, and circumstantial
oral cavity to play an important role in life.1 Upon completion of the
evidence, this study presents the possible mechanism of action of process, occasionally epithelial cells from the dental lamina,
the evacuator for odontogenic cysts (Evocyst), a closed, vacuum- reduced enamel epithelium, or the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
like drain system intended to treat cystic conditions using negative persist in the surrounding tissues as remnants.2 Usually, such
pressure. residual cells (rests of Serres, rests of the reduced enamel epithe-
Methods: A review of the literature was done. Keywords for the lium, and rests of Malassez) linger dormant without causing any
Medline search were: marsupialization, decompression, inconvenience to the patient.1,2
odontogenic cysts, effects of negative pressure on bone, and Nevertheless, certain stimuli have the potential to activate those
negative pressure wound therapy. In addition, relevant remains, which may respond by proliferating. As cells proliferate,
publications from the reference list of the retrieved studies were the center of the growing epithelial nest degenerates, mainly due to
the lack of irrigation, hence forming a cyst, that is, a pathologic
considered. The matches were evaluated for relevance and analyzed
cavity containing liquid or semisolid material and lined with
accordingly. Clinical reports used to illustrate the concept of epithelium.3–11 The fluid secreted by the epithelial cells exerts
distraction sugosteogenesis were performed following the an expansive hydrostatic pressure against the surrounding bone,
Declaration of Helsinki on medical protocol and ethics. thus partially explaining the resorption of bone and the enlargement
Results: Currently, the standard of care to manage odontogenic of the entity, which takes place along the lines of least resistance,
cystic lesions includes marsupialization, enucleation and curettage, that is, the cancellous bone.8– 12
decompression, and surgical resection. However, there is a need for The biomechanical theory, the cellular aspects of cystic
an alternative option in which the entity could be treated while growth, and the biochemistry of bone destruction contribute to
promoting bone formation. With large odontogenic cystic the understanding of the cyst’s behavior.13 During the 1970s
conditions treated in a short period of time, distraction investigators discovered that the wall produced collagenases
(including matrix metalloproteinases), prostaglandins, and leuko-
sugosteogenesis appears to be a choice.
trienes.14 – 22 The presence of interleukin-1a (IL-1a) and IL-612–13,23
Conclusion: The application of negative pressure to osseous cells and glycosaminoglycans24–26 inside odontogenic cysts was also
produces a stretching that creates mechanical cues that trigger documented. Taken altogether, the mechanism explaining cystic
signaling pathways, promotes fluid flow, and enhances enlargement includes hydrostatic pressure, release of ILs by the
angiogenesis. All of them, combined, may explain epithelial cells, and subepithelial layer of fibroblast, which lead to
sugosteogenesis. The clinical application of such parameters may osteolytic interactions, thanks in part to the cystic wall’s ability to
explain the good clinical results obtained with the Evocyst. recruit osteoclasts.12 IL-1, for example, has the potential to stimulate
osteoclastogenesis27,28 and to trigger connective tissue cells to pro-
duce collagenases (involved in the destruction of bone matrix) and
prostaglandins (responsible for osteoclast activation and increase in
From the Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia, Bogota, the permeability of the capillaries in the wall).12,29–31
Colombia; and yOral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, University In the late 1880s, Partsch discovered that opening a cyst into the
of Kentucky Lexington, KY. oral cavity halted its growing potential; this technique was called
Received March 4, 2018. cystostomy.32,33 In 1942, Neuschmidt34 described an alternative to
Accepted for publication July 9, 2018. cystostomy (Partsch I) in large mandibular cysts by keeping them
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Jaime Castro-Núñez, open using a rubber tube (drainierungs-Methode), today known as
DMD, Research Department, Institución Universitaria Colegios de decompression. In 1947, Thomas35 introduced the technique to the
Colombia, Autopista Norte Km 20 via a Chı́a, Bogota, Colombia; United States. Currently, it is accepted that Partsch I, Partsch II, and
decompression are different procedures sharing the same princi-
The author reports no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2018 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD ples.36 In 2015, Delgado-Rueda et al.37 introduced the concept of
ISSN: 1049-2275 double decompression. Later, a 2-way decompression device was
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004892 reported.38 Recently, the use of active intracystic negative pressure

2088 The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018
Copyright © 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018 Distraction Sugosteogenesis

has been linked to osteogenesis.39 To define this negative pressure- DISCUSSION

induced osteogenesis concept, the terms sugosteogenesis and
distraction sugosteogenesis (DS) were coined.40
Employing established biologic concepts, circumstantial evi-
Distraction Sugosteogenesis: An emerging
dence, and clinical and experimental data, the author reasoned that Technique Using the Evocyst
the application of intracystic negative pressure had the potential to Could it be possible to design a conservative method to treat
remove the cystic epithelium while transmitting physiologic odontogenic cysts in such a way that it deals with the pathology
forces to the surrounding bone capable of inducing a faster while promoting osteogenesis? Taking as starting point a previous
osteogenic response through cell stretching. The aim of this study tubing design38– 40 and based on the principles of cystic decom-
is to provide the biologic foundations of DS and its therapeutic pression,41,42 DO,43,44 NPWT,45 and experimental data suggesting
principles. that negative pressure could promote osteogenesis,46– 48 the author
designed and implemented the Evocyst.39 Figure 1A-B, for exam-
ple, depict a multilocular lesion which resolved after 1 month using
METHODS the Evocyst. More interesting, another osteolytic lesion initially
A review of the literature was performed. Keywords for the Medline measuring 10.5  4.5 cm (Fig. 1C) was reduced by more than 50%
search included the following terms: marsupialization, decompres- after only 11 days employing the device (Fig. 1D).
sion, odontogenic cysts, negative pressure, bone, negative pressure
wound therapy (NPWT), and distraction osteogenesis (DO). Pub-
lications from the reference list of the retrieved articles were Decompression: A Reliable Technique
considered and analyzed accordingly. Clinical reports are presented Decompression of large odontogenic cysts has become a more
and discussed to illustrate and demonstrate the principles governing popular treatment over the last 15 years.12,31,36,41,49 –64 The method,
DS. This protocol was approved by Ethics Committee/Institutional which is based on the rationale that releasing the intraluminal
Review Boards and was designed following the Declaration of pressure causes cystic reduction by gradual bone growth from
Helsinki on medical protocol and ethics. the periphery, causes minimal surgical 0morbidity, changes the
malignancy’s environment, avoids the reestablishment of its inter-
nal pressure, decreases/inhibits the amount of IL-1a and IL-6,
RESULTS maintains pulp vitality, preserves anatomical structures, prevents
This study presents the clinical results obtained with the evacuator pathologic fractures, thickens the cystic lining, and it is associated
for odontogenic cysts (Evocyst) and the pertinent literature with a relatively low risk of recurrence.35,50,55 In infants, other
reviewed to explain and support the possible mechanisms by means benefits are preservation of the tooth buds, minimal impairment of
of which the Evocyst is thought to exert its function. Regarding skeletal growth, and social adaptation.31
clinical data, 60% of treated patients were males and 40% females, Fluid pressure in odontogenic jaw cysts is thought to be higher
with a mean age of 18 years (range 11–34 years). All treated cystic than atmospheric’s.65,66 Intracystic pressure may change as the
conditions affected the mandible, with 80% of them occurring in the pathology enlarges, since it is regulated by the permeability and the
posterior zone (mandibular body, angle, and ramus) and 1 condition blood pressure of the wall’s capillaries; lymphatic drainage; venous
affecting the symphysis. return from the cavity; osmotic tension of the fluid; and the
From the radiographic point of view, 40% of lesions were elasticity of the wall.10,65 Marsupialization/decompression periods
multilocular and 60% unilocular. While 80% of the entities were range from 255 to 8051 months, with an average of 6 to 14.59 Degrees
relatively common odontogenic cystic conditions such as kerato- of shrinkage are between 19.1% after 1 month and 81% after 17.5
cystic odontogenic tumors, dentigerous, and residual cysts, 20% months.52 Kubota et al12 reported that a minimum decompression
represented uncommon histopathologic findings such as calcifying time of 12 months was required for dentigerous cysts to decrease
epithelial cyst. The main complaint of patients was the size of the 50% of their original size. Park et al60 reported a 39% shrinkage rate
intraoral unit, which 60% considered uncomfortable. Adherence to in 7 months, while Lizio et al63 noted a 70.5% reduction after
treatment protocol was accomplished by all patients. Upon removal 8 months of treatment (Table 1). Decompression decreases the size
of the intraoral unit (4–5 weeks after placement), 1 patient devel- from 50% to 81% over periods ranging from 7 to 44 months.61 The
oped a fistula at the site of the tube, which was successfully closed speed of shrinkage depends on the initial volume of the lesion.62
with a local flap. No major complications were reported. Long treatment time is the main disadvantage of the technique.
All patients reported that during the first 48 to 72 hours after the Since most of the times the reduced lesion requires enucleation, it is
activation of the extraoral unit, the reservoir was filled with accepted that neither marsupialization, nor decompression are
abundant sanguinolent fluid, which was no longer present after definitive methods of treatment.55,61,63
the 4th day. After that period of time, the reservoir contained a
colorless fluid, which most probably was a combination of normal
saline solution 0.9% and tissue exudates. All patients were Distraction Sugosteogenesis: A Superior
instructed to return for a follow-up visit 4 to 5 weeks after surgery Technique?
with a recent panoramic X-ray. In 100% of patients, newly formed The Evocyst, on the contrary, is believed to perform a dual
bone had filled the osseous defects. This means that a fast osteo- function, that is, to evacuate or suck up the entire cyst (epithelial
genic response (sugosteogenesis) took place as soon as the device lining, fibrous capsule, and their products) while inducing sugos-
was activated. As it will be presented and discussed later in teogenesis. Since DS is able to shorten treatment time considerably,
this study, one egregious osseous defect affecting the symphysis the drawbacks of marsupialization/decompression such as tube
was filled with new bone in <2 weeks. Thanks to the benefits of dislodgement, tissue irritation, overgrowth around the tube, long
this emerging technique, aggressive surgical procedures were treatment times, and patient compliance are minimized or elimi-
avoided. nated.67 Of note, the physical forces exerted by the extraoral unit
In the following paragraphs, pertinent literature will be analyzed indeed maximize the tendency of peripheral bone to centripetally
and discussed in an attempt to provide a biologic explanation for the grow into the cavity center after the relief of the internal hydrostatic
accelerated osseous healing observed in our patients when active pressure caused by the cystic content.31 Therefore, DS eliminates
negative pressure was applied to odontogenic cystic conditions. the morbidity and costs associated to bone grafting procedures.

# 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD 2089

Copyright © 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Castro-Núñez The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018

TABLE 1. Some Characteristics Related to Marsupialization/Decompression

Feature Study

Intracystic fluid pressure

KCOT 337.6 mm Hg Kubota et al12
Dentigerous cyst 258.2 mm Hg
Radicular cyst 254.0 mm Hg
Periodontal cyst 47 mm Hg Skaug65
Follicular cyst 44 mm Hg
Residual cyst 38 mm Hg
Mean decompression time
KCOT 8.32 months Gao et al36
Radicular cyst 2.75 months
Unicystic ameloblastoma 9.14 months
KCOT 11 months Pogrel and Jordan51
KCOT 10 months Brøndum and Jensen64
Odontogenic cystic lesions in general Anavi et al55
Mandible 9.1 months
Maxilla 9.3 months
Mean relative speed of shrinkage
KCOT 2.87 cm2/month Gao et al36
Radicular cyst 3.37 cm2/month
Unicystic ameloblastoma 2.71 cm2/month

KCOT, keratocystic odontogenic tumor.

promoting osteogenesis? To tackle this question, the odontogenic

epithelium must be understood as the source of the problem.70,71 In
fact, recurrence is mostly attributed to either incomplete removal of
the epithelial lining or growth of a new entity from small satellite
cysts or odontogenic epithelial rests left behind during the initial
FIGURE 1. (A) A radiopaque multilocular lesion at presentation. (B) 1-month treatment.72,73
postoperative radiograph showing resolution of the entity and woven bone. (C)
An osteolytic lesion of the symphysis measuring 10.5  4.5 cm. (D) 11 days after
using the Evocyst, a new radiography showed that the lesion reduced more than Removing the Epithelial Lining by Using Active
50% of its original size. Sugosteogenesis around the anterior lower teeth and the
basal bone is remarkable. (E) Proposed mechanism by means of which the Intracystic Negative Pressure
Evocyst is believed to function. 1. Interstitial fluid flow. Normal saline solution Surgical drains are used to remove bodily fluids and to improve
0.9% is used to irrigate the cavity. This solution enhances interstitial fluid flow, wound healing.74 They are open or closed, with the latter subdivided
which is the primary mechanism used by bone cells perceive changes in their
mechanical environment. Strain-induced fluid flow regulates the anabolic
into passive or active (Table 2). The first surgeons who applied negative
response of bone cells to mechanical cues. Evocyst-induced fluid flow may pressure to odontogenic cysts were Rud,75 Heidsieck,76 and Hjørting-
contribute to the stimulation of osteoprogenitor cells. 2. Evacuation of cystic Hansen et al,77 based on the technique described by Mandal78 for
epithelium/capsule and their products. The negative pressure exerted by the primary wound healing (Table 3). While they must be credited for the
extraoral unit has the potential to both remove the entity’s epithelium/capsule
and their biochemical products and to promote cellular responses leading to
application of negative pressure to odontogenic cysts, there are,
angiogenesis and osteogenesis. 3. Tension to surrounding bone. While however, substantial conceptual and therapeutic differences from
removing the cyst, negative pressure also creates a line of tension along the DS. Rud75 and Heidsieck76 reported good results, but only immediate
surrounding bone, which results in the transmission of mechanical forces that postoperative findings were described. Moreover, their therapeutic
generate cell stretching. Other effects of mechanical stress on bone cells include
regulation of the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells
goal was to drain the cystic contents, not to remove the epithelial lining
and osteogenic precursors, induction of signaling pathways promoting or to induce osteogenesis. Heidsieck76 used a Redon, which did not
osteogenesis, modulation of the expression of osteonectin and collagen type I, allow irrigation. In the early 1990s, Hjørting-Hansen et al77 drained 42
and increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. 4. Increased vascularization. patients as part of the surgical treatment for odontogenic cysts. They
Negative pressure stimulates angiogenesis by inducing and directing fast
migration of pre-existing blood vessels. 5. Short-term hypoxia. Bone and
reported primary healing with complete closure of the incision in 90%
angiogenic cells in the cystic cavity may be under low oxygen tension. of patients after using the drain for 3.6 days in average. Total osseous
Activating the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 regulatory pathway may play a role regeneration was reported in 57% of patients.
in both angiogenesis and osteogenesis. All those interactions occur at the Those studies share the following: the therapeutic goal was to
same time and have been separated here only for academic purposes.
drain the cystic contents, the cyst needed to be enucleated at a
second surgical time, daily irrigation was impossible, some patients
If the advantages of DS are summed up, this protocol stands up as a needed bone grafts after enucleation, and removal of the system,
more clinical and biologic effective approach if the patient can be usually within a week, was dictated by the amount of fluid
closely monitored and adheres to the therapy. Disadvantages of the evacuated in a 24-hour period.75–77 The Evocyst, on the contrary,
method are the size of the intraoral unit and the lack of data regarding exerts a negative pressure force believed to suck the epithelial lining
long-term results. Several studies indicate that around 70% of and the fibrous capsule into the extraoral unit. This, in turn, takes
recurrences take place within the first 5 years of initial treatment.68,69 out of the scene prostaglandins, collagenases, and proteinases that
But the initial question remains: what if a conservative method is stimulate osteoclastic activity. Additionally, removal of the Evocyst
designed in such a way that it deals with the pathology while is dictated by the complete filling of the defect with new bone.

2090 # 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018 Distraction Sugosteogenesis

TABLE 2. Classification of Surgical Drains

Type Definition Example

Open The contents are exposed to the atmosphere. Drain fluid collects in gauze pad or stroma bag Penrose, corrugated drain
Closed The contents are not exposed to the atmosphere. The tubes drain into a bag, reservoir, or bottle
Not driven by negative pressure (channels the fluids)
Passive Driven by negative pressure (suction or vacuum) Robinson drain, T-tube
Active Redivac, VAC

Inducing Osteogenesis by Means of Active 3. Increases the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor
Negative Pressure (Sugosteogenesis) (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor.103
The physiologic responses of tissues to applied mechanical Bone, on the contrary, is also known to respond to a variety of
forces are known since Wolff.79 Hence, for more than a century, mechanical stimuli, which regulate the proliferation and differenti-
clinicians have implemented them in several techniques, including ation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteogenic precur-
orthodontics, DO, soft-tissue expansion, and NPWT. The clinical sors. Various stimuli have shown to act through numerous signaling
and experimental evidence supporting the fact that mechanical pathways to induce osteogenic differentiation of bone-marrow-
forces stimulate angiogenesis, osteogenesis, and wound healing derived stroma cells (BMSCs) and osteoblast activities.93 Mechan-
is overwhelming.80–110 In the following paragraphs, the author will ical stimulation or the application of stress on bone:
discuss, first, studies supporting the effects of mechanical forces on
1. Promotes the expression of collagen type I and osteonectin in
angiogenesis and then investigations supporting the effects of such MSCs.102
forces on osteogenesis to theorize, at the end, on the possible
2. Decreases osteoclastogenesis through osteoprotegerin (OPG)
mechanisms by means of which the Evocyst in thought to and OPG-ligand (OPGL) signaling.86,98
induce sugosteogenesis.
3. Stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of osteopro-
Osteogenesis and angiogenesis are intimately related.107 There- genitor cells.90,91,96 In fact, they induce osteoblasts to both
fore, to understand the effects of negative pressure on osteogenesis, proliferate and increase osteogenic growth factor production,
the role of angiogenesis must be discussed first. Mechanical stress extracellular matrix deposition, and enhance VEGF production.90
has a direct effect on angiogenesis82; hence, local negative pressure
4. Augments fluid flow, which is thought to be the main
that can trigger angiogenesis and local blood flow is used to treat mechanism used by bone cells to perceive alterations in their
wounds.103 Therefore, the cell’s physical environment can be surroundings. Tension-induced fluid flow regulates bone cell
manipulated to promote specific tissue healing responses.101 Stud- anabolic response to mechanical cues.89,94,97 Experimental
ies have demonstrated that mechanical stimulation or the applica- studies have shown that MSCs could be stimulated to proliferate
tion of stress to soft tissues: and differentiate along osteoblastic pathways through fluid-
1. Stretches cells to encourage proliferation and differentiation by flow-induced mechanisms, thus suggesting a regulation of both
regulating the extracellular matrix via cell-mediated mechani- osteoblast and mesenchymal precursors via shared signaling
cal-signaling pathways. Said forces are within the physiologic pathway.97
margins known to foment cell proliferation and differentia- 5. Activates tissue-specific progenitor cell pathways that unfold to
tion.95 Cells react to stretching by regulating specific genes and/ stimulate bone even after the period of mechanostimulation.101
or the induction of pathways leading to tissue-specific cell 6. Promotes the secretion of factors and matrix molecules inherent
differentiation and angiogenesis.80,81 to osteoblastic differentiation.91
2. Transmits signals that are necessary for the cells to respond to Few researchers have investigated the effects of negative pres-
biochemical cues.80 In fact, there are reports describing a sure on bone.46,47,111,112 In 2009, Yang et al46 presumed that
transcriptional mechanism sensitive to mechanical and chemi- intermittent negative pressure could promote osteogenesis in human
cal signals that control angiogenesis.105 BMSCs in vitro. After isolating BMSCs, they were allocated into

TABLE 3. Historical Summary of Conservative Techniques

Technique Designer Year Notes

Cystostomy Carl Partsch 1892 Partsch I
Cystectomy Carl Partsch33 1910 Partsch II
Decompression Von Neuschmidt34 1942 Used a rubber tube
Decompression Earle Thomas35 1947 Introduced the technique to the United States. If he was aware of Neuschmidt’s study is unknown
Decompression Kurt H. Thoma6 1958 Thoma, who popularized decompression in his book Oral Surgery, attributed the method to Thomas
Negative Pressure Jørgen Rud75 1967 Reported the successful treatment of a KCOT
Negative Pressure Carl Heidsieck76 1968 Expanded on the subject
Negative Pressure Erik Hjørting-Hansen et al77 1993 Reported the largest series
Double Decompression Javier Delgado-Rueda et al37 2015 Introduced the concept of double decompression
Distraction Sugosteogenesis Jaime Castro-Núñez et al39 2017 Presented the technique

KCOT, keratocystic odontogenic tumor.

# 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD 2091

Copyright © 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Castro-Núñez The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018

negative pressure treatment group (pressure: 50 kPa, 30 min/times, granulation tissue, thus improving wound healing parameters.113
twice daily) and control group (cultured in conventional condi- Ideally, what is required for the treatment of odontogenic cystic
tions). Researchers examined the osteogenesis of BMSCs using conditions is a reliable method for removing the lesion while
phase-contrast microscope, determined alkaline phosphatase (ALP) predictably stimulating, in situ, progenitor cells to launch the
activity, and the immunohistochemistry of collagen type I. Employ- osteogenic healing pathway without the requirement of exogenous
ing real-time polymerase chain reaction, they evaluated mRNA factors or cells.
expressions of OPG and OPGL. Although the exact mechanisms by means of which the Evocyst
The OPG, also known as osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor is believed to perform its dual function have not been elucidated,
and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily member 11B this author hypothesizes that the delivered negative pressure is
(TNFRSF11B), is a cytokine receptor that inhibits both differentia- capable of removing the entity’s epithelium/capsule and their
tion and function of osteoclasts. It is the receptor for receptor biochemical products. Such negative pressure, at the same time,
activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL). The RANKL, creates a line of tension along the surrounding bone, which results in
an osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF), is also known as OPGL, the transmission of mechanical forces that generate cell stretching,
TNF ligand superfamily member 11, TNF-related activation- hence inducing sugosteogenesis. Such theoretical assumption is
induced cytokine, and ODF. It is a transmembrane ligand that supported by emerging experimental data.46,47,112 This section is an
functions as a key factor for osteoclast differentiation and activa- attempt to translate such experimental findings into the therapy we
tion. Receptor activator of nuclear factor k B (RANK), also known are proposing.
as TRANCE receptor or TNFRSF11A, is the receptor for RANKL The question to be answered is: what are the mechanisms by
and part of the RANK/RANKL/OPG signaling pathway that coor- means of which the Evocyst is thought to induce osteogenesis/
dinates osteoclast differentiation and activation. Osteoclast activity, angiogenesis in the absence of added exogenous factors and/or
therefore, is modulated by the OPGL/OPG ratio. cells? The Evocyst is a device composed of several parts, all of
What Yang et al46 found was that after 2 weeks of intermittent which could individually play a role in evacuating the cyst while
negative pressure BMSCs had a typical appearance of osteoblasts, modulating bone healing. These elements are a 2-way (irrigation
positive expression of collagen type I, and increased ALP activity. and decompression) intraoral unit and an extraoral reservoir capable
When compared to the control group, the mRNA expression of OPG of applying forces of typically 45 mm Hg.
was increased significantly and the mRNA expression of OPGL Taken all experimental studies together and our evidence, it is
decreased substantially. They concluded that intermittent negative possible that the stretch/mechanical stress exerted by the extraoral
pressure could promote osteogenesis in human BMSCs in vitro. In unit:
2013, Swain et al47 experimented on male, skeletally mature New
Zealand White rabbits by creating a 15-mm-diameter defect and 1. Promotes sugosteogenesis by:
 Regulating the proliferation and differentiation of MSCs
placing a calcium phosphate scaffold over it. In the experimental
group, negative pressure was delivered for 1, 4, 6, or 10 days. No and osteogenic precursors.47
 Inducing signaling pathways that promote osteogenic
negative pressure was applied to the control group. Twelve weeks
after creating the defect, experimental animals exhibited greater differentiation of BMSCs and osteoblast activities.93,100
 Enhancing the expression of osteonectin and collagen
defect bridging and bone within the scaffolds. They documented an
extracellular matrix densely populated with cells and capillaries. type I, which is the major organic component of the
The experimental group had greatly increased vascularity after the extracellular bone matrix.46,102
 Increasing ALP activity. This enzyme hydrolyzes the ester
application of negative pressure. In addition to angiogenesis, vas-
cular invasion of the scaffold by pre-existing vessels took place. bond of organic phosphate compounds under alkaline
The study suggested that negative pressure activated within mature conditions to promote calcification.46
 Decreasing osteoclastogenesis via OPGL and OPG
dura a natural healing cascade that resulted in osteogenesis.
More recently, Sun et al112 compared the osteogenic differenti- signaling.46,86,98 Intermittent negative pressure could
ation of orofacial bone marrow stromal cells before and after promote OPG expression while inhibiting OPGL expres-
marsupialization in subjects with odontogenic cysts. They showed sion. A drop in OPGL/OPG mRNA ratio is lost with time
that decompression could promote the stemness and osteogenic after the cessation of negative pressure.46 The ERK/JNK
potential of BMSCs, which have the characteristics of self-prolif- signaling pathway might be involved.112
eration and multi-differentiation (adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteo- 2. Stimulates angiogenesis by:
 Inducing and directing migration of pre-existing blood
genic) potential. Activation of the extracellular-signal-regulated
kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (ERK/JNK) signaling pathway vessels.106,113
 Enhancing granulation tissue formation and wound
was proposed as an important mechanism for decompression. They
concluded that decompression might participate in the modulation healing.45,106
 Changing the OPGL/OPG mRNA ratio.
of proliferation, stemness, and differentiation through regulating
ERK and JNK pathways in orofacial BMSCs. That is supported by  Activating the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 regula-
Ninomiya et al50 who demonstrated that decompression dramati- tory pathway, which is believed to directly influence
cally decreased the expression of IL-1a in the epithelial cells of angiogenesis.46 The HIF-1 is a transcription factor
keratocystic odontogenic tumor. important for the maintenance of cellular oxygen
homeostasis.46 Increased vascularization, in turn, leads
to an intensified delivery of osseous stem cells.107
How is the Evocyst Thought to Induce  Regulating cellular pathways or specific genes governing
Sugosteogenesis? angiogenesis.80,81
The benefits of local negative pressure are edema reduction, 3. Creates short-term hypoxia:
interstitial fluid flow and exudate management, stimulation of  Bone cells in the cystic cavity may be under low oxygen
angiogenesis, enhancement of blood flow, and local effects on tension. Lennon et al114 reported that cultures of rat MSCs
wound perfusion, growth factor, cytokine expression, and cellular at low oxygen tension had more cells and generated more
activity. Such properties lead to an enhanced formation of osseous tissue when compared to cells under 21% oxygen.

2092 # 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 29, Number 8, November 2018 Distraction Sugosteogenesis

Hypoxia in cells subjected to negative pressure may be a commitment; several follow-up visits; uncomfortable intraoral unit;
major stimulus for the expression of HIF-1.46 and challenge to keep outstanding oral hygiene. Surgeons dealing
 Activation of the HIF pathway by negative pressure with odontogenic cystic entities should be able to implement the
triggers hypoxia-responsive gene expression like VEGF, technique without major complications.
which plays a critical role in angiogenesis.46
4. Exerts forces capable of removing the cyst and its contents: ACKNOWLEDGMENT
 By actively removing the cystic epithelium/capsule and
their products, the extraoral unit breaks down the harmful The author thanks his wife Lyda and his kids Sara, Isaac, and
interactions between them. The interruption of the Danna. He thanks Drs David Rey, Alfonso Ayala, César Torres, and
epithelium-capsule-osteoclasts relationship halts their Pedro Moreno for their enthusiastic support. The author thanks
destructive behavior. Through the decompression tube, Joseph van Sickels and Larry Cunningham and librarian Tagalie
the extraoral unit reduces to 0 mm Hg the intracystic Heister and her team at the University of Kentucky. Lastly, the
pressure. This reduction in pressure, in conjunction with author also thanks his oral pathology professor Jairo Bustillo and
the progressive evacuation of the cystic components, Alejandro Hoyos for the fantastic job with figure design.
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