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Question 1 of 21 (3 points)

Rain falls on a leaking roof. It drips into the attic at 25 mL/min. When there is a
pool of 1000 mL in the attic, water starts to drip through to the kitchen at 10
mL/min. How long does it take from when it starts to rain until there is 200 mL in
a bucket under the drip in the kitchen?

a. 50 min

b. 30 min

c. 40 min

d. 20 min

e. 1 hour

f. 25 min

g. 45 min

Question subject is Arithmetic.

Your answer was: 1 hour
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
73.70% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 2 of 21 (3 points)
1 1 1
2× /4 × 6 × /2 × /6 × 4

a. 48
b. 24

c. 12

d. 1

e. 1/2

f. 1/6

g. 1/8

Question subject is Arithmetic.

Your answer was: 1
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
73.45% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 3 of 21 (3 points)
When three consecutive whole numbers, (for example 4,5,6) are added, the total
is 33. When the largest and the smallest of the 3 numbers are multiplied, the
result is

a. 70

b. 80

c. 90

d. 99

e. 100

f. 110

g. 120
Question subject is Algebra.
Your answer was: 120
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
81.31% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 4 of 21 (3 points)
The average of the digits of the integer 57 is 6. Including 57, how many two-digit
positive integers have the average of their digits equal to 6?

a. 10

b. 9

c. 8

d. 7

e. 6

f. 5

g. 4

Question subject is Averages.

Your answer was: 7
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
44.95% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 5 of 21 (3 points)
If a=3, b=4, c=1⁄3 and d=1⁄2, then the value of a
⁄c + b
⁄d is:

a. 17

b. ⁄20

c. 15
d. ⁄3

e. ⁄3

f. 10

g. 13

Question subject is Algebra.

Your answer was: 17
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
61.67% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 6 of 21 (3 points)
In the figure below are 3 squares. The smallest square has an area of 6cm 2. What
is the difference between the area of the biggest square and the area of the
middle-sized square?

a. 4cm2

b. 6cm2

c. 12cm2

d. 15cm2

e. 18cm2
f. 42cm2

g. 56cm2

Question subject is Geometry.

Your answer was: 12cm2
You answered this question correctly! (+3 points)
52.30% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 7 of 21 (3 points)

Eve scored 5 points in the first game, 4 points in the second game, 3 points in
the third game, and 8 points in the fourth game. How many points does she need
to score in the fifth game so that her average number of points per game is 7?

a. 9

b. 10

c. 11

d. 12

e. 13

f. 14
g. 15

Question subject is Averages.

Your answer was: 12
Sorry, please try again.
80.55% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 8 of 21 (4 points)
In the diagram, the line with equation y=2x-8 crosses the x-axis at A and
the y-axis at B. The area of ∆AOB is

a. 6

b. 8

c. 16

d. 12

e. 32

f. 14

g. 4

Question subject is Geometry.

Your answer was: 16
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
50.53% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 9 of 21 (4 points)
An octahedron has 8 faces and 12 edges. How many vertices does it have?

a. 18

b. 10

c. 2

d. 6

e. 8

f. 16

g. 12

Question subject is Geometry.

Your answer was: 6
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
27.27% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 10 of 21 (4 points)
In the board game "Silly Bills", there are $1, $2 and $3 bills. There are 11 more
$2 bills than $1 bills. There are 18 fewer $3 bills than $1 bills. The total value of
all bills is $100. What is the value of the $1 and $3 bills together?

a. 26

b. 34

c. 46

d. 55

e. 58

f. 61

g. 65

Question subject is Algebra.

Your answer was: 34
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
41.70% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Click to view YouTube video of the solution.

Question 11 of 21 (4 points)
How many odd numbers are there greater than 1,000 but less than 100,000?

a. 49,500

b. 49,950

c. 49,995

d. 50,000

e. 55,000
f. 25,000

g. 38,750

Question subject is Number Theory.

Your answer was: 49,500
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
51.03% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 12 of 21 (4 points)
In paving a sidewalk 2015 identical square tiles with side length 1 have been
used among other material. The only condition is that each tile shares at least
one entire edge with the entire edge of another tile. What is the largest possible
total length of all edges of all tiles that are not shared?

a. 2015

b. 4030

c. 4032

d. 6042

e. 6044

f. 6075

g. 8060

Question subject is Geometry.

Your answer was: 6044
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
7.77% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Click to view YouTube video of the solution.

Question 13 of 21 (4 points)
Reduce the following polynomial : 0.4x2y + 31 + 3
⁄8 xy2 - 0.6y3 - 2
⁄5x2y -
0.2xy2 + 1
⁄4y3 - 6.

a. ⁄9xy2 - 1

b. 0.8xy2 - 3.3y3+19

c. 0

d. ⁄40xy2 - 7

e. 25

f. -0.1x2 + 25

g. None of the other options are correct.

Question subject is Arithmetic.

Your answer was: 7⁄40xy2 - 7⁄20y3+25
You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
44.91% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 14 of 21 (4 points)

Thor is playing with tiles. He wants to use three of the same tile shape to make
the pattern shown above. One of the tiles below can't be used in this way. Which
one is it?





Question subject is Patterns.

Your answer was:

You answered this question correctly! (+4 points)
51.06% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 15 of 21 (5 points)
a, b, c, d are digits. If the three digit number 6ab satisfies
that 6ab - ba6 = cd7, then c + d is equal to ?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 8

d. 10

e. 11

f. 3

g. 1

Question subject is Algebra.

Your answer was: 6
Sorry, please try again.
41.70% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 16 of 21 (5 points)
- You win the game by uncovering all squares that are not bombs.
- Uncover a bomb, and you lose the game.
- Uncover a number, and it tells you how many bombs lay hidden in the eight
surrounding squares.

- If you think a spot is a bomb, you can mark it with a flag by holding down Shift
and clicking (Shift+Click).
- The green counter indicates how many more squares you have left to uncover
before you win.
- The red counter indicates the number of bombs remaining (assuming all your
flags are bombs).
- Try as often as you like (but beware of the remaining test time!)
- If you manage to win, scroll down, click "Submit Answer", and you will be
awarded full marks.

Question subject is Interactive.

Your answer was: lose
Sorry, please try again.
70.08% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 17 of 21 (5 points)
Let D be the smallest number that 2015 can be divided by to yield a remainder
of 15. Which statement about D is true?

a. D is less than 15.

b. The sum of the digits of D is 2.

c. D is not divisible by 5.

d. D is bigger than 99.

e. The greatest common factor of D and 2015 is not 1.

f. D is divisible by 3.

g. The lowest common multiple of D and 15 is bigger than 499.

Question subject is Number Theory.

Your answer was: D is not divisible by 5.
You answered this question correctly! (+5 points)
37.15% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 18 of 21 (5 points)

In a newly opened Pizzeria one can choose 3 different sizes of pizza (large,
medium, and small) and pick from 7 different toppings. On a small pizza, you
must choose 3 different toppings. On a medium pizza, you must choose 4
different toppings, and on a large one, you must choose 5 different toppings.
How many different pizzas can they make?
a. 12

b. 84

c. 91

d. 97

e. 105

f. 112

g. 127

Question subject is Combinatorics.

Your answer was: 91
You answered this question correctly! (+5 points)
13.19% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Question 19 of 21 (5 points)
Select the opposite of the following statement: "Everyone answered at least 20

a. "Everyone answered no more than 20 questions"

b. "Someone answered less than 20 questions"

c. "Everyone answered at most 20 questions"

d. "Everyone answered less than 20 questions"

e. "Someone answered at least 20 questions"

f. "Everyone answered more than 20 questions"

g. "Everyone answered 20 questions"

Question subject is Logic.
Your answer was: "Someone answered less than 20 questions"
You answered this question correctly! (+5 points)
16.49% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Click to view YouTube video of the solution.

Question 20 of 21 (5 points)
Sasha has marbles of same size and look. All marbles have the same weight
except one which is heavier. She also has a scale which can be used to compare
the weight of what is put on one side with the weight of what is put on the other
side of the scale. The scale would either show whether both weights are equal
or which side weighs more.

Sasha can use the scale n times. What is the largest number of marbles out of
which she can identify the heavy marble?

HINT: Consider first the case of 3 marbles.

a. n marbles

b. n2 marbles

c. n3 marbles

d. n4 marbles

e. 2n marbles

f. 3n marbles

g. 4n marbles
Question subject is Combinatorics.
Your answer was: 3n marbles
You answered this question correctly! (+5 points)
20.94% of contestants answered this question correctly.

Click to view YouTube video of the solution.

Question 21 of 21 (5 points)
Which of the following numbers is the sum of 4 consecutive numbers?
REMINDER: Calculators are not allowed.

a. 123456789

b. 234567890

c. 345678901

d. 456789012

e. 987654321

f. 212121212

g. 232323232

Question subject is Number Theory.

Your answer was: 345678901
Sorry, please try again.
24.29% of contestants answered this question correctly.

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