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MPDC Quality Management System Effective Date

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MPDC Port Operating Guidelines
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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06





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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06

Table of Contents

1. Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo, S.A – (“MPDC”) ...............................................................5

2. Purpose........................................................................................................................................................5
3. Scope...........................................................................................................................................................6
4. Interpretation and Definitions ........................................................................................................................6
5. Access to and Presence at Port of Maputo .................................................................................................... 13
5.1. Access to Port of Maputo ............................................................................................................................ 13
5.2. Entry and Exit by Vessel Crew ..................................................................................................................... 14
5.3. Photography .............................................................................................................................................. 14
6. Port of Maputo Berthing Policy and Berth Planning Rules ............................................................................... 14
6.1. Operating Hours and Shift times.................................................................................................................. 14
6.2. Objectives of Berth Planning Rules .............................................................................................................. 15
6.3. Rights ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
6.4. Conditions Applicable to Planned Vessels ..................................................................................................... 17
6.5. Announcement of Vessels Carrying IMO Class Goods .................................................................................... 17
6.6. General Operational Conditions ................................................................................................................... 17
6.7. Port Restrictions ......................................................................................................................................... 17
7. Port of Maputo Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer .............................................................................. 19
7.1. Vessel Announcement Criteria (Phase I Process) .......................................................................................... 19
7.2. Vessel Cancelation and Substitution/Replacement ........................................................................................ 21
7.3. Opportunity Vessels .................................................................................................................................... 22
7.4. Berth Allocation and Activities ..................................................................................................................... 22
7.5. Hatch and Vessel Preparedness ................................................................................................................... 25
8. Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer – MPDC Terminal Operator ............................................................ 25
8.1. Planning of Cargo Working (Phase II) .......................................................................................................... 25
8.2. Resources Allocation ................................................................................................................................... 27
8.3. Documents ................................................................................................................................................ 28
8.4. Order Amendments .................................................................................................................................... 30
8.5. Phase II Amendments ................................................................................................................................ 30
8.6. Cargo Availability ........................................................................................................................................ 30
8.7. Weighing of Cargo ...................................................................................................................................... 31
8.8. Pushing Up and Separations........................................................................................................................ 32
8.9. Blending of Cargo and Shipping of Cargo from Multiple Stockpiles ................................................................. 34

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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06

8.10. Cross Haulage ........................................................................................................................................ 34

9. Vessel Performance and Monitoring (Phase III Process) – MPDC Terminal Operator ........................................ 34
10. Delays to Vessels on Berth – Applicable to MPDC Terminal Operator .............................................................. 35
10.1. Delays Caused by the Vessel on Arrival .................................................................................................... 35
10.2. Delays Caused by Weather or Other Safety Related Issues ........................................................................ 35
10.3. Delays Caused by Force Majeure ............................................................................................................. 36
10.4. Delays Occasioned by Cargo .................................................................................................................... 36
10.5. Delays caused by Operational Requirements ............................................................................................ 37
10.6. Recording of Delays ................................................................................................................................ 37
10.7. Redeployment of Resources .................................................................................................................... 37
10.8. MPDC Terminal Operator Rights .............................................................................................................. 38
10.9. Arrest of Vessels, Cargo, or Bunkers ........................................................................................................ 38
10.10. Unplanned Shifting of Vessels Between Berths ......................................................................................... 39
10.11. Unproductive / Unsuitable Vessels ........................................................................................................... 39
10.12. Stoppages .............................................................................................................................................. 39
10.13. Unplanned Cumulative Delays Excluding Rain Delays ................................................................................ 39
11. Cargo Management – MPDC Terminal Operator ............................................................................................ 39
11.1. Cargo Booking Request – Bulk Cargo ....................................................................................................... 39
11.2. Truck Arrival Notification (TAN) and Rail Arrival Notification (RAN)............................................................. 40
11.3. Storing / Stockpile prior to Shipping ......................................................................................................... 40
11.4. Cargo Dwell Time ................................................................................................................................... 41
11.5. Dispatch of Cargo ................................................................................................................................... 41
11.6. Retention of Import Cargo ...................................................................................................................... 41
11.7. Cargo Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 42
11.8. Material Safety Data Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 42
11.9. Transshipments ...................................................................................................................................... 42
11.10. Abnormal or Project Cargo ...................................................................................................................... 43
11.11. Mate’s Receipts ...................................................................................................................................... 43
11.12. Handling Losses for Bulk Cargo .................................................................................................................... 44
12. Back Of Port Facility .................................................................................................................................... 44
13. Equipment and Property .............................................................................................................................. 44
13.1. Mobile Harbour Crane (“MHC”) Criteria – MPDC Terminal Operator ............................................................ 44
13.2. Vessel’s Gear – MPDC Terminal Operator ................................................................................................. 45
13.3. Third Party Equipment – MPDC Terminal Operator .................................................................................... 46
13.4. Equipment with Steel Tracks at Port of Maputo ......................................................................................... 46
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13.5. Liability of Customer for Damage to Port Equipment or Property of Port of Maputo ..................................... 46
14. Miscellaneous Service – MPDC Terminal Operator ......................................................................................... 46
15. Fees/Surcharges for Additional Operations Requests and Penalties on Operational Process ............................. 47
16. Electronic Data Interchange (Port Interface) – MPDC Terminal Operator ........................................................ 48
17. Dispute Resolution – MPDC Terminal Operator ............................................................................................. 48
18. Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer – Sub-Concessions and Other Terminals ......................................... 49
19. Port Authority Services Requests Scheduling ................................................................................................ 49
20. Port Service Registration/Authorization ......................................................................................................... 49
21. Port of Maputo Safety and Environment ....................................................................................................... 49
21.2. Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................................................ 50
21.3. Special Works ......................................................................................................................................... 50
21.4. General Conduct ..................................................................................................................................... 51
21.5. Accident Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 51
21.6. Oil and Chemical Spill.............................................................................................................................. 51
21.7. Waste Management ................................................................................................................................ 51
21.8. Vessel Berthing and Alongside Operations ................................................................................................ 52
21.9. Handling of Dangerous Goods ................................................................................................................. 52
22. Port of Maputo Security ............................................................................................................................... 53
23. Traffic in Port of Maputo ............................................................................................................................. 53
23.1. Compliance with Traffic rules and Directions............................................................................................. 53
23.2. Parking at Port of Maputo ....................................................................................................................... 53
24. Enforcement by Port of Maputo ................................................................................................................... 54
25. Documents Required ................................................................................................................................... 54
26. Related Systems Records ............................................................................................................................ 54
27. References ................................................................................................................................................. 55
28. Replacements ............................................................................................................................................. 55
29. Revision History .......................................................................................................................................... 55
30. Approval .................................................................................................................................................... 59

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1. Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo, S.A – (“MPDC”)

In terms of Decree 22 of 2000 of 25 July, MPDC, as Concessionaire of the Port of Maputo, is empowered to apply
and enforce the Port Regulations for the Port of Maputo. The Port Regulations, which have been promulgated in
terms of the Decree, grant MPDC the authority to establish, implement and enforce internal specific policies and
procedures for operations in the Port of Maputo, pursuant to Government approval.

MPDC may at any time, and in its sole discretion deviate from the Port Operating Guidelines (“POG”), should it
consider it necessary or appropriate to do so in the interests of safe and efficient cargo working, optimal use of
Port resources and/or in the light of its contractual commitments which will take precedence over the conditions of
the POG. In so doing, MPDC will:
• comply with all applicable international codes and conventions, national legislation, regulations and/or any
applicable statutory and/or regulatory directives, laws and bylaws including but not limited to the provisions
of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), codes, conventions, laws, and
regulations concerning the protection of the environment, transportation, labor and social responsibility
such as they may be applicable to this POG.
• ensure that it holds, and that it observes the terms and conditions of all relevant permits, licenses,
and approvals of public authorities in relation to the activities carried out by it in terms of this POG.
• act in accordance with its policies and procedures and relevant environmental standards.
• comply with the Legislated Port Regulations as amended from time-to-time and.
• If there is any conflict between the above-listed regulations and decrees and this POG, they take
precedence over any other provision in the POG.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the POG, the rights, and obligations of whatever nature of MPDC as set out in,
and originating from, the Concession Agreement will in all circumstances prevail.

All Vessels and cargoes stored in the Port of Maputo, via their agents and/or representatives, acknowledge
acceptance and unconditional adherence to the terms of this POG.

2. Purpose
This document is a guideline to berthing of vessels and the working of cargo at the Port of Maputo.

The allocation procedure for berths takes account of, but is not limited to, considerations such as berth availability,
weather, cargo availability, availability of resources, logistics, storage space, the expected efficiency of vessel
working and the optimal use of Port resources. The berths available in the Port operated by MPDC are designated
for use by MPDC and its Sub concessionaires only.

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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06

The POG, where applicable, must be read in conjunction with the Legislated Port Regulations which are available
on MPDC’s Website: as well as the Port of Maputo Tariff Book.

3. Scope
This document is applicable to the Port of Maputo.

4. Interpretation and Definitions

Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words shall have the meaning ascribed to them hereunder:
4.1. “Abnormal or Project Cargo” means any article which exceeds one or more of the following measurements:
4.1.1. Mass 25 tons (25 000 kilograms)
4.1.2. Length 12 meters
4.1.3. Width 2.50 meters
4.1.4. Height 2.87 meters
4.2. “Agent” means a dully authorized and appointed representative of the cargo and/or vessel.
4.3. “ANE” means the “Administração Nacional de Estradas”.
4.4. “Announced Vessel” means a vessel which intends to call the Port of Maputo for cargo working and has
been announced on the vessel arrival notification (VAN) system, for review and approval by the Harbour
Master or his formally appointed representative.
4.5. “Arrival” means that a vessel has arrived at channel north (buoy 1).
4.6. “Berthing Schedule” means the twenty-one (21) day advance vessel berthing and working program
compiled from the announcement data as required of and tendered by vessels and does not constitute a
firm berthing slot.
4.7. “Berthing Window” means a period allocated to a vessel to berth, to carry out cargo working and to undock
and sail from the berth. The window will also consider any berth and route preparation time as required.
4.8. “Bona Fide Vessel” means a vessel with a valid IMO number wishing to berth at the Port of Maputo, which
complies with the announcement criteria as required herein and for which cargo has been scheduled to be
loaded or discharged at the Port of Maputo.
4.9. “Break-bulk” means general cargo shipped loose such as cartons, steel, pallets of goods, bulk bagged
cargo, bagged cargo, and the like, stowed loose in a vessel’s hold, as opposed to the cargo which is
4.10. “Boletim de Débitos e Diversos” (BDD) refers to the customary Port of Maputo document utilized for the
raising of charges for miscellaneous services rendered.
4.11. “Bulk Cargo” means a homogenous commodity in solid or liquid form discharged/loaded by means of grabs,
skips, buckets, baskets, connecting pipes or conduits and by any other technical means, onto/from vessels,
vehicles, rail trucks, tanks, or storage areas.
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4.12. “Cargo Working” (or “Working Cargo”) means the process of either loading or discharging cargo onto or
from a vessel.
4.13. “Cargo” means goods carried by a vessel (or other modes of transport in the context of rail or road
4.14. “Carrier” means the party employed to carry goods.
4.15. “Cargo Booking Request” (CBR) refers to a formal request from the customer or his representative to send
their cargo to MPDC Terminal Operator.
4.16. “Chief Operating Officer” (or “COO”) is the official employed by the Terminal Operator who is responsible
and accountable for the overall management of the operations.
4.17. “Container” means any container, refrigerated container, controlled atmosphere container, integral
refrigerated container, transportable tank, or flat rack container which conforms to the International
Standards Organization for container type designation.
4.18. “COSWP” means Code of Safe Working Practice.
4.19. “Customer’s Vessels” means those vessels operated by or on behalf of the Customer, which may call at the
Port of Maputo.
4.20. “Customer” means the party to whom a service is provided by t h e Port of Maputo, and where it is used
in relation to cargo, includes the Owner, Shipper or Importer/Exporter of such cargo or their
4.21. “Day” means any day of any month as designated on a calendar, commencing at midnight and ending
on the following midnight.
4.22. “Draft Survey” means the methods employed by an independent marine surveyor to calculate and confirm,
as accurately as possible, the tonnage of bulk cargo on board a vessel.
4.23. “Dust and Cross Contamination Cargo” means goods which by their nature are either sensitive to
contamination from other sources of cargo or which are liable to contaminate another source of cargo and
for which special contingencies and planning may need to be implemented by the Port.
4.24. “Dual Loading” means utilizing two ship loaders simultaneously to load a vessel.
4.25. “ETA” means the estimated time (and date) of arrival of a vessel in the Port.
4.26. “ETB” means the estimated time (and date) for berthing of a vessel in the Port.
4.27. “ETD” means the estimated time (and date) of departure of a vessel from the Port.
4.28. “First Come, First Served” means that a vessel:
4.28.1. which is duly announced and firmed in accordance with paragraph 4.4 and 4.29 and
4.28.2. which has complied to the “Seniority” requirements; and
4.28.3. which is the first to arrive at Maputo Jurisdiction Area (buoy 1).
4.29. “Firm”, used in respect of a vessel, means that a vessel has confirmed its arrival date within at least five
(5) days before ETA for scheduling purpose on the Port Vessel Line Up and has been allocated a
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berthing slot based on compliance with 4.28.1 to 4.28.3 and which will be senior to any non-confirmed
4.30. “Force Majeure” for the purposes of this POG, means, in respect of either party, any event or circumstance,
or combination of events or circumstances occurring during the operation of this POG, the occurrence of
which is beyond the reasonable control (directly or indirectly) of a party, and could not have been avoided
by steps which might reasonably be expected to have been taken by such party, acting as a reasonable
and prudent commercial entity. Without limiting the generality of this clause, such events or circumstances
may include any one or more of the following:
4.30.1. An act of God, act of public enemy, act or threat of terrorism, war, invasion, embargo, military coup or
armed conflict, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, public demonstration, sabotage, piracy,
act of vandalism, explosions, lightning, fire, flood, storm, strong winds, drought or earthquake.
4.30.2. Any unforeseen breakdown of essential machinery or equipment used in the Port or Customer
operations which was not caused by the negligence of the relevant party or its project managers,
agents, or contractors, and which occurs notwithstanding adequate maintenance in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications.
4.30.3. Blockade or closure of the port.
4.30.4. Epidemic, plague, or quarantine.
4.30.5. Meteorites.
4.30.6. Nuclear explosion, radioactive or chemical contamination or ionizing radiation.
4.30.7. Power failures or interruptions of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to electricity.
4.30.8. Pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices, strikes or other industrial action.
4.31. “Hatch Covers” mean covers, normally of steel construction, used to cover and protect the hold of a vessel
from weather and which are either mechanically operated or need to be removed with a crane.
4.32. “Hold Cleanliness Certificate” means a certificate issued by an independent marine surveyor certifying that
an announced bulk vessel on berth is free of contaminants.
4.33. “HSE” means Health, Safety and Environmental.
4.34. “IACS” means the International Association of Classification Societies.
4.35. “ID” means Identification Document.
4.36. “IMBSC” means the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code.
4.37. “IMO” means the International Maritime Organization.
4.38. “INNATER” means the Instituto Nacional de Transportes Terrestres.
4.39. “ISM” means the International Safety Management Code.
4.40. “ISPS” means the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code.

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4.41. “Lay Can” means the earliest date at which cargo working (lay time) is contracted to commence and the
latest date upon which the vessel can arrive at its appointed loading place without its call being at risk of
being cancelled.
4.42. “Lay Days” means the number of days allowed for cargo working in a charter party relating to a specific
vessel or cargo.
4.43. “Liner” in relation to vessels, services, or cargo, means vessels operated, services rendered and /or cargo
carried by a shipping line in accordance with a fixed published schedule.
4.44. “LOA” (Length Overall) means the length of a vessel measured along the length between two (2) opposite
points on the hull furthest apart from one another, perpendicular to the waterline.
4.45. “Mandatory Public Holidays” means the 1 January and the 25 December of each year.
4.46. “Marine Service Tariff” refers to the costs charged by Port of Maputo for the marine services such as
pilotage, tugs, mooring and unmooring, port entry, berth fees and other port related charges.
4.47. “Master” means the vessel Captain in command of the performing vessel.
4.48. “Mates Receipt” means a categorized list of all cargo loaded as per bills of lading for which the vessel signs
as having been received from the Terminal Operator.
4.49. “MHC” means Mobile Harbor Crane.
4.50. “MPDC” means Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo, S.A, the Concessionaire in charge of
the operations and management of the Port of Maputo.
4.51. “MSD” means Maximum Sailing Draft.
4.52. “Non-Liner” in relation to a vessels, services, or cargo means vessels operated, services rendered, or cargo
carried otherwise than by a shipping line in accordance with a fixed published schedule.
4.53. “Notice of Readiness” (NOR) is the unequivocal advice tendered on arrival by a vessel by the Master /
Owner / Charterer, as the case might be, of the vessel indicating that the vessel is in all aspects ready to
commence cargo working (it does not take in consideration internal Terminal processes or cargo
requirements). The NOR must be submitted when the vessel is at buoy 12P (pilot station), or it may be
submitted at buoy 1N on condition that the master requires the pilot on board at buoy 1N.
4.54. “Official Working Hours” means the customary hours of work as agreed between Port of Maputo / Terminal
Operators and its employees or contractors from time to time. The current working hours for the Port are
reflected in clause 6 of this procedure and are subject to change from time to time at the sole discretion
of the Port of Maputo.
4.55. “Opportunity Vessel” means any vessel not announced and firmed timeously and which calls at the Port on
a speculative/opportunistic basis from time to time. Refers to clause 7.3.
4.56. “PFSO” means the Port Facility Security Officer.
4.57. “Phase I” means the vessel announcement criteria as defined in clauses 4.98 and 7.1.

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4.58. “Phase II” means a meeting between the MPDC Terminal Operator, the Customer or its representative and
the Vessel or its representative, for the purpose of planning the vessel’s intended cargo working.
4.59. “Phase III” means a meeting between the MPDC Terminal Operator, the Customer or their representative
and the Vessel or its representative held daily to monitor the progress of cargo working on all vessels to
review performance, report on the maintenance of norms and inform of corrective action(s) for
improvement and general communication on progress and daily forward planning.
4.60. “Phase IV” means a structured meeting between the MPDC Terminal Operator, the Customer or its
representative and the Vessel or its representative which must be held within seventy-two (72) hours after
completion of cargo working, upon request by the Agent, unless the relevant parties have mutually
agreed in writing to forego such meetings, and instead to hold a monthly meeting covering a number of
port calls.
The primary purpose is to discuss the performance and overall measurement and continuous
improvement of vessel working and to direct structured strategic feedback for Port Management
4.61. “Planned Delay” means a controllable event which takes place to affect Cargo Working and such delay
together with the time required is discussed and planned at the Phase II (for example the moving of ship
loaders between hatches, the planning of hatch separations, the shifting of gangs between hatches, the
opening of holds, and other similar activities, etc.).
4.62. “Planned Work Stoppage” means the time officially allowed by the Port of Maputo / Terminal Operator for
general meetings with its employees which are held during working hours.
4.63. “Planning Manager / Planning Representative” means the Planning Manager/Planning Representative at the
Terminal Operator, which is responsible for all planning activities including allocating, shifting and removing
vessels from berths, the overall planning of berths and Terminal resources.
4.64. “Planning Meeting” means any planned meeting relating to any planning phase, or an ad hoc meeting
specially convened for the purpose of vessel and cargo planning, enhancing communication, expediting
cargo working and/or resolving issues related to berthing or cargo working.
4.65. “Planned Vessel” means a firmed vessel in respect of which a Phase II meeting as contemplated in
clause 4.4 has been held, at which all relevant aspects concerning the berthing and cargo working of
such vessel have been finalized by signature by all parties concerned of the relevant Phase II planning
4.66. “Planned Shift” means twelve (12) hours shift during weekdays, public holidays or over weekends which
has been planned specifically in the respect of cargo working of a particular vessel at a particular berth at
a particular time.
4.67. “POG” means this document setting out the Port Operating Guidelines.

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4.68. “Port Captain” or “Harbour Master” means the Port of Maputo official responsible for the approval of the
physical berthing of vessels in accordance with the defined berth plan.
4.69. “Port Vessel & Berth Planner” means the Port of Maputo Marine official responsible for the co-ordination of
the physical berthing of vessels calling at Port of Maputo.
4.70. “Port Discretion” means the exercise of a discretion by Port of Maputo to ensure the safe, efficient and
productive operation of the Port in the first instance, with due regard for the interests of all stakeholders,
as opposed to the interests of any individual stakeholder or vessel call, to the exclusion of the others.
4.71. “Port of Maputo” means MPDC Port Authority.
4.72. “PRM” means the “Polícia da República de Moçambique”
4.73. “Public Holiday” means any day designated as such by the Mozambican legislature.
4.74. “Rail Arrival Notification” (RAN) refers to the information required by the MPDC Weighbridge System in
which the customer or his representative announces the forth coming arrival of trains with cargo to be
offloaded at the MPDC Terminal Operator.
4.75. “Readiness for Berthing” (RFB) means that a vessel has arrived at Port Marine area and is in all respects
ready for pilot boarding and cargo working (credit limit approved, cargo available, channel free for
navigation, pilot available, berth available, etc.)
4.76. “Ready to Load / Discharge” means that a vessel has reached such a state of preparedness in all respects
that it is ready to immediately commence cargo working.
4.77. “Re-planned Vessel” means a vessel which for any reason whatsoever no longer complies with the
provisions of the original Phase II planning meeting. Such a vessel is subject to a re-planning process which
in some instances, at the discretion of the Terminal Operator, may occur simply by way of written
Re-planning may arise from, but is not limited to, the following factors: original planned volumes increase,
equipment availability changes, vessel substitution, vacating a berth due to productivity issues, equipment
failure and returning later to resume cargo working either at the same berth or an alternative berth within
the same or at an adjacent Port. Where circumstances permit, a vessel can retain its seniority on the berth
or may have to be re-scheduled by the Port to an alternative berth or slot.
A new announcement will not be required.
4.78. “Representative” means the dully authorized representative of any party, including but not limited to
representatives of the customer, vessel and/or vessel owner engaged in the shipment of cargo.
4.79. “Resources” means personnel and equipment provided by the Terminal Operator which are required for
cargo working / vessel handling.
4.80. “Ring Fenced Cargo” means cargo of a specific type in respect of which specific storage areas have been
identified, usually adjacent to or near a berth(s) normally used for the loading of such types of cargo and
with the object of efficient use of Port space and resources.
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4.81. “Rolling Stock” means any vehicles that move on a railway line.
4.82. “Ro-Ro” means a roll-on roll-off vessel of which certain cargo decks are accessible only by means of a ramp
which is lowered onto the quayside and over which cargo is driven onto or off the vessel by means of the
4.83. “Safe Working Load” (SWL) means the accepted international standard used to certify the safe working
load of any equipment and, which term can be used to include any other accepted international safety
standard in use when applicable.
4.84. “Senior Vessel” means, a vessel that was firmed timeously no less than five (5) days of ETA, documents
submitted for order creation and pre-planning meeting no less than seventy-two (72) hours before ETA,
and order fully approved in the system. Refers to clause 7.1.9.
4.85. “SENSAP” means the “Serviço Nacional de Salvação Pública”.
4.86. “Shore Crane” means a crane either in a fixed position, or rail mounted for traversing ashore as well as any
mobile crane deemed to be standard Port equipment for the purpose of lifting and transferring cargo from
quayside to vessel and vice versa.
4.87. “Standby Charges” means charges raised in respect of the costs of holding resources available where a
vessel has been unproductive for a period of time and Port staff are standing by, waiting for the
recommencement of cargo working or in instances where a vessel elects to keep resources on standby for
any reason whatsoever. These charges are indicated in the Port of Maputo Tariff Book.
4.88. “Stevedoring Services” means the service performed by which include the working of cargo on board a
vessel and on quay, and to operate vessel cranes.
4.89. “Terminal Handling Charges” (THC) are the costs charged by the Terminal for the handling of cargo at the
terminal. The cost includes the loading and unloading within the terminal property by any means of
transportation, stacking of cargo and other port related charges.
4.90. “Terminal Operator” refers to the Port Operator responsible for the handling and storage of cargo as per
signed contract with Port of Maputo.
4.91. “Truck Arrival Notification” (TAN) refers to the information required by the MPDC Weighbridge System in
which the customer or his representative announces the forth coming arrival of road trucks with cargo to
be offloaded at the MPDC Terminal Operator.
4.92. “Ton” means a metric ton.
4.93. “Transshipping” means the process of planning, landing and re-shipping cargo either onto the same vessel
or a different vessel in the same Port and such cargo is manifested for such a transaction.
4.94. “Truck Management Park at Pessene” means a park for truck bound to Maputo and Matola Ports, developed
under the restrictions created by Government of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Transport and
Communications, with the aim of ensuring better traffic management of ore trucks destined for the Ports

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of Maputo and Matola. It is located in N4 road, around 16 kilometers after Moamba Toll Gate, bound to
Maputo and Matola Ports.
4.95. “UKC Policy” means Under Keel Clearance Policy.
4.96. “Unproductive Vessel” means a vessel which has had cargo working interrupted or delayed for a period in
excess of four (4) hours for any reason whatsoever and/or a vessel that does not meet its planned norm
and/or planned shift as agreed at the Phase II meeting.
4.97. “Unsuitable Vessel” means a vessel which by virtue of its characteristics is not suitable for the cargo
announced for loading/discharge and/or the vessels type (class) does not conform to the cargo announced
and which impacts negatively on the cargo handling norms and the vessel’s turnaround time. The following
characteristics, but not limited to, shall be regarded as unsuitable vessel:
4.97.1. Inadequate ships gear (less than 30 tons).
4.97.2. Tween decks for bulk.
4.97.3. Cross beam for bulk.
4.97.4. Bulk bags in bulk carriers, and
4.97.5. Wings stowed bulk cargo.
4.98. “Vessel Arrival Notification” System shall mean the official vessel announcement system submitted by the
vessel / agent to Port of Maputo.
4.99. “Vessel Crane” means a crane mounted on a vessel as part of the vessel’s equipment and employed in lieu
of shore cranes.
4.100. “Vessel Announcement” means the official advice tendered by means of a Vessel Arrival Notification System
which must be submitted to Port of Maputo, by the customer or his representative, whereby a specific
vessel is announced to call at a Port at a specified time and date to work cargo and such vessel is thereupon
required to maintain an acceptable schedule integrity (referred to as Phase I planning).
4.101. “VHF Channel” means Very High Frequency Channel.
4.102. “Weather Sensitive Cargo” means cargo which by its nature cannot be worked due to it being adversely
affected during the working process by weather conditions such as, but not limited to, rain or wind, and
for which special contingencies and planning may need to be implemented by the Terminal Operator.
4.103. “Working Vessel” means a vessel which has been planned, berthed and in respect of which cargo working
is in progress.

5. Access to and Presence at Port of Maputo

5.1. Access to Port of Maputo
5.1.1. No person or property shall enter the Port of Maputo unless prior permission has been obtained from
the Port of Maputo Security Department. All personal belongings shall be declared to the Security
Department before entering the Port.
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5.1.2. No property shall leave the Port of Maputo premises unless prior written permission has been obtained
from the Port of Maputo Security Department.
5.1.3. The Port of Maputo’s access permission shall be evidenced by a permanent or temporary written
document / pass issued by the Port of Maputo’s Security Department.
5.1.4. Notwithstanding the issuance of a written document / pass, the Port of Maputo may, at its discretion
without assigning any reason whatsoever, disallow any person or property to enter or leave the Port
of Maputo’s premises.

5.2. Entry and Exit by Vessel Crew

5.2.1. Crew changing should be requested by the Vessel Agent and a written approval should be issued by
the Harbour Master then by the Port of Maputo Security Department.
5.2.2. The Vessel Agent should submit to the Port of Maputo Security department the photocopies of crew
identification before their arrival at the Port.
5.2.3. The crew shall present their valid passport to the security at the gates of the Port of Maputo and to
the Immigration office for confirmation. The crew will be escorted by the Vessel Agent to the vessel
and Port of Maputo security personnel when necessary.
5.2.4. Any crew leaving the Port of Maputo to visit the city must hand over the valid passport to Immigration
and a shore pass will be issued by Immigration services.
5.2.5. The shore pass must be presented to the Security at the gate and on return to the Port, the crew must
present the shore pass and company ID with an updated photo to the security at the gate of Port of
Maputo to enter the premises.

5.3. Photography
5.3.1. Prior written permission shall be obtained from Port of Maputo’s Security Department for the recording
of any kind (visual, audio or otherwise) in any digital media whatsoever (such as film, magnetic tape,
digital memory devices or otherwise) within Port of Maputo premises.
5.3.2. No recordings shall be used as evidence against the Port of Maputo in any action or proceeding.
5.3.3. The Port of Maputo reserves the sole right to confiscate, edit, amend, or destroy recordings, including
its copies that were not approved at no cost and liability.

6. Port of Maputo Berthing Policy and Berth Planning Rules

6.1. Operating Hours and Shift times
6.1.1. Mondays to Sunday
07H00 – 19H00 and
19H00 – 07H00
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6.1.2. In certain instances, and based on the volume of cargo, the terminal may elect to work the following
operating hours. This is generally applicable on breakbulk cargos such as rice / fish which is labour
Monday to Sunday
06H30 – 14H30
14H30 – 22H30
22H30 – 06H30 (fish vessels usually do not work or may work if the vessel can complete).

6.2. Objectives of Berth Planning Rules

6.2.1. Improve berth utilization.
6.2.2. Improve turnaround times.
6.2.3. To provide more equitable, transparent, and user-friendly rules.
6.2.4. To provide efficient berth planning rules that address problems experienced by the Port Vessel & Berth
Planner and/or Terminal Operator’s Planning Manager/Planning Representative under the current rules.
6.2.5. To clear define Port Vessel & Berth Planner and Terminal Planners’ rights over any other rights.
6.2.6. To introduce the concept of integrated planning that will coordinate all activities on the berth and to
assist the Terminal Planning Manager / Planning Representative.
6.2.7. To coordinate the berth planning with physical berthing of the vessels, Security and HSE activities
under the guidance of an integrated Port Vessel & Berth Planner.
6.2.8. To monitor cargo volume throughputs, productivity, dwell times, environmental conditions, operational
and non-operational times, regulations, and legislation.

6.3. Rights
6.3.1. Preferential Berthing Rights This is a right given by the Port of Maputo (Port Authority) to a Sub-concessionaire and other
Terminals in order to handle specified cargo over specific berth(s) under special conditions. Preferential berthing rights will be accorded to parties listed below: Leaseholders on special-purpose berths with fixed bulk/liquid infrastructure and
equipment, provided that notification of at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to vessel
arrival has been given to the Port Berth & Vessel Planner/Marine Representatives. Any amendments to the above notifications will result in a new notification being allocated,
thereby forfeiting the original one. Notifications and amendments thereof must be in

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6.3.2. Berths Berths Required for Lay-by Purpose. There will be no lay-by berths in the Port. Exceptions can be made at the sole discretion
of the Port Berth & Vessel Planner in the case where berths are vacant after written consent
from the Harbour Master. Shifting or removal of the vessel will be at the Customer’s or
vessel’s risk and expense. Where an unproductive vessel is alongside a berth which is not immediately required for
any purpose, and the vessel wishes to remain at said berth for lay-by purposes, Marine
department on behalf of the Port of Maputo may, at its sole discretion, grant permission
to the vessel to remain at such berth for as long as it is not required for any other purpose. The vessels that stay longer than their planned days on the berth will lose their status and may
be required by Port of Maputo Harbour Master, to move to another berth, if available or to the
outer anchorage to avoid delays to the planned vessels and will be at the Customer’s or vessel’s
risk and expense. Upon written consent from the Harbour Master, the Port Berth & Vessel
Planner / Representative may undertake the latter, at the owner’s cost. Any vessel that warps (shift position on the berth) without written permission from the Port
Berth & Vessel Planner / Representative will be held liable for all resulting shifting and delay
costs incurred by other affected parties. Vessels with fixed appliances on the quay must submit
their exact position on the quay to the Port Berth & Vessel Planner / representative together
with plans. Failure to do so will result in cancelation of the vessel’s plan. If a vessel is planned to sail, it is imperative that the master of the vessel confirms with Port
Control via VHF (Channel 12 & 16), the intended sailing time, which must not exceed three (3)
hours before high tide. It is equally imperative that the vessel sail within a maximum period of
two (2) hours before high tide.

6.3.3. Stakeholders The Port Berth & Vessel Planner / Representative refers to an employee of the Port of Maputo
that coordinates the planning and allocation of vessels to berths; this function will reside in the
Marine department. The Port Berth & Vessel Planner / Representative will be working on “First Come, First Served”
principle, which implies that the first arriving planned vessel shall be accommodated first. All agents shall announce the full Vessel Arrival Notification on the system, no more than
twenty-one (21) days before ETA and no less than five (5) days before ETA. Ten (10) days prior to the arrival of the vessel, agents are required to update the Port Berth &
Vessel Planner/Representative of the ETA, as contemplated in clause 7.1.19.
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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06 The Port Berth & Vessel Planner / Representative will have absolute rights, which will supersede
any other rights, economic or otherwise, to ensure safe handling and navigation of vessels
including those carrying hazardous cargo.

6.4. Conditions Applicable to Planned Vessels

6.4.1. Should the vessel experience any engine problems enroute to the Port, this must be notified to the
Port of Maputo prior to phase II. Should the vessel wish to conduct any repairs while on the berth,
written permission must be obtained from the Harbour Master and the Port of Maputo.
6.4.2. No vessel may be shifted without prior arrangements / agreement being made amongst the
stakeholders concerned. A written request / permission should clearly stipulate:
• Who will be accountable to pay for the services rendered.
• Who is requiring such service, and
• Who is receiving the benefit of such shifting?
Once the above is in order and approved, the shifting of the vessel will be programmed.

6.5. Announcement of Vessels Carrying IMO Class Goods

6.5.1. All hazardous break-bulk and bulk cargo must be declared on the VAN system and be handled as per
the Port approved hazardous handling procedures.

6.6. General Operational Conditions

6.6.1. All vessel’s gear must comply with the relevant technical and safety laws and standards and must have
the relevant test certificates and authorizations available for inspection.
6.6.2. As a rule, pneumatic rubber fenders will be required to be placed for drafts above 11.5 meter for the
berths with no super cone fenders. For all vessels whose loading sequence demonstrate calculated
draft above 11.5 meters, pneumatic rubber fender will be placed, and service will be charged to the
vessel agent.
6.6.3. For deployment and removal of pneumatic fenders, the Port general procedures/protocols require use
of tugs, duty pilot and mooring gang. Exceptional cases will be evaluated and approved by the Harbour

6.7. Port Restrictions

6.7.1. Read in conjunction with Marine SOP, the Port restriction for vessels wishing to use the Port of Maputo.
6.7.2. Considering the channel is maintained to allow vessels of 14.50 m draft in Neap Tides to 15.50 m draft
in Spring Tides to proceed during 50% of the period and 120 m width, the specifications of the vessels
should be as follows:
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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06 Maximum Length: 325 m Maximum width: 38 m Width over 38 meters – considered case by case. Maximum sailing draft (“MSD”): Maputo values depend on Tide Regime, design depth alongside
the quay (periodically advertised by the Port), Under Keel Clearance Policy (Port of Maputo
UKC Policy is 0.20 meter alongside berth and 1.00 meter sailing in the channel) and use of
fenders for Top Up cargo operations, TCM Matola 14.50 meter (Neap Tide) and 15.50 meter
(Spring Tide). Draft up to 10.50 m – no restrictions. For sailing drafts over 12.00 m written requests must be submitted to the Harbour Master for
written approval and considered case by case.
6.7.3. As a rule, Pilot and Tug functions might be limited if the wind is more than 35 knots. Final determination
is dependent on sea and swell conditions which will be determined by evaluation on each occasion by
the Harbour Master and Port Closure might be expected.
6.7.4. Vessels up to 300 meters LOA whose maximum draft does not exceed 10 meters shall bear no
6.7.5. Air Draft of 62 meters ONLY for vessels crossing under the Maputo-Katembe Bridge.
6.7.6. Air Draft alongside berth 5: 61.5 meter.
6.7.7. The following exceptions shall apply: Notwithstanding paragraph 6.7.3 above, the Port of Maputo reserves the right to amend the
restrictions if evidence exists that Navigational Safety may be compromised. Port Users, wishing to use the Port of Maputo with vessels in excess of the standard restrictions,
may apply for entry, in writing, to the Harbour Master’s office who will, after consultation,
determine if such vessels can be accommodated on a case-by-case basis only. Such requests
must be done timeously as per the vessel announcement process.
6.7.8. All tankers calling Maputo must take POB (Pilot on Board) during full channel sailing, inbound and
outbound Port, Marine Jurisdiction Area.
6.7.9. All vessels sailing inbound or outbound the Port of Maputo with drafts above 11.50 meter must take
POB from/to buoy North Channel.
6.7.10. The use of steel mooring ropes are not permitted at Port of Maputo and Matola.
6.7.11. To grant permission of entry in the Port of Maputo Marine Jurisdiction Area, all vessels must have clear
acceptance by the Harbour Master, Free Pratique, ISPS process approval as well as full acceptance of
all the Conditions of Entry of Port of Maputo which must be signed and stamped by the Master on
board and submitted to VAN.

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6.7.12. The limits represented in the updated UKHO Chart 644 WGS/84 concerning the policy of consumption,
emissions and Sulphur concentrations in bunkers used by the vessels intending to enter and call the
Port Marine Jurisdiction are the following: Only Vessels using Close Loop Scrubbers System are allowed to function, during their stay
inside the Port Marine Jurisdiction Area and use bunkers with more than 0,1% of Sulphur
concentration (see the limits of Port Marine Jurisdiction Area in UKHO Chart 644 WGS-84). Vessels using Open Loop Scrubbers and other vessels, must change over to Bunkers with a
concentration of Sulphur equal to or less than 0,1% before entering the Limits of Port Marine
Jurisdiction Area and during all their stay in the Port. Only Bunkers with concentrations of Sulphur equal to or less of 0,1% are allowed to be used
by vessels inside the Port Marine Jurisdiction Area and during all their permanence in Port.
6.7.13. Ship supply services for fuel, lubricants and fresh water are the exclusive responsibility of the Port of
Maputo and can only be carried out by the Port of Maputo or another entity appointed by the Port of
Maputo for these purposes.

7. Port of Maputo Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer

7.1. Vessel Announcement Criteria (Phase I Process)
7.1.1. The Port of Maputo has adopted the “First Come, First Served” principle for berth allocation.
7.1.2. The nomination of Bona Fide Vessels for which specific cargo has been booked is a pre-requisite for
effective Port Planning.
7.1.3. The Port of Maputo has adopted the vessel announcement system, the “Vessel Arrival Notification”
(VAN) for the official announcement and firm of vessels calling the Port of Maputo. This does not
preclude the respective Terminal Operator from requesting additional information in the interests of
better berth and cargo planning. Any such additional information will be tabled by the Port of Maputo
and is not intended to infringe on the rights of any party and is considered confidential.
7.1.4. The announcement of a vessel may be accepted subject to confirmation and at the discretion of the
Port of Maputo, provided that the announcement of said vessel is done on the system, and all
mandatory fields and documents are correctly completed and attached on the system.
7.1.5. If the announcement is accepted, the Port of Maputo will, through system notification advise the party
tendering such announcement of such acceptance within forty-eight (48) hours following the
7.1.6. The announcement of a vessel and its acceptance by the Port of Maputo does not entitle the vessel to
be considered for berth planning by the Terminal.
7.1.7. Berths will only be planned upon receipt of ETA confirmation (“Firm Vessel”) from the vessel or its
representative, with at least five (5) days of ETA.
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7.1.8. The Port of Maputo has adopted the “Seniority” requirements for berth allocation.
7.1.9. The seniority of the vessel is determined by the arrival time of vessel at Port of Maputo jurisdiction
area (buoy 1), provided that: Vessel was firmed - ETA confirmation received from the vessel or representative, no less than
five (5) days of ETA. Documents submitted for order creation & pre-planning meeting, made no less than seventy-
two (72) hours before ETA. Order fully approved in the system.
7.1.10. All vessels intending to call at the Port of Maputo must adhere in all respects to the VAN process. This
process requires the creation/completion of a vessel arrival notification electronic form on the System
by the Vessel or their representative. All mandatory fields are to be completed. The Vessel or their
representative, as the case may be, is responsible for ensuring that VAN process is correctly followed.
This process is referred as Phase I and does not necessarily entitle the announced vessel to the selected
berth as the allocation is determined by the respective Terminal Operator and may change leading up
to vessel arrival to best suit any given situation to enhance vessel turnaround time.
7.1.11. All vessels requesting to berth alongside Port of Maputo berths are required to be ready to load in all
respects as soon as they are alongside. The official time alongside will be the time that the pilot or
berthing gang record as all lines fast.
7.1.12. The vessel or its representative is responsible for ensuring that the vessel vacates any berth of
completion of cargo working and/or when requested to do so by Port of Maputo for any legitimate
reason whatsoever. Failing to vacate the berth, standby charges will start accruing as per the Port of
Maputo Tariff Book.
7.1.13. Should a vessel change ownership and appoint a different representative, cancelation of the announced
vessel must be done on the system and commence a new announcement process afresh.
7.1.14. Vessels can be announced for different berths at a time within Port of Maputo. However, the allocated
berth (s) will be determined by the Harbour Master.
7.1.15. The vessel announcement on the system (VAN) must be submitted no more than twenty-one (21) days
before ETA and no less than five (5) days before ETA. The minimum announcement period is, therefore,
five (5) days.
7.1.16. Vessels must submit, to the PFSO, an ISPS pre-arrival declaration four (4) days before ETA.
7.1.17. Vessels shall not be permitted entry to the Port unless the ISPS declaration is submitted four (4) days
before ETA.
7.1.18. Berths will only be planned upon announcement of the vessel, upon ETA confirmation by the vessel or
their representative on the system, within five (5) days of ETA.

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7.1.19. Once announced, a vessel or representative must submit to the Port Berth & Vessel Planner and
Terminal Planning Manager/Planning Representative a written update of her ETA on the 10th, 7th, 6th,
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and last day prior to her ETA. The day on which the ETA falls is excluded from the
computing of the number of days. At day five (5) from ETA, the vessel must be firm and once firm, the
planned berth will be confirmed by the Terminal Operator.

7.2. Vessel Cancelation and Substitution/Replacement

7.2.1. Announced vessels may be substituted only if the vessel is not yet firmed.
7.2.2. Cancelation of announced vessels is allowed without subjecting to compensation.
7.2.3. Cancelation of firmed vessels or firmed vessels which do not arrive at Port of Maputo, will be subject
to compensation as per Port of Maputo Tariff Book which will be applied to the Vessel Agent.
7.2.4. Firmed vessels may be substituted from time to time provided that: The vessel for substitution is presented in writing to the Marine Department for consideration
and approval. The vessel and cargo characteristics do not differ from the vessel substituted. The ETA of the substituted vessel does not change. Terminal Operator, in its sole discretion, agreed in writing to such a substitution. The Marine Department proceeds with vessel substitution on the system.
7.2.5. Should the vessel and/or cargo characteristics of the vessel differ from those of the vessel to be
substituted, a new announcement process must be initiated.
7.2.6. The planned time for the substitute vessel on the berth compared to that of the vessel originally planned
and its productivity is not negatively affected and the requirements of clause 8.1 are met; and
7.2.7. The agent assumes the responsibility to inform any shipper of the transfer of scheduled or planned
status rights as a result of any substitution and of any risks to loss of scheduled or planned status
affecting any shipments. All other conditions of this POG remain applicable in such instances.
7.2.8. Substitution will be allowed after the firm five (5) day notice contemplated by clause 7.1.18. However,
if the Terminal Operator in its sole discretion, permits the late substitution in the interests of efficient
and optimal use off berth resources of a vessel already planned, then re-planning for the substituted
vessel must take place before such vessel is berthed or before cargo working can commence. The
procedures as described through clauses 7.1.15 to 7.1.16 and clauses 8.1.9 to 8.1.14 will remain
applicable in the case of all substitutions.
7.2.9. The vessel presented for substitution will be deemed to be substituted to the original planned berth of
the original vessel.
7.2.10. The acceptance of any vessel for substitution will be subject to the same cargo handling method as
that originally planned for the vessel being substituted. The Terminal Operator may for example in
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times of berth congestion, at its sole discretion, allow a vessel to re-plan for an alternative cargo
handling method, provided this does not affect other scheduled or planned vessels and then such vessel
may be subject to a five (5) day default firm notice period.
7.2.11. Subject to Terminal Operator approval, in exceptional circumstances, the handling of cargo directly
from/onto road trucks/rail wagon is allowed.

7.3. Opportunity Vessels

7.3.1. For the purpose of these guidelines, “Opportunity Vessels” are considered as: Any vessel not announced and firmed timeously (within four or less days of ETA), and/or Any vessel which calls at the Port on a speculative / opportunistic basis from time to time.
7.3.2. Opportunity Vessels are also required to be announced and firmed on the system if accepted by the
Terminal Operator.
7.3.3. The opportunity vessel shall be considered for planning provided the below requirements/conditions
are met: A suitable berth is available. No other senior planned vessel is committed to berth within 12 hours. No other senior vessel is at anchorage ready to berth on the same berth. The vessel meets all berthing and cargo requirements. The vessel agrees that it shall be made subject to a shifting cost, should the terminal request
such a shift by virtue of maintaining the seniority and working order scheduled or planned
7.3.4. It is at MPDC discretion the allocation of a berth for Opportunity Vessels.
7.3.5. Shifting of the opportunity vessel will be considered upon the arrival of the Senior vessel at buoy 12P
and NOR submission.
7.3.6. Should a senior vessel arrive during a working shift, the Opportunity Vessel shall be permitted to
continue operations alongside until the end of such a working shift.

7.4. Berth Allocation and Activities

7.4.1. Preferential Berth Allocation In order to contribute to operational efficiency and to maximize berth and equipment utilization,
preferential berth allocation will be applied as follows and planned vessel operations shall be
according to the declared berth depth:

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Depth Length Bollard No.

Berth No. Preferential Allocation
(meter CD) (meter) Reference
Cabotage/1 7.00 293 10 – 26 Coastal Vessels, Marine Service Base
2 7.20 220 26 – 37 Conditionate to Operations
3 9.00 263 37 – 50 Ro-Ro, Cruise Liner
4 9.00 285 50 – 64 Ro-Ro, General Cargo
5 12.00 260 64 – 80 General Cargo, Bulk1, Ro-Ro, Mollasses
6 16.00 260 80 – 93 Molasses, Bulk1, General Cargo
7 16.00 260 93 – 105 Bulk1, General Cargo
8 12.00 262 105 – 117 Bulk Sugar, Bulk2

9 15.00 436 117 – 137 Bulk1, General Cargo

10 12.00 308 137 – 150 Containers
11 12.00 177 150 – 159 Bulk1 inclusive Gypsom & Clinker, General Cargo
12 12.00 169 159 – 168 Veg Oils, Bulk inclusive Gypsom & Clinker, General Cargo
TCM 15.40 220 - Bulk
Oil Jetty 12.00 230 - Petro Chemicals
Mozal 12.60 230 - Bulk
Grain 11.70 210 - Bulk Conveyor The Seniority requirements will still apply in the allocation of berths. However, consideration
will be given to the preferential berth application listed above. The Port of Maputo reserves the right to deviate from the preferential berth application for
overall Port convenience. Vessels can load up to the declared berth depth plus the low tide on the day. Loading beyond
these parameters will be considered upon written application and entirely at the discretion of
Port of Maputo (Harbour Master or his representative). In the event of such permission being
granted all associated risks lie solely with the vessel. Vessels arriving with a draft higher than the declared berth depth plus high tide of the day, will
be considered upon written application and entirely at the discretion of Port of Maputo (Harbour
Master or his representative). In the event of such permission being granted all associated
risks lie solely with the vessel.

1 Except magnetite
Except coal and magnetite
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7.4.2. All berthing activities will be scheduled by the Port Vessel & Berth Planner/Representative in conjunction
with the Harbour Master (as co-ordination between these parties is necessary) and will be undertaken
in accordance with the announcement process.
7.4.3. The Port Vessel & Berth Planner / Representative with the assistance of the Terminal Operator Planner
will determine the Ports cargo working schedule and allocate windows on berths for the cargo working
of announced vessels in accordance with Port capacity, announcement schedules and all relevant
planning information as completed by the representative on the Terminal Planning documents.
7.4.4. The allocation of the berth is at the discretion of the Terminal Operator and will be based on, inter alia,
the availability of resources, cargo availability, port stacking space and cargo logistics factors, and not
necessarily solely on the availability of berth. For example, a vessel may be rescheduled to a later slot
if the cargo is not available.
7.4.5. If a planned vessel arrives in port and does not have at least 80% of its unprotected cargo in stack
(for geared and gearless vessels), and the balance on route or available on road/rail inside the Port,
then the next arriving planned vessel may be berthed ahead of the senior vessel. Refer to rules applying
to cargo for MPDC Terminal Operator: clause 8.6.
7.4.6. All vessels which are working cargo at any Port of Maputo berth shall have preference over “lay by” or
“bunker” ships, i.e., vessels berthed or seeking to berth for reasons other than cargo working. All
requests for berths by such vessels must be directed to the Harbour Master, who will in turn plan and
confirm acceptance of such arrangements with the Planning Manager / Representative of the respective
Terminal Operator.
7.4.7. The actual of berthing of vessels will be prioritized as follows:
• Navy / Military vessels.
• Passenger vessels.
• Fuel vessels.
• Quay with fixed installations such as grain, coal and sugar.
• Container vessels / car carriers.
• Bulk and break-bulk vessels.
• Bunkers and lay by vessels.

7.4.8. Berth Planning Meeting The berth planning meeting is scheduled Mon – Friday at 10h00 and at 09h00 on Saturday at
MPDC vessel planning boardroom (Orange Building). The forth coming vessel’s arrival schedule
is discussed together with the immediate vessels' arrival and departure to and from the port.
Any deviations from the same must be addressed to the Port Vessel and Berth Planner. All
vessel agents are to attend the daily vessel planning failing which, vessel movements will not
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be planned for such vessels, and vessels may be declared as “Junior vessels” in the absence
of an update. Berth planning meetings will not be held unless marine and cargo orders have been processed
at the billing office.

7.5. Hatch and Vessel Preparedness

7.5.1. Where it is a requirement for an announced bulk vessel to present a hold cleanliness certificate before
cargo working can commence, this requirement must be declared at the Phase II for planning purpose.
7.5.2. Where it is not possible for a vessel to be surveyed before berthing due to it, for example, not having
hydraulic hatch covers, or due to inclement weather or due to berthing on arrival, the hold cleanliness
certificate must be made available while berth is alongside, and standby charges shall be applicable.
7.5.3. Vessels may not clean holds at working berths unless the Port Environmental Officer has agreed thereto
in writing. Where such an agreement is in place, no standby charges will apply, provided that,
notwithstanding such an agreement, resources have been booked in respect of the vessel.
Standby charges at the applicable rate will apply until such time as the vessel is ready to receive
cargo. Such standby charges will in any event apply in the absence of an agreement contemplated in
this clause. Also refer to clause 10 on delays.
7.5.4. If a vessel is called to berth and the hatches or ramps cannot be opened or operated, then standby
charges at the applicable rate will apply until such time as the vessel is ready to receive cargo. After a
delay of two (2) hours the vessel will be declared unproductive and at the discretion of the Terminal
Operator, may be requested to vacate the berth, at the cost of the vessel, should the berth be required
for other purposes. Such a vessel will need to be rescheduled before commencing or recommencing
cargo working.
7.5.5. Charges are applicable if the vessel intends on using the quayside for the temporary storage of hatch

8. Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer – MPDC Terminal Operator

8.1. Planning of Cargo Working (Phase II)
8.1.1. Cargo working planning meeting, Phase II, must take place with the Planning Manager/ Planning
Representative not more than forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of cargo working. Vessels
will not be considered for berthing unless the Phase II has been held, provided that the MPDC Terminal
Operator may at its discretion allow the Phase II to be held prior to specified above, if deemed to be
in the interests of safe and efficient working, optimal use of MPDC Terminal resources or if required as
a result of its contractual commitments.

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8.1.2. Phase II meetings will be arranged and scheduled by the Planning Manager/Planning Representative
between Monday and Friday. Pre-planning meetings will ONLY be held on Fridays for vessels that could
commence cargo working on a weekend and/or vessels coming in on Monday and the estimated
commencement of cargo working is on morning shift of the following day.
8.1.3. Phase II meetings will be scheduled ONLY after all observations being raised by the Planning team at
the time of cargo availability reconciliation has been clarified, agreed and relevant documentation
8.1.4. No changes to the stowage plan will be accepted after the phase II meeting takes place and vessel
commences cargo working.
8.1.5. All relevant authenticated information and documentation must be in Portuguese or English (stowage
plan, working instructions, shipping/landing orders, customs permits/ authorizations, sequence plans,
vessel gear/crane certificates, cargo manifests, packing lists), and must be emailed/delivered to the
Planning Manager/Terminal Planner at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the ETB. Stow plans and
vessel sequencing documents MUST be stamped and signed off by the master/ chief officer of the
respective vessel.
Such documentation must include the Transportable Moisture Limit certificates (TML) in cases where
cargo may contain a high volume of water such as concentrates, chrome fines, nickel, -3mm Ferro and
Ferro chrome lumpy fines.
8.1.6. In case of vessels that cargo plating or separation is required, the following documentation must be
submitted to the planning department prior to the vessel preplan meeting: Company trading or operating license, Photographs of equipment’s to be used and approved by MPDC Terminal Operator’s HSE, A name list of all staff working at the vessel. Records of valid safety induction Work plan referring, as a minimum, equipment to be used, hours required and sequence of
the job to be performed, Documents for the plating Occupational health certificate for the staff working on the vessel.
8.1.7. In cases of import vessels, all documentation, including photographs for general cargo vessels, must
be submitted to the planning department prior to the vessel preplan meeting. In some cases, a
“technical meeting” may be scheduled where it is perceived that the operational complexity is more
8.1.8. Only once all the documentation referred to above is in order will the vessel preplan meeting be

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8.1.9. For phase II meeting to take place, 80% of the cargo must be available prior to the berthing of the
vessel for mobile and ship’s crane working. The remaining 20% may be on route or available on
rail/road inside the Port for ships crane working.
8.1.10. Notwithstanding the above (clause 8.1.9), the remaining 20% of cargo must be from the last sequence
of vessel loading. If the cargo is not in the port on time, the loading of the specific hatch / vessel will
be considered completed.
8.1.11. If only 80% of cargo is in the Port by the time of the Phase II meeting (for mobile crane working), only
80% of the cargo will be planned considering it as 100%. Upon reception of the remaining cargo (at
least 24 hours before finishing loading cargo onboard a vessel), the vessel will be re-planned. This may
only be at MPDC Terminal’s discretion, without compromising other stakeholders.
8.1.12. Where clause 8.1.9 and 8.1.10 is applicable, resources may not be cancelled to accommodate delays
on cargo reception.
8.1.13. Notwithstanding the above (clause 8.1.9 to 8.1.11), the first parcels for shipping and separations must
have 100% of the available cargo.
8.1.14. A vessel needing to increase cargo at the request of owners/charterers may do so provided the increase
does not impact on other scheduled or planned vessels and will be allowed or limited at the sole
discretion of the MPDC Terminal Operator.
8.1.15. The stowage plan referred to in clause 8.1.5, must be approved, signed, and stamped by the master
of the vessel. If such an approved stowage plan is not submitted, the preplan meeting will be cancelled,
and the vessel will not be allowed to berth.
8.1.16. The Terminal reserves the right to initiate pre-assembled/preloaded activities as per the agreed stow
plan at the preplan meeting (phase II).
8.1.17. Where orders for whatsoever reason are not available at the time of the Phase II, the Phase II will
consider all presented and outstanding orders (as if though they were available) for the purposes of
planning only to confirm the full expected Port stay and berthing window. However, depending on the
circumstances, resources may not necessarily be allocated for those parcels in the Phase II minute not
to have orders ready at Phase II.
8.1.18. The phase II minute will reflect the late parcels.
8.1.19. Approval of late orders that impact on the berthing window by more than twelve (12) hours are subject
to berth availability.

8.2. Resources Allocation

8.2.1. Resources required for cargo working must be agreed at phase II and discussed during the cargo
working at phase III meeting. Resources will be supplied subject to MPDC Terminal Operator limitations
or constraints.
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8.2.2. Vessels are required to operate with a minimum of two (2) gangs at any given time, in order to ensure
alignment between productivity and berth utilization.
8.2.3. Consideration will only be given by MPDC Terminal Operator to the working of a minimum of one gang
under exceptional circumstances, which must be motivated in writing by the Customer or MPDC
Terminal Operator.
8.2.4. Booking of additional resources: When commence cargo working and additional resources are required, written requests (faxed,
e-mailed or hand delivered) requests for the booking of resources must be submitted to the
Planning Manager / Planning Representative.
Notification must be submitted at least six (6) hours prior to the start of the relevant shift. The
MPDC Terminal Operator, in its sole discretion, may cancel or withdraw resources if satisfied
that such resources are or will be under-utilized, whether as a result of adverse weather
conditions or the way cargo working is being conducted.
8.2.5. Cancellation of Resources: Cancelation of resources allocated to a vessel must be communicated to Terminal Planning
Manager / Resource Planning Superintendent in writing (faxed, e-mailed or hand delivered)
and must be submitted six (6) hours before the commencement of the shift, to enable the
Terminal Operator to cancel its resources timeously. Failure to do so will incur either 8 (for
breakbulk – rice and fish vessels) or 12 hours standby charges for the vessel, determined by
the number of gangs, which have not been cancelled.

8.3. Documents
8.3.1. Phase II forms and the stowage plan must be presented to the Planning Manager / Planning
Representative at Phase II. Any special requests or alterations to stowage plans must be submitted to
MPDC Terminal Operator in writing and signed off by the Planning Manager/Planning Representative
as acknowledged and incorporated in the original planning minute or amended planning minute. Should
any outstanding documents prevent the planning of the vessel and in particular indicate a heavy hatch,
then such vessel will be re-scheduled.
8.3.2. Phase II should only be held once the documents detailed in clause 8.3.1 above have been presented,
notwithstanding any late orders as described in clause 8.1.17.
8.3.3. Landing/shipping documents must be stamped by Mozambican Customs ( Despacho Provisório or
Despacho Final), with hard copies being provided to the Port of Maputo Billing Department and to the
Planning Manager/Planning Representative.

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8.3.4. The Customer or its representative bears the onus of ensuring that all documents are completed in full,
correctly, and accurately with sufficiently clear detail in order to instruct the MPDC Terminal Operator
on the cargo working required and to enable the Billing Department to apply appropriate coding to
cargo working/activities for billing purposes. Where failure to complete documents accurately and in
full or failure to amend a document timeously and prior to completion of working of a vessel, results in
documents not being processed, and/or a delay in cargo working, and/or the vessel being detained in
accordance with Customs regulations, the MPDC Terminal Operator may impose standby charges in
respect of any such delay and accepts no liability for any loss occasioned as a result thereof.
8.3.5. Where more than one (1) parcel of cargo is to be loaded and all shipping documents are not available
in respect of certain cargo parcels to be loaded (“the late parcels”), these will only be shipped once the
documents have been received, accepted, and processed by the Billing Department.
8.3.6. Documents for the late parcels may be presented while the vessel is working cargo and once received
the phase II minute will be amended accordingly. Allocation of resources, if not immediately available
for loading late parcels, may be subject to twenty-four (24) hour planning requirements. If, however,
available documents relating to late parcels are not yet presented and passed by the Billing Department
when loading of the parcels is completed, the vessel may be declared unproductive and will be treated
as such. A late surcharge may be applicable in accordance with THC.
8.3.7. Shipping / landing documents must reach the Billing Department by 14h00 Mondays to Fridays.
8.3.8. Orders arriving after 14H00 on Fridays will only be processed on the following Monday.
8.3.9. Where the documents for late parcels are presented at the Billing Department after 14h00,
arrangements can be made for processing of such documents after hours or over the weekend provided
that at least six (6) hours’ notice for weekdays (and at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice for
weekends) before the end of that working day is given to the Planning Manager/Planning
Representative of the intended late submission for the processing of such documents. Costs of overtime
for document processing are at the cost of the Vessel Agent or whoever requested the processing.
8.3.10. Cargo which is not accompanied by documents, or which is accompanied by incomplete and/or incorrect
and/or inaccurate documents will not be shipped or released from the Port. It is the responsibility of
the cargo owner or Representative to ascertain which documents are required and to ensure that these
are completed and produced.
8.3.11. Where a vessel is carrying split cargo which is manifested in a single document, but which is intended
for discharge at different terminals or berths, an amending order must be passed for the cargo due for
discharge at the first terminal and a new order must be passed for the remaining cargo due for
discharge at the next terminal.
8.3.12. The Representative must provide the “Mates Receipt” document to the MPDC Terminal Waterside
Manager / Waterside Representative.
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8.4. Order Amendments

8.4.1. Any changes, and/or requests, and/or notifications, and/or amendments to or relating to any order or
document must be submitted in writing and processed at the Billing Department. No verbal
communication will be accepted in this regard. Changes to any documentation will not be affected or
acted upon by the MPDC Terminal Operator unless the affected amended document bears the Customs
Authority stamp of approval. All changes must be accounted for in an amended “Mates Receipt”.
8.4.2. If additional cargo is required to load onto the vessel, the request shall be submitted through VAN.

8.5. Phase II Amendments

8.5.1. Any amendments to, request for amendment of, or instruction to amend a phase II minute must be in
writing, supported by an authorized name and signature and be submitted to the Planning Manager/
Planning Representative by the responsible representative. Where amendments or instructions need to
be carried out after normal office working hours, then an electronic email, or fax will be accepted as a
means of communication by the MPDC Terminal Operator, provided that the Vessel or representative
immediately follows this up with a telephone call or via a visit to the Planning Manager/ Planning
Representative in order to confirm that such instruction has been received. The Planning Manager/
Planning Representative will then advise on the feasibility of enacting the amendment, provided that
no other scheduled or planned vessel is prejudiced thereby, and the vessel can complete cargo working
as per the scheduled berthing window.
8.5.2. Changes to stow plans: Once the planning of the vessel has been finalized (phase II), the terminal will not accept
amendments to the stow plans. When the vessel commences working, only one (1) amendment to the loading/ unloading
instruction may be accepted. Amendments shall be only for the parcels on the last loading/
unloading instruction. Accepted changes to loading instruction will only take place on the following twelve (12) hours
after being approved by the Terminal Planning Manager/ Representative. Amendments to the loading/ unloading instruction set out in clause may be only
accepted after forty-eight (48) hours of commencement of vessel cargo.

8.6. Cargo Availability

8.6.1. For ships cranes and mobile working, it is imperative that 80% of the export cargo is in stack prior to
the berthing of a vessel so as not to delay the vessel and impede other users of the Port and/or Port
facilities or to expedite the rotation of vessels on a berth.

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8.6.2. Notwithstanding the above, 100% of the cargo must be available if the cargo is required in the 1st and
2nd sequence, or such cargo form part of the cargo requiring to be pushed up / separated.
8.6.3. Should a customer request the loading of a specific parcel , which is not 100% available in port with a
portion still in transit, and the loading of the available cargo is completed, and hatch closed, prior to
arrival of the parcel balance, any request by the customer to reopen the hatch upon arrival of the
balance to top-up with a portion of the balance, when there is cargo left on the ground, will be subject
to blending charges, which shall be applicable to the full parcel volume loaded and not merely to the
top-up volume
8.6.4. If the quantity of cargo is increased beyond what was agreed and planned at the phase II, and if it
affects the vessel’s ETD, such vessel will have to be re-planned provided that such re-planning does
not, in the opinion of the MPDC Terminal Operator, prejudice any scheduled or planned vessels.
8.6.5. The berthing of a vessel in respect of which not all the cargo is available may, at the sole discretion of
the MPDC Terminal Operator, be allowed, provided the berth is not required by other scheduled or
planned vessels. Should such vessel become unproductive and/or should the berth be required by
another scheduled or planned vessel, then such vessel will be required to vacate the berth at its sole
cost and expense.
8.6.6. Certain cargo is Ring-Fenced and planned for stockpiling adjacent to or close to a specific berth or
series of berths for cargo working to optimize the use of Port infrastructure and resources. By exception,
at the sole discretion of the MPDC Terminal Operator, a limited quantity of Ring–Fenced Cargo, limited
to 20% of the planned cargo, may be worked at berths which are not adjacent to or close to such
cargo, and will then be subject to the following: MPDC Terminal Operator will from time to time, in times of berth congestion, may berth a
vessel at a berth which is not in close proximity to the Ring/Fenced Cargo in which case the
Terminal will bear the direct costs, and no other costs, of transporting such cargo from the
designated storage area to the berth(s) concerned.

8.7. Weighing of Cargo

8.7.1. For MPDC Terminal working vessels, draft survey requirements need to be planned at the phase II
meeting. Draft surveys shall be subject to gang standby charges.
8.7.2. Bulk export cargoes are subject to being weighed upon entry into the Port and upon dispatch onto
8.7.3. Bulk import and/or export cargoes that will partially discharged/loaded from/onto a vessel are subject
to being weighed. The relevant weighing charges will be for the Vessel Agent account. Draft surveys
tonnages will not be considered for volume throughput confirmation.

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8.7.4. Only the weighbridge tonnages will be considered as the MPDC Terminal official tonnages for cargo
8.8. Pushing Up and Separations
8.8.1. If the vessel requires separations and/or pushing up, it is at Vessel Agent discretion to nominate who
will be performing the pushing up (3rd party operator or MPDC Terminal Operator). The following
requirements shall be applied: For geared vessels (MPDC and 3rd party Operator): Maximum single stow pile of 5,000 tons per pushing and per hatch, and a maximum
of two separations per hatch. The stowage plan should ensure availability of hatches for cargo working at all
times. For gearless vessels (MPDC and 3rd party Operator): Number of pushing ups to be accepted based on vessel size. Panamax vessels For vessels with seven (7) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal, maximum
three (3) hatches with pushing up to be accepted. For vessels with four (4) to six (6) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal,
maximum two (2) hatches with pushing up to be accepted. For vessels with one (1) to three (3) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal, no
pushing up will be accepted. For and, maximum single stow pile of 5000 tons per
pushing and per hatch, and a maximum of two (2) separations per hatch. The stowage plan should ensure availability of hatches for cargo working at all
times. Cape Size Vessels For vessels with seven (7) to nine (9) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal,
maximum four (4) hatches with pushing up to be accepted. For vessels with four (4) to six (6) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal,
maximum three (3) hatches with pushing up to be accepted. For vessels with one (1) to three (3) cargo working hatches at MPDC Terminal, no
pushing up will be accepted. For and, maximum single stow pile of 5000 tons per
pushing and per hatch, and a maximum of two (2) separations per hatch. The stowage plan should ensure availability of hatches for cargo working at all
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8.8.2. No pushing up is accepted for low density cargo (≤ 1500 kg/m3).

8.8.3. Requirements for pushing up to be performed by a 3rd party operator: Port service Register/Authorization issued by Port Authority. Valid Commercial license – Alvará. List of equipments and operators involved in the activity should be provided. Valid Operator certification for the equipment being operated. Equipment inspection checklist ensuring that equipment is in good working order. Standard operating procedure for the activity shall be submitted to MPDC Terminal
Operator HSE and Operations for ensuring compliance. Allocation of a Supervisor to coordinate and ensure proper communication between the
equipment Operator and the Terminal Signalman. Maximum twelve (12) working hours per shift applicable for all involved in the operation. Productivity performance indicators of MPDC Terminal Operator shall be maintained for
geared and gearless vessels. Loading/unloading of equipment/material from/to quayside will remain MPDC Terminal
Operator responsibility for gearless vessels and standby charges shall be applied as per Port of
Maputo Tariff Book. For geared vessels, it is the responsibility of the vessel the
loading/unloading of equipment/material from/to quayside and standby charges will be raised
if no other hatch is available for cargo working. The handling gear must be supplied by the vessel or the appointed 3rd party, Allocation of the Gang Resources to feed the vessels with Pushing up it is at discretion of MPDC
Terminal Operator. In case there is a need for 3rd party equipment to remain in the Port premises after completion
of Pushing Up activity, Port Authority rules shall prevail. For separation / plating required for the cargo loaded and pushed at Port, the separation must
be done immediately after completion of the pushing up for that specific hatch. Failure to do
so will imply the application of the unproductive clause. Cargo that is loaded on other ports, must be pushed, separated, and plated in such loading
ports. If pushing up is required for cargo loaded at other ports, the Pushing Up Surcharge will
be applied as per Port of Maputo Tariff Book as well the standby of the gangs, if applicable.
For this case, gang cancellation is not permitted. If separation / plating is required at Port of Maputo for cargo loaded at other ports, which shall
be followed by cargo loading in the same hatch, the MPDC Terminal Operator will raise the
standby charges per gang, for the full duration of the separation activity if no other hatch is
available for cargo working.
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8.9. Blending of Cargo and Shipping of Cargo from Multiple Stockpiles

8.9.1. For the purposes of these guidelines, blending is considered simultaneous vessel loading of cargo from
two (2) or more stockpiles into one (1) hatch.
8.9.2. Shipping of cargo from multiple stockpiles into one hatch is considered the loading of cargo into one
hatch from the planned stockpile and thereafter the continued loading from other stockpile(s) without
depleting the volume of each stockpile. The first parcel and final parcel of the planned loading sequence
are exempted of charge regardless of volume being depleted or not.
8.9.3. Stow plan changes of the vessel during cargo working that will result on blending and/or shipping of
cargo from multiple stockpiles into one hatch without depleting the volume of each stockpile, charges
will be applied.
8.9.4. The relevant charges will be applied to the Cargo Agent.

8.10. Cross Haulage

8.10.1. For the purposes of these guidelines, cross haulage is considered when transferring cargo between
Terminal Operators.

9. Vessel Performance and Monitoring (Phase III Process) – MPDC Terminal Operator
9.1. Phase III daily meetings shall be held by or before 8H00 on board the vessel and attended by Terminal
Representative, the agent and supercargo.
9.2. Daily meetings (phase III) are required to monitor the progress of cargo working on all vessels to review
performance, report on the maintaining of the norms, and to inform corrective action for improvement and
general communication on progress and daily forward planning. Formal and binding action minutes must
be agreed upon and retained on file.
9.3. Phase III minutes must be filled at the commencement of the first shift for the following twenty-four (24)
9.4. Failure to sign off on phase III (statement of facts) by all parties will result in the vessel not being provided
with resources for the forthcoming shifts.
9.5. For breakbulk vessels, should the vessel’s cargo be deemed to be badly stowed, the MPDC Terminal
Operator will engage the services of an independent surveyor to do an assessment on arrival of the vessel.
On confirmation of the condition of the stow, the relevant parties will be notified and the MPDC Terminal
Operator reserves the right to request the deployment of additional resources to rectify and ensure safe
handling, at the vessel’s cost. Alternatively, the Terminal may request that the vessels crew rectify such
stow prior to discharge.
9.6. All vessels having completed cargo working, including all representatives and stevedores involved in the
working of a vessel, either directly or indirectly, as contracted via the cargo owner (as the case may be),
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must hold a phase IV within seventy (72) hours after completion of a vessel, unless the relevant parties
have agreed in writing to forego such meetings and to hold monthly meetings covering the Port calls in
each month. These meetings, the primary purpose of which is to discuss the performance, overall
measurement and continuous improvement of vessel working are essential and mandatory in order to direct
structured strategic feedback for Terminal Management intervention.

10. Delays to Vessels on Berth – Applicable to MPDC Terminal Operator

Delays to a vessel on a berth in any of the circumstances contemplated in clause 11 will be dealt with as follows:

10.1. Delays Caused by the Vessel on Arrival

10.1.1. Failing to be ready to load in all aspects, vessel alongside and no planned delay was granted by the
MPDC Terminal Operator, standby charges will start accruing as per the Port of Maputo Tariff Book.
10.1.2. If for any reason the vessel is not ready to load by the start of the next shift after she came alongside,
the MPDC Terminal Operator reserves the right to reallocate or cancel any planned labour for the said
shift. The vessel will then be considered an unproductive vessel and will be dealt with as described in
paragraph 10.11 below.

10.2. Delays Caused by Weather or Other Safety Related Issues

10.2.1. Suspension of work by the vessel due to wind, adverse weather or sea conditions or inherent safety
issues arising without the fault of the vessel or her crew: When cargo working is delayed by adverse
weather conditions or other safety reasons as decided by a vessel, the vessel will only be allowed to
remain on the berth at the discretion of the MPDC Terminal Operator.
Delays caused by adverse weather conditions or for safety reasons initiated by the vessel may result
in vessel vacating such berth and being re-scheduled to berth at the same or an alternative suitable
berth which is available, at their cost, in order to allow the MPDC Terminal Operator to utilize the berth
for the working of another vessel not subject to these weather or safety conditions.
10.2.2. In the event of there being a weather or safety delay initiated by a vessel and, in the opinion of the
MPDC Terminal Operator, such a delay is unwarranted; standby charges will apply.
10.2.3. Suspension of work by the MPDC Terminal Operator due to wind, adverse weather, or sea conditions:
The MPDC Terminal may cease cargo work if the wind speed is, in its opinion, such as to render
continued cargo working unsafe or in instances where the integrity of the cargo or operation is at risk
from other elements. In this instance no standby charges will be applicable.
10.2.4. RAIN DELAYS ONLY – This clause is solely for the purpose of rain delays and cannot be read in
conjunction with any other delay clause herein. It is the responsibility of the vessel’s agent to cancel gangs, in the event of inclement weather.
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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06 Cancellation of gangs due to rain will only be accepted without charging standby if
cancellation of gangs occurs two (2) hours before the commencement of the shift. In the event of the vessel’s agent fail to cancel gangs two (2) hours before the commencement
of the shift, MPDC Terminal Operator will bear the cost of cargo working delay up to two (2)
hours from the total standby time of the vessel delay due to the rain. The Vessel Agent will be
liable for the remaining standby time that the vessel cannot work.

10.3. Delays Caused by Force Majeure

10.3.1. If a planned vessel is requested to vacate a berth due to Force Majeure its removal will not affect its
right to the berth and it will be retained as a senior vessel, but at the discretion of the MPDC Terminal
Operator. Once the Force Majeure has ended, such vessel may choose to: Re-schedule to its original berth, if and when available, at the cost of the party responsible for
its removal; or Be re-scheduled to occupy a different available berth at the cost of the party responsible for
its removal and no charges will accrue, although productivity may be affected. In each
instance an ETA update will be required and the Port Vessel & Berth Planner / Representative
and MPDC Planning Manager/Planning Representative will need to prioritize a suitable return
berth accordingly.
This may affect other scheduled or planned vessels, but the MPDC Terminal Operator will not
be liable for any claims arising from any delay occasioned thereby.

10.4. Delays Occasioned by Cargo

10.4.1. If a vessel is delayed due to its waiting on road/rail transport, the relevant standby charges will apply
to the vessel's agent. The vessel agent may, however, recover such costs from the cargo agent. Based
on the merits of each case, a vessel may be dealt with, in terms of the “Unproductive/ Unsuitable
Vessel” clause.
10.4.2. If vessel cargo working is impacted as a result of awaiting cargo in transit, the vessel shall be subjected
to gang standby charges for the duration of such stoppage.
10.4.3. The MPDC Terminal Operator is not liable for any costs of any nature whatsoever, whether for
demurrage or otherwise, incurred due to the non-availability of cargo or for delays incurred at other
ports which negatively affect the ETA of a vessel or for any other reason whatsoever.
10.4.4. Standby charges will not be raised if the cargo is not load ready as a result of the fault of the MPDC
Terminal Operator, but the MPDC Terminal will not under any circumstances accept liability for any
costs arising from such cargo not being load ready when it is not the MPDC Terminal fault.

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10.4.5. The MPDC Terminal does not accept responsibility or liability for any cost/demurrage incurred by a
vessel as a result of the non-performance of delivery of cargo by road or rail to the Port or arising from
any delay occasioned, whether by the delayed departure of the vessel concerned for any reason
whatsoever from any other port, or otherwise.

10.5. Delays caused by Operational Requirements

10.5.1. Standby charges may apply under circumstances as described in the following sections: In the case of separations in holds that will impact the cargo working, standby charges will
commence immediately from the start to the end of the delay. Should it become evident that actual time may exceed planned time by more than one shift
then a vessel may be requested to vacate the berth and will be re-scheduled. In such an
instance shifting costs will be for the account of the vessel. Such vessel may also, at the MPDC
Terminal Operator sole discretion, after notification to the agent, be subject to re-planning. In the event that cargo has to be returned to the stockpile due to a ships crane incapacity or
any other reason under Vessel accountability, cargo double handling charges become
applicable. In this regard, the vessel unproductive clause becomes applicable.

10.6. Recording of Delays

10.6.1. The duration and cause of all delays planned or otherwise, must be officially recorded after the
stoppage is noted. All stoppages must be summarized and reported at Phase III. The vessel
representative and the MPDC Terminal Operator representative must sign off Phase III minute. In the
event of a dispute arising, the matter will be referred to the Senior Operations Manager for consultation
with the affected parties and his/her decision will be final.
10.6.2. Each delay will be measured per working hatch to obtain the total of the delays in respect of the vessel
10.6.3. Vessel delays (and performance), recorded per hatch, will be measured to obtain a net result of the
Port/vessel performance. The objective is to identify and reduce all avoidable delays and to plan for
improvement and such plans must be discussed at Phase IV.

10.7. Redeployment of Resources

10.7.1. If the vessel has been declared unproductive, the MPDC Planning Manager/Planning Representative
reserves the right to redeploy resources from an unproductive vessel to other designated work areas
until such time as such vessel can satisfactorily confirm her readiness to return to a state of planned

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10.7.2. The Planning Manager/Planning Representative reserves the right to redeploy resources at his sole
discretion, without any prejudice to himself or the MPDC Terminal Operator.

10.8. MPDC Terminal Operator Rights

10.8.1. In the interests of safe cargo working as well as orderly and efficient Port working, the MPDC Terminal
COO and/or their authorized delegate, reserves the right to either berth, not to berth, or stop vessel
loading / discharging or request the Harbour Master to remove the vessel as the case may be, without
any prejudice to himself/herself or the MPDC Terminal, provided the reason therefor is reasonable,
recorded in writing and explained to the Representative.
10.8.2. No vessel, cargo owner or representative may order or perform any cargo operations on any quayside
other than those planned and agreed to with the MPDC Terminal Operator.
10.8.3. The MPDC Terminal may refuse to work a vessel if the berth is required by another vessel if: A vessel has failed to produce a class certificate for its gear / derricks / cranes and/or such
gear / derricks / cranes prove to be incapable of handling the cargo. If the vessel downgrades its gear / derricks / cranes, the Terminal reserves the right to replace
the equipment with mobile cranes at vessel’s cost and expense. One or more of the vessel’s cranes fall below the planned safe working load as reflected on
the vessel’s crane certificates or below the number of swings specified in respect of the Port. One or more of the vessel’s cranes fail to lift/discharge the load within the specified carrying
capacity as indicated by the Vessel Agent and/or as agreed at Phase II.

10.9. Arrest of Vessels, Cargo, or Bunkers

10.9.1. Arrested vessels or cargo will only be cleared for loading and planned, subject to any instruction from
the court relating to such arrest or the terms of any court order.
10.9.2. Where a vessel, its bunkers or cargo has been arrested, continued cargo working will be at the
discretion of the MPDC Terminal Operator, and subject to the directions of the court out of which the
arrest has been issued.
Should cargo working be stopped, standby charges will immediately become applicable until such time
as the vessel vacates the berth. The affected vessel will, however, subject to maritime safety,
simultaneously be instructed, after consultation with the court and Representative, to close hatches
and vacate the berth to anchorage or another berth agreed upon by the MPDC Terminal and the
Harbour Master. Such vessels will be re-scheduled for berthing on a five (5) day ETA update advice, or
earlier if a berth is available, once the arrest is lifted, provided no other scheduled or planned vessel is

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10.10. Unplanned Shifting of Vessels Between Berths

10.10.1. A vessel requesting to move berths will be accommodated at the discretion of the Port Vessel &
Berth Planner and Terminal Planning Manager / Planning Representative.
10.10.2. Any costs incurred will be for the account of the Customer and / or vessel.
10.10.3. Any vessel movement for the MPDC Terminal Operator convenience shall be charged to the
respective Terminal.

10.11. Unproductive / Unsuitable Vessels

10.11.1. Where a vessel is declared unproductive due to the vessel’s fault, the MPDC Terminal Operator
reserves the right to request the Harbour Master to remove such vessel from a berth.
10.11.2. The removal cost will be for the account of the unproductive vessel.
10.11.3. In all instances where a vessel is declared unproductive standby charges at the applicable rate will
be raised.
10.11.4. Where a vessel deviates from its planned shifts by more than one (1) shift and/or planned norms,
it will be declared unproductive.
10.11.5. A surcharge for additional resources shall be applicable to unsuitable vessels such as wing stow
vessels where the offloading or loading of cargo becomes uneconomical.

10.12. Stoppages
10.12.1. Any stoppages on instruction and/or fault of the MPDC Terminal will not incur standby charges.
10.12.2. Any stoppages on instruction and/or fault of the Customer and/or vessel, and/or agents for
whatever reason will incur standby charges, if such stoppage exceeds 15 (fifteen) minutes, which cost
shall be for the vessel’s agents’ account. All stoppages that exceed 15 (fifteen) minutes shall be rounded up to 1 (one) hour. Stoppages, in the same hatch or different hatches shall not be added to constitute 1 (one)
hour, but each stoppage shall be considered and charged individually.

10.13. Unplanned Cumulative Delays Excluding Rain Delays

10.13.1. Unplanned cumulative delays of over one (1) hour per shift shall incur additional standby charges.

11. Cargo Management – MPDC Terminal Operator

11.1. Cargo Booking Request – Bulk Cargo
11.1.1. The formal request from the customer, or his agents/representative, to send their cargo to MPDC
Terminal Operator shall be done using the online Cargo Booking Request interface
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11.1.2. All the requests shall be made by the Customer or his representative online, at least 72 (seventy two)
hours before cargo is received in the Port and the customer will have direct visibility of the request
status, process, and its port capacity.
11.1.3. No cargo booking request will be accepted out of the system.
11.1.4. All approved CBR for cargo arriving by road transport shall be cancelled if cargo is not received in the
Port within seven (7) days counting from the day that CBR is approved. For cargo to be received by
rail, a window of fourteen (14) days is given to cancel the respective CBR.

11.2. Truck Arrival Notification (TAN) and Rail Arrival Notification (RAN)
11.2.1. After approval of the CBR and before dispatching cargo by road and/or rail to the MPDC Terminal
Operator, the customer or his representative shall announce the forth coming arrival of road trucks
and/or wagons using the TAN Weighbridge System interface (
11.2.2. A minimum of at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice prior to the dispatch of any cargo destined for
the Port, inclusive of detail pertaining to the road and/or train transport schedule and status, is required.

11.3. Storing / Stockpile prior to Shipping

11.3.1. All Port inbound cargo for export will be planned for pre-assembly in areas designated by the MPDC
11.3.2. Cargo may not be placed or dumped out of the approved storage area without the permission of an
MPDC representative. If cargo is placed or dumped in any adjacent areas other than in accordance
with approved storage area relating to such cargo, all costs incurred in respect thereof, whether relating
to or arising from the compliance with environmental requirements, inconvenience or interruption to
the working of other vessels and/or its storage or removal will be borne by the cargo owner/
Representative or the responsible party as the case may be. MPDC Terminal Operator will not be liable
for any cargo contamination or cargo shortage derived from this incident.
11.3.3. For Terminal storage capacity optimization is made mandatory to ensure that storage area allocated
for a specific parcel is at minimum utilization level of 60%. No compliance to that, it will impact on
footprint allocation.
11.3.4. All cargo held in the Port must be stored according to the contractual agreement. If the contractual
agreed storage requirements change while cargo is already received and stored, then all costs incurred
in sorting and/or weighing and/or movement and/or re-labelling of such cargo, as result of such change,
will be for the account of the entity which made such request. To the extent which may be relevant,
the provision of clause 14 will apply in such an instance.
11.3.5. MPDC reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of storage space requirements should the
need arise in consultation with the Customers interested in the relevant cargo.
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11.4. Cargo Dwell Time

11.4.1. The time allowed for cargo to remain on Port grounds without charge, (“the free period”) is determined
by the provisions of the THC or any commercial agreement with the MPDC Terminal Operator, and
once such free period has expired the Customer is obliged to remove the cargo if the MPDC Terminal
so requires. Failing such removal upon notification of 60 days from the date of receipt the notification,
such cargo may be treated as having been abandoned and dealt with under the provisions in the
contract signed between the MPDC Terminal Operator and Customer’s in conformity with the terms of
Customs (Alfândegas) legislation for removal of abandoned cargo.
11.4.2. The MPDC Terminal may, subject to clause 11.4.1., at its discretion, instruct a Customer or it’s
Representative to remove cargo that has remained in the Port for longer than 60 days, or may transfer
or dispose of the cargo at the sole cost and risk of the Customer. In every such event, storage, handling,
and all other costs as applicable will be raised and be payable by the Customer or his Representative.
If the MPDC Terminal Operator acts in terms of this clause and disposes of the cargo itself, in dealing
with such cargo the MPDC Terminal Operator will for all purposes be deemed the appointed
Representative of the Customer, but the MPDC Terminal Operator will not be liable for any claims
howsoever arising, arising from any act or omission by the MPDC Terminal Operator in relation to such
cargo unless MPDC Terminal Operator is negligent in disposing of same.

11.5. Dispatch of Cargo

11.5.1. Arrangements and planning for the dispatch of all landed cargo from the Port by the Customer /
Representative must occur at Phase II to avoid storage charges being raised.
11.5.2. Where applicable, vehicles must be in possession of stanchions, cargo nets, strapping, tarpaulins and
a pirilampo (strobe light). The MPDC Terminal reserves the right not to load a vehicle if it poses a
safety challenge.

11.6. Retention of Import Cargo

11.6.1. Cargo will not be allowed to remain in the Port unless a written agreement is reached on the terms on
which it will be permitted to remain in the Port. Should cargo remain in the Port in the absence of such
written agreement or beyond any agreed time, the MPDC Terminal will notify the Customer to withdraw
the cargo within 25 (twenty-five) days from the date of delivery of the notice, otherwise the MPDC
Terminal may have the cargo removed at the Customer’s sole cost and risk, and to raise storage
charges at the rate applicable thereto from time to time, or to treat such cargo as having been
abandoned and may deal with it in accordance with the Contract signed between the MPDC Terminal
and Customer or in accordance with Port industry good practice. In such event, the MPDC Terminal
will incur no liability for any loss of or damage to such cargo and is entitled to full indemnification from
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the Customer for any costs or loss incurred by the MPDC Terminal in relation to or as a result of the
MPDC Terminal having dealt with such cargo.

11.7. Cargo Sampling

11.7.1. In the event that the Customer requires sampling of the cargo to be performed, the following
requirements shall be applied: Follow the existing process to obtain the Port service Register/Authorization, which is issued
by Port Authority to the Sampling Company. Valid Commercial license (Alvará) for the Sampling Company. A maximum of two (2) sampling companies may be instructed to collect samples for a specific
parcel. Compliance with the MPDC Terminal Operator Sampling Safety Guideline.

11.8. Material Safety Data Sheet

11.8.1. The Customer, or his Representative, must advise the MPDC Terminal Operator of all the characteristics
and nature of a cargo, the method of handling it and all risks associated therewith, by submitting a
detailed Material Safety Data Sheet in advance of the planning and the delivery of cargo to the Planning
Manager / Planning Representative. Information pertaining to the IMBSC code requirements must also
be provided.

11.9. Transshipments
11.9.1. Any cargo in respect of which both landing and shipping movements take place within the same Port
will be regarded as transshipment cargo.
11.9.2. Direct ship to ship transshipments requires the prior approval of the Harbour Master as well as that of
the MPDC Terminal Operator. In such cases a charge will be raised by the MPDC Terminal Operator in
terms of its tariff for the operation of a berth and for utilizing the Port time. The Port of Maputo will
charge for the port stay by the transshipment vessels (marine services).
11.9.3. Cargo not transshipped within seven (7) days (excluding cargo subject to commercial agreements) of
the discharging vessel posted by the Harbour Master in its journal as having arrived shall be regarded
as cargo landed and shipped and storage and charges will become payable in respect thereof.
11.9.4. The vessel or representative is required to advise the Port of the names of the: Discharging vessel, and Loading vessel.

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11.10. Abnormal or Project Cargo

11.10.1. Abnormal or Project cargo is cargo which exceeds any one of the measurements below. Heavy
operating skips are excluded and are classified as standard port operating equipment. Mass 25 tons (25,000 kilograms) Length 12 meters Width 2.5 meters Height 2.87 meters
11.10.2. Abnormal or project cargo which is landed directly onto road transport must leave the Port within
two (2) hours of landing. Failure to do so will result in such abnormal or project cargo/road transport
being charged parking fees.
11.10.3. Abnormal or project cargo will be handled during daylight hours only, to comply with safety
standards. Deviations will only be allowed in the sole discretion of the MPDC Terminal Operator and
provided that lighting and safety measures, which are in the opinion of the MPDC Terminal Operator
adequate, are in place and the necessary safety issues have been signed off by all parties including the
riggers and experts for handling such cargo.
11.10.4. Any abnormal or project cargo planned for direct landing onto waiting road transport, cargo
working will be stopped and the cost incurred in doing so shall be for the vessel’s account or that of its
representative. Unproductive clause may be applied.
11.10.5. The MPDC Terminal Operator may weigh and/or measure cargo. Any cargo which exceeds the
standard cargo maximum measurements set out in clause 11.10.1 above will be deemed abnormal or
project cargo. A surcharge based upon the applicable tariff will be raised in such instances.
11.10.6. For abnormal or project cargo, the vessel is responsible for providing all lifting handling gear, which
has to be certified, and certificates provided. The terminal will not accept responsibility in this regard
but will assist where possible.
11.10.7. Packing lists, photographs and cargo sequencing is to be provided, prior to the vessel arriving.

11.11. Mate’s Receipts

11.11.1. On completion of loading a parcel of cargo, the MPDC Terminal Operator will obtain a signed Mate’s
Receipt from the Master of the vessel in respect of the cargo received from the MPDC Terminal Operator
and the Master is obliged to provide such signed document to the Terminal. Any discrepancies must
be signed off by the MPDC Terminal Operator and the Master.
11.11.2. A vessel must not leave a berth without first signing the Mate’s Receipt. Any delay in this regard
will be for the vessel agent account.
11.11.3. Should, however, a vessel departs from a berth without a Mate’s Receipt signature having been
obtained, despite all reasonable efforts by the MPDC Terminal Operator to obtain such signature, then
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all the cargo listed on the shipping order will be deemed to have been loaded on board the vessel and
shipped accordingly by the MPDC Terminal Operator. The MPDC Terminal Operator shall be exempt
from liability in respect of any discrepancies and claims that may arise as a result thereof.

11.12. Handling Losses for Bulk Cargo

11.12.1. Handling losses of bulk cargo shall not exceed two percent (2%) for bulk chrome and 0.3% for
Ferro chrome once the cargoes are being offloaded, stored, and loaded unto vessels by MPDC Terminal
operator; thus, MPDC Terminal Operator shall not accept any responsibility for weight discrepancies up
to two percent (2%) for bulk chrome and 0.3% for Ferro chrome.
11.12.2. In certain bulk commodities, the terminal will engage a service provider to undertake moisture
sampling on arrival of cargo and prior to shipping of the same. The variance in moisture will determine
the variance in volume shipped for the subject parcel. This excludes losses as per clause 11.12.1.

12. Back Of Port Facility

12.1. By virtue of the need for additional storage capacity to accommodate chrome cargo or other chrome related
products to be exported via the Port of Maputo, Customers may request the Port to use a back off port
facility for storage of cargo destined for MPDC Terminal for shipping.
12.2. The back off port facility may be located inside the Port of Maputo premises (other terminals) or a bonded
areas outside of Port of Maputo premises.
12.3. The cargo will be moved from the mine to the back of port facility, and subject to clause 12.4 below, from
the back of port facility to a preloading area within MPDC Terminal premises prior to commencement of
cargo loading operations at MPDC.
12.4. Only one temporary preloading area per vessel will be allocated, which shall accommodate 50% of the
cargo to be loaded, which shall not at any given operation excess 20,000 tons. More than one parcel shall
not be accepted coming from the back of port.
12.5. Notwithstanding the above, 100% of the cargo must be available if the cargo is required in the 1 st sequence.
12.6. Cargo to be loaded on from the back of port may not exceed 40,000 tons per vessel.
12.7. The CBR and TAN process referred to in clause 11.1 and 11.2 to be followed.

13. Equipment and Property

13.1. Mobile Harbour Crane (“MHC”) Criteria – MPDC Terminal Operator
13.1.1. MPDC Terminal Operator reserves the right to allocate the MHC, at its sole discretion. All MHC’s are
available for direct hire by vessels for vessels cargo working purposes. Commercial rates are available.

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13.1.2. One or more of the MPDC Terminal Operator’s MHC’s will be deployed or may be requested by the
vessel if the vessel’s equipment fails, is inadequate or if productivity benefits will be evident. The
relevant MHC charges will be applied.
13.1.3. All vessels berthed alongside quays 6, 7, 9A and 9B, independently of being geared or not geared, will
have to use MHC at their own account for the purpose of their cargo operations, if available. These
quays are preferentially allocated for gearless vessels.
13.1.4. The MHC may be deployed under one or more of the following conditions: To work abnormal cargo or heavy lifts; or To replace unproductive vessels cranes; or To work the heavy hatch or the whole vessel. Gearless vessels. In cases where a vessel agent intends on using the mobile crane on geared vessels, written
permission must be obtained from the MPDC Planning Manager, prior to the vessel being
announced. The Planning Manager must revert with written confirmation. Crane hire charges
become applicable.
13.1.5. Where a MHC will be required to work the vessel, a request must be endorsed accordingly stating
clearly the hatch and cargo for which the MHC is required.
13.1.6. If the efficient working of the MHC as agreed at the Phase II is impaired by delays such as separations,
hatch cover removals, sorting of cargo inside a hatch or any other delay not attributable to MPDC
Terminal Operator, which significantly slows the working of the MHC, the MPDC Terminal Operator may
at its sole discretion declare the deployment of the MHC to be wasteful and cancel the booking and/or
raise separate hire charges in accordance with MHC hire rates for the handling of abnormal or project
cargo or such cargo.
13.1.7. The use of MHC is not conducive for handling cargo that is no free flowing and which sticks onto the
skips resulting in carry back of cargo to the quayside, impacts on productivity levels and inefficiencies.
In the event of cargo working with gearless vessels, cargo may be handled with MHC using manual
spreaders and surcharges becomes applicable.
13.1.8. Nothing contained in clause 13.1 shall be interpreted as placing any obligation whatsoever on MPDC
Terminal Operator to provide any MHCs in the circumstances envisaged in clause 13.1.

13.2. Vessel’s Gear – MPDC Terminal Operator

13.2.1. All bulk and breakbulk carriers calling at the Port must as a minimum have thirty (30) ton SWL cranes
and/or a minimum cycle time of 10 swings an hour. Where one or more of the vessel’s cranes falls
below thirty (30) tons SWL and/or crane cycle time is less than 10 swings an hour, and/or proves to

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be incapable of handling the cargo, the deployment of MHC and respective MHC surcharge shall be
applicable as a condition for vessel berthing. MHC deployment is subject to equipment availability.
13.2.2. For vessel requiring machinery to be placed into the hatch, such as pay loaders, excavators, etc.; such
vessel cranes must have a SWL of 30 tons.

13.3. Third Party Equipment – MPDC Terminal Operator

13.3.1. No person (natural or legal) other than an employee mandated by MPDC Terminal Operator, will be
allowed to hire cargo handling equipment to service a vessel or to perform any cargo handling activities
within MPDC Terminal operator’s boundaries without the prior written approval of MPDC Terminal

13.4. Equipment with Steel Tracks at Port of Maputo

13.4.1. Excavators and other equipment with steel tracks will not be allowed to be driven over any quayside
or Port area, unless rubber mats are provided to protect the Port Road surfaces adequately and any
damage which may eventuate from such movement shall be for the account of the Customer.

13.5. Liability of Customer for Damage to Port Equipment or Property of Port of Maputo
13.5.1. Anyone who causes damages to any part of Port of Maputo or equipment or machinery or property
(which includes berths and warehouses, roads, lighting, lighting masts) belonging to or leased,
operated, managed by Port of Maputo shall be responsible for any direct and indirect loss and damaged
suffered by Port of Maputo.

14. Miscellaneous Service – MPDC Terminal Operator

14.1. All work done or services rendered over and above those normally associated with the activities which are
the subject of the Phase II requirements / cargo working and cargo reception are subject to additional
charges which will be raised by means of the issuing of a Boletim de Débitos Diversos (BDD).
14.2. All requests for additional services related to, but not limited to, vessel working, cargo receptions and hiring
of equipment must be submitted online to the Terminal Planning Manager / Planning Representative, using
the appropriate Port of Maputo website platform.
14.3. Customers, shipping lines or their representatives may not directly request or instruct any of the MPDC
Terminal Operator’s employees or machine/equipment operators to execute any function whatsoever. All
instructions must be given in writing through the Terminal Planning Manager / Planning Representative.
14.4. If a request is not submitted to the Terminal Planning Manager / Planning Representative and a service or
services has/had been rendered or is required, then the responsible person of the area (Superintendent /
Area Manager) where service was performed must immediately inform and confirm the rendering of such
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service to the representative in writing by way of e-mail, or hand delivery within 24 hours of the service
having being provided or 24 hours after vessel completion. The MPDC Terminal Operations Manager will
raise the BDD for the extra services carried out and submit it to the Terminal Planning Manager / Planning
Representative or amend the Phase II meeting for endorsement.
14.5. On the daily onboard meeting, for the additional services related to vessel working, the BDD Tracking and
BDD document will be inspected and signed off daily by the vessel’s agent or respective party. The BDD
document will be utilized for billing purposes. It is the responsibility of the relevant agent to acknowledge
and sign all BDD, irrespective of the nature of service. The MPDC Terminal Operator will then recover such
costs from the respective agent.
14.6. For the additional services related to cargo reception and hiring of equipment, the BDD Tracking and BDD
document will be inspected and signed off by end of the activity completion.

15. Fees/Surcharges for Additional Operations Requests and Penalties on Operational Process
15.1. Standby charges shall apply if vessel is not ready for operations as is alongside the berth at Port of Maputo
from the time of all lines fast and/or vessel does not vacate the berth of completion of cargo working.
Refers to clause 7.1.11 and 7.1.12.
15.2. Re-opening of a closed hatch for loading will incur standby charges as per Port of Maputo Tariff Book.
Refers to clause 8.1.10.
15.3. Standby charges shall apply for vessel stoppage due to delays on cargo reception. Refers to clause 8.1.11.
15.4. Changes on stow plan after pre-assembling / preloading activities, charges become applicable should cargo
be returned to the stockpile and/or standby charges if it incurs on vessel operation delays. The vessel agent
is responsible for such costs. Refers to clause 8.1.15.
15.5. Charge for overtime for document processing submitted after normal office working hours shall apply to
the Vessel Agent or whoever requested the processing. Refers to clause 8.3.9.
15.6. Any additional pushing up activities above 5,000 tons per hatch and/or number of stows are exceeded,
surcharges are applicable as per THC. Refers to clause
15.7. Surcharges are applicable for blending of cargo. Vessel Agent is responsible for such costs. Refers to clause
15.8. Surcharges are applicable for cross haulage. Requester Agent is responsible for such costs. Refers to clause
15.9. Document submission delay fee shall apply for:
15.9.1. Phase II documents (sequence plans and stowage plans) not submitted seventy-two (72) hours prior
15.9.2. Phase I documents for import / export vessels for order creation (final / provisory mate receipt, landing/
shipping documents) not submitted forty-eight (48) hours before berthing of vessel.
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15.9.3. Final mate receipt and shipping documents not submitted forty-eight (48) hours from the time vessel
is completed.
15.10. False declaration fee shall apply:
15.10.1. In case the Customer / Agent false declares on the equipment required for a particular maritime
or handling requirement for operations (e.g. vessel mooring rope type and conditions, vessel equipment
condition, vessels with no rat guards affixed on the mooring rope, etc.);
15.10.2. General miss declaration (e.g. sailing drafts above written permission, etc.).
15.11. Surcharges shall apply for special works performed without written approval according to the Code of Safe
Working Practice (COSWP). Referring to clause 20.3.
15.12. Surcharges shall apply for oil and chemical spillage within port boundaries. Refers to clause 20.6.

16. Electronic Data Interchange (Port Interface) – MPDC Terminal Operator

16.1.1. To facilitate the provision of information to Customer, electronic weighbridge data interchange is
available for Customers to apply to receive information regarding to their specific cargo.
16.1.2. The customer will be able to receive in real time information from the MPDC Weighbridge System and
analyze information regarding weighbridge turnaround time and cargo reception.

17. Dispute Resolution – MPDC Terminal Operator

17.1. If any dispute arises between MPDC Terminal Operator and the Customer (hereinafter referred to as “the
parties”) regarding the implementation and/or interpretation of this POG (hereinafter referred to as
“disputes”), the parties must attempt to resolve by negotiating such disputes in good faith.
17.2. If a dispute cannot be resolved by agreement between the parties, it must be referred to the MPDC Planning
Manager / Planning Representative who must make a ruling in respect of the dispute. If both parties accept
such a ruling, the dispute will be at an end. Should the dispute not be resolved, the dispute must be
escalated as provided for in clauses 17.3 and 17.4 below.
17.3. If the ruling made by the MPDC Planning Manager / Planning Representative is not accepted the dispute
must be referred to Chief Operating Officer (COO) of MPDC Terminal Operator or their dully authorized
representative, failing which the ruling of the MPDC Planning Manager / Planning Representative is final
and binding on the parties. The COO or their duly appointed representative must attempt to manage any
ruling fairly in light of the facts available and such ruling will be final and binding on the parties for the
purpose of this clause 17, but only in the sense that it brings this informal dispute resolution procedure to
an end and does not prejudice such rights as either party may have to engage the other in legal proceedings
in respect of the subject-matter of such dispute.

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17.4. The referral of any dispute to informal dispute resolution in terms of this clause does not relieve the
Customer from any liability for the due and punctual performance of its obligations under this POG and
shall not derogate from MPDC Terminal Operator’s rights and remedies under this POG.
17.5. As a last result, in consideration of matters not being solved under the informal dispute resolution to the
satisfaction of the Customer, the Customer may at its own cost apply for application of the jurisdiction of
national courts or arbitration.

18. Pre-Berthing Obligations of the Customer – Sub-Concessions and Other Terminals

18.1. Vessel announcement criteria (phase I process) of Port of Maputo, clause 7, is applicable for all Terminal
Operators within Port of Maputo.
18.2. For cargo working for the Sub-Concessions and/or Other Terminals, Customer shall engage directly with
the Terminal Operator to understand their requirements.

19. Port Authority Services Requests Scheduling

Request of services to Port Authority must be made from Monday to Friday from 7h00 – 15h30 to servicerequest- Requests made on weekend, holidays, or last-minute requests; the Port Authority reserves
the right to not provide such services.

20. Port Service Registration/Authorization

20.1. Entities that provide services within Port of Maputo boundaries and do not have a contract with the Port
Authority or/and are not providing services directly to the Maputo Port Development Company, a port
service register/authorization shall be issued by the Port Authority to allow such entity to operate within
Port of Maputo boundaries.
20.2. Services fees and Royalties are payable for Port Service as per Port of Maputo Tariff Book.

21. Port of Maputo Safety and Environment

21.1.1. MPDC values the life of Port users (comprising MPDC employees, Sub-concessionaires, Contractors,
Subcontractors and visitors), in the Port of Maputo and in all activities safety of people comes first;
21.1.2. The value of life is not negotiable, it is important to identify the risks and detail the actions that should
be taken to avoid and mitigate them.
21.1.3. The health and safety induction process is mandatory to ensure that all people working within the Port
of Maputo are made aware of the health and safety issues and that everyone entering the port comply
with MPDC Safety Standards and procedures as well as with the legal requirements;
21.1.4. Port users on a permanent or temporary basis, have the obligation to provide and/or maintain the
workplace, plant and equipment they own/use, control or operate in a safe condition.
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21.1.5. Hazardous identification and risk assessment should be carried out and an action plan implemented to
ensure safe use and operation.
21.1.6. Port workers and Contractors should be fit for the work, which they are employed to carry out, be
protected from health hazards that may arise from the activity itself and have the means to carry out
their activity.

21.2. Personal Protective Equipment

21.2.1. The following personal protective equipment (PPE), including high-visibility reflective vest, shall be
regarded as the minimum required PPE at Port of Maputo: Safety helmets with chain strap shall be worn correctly at all times while in operational areas,
at the quay, on board vessels, at cargo stacking areas and other operational areas or any other
places where there is a risk of falling objects. Safety shoes shall be worn correctly at all operational areas at all times. Sandals, slippers and
high heels are strictly prohibited. Eye protection such as safety glasses, and welding shields shall be worn in any work or in
vicinity of any work that may present a risk of injury to the eyes against flying particles or
harmful rays. Respiratory masks shall be worn, where any process or work carried out by the Port of Maputo,
Terminal Operator or Contractors is likely to give off any hazardous dust, fumes, gas, vapors,
or other contaminants. All reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent accumulation in the
workplace and protect persons at work against exposure. Garments or vests with high-visibility colors and reflective strips on the shoulders and abdomen
shall be worn correctly at the operational areas at all times. Every person shall equip themselves with a fall arrest system, wear safety belts or harness
when working at heights and ensure proper anchor to a secure anchorage point.

21.3. Special Works

21.3.1. Except with the written approval of Port of Maputo, no open fires shall be carried out at Port of Maputo.
21.3.2. No hot work shall be carried out on board the vessels unless prior written approval has been first
obtained from Harbour Master. Onshore, written approval shall be obtained from the responsible Area
Manager or representative, based on Work Permit Procedure under HSE Department support.
21.3.3. Other special works carried out on board the vessels, such as entry into confined space, working at
height, electrical works and works overboard shall be approved in writing by Harbour Master.

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21.3.4. Other special work conducted on onshore, such as working at height, excavation and electrical works
shall be written approved by the responsible Area Manager or representative, based on Work Permit
Procedure under HSE Department support.

21.4. General Conduct

21.4.1. Every person within Port of Maputo shall: Not enter the Port under influence of alcohol and drugs and it is not permitted to consume
alcoholic drinks and drugs at any time while in the Port. No sleep at the workplace/port facilities. Comply with all traffic signs and directions by the persons in charge of traffic in Port of Maputo. No jogging on the quay or Port roads. No fireworks are permitted in the Port of Maputo.

21.5. Accident Reporting

21.5.1. All accidents relating to health, safety and environment should be promptly reported to Port of Maputo
emergency contacts: Sea related incident: Port Control +258 84 31 99 148, VHF channel 12 or 16. Land related incident: Security Control Room +258 84 31 18 990. Port Security Supervisor: +258 84 3199147.

21.6. Oil and Chemical Spill

21.6.1. Incidents involving oil or chemical spillage within the Port of Maputo must be reported promptly to the
Port of Maputo Port Authority. To mitigate and control the spillage, Port of Maputo shall be entitled to,
whether by itself or through the engagement of third-party services providers, salvage any spillage
which Port of Maputo deems necessary.
21.6.2. Any pollution caused shall be subject to penalties and costs or fees for such pollution incurred shall be
borne and recoverable from the Customer and/or the Port User causing such pollution. The polluter
will sign an indemnity form before leaving the area.

21.7. Waste Management

21.7.1. Waste generators must ensure accountability for the waste they produce. The Port Authority exercises
the oversight role in terms of contractors’ management. Each port user is in turn expected to take
accountability for their own waste. However, the effective control and final guarantee of the effective
implementation of the Waste Management Plan is the responsibility of the Port Authority. Nevertheless,

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other internal MPDC departments and even other external institutions are considered the key players
in the implementation of the waste management plan, namely the MPDC operations and engineering
departments, contractors, sub-concessionaires, the ship's crew and ship's agents and other Port users.
21.7.2. No waste allowed on the floor in the Port of Maputo and disposal of waste shall be in the appropriate
waste bin. For special waste disposal please contact HSE department through “servicerequest-” for specific instruction and recommendations.

21.8. Vessel Berthing and Alongside Operations

21.8.1. Vessel must be secured to the bollards when alongside to prevent drift of vessel.
21.8.2. Every vessel master must monitor the gangway and the mooring rope for necessary adjustments during
the vessel’s operations.
21.8.3. Rat guards should be affixed on all mooring ropes.
21.8.4. All cargo hatches should be adequately ventilated and tested before entry.

21.9. Handling of Dangerous Goods

For safe transport of dangerous cargo, it’s important that the companies involved in this operation
ensure compliance with the rules and procedures of Decree 50/2019 " Regulamento de Transporte
Rodoviário de Carga Perigosa” (Regulation of Dangerous Goods Road Transport), namely.
21.9.1. Mandatory Safety Equipment: Vehicles and equipment used in the transport of dangerous cargo must have the following
means. Fast chain blocking device. Basic first aid kit. Fire extinguishers. Set of materials to contain spills and leaks. Personal protective equipment (PPE). Pre-signaling Triangles. Road Signaling Cones for area isolation.
21.9.2. Personnel involved in the transport operation: Personnel involved in the operation of loading, transport, unloading and transshipment of
dangerous cargo, in addition to the qualifications and skills required in the Road Code, must
undergo specific training.
21.9.3. Documents on board the vehicle: Document issued by the competent authority of the transported dangerous cargo, containing
the following information.
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Doc. No.: MPDC-PR-QU-04 Doc. Type: Procedure Rev. No.: 06 Boarding number. Class and if necessary, load subclass. Declaration signed by the shipper, confirming that the cargo is properly secured. Emergency form, issued by the shipper and filled in according to the information provided by
the manufacturer. Category “D” driving license.
21.9.4. Contacts on the Emergency Sheet (provide the contacts of the following entities): INATTER. ANE. PRM/PT. SENSAP. Medical Emergency Services. General Labor Inspection.

22. Port of Maputo Security

22.1. The Port of Maputo subscribes to the ISPS code and is on security level 1.
22.2. All Port Users, Vessels and Terminals Operators are obliged to comply with the Port Security standards
described in the ISPS Code.
22.3. Entry pass and identification documents shall be visible and handed over for inspection as and when
required by Port of Maputo Security personnel.
22.4. It is the responsibility of the Customer, Contractors and other Port Users to ensure good behavior of their
employees while working at Port of Maputo premises.
22.5. All persons in Port of Maputo shall cooperate with Port of Maputo Security guidelines and provide accurate
information for the purpose of facilitating the investigation work against any type of incident / accident.
22.6. All Security incidents occurring into Maputo Port Jurisdiction area must be reported to the following
22.6.1. Port Security Control room: +258 84 31 18 990
22.6.2. Port Security Manager: +258 84 31 99 116
22.6.3. Port Security Supervision: +258 84 31 99 147
23. Traffic in Port of Maputo
23.1. Compliance with Traffic rules and Directions
23.1.1. All vehicles at Port of Maputo shall comply with traffic rules and laws in all aspects, and directions given
by Port of Maputo or the relevant authority.
23.1.2. Drivers must hand in a valid driver license upon request.
23.2. Parking at Port of Maputo
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23.2.1. Vehicles may be parked only in designated parking slots.

23.2.2. Vehicles must be parked in reverse, for ease of exiting and safety.
23.2.3. Parking of authorized vehicles in the Port of Maputo premises is only allowed when the owner, or the
person in possession of the vehicle is on duty and subject to space availability.
23.2.4. Parked and abandoned vehicles in the Port of Maputo premises are subject to parking fees and penalties
as per Port of Maputo Tariff Book.
23.2.5. The Port of Maputo will allow breakdown vehicles up to three (3) hours free parking for repairing or
towing purposes. Failing to repair or tow the vehicle within three (3) hours, a parking fee shall apply
as per the Port of Maputo Tariff Book.
23.2.6. It is compulsory for all Mineral Trucks arriving from the Ressano Garcia Border bound to Maputo and
Matola Ports, to enter the Truck Management Park at Pessene for regularization. Should there be any
discrepancy in the data of such a truck, such discrepancies must be resolved at the above-mentioned
Truck Management Park within a maximum period of 2 (two) hours. Trucks failing to comply with the
regularization at Truck Management Park will not be allowed to enter the Maputo and Matola Ports and
will be required to return to Truck Management Park at Pessene for regularization. In such cases the
truck shall automatically be subject to parking fees.
23.2.7. Vehicles parked at Port of Maputo are at the risk and expense of their owners or the persons in
possession of the vehicle.
23.2.8. Under no circumstances shall Port of Maputo be liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss of or
damage to any vehicle or property or any damage or injury to any person howsoever arising.

24. Enforcement by Port of Maputo

24.1. Notwithstanding the generality of safety, environment and security rules, Port of Maputo may impose
further terms and conditions, issue any directive, instructions, or orders, as it shall deem as necessary to
ensure the safety and security of Port of Maputo.
24.2. The Customer, Port Users and Terminal Operators shall be obliged to comply with such rules or terms and
conditions, issue any directive, instructions or orders issued by Port of Maputo at its own cost.
24.3. The Port of Maputo shall be entitled to take any steps or measures necessary to ensure compliance including
imposing fines, penalties, suspending operations, revoking permits or approvals and restricting access.
25. Documents Required

26. Related Systems Records


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27. References

28. Replacements
This document replaces the MPDC Port Operating Guidelines version 04 of 1st August 2022.

29. Revision History

Rev. No. Summary of Change Author Date
Page (s)
Document structure to be aligned with the Quality Management
system (ISO 9001:2015).

Section 4 – Review of “Arrival” and “NOR” definition. Definition

for “RFB”, “TAN” & “CBR” included.

Section 5 – New section included on the 2020 POG version.

Section 6 – Changes on operating hours and shift times. Added

criteria for placement of pneumatic rubber fenders. Review of
Port restrictions (LOA, air draft, etc.).
All Section 7 – Review of ETA window. Depth of berths in Matola Ana
02 February
document added on section Neves
Section 8 – Review criteria for planning of cargo working (cargo
availability, document submission, order creation, pre-loading,
phase II amendments, etc.). Added clauses 8.8 to 8.10 (new

Section 11 – Review of rain delay clause.

Section 13 – Review criteria for allocation of MHC.

Section 15 to 17 and 19 to 23 – New sections included on 2020

POG version.

Removed the clause related to separation at the first hatch and

Ana 11 May
03 32 last hatch: “For safety and efficiency reasons, no separations
Neves 2020
will be permitted at the first hatch (aft part of the hatch), or last

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Rev. No. Summary of Change Author Date
Page (s)
hatch (forward part of the hatch), as visibility is obscured and
productivity is compromised”.

Section 4 – Review of “Berthing Schedule”, “Firm”, "Opportunity

Vessel", “Senior Vessel”, "Vessel Arrival Notification".

Removal of "ETA Window", “First Planned, First Served”.

Definition for "Announced Vessel", "COSWP", "First Come, First

Served", "HSE", "ID", "IMO", "MHC", "MSD", "RAN", "UKC
Policy", "Vessel Announcement", "VHF".

Section 5 - Review of approval of clause 5.2

Section 6 - Review of the first vessel served criteria, vessel

announcement process and Port restrictions.

Section 7 - Review of Vessel Announcement criteria (Phase I),

preferential berth allocation, removal of grace period to be
ready to load alongside berth. Added clauses 7.2 - "Vessel
All Nurdine 23 June
04 Cancelation and Substitution/Replacement", 7.3 - "Opportunity
document Gani 2022

Section 8 - Review of Planning of Cargo Working (Phase II),

Resources Allocation, Order Amendments, Pushing Up and
Separations, Blending of Cargo.

Section 10 - Review of standby charges for draft surveys.

Removal of "Early Arrivals" and "Late Arrivals" clauses, removal
of grace period to be ready to load alongside berth.

Section 11 - Review of "Retention of Import Cargo" and

"Abnormal Cargo" clauses.

Section 15 - Review of submission period, addition of RAN in

clause 15.2.

Section 19 - New section included on 2022 POG version.

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Rev. No. Summary of Change Author Date
Page (s)
Section 20 - Review of safety and environment principles.
Addition of emergency contacts, e-mail for waste management

Section 21 - Review of “Waste Management” clause, security

guidelines and addition of security personnel contacts for
incidents reporting.

Section 22 - Review of clause 22.2.

Numbering changes due to inclusion of new clauses:

“Equipment and Property” from 12 to 13;

Section 4 – Review of "Announced Vessel", “Customer’s

Vessels”, “IMBSC”, “IMO”, “ISPS”, “Mandatory Public
Holidays”, “MPDC”, “Phase III”, “Re-planned Vessel”, “Ring
Fenced Cargo”, “Standby Charges”, “TAN”, “Unsuitable
Vessel”, “Weather Sensitive Cargo.” | Definition for “Abnormal
or Project Cargo”, “ANE”, “Bulk Cargo”, “INNATER”, “PRM”,
“SENSAP”, “Traffic Management Park”.

Section 6 – Review of sailing plan request, ETA announcement

All to Vessel Planner / Representative, updated limits in UKHO Nurdine
05 November
document Chart 644 WGS/84, and ship supply services appointment. Gani
Section 8 – Review of Planning of Cargo Working (Phase II),
Phase II Amendments, and Pushing Up and Separations.

Section 10 – Review of Delays Occasioned by Cargo.

Section 11 – New clauses were included: “Back Of Port

Facility”, “Cargo Booking Request – Bulk Cargo”, “Cargo
Sampling”, “Truck Arrival Notification (TAN) and Rail Arrival
Notification (RAN)”. Review of “Abnormal or Project Cargo”.
Merge of clauses “Cargo Pre-Assembled prior to Shipping” and
“Stacking/ Stockpile”.

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Rev. No. Summary of Change Author Date
Page (s)
Section 12 – New clause was included: “Back Of Port Facility”,
which has led to the following sections being moved forward
by one (1) section number.

Section 13 – Review of “Vessel’s Gear – MPDC Terminal


Section 16 – Clauses “Cargo Booking Request – Bulk Cargo”,

and “Truck Arrival Notification (TAN) and Rail Arrival
Notification (RAN)” integrated in clause 11 (“Cargo
Management – MPDC Terminal Operator”), which has led to
the following sections being moved backward by one (1)
section number.

Section 19 – New section was included (“Port Authority

Services Requests Scheduling”), which has led to the following
sections being moved forward by one (1) section number.

Section 20 – Payment for Port Service updated.

Section 21 – Review of “Personal Protective Equipment”,

“Special Works” on shore approvals, “Waste Management”,
accident reporting contacts update, new clause “Handling of
Dangerous Goods”.

Section 23 – Review of “Parking at Port of Maputo”,

considering Truck Management Park at Pessene.

Section 13 – Review of “Vessel’s Gear – MPDC Terminal Nurdine 19 January

06 1
Operator”. Gani 2024

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30. Approval

Authorization Position Name Date Signature

QA Manager Nurdine Gani

Compiled by: 19-01-2024
Operations Ana Neves

Osório Lucas
Ana Santiago
Neusa Saranga
Marla Calado
Reviewed by: EXCO João Cuna 23-01-2024
Paulo Mata
Narciso Chipole
Kristina de Klerk
Frederico da Silva
Osório Lucas
Ana Santiago
Neusa Saranga
Marla Calado
Approved by: EXCO João Cuna 23-01-2024
Paulo Mata
Narciso Chipole
Kristina de Klerk
Frederico da Silva

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