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Nahhas' "Faster than the speed of light" Puzzle solution I

Joe Nahhas

Alfred Nobel


Arab American real time first physicist Joe Nahhas explains CERN Geneva - San Grasso Opera experiment Dr Dario Autiero 2011 error of "faster than the speed of light" Abstract: frame of reference shift from San Grasso to GPS satellite amounts to an error of 20 meters and is not counted for in Opera experiment and Dr Dario Autiero 20 meters "faster than the speed of light" calculations are all wrong

1 = 1 is self evident; 2 = 2 is self evident And r0= r 0 is self evident; add and subtract r Then r 0 = r + (r 0 - r); divide by r Then (r 0 /r) = 1 + (r 0 - r)/ r; multiply by f Then (r 0 /r) f = f + [(r - r 0)/ r] f --------------------Eq-1 Also, f0= f0; add and subtract f0 Then f0 = f + (f0- f) --------------------------------Eq-2 Comparing Eq-1to Eq-2 Then f0 = (r0/r) f; or f0 /f = r0/r; subtract 1 from both sides

Page 1

Then (f0 /f) - 1= (r0/r) -; or, (f0 - f) /f = (r 0 - r)/ r

Or, - d f/f = - d r/r; and d f/f = d r/r -------------------Eq-3 Solving Eq-3 using separation of variables Then d f/f = d r/r = + = translation + rotation Or, f = f0 e (+ ) t and r = r0 e (+ ) t With r = r x + r Then r
x y

= r0 e t (cosine t + sine t)

= r0 e t cosine t; and r

= r0 e t sine t

And (r y/ r x) = tan t; and t = tan-1 (r y/ r x) With r


= r0 e t cosine t = r0 e t cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x)

Then (r x/ r0) = e t cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x); e t = (r x/ r0)/cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x) And t = L n [(r x/ r0)/cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x)] = L n [cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x)/cosine tan-1 (r y/ r x)] = L n 1 = 0

r0 r

With r

= r0 e t sine t = r0 e t sine tan-1 (r y/ r x)

Then (r y/ r0) = e t sine tan-1 (r y/ r x) Page 2

And t = L n [(r y/ r0)/sine tan-1 (r y/ r x)] = L n [sine tan-1 (r y/ r x)/sine tan-1 (r y/ r x)] = L n 1 = 0 This means decay or birth factor = 0 or the decay or birth factor e t = 1 And r = r0 e t = r x + r What this math means? If a car is at a distance r0; its visual is r = r0 e (+ ) t If r0 is the same not shopped or welded e t = 1; then r0 visual is r = r0 e t With r = r0 e t; divide by time t Then velocity v = v
0 y

= r0 (cosine t + sine t)


And (r. v) = (r0. v 0) e 2 t Then (r. v) = (r0. v 0) (cosine 2 t + sine 2 t) Or (r. v) = (r. v) x + (r. v)

= (r0. v 0) (cosine 2 t + sine 2 t)

Along the line of sight (r. v) x= (r0. v 0) cosine 2 t For an elliptical motion (r0. v 0) = 2 a b/T With a = semi major axis a and semi minor axis b and orbital period T And r0 = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); b = a (1 - 2); = eccentricity Then (r0. v 0) = 2 a b/T = 2 a2 [ (1 - 2)]/T At perihelion = 0 and r0 (perihelion) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine 0) And r0 (perihelion) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + ) = a (1 - ) Angular velocity at perihelion is ' (perihelion) = (r. v) x/ [r0 (perihelion)] Page 3

And ' (perihelion) = (r0. v 0) cosine 2 t/ [r0 (perihelion)] = {2 a2 [ (1 - 2)]/ a2 (1 - ) = {2 [ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) = {2 [ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) = {2 [ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - )
2 2 2 2

T} cosine 2 t

T} cosine 2 t T} (1 - 2 sine2 t) T} (1 - 2 sine2 t)


And ' (perihelion) - {2 [ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) = - 4 {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - )



T} sine2 t in radians per period - seconds

Angle per second multiply by T Angle ( perihelion) = - 4 {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t radians In degree per second multiply by 180/ = - 720 {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t In arc second multiply by 3600 Angle ( perihelion) = (- 720 x 3600) {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t Per century multiply by (t0/T) = century/period; perihelion =

Angle ( perihelion) = (- 720 x 3600) (t/T) {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t With t = 36526; T = 88; = 0.206; t = tan-1 (v/c) = aberration angle And v = orbital velocity - spin velocity = 47.9 And c = 300,000; {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} = 1.552 Finally

= (- 720 x 3600) (t0/T) {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t

= (- 720 x 3600) (36526/88) (1.552) sine2 [tan-1 (47.9/300,000)] = 43 arc second per century Google 50 solutions of Mercury's Perihelion
Same as measured and same as Einstein validating this formula validity Page 4

GPS satellite has a velocity of 14000 km/hr and a period T = day and eccentricity of = 0 The velocity of the GPS satellite is 14,000,000/0.5 x 24 x 3600 = 3.8888889 Earth Spin = 0.4651 and t = tan With
p -1

[(3.89 - 0.4651)/300,000]

= (- 720 x 3600) (t0/T) {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t


With = 0;

= (- 720 x 3600) (t0/T) sine2 t

With t0 = 1 day and T = 0.5 days With 24 hours = 360; or 1 second = 15 arc second Then T

= [(- 720 x 3600)/15] (t0/T) sine2 t seconds

Then T= [(- 720 x 3600)/15] (1/0.5) sine2 tan -1 [(3.89 - 0.4651)/300,000] seconds = 0.000045043 seconds per day or per Earth revolution Same as measured to justify this method In radial distance: 0.000045043 x 300,000/2 = 13.51289/2 = 2.15 km With San Grasso moving with respect to the satellite the orbit aberration is With

= (- 720 x 3600) (t0/T) {[ (1 - 2)]/ (1 - ) 2} sine2 t


With = 0;

= (- 720 x 3600) (t0/T) sine2 t

With 24 hours = 360; or 1 second = 15 arc second Then T


= [(- 720 x 3600)/15] (t0/T) sine2 t seconds


With t = tan

[(3.89 - 0.4651)/300,000]

And (t0/T) = (2.15/730)


= [(- 720 x 3600)/15] (2.15/730) sine2 tan


[(3.89 - 0.4651)/300,000]

= 0.00000006635 seconds and 0.00000006635 x 300,000,000 = 19.9 meters Page 5 All rights reserved

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