PHC pile vs Screw pile for PV plant

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PHC Pile

(High strength prestressed concrete piles)

PHC piles are highly effec ve for PV solar plants in flood-prone areas due to their robust
mechanical proper es and resilience, providing a stable founda on with high compressive
and tensile strength essen al for suppor ng solar structures under adverse condi ons.

Made from pre-stressed concrete, resist cracking, ensuring long-term durability when
submerged or exposed to fluctua ng water levels, while also withstanding soil erosion and
waterlogging to maintain the integrity of the solar array during and a er flood events.

Figure -1 ( Alignment and Pile Installa on ) Figure -2 (A er Pile Installa on )

Figure -3 (Pile during at flooded)

Advantages of PHC pile
 Strength and Stability: PHC piles are renowned for their excep onal strength and
load-bearing capacity, making them an ideal founda on solu on. The pre-stressing
process significantly enhances their resistance to ver cal and lateral loads, ensuring
structural stability and longevity.

 Shape and Sizes: PHC piles can be customized based on requirements like circular
and square in cross-sec on.

 Corrosion Resistance: The high-quality concrete used in PHC piles is less permeable
and excellent resistant to corrosion (Atmospheric corrosion, soil corrosion and

 Durability: Made from high-strength concrete and reinforced with pre-tensioned

steel tendons, PHC piles are highly durable and resistant to cracking and
deteriora on.

 Manufacturing Precision: PHC piles are precast in controlled factory environments,

ensuring consistent quality and precise specifica ons.

 Installation: PHC piles easy to handle and can be driven into the ground quickly,
reducing the construc on me. The use of advanced driving methods minimizes
ground disturbance and vibra ons.

 Driving the Piles: Using hydraulic hammers or vibratory drivers, the PHC piles are
driven into the ground to the required depth.

 Super Structure installa on: Module moun ng structure can be installed easily over
the PHC piles by anchor fastening arrangement or Bracket arrangement.

 Cost-Effec veness: PHC pile installa on reduces labor costs and project melines,
contribu ng to overall cost savings
Why PHC pile is be er than Screw piles in GPM 2
 Pile Numbers: Screw piles are 2 mes of PHC piles quan ty (due to 2 screws are
proposed in place of a PHC pile). It will increase an Installa on me and installa on
cost in compared to PHC piles.

 Stability in Floodwaters: Screw piles are good in Axial force resistance but week in
Lateral or Moment. the flood water imparts addi onal horizontal force on the screw
pile projected above ground part. That will generate lateral force and moment in
screw pile. PHC piles are excellent to resist the axial force, lateral force and bending

 Resistance to Corrosion: Concrete is inherently present excellent resistant to

corrosion in compared to HDG/ equivalent coa ng. Unlike metal screw piles, which
may corrode over me, PHC piles maintain their structural integrity in harsh
environmental condi ons, minimizing the need for maintenance and repair efforts.

 Durability: PHC piles have a longer service life compared to screw piles. The high-
strength concrete used in their construc on offers superior durability and resilience
to weathering, erosion, and biological degrada on.

 Ease of Installa on: Screw piles require specialized equipment and techniques for
installa on, However PHC piles are easy to handle and driven to required depth by
the hydraulic hammering machine.

Based on above points, It is suggested that PHC piles will be be er op on for
module moun ng structure founda ons considering installa on and adaptability to
various soil condi ons and be er corrosion resistance.

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