Chemistry - Unit 4 Review Exercise

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Unit 4: Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

Q2. Give short answer.
Q2i) Write the valence shell electronic configuration of an element present in the 3rd period and Group
Ans:Period No.3 means n=3, Group No. III A means 3 electrons in the valence shell.
The element present in the period 3 and Group IIIA is aluminum (Al).
!"𝐴𝑙 = 1s
2s2, 2p6 3s2, 3p1
Valence shells is M Hence Valence shell configuration is 3s2, 3p1

Q2ii) Define halogens.

Ans: Halogens belong to group 17 or VIIA in the periodic table consisting of six chemically
related elements:fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), astatine (At)
and tennessine (Ts).
The word "halogen" means "salt former" or "salt maker". When halogens react with metals, they
produce a wide range of salts, including calcium fluoride, sodium chloride (common table salt), silver
bromide and potassium iodide etc.

Q2iii) Which atom has higher shielding effect, Li or Na?

Ans: Both Li and Na are present in group IA of periodic table. As we move from top to bottom in a group
shielding effect increases due to increase in the no. of shells. The valence-shell electron of 11Na experiences
less attraction from the nucleus due to the presence of 10 inner-shell electrons as compared to 3Li having 2
inner shell-electrons. Na atoms will have greater shielding effect due to greater number of inner shell
electrons as compared to Li.

Q2iv) Explain why, Na has higher ionization energy than K?

Ans: Both Na and K are present in group IA of periodic table. Ionization energy decreases from top to
bottom in a group with increase in number of shells, greater shielding effect and decrease in nuclear
attractive force for valence electrons.
Therefore, sodium with lesser shielding effect and smaller size than potassium, has higher ionization energy
than potassium.

Q2v) Alkali metals belong to s-block in the periodic table, why?

Ans. s-Block Elements:
Groups IA on the left side of the table constitute s-Block because outer shell valence electrons of these
elements are present in s-orbital or s-sub shell.

Q3. Arrange the elements in each of the following groups in order of increasing ionization energy:
Ans: The ionization energy value decreases from top to bottom in a group. This is because the shielding
effect in atoms increases as you descend. Greater shielding effects results in a weaker attraction of the
nucleus for the valence electrons. So, they are easier to remove. This leads to decrease in ionization energy
from top to bottom in a group. Therefore, we can arrange the elements in increasing order of ionization
energy as follows:
(a) Li, Na, K
Li > Na > K
(Group IA elements)
(b) Cl, Br, I
Cl > Br > I
(Group VIIA elements)

Q4. Arrange the elements in each of the following in order to decrease the shielding effect.
As we move from top to bottom in a group the number of electronic shells increases. So, the number of
electrons in the inner shell also increases. As a result, shielding effect increases Therefore, we can arrange
the elements in decreasing order of shielding effect as follows:
(a) Li, Na, K
K > Na > Li
(Group IA elements)
(b) Cl, Br, I
I > Br > Cl
(Group VIIA elements)
(c) Cl, Br
Br > Cl
(Group VIIA elements)

Q5. Specify which of the following elements you would expect to have the greatest electron affinity.
S, P, CI
Ans: Variation in a period:
As we move from left to right across a period, the electron affinity generally increases. This is due to
increase in nuclear charge and decrease in atomic radius which binds the extra electron more lightly to
the nucleus.
Therefore, Cl has greatest electron affinity as compared to S and P.

Q6. Electronic configuration of some elements are given below, group the elements in pairs that would
represent similar chemical properties.
A=1s2,2s2 B=1s2,2s2,2p6 C=1s2,2s2,2p3
D= 1s2 E = 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2, 3p3 F= 1s2, 2s1
G = 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1 H = 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2
Group No. Element Element Valence Configuration
IA F= 1s2, 2s1 (Li) G=1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1 (Na) ns1
IIA A=1s2,2s2 (Be) H = 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2 (Mg) ns2
VA C=1s2,2s2,2p3 (N) E=1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p3(P) ns2 np3
VIIIA D= 1s2 (He) B=1s2,2s2,2p6 (Ne) ns2 np6

NOTE: Elements having similar electronic configuration in their outermost shell have similar
chemical properties and are placed in same group.
Q7. Arrange the elements in groups and periods in Q. No. 6.
2 F A C B
2s1 2s2 2s2,2p3 2s2,2p6
3 G H E
3s1 3s2 3s2,3p3

Q8. For normal elements, the number of valence electrons of an element is equal to the group number. Find
the group number of the following elements
𝟏𝟑𝑨𝒍 :
Electronic configuration: 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2, 3p1
Valance shell configuration 3s2 3p1
Valence electrons = 2 + 1 = 3
Therefore, Al is present in group IIIA

𝟏𝟔𝑺 :
Electronic configuration: 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2, 3p4
Valance shell configuration 3s2 3p4
Valence electrons = 2 + 4 = 6
Therefore, it is present in group VIA

𝟏𝟗𝑲 :
Electronic configuration: 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2, 3p6, 4s1
Valance shell configuration 4s1
Valence electrons = 1
Therefore, it is present in group IA

𝟖𝑶 :
Electronic configuration: 1s2,2s2,2p4
Valance shell configuration 2s2 2p4
Valence electrons = 2 + 4 = 6
Therefore, O is present in group VIA
Q9. Write the valence shell electronic configuration for the following groups:
1. Alkali metals ( Group IA)
Valance shell configuration of alkali metals is: ns1
2. Halogens ( Group VIIA)
Valance shell configuration of halogens is: ns2np5
3. Alkaline earth metals ( Group IIA)
Valance shell configuration of in metals is: ns2
4. Noble gases ( Group VIIIA)
Valance shell configuration of noble gases is: ns2np6

Q10. Write electron dot symbols for an atom of the following elements
(a) Be
(Valance configuration 2s2)
(b) K
(Valance configuration 4s1)
(c) N
(Valance configuration 2s2,2p3)
(d) I
(Valance configuration 5s2, 5p5)

Q11. Write the valence shell electronic configuration of the atoms of the following elements.

(a) An element present in period 3 of Group VA

Period No.3 means n=3
Group No. V A means No. of valence electrons is=5
So, valance shell electronic configuration of Phosphorus (P) is 3s2 3p3

(b) An element present in period 2 of Group VIA

Period No.2 means n=2
Group No. VI A means No. of valence electrons is=6
Valance shell electronic configuration of Oxygen (O) is 2s2 2p4

Q12. Copy and complete the following table:

Atomic number Mass number No. of protons No. of neutrons No, of electrons
11 23 11 12 11
14 29 14 15 14
22 47 22 25 22
13 27 13 14 13
Q13. In which block, group and period in the periodic table where would you place each of the following
elements with the following electronic configurations?
i. 1s2, 2s1
Valence shell Configuration is: 2s1
Block = s-block element,
n=2 so, Period Number = 2
No. of valence electrons = 1 so, Group Number = IA
(The name of element is lithium (Li), Atomic number = 3)
ii. 1s2,2s2,2p5
Valence shell Configuration is: 2s2,2p5
Block = p-block element,
n=2 so, Period Number = 2
No. of valence electrons = 2+5=7 so, Group Number = VIIA
(The name of element is fluorine (F), Atomic number = 9)
iii. 1s2,2s2,2p6 ,3s2
Valence shell Configuration is: 3s2
Block = s-block element,
n=3 so, Period Number = 3
No. of valence electrons = 2 so, Group Number = IIA
(The name of element is magnesium (Mg), Atomic number = 12)
iv. 1s2
Valence shell Configuration is: 1s2
Block = s-block element,
n=1 so, Period Number = 1
No. of valence electrons = 2 so, Group Number = VIIIA
(The name of element is helium (He), Atomic number = 2)

Q14. What types of elements have the highest ionization energies and what types of elements have the
lowest ionization energies. Argue.
Q17. Argue in what region of the periodic table you will find elements with relatively


As we move from left to right, Ionization energy increases. Noble gases (group VIIIA) with smallest atomic
sizes have the highest ionization energies because they have complete octets in their outermost shells.
So, we can deduce that the elements from upper right corner of periodic table will have the highest
values of ionization energies.
On the other hand, Alkali metals (group IA) have relatively larger atomic sizes, so Alkali metals have lowest
ionization energies.
As we move down the group, ionization energy decreases.
Therefore, we can infer that the elements present in the lower left corner of the periodic table show
the lowest values of ionization energies.

Q15 i. Two atoms have electronic configuration 1s2,2s2,2p6 and 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1. The ionization energy of
one is 2080kJ/mole and that of the other is 496kJ/mole. Match each ionization energy with one of the given
electronic configurations. Give reason for your choice.
Ans: Atom B = 1s2 2s2 2p63s1
Valence Configuration: 3s1 with 1 valence electrons belongs to group I A.
ionization energy is = 496 KJ mol-1
Atom A = 1s2 2s2 2p6
Valence Configuration: 2s2 2p6 with 8 valence electrons belongs to group VIII A.
ionization energy is = 2080 KJ mol-1
Because as we move from left to right across a period ionization energy increases so group IA elements
have low value of ionization energy than group VIII A elements.

Q15 ii. Use the second member of each group from Group IA, IIA and VIIA to judge that the number of
valence electron in an atom of the element is the same as its group number.
Group No. 2nd Element Atomic No. Electronic Valence Group No.
configuration electrons
IA Li 3 1s2 2s1 1 IA
2 2 6 2
IIA Mg 12 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 II A
2 2 6 2 5
VIIA Cl 17 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 7 VII A

• Second member of group IA is (Li). Valance shell configuration of lithium is 2s1. Here valance electron of
Lithium is 1 therefore its group number is also IA.
• Second member of group IIA is (Mg). Valance shell configuration of magnesium is 3s2. Here valance
electrons of magnesium are therefore group number is also IIA.
• Second member of group VIIA SC Valance shell configuration of chlorine is 3s2 3p5. Here valance electrons
of chore are 2 + 5 = 7 therefore its group number is also VIIA.

Q15 iii. Letter A, B, C, D, E, F indicates elements in the following figure:

2 C
3 A B
4 D E
5 F
a) Which elements are in the same periods?
Ans: Elements A and B are in the same periods i.e. Period number 3.
Elements D and E are in the same periods i.e. Period number 4.
b) Write valence shell electronic configuration of element D.
Ans: As element D lies in group IIA therefore valance shell configuration is 4s2.
The name of element is Calcium (Ca).
c) Which elements are metals?
Ans: Elements A (Group IA) and D (Group IIA) are metals because group IA represents alkali metals and
group IIA represents alkaline earth metal.
d) Which element can lose two electrons?
Ans: Element D (Group IIA) can lose two electrons because element D contains two electrons in its valance
e) In which group E is present?
Ans: Element E is present in group VA and name of the element is Arsenic (As).
f) Which of the element is halogen?
Ans: Element F is halogen because it lies in group VIIA. The name of element is iodine (I).
g) Which element will form dipositive cation?
Ans: The element D can form dipositive cation with +2 charge because it lies in group IIA and can lose
two electrons.
h) Write electronic configuration of element E.
Ans: As element E lies in group VA, so it has 5 valence electrons and its period No. is 4 so n=4.
Electronic configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d104p3
Name of the element is Arsenic (As) with atomic number = 33.
i) Which two elements can form ionic bond?
Ans: Ionic bond is formed when an atom loses electron to form cation and the other atom gains electron to
form anion. The two oppositely charged ions are held together by electrostatic force of attraction to form
an ionic bond.
Elements A (a metal from Group IA can lose its 1 valence electron to form cation with +1 charge) and
element F (non-metal from Group VII A can gain 1 electron to form anion with -1 charge) (A and F), (D
and C) can form ionic bond.
Similarly Elements D (a metal from Group IIA can lose its 2 valence electrons to form cation with +2
charge) and element C (non-metal from Group VIA can gain 2 electron to form anion with -2 charge) (A
can form ionic bond.
j) Can element C form C2 molecule? Interpret.
Ans: Yes, element C can form C2 molecule because C belongs to group VIA. It’s a non-metal with 6 valence
electrons. It needs 2 more electrons to complete its octet. So, two C atoms share 2 valence electrons with
each other to complete the octet and make C2 molecule. The name of element is Oxygen (O) it forms the
molecule O2.
k) Which element can form covalent bonds?
Ans: Elements C and F can form covalent bonds. Element C is a non-metal from group VIA( the name of
element is oxygen) . Element F is a non-metal from group VIIA ( the name of elements iodine). Both C and
F can form covalent bonds with other non-metals.
l) Is element F a metal or non-metal?
Ans: The element F is non-metal from group VIIA, and the name of element is iodine.
Q16. Electronic configurations of four elements are given below:
(a) 1s2,2s1
valance electron = 1 so, Group No = IA
i) An alkali metal
(b) 1s2,2s2,2p5
Valance electrons = 7 so, Group No = VIIA
iv) A halogen
(c)1s2,2s2,2p6, 3s2
Valance electrons = 2 so, Group No = IIA
ii) A alkaline earth metals
(d) 1s2
Valance electrons = 2(with a complete duplet) so, Group No = VIIIA
iii) A noble gas

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