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RAJSHAHI UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering [Assignment] Course No + MATH 2121 Course Name : Differential Equation, Complex Variable and Harmonic Analysis Submitted by: Md. Taslim Alam Rafi Section: C Roll: 1802161 24 year odd semester Submission Date: 10 January 2021 Scanned with CamScanner Complex Number System Complex Numbers ; A number of the form a+ib ts called a complex number when o and b are neal numbers and i= FF. We call a’ the neal part and ‘b' the imaginary part of the complex number atib. If a=0 the number tb is said to purely Imaginany ,iF b=0 the number a is real. A complex number x+ly is denoted by @ The complex conjugate ofa complex jumber a+ ib is a—ib The complex congugete oF a complex number z is olen indicated by % or 2 Fundamental Operations with Complex Numbers : Ih performing cperations with complex numbers, we aan proceed as in the algebra of real aumbers , replacing i> by -1 when “it occurs. 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication : 4. Division Ga+ib)+ Corib) = Care) + (b+d)i (a+ ib) — (e+id) = (a-c) + (b-d)i (atib) (e+id) = (ac-bd) + @dtbe)j If c#0 and d#o then, arbi _ atbl adi C+di tdi Odi = 8¢ -adi-+ bei - bdi® Cudit = Gerbd » bo-ad ; ot de oad Scanned with CamScanner + Some Ropenties af Complex Nunber : th leyzel = le] eel ii. =| = 14) a |Z] ii, Ja+2Z| s 12) + lze] WV. [z-Zl $ 141+ 121 Mo late vic |Zy- ze Vv | | wv lzi|- 12] 141- lal ~ Prove that ® Jez) = lallzl Solution} ® ® l2,20l zy). Bl Zo Te] = (qty Getty] = | xya—ate + [Cryo = AN e-Bay) + Ode + = 1 GaP) Gas) = A yt ERE = (a) lz] = | @rwGarto ata +xy)| 8%)” Kh + Ya Lo +o" Xt ae Scanned with CamScanner 2, Prove that @ late] < [z+] © 12,-4| 2 lal-lal Soli tion ‘ @ Analytically . Zt eZ = tly, ratty, = Gre) rita) [Zt] = NG ar e,42el* = Gute) + Caitde)™ [arreph = Xt xh 2m t B eye + Ise lz ee = Ob eye Gerad) + 2000 +d) (2+2l" = lel + feat + 2m +a lepezel = fel + bel + Qafapae + yen + 2520s Jgaz[ stalls fel +2 Vie Wye ey OG [eG We 7O on Ay + Gye > 2x %Y.82] taral< falhs lel + ov Gah eat ae) [zz < las lal+ oe lzl [zaal” Ss fled tte 12+ 2el s 12) + [2el Cfroved ] &) Analytically. i l= [cz 2)+%| <1 z-2.) +z fal-l22[ < te -zo] {2,-22| 2 l@l-lza| Scanned with CamScanner 2: Poe tat: BPA Ate Scutions ya = rly pete = yet - 1D) = xy Fy + 9G -TYy, = ery, + He, A+% at [Reoved ] 4, Rove that : 12jt%el?+ 121-z2]*= offal + ter] Solution : . ye jetzt = [Catia +oovy)] = | Gtx) + itd) | & (xt) + ithe)” —@ inal - G+ deny —@ ley|*> ara “9 fal’= a tar —@) LHS = fey eal’ feed” = teh + tay + G+ GA) . . BHF Oo ke EMOTE DYE r= Dare, 9G Br Ped = ofare ares rd’) = oT Oty) +O tye) ] = 2flal+ Ize] ica [Proved ] Scanned with CamScanner Ginaphical Representation of Complex Number : Since a complex numben x+ly can be considered ¢s an ordered pain of neal numbers it cam be pepnesented such numbers by pains ‘im ont xy plane called complex plane on Airgand diagnam. “the complex, hunber represented by Re-Be example. PG4) 7 344i QGs,-4) or -3-41 aoa) The distanee belween two points. -Z,~ xtiy, and Z_= Xtiy, in the complex plane is given ty, tes tal ~ AG Ga A Zs 243i and z,-4-3i are two given. complex number construct graphically 92,—22. Solution a= 324,-92, = 3(o+3i)- 24-31) = 6t9i-St6i = -24%5i Represent the two complex number by point Pr and P+ Point P represents 32-22, Le. —2+151 Scanned with CamScanner BBlar_Finm. of Complex Numbers: Let P bea pant in the complex plone corresponding “to tie complex number Guy) oe ¥+iy. Then we see from Figure that how = PCose % |} y= rsine x where = agr= betty] 4s called the rnodulus op absolute value of 2 x¢+1y [ Denoted by mod 2 or l2l] and 6 called the amplitule on angument of z= x+iy [denoted by ong2] is the angle that tine OP makes with the positive x axis. 1 fellows thet, z= rly = PGos6 + isn) which % called “the por rm of the complex number, and rand ¢ are called polar coordinates. For any, complex number 240 there cormesponds only one value of 6 in oxOx<2™. 4. Express -5+5i in pdar form. . Solution: Gitven that, Z- 5 +51 @ = 4an- (8) = 160-45" = 135° = 30 4 545 = Bh 4 stg WK +51 = Byp (cos aT sin *) Scanned with CamScanner De Moivre's Theorem : Let. Z,=%tiy, = % (eos®, + isin@,) and Zr= Foti, = (eos, + ising.) then we Car show that, ZZ. = HM, fers (0,40,) + isin(o+6,)} —O z roe Zz = a { cos (0,-6.2) + isin (y-@2) f —% A generalization of 0) leads +o Zee Re BM... TACOS (OFOt et Oe) ELING]rEt... Gn) f If a-a=-....2%,=2 this becomes Z*- {rccose+ isinoy}" = r(cosn€ + isinne) which is often called De Moivees theorem. Ls Suppose, Z, = 8 (cos, + isin9,) and Z,= 72.(c0s 0, + 1sin,). Prove: that, @ Be= Wm {00s Co+e,) + isinCar ey} OA. BL $ €05€0,-82) + isin 8) Solution @ 2% = $7 (c0s0,tisind)}{ Acoso, +isinO.)} BN, {(c0s6, €08 0, - sin6, sin®,) + 1(sin@, cos 0, +c050,sind,)} t = yn {coset Ox) + (sin (ort 6,)} 1.(c050, + isin®:) €0s0. - (sine) ® 2. on za Y, (€030, + 1siNO2) (cos 6, ~isinOs) =. f (050, cos O. + sind; stn 0.) + isin, cos 8, ~Co5! ine} ty, { cost@, + sin“Oq = FL f cos@r- 6x) + isin (61 —84) f Scanned with CamScanner 2: Evaluate : @ [3(cos4d + Isin4o][4(cos 80" + isingo’)] ® (octss'y" (4eis 45°)? Solutions @) [¢cosqa + isin ea) 1-4 (cos 60+ isine0")] 3x4 [cos (40+80°) + isin (40 +30)] " 19 (cos 420° + isint20") = 147) -- i 12 (4+ Hit) = -€+6B1 h © @ds5)" _ 128 ¢i5105" _ 9 ce (105°-135") C4cis 45°) 64 cis 135° = 2[cds€30) + isine-30°)] 2 [:cos30'— isin30'] = qz-i Scanned with CamScanner Euler's Formula : The finite sepies expansion , Mgt en arxt G) +(P)t poet When, x=i0 ei8 = cose+ising —a) Which fs called Euler's formula. H is more convenient. however | in general we define, ef = et. ot he e* (cosy + ising) In the special case where y=0 this reduces to ©” In terms of @), De Mofvres theorem reduces to Solution’ We have i0_ ags6 + isin@ —G) 9 = cos - isin® —t) @ Adding @ and © eset = 2e0s0 ely ete B= ce a ©) Subtnacting @ srom @ el et = aisind Scanned with CamScanner p Given a complex number (wector) z. interpret geometrically ze where a is real Solution Let z-rel® be represented graphiatlly ky vector Of in the figure Then. zeix = pels, ex = pellet) is the vector pepresented by OB. Hence. multiplication of a vector 2 by e* amounts +o rotating z counterclockwise through angle «x. We can consider el ge an opereton that acts on z to produce his notation. Roots of Complex Number: A number w is called an mth root of a complex number z P wz and we write w= 2" From De Moivre's theorem .we can chow that if nis a positive integer, gilt = frase t ising) y" = pin feos (042k) + isin (24254) } + ee se2.2--M-l Vn iC 242k) = phe k= 03,2 na From which tt fellows that there are n different values fan 2a . Scanned with CamScanner 1. Find 4% woot of -oe - ei and locate them graph cally salt; = let, 2. 25 ~ i 2, = Pe V434e = 4 . 1 i (B+ ene Wee sus Va Me oll? zn Len ait e! ta a i 197 0 - 4 e ig ae yee eae iy i BE Se eee Scanned with CamScanner 3 @ Find ail values of z for which 7¥=-39. ® tbocate these values in the complex plane. @ In polan pm. ~ 32> 32 feos(as Mr) + isin(m+okm)} . k= 0, 41,49 Let, Z= lcos® +ish6) “Then by De Molvres thecrem 72° =v? (c0s50 + isin5e) = 32 feos(m+ okn)+ ising den} And $0 r= 92, 5@= + 2k7, fom which era O= (H+ Un /5 Hen 2 fcos( Re 2km) isin (™# 247) } WokrO 2-2, = 2¢08f + isinE) we Ke1- Zz-Z,2 2 (cos 3K + isin 32) #2. 2-8 = ist -- If k=2 - 2-2, = 2 Ccosds 4 isin SE) --2 Wo K-32 eq = 2 ost +i sin) If kr4 +Z-B= 2(cos 9m 4 isin) these five roots ane called the fifth roots of -30. ® The values of z ore Thdicated in the figure. Scanned with CamScanner Point Sets Neighborhords: A delta, §. neighborhood of a pont 2, ts the set of all 2 call that f2-2/<5, where § any positive number when 2, Is omilled dram this set is called obleted neighborhood af Zz. Intenion point Let $ be any set a point 2. #5 called an: intenion point af ¢ If me can Sind a neighborhord of 2 which belonas ty 5, Ia point is not intenion or boundary point then it is exterior point. Boundory poinl JF every neighbor hood of Zz contains point of S$ and rlso point ot belonging fo S, called bourdany point, Limit point 3 A point z, is called mit point of a sel s, if every deleted neighborhood -eontains a point af Ss, Oren Set A set ts suid do be open HF It cansich of only tilenin irks of i. Gosed set? A sel is sid 4o be closed if iH contains al of its mit goin. Scanned with CamScanner Miscellaneous Problems : 1, Prove that the area ofa Parallelogram having sides 2 ard 2, is leixZel Sdvhon? prea ofa parallelogram -frorn Figure = base x height =(1Z1) (IZ: sna) = |i] !Zel sina = |ZxZ| r - th=lalsine ey ire Let 2, 2,2 represent vertices of an -equilatenal tniange Prove that, 2+ 25+ "= Ze raz + yz, Solution! From Fyre we see that, Z-z-e 7 (2,2) q z-% = e™5 @,-%) cy Then by division, z< 24% _ B-%y C| 2-40 Z-¥ ay or 2424 %"5 ZZ tyarzZz, ° a Scanned with CamScanner 3, Represent Bo ) 133 a|= Da = 2 QO je-sl= 212+3] > jarig-at = alae! Le-x+ ig] aN@-aey = Gay a L-6xtge y= 4 (eH er tN) D424 OA eb + 36-9 FAY YEO > Bh tdy + 30K 4 MB =0 » Key + lox tI=0 > GD = ie. [eeslo4 4 cincle of padiug 4 wih center at (-5,9 Geometrical any point Pon this efncle is such that the distance om P to point B@4,0) & twice the distance From P 4» point AC3y) 0 te-31 Xo 1e43] NEOTE < EE G54 a ole le+5)>4 The required sot Ans consists of all points exlernal te the cinde. Scanned with CamScanner re Iss » fe Previous Years Question Frove that Iz +2] s lz +/2l (2007, 2005, 2004) Solution: See problem (a) ,Fandamentalt operations with complex variable If 2.2, be wo complex numbers, show that, (2006) lavzal? + 1e-zil?= 2 [leu [zt] Solution: See problem 4 , Fundamental operations with complex variable Rove that zz, nt Za (2005) Sdlution : See problem 3, findamental operations with complex variable Tz 2431 and z,-4-3) ane wo given complex number conshucl graphically 32,~ 22% Solution: See problem 1, Graphical representation of complex number @903) Express -5+87 in polan -fopm * (2005) Solution: See problem 1, folar foam of complex number Given. a complex number (vector) z. interpret geometrically Zel™ whene a re Solution: See problem 9, Fulers -emula (2006, 2005) rove that the area of a parallelogram having sides z, and z, is |Z,x zl Sdution! See problem J, Miscellaneous C2007) Hf 22.,% are the three vertices of an equilateral Ariangle, then show that, Zhi zo +2 = ZZ, 42,2, 4 Zz, Cano) Sclution’ See problem 2, Miscellaneous Scanned with CamScanner Function of Complex Variable Complex variable : A symbol , such as z, which can sland fr ony one of a set of complex numbers is called a complex variable. Finction of a complex variable? Conrespanding 40 each values cf complex variable 2, if there are one om more values of w, then w= F(z) is culled a Sanction of complex variable. “he variable’ 2 ts sometimes called an independent variable, while W's called a dependent variable. “he value ofa function at z-a is often weitten f(a). Thus. if if, £@)> 2 then, £(2i) = (ai)*= -4 Single valued function: “the function w=f@) ts called « single valued function if fr every value of z there ‘s only one value of w. Bample: Let w= F@= 2. then for every value of z there is only one value of w. Hence. w-f(2)=z* is a single valued function of Z Multi valued function: he function w=sl2) ts called a mlbli valued Function $f for €veny value of 2, there ane mone value of w. Example: Let w-f@)= 2" Herne fn every nonzero value of z, there are two values of w. Hence. w- Ne). lh valued fanction of 2. Is a maltt Scanned with CamScanner asefmatn + ip weutiv is a singe valued function of , ° Ze ut iy ie we fxtly) utiv = £@+ly) Equating real and imaginany pant we get Us UY) ve v (wy) “he above velation i refered to as a Aranstormation » Example: If. w= 2? then utiv= (xtiy)” ltiv = ay + 2ixy find the -transformection is Us xDyr ve 2x4 The image of « point (1.2) in the z plane ts the pant (-3-4) ‘jn the w plane Z- Plone W- Plane W(-3,, Plu) rey The point z-1+21 wepresented ty point P in the z-phne has the ‘image point w=344i pepnesented by Pin the w-plane. we i . yy ° . “ ‘hot rs * mapped ito P’ ky mers of the mapping -finction on transfarrnation W-? Scanned with CamScanner Lint of a function of a Complex Variable : Let $@) be a single valued fincton defined at all points in some neighbourhood of point z, Then £@) is said to have the limit £ as Zz approaches z, along. any path if given an arbitrary real number €>0 .howevep small there exists a real number $>0- such that |f@)-1L1<€ whenever 0<1Z-2.1 <5 ie. or every z#z, in S-dise dotted) of Z-Plane. F(z) has a value lying in the €-dise of w-plane In symbolic form, lim f@)=h Ze Y v > > Z- Plane w-Plane u Note! T. § usually depends upon €. If. 2-2, implies that ~ approaches z along any path. The linits must be independent of the mannep Sn whieh “2 approaches 2. . ewe qet dwo different limits as z+z, along two different paths then limits does rot exist. Scanned with CamScanner Limits Suppose fim £02) exists, Phove that it must be unique Solution; SS We must show that iP fn, $e@)=h, and fim £@= 4, 7 222 Then, Ly= dy & hypothesis given any €>0.we can find $>0 such tat [¥@-Ul< <_ when oxrlye ly and Z=x-iy = -iy l* co that the required Kmit is 43 i > lim iL oy o x yoo TY fs #0 along vo different paths we get different limit, Hence the limit doesnt exist Scanned with CamScanner 3B. Show +hat lim 2 does not exist zoz |7\ Solution? iq Z = Mm E zoz [Zl eon Lege bet acme FA Im 2 fgg Lei de mi ~ lim, Atrix x70 Nie “Nie | The vile of +t ane diftenent far different values of m | Vitm Henae, nit of the -finction does not exit. = 4ei 4. Frove that lim 244743 gi Zola e+ Stion: Kin HDD «lim (243) pet HD) ei | = U-)43 jo Evaluate, fim 52 +10) Solutions ttm gt + lim (52) + Im . 10 ziti Zoath weiti = (li % lir i 7 ti 10 (2) Cin, 2) * Ging GD Fe " Gti) +i) — 5 Cri) +10 = 5-3 &. Evaluate. jim @2+3)e-D Zot Z2er4 Seluton: =, —— lim (22+) | brn @-s) ican ce = G:4) Cai-f) fm (2-22 +4) 45 = -$+ Bi Scanned with CamScanner Continuity of a Function ofa Complex Variable : Lethe fanetion I@ bea single valued Lunction. The Function Re) of a complex vanlable 7 te satd qo be continuous at the pant z if fr any given positive number €>0 , we Car ind a number $>0 such that, [£@- fe. f@) is said to be continuous at z=2, iF lim £@)- £@.) 2-2, Note that this implies -three conditions that must be met in order that f(z) be continuous at z= Ze <€ whenever o<|2-2/<5 te fim $02) = 4 must exist Zee 2. £@.) must exist, ie. 4@ is defined at z, 3. f= fl) Uniform Continuity : Let f@) be continuous in a region. Then by definition at -each paint z, of the vegion avid for any €>0. we can find $>0 such that [f@ -feed|<« whenever |z7-Z1<§.1f we can find § dependicg on € but not on the particular point z we Say that Kz) is uniformly continuous fa the region Scanned with CamScanner Continui 1. Prove that fle) =z is continuous at Z= ts t We have to show that -for ayy €70 3 @ $>0 such that | f@-f@1<€ whenever o 14 where fe) iZ is defined on dal0 Fa $>0 such that (£@)-f%)1<€ wheneven o<|2-4t] <§ Now, |fe)-&ial = [1% —'4| ial steel = | Ur evi [eee = [G9 +iy | [For modulus Ixtiyl = betty! ] 2 . (F@-8)| = IZ yf lel0.we can find §70 such that, | $@) -f@IIe Csincee 0< 8<1) Scanned with CamScanner Bi Reve that fe) =3z2-2 is ariforry cominuous in the region tzls19 Solution: Given that F(2)= 32-2 We have +o show 4hat for ang €70 we can find S>0 such that IF@) -F@)1<€ when [z-Z <8 TF z ond 2 are any points in [zis 10 then 1¥@ -$@)| = 132-2-32+2| S 132-32 1f@)-Rey| <3|2-2.| Thus if [z-z.l a ee + BW From equation (vm) we get — be + ony + by" = by + PG) + xg Pow = ~6K+ Oxy + Gy" Gy? - Gry PCO = Bey - 207 +e Tegrating | “Therefore, Vi Gry-y? + 3x8y- wx +¢ THis is the requined harmonic conjugate of u and henee. f@) = uriv Scanned with CamScanner i Find the harmonic conjugate of uz P-2xy4+ ae 3y Hd - Also Find £@ Sdution: Given thal y= adage de 3ytt | oe BC -3y' 46x u = -6xy -6y —@ ee = 6x+6 i) Su. -ex-6 —_{w) yx T W+@ gives. Fay oe = 6xt6-6x-6 =O “This shows that uw satisfy laplace equation and hence U is harmonic. According to the Cauchy Riemann equation ,we have @-& —@ B.-B uw From equation @) and @ 3 = 3H 3y 46x Gn) SY = Gy + 6y (wm) Integrating Gi) wet. y, we get v= 3x'y yt bry + $0) & = bxy + ey + GO) From equation (i) we get Gxy + Oy = bxy + bY + $00) 2 oO =d > o@=¢ Therefore, v = Boy — Yt Say + ¢ Now. f(@)- uriv = Ge-Bxy"4 3a aye!) + T(adty- y? +t 6xy 40) = X4axly + Bully HY? + 300 Daiy HW arsic = (arty)? + 3Ccrigy tt + ie = 0+ 32 414i Scanned with CamScanner al Prove that us x-yt- Quy -2x +3y ts harmonic. Find a Rnction v such that £@)=uriv is analytic Also express AG) in terms of Z. Solution: Given that. U= X- yay 204 3y a -2y-2x+3 —(y) $y > an -ty-2 Su. Sus yg aa 2 — Gi oy 2 w @+@ ares, Se + $4 = a2 0 ; “This shows thet u satisfy Laplace equation and hence u ts harmenic According to Cauchy - Riemann equation , we have S Swe. a BR 0 8-8 —@ By “lel differentiation we know hat, - 8 dv = de + 4 dy = $ dvs - 5 dx + Be dy dv = — (2g -2x43)dre + (ox-2y-2)dy Sav = feyrenadx + fEry-2)dy +¢ Vi= aay Po3K - Poy +6 Fgnoning 2x] [Hence the dif equation is exact, Now, fiz) = utiv = Cea Bay -2%43y) + 1 (Bay + 2° 3x -y*— Oy) + IC = (ka Pr cing) ChO= ly aay) - @r3ida - fer ay + ic (a= y> + ding) + Lay" Bing) +31) x — i(assidy + IC = Geely) + cri)” = 243i) Gt iy) + ie = grt fe - Coszi2 + Ic = Ori) z*—(a+3i2 tic Scanned with CamScanner us 32y + ox -y3— 29" Is harmonic . Find its harmonic Conjugd az well os F(z). Given that, We Birdy +220- yo 2g Se Orgran 9 By eT 4A— Sh = Gye Bus -Gy-4 Stiice, §h oe hae guy ope Gyt4-Q-4= 0, Ulery) is harmonic frecanding to Cauchy - Rieman Equation , we have ah and Ho —th) From equation @ and WW s = Gry t4n and au ews Bye ty Tntegneding wart d we get v= Bxy"+ Any + Gd Eo ay +44 0 —w From equation @.@ ond W BX 43g + AY = sy tty t OO) QD) = - Bar d@ = -z5+¢ Therefore ye say + axy 2840 “This is the required harmonic conjugode. of u and henee 4@)- utiv Scanned with CamScanner Show that e7 . Seon “ee xc0sy —Ysiny) is a harmoric function . Fad the anaigie pie which eX Cxcosy —ysiny) Is imaginary part Solution: Given that, y= eX (xeosy - ysiay) $v _ x Sx 7 S% (xcosy —ysiny) + e%cosy = Y,(~9) —O x a = &% C-xsing — yoosy - sity) = % Gea) - —O Sy = ]*(xcosy —ysiny) + EXcosy + €™COSY = et (xcosy-y siny + 2cosy) —Ww . —w oe = EX (-xcoy + ysimy — 2cosy) ) @+®@ gres Sy 6 2 Vv is @ harmonic firction Now puting x=z, y= in ® and Gi) we act y, (2,0) = ze" + €* YW, @.0)= 0 thence by Milne Thomson Method , we have f£@ = fiy,@o) + iyaleo]de +¢ = flo + ierser}dz +¢ = [(zet-eF+ ere = izerte [F Show that the finction u= 2%"! sinGe-y) fs hawmonte. Fiad the conjugate Runetion v and express u+tiv as an analytic Function of z Solution’. Given tah w= 27% sin Cy.) & = axe "9 cos (X= yr )- Bye sin Coe Y*) ent [aces Ga) —2y Sn@H] = 1668) 0) Scanned with CamScanner BY =~ aye cos Cay) - 24e7 stn cy) = eth [- 29 60s be-y) —2% sin@ey)] * 6.6% —W Su aye [2x cos @-y*) —2y sin oy)] oe le ay 20 COs oy] + PF ocos Gey) + 2x (2x) f-sin ed = es [- 4xy C05 Gey) + 4p sin YD) p2cos (at) —Fxsin a) ~ 4xy cos OCP) ] “pty [- Bxycos @-y’) +ayrsin Gey) + 2605 ey )- 42 sine] 4 SU _gyet¥[-2y cos -Y) - 2xsin Gey) | (2s ey] + oY [-2c08 Gey) + 2929) sin Gry) -2x = 2% [4.04 005 Ge-y) + asin Gery) - 22008 Cr=y) —4yt sin (~~) + Axy Cos ay) ] et [any cos Gy) + 420 sin GY) ~ 2eos Gey)-ay'singty] - =) G+ gre SY RE =o > U 1s harmonic. Now putting x=z, y=o ‘in (and Gi) we get Khao- -22 sine fu @0) = 22e0s2~ Hence by Milne Thorson methed we have SO - fEACe,0- i 4.20) ] de = fe a2cnz" — IC2zsine)] de e sinz- (coz ae = ~tleosa™ + ising®) + = ste® ae Scanned with CamScanner (2) Prove that us e% Casing — ycosy is harmonia and Lind Hs Narmonic conjugate V such that fc) -ut+iv is “anal Salt! gu a . Sx = Ce“Msiny +e) Cusing - yoosy ) = e%sing ~ xe By tte oh = ~e%sing + xe%sing ~e“sing ye" *eosy —o = = E*(xeory + yshny - cosy) = xe cosy : yersing - €“%osy Su. —xer%siny + yercosy +e%einy + e*sing —O) sy O+® on +o =0 ‘and uw is hapmenic According - Cauchy - Rieman equotion, % = BY» ertsing -me*siny + ge'Y — —W) Bef crag eee ety © Integrating @® wrt y keeping x conelont = -e%cosy + xEMcasy + e-%C ysing ~ fishy fersyigias) + P&) =-€ “eory + xe*cosy +e% Casing #c05y) thea) = yer%sing + HE ™*cosy + $d Where god & an an bitrare neal ‘fanction of x, hh - yer%sing — KE™eosy +e™eosy + gy —w Scanned with CamScanner sp wt batg 1S anny + PDA CHG ~ agrees + omy 2 GP =0 2. @W=t therefore v= © We have, f(z) = féxriy) = uCxa) + Gra) Rting yo SOO= Uwe) + v(x8) Replacing x by z f(z) = uCeo) + iv (a0) -% C ysing +ncosy) te ulzio) = eee sinoy- 0) = 0 v (20) = et(o+Zz) = ze? f£@ = u(zo) + iv (2.0) = (ze-® Scanned with CamScanner Derivatives : 4. Show thot + Z dees not exist anywhere, ie. f@)-% iy non arnabyfisanysher Solution: By definition, 140) clin $e442) -f@ a0 Az 56 this lint exists tnelependert of the manner jin which 42-4%+ fay approaches zero. Then waiy + aK + 14g - x4 = lim de 7 oo az ar50 Ax + lay Ayo = tim Xely a" —iay HOt) pp ame tad Axo AK + 14y Ax70 “ax 4 lay Ayoo aye Tf ayro the required limit ts me at ah AX Dd Tf axco, the required limit Is . a tin lL = Ayo cay hen since the limit depends on the manner in which az—9 » the derivalie does not exist. ne. FO=% b ton analytic anywhere. prove that it must be continuous at Zo. 2. @If fo % analytic at , ~ J venge of §¢z) is not necessarily Hue, © Give an example to show that the con Solution § @® Gne f@tn)-f@) = a) h where h= 47 40, we have fim, fles+b) ~#@) = lim Seti) Fe) Singh ho = £@).0 =O Scanned with CamScanner because f'(.) evist by hypothesis Thus Km feth)~F@) =0 hoo or, lim £@e+h) = f (20) Showing that f@) ts continuous at zm. Q) the Rmction L2)= 2 is continusss at Z.- However by problem 4) $(2) fs not analytic anywhere. “This shows that a FanccHion which. °s continuous need not have < denivative, i.e. need not be analytic, ly Show that an analytic function with constant modulas is constant, Let $@-=uriv be on analytic function with constant modulas, Then |£@)| = Jutivl = ¢ Swe = => utv=¢ Differentiating partially wart x and y separately we have 2u St + av 8-0 ou B+ wet =0 vEbav-0 @ uly v&<0 —@ From Cauchy- Riemann equation we have Su $ su 8 HO a —i) By @Wand @ becomes, —u Se su =0 —W Scanned with CamScanner Squaring a) and © and then ockling we get (u Seve) + oh rv ey =O > wey vey + uy St & + ut (Soe VERE 2uv SH bv 2 ofr (ah Viger Get > wav) {Gays Gyro > & | #@l-o > |s@l=0 Cero] > FI@ =0 => fz) = constant Scanned with CamScanner Singular point op Stagulari If a function f@) -Rils +0 be analytic ata point z but in eery neighbourhood of z, thene exist at least one point whene the function is analytic then z, is said to be @ singulan on singulawty of f@). - Sa 1.@ Locate and name all -the singularities oP K= 2a pant © Deternine whene fe) is analytic. Solution’ Solutions @ The Singularities in the Finite z plane are located at z={ and z=-26; Ze1 15a pole of order 3 and 2-3 ba pole of order 2. “B determine whether there is a singularity at z= bet 2-4, 0 Then $4) = edt + Uae Chu 1) (3h + BY = t+ whe aw) wi(s-w)?(3+2w)~ Tus, smee w=o is a pole of order 2 for the function SM) it follows that ze0o is a pole of order 3 for the function Fe). Then the given finction has three singularities : a pole of oder 3 at z=1 a pole of order 2 al z-+% a pole of order 3 at z= 00 ® fom @ it follows thot Kz) ts analytic evenywhere inthe Fale 2 plane except at the points z= 4 and -2/3 Scanned with CamScanner 2. Determine the singular points of F(z) = w+? (Ce. 22+ 2) (2-3) Solution: The singular points are obtained 'y solving the equation. (2-224 2)(2-3) =0 > 2 ~9742=0 3 7-3-0 ze dee z3 Lv = 1ti,4-i “Thus the singular points are 2 3,441, I-i 2 Locate and name the singularities and determine whether is isdbted Singularities oprah: — fC) = an --2 2 ray Ferenc adh (eee) (2-21) Since tee Ge -2i)" $= hm z ai aa =o FO goui zany Cet2i) gi z-0t ic a pole of onder 2, Similanly 2--2i fa pole of orden 2 Since we aan find 6 such that no singularity other than 2-2 lies Inside the circle {z- gil =$ (eg. chase 5-1), Allows thet z= 2% is an ‘solated Singularity. Sivilinky Z~—28 5 on Seolated sfagulasthy ingularities of fe) = 2°+ 22-3 4 Locate the singularities ) ones The given function has three singularities, a pole of orden 1 at 2-4 a pole of order 2 af 2-3 a pole of order 4 at 7-0 Satin; Scanned with CamScanner I= tr hea \n \ Previous Yea r Questions + Slate and prove the necessany condition orf) +0 he analytic. Solution: See the theony (2019, 2007, 2006, 2004 ,2002.,2001,200) Frove that the function u=>-y-oxy-2x+3y is hanmenic. Find v such that utiv is analytic . (2007) Solution: Sae the problem 4, Cauchy-Riemann equation © Show that the finetion u= 23—Bay+9xr-3y'+! ts harmonic. Find v such that u+iv ts analytic. G05) Solution: See the problem 3, Cauchy-Riemann equation Show that the real and imaginany part of an analytic finetion satis the Lapkces equation 2019, 2003, 2002) Solution: See the theory of harmonic function. Frove thot the ‘finetion u- e*(xsing- ycosy) Ys harmonic, Find v such hat F@ >= uriv ts analytic @010) Solution: See the problem 9, Cauchy-Riemann equadion If fF is analytic at 2, prove that i+ must be conlinueus at z,. Give an example +n show that the converse js not necessarily true (2004) Selution: See the problem 2, Derivatives Show that an analytic function with constant modules is constant, Solution! See the problem 3, Derivatives (2003) Prove that S(e)= Ye is not unl formby continugus in the region lalst Solution; See dhe problem, 2, Untfoam continuity @o13) Scanned with CamScanner

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