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a Heaven's Light 1s Our Guide i Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Department of Mechanicat Engineering B Sc. Engineering ‘2nd Year 4th Semester Examination, 2014 : Course Title: Engineering Math-I¥ Course No.: Math-2405 gineering Math-IN Full Marks: 70 NB: i) Answer Six questions taking Three from each section. ii) Figures in the margin indicate full marks iii) Use separate answer script for each section SECTION-A : 04 & Find the modulus and argument of = =~ # i r 04 (DY Find all values of = for which z° = ~32 and locate these values in the complex plane. A a () If z=6e * evaluate ¢ . 2 04 P42 ri 2 (a) Define continuous function f(z). If(z)=)_ Is the function f(z) 342K i 7? If it is not true, redefine the function to be continuous u(x, y)+av(x, y) be analytic in a region Ris 04 continuous at = (b) Prove that the necessary condition of f (- du Ov bu - bv — are satisfied. or that the Cauchy-Riemann equation ov Oy : 032 ) Find the orthogonal set of curves of x” — 3 (a) What is the conformal mapping? Determine the region of the w plane into which the 06 following mapped by w =z" bounded b andx+y=1 =land |z-1]=1 055 ih Integrate {?*dz around the circles | Zi Evaluate (any two) by countor integration method. We in 30 w (2 wo f fee 7} = 3c0s0 40 and (iii) [dx AS SECTION-B QS (@) What is the Fourier series? Graph|sin x|. Then find its Fourier series, 07 (b) Show that an even function excludes sine terms in its Fourier expansion 043 eo Mention some physical problems in which Fourier expansion is used. Explain this by 06 choosing a suitable example. @) Fina the Fourier cosine transform of fix)=e", m>0 and then show that 05 * cos py Ts COS PY dv =e" p p> 0. ve + BP 2p ee (a) Find the Laplace transform of (i) sin yi (ii) Pe" 00 (©) Find Laplace transform of “Then evaluate fay - af QS Use Laplace transform to « Pa sive each of the following differential equations: (a) Tete =e where y()= y"(0)=0 u(01)=0. u(5,1)=0, ufo =10sin are al tinersity oF fel " uM jer Bleu daanieat F P Conrse Ber | Full Matha: 70, tee Nua sot SIN ae say ounce the a: ay Use spate aur set . . SECTION- 1 i G12 Fine tam and agama . (917 Fan an equation fora caete af radius 4 wah vsnte at 2, 1 an pennples plate (6) W200? evaluat [| : 826) Act the analyberty of the * aD Let uia.yy=u amd va.y) Aurstion 2) areal fs launies ate unt : (©) Fan the orthogonal se ot curses af at ay? a! Maye ve" where u sand v yin fe toe real al aaaginaty pals a a ny UA. “ants, repecsents two tana}ies oF curves. Phave that the CO Nigi{sime aa feor Casa aaa at o gS A sto cmtecwte fore to (4 evaluate the followars contour negra (any W009) | bate ge where Cy the 9 fometac wy fo secu, oy Matos the Boure# Series? Deteninue the lonmula t caletlate Ry Coseticient, Waal ane the eal aul eve =n 0) Lapand ay sw 4 Furr series aul henge dedhueg JY) Papand tas oa met Whence dedueg Pobre, Qo (a) Find the Fou sn HU OF I(x) ea 24 anal Hence slows wf Ne Mot | glen ou (H) Use finite Fouier tanstinin to solve SHG OU) 0, Us, yy, whe vre4, 00 QF (a) Lvahunte each ofthe following olf i (0) Evaluate each of the following: | wy and . » clo tS | iy tl QS Use Laplace transfor to solve cach af Mh tallow eel pat Time: ‘Theee Hous ot om a ot o uw “4 os? a 0 02 40. ust we? uw q “No. Maths 24s HE Matks: 2g Seme ater Lain Zs Homes Title: & AbathemstiostV Na = Vine Sahn Hanes mle ate ld wash SPS Fo wach SECTION — 4 petal eater LAbMksnead ge a Ma esa om i dnt) Wat ‘SNAG y branch pots and bea ines) 19 thal 2) = hn: bas 4h oh jar at sw ow U2 (41 Prove thats meveacs Leandio thl f2) 48h be ontenc wa regu os Prove mee pitt Kvicedt aa, wena te teats : op CEES 10 amo ae 11 the reo el m1 tess 5 cece aaa hm ame 3 MII the te hed supulatinesan eg (9) HAE) anay 6304/0 contnwoas ion oe Jomo wate and ow cna cave tan Prove that fe faye, Osa oe vine uncon Maes _ cca S : ©) beatae ftw Cw ineam vl yee OECUON «i MFom esc tn Ws, Shu tha eves ts aaa va hates Vas pans Malema cued a 0 (a) Fond the Fons ustoaton al the pres ln en 7 eM when fet : : e © Usa fine Fos snsoninatn, sls fa ado, oy, Cacn en whee BAe aM (2749) Fund the Laplace ivoustessnstio of ts favs toncvan vo si sat S70) Hand ine ers Laplee Wasboaon assis cnc aanaeny s alle our ten Hla) Solve the ctor al cysatins by Laplay Hhansanannn UY ~ By + eye de ya. ru a FUN town une Ua n o hwhi University of Ey 1g) Depavtsucal of Mizchun Engin “upyingeria: ‘Year t™ Semester Lxuipiration 2011 iy Anawer sle questions tuking, Jerse fiom euch nection. aurea in the matein indicnte fall marke, | ° aeparuls answer scripts for cach section, | iv) Ths questions ere of equal value | SECHON: A ow i “a _ | . reopen varinb i analyte? 3 (65 Win ix anltieity? What cre dhe conditions that w finetion of Komp z “ © 249) Dosieo coutinwous function f=) - ; to vs fu ae ‘i ‘cunt.vvus. : net tug, redefine ihe function £9 be com tie funeti ae AFiL iv net true, ved Iy(yy) prove that Jew G0)e Wv,(2,0) WY ical 1, fig 50, fing) (=) and JE") 1) wat SD Gaia wo J prove Taylor thenient isthe rulo of Cauchy's inteysul fo transformation? Exp! tio inverse oF Lap Q ula for detent 1 thin by consieoring the | nplnce | tion of 7 stor iw Livatuato Ure fullo-winy, Contuur integeaivn ( amty (vi) i ei Ig it ats (iil) Jin ie | SECTION - i ions? Mention tw of hers, Fin Laplace tnnitonnstions of Qo : (ye eke ze Nuljr0 di) «whet and F are constants and X(0)=X/(0)=0, Using Laplace transfurmutiun technique. | QT{a) State and prove tho Convolution theorem for Fourier tunes pation 3f {97 Ur fie Foie wsnton ale fen pubjeet{o tke sautitin UOQ=0, Un=0 aunt U(x,0)= 2x whea Oe ve ranaied | \ Q8G) Define even and odd functions, Whut ars the furwulas for deitiuiuction of Fourier eosificients when g te functions mo even. Kind the Fourier series of f(x) = bl pacxece . q (Uj Show that (i) the add Sanctions contain: only sing teins aud tho even functions Coatein tes wusiue mat v constants term in its Funties expansions “— Rays tai University of (o ac erdng, Maths Comise Nas MIE fi er = Ve i snfpotar form, Express thee eomnplex nu it ee oe" evaluate \" |. A soangany a sublicient comfition of 1(2)= uw) vg ny (oe een Camehy Pie st nthat fe) nat we ent (vsiny = yeony) “adeywhieur ets tine eels] 549" Deline Fouie 2) Expand the hall vange Cusine 3 ies. What as half range car series ' | ina Fomicd Series, Also 2 cays df satel, heey Ua wl Fol Find the Laplace transtin of (#75 (0) Cet dina Met <0] P | Solve de differential equation by Laplice ‘Transformation: Vind the bested OU sawh that G0 * a 06 2 53 5 ue uw 6 06 Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 4" Semester Examination, 2008 Course No: Math-2405 ‘Course Title: Engincering Msth-1V all Marks: 70 ‘Time: Three Hours N.B.: i) Answer SIX questions taking eny THREE from each section. ii) Figures in the margin indicate full marks, iii) Use separate answer script for each section SECTION-A Prove that, +2) =z, +2, rn Given a complex number 2, interpret geometrically ze" where a is el o a2 06 (6) Prove that, u=e"*(xsin y—ycos,y) is harmonic and find vsuch that f(z)=u-+iv isanalytic, ps2 Sa4z ' : 03a) 8% tate elaton w= 5=45 wastrel [=i cio in uty inthe Wg plane and find the center ofthe circle Evaluate f de where cis the cick 32 6 aay 03 fo (c) Expand f(2)——_——— iin Laurent’s series in the region|z + 1{)3 04 : 2(2?-32+2) a Q4 Evaluate by Contour Integration any two}: 5 1 osm dO a fia, ©) [PP tmo, 6) fe a wet x 416 " (S—3cos6)’ a SECTION-B Define odd and even function. Show that an odd function has no cosine terms in is Foutier yg expansion. Find the Fourier’s series for the expansion of f(x) +x? for —novem. Also show that 2 os2 ale YarVos Q6(ay x Find the Fourier Cosine transformation of the function (2) and prove that ; 06 ere cosxt dt ve (®) Solve the Laplace equation in polar coordinates (r,8) by the method of separation of variables. Also 2 find the circular harmonics of degree zero. Lee (a) Find the Laplace Transform of the following functions - 6 () t”, Gi) sintcose , (iii) te“ 2s+3 1 (6) Find te inverse Laplace Taam of () > Gy In 0s .8(a) Solve by using Laplace Transform: y"—3y!+2y =2e~; ¥(0) (0) ‘oe ES Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Se, Engineering 2nd Year 4th Semester Examination, 2007 ‘Course No.: Math-2405 ‘Course Title: Engineering Mathematics - IV Full Marks: 70 ‘Time: Three Hours: NB: i) Answers Six question taking Three from each section. ii) Figures in the margin indicate full marks. iii) Use separate answer script for each ‘section. ‘SECTION-A Q1(@) Prove that [zy +22|0 aaa ay _1 ay © for a stretched string fixed by rigid support atthe ends ar Solve the wave equation —. ex x20 and x=L ifat =0, 2-0 and 963) =30(0) Find the Laplace Transform of the following function: (j) AeosSt i) + (ii) + A t i ¢ 3847 1 a Find the inverse Laplace Transform of (i) =*"— (ii) 7-2-3 sVs+1 2 Solve the differential equation by Laplace Transformation 42 2 +2y—de" if ae dt y0)=-3, YO= au _#u Find the bounded soltion of F<, x>0,1>0 such that U(Ot)=1, U(s0)=0 by the Laplace Transformation. Peter ical nae al 06 2 53 06 06 wit 06 ishahi University of Engineering & Technolo} Department of Mechanical Engineering BSc. Engg. 2nd Year 4th Semester Examination, 2006 Course No, Math-2405, Course Title: Engineering Mathematies-1V Ri Fall Marks: 70 . Time: 03 Hous NAB i) Answ any THRE ii) Figures in the margin indicate tall marks. iil) Use separate answer script for each scetion, iv) Notations have their usual meanings, TION- A - Zu. Za be two” complex. — numbers, show, that 04 2 ‘ Aetgt Venter = ; eat yw. ra 4 Qz}E-Sistaanl prove cheuchiyintagyal tasoreal {spidey 07 : o vrata 3 f 24. whee Cia cles? + 2x1 ® Oy oma ot Reem Gee be span 6) ppib aap ina Laon sro vail for |< <3. (158) 5 QO Evaluate any two by Contour Integration, nerf. anode [Sma ir fly een SECTION -B Q5y) Expand fy = 33,0) < x. 2m i Fouter sores ond ence prove that 06 Sle SR. é PA Sia an Prove Parsevatsieity for Fourier serie, 2 3 a oie al ann Fs sie Sinton HF TG) 2 Sat and (iv) te’. a Ws ad aaah arnt ot yt pao ar 2 +24= se a Mewe-¥9) Oar o hy sa tonne Tlie figs ratys FQ. yy Ly) y'# Dy bSy=elSints S(O)" 0, YO) 2397 Fite orto esi of. ere (by Solve the La tion inelependent of the avinnutlal place em SGU) - Fle sets) from each section, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering HI UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B. Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 4th Semester Examination, 2005 -Math-2408, Course Tile: Engineering Math:t¥/ Marks: 70 Time: Three bouts N.B: i) Answer any SUX questions aking any THREE from each seston i) Figures inthe margin indicate fll marks, i Use separate ansverseript for eh section i - SECTION -A Prove that = Fp +2514 053 Given sometrically ze" where cis real. G Express 33 in Polar for @ ‘Show that an analytic function with constant modulus is constant @ em Oy ee de ae 04 ( © Show that w fon, Find v such that «~iv is anlytic, 6. Sem ud prove Caschy In 053 (PN tratuate Safety | . bared 7 ¥ S-4Fe0s0 SECTION -B e gan Fou 's constant of ap even function 0s $C Expand fi the graph of the above series consider 06 {o,orrtbl ( “ SECTION- B” Page 2 ; Define Fourier Sine and Cosine integrals. Using the Fourier Cosine integral, 4 show that e™* =2B fCOSUX dy) where x>0 ; T gu? +b’ 2 (b) Define circular harmonics. Solve 2-D Laplace equation in polar coordinates. 6 Q.7(@) Define Laplace transformation. Find the Laplace transformation of 6 int grand persetar ° 2y a? : b) Find the sotution of 2-Y-2-Y- xt satistying the conditions v=2"=0 where ax? at? a - mt Fe*R(pdt Q8(a) IfF(t) isa periodic function with period T>0, then L{F(t)}= = 4 E 1-e* | (b) Solve the differential equations: ost, 0 4 } att=0 by Laplace transformation. 3 (©). Find the inverse trensformation of i sls ‘HuRBaaeH END % Departinent of Mec University of Hing Rajah B.he, Kogincetiig 2 (Covrae No, Mint 2408 ll Mags: 70 0 wos ever six gucstons king thie fr cl section Gp Flporen he woep' dient Fall mks {lil Uno separate snswer reript french ection. Me vind Zy = AGE me tw (9 wht eae site wl wipe eal fame? fist SN Ze a Somes! ShETION « fv eomiten abe, ct ie Alone ‘| i | m0 v. vt Nle7 1 | ° . i {6} A rane Fin the Z pane ae vertices at (0,09, (100, UL 12 (U1) Dates the | tego tthe sr plane vin weil pix oped awoley te neon neti | 7h i : h 22 (m bet i ot HI (2 ir fea -nts.y9 Hietsy iano ! tee pep vae), ‘ fol (24 Frlmicy aa : eect of, wo 7" sucHiO ‘ 5 (0) Detine i. Wit | 2) etn pein, i aa ote vst he I 2 ; a (0 Fspaid d= at Oke - i ' Lanka mee dey ‘ ino beter he Ot engnay oh cay in A ® ” | f . \ igen a eyo Hd, kiya, i » " " Coat 2 + 4 sation to Laplaess e8n unl Wve! nfeperitont of cof eplcte tt Frat he coer oF He SN W se Seton oe sunt yo valve of 2 110 ite vol {oy Poors that eres hin ‘lngoloritios Is 4 ws whi yatta 1D {Horie i oes | 6 idaho Lance weaeTon oft sint. : S “ot ee verso tenets OT o we : v6 | Qs to) Solve by alae transi 22 oben a6 oY. ee ogy 08 OF = are Se Layne toto eta of the il : Wy yt vay | at, or haar" yor. 7ore qh bgt ib ae peo, ¥en) excl oi ploy aces) oy i ndass) r ieee RecA ea ke aR BN peat =) ere eer te : sr 8 HL h day 28% ioe opty Ath Semester ‘samnination, 2002 ering Matheniijies.AV % a ‘Tinie! Thee Hous Mpa ii i wh section, 7 + SECON A i (ade : ue Prove ta f421 AG Finn the Laplice tranete af sin oS (ria) The temperate nen har of tenth Ik governed by the pavtial 06 aiff en tie inital temperature Ua ux,0) = fe. re te aa cade ave pestetty inetd, wa) = Oat oD = \ ature dihiuton iw the ba i Se ee aeiacicnninar | ae ng Laplace traf fel ase the fll sh niin vale * 06 oben By oY 7 ssi, iO) =I ? probe $f 20412 Seno) 3-8 i 2 eit Ah inverse Laplace tanafonm oF a 1 ee Y bad eB t 1 3 Se ahi ation, 30 se agape \ y =\s Fieri fj eee : sigs cent vont V V Gouna, Bale BU, Ce rll Marks: 79 HA. Ai) Anew! SEX awestin WHE rea Ace: ea eon ee (TL tno reel eye re ee Tee \ By mg Use pate wre Ul «i yes nes srierian | key ia tet Ty even a fiayyie é \ : ingen seer apes vane wy infaitadic eed i ae native 185 lta eH i gut vaste \ fue ¥ vt ee the et alt trtin Hs aaytic Pe iba aay . \ Qa roe tha the tee jun We pease sos te Ti» ey coveeqonnis ic w oo ; ee nn ne HE ae pts BY =H t J gh rte on cpr : rama ‘et j sian SED GG : _ ing am a lt. : ae \ 1 Nyy te Tieton i cota © ca Tegtt HanlHE e te Ctl eh eve wmf ve ‘heal : ae lela oo ite dsilioe aa inn DONE j i| i ie { hy ie ey isu vegan fe Zia 1 EYE ge consis 1 nit 2 giveuby PN 9) Ya} Eon y sant sontouuning toe pit wah ¢ a wee. ; spe Myc uny tow ote Flor i \ ‘ “ vw a pe cus ay AE aa eat ; 8 Lgeichs a " O.14o) A sleingis sete and fisted to x0 pols F yp - by isc inthe na) ii Shot vevoemen ot ny pot 1X als cut sit ti We xbvon by (od mwa {E> ete ite ois hy baplace teen Gem vay Mo (= eee, YEN ma EU Ae Ves nnd sicehes hod Yok) yin) Pewee te Bain yaw) =P nM y (rt) Vines, Ween Ee (tC toa wera ng a a np 9 SAVE 63H pe ot an 8 ae : veto ehy irae wo reat ee 5D eet We as janeV" * en's Linh Mechanteattinghicetint ‘Technology, Kajshalt (iy Figwresjt , epee wer set : i sreni0n a 1 Qe) rovaitfts swive aezs e 8 3 te | {uy Stoo nn rove the necessary sion fora foetin 16 De malic a : j aah i cet 1 eee Gata ant oye dean sine seni tid fr A i i tt ! ca2ie Bry aay (xb mete clcipdewve atthe 3 i degion bounded by y=? ml“ al {b) Show that the teansination n= if4222 aap the ete fp] = into 6 | ie) ' 3 é herent mal vo W pa nn ferro the ice in ne ye bol of the Wynn {ey Steal ove Cette ve 4 i ¢ ary i cu tat soar sss Dip wheleciethevislo : hea i 3 (cp HE 0 fe = 42. them exes = z ‘agertes of ponitiv: 4 Hs lea i (ie-} unl nega powris i ft 1 s : Aa) Ste an! prove ayin’s Heer fin emmmplex fant, f i 2 sh i (by Batt py one by Coto Inertia a fyitemtettn meee secon a, 2H, ayn; 0 oe en Re ee OSE 50 B02 yh stati om the * utes of a i eatur a a value se obbiler (roe that slggutanition ja equal to ll x here tn whic ihe juieulons'o* , F ra ’ r I is | (Contd. 2/2) the 3 prt stt 876 A a 4 (yes? nhl win er Cannafontn of FD \. | evwblee 4 sex ere i Ue fet 118) Bee He CqUGu{n) Fld the Fou (19 Obtain Fon 2 L lates re pore 2 weese : ae i : Ph \ pat oi ties vce veut, Hid bo Ges fe 740) A civenn Inowary i nthe it af cost "{ yer tet tent of ie ae nul toe steal teaperatine (dy A sting i ret retest tis fan oo IE atatel 55 tensed Aye etd, i the fine > wn) fav whieh I post lms x yan) so Mat Hae alae ene eed ate te iver ty OTT 1 seetsaninnnv eh» pet inic Ineo Re) Fie the canons 204% or a3 ah { | | yin 204 “| apes storms i vations by si pet oe r7=2 sya = Hae 170) 78 i {hy Soe te thong (pret FO. Gir TAT

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