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Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students



BS Applied Psychology


Department of Applied Psychology

National University of Modern Languages


Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


Iqra Jamil

A Dissertation submitted to

National University of Modern Languages,


In Partial fulfillment of The Requirements of My Degree of BS in

Applied Psychology

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


I Iqra Jamil, D/O, Jamil Ahmed

Registration # NUML-S22-16850

Discipline: BS Applied Psychology

At National University of Modern Languages,hereby declare that the entitle The Impact of Personality
Traits, And Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health, Personality Traits And Emotional Intelligece Among
University Students have keeps manage from any other student study from many other sources expect
where due to reference or acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text nor has any part been written for
me by another person


Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students



Certified that BS Dissertation titled “Impact of Personality Traits And Emotional Intelligence On
Mental Health Among University Student” by MS Marium Fatima has Approved for the submission in
the department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages ,and Islamabad. Ihereby
, certify that this work is solely belongs to me and is not plagiarized.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Ma’am Marium Fatima

( Supervisor)


Impact of Personality Traits And Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health Among

University Students


Iqra Jamil


Dr. Shakra Huma

Head of Department Applied Psychology

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Program Coordinator

Dr. Samina Suleman

Ma’am Marium Fatima



All praise for Allah Almighty that has bestowed upon human being the crown of creation and has endowed
him with knowledge and wisdom. Firstly, I thankful to Allah for the strength and His blessing upon me in
completing this thesis. Special thanks to the Rector of National University of Modern Languages, Major
General Muhammad Jaffar, Head of department of Applied Psychology, Dr. Anees ul Haq and coordinator
Ma’am Samina Suleman. I express my deep sense of gratitude to my honorable supervisor Mam Tayyba
Safdar or his endeavor approach, outstanding supervision, guidance, valuable suggestions and by which it has
been possible for me to complete this thesis rese arch work. I also deep sense of gratitude to my others
teachers and my fellow mates who have helped me to carry out this work. I am highly grateful to my parents
and siblings for their cooperation and support in carrying out this thesis successfully.

Thank you so much.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Iqra Jamil


It is with my deepest gratitude and warmest affection that I dedicated this thesis to all the

diabetic people. I also dedicate this to my loving parents, my siblings, my faculty members and all of my
friends who have supported me throughout the process.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Iqra Jamil

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

In the name of Almighty Allah, the most Beneficial and the most Merciful

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Impact of Personality Traits , And Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


The primary objective of the present study was to explore Impact of Personality Traits And Emotional
Intelligence On Mental Health Amon University Students A correlational design was employed with the
sample of 200 university students (50% men and 50% women) aged between 18-33 years selected through a
convenient sampling technique. Data was collected using the Personalioty Traits Scale.( R. R. McCrea and O.
P . John in 1992) Imotional Intelligence Scales( K . V. Petrides and Adrian Furnham in 2000.) Warwick-
Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS in 2006) and a Demographic proforma. According to the
results, it was hypothesized that there will a positive correlation between Personality Traits And Emotional
Intelligence On Meantal Health among university students. Low personality trait correlated with emotional
intelligece Furthermore Females exhibit more at university as compared to males. The finding of this study
has important implications for mental health professionals.

Keywords: Impact of Personality Traits And Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health Among University

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


Impact of personality traits of emotional intelligence on mental health among university students

General Introduction

"Recite with the name of your Lord Who created, He made man from the clot of blood, Recite, for your Lord
is the Most Generous, who taught writing by the pen. Taught man what not. Yes, undoubtedly, man
transgresses. Because he thought himself self-sufficient. Undoubtedly, unto your Lord is the return. Taught
man what he knew" (Surah-e-alas, Al-Quran).

The word" personality" stems from the Latin word persona, which refers to a theatrical mask worn
by players to play places or disguise their individualities. exemplifications of personality can be set up in how
we describe other people's traits. A personality particularity is a stable personality state formed by a person
that reflects that person’s station towards effects. A large body of substantiation suggests that personality can
be seen as an imperative property of the response to emotional experience. Emotional gests of control
approach, avoidance are the base of different traits, which include positive and negative urgency, particularity
emotional approach and avoidance view accepts that each unique need An unknown internal structure What
is further than a couple rates need aid regulated ultimately Tom's poring unexampled existent; and that there
would times.

The point when it'll he was worried some will difference one singular also how. It has a tendency with
use applicable examinations to information gathering (Mcleod; 2014). also, former studies have shown a
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

correlation between personality traits and internal health. Delineations of Personality has been defined by
different psychologists in different ways. The following are some of the delineations of personality
According to (Raymond Bernard; 1905) Personality is that which permits a vaticination of what a person will
do in a given situation." According to(Allport ; 1961). Personality is the dynamic association within the
existence of those cerebral systems that determine his unique adaptation to his terrain. According to
Personality is them aggregate of all the natural ingrain disposition impulses tendencies

Favors and instincts of the individual and the acquired dispositions and tendencies. Personalities are
the vibrant union of of the individual (Goodman et al., 2019). Personality develops during the adolescent
period therefore, personality puts a remarkable impression on the individual life especially in the care of
mental health (Mariotti et al., 2021). reported that certain personality archetypes flourish through personal
chap references and form types. Later, these preferences and types were reunited to form five types of traits
personality instead of categorizing the individual into types (Furnham; 2020). Character plays a crucial role
in psychological studies. The various frameworks proposed by experts and analysts from Sigmund Freud
onwards to understand human mental and behavioral processes can be viewed as personality theories. These
theories typically offer ways to describe individual traits and behaviors, provide a framework for organizing a
wide range of information and tackle challenges such as individual differences personality development from
infancy to adulthood and the causes nature and treatment of mental disorders.

According to (Schoen; 1977). Personality is the systematized system, the performing whole or units
of habits, disposition and sentiment that mark off any one member of a group being different from other
members of same group. According to The "Dictionary of Psychology” by (Howard C. Warren; 1934)
provides a definition of personality. Warren defined personality as: The entire mental organization of a
human being at any stage of development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect,
temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up during one's life.This definition
highlights the comprehensive nature of personality, encompassing a wide range of mental, emotional, and
behavioral characteristics that develop and change over the lifespan.

Attempting to grasp Furthermore request the thing that makes people who they need aid need been a
longstanding test in the domain about personality card brain research Different hypotheses and models bring
been made All around the A long time to better grasp parts for mankind's personality card. Practically
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

trademark theory models try to unequivocally depict parts from claiming personality card. The center of this
lesson is on the Big identity skills. In brain science, the Huge is a term used to depict the five expansive
characteristics of human identity. In current practice, it is now and then utilized conversely with the term
'five-component model.

“Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that
determine his characteristics behavior and thought” (Allport, 1961, 28).The characteristics or blend of that
make a person unique (Weinberg & Gould; 1999).The definitions provided span several decades, with each
reflecting different aspects and theoretical orientations toward understanding personality. Here are the
psychologists and their definitions placed in a general timeline context:

Morton Prince (1910s-1920s): "Personality is the sum total of all the biological innate disposition, impulses,
tendencies, appetites and instincts of the individual and the acquired dispositions and tendencies."

(Kurt Lewin ;1940). Personality is a dynamic totality of systems. (Allport ;1937). Personality is the
dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique
adjustment to his environment. (R.B. Cattell1 ;1950). Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a
person will do in each situation. (J.F. Dashiell 1949). Personality is the sum total of behavior trends
manifested in social adjustments.

(McDougall ;1940s): Regards integration of personality as integration of intellect and integration of

character. (Healy William; 1950s). Personality is an integrated system of habitual adjustment to environment
particularly to social environment. (R.M. Ogs ten ;1950). "Personality is the expression of man's inner life,
character is the expression of what he does or achieves. (J.P. Guilford ;1959). Defined personality as an
integrated pattern of traits. (Schoen 1960s). Personality is the organized system, the functioning whole or
units of habits, disposition and sentiment that mark off any one member of a group being different from other
members of the same group. (Kemph ;1970s). Personality is the integration of those system of habits that
represents an individual's characteristics adjustment to his environment."(Warren's Dictionary; 1970s).
Personality is the integrative organization of all the cognitive, affective, conative and physical characteristics
of an individual as it manifests itself in focal distinction from others.(Munn ;1970). Personality is the whole
individual consider red. Personality may be defined as the most characteristic integration of an individual's
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

structures, modes of interests, attitude, behavior, capacities, abilities and aptitudes. This timeline shows how
the understanding and definitions of personality have evolved over time, reflecting the changing perspectives
and expanding knowledge in the field of psychology.

A introductory approach to recall the huge five is with recall" OCEAN." the vital stop of each
trademark makes the expressions ocean. Those enormous five aspects have been subordinated on careful
trying in the course for latterly decades. The disquisition continues supporting those perfect that we in
general have each of the five- character rates on a many degree. What is further notwithstanding those way
that we offer slightly five essential character rates, the possible composites or personality feathers, are
everlasting at you suppose about the moving degrees from claiming each quality. To case, not each a name
amongst us may be comparatively neurotic alternatively felicity.

Now we’ve honored each of the Big Five identity rates, how about we probe every one simply.
Openness alludes all the with rates, to illustration, that someone may be Along these lines arranged to fit in
for societal or social norms, how solidly alternatively particularly someone recognizes effects what is further
entries open alternatively defended someone may be will progress. A man who'll be a innovative
experimenter likewise reliably seeking for methodologies should move forward might liable score secondary
with respect to measures for openness

open- inclined imaginative creative and perceptive a person is or can be. More open- inclined people
tend to prefer variety, seek new gests and are curious and perceptive to their terrain. Less open- inclined
people tend to avoid change, dislike dislocation, and concentrate on a many specific interests. openness is
about unshackling any preconceived ideas, enhancing your curiosity, and going beyond your limits
embracing change and new gests. The position of openness which you witness shows how open- inclined
you're and how set you're to accept change or commodity new in your life.In fact, when we talk about
openness, we're really describing openness to witness. Openness to witness new gests and being suitable to
suppose outside the box is just a way of understanding this personality particularity. suppose of your plant or
work surroundings where openness to witness is essential for sustained growth. These could be some of the
further extensively known Silicon Valley startups similar as Google or
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

They're known as great platoon players and active workers. There’s a lot to be said about having a
conscientious pool or existence within a platoon. frequently described as the perfect personality for a platoon
conscientious individualities demonstrate a strong work heritage are dependable immediate pay attention to
detail and show commitment and purpose. A conscientious person can be a largely effective worker, and this
can impact the platoon and occasionally the organizational pretensions as well. Doing effects “right” is the
perceived measure of success for a conscientious existent. Right can mean several effects. From the
perspective which includes morals, principles, and habits but it can also include traits similar as processes,
procedures and practices that are picked up over time. Doing it right can mean doing commodity that has
been done over time away forming an internal perception only way to do it.

Extroversion will be a character specific that portrays effects like how social a man will be
alternatively how warm likewise glorifying they bring an inclination with be. Extrovert people need aid
people who might regularly by should try out to a gathering with pack from claiming companions as opposed
sit tight done Also watch a film for conceivably several musketeers. Backslappers are generally understood
as being a peoples person drawing energy from being around others directing their powers towards people
and the outside Backslappers are frequently unfairly hackneyed as exorbitantly garrulous or attention-
seeking. They simply gain energy from engaging in social commerce. People who are high in extroversion
need social stimulation to feel reenergized.

They gain alleviation and excitement from talking and agitating ideas with other people. Backslappers
draw energy from social relations. Backslapper people spending time with other people. They've a lot of
social confidence and tend to have high tone- regard in general. Other people frequently describe them as
sociable friendly and garrulous. On the positive side, backslappers are frequently described as garrulous,
sociable, action- acquainted, enthusiastic friendly and gregarious. On the negative side, they’re occasionally
described as attention- seeking, fluently detracted, and unfit to spend time alone.

Agreeableness considers how kind, tried and true and agreeable a man is. individualities who score
grandly on sizes of felicitousness are naturally bay on doing effects for the benefit of all rather of satisfying
their own tone- interests. is a core personality particularity that reflects and existent’s capacities to get on
well with others and their concern for social harmony. Affability still has some position of the other four
traits represented in your personality as well affability describes a person's capability to put other people’s
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

requirements above their own. For case, people who are high in affability naturally experience empathy and
tend to get tremendous pleasure from serving others and taking care of them. Agreeable people also are
trusting and forgiving and would rather unite than contend with others.

Easily scoring high in affability can be profitable in numerous situations because it's a crucial
particularity in attaining and maintaining fissionability. differences that can sufficiently be described by
broad particularity constructs similar as neuroticism, meticulousness, affability, openness, extraversion, and
evaluations they also vary totally in the ways they respond to situations they encounter and change as a
person over time. An intertwined frame of personality raises numerous intriguing questions. and propose new
directions of exploration into why individualities suppose feel and bear the way they do.

One of the earliest personality theories dates to the Greek physician Hippocrates around 400 B.C. He
categorized human behavior into four temperaments each associated with a different bodily fluid or "humor."
These included the sanguine (optimistic), phlegmatic (calm and sluggish), melancholic (sad, depressed), and
choleric (irritable) types. Individual personality was determined by the balance of these four humors. The
Hippocrates' system remained influential in Western Europe through the medieval and Renaissance periods,
with references found in Shakespeare's plays, and the terms he used to describe the four personality types are
still in use today. The temperament theory is one of several systems that classify human personality by
dividing it into types. In the 1940s, American psychologist William Sheldon developed a widely publicized
but scientifically controversial modern typology of personality based on body types: endomorph (hefty and
sociable), mesomorph (muscular and assertive), and ectomorph (slender and intellectual or creative).

Trait Theory of Personality:

A significant drawback of Sheldon's morphological classification system and other typological theories in
general is the oversimplification inherent in placing individuals into a single category disregarding the fact
that each personality represents a unique blend of traits. Systems that view personality as a combination of
traits or dimensions are known as trait theories.These personality traits give a of the individual (Bharadwaj et
al.2018). perspectives

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Addressed One of the earliest personality theories dates to the Greek physician Hippocrates around
400 B.C. He categorized human behavior into four temperaments, each associated with a different bodily
fluid or humor. The sanguine (optimistic) phlegmatic (calm and sluggish), melancholic (sad, depressed), and
choleric (irritable) types. Individual personality was determined by the balance of these four humors.
Hippocrates' system remained influential in Western Europe through the medieval and Renaissance periods
with references found in Shakespeare's plays and the terms he used to describe the four personality types are
still in use today. The temperament theory is one of several systems that classify human personality by
dividing it into types.In the 1940s, American psychologist William Sheldon developed a widely publicized
but scientifically controversial modern typology of personality based on body types: endomorph (hefty and
sociable) mesomorph (muscular and assertive) and ectomorph (slender and intellectual or creative).

Renowned scholar Gordon Allport ( extensively studied how traits combine to form typical
personalities, cataloging over eighteen thousand individual traits over thirty years. He proposed that each
person has approximately seven central traits that dominate their behavior. Allport's effort to make trait
analysis more practical and useful was further developed by subsequent. Raymond B. Cattell condensed
Allport's extensive list into sixteen major groups of interrelated traits, while Hans Eysenck suggested that
personality could be described based on three basic factors: psychoticism (such as introverted traits like
aggression and rejection of social norms) extraversion-introversion, and neuroticism-emotional stability.
Eysenck also developed a quadrant based on intersecting emotional stability and extraversion axes.

Psychodynamic Theory of Personality:

Childhood experiences are emphasized in the formation of personality. Other psychodynamic models
in the 20th century were heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud's approach. Freud proposed a three-part
personality structure consisting of the ID (focused on fulfilling basic instincts), the ego (which mediates
between the demands of the ID and the constraints of society), and the superego (where parental and social
values are internalized). Unlike trait or quality theories of personality Freud's evolving model included
ongoing conflicts as a central determinant of personality. His psychoanalytic method aimed to help patients
resolve these conflicts over time. Om’s exploration involves delving into neglectful thoughts motivations
and conflicts using free association and various frameworks. Freudian analysis notably emphasizes the

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

contributions of associates and followers of Freud such as Carl Jung, Alfred Adler Otto Rank and other neo-
Freudians like Erich Fromm Karen Horney Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949), and Erik Erikson.

Phenomenological Theory of Personality:

Another significant perspective on personality that emerged in the 20th century is the
phenomenological approach which focused son individuals' self-observations and their drive for self-
fulfillment as motivations for personality development. This optimistic view posits that individuals are
inherently inclined towards goodness love and creativity with the fundamental impulse being the drive to
realize one's potential. Carl Rogers a key figure in phenomenological theories of personality viewed authentic
self-experience as the essential component of personal growth and flourishing. This experience together with
one's self-concept can be distorted when others impose conditions that require the suppression of true
feelings. Rogers' client-centered therapy relies on the therapist's consistent display of empathy and
unconditional positive regard to empower clients to express and act on their genuine emotions and beliefs.
Another notable figure in the phenomenological approach was Abraham Maslow, who placed self-
actualization at the pinnacle of his hierarchy of human needs. Maslow emphasized the importance of
fulfilling this need for self-actualization in achieving personal fulfillment

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) were declared as 'new words in 1995, by
American Dialect Society (Mayer & Salovey et al; 2000). The interest from intelligence to emotional
intelligence started to shift with the publication of two articles in 1990, in academic Journals by Mayer,
DiPaolo and Salovey: Salovey and Mayer. Both words gained immense popularity through the publication
of Goleman's bestselling book in 1995 titled 'Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ'. Since
the publication of the book, "El' has been a hotly debated topic and brought widespread attention to the
concept all over the world.

Goleman defined emotional intelligence as: "abilities such as being able to motivate oneself and
persist in the face of frustrations; to control impulses and delay gratification; to regulate one's moods and
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

keep distress from swamping the ability to think; to empathize and to hope and more recently, as "the
capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships

(Mayer &Salovey ;1997). described El as a combination of four abilities: (1) the ability to perceive emotions
in oneself and others, as well as in objects, art, and stories (perception of emotion); (2) the ability to generate
emotions in order to use them in other mental processes (emotional facilitation of thought); (3) the ability to
understand and reason about emotional information and how emotions combine and progress through
relationship transitions (understanding emotions); and (4) the ability to be open to emotions and to moderate
them in oneself and others. However, colleagues (Mayer & Salovey et al; 1997). defined El as a set of
abilities that facilitate the perception, expression, assimilation, understanding and regulation of emotions, to
promote emotional and intellectual growth.

Mayer and Salovey (1997) described El as a combination of four abilities: (1) the ability to perceive
emotions in oneself and others, as well as in objects, art, and stories (perception of emotion); (2) the ability to
generate emotions in order to use them in other mental processes (emotional facilitation of thought); (3) the
ability to understand and reason about emotional information and how emotions combine and progress
through relationship transitions (understanding emotions); and (4) the ability to be open to emotions and to
moderate them in oneself and others

defined El as a set of abilities that facilitate the perception, expression, assimilation, understanding
and regulation of emotions, to promote emotional and intellectual growth. The available theoretical and
empirical literature highlighted the emergence of two opposing views on the construct of emotional
intelligence: one describes emotional intelligence as a trait-based phenomenon, which includes almost
everything related to success that is not measured by IQ (Bar-On, 1997; Goleman, 1995, 1998), and the other
argues for a more restrictive view of emotional intelligence as ability based, which includes the ability to
perceive and understand emotional information (Mayer, Caruso &

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to perceive comprehend, value, and accept feelings as a source
of mortal eventuality, sapience faith invention and influence Everyone has a unique style of handling his/ her
feelings. numerous people perceive their own emotional responses incorrectly and find it delicate to regulate
emotional responses respond else bizarrely under stress and this this gets can harm them and those around
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

them. Emotional intelligence is a pivotal demand in life. Poor academic achievement may be caused by a lack
of emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence has been set up to be identified to some of the personality
traits and some are appreciatively identified with emotional intelligence while others are negatively
correlated Emotional intelligence plays an important part in our social life, especially in the life of scholars.
scholars are the unborn generation of society.

It’s of utmost significance that they understand ‘others’ feelings and take emotionally intelligent
opinions. Emotional intelligence is important in social life and the development of their personality is a
strong predictor of life issues and personality rates can ultimately be examined while probing academic
success feelings are a pivotal element of mortal personality and they can determine whether a person’s life is
successful or unprofitable. Because emotional intelligence is vital for understanding and controlling feelings
which are pivotal in forming personalities there's a connection between emotional intelligence and
personality particularity emotional intelligence and personality traits it there or essential to helping scholars.

However, through personality development training we can help unborn generations make their life
grounded on emotional intelligence If we understand the relationship between them. The term emotional
intelligence was officially chased in (Salovey & Mayer;1997). Emotional intelligence is" The capacity for
feeling our own passions and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing feelings well in
ourselves and in our connections In the four- fanned model of emotional intelligence developed by(Mayer &
Salovey;1998). the existent. is apprehensive of the feelings of himself and others uses feelings to develop
thinking, makes sense of feelings, and manages his feelings. Perceiving feelings is related to being
apprehensive of what you're feeling. For illustration, when the existent has a affable time with his family, he
may describe the changes in his body and passions. as happiness or realize that the pressure in another
person's face earthquake means wrathfulness.

Understanding the deep meanings of feelings are important for an existent’s relationship with himself
and with others. therefore, the capacity for allowing through feelings is enhanced. nearly all feelings have a
communication that they want to convey to us. For illustration information may indicate indicating that I'm
being blocked confined and stuck under the wrathfulness I feel. For this reason, it’s veritably important to
understand the communication conveyed by each emotion. The answer to the questions of what this emotion

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

is trying to tell me or what makes me feel this helps us to make sense of feelings. therefore, understanding
the communication conveyed by the makes it possible to manage.

Feelings (Salovey et al., 2004). We can suppose of this whole process, which includes the factors of
emotional intelligence, as a graduation. Realizing the emotion I am feeling, I take the first step over. the
graduation by giving it a name. In the alternate step, I've to connect passions and studies and add feelings. to
cognition. Being suitable to understand the communication conveyed to me by the emotion that I realize and
use to develop thinking allows me to take the third step. The last step that brings me to my destination and to
my destination comes with the regulation and operation of feelings. emotional intelligence situations of
individuals with wide social ties and high social support capacity that it's high. Individuals with high
emotional intelligence scores tend to have advanced other intelligence disciplines as well. Emotional
intelligence situations of individuals who turn to professions that bear social chops similar as tutoring
and cerebral comforting are advanced than others. These individuals have better internal health and show
advanced success in the professional field. Problematic actions, similar as being aggressive or prone to
violence, are less common in individualities with high emotional intelligence. In fact, all these features can be
bettered, so the position of emotional intelligence can be increased.

(Alchemies’ et al., 2020) How To manage such a psychological crisis, it is necessary first to maintain the
emotional stability of the person and then develop their coping skills by revealing their anxiety and fears
(Zhang et al., 2020). Since the provision of all these steps is related to improving emotional intelligence,
emotional intelligence appears as a protective factor even during the pandemic process (Moran & Room;
2021). It has also been determined. that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on preventing emotional
manipulation at work, coping with stress and providing a better performance (Gouty et al., 2014). conducted
with 94 undergraduate and graduate students in India, it has been shown that students get away. from
boredom and depressive thoughts by using their emotional intelligence skills, thus they try to cope with the
negative effects of the current pandemic situation (Chandra; 2020). The concept of academic buoyancy,
which expresses the successful coping of students with academic problems and difficulties relationship with
emotional intelligence (Thomas & Allen, 2021). In addition, emotional intelligence appears.

As a protective factor in mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression (Mahmoud et
al., 2012) Another mental health problem commonly experienced by university students is social anxiety
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

(Karasu; 2020). In its most general definition, social anxiety is defined as avoiding entering a social
environment. The individual feels constantly alert in these environments. He is afraid that others will ridicule.
him and be humiliated. These thoughts cause him to avoid social environments, thus social development. of
the person is also interrupted (Heidrick, 2008). A person entering these environments may show physical.

Reactions such as sweating, palpitations in the chest, tremor, rapid breathing and facial flushing
(Heimberg et al., 2014). As can be seen, social anxiety is a multifaceted phenomenon that is affected by
genetic and environmental factors that occur both physically and mentally (Aslan et al., 2020). Social anxiety
is intense. and persistent fear that prevents an individual from growing socially (Inam et al.,2014). Our
emotions play a key role for social functioning (Inam et al., 2014). The self-confidence levels of individuals
who can regulate. their emotions also increase indirectly affecting social anxiety (Fernandez-Bifocal et al.,

Individuals cannot use their emotional intelligence skills their social anxiety levels may increase,
which may lead to a decrease in their positive moods such as subjective well-being, life satisfaction, and
happiness (Ezeli, 2019). In addition to preventing the individual from feeling good and happy, social anxiety
can bring many negativities with it, for example, the increase of social anxiety also increases the incentive to
use alcohol, individuals become prone to alcohol while experiencing social anxiety (Buckner & Heimberg,
2010). In addition, studies have found that there is a negative and significant relationship between
prospective teachers' emotional intelligence and levels of social anxiety (Tezel & Dilmah, 2021).

while a weak positive correlation has been found between emotional intelligence and total. social
anxiety scores of individuals in young adulthood (Genichi, 2020). Due to the contrast between these research
findings, it is thought that it is important to carry out new studies. Age family environment and gender are the
most important factors affecting the development of emotional intelligence (Tuğrul, 1999). Although there
are studies which show that emotional intelligence differs according to age (Sevindik et al., 2012). there are
studies that claim the opposite (Ismene, 2004). It is important to investigate the emotional intelligence levels
of students according to age and gender because the concept of age and gender is important. for emotional
intelligence and because of the controversial results in literature.

Young people who come to university age enter into a brand-new social environment that they have
not experienced before. This environment requires them to engage and interact with many new individuals.
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

However, university students with social anxiety may lack healthy relationships and communication. To
prevent this, the emotional intelligence skills of the students, which include the ability to notice, make sense
and organize their emotions, come to the fore. In light of all these mentioned, this study aims to investigate
the relationship between the emotional intelligence and social anxiety levels of university students. The
problem statements created based on this can be listed as follows:

Concept Of Emotional Intelligence:

Affability considers how kind, tried and true and agreeable a man is. Individuals who score grandly on sizes
of felicitousness are naturally bay on doing effects for the benefit of all rather of satisfying their own tone-
interests. is a core personality particularity that reflects and existent’s capacities to get on well with others
and their concern for social harmony. Affability still has some position of the other four traits represented in
your personality as well affability describes a person's capability to put other people’s requirements above
their own. For case,

people who are high in affability naturally experience empathy and tend to get tremendous pleasure
from serving others and taking care of them. agreeable people also are trusting and forgiving and would
rather unite than contend with others. easily scoring high in affability can be profitable in numerous situations
because it's a crucial particularity in attaining and maintaining fashion ability these stages gauging from
immaturity to old age shape the existent’s development with successful resolution leading to the accession of
specific merits or strengths.

In substance Erikson views personality as a dynamic commerce between individual traits and social
factors moldered by life guests across the lifetime. particularity proponents and social- cognitive proponents
have begun to integrate their separate descriptions and explanations of personality. The new architecture of
personality accommodates both between- person emotional intelligence and within- person variability in
personality. Whilst individualities differ from each other in predictable ways differences that can sufficiently
be described by broad particularity constructs similar as neuroticism, meticulousness, affability, openness,
extraversion evaluations they also vary totally in the ways they respond to situations they encounter and
change as a person over time. An intertwined frame of personality raises numerous intriguing questions.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Understanding The five Categories Of Emotional Intelligence

Knowing what emotion/ state bone is passing at the moment and using those preferences to guide in
decision timber having a realistic assessment of one's own capacities and well- predicated sense of tone-
confidence. " Confidence comes from understanding oneself. One should have confidence in oneself, be
suitable to assess oneself, be apprehensive of oneself, know one's limitations, be suitable to notice different
emotional responses, and rightly identify them." For illustration, child humans are conscious as they’re
apprehensive of their own actuality. But they do not come tone- apprehensive until they can fete themselves
in the glass and separate their own studies from others’ opinions. One perspective on tone- mindfulness can
be set up in an composition by Harvard Business Review, which defines tone- mindfulness as “ the
capability to fete and understand one’s own feelings, and values, and how they impact gets This refers to
the capability to understand your own s passions, and feelings, as well as how they impact your
mindfulness is defined as" conscious knowledge of one's own character, passions, motives, and
solicitations," perception matches others' comprehensions are more likely to empower, include.

They set up physiological substantiation to conclude that as power increases, the capability to
empathize with others decreases. come less suitable to consider the requirements and perspectives of others.
Unnaturally these leaders do not suppose they need to change and rather bear a change from everyone
differently. fantasize the stylish interpretation of yourself." Ideal characters reflect our expedients, dreams,
bourns, and speak to our chops, capacities, achievements, and accomplishments that we wish to seductive
awareness. awareness is a practice. It helps you be apprehensive of what is going on in your mind, body, and
terrain. Contemplation is one of many practices that you can fit into your diurnal life, and rehearsing
awareness is a awful tool for developing lesser tone- control. Then are some ideas of awareness
conditioning to get you started Practice deep breathing Name your surroundings Organize your space Draw
or paint The road to tone- mindfulness is a trip. The most tone- apprehensive people see themselves on a hunt
to mastery rather than at a particular destination. As you move forward in developing your tone- mindfulness,

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

ask yourself regularly, “How will you move toward the stylish interpretation of yourself moment (Higgins, et
al 1986).

Development Of Self-Awareness:
behavior figure out where you go in life. Having self-awareness allows you to see where your belief
feelings are taking you. It allows you to see the control of your feelings, construction, and identity so you can
roll out improvement you need The capacity to perceive an emotion as it happens is the way to your EQ.
Creating mindfulness needs tuning into your actual emotions. If you evaluate your emotions, you can
administer them.

Sureness is about your respect and physical power. On the other hand, tone- regulation is the capacity
to carry on as per bone's own anticipation in an adaptable way (Kuhl, 1992). Concerning literacy tone-
regulation overcomes any issues between academic prosecution and two of its determinants similar as
cerebral capacities and accomplishment a(Winne, 1995). Social cerebral judges’ regulation as an
accomplishment of socialization forms (Bandura et al; 2001). You regularly have little control over when you
encounter passions. You can, also again, have commodity to do with to what extent a using so as to feel will
last colorful procedures to ease negative passions for illustration displeasure, pressure or despondency. A
couple of these systems incorporate revamping a circumstance in a more positive light, taking a long wall
also, because study has a confined furthest point (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). when it's out from elaborative
studies more coffers are made being to reuse information related to present experience.


Tone- mindfulness Knowing what emotion/ state bone is passing at the moment and using those
preferences to guide in decision timber; having a realistic assessment of one's own capacities and well-
predicated sense of still, internal provocation is essential rather than being externally motivated, If a person
wants to achieve a thing. For illustration, if we get good grades in examinations, we may be awarded, but the
person will only work for a particular time and give up.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

External provocation only works for a limited time. still, if there's internal provocation in a person,
they can achieve their thing. They have a passion for making commodities, enjoy doing it, and have the
capability to learn, which is driven by curiosity within them. People who are emotionally intelligent are
motivated by effects beyond external prices like fame, plutocrat, recognition, and sun. People with this
emotional intelligence skill seek internal prices, also known as natural provocation. They witness inflow from
being completely in tune with an exertion and pursue peak gests. Those who are competent in provocation
tend to be action acquainted. They set pretensions, have a high need for achievement, and are always looking
for ways to do better. They also tend to be veritably married and are good at acting.


Seeing what people are feeling, being suitable to take their perspective, and cultivating fellowship
with a broad diversity of people. People who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by effects beyond
external prices like fame, plutocrat, recognition, and sun.10 rather, they've a passion to fulfill their own inner
requirements and pretensions. People with this emotional intelligence skill seek internal prices, also known
as natural provocation. They witness inflow from being completely in tune with an exertion and pursue peak
gests. Those who are competent in provocation tend to be action- acquainted. They set pretensions, have a
high need for achievement, and are always looking for ways to do better. They also tend to be veritably
married and are good at acting.

Social Skills

Social Chops Handling feelings in relationship well and directly reading social situations and networks,
interacting easily, using these chops to convert and lead, negotiate, and settle controversies for cooperation
and cooperation. Although, he acclimated his model on the early ideas of (Salovey & Mayer ;1990). still, he
added some other factors to those they had linked (Cohen & Swerdlick; 1999). who have contributed
significantly in defining and assessing mortal intelligence. still, among all these Thorndike in 1920 was the
bone who first linked the conception of emotional intelligence under the name of Social Intelligence.

He described three types of intelligences Concrete intelligence which is the capability to understand
and deal with the effects; Abstract intelligence, which is the capability to understand and deal with verbal and

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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fine symbols. Social intelligence, which is the capability to understand and manage mortal relations. It's an
capability which shows itself abundantly in the nursery, on the playground, in barracks, manufactories and
salesrooms, but it eludes the formal standardized conditions of the testing laboratory.

Types Of Emotional Intelligence:

Salovey and projected a model which illustrates four distinct parts of emotional intelligence. The view
of emotions is basically the capability to reason utilizing emotions, the ability to comprehend sentiment and
an aptitude to oversee me

Perceiving Emotions

As a rule, this may include understanding non-verbal flags, for example, non-verbal communication.
For this purpose, the initial phase in comprehension emotions is to see them precisely.

Managing Emotions:

The capacity to oversee emotions viably is a significant piece of emotional intelligence. Directing
emotions, reacting suitably and reacting to the emotions of others are extremely essential parts of emotions

• Understanding Emotions:

The emotions that we see can express a wide collection of implications. On the off possibility that
somebody is communicating with angry emotions, the observer must translate the reason for their cause and
what it may mean. For instance, if your supervisor is acting furious, it might mean that he is disappointed
with your work; or it could be on the grounds that he got a speeding ticket on his approach to work that
morning or that he's been battling with his wife.

. Using Emotions:

Emotions organize what we focus and respond to; we react emotionally to things that earn our
consideration. The following steps include utilizing emotions to advance theory and psychological action.
(Gardner ,1983). proposed the proposition of Multiple Intelligences, which comprises. of six types of
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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intelligence verbal; musical; logical- fine; spatial; fleshly- kinesthetic and particular intelligence. Under the
sphere of intelligence, he described two types of intelligence, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence.
According to him, interpersonal intelligence refers to a person's capacity to understand the intentions,
provocations, solicitations of other people and accordingly, an capability through which one can deal with
others. By discrepancy, intrapersonal intelligence involves the capacity to understand one's own tone, to have
an effective working model of oneself- including bone 's own solicitations, provocations, fears and to use
similar information effectively in regulating one's own life. intelligence to assess an existent’s judgment
about social situations and to handle relationship problems. But they failed in their attempts, which could be
attributed to the complex nature of social intelligence comprising of different capacities, and an enormous
number of specific social habits and stations. latterly, in the posterior times, further focus was on developing
Command tests and the work on emotional intelligence went in the background. Its theoretical background is
slightly vague as Baron used an force of well- being in his doctoral discussion and latterly converted it into
an El questionnaire.

Mental Health

Mental health is a state of internal well- being that enables people to manage with the stresses of life,
realize their capacities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It's an integral element
of health and well- being that underpins our individual and collaborative capacities to form opinions, make
connections and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a introductory mortal right. And it’s pivotal to,
community and socio- profitable development. Mental health is further than the absence of internal diseases.
It exists on a complex continuum, which is educated else from one person to the coming, with varying
degrees of difficulty and torture and potentially veritably different social and clinical issues Mental health
encompasses a broad range of motifs related to the emotional, cerebral, and social well- being of

Then is an overview Mental Illness Mental ails are conditions that affect a person's thinking, feeling,
geste or mood. Common internal ails include depression, anxiety diseases, bipolar complaint, schizophrenia,
and post-traumatic stress complaint (PTSD) smirch smirch girding internal illness can lead to demarcation,
insulation, and disinclination to seek help. It's important to challenge stigmatizing stations and promote

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

understanding and empathy. Causes of Mental Illness Mental ails can have colorful causes, including
genetics, brain chemistry, traumatic life gests, environmental factors, and ongoing stressors.

Symptoms of internal illness vary extensively depending on the condition but may include patient
sadness, anxiety, perversity, changes in sleep or appetite, difficulty concentrating, and pullout from social
conditioning. Treatment options for internal illness include remedy similar as cognitive- behavioral remedy
or psychotherapy), drug, support groups, life changes, and in severe cases, hospitalization. Prevention
Strategies for precluding internal illness and promoting internal well- being include stress operation ways,
healthy life choices (similar as regular exercise and balanced nutrition), maintaining social connections, and
seeking professional help when demanded. Mental Health in Different Populations Mental health can be told
by colorful factors, including age, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, and life circumstances.

It's important to consider these factors when addressing internal health issues. tone Care rehearsing
tone- care is essential for maintaining good internal health. This includes conditioning similar as relaxation
ways, setting boundaries, engaging in pursuits, seeking support from loved bones, and prioritizing one’s
requirements. Adaptability structure adaptability can help individualities manage with challenges and
adversity, reducing the threat of developing internal health problems. Adaptability can be strengthened
through developing problem- working chops, fostering social support networks, maintaining a positive
outlook, and seeking professional help when demanded. mindfulness and Advocacy Raising mindfulness
about internal health issues and championing for access to internal health services, destigmatization, and
policy changes are pivotal way in promoting internal well- being on a societal position.

Mental health conditions include internal diseases and psychosocial disabilities as well as other
internal countries associated with significant torture, impairment in performing, or threat of tone-
detriment. People with internal health conditions are more likely to witness lower situations of internal
well- being, but this isn't always or inescapably the case. Mental health is critically important to everyone,
far and wide. each over the world, internal health requirements are high, but responses are inadequate and
shy. The World internal health report transubstantiating internal health for all is designed to inspire and
inform better internal health for everyone far and wide.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Drawing on the rearmost substantiation available, showcasing exemplifications of good practice

from around the world, and venting people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most
demanded and how it can best be achieved. It calls on all stakeholders to work together to consolidate the
value and commitment given to internal health, reshape the surroundings that impact internal health, and
strengthen the systems that watch for internal health. Quality of life may be an advanced that contains
objective and private confines like food, casing, the chance to review health and comprehensions
concerning them( Carpio; 2000). has delineate Quality of life as a private read of the live to that happiness
and satisfaction have been achieved, or as a way of nonpublic, private purpose of read that has also been
allowed of associated with set natural, profitable, cerebral, and social factors (Cruz, 2007).

The World Health Organization (WHO) tried to embrace the complexity of the term" Quality of Life",
process it as" the perception that associate person has as concerning their script in their own actuality, within
the environment of culture and their value system during which they live and on connection to their objects,
their prospects, their morals, their considerations, their morals, etc. This is so broad study that’s told by
advanced problems and sophisticated ways that than physical health of the individual factors, position of
independence their relationship with the terrain and their social connections" World Health Organization
(WHO, 2005). Psychology's read is that well- being suggests that retaining good internal and emotional
health as pillars of quality of life in a unequivocal existent (López & Torres, 2001). in multitudinous From
this perspective, cerebral well- being includes the system folks habituated estimate the thus well- being may
be a dynamic result that's changeable correction( Montaña, 2003). established in the analysis of contingent or
purposeful connections among the people, their conditions of life and their terrain, as established by Skinner(
Caycedo, 2002). formerly explaining the part of well- being within the portent and operation of each geste

And atmosphere because the commerce among the variables linked and outstanding by the existent,
like structural environment and thus the organism and situational factors. correction has come a typical
point of life in associations( Kiefer;2005). Indeed, the association's capability to upset correction provides a
competitive advantage enhancement and metamorphosis, ancient officialdom forms are declared proffers and
a competitive liability for radical new forms have appeared

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

with placing discipline. models of structure literacy culture and its relationship to worker
performance, like job satisfaction, invention, structure commitment, and development intention. different
studies are coupled to multiplied structure performance. Health is characterized not only by heartiness but
stability and unity of the state of personalized physical and internal perspective .( Williams et al; 2021).
Mental health is, thus, a necessary and important variable of study currently( Harding etal., 2019).

The exploration represents the two types of well- being hedonic and eudemonic well- being( Pistou et
al, 2019). supported eudemonic happiness as the essential form of internal health good. That suggested
personalized care for tone- grounded fruition. forestallment and control conditions. Under normal epidemic
forestallment and control, the emotional state of scholars is prone to change, leaving scholars susceptible to
problems similar as anxiety, post-traumatic stress complaint, drunkenness, perversity and self-murder.
Specifically, vocational art and sports high- academy scholars are more prone to similar cerebral A
personality particularity is a fairly stable personality state formed by a person that reflects that person’s
station towards effects.

A large body of substantiation suggests that personality can be seen as an imperative property of the
response to emotional. experience. Emotional gests of control, approach, avoidance are the base of different
traits, which include positive and negative urgency particularity emotional approach and avoidance,
alexithymia, and emotional expressiveness. personality traits to a certain extent. Personality traits affect
individual cognitive, emotional, and behavioral differences. Hereford, personality traits can prognosticate the
possible impact of internal health during the extremity. Good and stable feelings can make people
physically and mentally happy, enabling them to maintain a healthy and positive state. have shown that
emotional regulation was associated with better internal health function during the the impact of coronavirus
on internal health can vary depending on individual personality traits and emotional intelligence.

Those with high emotional intelligence may be better equipped to manage with stress, query, and
insulation. They might be more complete at understanding and managing their feelings, seeking social
support, and conforming to changes. individualities with certain personality traits, similar as high
neuroticism or low adaptability, may be more susceptible to passing heightened anxiety, depression, or other

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

internal health challenges during times of extremity like the epidemic. It's important for individualities to
fete their own strengths and sins, and to seek applicable support and coffers as demanded.

The impact of coronavirus complaint on internal health is told by colorful factors, including
personality traits and emotional intelligence. Personality Traits individualities with certain personality traits
may be more vulnerable to internal health issues during the epidemic. For illustration High neuroticism
Those who are prone to worry, anxiety, and negative feelings may witness increased torture due to
misgivings and fears girding the contagion. Low adaptability individualities with lower adaptability may
struggle to manage with the challenges brought on by the epidemic, similar as social insulation, fiscal
strain, or health enterprises Perfectionism Perfectionists may find it delicate to acclimatize to changes or
dislocation in their routines leading to heightened stress and anxiety.

Emotional intelligence( EI) plays a pivotal part in managing feelings, erecting adaptability, and fostering
positive managing mechanisms. Individuals with high EI may parade the following Effective stress
operation They're better suitable to regulate their feelings and manage with stressors by exercising adaptive
strategies like problem working or seeking social support. Empathy and understanding People with high EI
may be more compassionate towards others who are floundering, fostering connections and social support
networks that can cushion against internal health challenges. Inflexibility and rigidity Emotional intelligence
enables individuals to acclimatize to changing circumstances, navigate query, and maintain a sense of
sanguinity and stopgap.

Overall, while personality traits and emotional intelligence can impact internal health issues during
the coronavirus epidemic, it's important to fete that everyone's gests and responses are unique. Seeking
support from internal health professionals, rehearsing tone- care, and nurturing healthy managing strategies
can help alleviate the negative impact on internal well- being. The impact of coronavirus complaint on
internal health is told by colorful factors, including personality traits and emotional intelligence.
individualities with certain personality traits may be more vulnerable to internal health issues during the
epidemic. For illustration High neuroticism Those who are prone to worry, anxiety, and negative feelings
may witness increased torture due to misgivings and fears girding the contagion. Low adaptability
individualities with lower adaptability may struggle to manage with the challenges brought on by the

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

epidemic, similar as social insulation, fiscal strain, or health enterprises Perfectionism Perfectionists may
find it delicate to acclimatize to changes or dislocation in their routines, leading to heightened stress and

Emotional intelligence( EI) plays a pivotal part in managing feelings, erecting adaptability, and
fostering positive managing mechanisms. individualities with high EI may parade the following Effective
stress operation They're better suitable to regulate their feelings and manage with stressors by exercising
adaptive strategies like problem- working or seeking social support. Empathy and understanding People
with high EI may be more compassionate towards others who are floundering, fostering connections and
social support networks that can cushion against internal health challenges.

Inflexibility and rigidity Emotional intelligence enables individualities to acclimatize to changing

circumstances, navigate query, and maintain a sense of sanguinity and stopgap. Overall, while personality
traits and emotional intelligence can impact internal health issues during the coronavirus epidemic, it's
important to fete that everyone's gests and responses are unique. Seeking support from internal health
professionals rehearsing tone- care and nurturing healthy managing strategies can help alleviate the
negative impact on internal well-being.the effect of COVID- 19 on mental health depends on factors like
personality traits and emotional intelligence. Certain traits like high neuroticism, low adaptability, and
perfectionism can make individualities more susceptible to internal health issues during the epidemic. On
the other hand, emotional intelligence, which involves managing feelings, empathy, and rigidity, can help
people manage better. still, it's essential to understand that everyone's experience is different. Seeking help
from internal health professionals, rehearsing tone- care, and developing healthy managing mechanisms are
pivotal for managing internal well- being during this time. experience negative feelings and unhealthy
actions over time than people with emotional stability.

have also revealed that personality traits, emotion regulation strategies and internal health are related
to utmost confines in general, and there are differences in personality traits, emotional stability and internal
health between different genders and grades. According to the quality pressure theoretical model, it's believed
that natural and acquired factors interact to affect all mortal actions. Information gathering system specific
programmers for special sectors of the population, remedial medicines and any other information that was

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

made available. fresh sources of information include douc mints and literature that handed important details
about epidemiology and internal health coffers in the country. Some quality time information was attained
from those documents. There's some variation in the volume of information available for each count- pass
depending on the information gathered. Attempts have been made to give complete references wherever
possible but some.

Mental health issues similar as depression and bipolar complaint and schizophrenia affect people of
all periods and have far- reaching consequences that affect individualities, families ’ caregivers healthcare
and social systems as well as the broader frugality and society. Social and profitable difference are both a
cause and a result of internal health problems, with poor internal health being constantly linked to factors
similar as severance, limited education, low income, adverse life events, and smirch. Given these factors,
internal health should be regarded as being as pivotal A future Mental Health Strategy should be
comprehensive and cover all aspects of internal health, including forestallment, creation, treatment, and
care, as well as applicable policy areas beyond healthcare, similar as social, employment, fiscal, educational,
and mortal rights programs. It's conceded that the Commission has limited authority in the field of internal

(CHAPTER 1 introduction)

Relationship Between personality Traits And Emotional Intelligence

Personality traits and emotional intelligence are connected yet separate generalities. Personality traits,
like extraversion, affability, meticulousness, neuroticism, and openness to witness, represent. Emotional
intelligence, meanwhile, refers to the capacity to perceive, understand, manage, and express feelings
effectively in oneself and others. Studies indicate that specific personality traits can impact emotional

For case, individualities with high situations of extraversion might retain better interpersonal chops,
a hand of emotional intelligence. Likewise, those high in meticulousness may demonstrate lesser tone-
regulation and emotional control, which are factors of emotional intelligence. still, it's essential to fete that
while personality traits can dispose individualities to develop particular aspects of emotional intelligence, EI

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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can also be enhanced through training and practice, irrespective of personality traits. thus, although there
might be correlations between certain personality traits and emotional intelligence, they aren't exchangeable,
and one's emotional intelligence can be nurtured anyhow of their personality characteristics.

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Mental Health

The connection between emotional intelligence( EI) and internal health is significant. Studies indicate
that advanced EI situations relate with better internal health issues. People with elevated EI frequently
parade enhanced emotional mindfulness, appreciation, and regulation capacities, which can lead to further
effective managing strategies for stress, anxiety, and depression. also, individualities with advanced EI
generally enjoy stronger interpersonal connections due to their capacity to understand and manage feelings,
fostering better internal well- being through robust social support networks.

EI situations have been associated with colorful internal health challenges, including difficulties in
handling stress, interpersonal conflicts, and mood diseases. Those with lower EI may struggle to identify and
control their feelings, performing in lower effective managing mechanisms and poorer internal health.
developing emotional intelligence through practices like tone- mindfulness, empathy, and effective emotion
regulation can have a positive impact on internal health by promoting adaptability, healthier connections,
and adaptive managing strategies.



Decision-making is a central part of daily interactions; defined by (Scott & Bruce; in 1995). as the learned
habitual response pattern exhibited by an individual when confronted with a decision situation. It is not a
personality trait, but a habit-based propensity to react Ina certain way in a specific decision context Under-
standing how people make decisions within the mora domain is of great importance theoretically and practice
ally. Its theoretical value is related to the importance of

understanding the moral mind to further deepen our knowledge on how the mind works, thus
understanding the role of moral considerations in our cognitive life. Practically, this understanding is
important because we are highly influenced by the moral decisions of people around us According to Scott
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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(1995). there are five distinct decision-making styles (dependent, avoidant, spontaneous, rational, intuitive)
and each individuals’ decision-making style has traits from these different styles with one dominant
style .The dependent decision-making style can be regarded as requiring support, advice, and guidance from
others when making decisions. Avoidant style is characterized by its tendency to procrastinate and postpone
decisions if possible. On the other hand, spontaneous decision-making style is hallmarked by making snap
and impulsive decisions as a way to quickly bypass the decision-making process.

In other words, spontaneous decision-makers are characterized by the feeling of immediacy fa-voting
to bypass the decision-making process rapid without employing much effort in considering their op-tons
analytically or relying on their instinct. Rational decision-making style is characterized using a structured
rational approach to analyze information adoptions to make decision In contrast, intuitive styles highly
dependent upon premonitions, instinct, and feelings when it comes to making decisions driving focus toward
the flow of information rather than systematic procession and analysis of information, thus relying on
hunches and gut feelings.

Several studies have evaluated the factors that would influence an individual’s intuition and judgment.
According to Rand et al. (2016) discussed the social heuristics theory and showed that women and not men
tend to internalize altruism _ the selfless concern for the well-being of other in their intuition and thus in their
intuitive decision-making Additionally, intuitive behavior honesty is influenced by the degree of social
relationships with individuals affected by the outcome of our decision: when dishonesty harms ab-strict
others, intuition promotion causes more dishonesty. On the contrary, when dishonesty harms concrete others,
intuition promotion has no significant effect on dishonesty. Hence, the intuitive appeal of pro-socialitymay
cancel out the intuitive selfish appeal of dishonesty Moreover, the decision-making process and styles have
been largely evaluated in previous literature.( Greene et al. ;2008 ). showed that utilitarian moral judgments
aiming to minimize cost and maximize benefits across

concerned individuals are driven by controlled cognitive process whereas deontological moral
judgments _where rights and duties supersede utilitarian considerations_ are dictated by an automatic
emotional response . spontaneous decision-making( Tremblier et al;2012).found that mortality salience
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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makes people less utilidor-Another valuable element influencing our relationships and career success is
emotional intelligence (EI) a car-dial factor to positive patient experience in the medical field EI was defined
by Goleman as «the capacity of recognizing our feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and
for managing emotions both in us Andin our relationships» Hence, an important part of our success in life
nowadays is dependent on our ability to develop and preserve social relationships, depict ourselves
positively, and control the way people descry us rather than our cognitive abilities and traditional intelligence
measured by IQ tests .

In other words, emotional intelligence is a subtype of social intelligence involving and analyses of
emotions to guide thoughts and actions. Communication is a pillar of modern medicine; thus, emotional
intelligence should be a cornerstone in the education and evaluation of medical students’ communication and
interpersonal skills. An important predictor of EI is personality defined as individual differences in
characteristic patterns of think feeling and behaving An important property of personality traits is being
stable across time and situla-tons which makes it characteristic of everyone. One of the most widely used
assessment tools for personality traits is the Five-Factor model referring to “extroversion, openness to
experience, agreeableness, con-sensuousness, neuroticism». In fact, personality traits have an important
impact on individuals’ life, students.

academic performance and decision-making Extroversion is characterized by higher levels of self-

confidence, positive emotions, enthusiasm, energy, ex-casement seeking, and social interactions. Openness to
experience individuals are creative, imaginative, intellectually curious, impulsive, and original, open to new
ex-princes and ideas Agreeableness is characterized by cooperation, morality, sympathy, low self-
confidence,high levels of trust in others, and tend to be happy and satisfied because of their close
interrelationships. Conscientiousness is characterized by competence, hardwork, self-discipline, organization,
strive for achievement and goal orientation with a high level of deliberation making conscientious individuals
capable of analyzing

One purpose of the following studies was to test empirically whether emotional intelligence measured
as a trait is related to (a) trait and state mood, with separate measures of positive and negative moods, and (b)
trait and state self-esteem. A second purpose was to test whether emotional intelligence measured as a trait

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

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predicts effectiveness of mood management and self-esteem management after psychological manipulations
intended to alter these states.

Study Emotional intelligence comprises the ability to adaptively understand and regulate emotions.
Thus individuals higher in emotional intelligence should experience a higher level of positive affect and a
lower level of negative affect. Initial support for this hypothesis comes from by( Caroche et al ;2000). who
found that individuals who scored higher on an ability measure of emotional intelligence had more positive
mood after watching a humorous film than did individuals who scored low on the measure. study assessed
positive and negative mood as one construct. An extension of this research would be to examine the two
mood dimensions separately. higher emotional intelligence measured as a trait is associated with higher
characteristic positive mood and lower characteristic negative mood.

There have been studies that show positive correlation exists between the total emotional Intelligence
score and the dominance of personality traits, privacy, comfort, sensitivity, abstractness, and apprehension
and many adolescent respondents were found to be highly unstable on the emotional intelligence among
adolescent students (Patani & Bhakra et al; 2018). conducted a study to find the relation and importance of
the mean difference between adolescents 'emotional intelligence and personality. Results show that, except
for neuroticism, emotional intelligence is strongly positive in correlation with all five personality variables
and t-test revealed that emotional intelligence, neuroticism, extra version and openness tests of personality
are significantly different for boys and girls.

As per (Ugo ani;2015). the experiment was undertaken to explore the degree of relationship among
urban adolescents between emotional intelligence and personality stability. A very strong positive
relationship between emotional intelligence and personality stability was found in the study. Similarly,
(Ghaibi & Besharat ;2011). conducted a study to examine the relationship between the dimensions of
personality and emotional intelligence in a sample of University of Tehran students. The results showed that
extraversion and neuroticism, respectively, could be positively and negatively predicted by El.

A study by (Weisberg et al; 2011). examined gender differences in personality characteristics, both at
the Big Five level and at the sub-level of two aspects in each Big Five domain. Women reported higher Big
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Five Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism scores than men, replicating prior findings. However,
more extensive gender differences were found at the level of the aspects, with significant gender differences
appearing in both aspects of each Big Five trait.

In a study by (Katyal & Awasthi; 2005). conducted on students from various Chandigarh Government
Schools to evaluate gender differences in emotional intelligence, found that girls had higher emotional
intelligence than boys. Likewise, In addition to exploring gender differences, a study conducted by(Atta et
al ;2003). Examined relationship patterns between personality traits and emotional intelligence (EI) revealed
that El correlated positively with extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience and agreeableness,
and neuroticism negatively.

Further it revealed that no gender differences in El, openness to experience and agreeableness, while
significant gender differences in extraversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism were shown. Emotional
Intelligence and Personality Traits among Young Adults (Caroche et al. 2001) conducted a study to measure
emotional intelligence in adolescents and found that El was measured reliably in adolescents, was higher for
women than for men, and was positively associated with the ability to identify emotional expressions, amount
of social support, degree of social support satisfaction, and behavior of mood management.

As per(Costa et al; 2001). Secondary analyses of revised NEO Personality Inventory data from 26
cultures, indicates that gender differences are small relative to individual gender variations; differences for
both college-age and adult samples are replicated across cultures and differences are broadly consistent with
gender stereotypes. In Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth and Openness to Feelings, women reported
themselves to be higher, while men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas, contrary to
evolutionary theory predictions. Gender differences varied in magnitude across cultures.

As personality of young adults is created by a combination of the mindset, opinions, desires, actions,
etc. of an individual and the emotions of a person are not only feelings but a particular way of communicating
their thoughts, which varies from person to person as well as personality, they continue to feel insecure,
mentally disturbed and tense with the changing. selves and the environment of adulthood, which further
reflects their personality. Current research is an empirical endeavor, to study the relationship of El with each
personality traits in young adults. There are studies conducted on the topic to find the relationship between El
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

and Personality traits in other countries. However, there are no many studies based on Indian population and
in young adults. To increase the understanding of this topic ie., to find the relation between their personality
traits and emotional intelligence which can be helpful for them to control their reaction and to shape their
personality. So, this study further tries to find gender difference and correlation between two most important
assets of development emotional intelligence and personality traits.

Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
agreeableness trait among young adults. It was observed significant negative low correlation between
emotional intelligence and agreeableness (r=.172, p<0.05) while the other 4 personality traits didn't show
significant relationship to emotional intelligence levels among young adults. results were found in studies
conducted by researchers, like. (Mayer & Salovey et al ;2003). which revealed association between
emotional intelligence and agreeableness. The present study indicates that there is a significant difference in
emotional intelligence about gender among young adults and it was noted that females’ emotional
intelligence than males. Females (M=129.87) and Males (M=125.97).

The findings of the study are supported by (Chan & Badgar ;2001). which revealed that emotional
intelligence was higher for females than males which implies that emotional intelligence training can be
provided to men. Although there is on-going debate as to whether Emotional Intelligence can be improved,
some evidence exists to suggest that it can be enhanced (Slaski & Cartwright, 2003). If emotional intelligence
skills can be developed, then it can help them in controlling their reaction and to shape their personality.
Further, it was observed that there is a significant difference in agreeableness trait with regard to gender
among young adults, while the other 4 personality traits (extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and
openness) didn't show significant difference based on gender among young adults. Males (M=35.16) and
Females (M=33.24) which indicated males show more agreeableness traits to emotional intelligence
compared to females. The findings of the are supported by previous( Young &Hirsh et al ;2011).
(Terracciano & McCrae ;2001). which revealed gender differences in agreeableness.

Health is characterized not only by wellness but stability and homogeneity of the state of
individualized physical and mental perspectives (Evans et al., 2021). Nowadays mental health is the most
profoundly threatened by situational, environmental, and personal factors (Clark et al., 2020). According to

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

world statistics, 14.3% of worldwide deaths are reported (Pinna & Edwards, 2020) because mental health
accounts for & million deaths (Trost et al., 2021) out of which approximately 75% are because of suicide
(Williams et al., 2021). Mental health is, therefore, a necessary and important variable of study nowadays
(Harding et al., 2019). The research represents the two types of well-being hedonic and eudemonic well-
being Mental health relates to the capricious attributes that explain self-acceptance, life purpose , life
satisfaction and environmental mastery.

Theory highlighted the key concept that a person's psychological well-being is based on autonomy,
competence, and relatedness (McMillan et al., 2019). Hence, the authentic happiness model stated the
devotion and pursuit of fruition deeds and charity works that is congruent with the enduring characteristics
(Foster et al., 2020). A similar perspective was addressed by the research suggesting mental health well-
being. (Dhiman & Raheja et al; 2018). Emotional intelligence is defined as discriminating, cultivating,
labeling, and emotions (Kotsu et al., 2018). Emotional intelligence is also defined as effective coping
strategies to deal with various situations either in one's own life or others (MacCann et al., 2020). It is also
stated that emotional intelligence is also associated with personality traits that evolved in the personal
standard of life.

These follow the functional as well as structural duties of the health (Nishii et al., 2022). Different
studies demonstrate similar results by identifying the emotionally intelligent workers in the clinical
department (Soto-Rubio et al., 2020). Moreover, it gives ample evidence about the emotionally stable
individual how to solve several lethargic and difficult situations with a broader vision, outlook, and self-
actualization (MacCann et al., 2020). The study aims to address the moderating role of emotional intelligence
in personality traits and mental health wellbeing. This gives information about the personality. traits in
relation to mental health well-being in the comparison regarding the study sample of region of Jizan, Saudi
Arab population. Studies are lagging in the healthcare workers field regarding the comparison group analysis
of personality traits, mental health well-being, and emotional intelligence. Literature provides the reason that
unimportance, worthless and uninteresting content of study. Reality is conflicting, they are the bottleneck for
our medical field and society.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

The present study identified a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and mental health
well-being, consistent with previous literature. It also found that neuroticism negatively correlates with
mental health well-being. These findings align with existing research, suggesting that emotional intelligence
enhances an individual's ability to cope with environmental and situational stressors, thereby promoting better
mental health outcomes. personality traits associated with negative characteristics, such as neuroticism, can
lead to mental health issues and psychological deficits. The study's results, particularly in healthcare workers,
highlight that higher emotional intelligence and positive personality traits contribute to more effective mental
health practices and overall well-being.

This study found that in terms of EPQA personality traits, boys’ extraversion scores were lower than
girls’ scores; in terms of mental health, boys scored lower than girls. There is a certain correlation between
personality traits and mental health performance in terms of gender. Boys may be not good at words and are
introverts due to their personalities. They may be more likely to have unhealthy behaviors, such as
alcoholism, aggression, and irritability in the face of sudden stress.25 Some studies similarly found that
extraversion and conscientiousness characteristics were associated with people participation in COVID-19
control measures and also had gender differences.10,26This study also found a significant correlation
between grade and psychoticism scores and mental health scores. The higher the grade, the more opinionated
the students and the more ability they have to maintain their views and opinions. At the same time, because
the ability to master knowledge is stronger than in lower-grade students, they may have more experience in
dealing with stressful situations, and they also know how to better manage their emotions and maintain a
good mental state. This is consistent with research by Liu Tianyi et al.31 Therefore, more personalized
psychological counselling measures should be implemented for boys and lower-grade students. Relationship
Between Personality Traits and Mental Health Some scholars have performed visual analyses of the
personality research hotspots and This study also found a significant correlation between grade and
psychoticism scores and mental health scores. The higher the grade, the more opinionated the students and
the more ability they have to maintain their views and opinions. At the same time, because the ability to
master knowledge is stronger than in lower-grade students, they may have more experience in dealing with
stressful situations, and they also know how to better manage their emotions and maintain more personalized
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

psychological counselling measures should be implemented for boys and lower-grade students. Relationship
Between Personality Traits and Mental Health Some scholars have performed visual analyses of the
personality research hotspots and

Relationship Between Personality Traits and Mental Health Some scholars have performed visual
analyses of the personality research hotspots and trends of the past two decades; they found that personality
and mental health research is one of the three major research directions and pointed out that with the
normalisation of epidemic prevention, paying attention to the relationship between personality and mental
health can help to aid the public in fighting psychological problems.26 Based on the social background of
normalised epidemic prevention and control, this study explored the relationship between personality traits
and the mental health of college students, which is of great significance. The research results of Ruosong et
al32 during the COVID-19 epidemic showed that personality factors were related to the individual perception
of anxiety and stress. Different personality traits had different levels of stress perception, and personality had
an important impact on individual mental health.The correlation analysis of the present study showed a
significant correlation between all dimensions of EPQA personality traits and mental health. Among them,
there was a significant positive correlation between the neurotic dimension of personality traits and mental
health, indicating that the more typically stable the personality trait, the better mental health status, while the
more typically unstable the personality trait, the more attention is needed in terms of mental health.

A neurotic personality will have negative emotions, resulting in individuals being unable to
effectively cope with stressors and being prone to anxiety and stress, which, in turn, increase the pressure
brought about by an event, making individuals even more sensitive to stress.10,33–35 The regression analysis
showed that personality trait neuroticism was significantly correlated with mental health, which is consistent
with the results of previous studies.36 Therefore, cultivating positive personality traits in college students is
conducive to improving students’ interpersonal relationships, alleviating academic pressures and improving
their mental health.37 Relationship Between Emotional Stability and Mental HealthThis study showed that
the self-assessed emotional stability status of college students was significantly positively associated with
students’ mental health, indicating that current emotional status is closely related to mental health status. This
is also consistent with using emotional stability as an key standard to assess the mental health of college
students.38Capara believes that regulatory emotional self-efficacy is the level of belief or self-confidence of
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

individuals to effectively manage and regulate their emotions. It mainly includes the cognition of different
emotional states, the

Although these trends appear persuasive, the EI-mental health evidence base is undoubtedly limited
by an almost exclusive focus upon adult populations. Those that haveexamined EI-mental health relationships
in youth have disproportionately focused upon examination of trait vs. ability associations in relation to
internalizing vs. externalizing disorders. Moreover existing research hints at a more complex patterning of
relations in youth; in line with the adult trend, AEI appears unrelated to depression and anxiety (Burnside &
Hammond-Rowley; 2009) .but is inversely associated with number of school discipline referrals (Peters et al.,
2009) and disruptive behavior (Williams et al., 2009). However, TEI appears similarly associated with
indices of both internalizing and externalizing symptoms (Hansen Birney & Stough 2010). Moreover,
crucially, researchers have so far neglected to test whether EI (in either form) is still predictive of adolescent
disorder in the presence of personality and cognitive ability. Patently, for an ‘adaptive’ account of EI to be
fully realized, it must be consistently demonstrated that links found between EI and mental health in
adulthood are similarly prevalent in younger populations and hold incrementally. Hence the current study
makes a novel contribution to knowledge by exploring AEI/TEI relationships with youth depression and
disruptive behavior, including assessing whether any associations hold in the presence of higher order
personality dimensions and general cognitive ability.

Furthermore, recent studies suggest that low EI predicts stress perceived by first year medical students and
throughout medical school (Gupta et al. 2017). Medical students and females, in

particular, with limited emotional skills may experience even more stress and emotional problems during
their academic years, leading to the conclusion that EI is positively associated with poor self-rated physical
and mental health (Todres et al. 2010).In addition, it is reported that medical training can itself increase the
prevalence of anxiety and depression, which in turn could interfere with clinical competence (Bayan et al.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Trait EI, which is defined as a constellation of emotional perceptions assessed through questionnaires and
rating scales (Petrides et al. 2007), is likely to facilitate the career decision-making process by fostering
positive emotions and helping individuals regulate the flow of negative emotions involved in the challenges
associated with the transition from school to the world of work. A significant body of evidence has linked
trait EI and personality factors to better career decision-making and success-ful career choice According to
Martinican and Stead( 2015). When focusing on the selection of medical specialty and trait emotional
intelligence it is hypothesized that more trait emotional intelligent students would make a successful career
plan, but to our knowledge no literature exists so far focusing on trait EI and future medical specialty choice,
even though there is a study that failed to demonstrate that ability EI is predictive of medical training
selection process and outcome (Carr, 2009).To date there are only few studies addressing the issue of trait EI
in undergraduate students in Greece, none of which addresses medical students, to our knowledge. The aim
of the present study is to explore the following research questions in the population Greek medical school
freshmen:1. What are the gender related differences in trait EI variables and in anxiety and depression
measures Are trait EI variables related to anxiety or depression measures (for the whole sample and for the
two genders)?3. Are there differences in terms of trait EI variables and anxiety and depression measures
among subgroups of

our study men self-rated themselves as more sociable, a finding According to Groves (2005) study, which
suggests that women have higher social skills than men. However, a thorough analysis of the subscales that
constitute the Sociability factor in our study, shows that this factor is independent of empathy or ability to
initiate/maintain close re-patronships, two abilities that are part of the Emotional factor. Rather, the
Sociability factor relates to the ability of asserting oneself or influencing other people’s emotions and
decisions and relating clearly and confidently with people from diverse backgrounds, abilities which are more
easily attributed to men (Mikolajczak et al. 2007). Furthermore, female medical student did not report being
more emotional, even though stereo-typically women are portrayed as more empathetic (Ellmers ,2018). This
finding could be explained by the hypothesis that freshmen female medical students suppress emotional
expression to overcome certain stereotypes and eliminate.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

gender distinctions, usually found in the general population. This hypothesis should be validated in a
future study. Our study showed that the prevalence of depression in freshmen medical students was 14.6% in
total. This prevalence is higher than general population and age-matched peers (Pratt & Brody ;2014). though
in accordance with previous studies in the field of medical education, showing rates fro10% to 25%
depending on severity and the specific instruments used (Puthran et al. 2016; Rosenstein et al. 2016).
Furthermore anxiety symptoms among students reached44.2%, which is concordant with previous literature
in the field, reporting a prevalence of 7.7–65.5% (Hope and Henderson 2014). The elevated levels of anxiety
symptoms in this study can be attributed to the fact that freshmen student.


This exploration relationship between personality traits of emotional intelligence on internal health
was being carried out in the environment of university pupil Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Personality traits is
most important factor in our diurnal lives each person has a unique personality, and this personality can have
an impact on others. This study measures the personality traits and emotional intelligence on internal health
these personality traits produce unique a different traits and impact other personality quality Personality
traits and emotional intelligence has an effect on the internal health of youth all three variables. Personality
traits, emotional intelligence and internal health are related to each other. This exploration explores the
relationship between personality traits, emotional intelligence, and internal health within the environment of
university scholars in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Personality traits play a pivotal part in diurnal life, as
each individual possesses a unique personality that can impact relations with others. This study aims to
measure the impact of personality traits and emotional intelligence on internal health issues, considering the
different traits individualities parade and their goods on personality quality.

Understanding the interplay between personality traits, emotional intelligence, and internal health is
vital for exhaustively addressing the well- being of youth, as these variables are intricately linked and can
significantly impact overall internal well- being. By expounding the associations among these factors, this
exploration seeks to give perceptivity that can inform interventions and support strategies acclimatized to
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

enhance internal health issues among university scholars in the Islamabad and Rawalpindi regions.
Eventually, the findings of this study contribute to the broader understanding of factors impacting internal
health and pave the way for targeted interventions aimed at promoting cerebral well- being in educational

Chapter 01


university student the method for data collection and analysis are also described This chapter will
provide the description about the participants and their participation in this study moreover the instrument
used will be described along with their validity, reliability, and content. The study is based on the personality
traits which contribute in high level of emotional intelligence impact of psychological wellbeing and also
based on the impact of personality traits and emotional intelligence on mental health among here


To explore the gender role in relationship

To investigate relationship between mental health and personality traits among university students To
investigate impact of emotional intelligence and mental health

To investigate impact of emotional intelligence and personality traits


1 Relationship between personality trait of emotional intelligence on mental health among university students

2 There will be a significant co -relation in emotional intelligence and personality traits.There will be a
significant co-relation between emotional intelligence and mental health.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

3 There will be a role of gender in the relationship between personality trait and emotional intelligence on
mental health among university students. There will be role of semester in relationship between personality
trait of emotional. intelligence on mental health among university students

Operational Definition

The Big Five Inventory (BFI) you are referring to is likely the short version, which consists of 10
items. This shorter version was developed by R. R. McCrae and O. P. John in 1992, and it assesses the five
personality traits with two items per trait:1. Extraversion2. Agreeableness3. Conscientiousness4.
Neuroticism5. Openness to ExperienceEach item is rated on a 5-point scale, from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5
(agree strongly).

Emotional Intelligence

The TEIQue-SF (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form) with 30 items was
developed by K. V. Petrides and Adrian Furnham in 2000. This shorter version of the TEIQue assesses global
trait emotional intelligence, covering 15 facets of emotional intelligence, with 2 items per facet. Thank you
for clarifying.

Mental Health

The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) with 14 items was developed by the
University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh in 2006. This shorter version of the WEMWBS
assesses overall mental well-being, covering positive affect, satisfying relationships, and psychological
functioning, with 14 items rated on a 5-point scale from 1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time).

The 14-item WEMWBS is a widely used, brief, and effective tool for monitoring mental well-being in
various settings, including healthcare, education, and research. It's a valuable resource for professionals and
individuals interested in promoting mental wellness and tracking progress over time.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Study Design

Current research was conduct on the personality traits correlational research design was use to find out the
impact of personality traits and emotional intelligence on mental health among university student


Cross-cultural participants 200 samples (female = 100 male = 100) with the mean age range of 21 – 25 years
from universities located in Islamabad, Pakistan. These participants were drawn from various academic
disciplines and represent a diverse population of university students in the capital city

Sampling technique

Convenient sampling technique will be used in this study to collect the data from university students.

Inclusion Criteria

University students who match the following criteria will be included in the study:

Age range of 20 to 33

Individual’s minimum qualification of graduation.

Data will be collected from the university of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Both male and female gender will be included in the sample to understand gender

difference and to give both gender equal representation in the sample

Exclusion Criteria

Religious minorities will be excluded from the study.

Individual enrolled in school will be excluded.

Peoples who are related to mental issues were excluded.

Peoples who are age of below of 20y and above 32y were excluded from the study.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students


Demographic Information Sheet

Demographic information sheet contain personal details of participant ; develop to collect
general information about participant in study It comprised of gender age birth order , family,
education , socio- economic status.
 Big Five Inventory Scale ( BFIS)
The Big Five Inventory (BFI) you are referring to is likely the short version, which consists of
10 items. This shorter version was developed by R. R. McCrae and O. P. John in 1992, and it assesses
the five personality traits with two items per trait: Each item is rated on a 5-point scale, from 1
(disagree strongly) to 5 (agree strongly). Participant interested to assess the applicability of each
items to them seleves scores on the Big Five Inventory 0 tob108 with higher scores integrating
greater tendency toward big five inventory reverse scoring was not applied the Cronbach alpha
coefficient for this study was =0.85 signifying internal consistency
 Emotional Intelligence Scale(EIS)
The TEI Que-SF (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form) with 30 items was
developed by K. V. Petrides and Adrian Furnham in 2000. This shorter version of the TEI Que
assesses global trait emotional intelligence, covering 15 facets of emotional intelligence, with 2 items
per facet. This Scale tells people how to manage your emotions by your intelligence i.e. during exam
stress emotional intelligence helps in managing this sort of stress and it increase our mental capacity.
Furthermore, its items express that how to manage difficulties and emotions. The Cronbach Alpha
Coefficient for the study was a a= 91, indicating strongly internal consistency.

Warwick -Edinburg Mental Well Being Scale ( WEMWBS)

The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) with 14 items was developed
by the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh in 2006. This shorter version of the
Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

WEMWBS assesses overall mental well-being, covering positive affect, satisfying relationships, and
psychological functioning, with 14 items rated on a 5-point scale from 1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of
the time).The 14-item WEMWBS is a widely used, brief, and effective tool for monitoring mental
well-being in various settings, including healthcare, education, and research. It's a valuable resource
for professionals and individuals interested in promoting mental wellness and tracking progress over


ProcedurFirst permission was taken from the authors of all relevant scales. A study design was
used to collect the data online (N=200). The participants were approached online with the help of
friends and social (What’s app) groups. The participants were provided with informed consentand
given a brief overview of the study's objectives. They were reassured that any details they shared
would be kept confidential and exclusively utilized for educational purposes. After filling and
submitting all questionnaires, they were thanked for their participation. By using convenient sampling
technique, the sample (N= 200) consisting of equal number of male and female adults was collected.
The participants were provided demographic forms. Questionnaires were administered after brief
instructions. Participants were instructed to assess the relevance of theseitems by marking them based
on their applicability. The time taken by the participant was 20-40minutes. After completion, the
questionnaires were received back. After data collection, the
interpretation was done.

 Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations are as follow.

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

The scale was used after taking permission from the respective authors through emails

Data collection commenced, and participants who satisfied the specified criteria were

given the questionnaires.

The inform consent was provided to the individuals to give them the freedom to

participate in research.

Data collected from participants was kept confidential.

Accurate representation of results was done.

 Statistical Analysis

In statistical analysis, evaluation of the quantitative data acquired was done using SPSS for the current
research study. Different analysis was run through SPSS including frequency and percentages of
demographics, descriptive statistics including mean, correlation of study variables, and independent t-test to
find out differences based on gender. After running the analysis through SPSS; the data was interpreted and
the results were then discussed in the chapter of discussion. In the end, concluding remarks were added.

Chapter 03


The present study was done to discover Impact of Personality Traits and emotional intelligence on mental
health among individuals in a university setting. Data analysis was done using SPSS 25. Primary
demographics characteristics were computed through frequencies and percentages. Reliability and descriptive
table were described the data reliability and normality of data. Correlation was used to examine the
relationship between variables. Lastly T test was used to find the gender difference on scales,

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

Table 1

Demographic information of the participant frequencies (f) and (%) (N=200)

Variables F %


19-21 58 27.5
21-23 74 35.1
23-26 66 37.1

165 165 78.2
35 35 16.6
200 200 94.3


Females 50% 45.0%

Males 50%


Under graduate 165 78.2%

Graduate 35 16.6%

Economic Status

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

25 11.8%
160 75.8%
Middle 15 7.1%


Family system

Nuclear 137 68.5%

Joint 63 31.5%

Socio-economic status

Lower 5 2.5%

Middle 174 87%

Upper 21 10.5%


1 46 21.8%
2 65 30.8%
3 38 18.0%
4 26 12.3%
5 22 10.0%
6 2 .9%
7 .5%
8 23

Impact of personality trait and Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health

Among University Students

In the above table, the demographic variables describe the current study of university students. The
table 1 describes the demographics in form of frequencies and percentages. The demographics variables
consist of age, gender, family status, marital status, education, and birth order of university students. Male
students were equal in number to female students. Higher number of student birth order is 4 th born as
compared to 1st born and other. Most of university students belong to nuclear family and they have unmarried
status. Farther, mostly are doing bachelor studies.

Table 02:

Descriptive statistics for demographic variable 2

N R MEAN Std Skewness Kurtosis

Age 199 3 2.06 .845 .037 .343

Gender 199 1 1.57 .496 .297 .843

Education 199 1 1.26 .445 .163 .321

Economic 199 2 1.95 .164 343

status .464

Family 199 1 1.35 .477 .649 343

Birth order 199 7 2.59 1.400 .788 343



BFI 10 34.95 5.873 .343

TEI 30 32.95 5.873 .616

WEMWBS 14 47.52 8.437 .722

Table 3


BFI = Big Five Inventory Scale

TEI = Emotional Intelligence Scale

WEMWBS = Mental Health Well Being Scale

Results in Table 3 show the psychometer properties of Scales. Big Five Inventory Scale (BFI)
with a Cronbach's alpha of 0. 343 the big five personality Scale human personality can be
measured alongside five major dimension ,each of major distinction and independent from
others (TEI), with an alpha of .616, and the Emotional Intelligence Scale (WEMWBS),
with an alpha of .722 all demonstrated excellent internal consistency, indicating that their
items reliably measure their respective constructs. The BFI assesses Differentiate one person
from another and why we behave the way that we do used study personality term how
change over time and how it relate other variable , the EIS Assess the appraisal and
expression of emotion in safe and other , and the WEMWBS assesses positive asoect of
mental health including psychological functioning cognitive evaluation dimension and
effective emotional aspects .These high alpha values reflect the strong correlation among the
items within each scale, confirming their reliability for research and practical use

Inter Scale correlation Among Study Variables (N=200)


BFI - .144 .108

EI - .28


Table 5

Mean difference in gender among variables of the study (N=200)

Chapter 4


was accepted according to the results of the current research. These

results were also supported the Previous research studies that suggests
there is a positive correlation between personality traits , and
emotional intelligence , on mental health among university student
This means that higher levels of personality traits are associated with
emotional intelligence impact on mental health In a one study (Smith
et al,. 2018) checked that university students who engage in more
personality traits Personality traits make a trend among humanity.
This is the observable personality and link it to with emotional
intelligence and it impacts our mental health tend to experience more
difficulties while facing the situation

Similarly, (Johnson &Jones, 2019) conducted a study that also

showed a positive

correlation between reassurance seeking, interpersonal difficulties,

and lower self-esteem among

university students. These findings indicate that individuals who

frequently seek reassurance

may face challenges in their relationships with others and may have
lower levels of self-esteem.

Low self-esteem can give rise to a range of negative cognitive and

emotional patterns, including

self-doubt, social anxiety, and fear of rejection. Such internal

struggles may manifest in

interpersonal difficulties, as individuals with low self-esteem might
find it challenging to

establish and maintain healthy relationships. (Baumeister et al., 2019)

highlight that individuals

with low self-esteem may engage in self-protective behaviors that

hinder the development of

positive interpersonal connections.

Another hypothesis that was made part of the research depicts that
there will be a strong

positive correlation between low self-esteem and interpersonal

difficulties and this hypothesis

was accepted based on the results obtained from the present research
thesis. This result from the

research was supported by the existing body of literature. Low self-

esteem is associated with

The research findings, which were presented in the prior chapter, will
be the focus of the current chapter. This chapter undertakes a
comprehensive analysis of the empirical findings derived from
present study results. The primary objective of this chapter is to
interpret the key patterns, relationships and predictions that emerged
from the analysis of the data, followed by a brief review of recent
conclusions in the literature. By scrutinizing the results considering
the research objectives and relevant scholarly literature, this
discussion aimed to elucidate the key patterns, relationships and
predictions that emerged from the analysis. Through a rigorous
exploration and interpretation of the findings, this analysis strives to
enhance the scholarly understanding of the relationship among study
variables in young adults. The present research investigates Impact Of
Personality Traits And Emotional Intelligence On Mental Health
Among University Student. The data collection was done for the
following research study from various university of Rawalpindi and
Islamabad. This chapter was included to discuss the results obtained
from the present research thesis and to add empirical evidence from
the existing body of literature to support the results of the current
research. In the statistical analysis, Pearson correlation was run
through SPSS to find out the impact between the constructs of the
study. Independent sample t-test was also applied to the present data
of responents to check out the gender based differences. The study
was initiated with the first hypothesis suggesting a substantial
positive association between interpersonal difficulties reassurance-
seeking behavior, and self-esteem it

social anxiety, where individuals fear negative evaluation from others. This fear can
hinder their

ability to initiate and maintain interpersonal relationships, so in one study individuals

with down

self-esteem expressing a strong inclination toward unfavorable opinions about others,

and fall on

interpersonal difficulties (Mackinnon et al., 2019). Pakistan is a Communal culture


peoples learn skills to maintain their relationship and gets the reality of life
verification and

approval is common in Pakistani collectivistic culture and this culture prevailed

individuals were

feel humiliated psychologically and physically due to excessive reassurance and then
they fall

on low self-esteem and develop interpersonal difficulties( Haider et al., 2017)

The last and final hypothesis of the research study suggested that there will be a

significant gender difference on females and male’s reassurance seeking behavior.

The findings

of this research also suggested a significant gender different across the constructs.

suggests that female reassure more as compared to males p=0.001<.003 suggesting a


gender difference. This result is supported by the findings of previous researches

suggesting that

females tend to have more expressive communication styles and fall in interpersonal

and may seek reassurance as a way of coping with stress or uncertainty in academic

(Hafeez, 2020). Women might be socialized to place a higher value on social

connections and

relationships, leading to an increased likelihood of seeking reassurance in

relationships, so one

other literature explore that women’s who faced depression in relationship more seek

behavior to reduce anxiety as compared to males (Loard et al., 2020).

Expressing and managing emotions is a multifaceted aspect of human behavior, and


studies propose that females tend to be more expressive of emotions, both positive
and ne In one study Brody & Hall (2019) emphasizes that gender differences in emotional

expressiveness can be influenced by social and cultural factors. Females may be

socialized to be

more attuned to emotional cues, both in themselves and others, leading to a greater

for expressing their emotions openly. Moreover, studies by Kring & Gordon (2020)
suggest that

women may exhibit higher emotional expressiveness due to hormonal and

neurological factors.

These factors can contribute to a heightened awareness and articulation of emotions,


reassurance-seeking a potential strategy for managing the emotional impact of

stressors in

university environments. In university life, challenges such as academic pressures,


adjustments, and career uncertainties may evoke a range of emotions. Seeking
reassurance could

serve as a mechanism for females to approve their feelings, gain social support, and
navigate the

emotional complexities associated with academic endeavors.


This study had some limitations, which are following

 The present study used small size sample therefore the generalizability is limited
and not


 Data were only collected from urban areas.

 The study was correlational simple relationships could be included in it.

 Quantitative method was used in the present study which is limited its

 The study focus on the self-esteem and interpersonal difficulties with reassurance.

 Dat Suggestions

 In future the generalizability can be increased by ruing large sample

 In future conduct experimental or longitudinal studies to examine the relationships


these and many others variables.

 In future upcoming studies recommended: collecting the data from rural areas.

 In future mixed method approach should be used to get better result.

 In future other variables like anxiety, attachment styles, personality traits could use

reassurance-seeking behavior and interpersonal difficulties.

 Multiple assessment tools used in future research to find good and reliable results.

Future implications

Following and several significant implications stemming from the current study

 The act of seeking reassurance is a psychological concept shaped by parenting


possibly leading to relationship challenges and impacting adult confidence negatively.


is essential for parents to address these issues proactively to foster healthier


dynamics and support individuals in developing more strong and self-sufficient

relationships in the future, furthermore Dealing with reassurance-seeking behavior


support advisors, reduce interpersonal conflicts among students, and offer proof

regarding factors influencing relationship issues.

 Research findings can utilized by counselors, educationist, students, educational


school psychologist to design workshops and building programs for spreading

awarenessa relied regarding downside of reassurance issues in universities, reason for coping


 Further, to develop different types of programs to enhance low self- esteem.

 Moreover, teachers could incorporate effective ways by which they can control

reassurance seeking behavior and interpersonal difficulties from the beginning that

enhance self-esteem and facilitate students to achieve their goals in life.


In conclusion this study results underscores the complex interplay between the

reassurance seeking behavior, interpersonal difficulties and self-esteem. The analysis

that the low self-esteem positively correlated with interpersonal difficulties and at the

female’s exhibit higher reassurance seeking behavior at compared to males. All these

were coherence with previous researches on self-report that not give good


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Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 62-70.

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Informed Consent

I am Iqra Jamil a BS student of Department of Applied Psychology, National University of

Modern Languages, Islamabad. I am conducting a research thesis with relevance to my
degree’s requirement. The purpose of this research of this study is impact of Personality
Traits and Emotional Intelligence on Mental Health among university Students. The area of
my Research is Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Your Cooperation is voluntary. Information
obtained from you will remain confidential and will be used only for research purposes. Feel
free to ask if you have any doubt on the Question. Thank you for your cooperation.


Researcher Name: Iqra Jamil



Economic Status
Family System
Birth Order

Instructions: How well do the following statements describe your personality?

I see myself as Disagree Disagree a Neither agree Agree a Agree

someone who … strongly little nor disagree little strongly
1. … is reserved
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
2. … is generally
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
3. … tends to be
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
4. … is relaxed,
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
handles stress well
5. … has few
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
artistic interests
6. … is outgoing,
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
7. … tends to find
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
fault with others
8. … does a
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
thorough job
9. … gets nervous
(1) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1.......2........3.........4.. . ....5.......6......7


Disagree Agree

1. Expressing my emotions with words is not a problem for me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. I often find it difficult to see things from another person’s

viewpoint. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. On the whole, I’m a highly motivated person. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. I usually find it difficult to regulate my emotions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. I generally don’t find life enjoyable. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. I can deal effectively with people. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. I tend to change my mind frequently. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Many times, I can’t figure out what emotion I'm feeling. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. I often find it difficult to stand up for my rights. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. I’m usually able to influence the way other people feel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. On the whole, I have a gloomy perspective on most things. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. Those close to me often complain that I don’t treat them right. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. I often find it difficult to adjust my life according to the

circumstances. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. On the whole, I’m able to deal with stress. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. I often find it difficult to show my affection to those close to me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17. I’m normally able to “get into someone’s shoes” and experience


emotions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. I normally find it difficult to keep myself motivated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. I’m usually able to find ways to control my emotions when I

want to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

20. On the whole, I’m pleased with my life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. I would describe myself as a good negotiator. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. I tend to get involved in things I later wish I could get out of. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. I often pause and think about my feelings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

24. I believe I’m full of personal strengths. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25. I tend to “back down” even if I know I’m right. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. I don’t seem to have any power at all over other people’s

feelings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

27. I generally believe that things will work out fine in my life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28. I find it difficult to bond well even with those close to me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29. Generally, I’m able to adapt to new environments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. Others admire me for being relaxed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Please tick the box that best describes your experience of each over the last 2

None Some
STATEMENTS Rarely Often All of
of the of the
the time
time time
I’ve been feeling optimistic about the

I’ve been feeling useful

I’ve been feeling relaxed
I’ve been feeling interested in other

I’ve had energy to spare

I’ve been dealing with problems well

I’ve been thinking clearly

I’ve been feeling good about myself

I’ve been feeling close to other people

I’ve been feeling confident

I’ve been able to make up my own mind about

I’ve been feeling loved

I’ve been interested in new things

I’ve been feeling cheerful


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