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1 Explain the process of client-server communication in a network with a diagram.
2 Explain HTTP Request Message and HTTP Response Message in detail with an example.
Design an interactive HTML for student on-line bus pass application form containing
Name, DOB / Age, Sex, Address, Phone, Email fields.
4 Define CSS. Explain how the different types of CSS can be linked in a HTML document.
Write a program to display timetable using <table> tag. The HTML file should contain 6
5 periods for 6 days(Monday to Saturday), 3 in FN session and 3 in the AN session with a
lunch break in between.
1 Explain various operators and data types available in JavaScript with example.
2 Design a registration page and validate the file with JavaScript language.
3 What is a Node Object? Explain the methods of Node object in JavaScript with examples.
4 Write a JavaScript for sorting the elements of an array using function.
5 What is document object? Describe different properties of document object in JavaScript.
What is a well formed XML document? List out the basic rules to write XML document
Write a DTD for an XML document containing student details including student
2 name(First Name, Last Name), Course, Date of Birth(Month, Date, Year) and
address(city and state). Student name should contain an attribute ID.
3 Compare and contrast DOM parser with SAX parser.
Design an XML style sheet for displaying data of library management in the form of
5 How DOM parses an XML file? Describe with suitable example
Explain the steps for path setting and running a Servlet program in Tomcat Web Server
with an example.
2 Describe the life cycle of a Java Servlet with a diagram.
3 Discuss about various classes and interfaces of the servlet package.
4 Differentiate between GenericServlet and HttpServlet.
5 Give a brief note on Using Cookies-Session Tracking.
1 Write a JSP to demonstrate the usage of page and include directives.
Write a JSP script to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit with the help of Java
3 Describe the anatomy of a JSP page.
What is the key difference between HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() and
<jsp:forward>? Explain.
5 Explain the JSP Application Design with MVC.

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