Cross-cultural research 3

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Guidelines for Cultural Sensitivity

 Before commencing assessment with a client from a culturally diverse background clinicians
should first conduct a self assessment and reflect on their own personal biases and prejudices.
 Clinicians should be aware of any stereotypes regarding the culturally diverse group in
addition to learning more about the culture. So the stereotypes and then what actually, maybe
go against the stereotypes.
 The clinician should determine the clients preferred language. If the clinician is unable to
speak the client’s first language, they should refer the client if possible to do so. In cases where
it is not possible to refer the client on, in this case they should get an interpreter.
 During the initial meetings with clients, it is important for clinicians to establish rapport and
respect with the client. It is also important to establish cooperation, motivation, and interest in
the assessment process from the client.
 When working with culturally diverse clients, using a multi-method approach (ie multiple
methods for assessment such as interview, tests, behavioural observation etc) strengthens the
validity of the assessment.
 Often, culturally appropriate measures may not be available and norms for certain cultural
groups may not exist. In this case, results from standardised measures should be interpreted
with caution.
There is no real comparison to be able to be made for these people.
 It is important that the clinician takes into account the clients cultural and linguistic
background and uses tests or even portions of a particular test that are valid.
 When assessing intelligence on culturally diverse clients, measures with the lowest cultural
loading and linguistic demands should be selected.


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