Assessing Clients with Disabilities

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When Assessing Clients with Disabilities, Psychologists should strive to:

 Learn about various disability paradigms

 Increase their knowledge and skills about working with individuals with disabilities
 Use appropriate and respectful language
 Consider disability as a dimension of diversity, together with other individual and contextual
dimensions - they should take an intersectional view of clients and people that they are
working with, rather than letting this ability define the person.
 Apply an assessment approach that is most psychometrically sound, fair, comprehensive, and
 Determine whether accommodations are appropriate for clients to yield a valid test score -
should adjustments be made, and if those adjustments do need to be made, doing them in the
most fair way possible.
 Maximize fairness and relevance in interpreting assessment of data of clients who have
disabilities by applying approaches which reduce potential bias and balance and integrate data
from multiple sources

Defining disability
 The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined disability as: any condition of the body or mind
(impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain
activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation
 There are different types of disabilities: intellectual, physical, psycho-social


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