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ksõgka kshu

TUTE 1.0 Newton's Law

Dynamics is the study of moving objects, and dynamics is the study of the quantity named force acting on an
object or system of objects.
When speaking on motion, the Newton scientist studied the motion of objects due to the behavior of external

External Unbalanced Force

¦ Consider a case where an external force is applied to an object as shown below.

2N 2N 4N 2N

Resultant Force } 0 Resultant Force } 2N

There is no external unbalanced force } 0 There is an external unbalanced force } 2N

An external unbalanced force is an external force exerted to move a stationary object or to change the nature of
the motion of a moving object.

Internal Force
Ø A person inside a vehicle tries to push it.'
Ø Vehicles exert the same force but in opposite direction on humans as they do
on human beings. Therefore, the resultant force of the whole system is "0".
R Ø No internal forces can cause any movement.

Newton's first law

Important facts about Newton's first law

01. Inertia
Ø This refers to the reluctance to change the status of an object.
For example, when a train engine is pulled by a person, a high effort must be made to keep it moving at
the start.
The reason for this is the reluctance of the train to move from being stationary i.e. it is inertia.
Then a high effort must be made externally to immobilize the moving train.
This is due to the reluctance of the moving train to stand still. This is also the inertia.
Ø According to Newton's first law, an object that is stationary tends to remain in stationary while a moving
object tends to move continuously. This is built because of the inertia.
02. Mass of inertia and mass of gravity
¤ Mass of inertia
The mass is created by the diffusion of particles formed an object. Mass of inertia can be defined as
follows. F
a =m m=Mass of inertia

Ø The force that must be exerted on an object to give a unit acceleration is called the mass of inertia.
Ø As the mass of inertia of an object increases, the object's inertia also increases.
Ø Mass of inertia is an important quantity for measuring the inertia.

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¤ Mass of Gravity
Gravitational mass is the mass calculated after weighing by a spring or disc balance.
Ø In Advanced Level Physics, both gravitational mass and mass of inertia are considered the same.
Ø Mass is a constant anywhere in the universe. This is a basic physical quantity. That is, it cannot be
defined by other physical quantities.

03. Recommendation Frames of inertia

A frame that has no external unbalanced force i.e. will not subject to acceleration is called an inertial
recommendation frame.

Newton's first law conforms to inertial frames.

Linear Momentum (P)

Ø Any moving object has a momentum.

Ø The momentum of an object moving linearly is the multiple of mass and velocity of that object.
M Momentum = Mass « Velocity
P= m« u

Momentum is a vector.
Ø The direction of momentum is the same as the direction of velocity.
Ø The magnitude as well as the direction must be constant for the momentum to be constant
A child moves in a circular path with uniform velocity as shown below.
Ø Since velocity is not constant, (direction) momentum is not constant.


In momentum( Derivative Units = kgms-1 ´ s-1

-1 -2
Units = kgms Dimensions = [P] = [mu] = (kgms-1
= Ns

Momentum Difference
The momentum can change as the magnitude or direction of the velocity of an object whose mass is
constant changes.

Linear momentum difference = Final linear momentum - Initial linear momentum

Find the momentum difference in the following systems

m m
1' u v =

m m
2' u v =

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3' u
30° 30° m 2 2
S = ÖP + Q - 2PQ cosq
60° 60°

i. mu

60° =


ii. mu sin 30 mu cos 30

mu cos 30 mu sin 30

Newton's second law

Let us consider an instance in which a velocity of an object of mass m increases to a velocity of v from the a
velocity of u within a t time due to a force F.
Final momentum = (mv)
F M m v
u Initial momentum = (mu)
t=O t=t
Momentum Difference = (mv) - (mu) = m (v-u)
mu mv

The rate of change of momentum = Momentum Difference According to Newton's 2nd law,
Time (v-u)
(v-u) v-u
m (v-u) F=km
= t ; a= t
F = ma
m (v-u)
t According to experimental data k = 1

Newton's second law

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F = ma
¥ Definition of a Newton. 1 N = 1kg ×1 ms

Force is a vector
Units Dimensions
F = ma [F] = [m] [a]
-2 -2
=kgms / N =MLT

The force required to give an acceleration of one meter per square second (ms ) for a 1kg mass is 1N.

Things to consider when applying Newton's second law

1) F=ma should be applied along a specific direction.

2) When there is a force system, the resultant force along the applying direction must be substituted for F.
3) Acceleration relative to the ground should be substituted for ‘a’.

Newton's third law

Applying F = ma

1' An object with a mass of 0.1kg hits a vertical wall at a velocity of 15ms and bounces back at a velocity of 10

1. What is the average force applied on the object by the wall?

F = ma
0.1kg -1


2. What is the force applied on the wall by the object

When there is a system of objects

01' Horizontal movement.

R1 R2
Two objects of mass 5kg and 3kg are placed on a smooth horizontal 16 N
plane and a force of 16 N is given to the large object. Find the R3 R3
acceleration of the system and the reaction between objects.
50N 30N

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01' At the beginning you need to find the common acceleration of the system by applying F=ma to the whole
system at the beginning. In this case, the reciprocal reaction is the internal forces.
To the system

02' When an internal force is heard, a sub-mass must be considered in order to make it an external force.

5 kg 2ms
16 N R3
3 kg

Ø The acceleration that exists for any system also exists for its subunits.

03. Now if this 16 N force act in opposite directions through 3kg, what is the reaction on each other?

R4 R4 16 N

The magnitude of the perpendicular reactions between objects varies according to the direction applied on a
02' An object moving on an inclined plane

Two objects were placed in contact with each other, on a smooth plain inclined to 30° to the horizontal as shown
below, and an F forces is applied upwards along the plane of inclination. (q=30°, M=80kg, m=20kg, F=100N )
01' Draw a free force diagram.


02' What is the acceleration of the system upwards 03' What is the reaction force between the two objects?
along an inclined plane?

q F = ma q F = ma

When applying F=ma, the total mass of the considered system should be substituted for m.

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03'When there are systems with strings

Two objects of mass 10kg and mass 12kg are tied together by a light inextensible string and pulled by a force
of 44 N.
01' Draw a free force diagram.

Tensions on strings

R1 R2

44 N

100 N 120 N
Tensions on the object

02' Find the acceleration of the system. 03' Find the tension of the string.

To the system F = ma To the system, F = ma

When applied F=ma to the system itself, tensions are internal force.

04. Systems with strings that are not light.

The tensions of light inextensible strings are constant at each point, and the tensions vary from point to point
on heavy strings.
Two masses of 5kg and 3kg are connected by an inextensible string of mass 2kg and pulled by a
force of 20 N.
1' Draw a free force diagram. 4' Find the tension of the string at point B.
R T1 T2 R2
2 kg F = ma
20 N
T1 c T2

50 N 30 N 5' Find the tension of the string at point C.

2' Find the acceleration of the system.
F = ma
F = ma

3' Find the tension of the string at point A.

F = ma

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05' Applying F=ma for pulleys

Ø The tension on both sides of the smooth pulleys are
similar, allowing the string to slip through the
T T T1 T2
pulley without rotating.
Ø The tension on either sides of a rough pulley
changes and the string travels through the pulley, The pulleys are rough
The pulleys are smooth
rotating the pulley. The tensions on both sides are equal The tensions on both sides are equal
Two objects of mass m and 2m are sent through a smooth pulley with a light inextensible string and the system is
1' Draw a free force diagram. 2' Find the acceleration of the system.

A F = ma B F = ma

A a
2 mg B
3' Find the tension of the system. 4' What is the force exerted by the system
on the ceiling?
From 1 The vertical equilibrium of the pulley


Ø There is no resultant force because the pulley is in equilibrium.

Ø When an external force is applied to a string, the tension is activated in the same way as that external
But when the system is released with the same load externally as in the above problem, the string is
subjected to less tension.
06' Systems with different accelerations
Suppose that two objects A and B start at rest and are displaced as follows within the same time period.
U=0 U=0
x 2x
t=0 t=t t=0 t=t
Displacement x 2x 1:2
x 2x
Velocity t t 1:2
Acceletation x = x 2x 1:2
t´t t2 t2
In systems moving at the same time,
The ratio between accelerations = the ratio between velocities = the ratio between displacements

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07' The motion of an elevator

1. Objects with a density greater than the density of the surrounding medium
Ø The readings on a disk scale are the value of its perpendicular reaction. (Compression balance, the reading
of a spring balance is the tension of the string on the side that shows its reading).

An object with a density greater than the density of the surrounding medium is considered to be hung separately
from a ceiling-mounted spring balance or compression balance.

Reading = Mass

The reading of a spring or disk

balance is the visible mass and it
must not be equal to the actual
Let's consider force only the man

mg mg
R = mg T = mg
Consider the readings on the scales in each of the following cases.
1. When the elevator is at a constant velocity or at rest,

The visible mass is equal to the actual mass

2' When moving the elevator up at an acceleration of ‘a’

a) If the acceleration is 'a' (a > g) T

b) a = g ^When rising up with gravitational acceleration)
R = 2mg T = 2mg
Ø As the elevator moves upward with acceleration, the visible reading is greater than the actual
Ø If the lever moves in the opposite deceleration in the same way, the reading is same as above.

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3' When moving the elevator down with an acceleration of ‘a’

a) a < g
R a

mg mg
As the elevator accelerates downwards, the visual reading shows less than the actual reading.
b) a = g ^When falling down freely under gravity&

Currently the scale reading is '0' and it feels weightless.'
c) a > g


Ø The visual reading is ‘0’ and the direction of the perpendicular reaction changes as it travels down with an
acceleration greater than the gravitational acceleration.
Ø All three of the above instances a,b and c are similar to an instance where an elevator moving upwards with
a deceleration.
2. The inverse of the above phenomenon is true for objects in a medium less than the density of the
surrounding medium.

a a He

08' The position of a pendulum in a cabin when it moves horizontally.

1. An instance where the density of a pendulum is greater than the density of the
surrounding medium
a) A compartment is at rest or moving horizontally at a constant velocity.
T From vertical equilibrium
T = mg

The pendulum is vertical because there is no horizontal external

unbalanced force.

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b) When the compartment moves horizontally with an acceleration of ‘a’

T q
q T B


Describe the motion relative to A. (Inertial frame) Relative to B^Relative to the non inertial frame&
T cos q

The forces should be mentioned as follows to describe

the motion of the pendulum according to Newton's B
second law q
T sin q
To consider the equilibrium, mg For the pendulum to
force remain in vertical equilibrium
F = ma
For acceleration to exist, there must be an external
T cos q - mg = m(0)
unbalanced force in that direction. That is T sin q .
T cos q = mg
This allows A to understand the motion of the
pendulum. To create this force the pendulum is tilted Ø Because of this. B can be understood that the
against the direction of motion. pendulum is in vertical equilibrium.
F = ma Ø But according to B, there is no horizontal
acceleration to the pendulum. Then a force must
build up by B in the opposite direction to balance
Finding the vertical inclination,
T sin q. It is an invisible force.

This is called the centrifugal force.

Ø Thus Newton's second law is true only in relative to the inertial frame. Newton's second law is true for non-
inertial frames.
The same phenomenon can be done by slowing down towards the opposite direction.

c) The compartment moves with a deceleration = By the equilibrium of the head

(-a) T cos q = mg (1)

q T F = ma
- T sin q = m (-a)
T q
T sin q = ma (2)

mg (2) T sin q mg
(1) T cos q mg
tan q = g
-1 a
q = tan ) )
Ø The deceleration occurs because T sin q occurs to the opposite the direction of motion.
Ø If accelerated in the opposite direction, the pendulum become inclined as above.

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2. The motion of an object with a density less than that of the surrounding medium
Consider an instance where He gas filled balloon is tied to the bottom of a compartment.
1' Stationary or
2' Acceleration 3' Deceleration
Uniform velocity a (-a)

He He
mg He
T q q

09' The motion of a water vessel moving horizontally

a) When the water vessel is at rest or moving at a uniform velocity,
Ø Consider a water particle of mass m on the surface of water.

Ø Since there is no external imbalance force, every water particle

mg is in dynamic equilibrium during motion.

b) When moving with an acceleration of 'a',

Method I Method II

(-a) (-a)

h h
q q

l l
Before the acceleration During the acceleration Before the acceleration During the acceleration

If the inclination of the water surface to If the inclination of the water surface to
the horizontal is q,” the horizontal is q,

F = ma

By equilibrium,

The upward thrust force builds up the external unbalanced force, which is explained in hydrostatics.

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c) When the water vessel moves with a deceleration of zaz"

(-a) F = ma

R R sin q = m (-a)
R sin q = ma (1)
mg By equilibrium,
R tan q = mg (2)
(1) tan q a
Before the acceleration During the deceleration , =
(2) g
q = tan (a/g)

Ø An external unbalanced force will act towards the opposite direction of motion,

10. The force exerted by a fluid flow

Let us consider the case where a volume of water of density r flowing in a tube of cross-sectional area A at a
velocity of V, strikes on a wall and becomes stationary without bouncing.

The force that builds up on the water flow by the wall

V l
can be built as follows,

V The length of the water flow that travels in 1 second is l =V

A A The volume of the water flow that travels in 1 second = AV
The mass of the water flow that travels in 1 second is = VAr
(r= m /v)

¥ The force generated due to the fluid flow ¥ The power generated due to the
fluid flow
If the force exerted on the flow of water is F,
Work } Median Force « Displacement
F « d
F = ma
F = m (v-u)
Work =
2( (
F+0 «d

m (0 - ( - v)) Power (p) } Work $ Time
F =
t F
F = rAvxv p = 2
2 t
F = rAv
p F
= 2 « dt
Ø A similar force is exerted by the flow of water in the opposite
direction on the wall. p F « v
= 2
Ø If the fluid flow bounces, the build-up force is greater than
this value. 1 2
= 2 rAv « v
1 3
p = 2 rAv

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Multiple Choice Questions

01' In which of the below situations may not need a force

1) To increase a speed of a moving object 2) To change the moving direction of an object
3) To decrease a speed of a moving object 4) To stop objects falling down under gravity
5) To keep objects moving with constant velocity

02' Which of the following objects of mass M has the greatest acceleration?

50N 50N 50N 50N 50N 50N 50N 50N

> M M > M > M > M >
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

03' As shown in the figure, a child is holding a strong magnet with the help of sticks in front of a
trolley. If the trolley is on smooth rails, what is/are the correct statements from below?
1) Travels with a uniform velocity
2) Travels with a uniform acceleration
3) Accelerates initially and then travels with a uniform velocity
4) Does not move
5) Travel a distance and becomes rest

04' As shown in the figure, two blocks with masses W1 and W2 are kept on a smooth horizontal W1
surface touching each other. F force is act on W1. What is the correct diagram from below? F W2

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
F p F P P
W2 W2 W2 W2 W2
W1 W1 W1 W1 W1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
05' When 2 objects A and B collide with each other, in which of the following figures, the action (FA) and the reaction (FR)
forces are correctly marked on objects?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

06' A bird is inside a closed box which is on a balance. The meter reading of the balance is W when the bird
is in the bottom of the box. What is the meter reading of the balance when the bird stays flying on a
stationary point inside the box but away from the bottom?
1) > w 2) <W 3) W
4) Depend on the flying direction of the bi rd
5) Depend on the flying speed of the bird

07' Consider below statements on inertia of an object.

a. The dislikeness of a moving object to become rest is called its inertia
b. The dislikeness of an object in rest to move is called its inertia
c. The inertia of an object depends on the mass
1) a only 2. a and b only 3. a and c only 4. b and c only 5). All a,b and c

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08' Consider below statements action force and reaction force.

(A) They are equal in magnitude
(B)They act on a same object
(C)They act in opposite directions
1. Only A is true 2. Only A and B are true 3. Only A and C are true
4. Only B and C are true 5. All A, B and C are true

09' As shown in the figure, sand falls vertically with a uniform rate to a stripe which carries goods
horizontally with a uniform speed. The maximum force given to the stripe by an electric motor
is 80N. If sand falls with a rate of 50 Kgs-1, what is the maximum speed of the stripe?
3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1' 4 x 10 ms 2' 0'625 ms 3' 1'6 ms 4' 40 ms 5' 400 ms

10' As shown in the figure, a roller of mass 500kg moving with a uniform velocity of 1 ms-1 on a
horizontal surface hits on as mooth vertical wall and becomes rest within 0.5s. What is the
horizontal force creating by the roller on the wall?
1' 5000 N 2' 3000 N 3' 2000 N 4' 1000 N 5' 500 N

11' A ball of mass 0.145 kg releases from a hand of a cricketer at a speed of 40ms-1. If the ball travels a horizontal distance of
2m front before release during the action of throwing, what is the mean force applied by the cricketer on the ball?
1' 19 N 2' 29 N 3' 36 N 4' 42 N 5' 58N

12' A vehicle with a mass of 1000 kg travels with a speed of 20ms-1 along horizontal road. The speed of the vehicle reduces
up to 10 ms-1 within 5s after releasing the accelerator. The net resistance force act on the vehicle would be,
1' 100N fõ' 2' 1000N 3' 2000 N 4' 4000 N 5' 5000N
13' An ant of mass 2x 10-6 Kg (2 milli grams) who is in rest at the edge of a smooth
horizontal stripe is removed by blowing from the mouth within 0.2s. The
blowing direction is horizontal as shown by arrows in the figure. If the ant is
thrown with a horizontal velocity of 0.5 ms-1 towards the blowing direction,
what is the mean force creates on the ant by the blowing?
-6 -5 -5 -3 -3
1' 5 x 10 N 2' 1x 10 N 3' 2x 10 N 4' 1x 10 N 5' 5x 10 N

14' A mass of 2kg slides along a horizontal surface. The figure shows the 4
variation of displacement of mass x, with time (t). Resultant force (F)
act on moving direction does not change in 0 < t < 2, 2 < t < 4 and 4 < t < 5
time periods. Which of the below shows the magnitude of (F) correctly
at each time period?
F (N) F (N) F (N)
(0 < t<2) (2 < t<4) (4< t<5)
1' 0 0 0
2' 0 1.5 0 0
2 4 t(s)
3' 0 2 0
4' 1 0 0
5' 2 1.5 1

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15' Two masses m and M which are kept on a frictionless horizontal surface are connected
by a spring with a negligible mass. Two masses press each other as the spring get m M

compressed and released. If the initial acceleration of mass m is a, what is the magnitude
of the acceleration of mass M?
ma Ma ma Ma (M+m)a
1' (M+m) 2' 3' 4' 5'
(M+m) M m m

16' The graph shows the decreasing of the mass of fuel (m) with time (t) in a rocket
which travels out of the earth perpendicular to the earth surface. If the air resistance
is neglected and the thrust create by fuel is constant, which graph shows that
accurately. t

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

u u u u u

t t t t t


17. Two boys, A and B, standing on a horizontal ice surface move apart by pushing each
other. The weight of A is twice that of B. By the time A has moved 4m the distance
moved by B is,
1' 0 2' 2 m 3' 4m 4' 8m 5' 12m

18' Two blocks A and B of masses 2kg and 1kg respectively are in contact on a
frictionless table. When a horizontal force F is applied on A as shown in the F 1kg
figure, the force exerted by B on A is 1 N. If instead the same force is applied B
to B in the opposite direction, force exerted by A on B is,
1' 0.5 N 2' 1N 3' 2N 4' 4N 5. 5N

19' Two masses M and m touching each other are kept on a smooth horizontal table. A horizontal
force of F is applied on M as shown. Find the magnitude of the force act on B. A B

1. 0 2. F 3. mF
F M m
4. M 5.

20' Two masses connected by a light string are kept on a smooth F = 20M
horizontal table and pull as shown in the figure. What is the 4 kg 6 kg
tension of the string connected two masses?
1) 4 N 2) 8 N 3) 12 N 4) 20 N 5. 30 N

21. The frictional force of mentioned masses is negligible. If the P m m
applied force is P, find the tension in the string between B and C.

1) Zero 2) P .3) P 4) P 5 ) 3 .
2 4 4P

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22. Four similar trailers are connected to each other by chains as shown in T
the diagram and are pulled by a force of 2.15 x 10 N. If chains too are
4 3 2 1 F
equal in all aspects and weight of each chain is equal to one tenth of the
weight of the trailer, the tension on the chain at the 2 trailer end which
st nd
connects the 1 and the 2 trailers are given by (neglect frictional forces)
2. 1.60 x 103 N 3. 1.65 x 103 N 4. 1.75 x 103 N
1. 0 5. 2.20 x 10 N

23. A child of mass w hanged on a light inelastic string from either sides and in rest as shown in the figure. If s
the mass of the spring balance is negligible, the meter reading would be,
1. 0 2. w/4 3. w/2 4. w 5. 2 w

24. The figure (A) shows two masses 100N and 400N fixed to a light string passing over a
frictionless smooth pulley. Figure (B) shows when the higher mass object is removed
from the string and is pulled by a force of 400N. The acceleration of mass of 100N at
two instances respectively,
1. 0.6 ms-2 and 3 ms-2 2. 6 ms-2 and 6 ms-2 3. 10 ms-2 and 10 ms-2 100N 100N

4. 6 ms-2 and 40 ms-2 5. 6 ms-2 and 30 ms-2

400N 400N
(A) (B)

25. In the given diagram the force F is exerted on the pulley which is assumed to
be weightless and frictionless. If the frictional force acting on the massm is f,
the acceleration of m is, m

f F-f F +f F - f F + f
1. m 2. m 3. m 4. 2m m 5. 2m m

26. A man with a mass of 60 kg is standing on a spring balance inside a lift. The man noticed that the meter reading of the
changes from 60kg to 50kg and again to the initial value. The conclusion is,
1) The lift travels upwards with a uniform velocity
2) The lift travels downwards with a uniform velocity
3) The lift travels downwards with a uniform acceleration
4) The lift suddenly stopped when travelling downwards
5) The lift suddenly stopped when travelling upwards

27. A football is inside the bottom of a lift. The lift started to move downwards with an acceleration more than g. Which
diagram among below shows the location of the ball after a long time?

$ $ $ $ $
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. A motor vehicle travels towards right side horizontally. If a cricket ball is
hanged, the reason to see the mentioned figure relative to the earth would be,
(glasses are closed tightly)
1) Accelerate the vehicle towards right side 2) Accelerate the vehicle towards left side
3) Move the vehicle with a uniform velocity 4) The vehicle is stationary
5) Wind blow to the back side

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29. A balloon filled with H2 is fixed inside a bus which is travelling horizontally towards right side with acceleration.
Glasses of the bus are closed tightly. The location of the balloon would be,

1. V........ 2. 3. 4. 5.
30' Consider a balloon of negligible mass connected to one end of a light string.
The other end of the string shown in the figure is connected to the bottom of a
0 water tank fixed to a truck. The balloon is fully immersed in water. The
motion of the truck is shown in by below velocity – time graph. Which of the
below figures best represent the location of the sting and the balloon inside
the water tank at t1, t2 and t3 time periods?

2. 3.
t1 t2 t3
t1 t2 t3 t1 t2 t3

4. 5.
t1 t2 t3 t1 t2 t3 B C P
31' As shown in the figure, an object with mass m and a balloon filled with Helium are fixed to points A E
O on the roof and the floor in a compartment of a train. If the place of mass m is P when the train
accelerates, what is the most suitable place which the balloon could be placed at?
1' A 2' B 3' C 4' D 5' E

32' Water emits from a horizontal pipe with a cross sectional area of 10-2m-2 in a velocity of 15 ms-1 and hits on a vertical
wall. By considering that water does not bounce, the force creates on the wall by water would be,
1' 225 N 2' 1125 N 3' 2250 N 4' 3275 N 5' 4500 N

33' Water emits from a horizontal pipe with a cross sectional area of A in a velocity of 3V and hits on a vertical wall. If water
bounces with a velocity of v and the density of water is p, the force creates on the wall by water would be,
2 2 3 3 2 2
1' 4rV 2' 2A rV 3' 4ArV 4' 12A rV 5' 4A rV
Answers for MCQ
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33.

v Past Paper
01. A liquid of density P that flows through a horizontal tuve of cross sectional area A at a speed if 3V hits on to a
wall and flows down it. The force that is created by the liquid on the wall it?
1. 3rAv2 2. 0rAv2 3. 18rAv2 4. 9rA2V2 5. 18rA2v2

02. Two identical blocks A and B connected by a light spring are suspended by a string 2021 A/L
attached to the ceiling as shown in the figure. Initially the system is at rest and then
suddenly the string breaks. Immediately after the string is broken, what will be the
downward acceleration of the upper block A? A
1. 0 2. 2 3. g
. 4. 2 g 5. 2g
1. 2. B
2023 A/L

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Essay type questions related to Newton's Laws

01' The velocity of a moving object of mass 5kg, changes from 2ms-1 to 7 ms-1 within 10s due to a force act on the object.
Find the magnitude of the force if the moving object does not change its direction. ^2.5 N&
02' A stripe which travels horizontally with a constant speed of 2ms-1 is used to
transport cement in a cement factory. Cement falls to the stripe with a rate of 2kgs-1. 2 kgs-1
What is the extra force which should be applied by the motor connected to the
stripe, to keep the velocity constant? (4N)
03. A bullet of mass 60 g travels at a velocity of 200ms-1. It hits on a wooden block horizontally and penetrates the same
with a velocity of 100ms-1. The wooden block applies a constant resistant force of 6000 N to the bullet. Find the
thickness of the wooden block and the time taken by the bullet to penetrate the wooden block. (15 cm 0.001 s)

04. A and B are two trolleys with mass of 20 kg and 8 kg. The string is light and the A B
trolleys touch the ground smoothly. If the system is pulled by a horizontal external
force of F= 56 N, find the tensions of the string at the point which it connects to A, at F
the point connected to B and the midpoint. Imagine the string is with a uniform
length and 2kg mass. If F = 90 N force is applied, find the acceleration of the string
and tensions in each ends and the midpoint of the string. (66N)

05. The string of below mentioned are light and inelastic and touches the object smoothly. Find a value for the acceleration
for each masses.

2kg 5kg 50 N

· Find the accelerations and tensions of below systems.

06. 10 kg 07.
5k gB
2 kg 2k
30° 60°

08. The mass of the spring balance shown in the figure is 2kg and a monkey is hanged on the other side of
the string. Find the meter readings of the balance in below situations.
i. When the monkey is at rest (100N) ii. When it travels with a constant velocity (80N)
10 kg
iii. When it travels upwards along the string with an acceleration of 0.5 ms-2 (85N)
iv. When it travels downwards along the string with an acceleration of 0.5 ms-2 (75N) 2 kg

09. A pendulum is hanged on the roof of a motor vehicle which travels along a horizontal road. The vehicle starts to travel
from rest and the pendulum makes an angle of 150 to the vertical within first 10s. After 2 minutes, the pendulum located
in vertical. The motor vehicle stopped after decelerating within 20s. (tan 15 = 0.27) (tan-1 0.135=704’)
i. What is the acceleration of the vehicle? ii. Draw the velocity time graph for the motion of the vehicle.
iii. Find the total distance of the motion and the deceleration (3645 m)
iv. What is the angle of the pendulum to the vertical within the time of deceleration of the motor vehicle? (704')

10. A flow of water projects horizontally with a velocity of 2 ms-1 from a pipe with a cross sectional area of 5 cm2. The
density of water is 1000 kgm-3. If the flow of water hits on a wall and filter along the wall, find the force exerted by the
water on the wall. (2N)
11. A horizontal flow of water hits on a vertical wall with a velocity of 20 ms-1. The cross sectional area of water flow is
5x10-4 m2. The density of water is 1000 kgm-3, imagine that the water become rest after hitting on the wall. Find the force
exerted on the wall. (200 N)
12. The mass of a helicopter is 3000 kg and the radius of the fan is 5 m. (Consider as

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Ø Building very large values of force in a very short period of time is an impulse.
Ø The impulse due to any external unbalanced force can be shown as follows.

Impulse = Force X Time I=Fxt

Ø Impulse is a vector. Its direction of it is obtained from the direction of the force.
Units = kgms ´ s
Dimensions = MLT-1
= kgms / Ns
Ø The impulsive force is the external unbalanced force and the impulse is I.
According to F= ma
F = m ( v-u (
t I = Dmv
F ´t = mv - mu
Impulse = momentum difference

Ø Consider the instance of building a force on an object using two light strings as shown below.

wWhen a gradually increasing force is applied below B, the resulting tension and
the weight of the object cause the string A to break first. A

w If force is applied on B by an instantaneous vibration, the string B undergoes a mg

great tension due to a momentum transformation in a very short time. Therefore, B

the string B breaks first.

What is the momentum difference when a 10 N force is activated over a period of 4s?
I = Dmv

Area of an F-t graph

§ The physical quantity obtained by multiplying the quantities of two axes is represented by the area formed by
the graph with the X axis.
§ Hence, the momentum change or impulse is obtained from the area formed with the time axis of the F-t graph.

Area = F ´ t = D mv = I

I1 - I2 = Dmv
Impulse is a vector, so if there is an area on both sides of the time axis,
then the total momentum difference is given by its difference.


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TUTE 1.0 Newton's Law

Drawing variations in velocity with varying forces.

The variable forces are applied to an object at rest in each of the following cases. The corresponding velocity
time graphs can also be shown as follows.
According to F=ma, if F is constant, ‘a’ must also be constant. If F increases, ‘a’ should be increases. If
F decreases, ‘a’ should also be decreases.

1. 2. 3.
t t
1 2 F
a a

t t t

v v

t t t

Multiple Choice Questions


01' A ball with a mass of m hits on a wall with a velocity of u and start to bounce. The F0
collision is elastic. The force creates between the ball and the wall (F) varies with
time (t) is as mentioned in the diagram. The value of F0 would be, r
0.5T T
1' mu/ T 2' 2mu/ T 3' 4mu/ T 4' mu/ 2T 5' mu/4T

02' A body of mass 5 kg is subjected to a force (F) which varies with time (t) 10
as shown in the graph. The momentum gained by the body is,
1' 350 Ns 2' 80Ns 3' 70Ns
4' 40 Ns 5' 20 Ns 0 2 4 6 8 10 t(s)

03' A ball of 0.5kg which is in rest initially is pushed down by a bat. The
variation of force (F) with time (t) is shown in the graph. The sped of the
ball when release form the bat would be, 2-
-1 -1 -1 1-
1' 10 ms 2' 8 ms 3' 6 ms

-1 -1 t(ms)
4' 4 ms 5' 2 ms 1 2

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04' A cricket ball with a mass of 0.15 kg flies with a speed of 20 ms-1 before the
batsman hits ball. The graph shows the variation of force (F) creates on the F(N)

ball by the bat after the collision with the bat with time (t). If the ball bounces
13 500
to the opposite direction, what would be the speed of the cricket ball after
the collision?

1' 20 ms
2' 25 ms
3' 65 ms
-1 0 t(s)
4' 70 ms-1 5' 110 ms-1

05' The variation of the resultant force acting on a system of mass 5 kg with 5
time is shown in the graph. The momentum gained by the system after 10s

1' 0 2' 5Ns 3' 40Ns

0 2 4 6 8 10 t(s)
4' 50Ns 5' 60Ns

06' The velocity (V) – time (t) curve of a particle of mass m moving along a straight line v
is shown in the figure.
A. The particle returns to its initial position at the end of the motion. 0
t0 2t0
B. Acceleration of the particle does not change directions during the motion.
C. At the impulse acting on the particle is infinite.
Of the above statements,
1) Only A is true 2) Only B is true 3) Only C is true
4) Only A and B are true 5) All A, B and C are true

07' As shown in the diagram, a force (F) which changes with time (t) act on a
1000 -
vehicle of mass 104 kg which is in rest initially on frictionless rails. The
500 -
speed of the vehicle after 100s,

-1 -1 -1 25 50 75 100 r(s)
1' 2'5 ms 2' 5 ms 3' 7'5 ms - 500
4' 10 ms-1 fõ' 5' 15 ms-1

08' The figure shows how the force exerted by the ground on a person's feet F(N)
during vertical jump varies with time. The force (F) increases to the
average weight of the person from 650 N to 1430 N during 0.3s and
remains constant during 1s. Next the foot drops to zero when it gets out of
touch with the ground. How fast (velocity) did the person get off the 650
ground? t(s)
0.1 0.20.3 0.4
-1 -1 -1
1' 1 ms 2' 1'5 ms 3' 2 ms
-1 -1
4' 3 ms 5' 10 ms

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09' The graph shows the variation of horizontal force (F) given to an object with a F(N)
mass of 5kg which is kept stationary on a smooth horizontal plain with time (t).
Below graphs show the variation of velocity of the object. The graph which
shows the variation of velocity (v) with time (t) would be, t(s)
0 10 20
v v v v v

10 t 10 t 10 t 10 t 10 t

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
10' Two forces F1 (=10N) and F2 (=9N) are applied simultaneously to a stationary object at
time t=0 as shown in the figure. The force F2 is then increased suddenly to 10N at t=t1, F1 = 10N F2 = 9N
and the force F1 is completely removed at time t=2t1. Which of the following graphs
best represents the variation of the velocity (v) of the object with time (t)?
u u u u u

0 t1 2t1 t 0 t1 2t1 t 0 t 0 t 0 t
t1 2t1 t1 2t1 t1 2t1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answers for MCQ

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

v Past Paper
01. A body of mass 2 kg is initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. Then a 10
horizontal force F varying with time t as shown in the figure acts on the body
during 6s. What is the final velocity of the body?
-1 -1 -1 0 (S)
1. 20 ms 2. 25 ms 3. 30 ms 0 2 4 6
2022 A/L


Questions related to impulse

1' An object of 0.4 kg moving with a velocity of 20ms-1 is brought to stationary by a force of 50 N within
D t time.
i. What is the impulse created by the force? (8Ns) ii. Find D t? (0.16s)

2' Below equation shows the change in force with time when a bullet emits from a gun. F = 600 - 2x 105 t
Here shows the time in (s) and force in (N)
i. What is the value of F when t = 0? (600N)
ii. What is the value of t when F = 0? (3ms)
iii. Draw a graph to show the changes of t with F
iv. What is the impulse exerted by the gun on the bullet? (0.9 Ns)
v. What is the change in momentum difference of the bullet? (0.9 Kg ms-1)

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TUTE 1.0 Newton's Law

Law of conservation of Linear momentum

Consider a collision of two objects A and B that are moving in the same direction as shown below. These objects
are placed on a smooth plain.
Moments before collision collision Moments after collision
m1 u1 m2 u2 m1 m2 m1 m2
v1 v2
The force that occurs in a very short time at the moment of a collision is called the impulse force. This impulse is
not a constant value and varies as follows. But the forces that build up on each other are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.
For the colliding instance,
A F = ma
FAB = FBA = F v 1 - v1
-F = m1 ( t (
-Ft = m1v1- m2v2 1

B F = ma
The proof is done considering the median
force of the force built here as F.
F=m ( v -t u (
2 2

Ft = m2v2- m2u2 2
1 + 2 m1u2+ m2u2 = m1v1+ m2v2
This is a straight linear phenomenon.
Moment just before the collision = Moment just after the collision

Law of conservation of linear momentum

This can be shown as follows.

F = ma
F=m v-u( t (
Ft = mv - mu
It takes time for a velocity change to happen. Hence t ¹ 0
0 = mv - mu
If there is no external unbalanced force then F= 0. Hence mv = mu

Requirements for validation of conservation of linear momentum

An external unbalanced force must not act along the considered direction.
The important point of the law of conservation of linear momentum.

Ø Can be applied in any linear direction without external unbalanced force. That is, it must be
applied in a specific direction.
Ø If there is an external imbalance force, it can be applied in a perpendicular direction.
Ø Can be applied to reciprocal systems that act as gravitational force and static electricity.
Ø Can be applied for collisions, explosions, radioactive decay and nuclear reactions.
Ø When applying the law of conservation of Linear Momentum, the direction must be specified.

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¥ Find the velocities of the objects in each of the following cases.

01' When moving objects towards the same direction
u1 = 4 ms v1 = 2ms
2kg u2 = 0 2kg 3kg
By law of conservation of linear momentum,
Total momentum before = Total momentum after

02. When objects move in the opposite direction.

-1 -1 -1
u1= 2 ms u2=5 ms v1=1ms v2= ?
5kg 2kg 5kg 2kg

By using the law of conservation of linear momentum,

Total momentum before = Total momentum after

Ø The velocity is actually in the same direction as marked. If so, it should be a positive momentum.
Ø If there is a velocity in the opposite the direction in which the momentum is applied, it must be
03. Reasons to move together after a collision
m1 and m2 move jointly after the collision. Find the velocity of the system.
u1 u2
m1 m2 m1 m2 v=?
By law of conservation of linear momentum,
Total momentum before = Total momentum after
m1u1 + m2u2 = (m2+m2)v
mu +mu
v = 1m1 + m2 2
1 2
If objects join with each other after collision, the momentum after the collision should be written as a single object.
w A child of mass 50kg stops after running on a trolley of mass 10kg which was at rest. What is the new
velocity of the system?
6 ms v
10 kg u=0

50 kg
By law of conservation of linear momentum,
Total momentum before = Total momentum after

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04. The motion of explosive objects

The bomb of mass 6kg explodes into 2 pieces in the direction indicated below.

6kg 2kg 4kg

2 ms
-1 v

I. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the piece with 4kg mass?
By law of conservation of linear momentum,
Total momentum before = Total momentum after

What is the change in the center of gravity of the composite system? (Horizontal change only)

05' When there are velocities in two directions perpendicular to each other,

Two objects collide as shown below. Find the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the object with 3kg
-1 -1
mass. -1
2 ms Ums
2 ms 2 ms
-1 2kg 3kg v ms

2kg 3 ms 3kg
1 ms
2 2
By law of conservation of linear momentum, R= V +U
By law of conservation of linear momentum, The inclination to the horizontal
Momentum before} Momentum after Momentum before} Momentum after = 4 +4 ( ( tan q =
3 4/3
2 ´ 3- 2 ´ 3 = - 2 ´ 3 + 3v 2´2 = -2´ 1 +3u
= 52 ms-1
4 = 3v 4 +2 = 3u 9 = 6
4 -1
6 = 3u
v= ms
tan q = 3
3 -1
= 52 ms
u = 2 ms 9 2 -1
q = tan
If there are perpendicular velocities in the direction considered, they are not affected.

07. Use of momentum in terms relative velocities

When solving problems with relative velocities, it is easier to apply momentum conservation relative to the
ground so that there is no unbalanced force. In this case, no external unbalanced force is exerted on the
system. A child of mass m runs simultaneously from one end to the other end of a trolley of mass M. The
momentum for the system can be applied as follows.

u By law of conservation of linear momentum,
M O = mu - Mv
mu = Mv
The trolley moves backwards due to the resistance caused by
the leg when child runs.

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TUTE 1.0 Newton's Law

Kinetic Energy (KE)

An object that is moving in any way has a kinetic energy and that is as follows.
KE = 1 mu

Ø u = Is the velocity at the center of gravity (center of mass) of the object.

Ø The kinetic energy is a scalar.

Elastic and non-elastic collissions

In most collisions between objects, there is a chance that part of the kinetic energy at the beginning is converted
into other energy (heat, sound) and then the kinetic energy decreases. The reason for this is that part of the initial
kinetic energy is converted into other energy variants as mentioned above.
But total energy is conserved. Is constant.

01' Total elastic collisions

If the total kinetic energy of the system is institutional (constant) at the time of a collision, it is a total elastic
Such collisions are practically non-existent and the collision of two perfect gas molecules and collision of
two beet balls are almost elastic.

Important points

01. Only in case of total elastic collision

I. The law of conservation of linear momentum ,
ii. The law of kinetic energy can be applied.
02. Velocity is exchanged when two objects of equal mass collide totally elastically.

Consider each case below.

a) When one object is in still,
m u m u=0 m V1 m V2
By law of conservation of linear From kinetic energy conservation From 2 v1 = u - v2
momentum, 2 2 2
1 mu2+0 = 1 mv12 + 1 mv22 u = (u - v2) + v2
Tot mom before } Tot mom after 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
2 2
u = u - 2uv2+v2 + v2
mu + 0 = mv1 + mv2 u = v1 +v22 2
2uv2 = 2v22 v1 = u - u
u = v1 +v2 1 v1 = 0
v2 = u
Velocities are exchanged in a total elastic collision of equal masses.

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b) When objects have similar masses initially, they exchange velocities if they collide total elastically even
though they have initial velocities
Before the conflict After the conflict
1. m u1 m u1 m u2 m u1

2. u2
m u1 u2 m m m u1

· The objects below are identical and are placed on a smooth horizontal plane.
If the object A is moving at a velocity of u at the beginning, describe the final nature of the motion of each
A u B C D E

After the collision, E moves to the right at U velocity and the object A, B, C and D are stationary.

If a large mass collides with a stationary small mass, they move in the same direction after the collision.
M u m u=0 M v1 m v2

When a small mass collides with a large mass at rest, the small object moves in the opposite direction and the
larger object in the same direction.
m u M u=0 v1 m M v2

Inelastic collisions
If the kinetic energy of the system is damaged in the event of a collision, it is an inelastic collision.

For an inelastic collision,

1. But the total energy available in the system is conserved.
2. The linear momentum conservation law is valid.

Total inelastic collisions

If the total kinetic energy itself is damaged after the collision, that is, when there is no any velocity, it is a
completely an inelastic collision.
For example, when a lump of clay hits a wall, it sticks to the wall without bouncing again.
A bullet hits in a piece of wood and stops.
Because the impulse force after collision is so high, the law of linear momentum conservation can be
applied even if there are forces such as resistance and friction.

For a total inelastic collisions

The law of conservation of linear momentum is valid.

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Multiple Choice Questions

01. A 10N force is applied for 10ms time to an object which is on a smooth horizontal table. The change in momentum in SI
unit would be,
1. ``10-3 2. 0.1 3. 1.0 4. 102 5. 103

02. As shown in the figure, a child is holding a strong magnet with the help of sticks in front of a
trolley. If the trolley is on smooth rails, what is/are the correct statements from below?
1. Travels with a uniform velocity
2. Travels with a uniform acceleration
3. Accelerates initially and then travels with a uniform velocity
4. Does not move
5. Travel a distance and becomes rest

03. Two masses m and 4m are compressed against a string and kept on a smooth table.
The relationship between velocities VA and VB when two masses are released, m 4m
1) VA = VB 2) VA = 2VB 3) VA = 4VB
4) 2VA = VB 5) 4 VA = VB

04' A particle named A which is moving on a smooth horizontal table collides with another particle named B which is at rest
on the table. If the magnitude of initial momentum of A is P0, which graph shows the variation of momentum (p) of
objects with time (t)?
P0 P0 P0 P0 P0

0 t 0 t 0 0 t 0 t

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

05' Two children of equal masses are standing on two trolleys named A and B
which are in rest on frictionless horizontal surface. Child in A throws a ball of
mass m with a velocity of V relative to the ground and the child in B catches
the ball. If the mass of the trolley with a child is M, the final velocities of
trolleys A and B respectively,
1' -mv , -mv 2' -mv , mv 3' -mv , mv
M M+m M+m M + m M M+m
4' -mv , mv 5' -v, v
M-m M+m

06' A clay ball of mass 5 x 10-2 Kg moving with a velocity of 10ms-1 towards left direction horizontally collides with
another clay ball of mass 6 x 10-2 moving with a velocity of 12ms-1 towards right. If the two clay balls stick together after
the collision, the moving velocity of the combined object would be,
1' 0 2' 1 ms-1 3' 2 ms-1 4' 11 ms-1 5' 22 ms-1
07' Two objects collide face to face as shown in the figure. Consider below statements.
a. The magnitude of the impulse create on B by A is equal to the magnitude of the impulse create on A by B.
b. The change in momentum of A is equal to change in momentum of B only if the collision is totally elastic.
c. The collision is total elastic only if the kinetic energy of two objects does not destroyed by the collision.
Correct statements would be,
1. a only 2. b only 3. c only 4. a and b only 5. a and c only

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08' A particle with mass m moving with a speed of v hits on a surface with an angle of
450 and reflects with the same speed and making same angle as shown in the 0
figure. The total change in momentum of the particle would be,
1' 0 2' 2 mv 3' 2 2 mv 4' 2mv 5' mv

09' An object falling vertically downwards through air,blasts suddenly and separate in to four pieces. Which diagram
shows the direction of movements of pieces just after the blast? (The direction of motion of the object before blast :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

10' A dog of mass 10kg is standing beside in a flat boat of mass 40kg and length 8m. The
distance between the front of the boat and the river bank is 10m. The dog slowly walks
towards the bank and stops front of the boat. If the frictional force between water and the
boat is negligible, find the distance between the dog and the river bank.
1' 10.0 m 2' 8.4 m 3' 11.6 m 4' 8.0 m 5' 12.0 m

11' Six equal balls are kept touching each other on a smooth channel v
which is on a horizontal surface as shown in the figure. Two another
balls moving with a velocity of V collides with the 1st ball of the ball
system without destroying energy. After the collision,
1. The ball which is in the right side of the ball system moves with a velocity of V and other balls remain at rest.
2. The ball which is in the right side of the ball system moves with a velocity of 2V and other balls remain at rest.
3. The two balls which are in the right side of the ball system move with a velocity of V each, and other balls remain at
4. All balls in the ball system move with a velocity of V/6 each and the two balls moved initially remains at rest.
5. All balls move with a velocity of V/8 each.

12. Consider four metallic balls with identical volumes. Mass of first 03 balls is m each and the mass of the fourth ball is 2m.
They are kept in equal distance on a straight line. The first ball hits speedily on second ball, and then a total elastic
collision occurs between balls. Which of the below diagrams represents the motion of each ball after all collisions,
v v/2 v/2 3v/4
1. m m m 2m 2. v/3 m m m 2m 3. m m m 2m

v 2v/3 2v/3 5v/6

4. m m m 2m 5. m m m 2m

13' As shown in the figure, an object of mass m named A which is on a smooth horizontal surface moves with a velocity of u
towards X direction collides with an identical object named B and makes a total elastic collision. Velocities of A and B
1. 0, u along positive X direction
2. u/2 along positive X direction, u/2 along positive X direction
3. u/2 along negative X direction, u/2 along positive X direction
4. u along negative X direction, 0
5. 0, u/2 along positive X direction'

Answers for multiple choice question

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

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v Past Paper
01' A mass M moving on a smooth equiplanar surface at a speed 2v undergoes a complete inelastic collision with another
block of mass M moving towards that direction at a speed of V. What is the speed of the first block after the collision?
1V 3V
1' 0 2' 3' V 4' 2 5' 2V
2021- A/L
02' A ball is projected at a velocity of 10 ms-1 horizontally from the top edge of a building of 10 ms

height 20 m. While falling. the ball splits into two identical pieces. X and Y. Then pieces X
and Y hit the ground simultaneously at horizontal distances 10 m and R receptively from the 20m

building as shown in the figure. Neglect air resistance. What is the distance R? x Y
1' 20 m 2' 30 m 3' 40 m 4' 50 m 5' 60 m 10m
2022- A/L
03. Trolley X of mass m and trolley Y of mass M are moving in the same direction along a straight line on a
smooth horizontal surface, The speed of trolley X is twice that of trolley Y. When the two trolley collide both
move together with a common velocity. Due to the collision if the speed of the trolley Y is increased by 20%.
what will be ratio of M ?
1. 5 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2 5. 1
2023- A/L
1. 2. 3.

Questions related to linear momentum

01' A bullet with a mass of 20 g emits from a gun of 1kg with a velocity of 100ms-1. What is the turning velocity of the gun?

02' A ball with a mass of 0.1 kg moving with a velocity of 6ms-1 collides directly with another ball B of 0.2 kg which is at
rest. If two balls move outwards together, what is the common velocity? (2 ms-1)

03' A person with a mass of 80 kg standing on ice throws ice pieces of 0.2 kg horizontally with a speed of 30 ms-1. What is
the direction and speed of the motion of the person? If the person throws 4 ice pieces in every 3s, what is the mean force
acting on him? (0.075 ms , 8 N)

04' A bullet of mass 20 g moves vertically upwards and embedded on a wooden block of mass 4kg hanged by a string
vertically. After the wooden block raised up 2m with the bullet. What is the initial velocity of the bullet?(12712.4 ms-1)

05. A bullet of mass 20g penetrates a plate of M1 = 1 kg, embed to another plate of M2 = 2.98 Kg
and becomes rest. The plate was at rest initially and moves with equal velocities finally.
Show that the percentage loss of velocity is 25% when the bullet moves between M1 and M2.
Consider that there is no loss in mass of the bullet. M1 M2

06' A dog of mass 15 Kg is inside a corner of a boat of mass 30kg. Figure shows
the boat which is at rest on stationary water.
i. What is the velocity of boat relative to the ground when the dog walks
with a velocity of u along the boat? (u/2)
ii. What is the velocity of the dog relative to the boat? (3u/2)
iii. What is the time taken by the dog to come to the front corner of the boat?
iv. What is the distance between the dog and the river bank when the dog is
at the front corner of the boat? (35/3 m)

07' An object of mass 4 kg moving with a speed of 6 ms-1 towards right direction collides elastically on another object with
mass 2kg moving along the same direction with a speed of 3ms-1. Find the speeds of two objects after the collision.

Page 30

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