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HL oo _ _ _ > VaEPR_sheony explains Hee Le 2 geomet “af the _malecule.. _. padty. Repubsion > Sldawice and Powell ——_ ln, ‘tad _potnfed thatthe tt “Shapes af the onelecules a L __.can__be_predictedon the __ basia__ef electron pairs presen —cim the valonce Shel af the central dlem.” | = Central atom: A cenlrad _ atten _tin_any alem thal tl bonded te 400 oy anone {jf | a - : —~ ali ego alana | Moin ideas- —__—— | | bantaunding the contrat atom demo be crranged cin space Lp Boh Her Lene pains ued lao bond pains. paaitcctpale, din | Adler mniretng thes Jeornelay | of the mokeutes. arian de cannund the. certral Te ele cen pains (bot Lane. jas And Shared pains) | Lab fore epeeit aA passible ta rnininize thy electrostatic _ : eption. beliveen them | + Bticdalis ts Heng Fi ‘alleusing, ae. the postecledes. [ _ the “vaper theatiys. 2. The electrons _ pats ane| paged alam soa | to BoA 1 ee el Iie ———dlone._p sais cc a ——_h Space. pai “cata | lene pate. —Jenw ne pair > > Lene-paty=—_— | endl patty & bond. _paitez -loond_paiias| He Multiple __ bends. behave | __ ab single eleclron-pacy Lo tts the PUcipass. fh _VSPERe. = Be The 20_electvon pours i a _dauble bend Loy tate | — = electron pains of 0. a triple | bend) _ocuppy mane. “pce fs thant dhe ene_one: lech im I Path! Of a —tkag le bend 7 | > Bhapes, ‘| 7 ie to VSPER Bie Lives he ha thy. dhe ge — * wll eco “ele clren. P cS ¢ tat 6k eae ii aaa 3 EA) AZ tre pec. re | ne AY CI ) de (cet fas) — = at — ne He . "Ge Te Becta. —4 ohae 2. a 2 N — | hype 6} -malecaes, devo. ‘alechnes; peu, anced. he : centro abo ane erourged _|__ ak _fardhor distance. Apart at) _ an _LRnean, engle 460° to mimics | sopilsion bebureen Shem. _Crannple- Behe. ! __—_Nuaben_of slone=Ghoup = band | _ | Pe A Nurnber Pai (No atone wu , eat) : | t ‘Hlecfinn pais Bond pain mea ss poii= a+ | mie 2 Pincay 2 af el electron. pais can —cohangymen __ of electron pew vt —PGcemety ah de z est -(@-A 8) | > - ao | Bethe Mack | —| nal gfe ats et on lh aa . / | I g2-— I £4 I a. with Qoio past ALircto,s0,J | 2 no Qana, Eee, Mo type no ath no no fees — “aj — pe Ardinte — | A ~~] OO 7 i _ only by thee Bordérg __ eletlren “paits.. ty Noah [Band paiy 2 3 | Bond Ana hesn eee 1.08 ______| Ex GPs, fa eMs): AUPE dl dines PUys. B-3=0 | Eleclsen pow 2 Bto= 3 Tacgonok plano. > Avcengemont oh ntleceles AB, Jype- with 1. done pave. dhe, central atame fg __ Tn __auch Fy de rem | | sur nen ded by ea boripeain_ | | end 4 Lone pads — fl No.of Lone pain 4 ___ etek eleBton pans BP +P 7 fo P 2atr1=5 [ Geometry of, molecule x Bent on ergalay ve shape, Cdue 4a Lone. p od) | & f ra rales es de no, tone! pain 6 TG Lena par. Gan fo Pi, 2H-P P —& hanes pate. “(eanies). — = mle AB, , waith no Sone pair rien Joie ‘ih ne pait T— _humber, af Lone. pty. = = 20 i: | yo | humber [, Bond pain =. | - Tastes. no. af) electrons WHO = y __4 _ pati. Posen af molecule r Teh thea te > came’ Le 4 ty Shore ~ 0 | Bond sf - 10405 — AA = oon {| _| +b ttt BPH. 50% Dan | — ie __a xJB,, fy oe Loth 4 Aonecpaiie — —_ [saa Cus. /NE3)______—— — Dumber ef here pain = 4 ———..Nambew #f, bond pone > ___— —__ | Lambor of eleRron = HS ‘ “fee dmanienest Pra Teta edneday —_| _ => Geometiy. of. anohecule:: | te Tregona ee lia ) ——_|—> Bonds angle Aap Shan 1045 CORY ; __3 AB, - pe with J Juvo n2- a SE Nao, ae ene a _ Numbex of Lore paia = Fe ye ai vo : __ Number of Pond pata, = Neola a elecban mata al - j Pan t “Bent Jengularsy-shepe a “Bond Row - — tL ess Yhan 109° Ge Q a > Shape. es - eee hog tee Gene pain “(ees —_ Be A Lone por Bye) SFs Te aoe ____ Be 3. Benes pala (ABs) (COE) rawr a ; Ye B hone painlABs Ea) ef) kin Nee gr? 3 ass RAB with me. Lone-paise' | FH Fetch type Ale — | | | os mn0lecukes “all _bood pats a {a __paeserit.. no Pane. pee — $$ present, 1 * [Pls]: | | Number. of done Paur= =t | Number. eh Bond pao. 2 a a Nas of electron pacts =tl= =5 i __ > Py Arnongeneel a es | _& tt —————-— 20,6. ABs with 1 done pains In_Auch ype 5 AB | molecules, ged electro | fe + __ | 2A Uv one. fone” pai | —L eek a Bi [aan TT Numba. of, Lone. pais _L__—__;— | Numbev, af bend _paty 2 4 ———_ aL a na. of elation. _ 1142 5. —— iF > isang of “polecubes- t—— ___Tréganal bé-ppamidal Tre le ee aasul __@ = Bonds ftom a mi _- ABE */Bs_woit wo done pains. = 2 Hsu /p. | Number_ 2 done_pai N _\ —_Tete_ no. of electron. podn.2245=! | | 75 Annaagnect of,_naoleculler-——_— —_|__ —Tegpaae- bt-mpsunisal ee Tn auch ype of MB —TEnadecules tee. fons i ond 429 bond pain One. tie _ _ Number done pains - . ____Nitenbenw of bend pains. 2 Ie No. pairs 2S 4 2S a > emangrotatf rm alecuber. é | Tri gona if NTP” —|—- 22 ne fone pair. (all bend pair)' (8) 21 Mone peli (6 bnt_pain). __ Fs) BB Lener_pat (4 bend paix) ____ (Xe). | _4ABy_wiith No Lone pain 8 DBF). Gulphun hero-fboride) Number 66 hone paths bb=0 Numb of Berd pain 6 ____Noo, of, eleebiran pain = 0+6 <6 | __ A naanymed_ ama beetles — 0. che dortad aoncnsyant i. eee mares Jone. pons. [Bed et {Sharer sh bond. pains. Fo “Nae of ele elle ron patii.= = ae 6 | _ Axnrengemert. Gf vn olecede no a _Octahedrel_ —S _———— => Creams of mabe: Le oo Sypane._Py ea idad elas (Bond Angler 4" aes | i | 4 3 * AB, with th_4w00 Sone. pains Ee “Number of) done peebo= y_Hade Us 22) bor bend pace = y = hs 4 i N4Qe6 - I 1 a an Ce — Beal elodr mPa of malecslee me _ _ cage - =e - Geortrey of on oleccelet- te i— 7 ; Oqsare planar. | bho | © Q6 ce AW) F “4-NOx = (nituoniur fon) — Crlne® oleae atom hol 4 | eo_bond’ a. flection p ats. | | __ |. see be bahave.csiangln | bk 0 BP TG sitet on peur = 4 = => a — | + 480° bend angle ———__ ie + Y Opes— Bonk patve 4 ——._____ # Ellecbron. pain = U+o=¥ eT tehoahedrad - Sernaly a a # tehehedral annerypnent_ Be — # Bor'd angle cis 109-5° _: _——_——__- Band poin SL 2 - ——————}; —<—<—<—<— $$$ > deren Yeamnebay —— 1 __0=Q)=0 10% Nee _ NH Lone pains 5-4-4 2B aL ne: o lene pair 2 5-2tteyedup a 4 Electron paths” 2224 “s or is > => Beat “angular, Lerhedyal. | _ _gcomalr 4 -amnengmenh | se Vshape, regent benb — + Bird Angle ders than 409" (hs) OO _ > Shaper _ done pawy 7 —N _ t 60s - ike Bes) (AB then pave. = "h- % 2 B24 1 Band -peul_= -3 a a Pr Elechien pau = 3+t-4 WS tt Trigonal -phanan ee i Anglo Val eal roby — + bhapes— ae 7 5 fovey 30 =5- a2 3 | 4 +> S02: (bE). | “org > Lone, pot. ~ 6-4 92 Le > Bond potr_= 2, | Electron. Pave. -29-4 — al — —* Geoniby tional. v-shope, Beh Ane t Tie enymen Trigonal planar —_— ders thas 490° Bond. angle —| - a ~ Orne. BP “Anne: party =0s4-YUso ——_ Bank parr =o : oe | is flection pains +0 =O 2s Aknean geomelry an — ©=-@=0 1 Bond _ongle its or Cod Gat) done pad = 0 =Y-22=0 Bond pai = BS _ Eledtnon pon = 043.3 I! __| Dg _ = ae eb Ie re Tnjonal “planar azengpme’ | ae aa } —r | dante pate —— ST fect ane ns 440 a + ar a noo . : | | - | Bond Angle to 26) a ee t-— : | + Bond Angle —~ | © 029 f= — lea gas <3 oe Band pains Qo — Electra 4 pabu= Br9 a= 5 _-f _* Tatgonal_bi-pyo midal _ ie Mineon eer nie _—-|tElectronpady 32. _* Geoniting Afrtoor Atcrome dt diene, — done pads 4 2 Bond pat 2 2 ©0° 7 ae _* Elechran pain. 2S Foo — = Grtonibry — —fpeni del = st Anangenent Tatrohedel 2S | Bond cage ese tore, ae > b- 2 pe is _¢ alle _ | nearly epeal eneny gy -gigg—| oie Fo _entinely. Yt — [onbitals eyual tothe _mumber._af onary Land hawingLdeniticeh._shape-—— thy ~anbClab| and same energy centent,— LL Iybalaeeation” J BS Falnottg ef alomée | — Hy pels TP a = Sp Fa Tpbilals bo fear tyfericL abla =m hybrid onbéaly ane. : “different from the parrcclis | —__ | — | o 4 + aE Yp- pun) of. «dsp 2d He same _dban to | -foxm. _ kao heer eqcvalent hybrtde ——arbélals vis called sp-hybid a onbitals ond hybridatin th caled 5p- hylan’ he. forratin of Bells. | = Electaonee Cndogunetan: Cl = ns? np® Cvelence. salty | ss Ground. fale “Beck ra “The mixing sf one. $— and. “One p anblals on Be = 19 Asfag. ag) op | Be= 4s Bee yf, Be | be. 1s” apt “43 2p, | | Ho —pigbtdiee edb _Stetkeg- = ee 6+ ee 4. snep—f P-shepe dt Ch = pe = et q —— | ape eh chlowne. Vie woth | eo. meee caléyeav 4p-.. } pa casbilabs af Be-alem.. __ a dh enean habplestion _—_) | A—B e—! a _ wAngler- _[ These ap- ‘osbitadn. Qnw. | _ _Lovterited at on engl 4h 180. _ KS. i a. pap” yb idicoakcons— _ Oe mixing. ef cone $= ___ ankittal_and wo proxbitals oh the Same clom to ‘arm three -epicele + = ‘hybonide anal —— i adtcation i fed ee a = — Ty — ae Ean — yt Formation & of BF. ____|_-__- i Elechionte Conk Squoalrons. | —_— B 43. 25" a Ay 7 _| Ground bates —— 1B. 8 al 9, 9g = bcthed btale: aac va qo B= 4 as “9p hy 3 | > — Hypnidized sfaule + | 15" Qep? Ip jo a i ng these op=0 onbital tals of ap ntl ‘ange omen fed | pf 190: ! a ‘Bg? Hipridizalione- (bond. = Peatore —__anbitab, +0 +0 fom NA 4a ejuivedent © atomee_ chal — ae op hydrid ___.onloo intel _ond : hy bridization Pe tin called res fejidization. — The anincing, 6 One I a 2 Bikchont enfin > nanmple.t- _ Formation of —CHy_ iz 1528" 2p, dp, 1 L6 py Dp, | | — de. Qe 3p ph 2Qpz xécited = as awe 2 Ie 93f 3, py, Be —P Hybridized sfeutes 4p 3 op? 0? eee) These _5p?-anboctals Pa aides “aoe Ofek 9S a — | i H | 1 ] | _ is on f.00- pond. One. _d—| — | opbitals 42. form new “feu. epctralent hy bad. ol I { Aypridizatton -¢ called dee |_— brdizake Ne | = Berle : | | undrs nds _&( mideel_ | ond lela. iL > bhope: I a rues planar, (rir, cay. _ x [PEAS i | i —(Hy a — 4 | = Sat Nyt LV ations — pees Silerentxing of ones) —— arbclals called dsp hybitd _0dbitaks ond. hyoxcizetion, _ | | a dap? hybridization. foe _ pe - of Pls 08 —) aly aS Ble Anon.te Can fgesalcom = | — | Poe Ne 3s 3p: 3py ee ad. EF neund sfeske _ _— a Pe Ne. 3s" 3p 3p 4 2p. 38. - Bucites hele | _- | Bs 2 Ne. Be Bp. 3p 3p, 3h —_| ee: pifles te = eee p. end _donbétecls to. — fama nee fiver | homie ilo. mining ing. 6 —__onteitals_ba form | ey bivalent dap 3 gen clas — sp? Hydalation = [> & a - | carpe of SF one! Tp end 3 ond. ae d L-atonisl - ond napridicalion (2 elfed | H 1 | +> Grownd_ Stale | bug = 035" OP 3p4. 3% ak. aa. 7 |= Excited stake a |! 5 yg2 28" Bt pg 3p, 343 4 | — slale 2. —— pane a osbétals _|__ Octehedwal -sbruclere- eat Lo aie covalent bond with filerine Sot hybrid ovhital overlap Fllovne. TRO nbegmiscing of _One- te fown neo expuvdlendt seven | | re pee Lirias —|}—_____ = [eazith he fied. protbzlal 4 a | 6 dpoaep and. owed anbsfals _ —_ _d2ap* hybrid 0abitdls. cond : Wypridical.on” hyb/rickiz alec, p. celled P5p>_ _ ie reGround _ Stake as > Execled Shale. oe Toe Feprcdtzad. shes pet a IE ———— a Lo BP 5 ph Spy Spb 5 5s” Bp Bpy. Spe "5d. “sd? J p24 orb TRe | eG a = AMolealan On Onbila ______ thea i —— According te eo | = AW valence elechons én | molecule “one drrocintrd. | | wth. oll nul ce. _cancenned... {ee | Heswerpban_ _ jo The — approach ee the eal, C | nalecle— cuss shingle _unich.. Lm 4 arsumes thatthe _ = ___atamic. orbesels — of the ween fei ___eambéning cttorns overlap to farm hau orbitals galled _ Snabiculan orbitals” u- wich, ane & Chenactercevie oh the Lwholer omalecule. | | Po The rmalermbarn Abehal > | i to so Po : liek koa gh_amaht— 7 oo multe of he. londed atoms, - 9- Two atomic. “onbHals, afta — = oven appin tom +1200- mrallece. Lea Lat Abials. “catch _differu un enol - “ Mobecwt pala _ovend oping high enveyy 10 molecular abtteels | Represented by OF | The alling oh elhctrons 4 tn ft -( Yo Pe. fileg 2 avbelels | dake place according +o | ~ ew Aufoeun pyincéple | — — ° » Poke entchirton “8 Hand's gute —_ | ir CO) = ALL abilals take pat 4 ees a — | | ———S _ EE | » bon nding Ces | Abomic Oroctals (AD) - a Oy Motel! 0 bilabta) [ au ability 0 4 —1— [Alor fox ome eck | ——bo__allatn Stabile — — © Higa energie al — : * Costuective_ Later france. © how enansy _* "Destaate - weafrare a er - OVerapin = he vests dn we oybetak Cy to an atom where Ie ;_ ot Bp Pipetite kph — _1¢ S ee -is_zeao called C5 Bw. 0 (0’band.) | E din__$-$ avewnaping ——| Siawrttoond._ ts formed. ‘o.0) 3. {= 09 overkoppi 7 ye | Fox the formalin 4 = | anal ecular — oybelels 4 sana. P>— orb las, _4wo_ cases nthe s+ - — =Heod 6. an n Approach \ oder. the porbdlals of t - the tive aban appiecehies abong, _ & Lambénallon aie. _nBhe. do — | +0: (px). BMD 0 pg ABM-0 I. | @ Both cre Symmelrieal abut. | - he dus. bnuclear axis) : aed =r idedwoays.. Approach: 42H © When the coeds of the ao \ feo Ps -orbilab (py, Pa ogridels) - cane parallel doeach Sher | fntesccl_to_sfomn M0.) & Cmbinalan_ give nie. Ao: — Kp) 1 (2p,) BM-0 ee i 4 X * Can). Ge.) Re ‘Bmo | - “ne Same ta = CeGo- fons Kn t Mp, bh havin 3_clecuan = pr FB at Snell cnn > Fp. wa aie elton ——__ dense desta buted uw wef. ee Te ie nodal, an liked 4o Heod._ re DO, [ P| SRS, — at hea Cs The__vi0. mo. of bonds. fot — Befeseen. 4uwso_aboms after. the. Lcctom&_arbétats overlap t ts. called bend ondew, . ho. of, elecan_ in_baating ables —_ 7 nag. a tn_anfebonthing-0 (m9) — Bond. osde Mg-me, | ——__|__ Teabalals # tn 0, O20) maleate. | Heda as aredtons- _ doglts®, 28° Ape 2p 4 27, JO,_| oho 2B. c) _ Go —(m.-0)— [A-9) Sg. Explanations The +uo0 25 ee Yep - — accnnding. slo Aynd's rude. “ple chyom_6 of the O fiom each | —0 —abomane +o be umaideyed fia bond iy _ Inleracion Fle Stacie — T tT B-o- 9, | L Ss —_$- Enngy _onderz- ___ | “of tro >oGs) rH Qs). —__ SB > 0- (2p) Pe NOs) = NOG.) __ *Tp)= 1%p2) > 0% Lp ——— — ~ & Poricurragnetio, | Diamognetses= oe — 0, = nas -}u0 unpaiied + eloctams ond thes. | L 5 PO maynelic nan Bo OC diaommegnelie (adde> jy | 0” = en Geom) — I The fosmekion. of ——|__— __pntleeulan ovbetals _N, Caters). 4 Eechonic, Gnfigurations. | | Ns Le 2s on -9 el, py | ' 8 Energy Level digenn — — nek® “Us A+ Br fee) | +@ al (Bro) & | : Py Pa ot eer) | ee oy 88 a —|40— M049 = | 3. L Explancdion oo __4 = dou elections. ao te | 4a Ne entow into. Shree orcl egmest) ____ bending orbitals. whdle jaa) _ elechon 2 the ABMO | ee orden 9-2 245 Ia = he — he. Ae TS Ue a. eT es t F Energy —otders- — MefS Given bgt 1 i\ i { | a _ | | O18 > OAs pao > of a5 ap 62 Kapy = Rag, 7 ob Kapy 2 pe, —__| >On, - i; _-b:-Pandmaynetic [Diamagnotic | LING. = has. patie elecdvon__. f ots why 4 Diamnognohic.. —— NPs _upatied electron —_____— dd electron) ——patcanaopath — = _—-Pancmagnelt | ae a ae i ay 5p. t fs. less |__| -2p429 — Steble having, os OO one. cea _ i _ ao ( a ene 4. due 4o high cnogy of L OY Boy than Bg Dirge n aeMingy ff 2s ond dp AD Ts. Molerelan cabitals oe Eo jond O* YF retain pues chayecs 7 _ £2, BK 2py do not retoen ih (Gechaxac® : rane spechawt tl Le OP APy 2 dors. ne A electron in a mate _*& electron > 14 (peter : [2944 (,,f eh ine | & eleckron £ zit eal. dens) I 2424 ie Be a wy ot) | | =a on an — | [ga ar apn Day Dee [ Oy.» 1s” Ds BpK Del De. — abot Level -diagiom—— t i The ebeehonse 5h tal ef Co melee ix toa 15. | i ] — ‘eppradioalian Like. thet 4 4 L amole culaay nelargen.— 7 = Ja Diamagnebics — |— CO wa. ‘Ajaana’ elie. in ie no senpaihie _ ] —elechon fy ate molec le. 64g se | fl i i _ ee Conf space. | / _ 4s ae i a 2 j } Ne 48 2? 2px 2p, QP (aero) nio=s Evens — tea tion = | . Ia. Bond orders _ Be een + 8858 Bus. $—-— al aX — —|_ acl Ke NL ke Diomagrelc —— — —Ditamagnelic rafine ee cae no. _Unpeined. — I __6 electrons. en Se — 4 b- 5 45 os alle 4. Checbronte. lorpigecdions. Ne te Qs QP. Spy. 2p, . a [ Os 13” 29 Qo 2p, By | te 2- Grea evel. die ‘em — elufnons.— L “efenenall _H= f= = Ee Ise orate Bot apt’ O ca + d= Ero seve degen. — “lid dn __B-O= s ne 26-2 ea faa fee —_behaviaun beceue 29 npatea__ Bee HE. OH DO OF ——y-pmn0 La. ‘Elechunte Conpguncdins. 4 te Onden.:- BD = aos 4 eT P ie “Enuxyy eat GLAST [ 4 Laws 0 Sort — | _ The esa C9QVEY fackdon FS —}—— MO as eblatmed,, ig +— a Aemethad nan ob, — Combination of AD'S ( (LAD | __| [om Ris “noth, “he linea | combinalion_ af usa As | wees. function ps brows 4 | about: by ac Lng oy Suh racking, | thor Fuso Wave: fran. a I Thi 1if- the. ye is the weve, function a tha MO. obladned | | (B_ From juse d's of dure elon. Mend 8B. having. fg ° ie Ys => useue function f A | Wy Sd esac furtiion of BL) sae Funckfon Jive Asp. | 4 —T = tye | | i] i] | i | i 4 This equation holds onby | erthen both both A _and B are Oo ein ~eety shoud 5 a | © enirgy than tho of etter, of the _ Aa! 5 from vohech a LC __ obtained termed, i | er The onaleculan, abel. (Leads to He formation of oo Ye otomi. prhBee Yb end tpt anole rele colar oredleds YY, atomic — oybitet | | aalite - moloeule on 8 — LL colle. Ea ding Mo's, — & vise elfen. ian igen eng | an than that CG | YY, —bnd_ “ti va Or called. os “atc bomding | 4 ___| a pt — = ®) | eT Ten square 9 the. epi) |} —4 bse (ope) 2+ + 2A, =e a Then _squeasicg the ey. Gi) _|__—_4 L cent = Ih 8 gata Gi) | 0) + Bondi 42 Se- pe ge ta and. 4% a &n dinate He 4 —f ebecdrenie change dens lon, | J _ of 5 She _useve function 4 oe ley doddeales the wave re | 4 | funetiton of ¥ He Bondény & 1). (HY > Cp e468) bya Serene > Fstvongey bond — | oa tg—This tom | re demon = iat | pia den sithes Mane steble bond Bateween Aond B AO.) — ee |e Osha pale eo Sten from. eyo Ean =A ety yp te Tin FS te. “gens 7 ee hae pate) Tis means Shak in 7 | Unit bonding Mo Here ay, cu Less rare. denscty | than tre mnen- fleas bing -atiorn.. rT I I j _{ ot —ihaction ox Aad len. “stoned “ae | - 1 s © Farnatiin of Bde | ° Shapes of, j Bont — cred? ol te ue akb— eh Ye egananen I) col Lenk | -— —— 7 dendan fe 198% _ | > Girer_by He Men wa Tome -clectnon 3 9 akermork hell having, ANtndenen to _ mabe band chide a is i Ee called “Covalent Bond ene a clon eabdlad havty) (see Bond Ua eet by bl, aes | vetlopaeg of; we ators L —-eabilels belonging fo ie ae | electrons af oppeatte Spin. “a a | aulermart 2holv of Noe | single ‘Bond Orboclal” _atams ond containing hwo. 2» By —_{tip called Covalent: Bonk? Savin Le averlapring — — Sf ase to | + _ddhamiv . erbites -fo_ ohh & Lecalired erdocaphd— 3. The two _eleclson shat _ Occuyo oY the land Croce. err ppostte_ __ | | a let Aos sppiesch | ONL Cong ese | Oe I eee fn. ft “Hs Tralee > explains by — 7 Valence Bond Yrtory, ——j —+ <7 are halo €9 epi i _parsilele_ _glyaclare. of Ha OH, tg Sy He. -_ fas MD Hy have 9 —__eleebaan as Heb tlechon Wave Wove func ne (adil) = yen) Ly Tue Wave funclon for Hy: L | His Jien ba J P “| | Ws Ce acs, | | Yoen we ete by pdhs Cuba | — TCC * Mining Co ffi | _Uen | C= = 4 ren —— FRR Ho mallee | Uy 24d Oye tT po | P Dpromnetnce. Zockinalioal— = Op) OH) — + 2 bY, pepresent spaneDie a @ | => Duiey — lec —_ combimatiton “temainn_| fo — uenchange - af eee — ele Mors __==> Opposte_apin af) ahechon. | _ = Pond fa formation 4. =p attractive or band. fore Stele a | = hh ne () =tp dee) > a Trepioseal cunticsymae So carbimottein hawins chaning ____ | s&s by exchange a 1 electrons —— | > lle (Qrenk cre in pe svalte! a Spin, > No bend is fommed a _ Reprbagve are band —— -— [ Navision of eno yy itty Ltn Ho, —— ® | a = 2 Regaupt sys (2)4—— TORO ; | fsrmed) =e Ny mbheule {G3 the y-C9 Sk anaE ifrncelea —> | Dibtanee - T L tp vene cham. = (@ © 6 O- Ty _ —-|— He Hy _ Ay Hp oe ayy ! | Cale latin of E, made by | Hallow ond “hendan_ amnedved + Cain be Anptoved by Conn t= _ dering joe =a Tone Shructioes for the he) | Tin whe D bas, She elecdron \ and 2 ane citlochedto Tonto Struc ti 5 ey “Siocon, tha : ae Theae — Stueclones_ Con he. —|— i. aeprtsortas. by cate. Fathi | _ givens lage = ——— pie CO) Bla) ee Ope | —— —_—_| | qo Oe eh i ~The cangede reclion_of el — yt Sbuscloows CI) CY) }—$ ~ Ha rmelecule coments jeter |__ Pa tt Tr +t rey Sar rereTeyTrere é eh — 7 Ce Lady) oe | -__| Ys poneas Hee cays Ae | — (3) 4p (a) ae ——calentaing. ‘ _ tt og the fonke_ cDatackey, | F Ln dhe Coyale rnb bond. 7 —_ Potmalion of 6 Fabel a f= ewiica as ey a a as 1 ee 18> sy Qe ag 2 Pe, fo re | cee — ; 2? oi - He > dst _ { en ee Dee a Oy, [| | | “4 ne 12 22 2p! ap) St i —— UWeetorzad) Pee POI Hy —— SS Ho A Pes jp f Dx off i Gs) aes oreo Bonds, (tect hant ee Phoo KBond | lcdssopy fla ub! known, | a» cerca bend” Metallic eendéng.s nr _ _“Bondéing um dled — due to fhe ebetnctal attractions -anreng __ponttively changed inlet. fons ond anabile _ | ——— __ debacaliizedcleckrons belonging +9. do the | as @ whole | in called : mettle | nf ne aT | A each al atk naulkins ns} poritive By. 1 Elechos Ro {+ (Electron. fl theang ag | _ z Veabince electrons. 2 given by Drwdlo an on & horenlZ fh 1946 m.tin_ch_onelal crystal Lose all ats Thus electron move Like —9e Mike tn a pool. the —— ed meld fons are believed to held oe L L —j| by this. elechon. pook oy oO Ads gk. “Filechon_a ane ne fice 4a mane. fee fie ane not attaded to Ee ony fndividual fons on __poirof iors bul _belan _| to shee Orato aso © alsa cabled Drude- dene Anny yp ; > conn to thin. throany fo ~ whole | Nw ol move. act as Taland fined, | > Thus _accondtg,_ a “as a aatlallic. bale ds _ ama, _stipposed ab Ce - collection of ponitie at atom canes Srmmensed ua _-&- ul “af mabile electors gp | I sea of rebel elechons. — Re _fonce shat binds co vane ton +0_ the wm abile _—__—_! __ eloclrens vwithén. ub pphow. t_ rn in us called ‘onda _— saa Repeilis py a Elecaccal Conductively Pe Basaae 2 election fiom end to. “4S the cbher constblule electr,2et — _. | 4 I _ Free electors in meals | — aducl heat. to other, pra,—— _ | af anefanbs, —_________ te dats app gone __4 due to. feeceeleclaory, exciton H of electron tue. ag xq b | iain 4 a ee i —Ircte Goue. emoh_elechron_ jo hen hacited. anf 5D Deformation - of mttabsr — i | amelal haves cx property. “ — ef, dehormalcanchy mara? fe a i] olf = — + Valence Bond Theony:: ne CRucbing. shears) - = VBT_ Ab Us cluee'| by | Paling feo to -meladlcc VBT:. _mdlallice band Lo el “essentially covalec®™.é un | ws Popigin dnd —rndh le | os od Stiucluir winvelyes. resonance, tut } of -elechon-pair, bands, | id —Cadinaryy cavalenl bonds J. betiveen each. lor and | its _meonest neighbours, » ne a a — [= etaonanee Shuclane wef alihinmie — b jets 4g ast ot ae a oie ) / 3) (MOT) “end Ang Theat Theory | _. he hig ort envoy elecdions i net lL. “oyshels eeciugpy bth & parlially fallen aa 4 ee overlaps aa_ Eonpily [ban ok ee _4 ! j] | AT band | whiten us —chtth oh) ‘allows ebicDeeal canduction., »—— le called “Conduction Band | _ Bo caw Hue Ahiqneit ony } bed to conduct lyre leleckcs oceupy feted bands 6 lmaleclar erbilels thak are! _| sepanoks 4 fiom dovegl erly. bend (conduchton oand) . (_ sou. Bar} : ees sep called oFonbs oh ch. Wy too barge. - on. enw _ de fherence +f for doctors fem DD ou de yeh Me. con ducelinr 0 [Fotatten nat) entop eth — “no “conbiact, ela chaictty: gettin When en Temp I Chec tom — pont de exngly conduction bond a “ Tusulctons _Semeondut rr hells ar _ ~ ol Fy ze ——— ge >) ae Lew Bay eon tt pt ore a - i ore Me cabled THe Baad tg Tn this. theonp- _ AW electrons Peat zat Tatorn compildlely folk dl Cnty 4 | crcl. —att_Conniitened “Uy ' | ESM A? ore Tene h 17 om J ead 1 L i nosed Oo change | Syon ~ | pe eackre par tive_5 _ Peblock cas els 5 ae +—~ _ Bd. Sy Tasos ere Le, Ni Ge Lp, = Yh, £03 a Tf Ras imc a | Be Ee OE fo [ae PO eo —_——____}._ | . + patel ad 4s" | Fes[AnjJ 3k ue fev te — olan] 3ahus a _ Ne elAn] ae! us L alAn Aus ead ug \ —t Tins sn | i “Ys” Vaz \ Mey yoo: a ud 5g” : gant. ‘eB ; Haye ieee Ud 5s (ART) ud- SouES Electron Con guste) (Ke) os - “Ruel ka. Hg | HY 2 “One Ru PAY Adu| i a = | = _ la — | 5dr Serres (tilec rn Electronic. Co ic. Conf wat) — ——— est _ 4,4 rs “Pel 5 Bik bs >> i a = (tel_Shbs —— | Mia = Ute] 5d 65 I Moe [xe Fld en) | ed ade Go it ta -(XeJ__ “5dbs. Iq Eemedb | there elements have Several: 7 {inti dnd. ns elecrons and hak ns orbdfets are tubal ——$§ \p oy bend lormation. ; = @ +149 —p patlicipalir fink wie ~ 0135 puss of Gr-tjd eo I i |! beat oak ond _t + I “ptideition Stone —| Gs, Cr —& +I (42). auccrailion — —|__ fakes —- ANS eclechony ts. hey have—————— 1-3 clecln7 42 O58 > Lith _oxidanion later ev 5 Wa Fe 13) aCn WD Fe tH(tv) 3 -Mn__ tau aCo 13) —Austable oedatton 2NI+3Cm) — Slates. foxm cones + 43(7) | sith _hignty electrode +2@) Hi nes qe ot a a The oe sasttton. | Tt fondo. abe or_1 fhe, cations i dail Ee a | fiends. page eees 7 |» The. bende Tangs toy) 7 “eamyalo. “due te - peamanaenl) eae PA yn nec 4, ahorn|catbion, | e L 9- Vacant (n- ok arbiteds, KON > kh ONT ‘fq Fe CN) > Fe? $C H + Be [feall-rc [relow, LJ emples fe 200 i Aye bdgoal f* cbt | oe Conpaler cation | a Tat Conbral metal, cto, _ + Tre neh all | etom ox fon uhh with the L Adgands one attached. thieuah _Corcltnatiny, bond. ds called —__— mmeledlic atom on jon. a | 26 _RalFe Codd ly Cia Fe and Aq bs Contra rmeted lector —_ dock on jerots 2 acid. AaAceeptor. De ligands | Cotdinating t Pasitive Chease Ligand a — —|— _ SH, ~ NH, Gu) ——— aI TI re “Metal. aloon:((MA) po ea 7 i) _@yon _ Fenate | i Alun ___aagende __ i. __ nickle mkhale t-_ Kine Zindhate, i Gold Garde — — Hlakinain — Planeta ‘e— ioe on aki Cpet®) yy | ane | alana yd" SS a on Re ilo) Afoick, Dk; Manan “Lavy qe { TP elu e&jaro. Copan @) |_| cel oft — Herenaguo cabal. @ ____—_} 1 | inte ale ! The. carbonylo. mickle(o) [Pett (tls), JSC, Gbahh _ . —_—1 __khroars necholawnitre liaant)— Coen), Pry Oh _ DE-byo mia e eset) a Cobalt. (ML) Chieide SB Cpls | oN _ Chuta)e C= On-CF Gse. ye Aaltoron: Greome. of Kiyend) ats name of 7 plea of n-ne A) ; — | bishorre - af ES any amide ua ' dione bin(iehie= an amine Cobalt ) Nehete, dd = TE Fe (tS rela) rh _ diy J ang forde = ae ; —| ad. _—3— 9, Co-ctom . a] eh 34 ‘Conn = (a) She C1 4 —~ g* LGR seat cng 4 1 9 footy Gh IEEE tg) @. ton hybridiizabion —t 7 4- (d#3p3) | oF Omation. of alates — ayy podtashedaat cornet Ton tol vd feta a, Gi ET ye ~_sECa(NOs) J"? hananthracolalJate( iy) Gs) __sin(CN) S74) (Fe any, Cd 5), i . sim Ha eo) "(8P) [Cal NQ),. Id) kal Hyde Pra @) j . mn Se Tr VO Mn Fe w NI & 7, Qe qe boP OF Rogy dg Dt PO Fw _Co-ndenlin _' Y 090 Lancbicg i caf cauncicons, One exces =] bserveds- . o Bhethodyal_ ee © Square p lanar- as INGE ad [wlw —_tedahed [sal ¢ oon 5 | MDa ated getty tial Be SG gt Nt: torn 3d Ug _ ey ONT fe A : : “te J [oy | os tate nk ae —_— I tebe J aie “Fay Dial ch citar, fAu] | Jf 3d —— is — Leap, re ctl. etl Cacton OTIC iad _ AJ 3a" __£n- fon 2 City 1 3d'° Us _ Ts _ O ___ EL + PARTIE bode Datu _ ne tt | — “| ~ = Wee Ql ~ Frecny ~ Beany 0 —— * Male cedar “ahdhals “ant se forme rom Ltgand wath alomée — axbttaly “of, the conbrdl mdal Ot. Ton. mie Banding Mos | I 2Mnbibonding Mos bv si) a _ >. M O's 2. Au energy Ggarbe! —_ ane ne eee She M:0's:— (5 blebs) - “2 the overtop of arises, | * These Mos. ry oe ie _ nen. oonding. MEHL = of dang ena, dye Fag alba )_| 4 : i alasiadaalne i — a i | — a aaa 4: a jon » Ooh |__| 1s 34 mere Ue k fis i AS i i ase _ - : “ pa (BM: O) — m alte als Tianna unpalyece Je ea _ 2-5 strony Fiala (e~ pedi eS 4 i oLagsyend {NE a) _ Be A, enor. I's tes toledg _| na | 12 shrory: sa AA A 6 \ F = —— que — : — a ofertancls], 3d at laf (, > Gai GIG De fe || + weak iol Iigand Fo i Panamaynalic. (na pausing a | “As envgy err tee ae SES es 6 ao - "Coupon Fated. Aeon is tb a model. 4 af He electronic. shuclow & — transition -melod_ complexes the: considers haus He energies of the | la. mavltous 8} 0 rathes fon One | nig Hallie ah th the Manda. a __|= > Aaauinoia S| ee tt La. Tntersackion_ elise. She enc ta. Explatn Teun Jonge | bende | Bath _ She mdak ton_ and _ Ag and _ ack as _ paid _¢ Cheagyes,. _mn* Migand __ MeNuctrol Kgands one canmider > _as__dipale sith nepaliie end 2 decked tersand central matek tin Lk Rand > behwwe 08 hegakive i oy Orn > behave dy posttive. |

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