Unit 4_Health Problems

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Unit 4 Health problems

1 Read the text. Pay attention to the key vocabulary. Choose the best title for the text.
Explain your choice.

1. The Challenges and Hope of Global Health Issues

2. How to Stay Safe from Contagious Diseases in a Post-Pandemic World
3. Why Some People Are More Prone to Hereditary Disorders Than Others

Global health issues have always been a concern for humanity. Diseases and disorders can affect
anyone, anywhere, at any time. Some of them are curable, while others are life-limiting or
terminal. When people come down with an affliction, they experience symptoms such as
inflammation, abnormality, or debility. They may even become bedridden or emaciated,
feeling like they have one foot in the grave. However, there is always hope, and many people
pull through after experiencing a serious illness.
One of the biggest challenges in global health is dealing with contagious diseases. These illnesses
can spread rapidly and affect large numbers of people. Governments and healthcare organizations
must work together to prevent outbreaks and control their spread. This requires cooperation from
everyone, including individuals who need to take precautions such as washing their hands
frequently, wearing masks, and staying home when they are sick.
Another challenge is dealing with hereditary disorders. These conditions are passed down from
generation to generation and can affect people throughout their lives. They can be non-malignant
or terminal, and often require ongoing medical treatment and support. Patients may experience
after-effects such as weakness, fatigue, or cognitive impairment. It is important for healthcare
providers to offer compassionate care and support to those living with these conditions.
Despite these challenges, there are also positive developments in global health. Advances in
medical research and technology have led to new treatments and therapies that can help patients
recover and improve their quality of life. Patients who were once considered terminal may now
have a chance to fade away their symptoms and live longer, healthier lives. Additionally, there is
a growing awareness of the importance of mental health and well-being, which can help prevent
and manage physical health issues.
In conclusion, global health issues are complex and multifaceted. They require a coordinated effort
from governments, healthcare organizations, and individuals to prevent and manage diseases and
disorders. While there are challenges, there is also hope for the future as we continue to make
progress in medical research and technology.

2 Read the statements. Answer true/ false.

1. Diseases and disorders can only affect people in certain parts of the world.
2. Symptoms of an affliction can include inflammation, abnormality, or debility.
3. All contagious diseases are curable.
4. Governments and healthcare organizations don't need to work together to prevent outbreaks.
5. Hereditary disorders can only affect people later in life.
6. Patients with hereditary disorders may experience after-effects such as weakness, fatigue, or
cognitive impairment.
7. Advances in medical research and technology have not led to new treatments and therapies.
8. Patients who were once considered terminal may now have a chance to improve their quality
of life.
9. Mental health and well-being are not important in preventing and managing physical health
10. Global health issues are simple and easy to manage.
3 Read the text once more. Pay attention to the words in bold. Find definitions for each

a. weakness or loss of strength in the body
b. able to be spread from one person to another through contact or proximity
c. recovering from an illness or injury
d. a medical condition characterized by a disturbance in bodily or mental functions
e. extremely thin and weak due to lack of food or illness
f. confined to bed due to illness or injury
g. passed down genetically from parent to child
h. to be very close to death
i. having a condition or disease that will shorten one's lifespan
j. a localized physical reaction to infection or injury, characterized by redness, swelling, and pain
k. to gradually disappear or diminish
l. not cancerous or harmful
m. to become sick with a particular illness
n. a consequence or result that occurs after an event or action
o. to recover successfully from a serious illness or injury
p. able to be treated and cured
q. to experience pain or discomfort in the body or mind
r. something that is not normal or typical
s. having an illness or condition that will lead to death
t. a condition of physical or mental suffering, often long-term

1. curable
2. hereditary
3. emaciated
4. disorder
5. abnormality
6. bedridden
7. pull through
8. debility
9. life-limiting
10. contagious
11. non-malignant
12. fade away
13. ail
14. terminal
15. inflammation
16. have one foot in the grave
17. affliction
18. on the mend
19. after-effect
20. come down with

4 Complete the text with the words from the box.

Text A
overall, terminal, emaciation, pull through, manage, inflammation, non-malignant,
having one foot in the grave, life-limiting
_____(1) diseases, also known as lifestyle diseases, are becoming increasingly common in our
modern society. These _____(2) diseases are often hereditary and can be caused by a variety of
factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. The consequences of these diseases can be
devastating, with some patients _____(3) and others fading away slowly. _____(4) is often a major
factor in these diseases, leading to _____(5) and other physical symptoms. However, with proper
treatment and care, many patients can _____(6) and begin to recover. It's important to recognize
the signs and symptoms of these diseases early on, as they can be _____(7) if left untreated. While
it may be difficult to change our lifestyles, it's essential that we take steps to prevent and _____(8)
these diseases. By doing so, we can improve our _____(9) health and well-being, and hopefully
reduce the impact of these life-limiting illnesses on ourselves and our loved ones.

Text B
hazards, bedridden, curable, after-effect, impact, afflictions, come down with,
protective gear, contagious

When it comes to environmental health, there are a number of _____(1) that can come about as an
_____(2) of exposure to certain elements. Some of these ailments can be _____(3), while others
are simply the result of debility or disorder. One common ailment that people often _____(4) due
to environmental factors is abnormality in their blood pressure or respiratory system. This can
leave them _____(5) for days or even weeks, and may require medical attention to cure. However,
not all environmental health issues are so easily _____(6). In some cases, long-term exposure to
certain chemicals or pollutants can lead to chronic afflictions that can significantly _____(7) one's
quality of life. It's important to take precautions to protect oneself from such dangers, whether
through the use of _____(8) or simply by avoiding exposure altogether. With proper care and
attention, it is possible to minimize the risks associated with environmental health _____(9) and
maintain good health for years to come.

5 Answer the questions. Use the key words in your answers.

1. What are some common environmental health issues that people may experience?
2. Can environmental health issues be contagious?
3. How can exposure to certain elements affect one's blood pressure or respiratory system?
4. Is medical attention always necessary for environmental health issues?
5. What are some long-term effects of exposure to chemicals or pollutants on one's health?
6. How can individuals protect themselves from environmental health hazards?
7. Why is it important to take precautions against environmental health hazards?
8. What are life-limiting diseases, and what causes them?
9. How do lifestyle factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress contribute to the
development of these diseases?
10. What role does inflammation play in life-limiting diseases, and how does it impact patients?
11. Can patients recover from life-limiting diseases with proper treatment and care?
12. Why is it important to recognize the signs and symptoms of these diseases early on?
13. Is it possible to prevent or manage life-limiting diseases through lifestyle changes?
14. How can we improve our overall health and well-being while managing life-limiting

6 Match the sentences to make short dialogues. Work in pairs. Find key words in the

1. I heard that John's illness is hereditary. a. Don't say that, he's a fighter and has a
lot of life left in him.
2. Do you think my sickness is b. Just take it easy and rest, your body
contagious? needs time to heal.
3. My doctor said that my condition is c. It's important to eat nutrient-rich foods
curable. to help your body recover.
4. I'm feeling so debilitated after my d. That's great news, I'm glad to hear it.
surgery. e. I'm sorry to hear that, it's never easy to
5. I'm worried that my rash might be a see a loved one suffer.
sign of an inflammation. f. It's hard to say, but it's always better to
6. My grandfather is bedridden and it's take precautions.
tough to see him like this. g. Yes, unfortunately his father had it
7. I'm glad to see that you're on the mend too.
after your accident. h. I'm so sorry to hear that, my thoughts
8. I'm afraid my aunt's illness is terminal. are with you and your family.
9. I'm so emaciated after being sick for i. You should definitely get it checked
weeks. out just in case.
10. I can't believe he's still alive, he must j. Yes, I'm feeling better every day,
have one foot in the grave. thank you for asking.
11. I'm worried about the after-effects of k. Yes, it was a tough battle but she's a
my surgery. fighter.
12. I'm so glad she pulled through her l. I have no doubt, he's one of the
illness. strongest people I know.
13. I'm sorry to hear about your life- m. It's normal to feel anxious, but try to
limiting condition. stay positive and focus on your
14. I hope my headache doesn't turn into a recovery.
full-blown affliction. n. Thank you, it's been a difficult
15. I'm glad to hear that your test results journey but I'm trying to stay strong.
showed a non-malignant tumor. o. That's great to hear, have you been
16. I'm feeling like my anxiety disorder is using any techniques to manage it?
starting to fade away. p. Yes, it was a huge relief, I was so
17. He's been through a lot, but he's a worried.
fighter and will pull through. q. Just make sure to rest and stay
hydrated, and hopefully it will pass.

7 Read the text. Pay attention to the key words. Choose correct answers based on the text

Samantha was a health-conscious person. She took pride in her good eating habits and regular
exercise routine. So when she started experiencing abnormality in her mobility, she didn't think
much of it at first. She assumed it was just muscle soreness from her intense workout sessions. But
as the days went by, the ailment worsened. She decided to see a doctor.
After a series of tests, Samantha's doctor diagnosed her with a rare autoimmune disorder. It turned
out to be a hereditary condition that she had unknowingly inherited from her father. The diagnosis
came as a shock to Samantha and her family. They had never heard of the disease before, and they
were devastated to learn that it was life-limiting.
The doctor prescribed medication to ease the inflammation in Samantha's joints and slow down
the progression of the disease. He warned her that the treatment might have side effects, but
Samantha was willing to take the risk. She wanted to do everything she could to fight the disease
and live a normal life for as long as possible.
Over the next few months, Samantha's condition continued to deteriorate. The pain in her joints
became unbearable, and she struggled to perform everyday tasks. But she refused to let her illness
define her. She continued to work and spend time with her loved ones, even though it was
increasingly difficult.
Samantha's positive attitude and determination inspired everyone around her. Her friends and
family rallied together to support her in any way they could. They accompanied her to doctor's
appointments, helped her with household chores, and provided emotional encouragement when
she needed it most.
Slowly but surely, Samantha's condition started to improve. The new medication was working,
and she began to regain some of her strength and mobility. It was a long and arduous journey, but
Samantha pulled through. She learned to adapt to her new reality and make the most of every day.
Although there were still challenges and after-effects of the disease, Samantha was grateful for the
modern technologies that had helped her in her battle. She knew that without the medication and
support from her loved ones, she wouldn't be where she was today.

1. What was Samantha's initial reaction to the abnormality in her mobility?

A She immediately sought medical attention
B She attributed it to muscle soreness from her workouts
C She ignored it completely
D She believed it was due to her diet

2. How did Samantha find out about her rare autoimmune disorder?
A She did research online
B Her doctor mentioned it during a routine check-up
C It was revealed in a series of tests
D Her family members had the same condition

3. Why was Samantha willing to take the prescribed medication despite potential side effects?
A She trusted her doctor's advice
B She wanted to experiment with different treatments
C She didn't believe the medication would work
D She wanted to prove her family wrong

4. How did Samantha's friends and family support her during her illness?
A By ignoring her condition
B By isolating her from society
C By accompanying her to doctor's appointments and providing emotional encouragement
D By criticizing her for being ill

5 How did Samantha's positive attitude impact those around her?

A It made them resentful
B It inspired them
C It made them fearful
D It had no effect on them

8 5 students were asked to express their opinion on the topic given in the box. Read their
opinions. Which of them do you agree with? Why? Explain your point of view.

The worst disease to have

1. Tom: "Definitely cancer man, it's an absolute nightmare. My uncle had it and he was bedridden
for months because of the treatment and still never fully recovered."
2. Samantha: "I would say Alzheimer's. It's so heartbreaking seeing someone you love slowly
slipping away into their own world and not even recognizing you anymore. My grandma had it
and it was just so painful to watch."
3. Mike: "I'm not sure what disease is the worst. They all seem pretty bad to me, it's hard to pick
just one. I guess it depends on the person and how they handle it. I really hope I never have to
find out though."
4. Emily: "Hands down, depression is the worst. I've struggled with it for years and it's a constant
battle. Some days I can barely get out of bed and everything just feels pointless. I wouldn't wish
it on my worst enemy."
5. Sophie: "Are you kidding me? All diseases are terrible to have! Why are we even talking about
this? We should be focusing on finding cures and treatments instead of ranking them by how
bad they are”.

9 Read the following quotes. Comment on them. Prepare a monologue on the topic “The
best thing to do to stay healthy is...”.

1. "The greatest wealth is health." - Virgil

2. "Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from
physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open." - B.K.S. Iyengar
3. "The first wealth is health." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." - Albert Schweitzer
5. "To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind
strong and clear." - Buddha

10 Questions for discussion.

1. What are some common environmental health issues that people face today?
2. How can addictive behavior affect a person's overall well-being?
3. Can you name any non-malignant health conditions that can still have a significant impact on
someone's life?
4. Have you ever come down with a contagious illness? How did you deal with it?
5. What healthy habits do you practice to maintain your physical and mental well-being?
6. Do you know of any hereditary health disorders in your family or community?
7. What types of after-effects can someone experience after recovering from a serious illness?
8. How can unresolved health issues lead to debility or even being bedridden?
9. What steps can individuals take to prevent inflammation-related health problems?
10. Have you ever known someone who was emaciated due to a terminal illness? How did they
cope with their condition?

11 Choose a topic and write an essay (200-250 words).

Environmental pollution is a major global health issue. To what extent do you agree or disagree
that individuals should take responsibility for reducing their own carbon footprint?
In some cultures, mental health problems are stigmatized and not openly discussed. Is this a
positive or negative development?
Addiction to social media and technology is becoming a growing concern. To what extent do you
think this is a problem and what can be done to address it?
Some people believe that the government should provide free healthcare for all citizens. Others
believe that individuals should be responsible for their own healthcare costs. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
There are many different types of well-being, including physical, emotional, and social. Which
type of well-being do you think is most important and why?

Additional reading

Fill in the gaps with the suitable sentence

Honey as Medicine somewhat acidic, and acids prevent the

By Joe Kissell growth of some bacteria. More importantly,
honey does not provide the water and oxygen
When I get a sore throat, I always find a cup needed to support bacterial growth. Although
of tea with some honey very soothing. But honey contains a fair amount of water, it’s
thanks to my proper Western scientific supersaturated with sugar, meaning the water
conditioning, I always assumed that the is not available to the microorganisms.
restorative power of honey was mostly in my So what happens when you dilute honey with
head. Sure, it tastes good and has a pleasant water — the bacteria just multiply like crazy,
texture that coats my irritated throat, but it’s right? Well…yes and no. 2 ____. Some
practically pure sugar, after all. 1 ____. So for microorganisms do indeed flourish in a dilute
years I was content in my belief that honey is solution of honey — such as the yeast used to
little more than a tasty placebo. Now, ferment it into mead. Also, certain types of
ironically enough, my convictions are being beneficial bacteria that live in the human
challenged, as researchers are turning up new intestines and aid digestion do well in a
evidence of honey’s medical benefits left and mixture of honey and water. But honey also
right. contains a substance called glucose oxidase.
Historically, honey has been used as a folk When combined with water and oxygen,
remedy in cultures around the world for glucose oxidase forms gluconic acid and
millennia. It has been prescribed informally hydrogen peroxide — the very same stuff you
as a cure for smallpox, baldness, eye diseases, probably have in your medicine cabinet right
and indigestion. It’s even been used as a now. This means that diluted honey can serve
contraceptive. As with most natural “cures” as an excellent antiseptic, while being far less
unsupported by scientific studies, I sort of likely than ordinary hydrogen peroxide to
chuckle and sigh when I read about things harm already-damaged tissue.
like this — honey may be a silly substitute for Show Me the Honey
real medicine, but at least it’s not What does all this mean in practical terms?
bloodletting. However, in this case, the bees For one thing, it means that honey applied
may have the last laugh. It turns out that topically to a wound can promote healing just
honey’s properties make it a surprisingly as well as, or in many cases better than,
effective cure-all. Or, let’s say, cure-much. conventional ointments and dressings. Its
Bee Fruitful and Multiply antibacterial properties prevent infection. It
Honey’s salutary effects stem primarily from also functions as an anti-inflammatory agent,
its antimicrobial properties. Most bacteria reducing both swelling and pain. As if that
and other microorganisms cannot grow or weren’t enough, it even reduces scarring. In
reproduce in honey. I found this quite studies around the world, honey has been
surprising, because all things being equal, shown to be extraordinarily effective in the
bacteria love sugar. Honey contains around treatment of wounds, burns, and surgical
40% fructose and 30% glucose — among incisions. 3 ____.
other sugars — making it seemingly a great But wait, there’s more! Honey is truly a head-
treat for microbes. However, honey is also to-toe cure. Honey has been shown to be
effective in treating inflammation of the have found their way into. Honey supplies
eyelid, some types of conjunctivitis, and must be tested thoroughly and regularly.
keratitis (along with other forms of corneal I should mention one other caveat: never feed
damage). It can also, believe it or not, be used honey to a child under one year of age. Honey
to treat athlete’s foot and other fungal sometimes contains Clostridium
infections. botulinum spores. Although they’re inactive
A Spoonful of Sugar Is the Medicine in the honey itself, once inside a digestive
Lest you think that honey is healthy only if tract they can multiply and cause a potentially
used on the outside of the body, it can help fatal disease of the nervous system called
with a great many internal problems too. infant botulism. By the time of a child’s first
Thanks to its antimicrobial action, it not only birthday, there are usually enough beneficial
soothes sore throats but can also kill the bacteria in the digestive tract to make it an
bacteria that sometimes cause them. If inhospitable environment for Clostridium
functions as a cough suppressant, too. 4 botulinum, meaning that honey can be eaten
____. Moving down the esophagus and safely.
through the digestive tract, honey can help to Alas, honey is not a sufficient remedy for the
heal ulcers and upset stomachs. It has also biggest health problem facing bees
been proven to regulate intestinal function, themselves: Colony Collapse Disorder, a
alleviating both constipation and diarrhea. (In phenomenon that has resulted in huge
a similarly syzygial way, honey can be used percentages of the honeybee
both as a sleep aid and to increase alertness.) population dying year after year. Although
Honey also contains a variety of antioxidants, pesticides have been widely implicated in
which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular Colony Collapse Disorder, numerous other
disease and cancer. potential causes have also been identified.
Mānuka honey, made from the flowers of the Whatever the cause(s), however, honey is
Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), clearly not the solution.
comes from New Zealand. Some varieties of I do hope the bees overcome this problem and
Mānuka honey contain an antibacterial flourish — for their own sakes, for the sake
component called UMF (Unique Mānuka of the numerous agricultural products they
Factor), which has been found to be even pollinate, and of course for our honey supply.
more useful than ordinary honey in For humans, at least, honey may be one
combating infections. Intriguingly, honey miracle cure that lives up to the buzz.
with UMF is even effective against many so-
called “superbugs” — strains of bacteria such
as Staphylococcus aureus that are resistant to
multiple types of antibiotics.
The Color of Honey
Now that you’ve worked yourself into a
gleeful frenzy over the miraculous properties
of honey, I want to temper your enthusiasm a
bit. The bad news, if you can call it that, is
that not all honey is created equal. The
chemical composition of honey depends on a
huge number of variables, the most important
of which is the type or types of plant that
provided the source nectar. 5 ____.
Because it’s impossible to regulate the
comings and goings of millions of bees,
there’s also no way to guarantee that honey
from any location will be chemically the
same from year to year or free of
contamination from pollutants the bees may
A. Honey also functions as a moisturizer, making it a useful treatment for sunburn as well as a
general-purpose skin softener.
B. Honeys vary not only in color and flavor, but in their medicinal properties, with some varieties
being much more potent than others.
C. What good could it possibly do me other than diminishing my perception of discomfort for a
few minutes?
D. Although research is inconclusive so far, there’s also the suggestion it could actually reduce
tooth decay, all that sticky sugar notwithstanding.
E. Amazingly enough, diluted honey supports the growth of bacteria that are helpful to humans
while killing off dangerous strains.

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