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Effectiveness of Diet Refeeds and Diet Breaks as a Precontest Strategy

Article in Strength and Conditioning Journal · March 2020

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000546


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3 authors, including:

Guillermo Escalante Layne Norton

California State University, San Bernardino BioLayne LLC


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Effectiveness of Diet
Refeeds and Diet Breaks
as a Precontest Strategy
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Guillermo Escalante, DSc, MBA, ATC, CSCS, CISSN,1 Bill I. Campbell, PhD, CSCS, FISSN,2 and Layne Norton, PhD3
California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California; 2University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida;
and 3BioLayne LLC, Lutz, Florida

ABSTRACT male and female physique athletes fol- physiological functioning that mani-
lowed a high-protein, high-carbohy- fests itself in athletes was put forth by
Physique competitors focus on opti-
drate, low-fat (;30–35/50/15–20% the International Olympic Committee
mizing body composition through
of energy from protein/carbohy- (IOC) in the form of a consensus state-
maximizing muscle mass and loss of drates/fats) diet where the total intake ment and is referred to as a syndrome
body fat. Competitors frequently of all macronutrients decreased over titled “Relative Energy Deficiency in
experiment with various methodologies time as the competitors got closer to Sport (RED-S).” The syndrome of
purported to improve body composi- the competition. RED-S refers to relative energy defi-
tion, but often, there is a lack of evi- ciency and includes impairments of
Although energy restriction is neces-
dence on their efficacy. Emerging resting metabolic rate, menstrual func-
sary for fat loss to occur, it can be
evidence suggests that intermittent tion, bone health, immunity, protein
achieved in a continuous or intermit-
energy restriction (IER) methodologies synthesis, and cardiovascular health
tent fashion. Continuous energy restric-
such as refeeds and diet breaks may
tion requires reducing the energy intake (22). According to the IOC statement
offer various benefits to competitors by every day relative to weight mainte- on RED-S, it is a mismatch between an
improving fat loss efficiency, lean body nance requirements; alternatively, inter- athlete’s energy intake (diet) and the
mass retention, and attenuating meta- mittent energy restriction (IER) uses energy expended in exercise, leaving
bolic adaptation to weight loss. This alternating periods of energy restriction inadequate energy to support the func-
review examines these methodologies with periods of greater energy intake tions required by the body to maintain
and the evidence for their efficacy and that are sometimes referred to as “re- optimal health and performance (22).
proposes practical ways to implement feed” periods or “diet breaks” within In other words, low-energy availability
IER that may benefit physique com- the fat-loss plan (25,35). Among phy- is the likely factor responsible for the
petitors. sique athletes, both methods of calo- impairments observed in this syn-
ric restriction have been reported drome. Considering the preparation
(7,21,34). Chappell et al. (7) reported a physique athlete undertakes to peak
INTRODUCTION that 10 out of 32 male competitors for competition (a combination of calo-
physique competitor’s success and 8 out of 16 female competitors con- ric restriction and a concomitant

A is highly related to their body

composition. To achieve low
levels of body fat, competitors typi-
sumed periodic “cheat meals” during
their contest preparation; furthermore,
one of the 32 males and 4 of the 16
increase in exercise volume)—the likeli-
hood of this type of athlete experienc-
ing symptoms of RED-S is elevated.
cally follow 8–20 + week diets in females used refeed strategies during Although research investigating IER
which energy expenditure is in- their contest preparation, Refeed days in physique athletes is in its infancy,
creased and caloric expenditure is de- were also reported by Mitchell et al. there are some data and optimism to
creased (3,7,10,13,14,21,24,30,31,33). (21) among 4 of 9 bodybuilders as part suggest that such strategies may pre-
Kleiner et al. (13), reported that male of their contest preparation. vent symptoms of RED-S.
bodybuilders followed high protein, One of the potential benefits of incor-
low-fat hypocaloric diet patterns. Sim- porating an IER dietary strategy is to
ilarly, Chappell et al. (7), reported that diet breaks; diet refeeds; physique
offset some of the adverse physiologi-
competitors; precontest preparation;
Address correspondence to Guillermo Esca- cal effects that continuous dieting can
intermittent energy restriction
lante, exert. A discussion of the impaired

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 1

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Diet Refeeds and Diet Breaks for Contest Prep

Although not all competitors and  Diet refeeds—A diet strategy used to thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine
coaches implement diet breaks or diet reach a specific target of calories and [T3], thyroxine [T4]), leptin, insulin,
refeeds as part of their contest prepara- macro/micronutrients that is usually insulin-like growth factor, ghrelin, tes-
tion plans, there seems to be a theoretical set at the individual’s estimated tosterone, and cortisol are all altered
construct as to why these practices may weight maintenance energy require- during periods of energy restriction,
be effective during a contest preparation ments or slightly above (i.e., 5–10% (1,11,17,25,30,34). Research indicates
phase for the physique athlete. Since the above) their maintenance energy that very low adiposity and energy
evidence on the efficacy of such practices intake for 1–3 days. Trexler et al. restriction result in decreased levels of
is scarce in the literature, the purpose of (34) defined a refeed as a brief period thyroid hormones, (11,30,36); leptin,
this article is to review the existing evi- of overfeeding in which caloric (11,18,33); insulin, (17,30); and testoster-
dence to help determine whether these intake is raised slightly above main- one, (11,17). Conversely, the hormones
practices may be effective as part of tenance levels, and the increase in ghrelin, (18,30), and cortisol, (19,30),
a contest preparation strategy for phy- caloric intake is predominantly have been reported to increase during
sique athletes. achieved by increasing carbohydrate energy restriction. Collectively and indi-
consumption. The bodybuilders vidually, alterations of these hormones
DEFINITION OF TERMS who implemented diet refeeds as may lead to fat loss plateaus by reducing
The terms cheat day, cheat meal, diet part of their precontest strategy in energy expenditure and potentially
refeeds, and diet breaks are sometimes a study by Mitchell et al. (21), re- making adherence to a fat loss plan
used interchangeably by coaches and ported a 46 6 21% increase in more challenging.
athletes. To improve clarity on the energy from their normal hypocalor- The thyroid hormones, particularly T3,
topic, the definitions below will be ic diet with a 114 6 41% increase in play an important role in regulating
used for the purposes of this article. If carbohydrates, a 63 6 66% increase energy expenditure where decreases in
applicable, definitions of these terms in fats, and a 4 6 11% reduction in these hormones lower the metabolic
from the existing literature are used. protein. If a cheat meal is measured rate and decrease thermogenesis, (12).
These are the acting definitions: and there is room in the daily calo- Moreover, the low levels of leptin and
 Cheat meal—Eating one meal without rie/macronutrient allowance for the high levels of ghrelin that occur with
regard to quantity or macro/micronu- day, it may be integrated as part of low levels of body fat and energy restric-
trient composition. The intake may be the diet refeed. Diet refeeds can be tion work synergistically to stimulate
measured at the end of the meal, but arranged in many ways; for example, appetite (2,19). Similar to leptin, insulin
there are no predetermined goals to 5 days of energy restriction followed is another adiposity signaling hormone
achieve in terms of total calorie or by 2 days of diet breaks or 12 days of where higher levels of the hormone
macro/micronutrient intake for the energy restriction followed by 3 days
have an anorexigenic effect on the body
specific meal. Depending on the quan- of diet refeeds.
(32). Furthermore, insulin levels play an
tity of food consumed, a measured  Diet breaks—A diet strategy where
important role in suppressing muscle
cheat meal may still fit into the daily a continuous string of 4+days to sev-
protein breakdown (28); hence, low lev-
dietary goals for the day while on eral weeks of weight maintenance
els of insulin may contribute to losses in
a caloric deficit or as part of a diet calories (or slightly above) are con-
fat-free mass. Testosterone, which plays
refeed or diet break strategy. Murray sumed as part of the fat loss plan
a role in increasing muscle protein syn-
et al. (23) defined a cheat meal as with a specific target of calories
thesis and muscle mass (28), has an
a meal in which one’s restrictive and and macro/micronutrients for each
inverse correlation with fat mass and
meticulously calculated dietary regi- day. Diet breaks can be arranged in
may regulate adiposity by inhibiting adi-
men may be abandoned for a brief many ways, for example, one week
pogenesis (16). Conversely, the gluco-
influx of “prohibited” foods. of energy restriction may be fol-
 Cheat day—An entire day of eating corticoid cortisol induces muscle
lowed by one week of a diet break
protein breakdown (28), and may hin-
without regard to quantity or or 2 weeks of energy restriction may
der the action of leptin (39).
macro/micronutrient composition. be followed by 2 weeks of a diet
While the intake may be measured break. In order for fat loss to occur, In a case report of a natural male body-
at the end of each day, there are no the periods of the diet breaks must not builder over a 6-month contest diet
predetermined goals to achieve in result in energy intake significantly period, the fasting levels of leptin, T3,
terms of total calorie or macro/mi- above weight maintenance calories. testosterone, insulin, and T4 dropped
cronutrient intake. Cheat days by 47, 50, 75, 83, and 39%, respectively
include a string of back to back cheat HORMONAL RESPONSES TO FAT (30). Furthermore, fasting cortisol and
meals and most likely result in a sig- LOSS AND ENERGY RESTRICTION ghrelin levels rose by 100 and 39%,
nificantly higher than normal con- The energy restriction required for fat respectively (30). Similar results have
sumption of calories that usually loss to occur is accompanied by a myr- been reported in larger cohorts. In a study
come from carbohydrates and fats. iad of hormonal responses. Specifically, investigating the effects of anabolic and

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MARCH 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
catabolic hormones during the contest METABOLIC RESPONSES TO FAT was randomly assigned to reduce their
preparation phase of 14 male bodybuild- LOSS AND ENERGY RESTRICTION caloric intake by 25% per week for 7
ers, it was reported that insulin and In addition to hormonal adaptations, consecutive weeks (consecutive dieting
insulin-like growth factor decreased sig- the metabolic responses to fat loss group). By contrast, the other group (re-
nificantly over the course of an 11-week and energy restriction also involves feed group) reduced their caloric intake
contest preparation diet while testoster- a downregulation of total daily energy by 35% for 5 of 7 days per week while
one decreased significantly during the expenditure. An individual’s total daily including a 2 day increase in caloric
first 5 weeks of the diet (17). More energy expenditure (and the relative intake (in the form of carbohydrates on-
recently, a study of 50 female fitness proportion of the total amount) in- ly) for 2 consecutive days per week. At
competitors looked at the effects of cludes the following: the end of the week, the 25% calorie
intensive weight reduction on body  Resting metabolic rate (;60–70%) restriction for the refeed group matched
composition and serum hormones (11).  Nonexercise activity thermogenesis the energy restriction of the consecutive
Over the 4-month fat loss diet to prepare (;5–15%) dieting group. At the end of the 7-week
for a fitness competition, significant de-  Thermic effect of food/diet-induced dieting intervention, both groups had
creases in leptin, T3, testosterone, and thermogenesis (;10–15%) significant reductions in fat mass and
estradiol were reported along with an  Exercise activity thermogenesis body mass, but the refeed group retained
increased incidence of menstrual irregu- (;5–15%) more fat-free mass compared with the
larities (11). Collectively, it has been sug- Each one of these components of total continuous dieting group (0.9 kg more
gested that low energy intake combined daily energy expenditure has been for the refeed group) (5). Furthermore,
with low levels of adiposity result in hor- shown to decrease in response to the consecutive dieting group experi-
monal responses aimed at conserving weight loss and/or energy restriction. enced a significant decrease in resting
energy and increasing energy intake In obese populations, it has been re- metabolic rate as compared to baseline
(34). Table 1 summarizes the hormonal ported that exercise activity thermo- values (;4%), whereas the refeed group
responses associated with energy restric- genesis is suppressed in response to maintained their resting metabolic rate
tion and fat loss during contest weight loss (8,37). Similarly, nonexer- during the diet intervention (6). The
preparation. cise activity thermogenesis also de- weight loss and energy restriction prac-
creases with energy restriction in tices that physique athletes subject them-
There have been a few reports of studies of obese subjects (15,29). selves to for competitive success elicit
a reversal of the hormonal adaptations physiological homeostatic responses.
Although the relative magnitude of
in the postcompetition period when These responses include metabolic adap-
the thermic effect of food does not
energy intake and body fat stores are tations that are manifested through hor-
seem to change with energy restriction,
increased. In a case study of a drug-free the overall reduced energy intake does monal alterations and a suppression of
male bodybuilder (30), it was reported decrease the absolute magnitude of the metabolic rate. Although these unfavor-
that 5 of 7 hormones returned to base- thermic effect of food (20,34). able responses to fat loss and energy
line/predieting levels (defined as restriction are reversible with postcom-
within 15% of baseline hormonal Of the variables comprising total daily
petition weight gain and increased
value). Specifically, testosterone, T4, energy expenditure, resting metabolic
energy intakes, a future goal of physique
T3, ghrelin, and insulin returned to rate has been the most studied in the
scientists is to investigate dietary strate-
precontest preparation levels while lep- physique athlete population. In the pub-
gies that may be able to mute the re-
tin and cortisol still had not returned to lished case study literature where resting
sponses that may hinder maintenance
precompetition levels within 6 months metabolic rates of physique athletes
of fat-free mass and lower resting meta-
after competition. In another case have been tracked during contest prep-
bolic rate during the contest preparation
study of a drug-free male bodybuilder aration (congruent with fat loss and
period. The inclusion of diet breaks and
(24), testosterone and T3 still had not energy restriction), there has been a sup-
diet refeeds should be further investi-
returned to precontest preparation/ pression of the resting metabolic rate
gated for their potential in this area since
baseline levels while T4 concentrations (24,26,27,30,33). On average, the reduc-
there is some initial evidence indicating
were recovered along with a return to tion in resting metabolic rate was that IER may help to attenuate
elevated energy intake and fat mass. At approximately 18% (ranging from 9 a decrease in fat-free mass and resting
this time, we are not aware of any ex- to 47%). metabolic rate that would be beneficial
isting data that have investigated the Campbell et al. recently published 2 for a physique competitor.
effects of diet breaks (increased energy studies in abstract form (5,6) that inves-
intakes) within the contest preparation tigated the effects of a 2-day refeed in THE EFFECTS OF REFEEDS AND
phase and the potential effects such dieting resistance-trained males (n 5 DIET BREAKS
a diet break/increased energy intake 14) and females (n 5 13) seeking to opti- The effects of IER on weight loss for the
would have on the aforementioned mize their physiques. There was a 7- overweight, obese, and/or diabetic pop-
metabolic hormones. week diet phase in which one group ulations started to gain interest after

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Diet Refeeds and Diet Breaks for Contest Prep

Table 1 weeks diet intervention due to the 7 3 decreases in leptin concentrations, the
Hormonal adaptations during 2-week breaks that occurred between 8 differences between the groups was not
contest preparation/energy 3 2-week diet periods. The researchers significant (1). However, the small
restriction reported that 19 participants in the con- sample size may make it difficult to
tinuous diet group completed the study detect anything less than a very large
Hormone Response (reference)
and lost an average of 9.1 6 2.9 kg; effect size in this pilot study. Hence, the
Testosterone Y (19,32) furthermore, 17 participants in the inter- authors concluded that future studies
mittent diet group completed the study should investigate larger sample sizes
Cortisol [ (19,32,33)
and lost an average of 14.1 6 5.6 kg (4). to determine whether carbohydrate re-
TSH Y (33) Hence, the authors concluded that feeds during a hypocaloric diet can
greater weight and fat loss was achieved attenuate decreases in plasma leptin
T4 Y (19,32)
in the intermittent diet group (4). concentrations (1).
T3 Y (19,32) Although many other studies have PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS AND
Insulin Y (19) compared the effects of intermittent CONCLUSION
and continuous energy restriction on Intermittent dieting encompasses a myr-
Leptin Y (19,32,33)
the obese or overweight population, iad of different strategies such as diet
Ghrelin [ (19,32) it has been suggested that active lean breaks and refeeds. There are limitless
individuals may benefit more from IER ways in which the physique athlete
strategies due to their different meta- might apply them to improve fat loss
Wing and Jeffrey investigated the effects bolic status as compared to the over- efficiency and retain or improve lean
of diet breaks in 142 participants by sep- weight or obese sedentary populations body mass while tailoring them to per-
arating them into groups of a continuous (25). Although the practice of diet re- sonal preference. Although this review
14-week diet group, a long-break diet feeds and diet breaks has been around has focused on the physiological benefits
group, and a short-break diet group for many years in the physique world, it of intermittent dieting, the possible psy-
(38). All participants received the same is not until recently that research on chological preferences should not be
standardized behavioral weight loss pro- these practices has been performed ignored. Although there are little data
gram with 14 weekly sessions; however, with this population as previously dis- on this topic in particular, anecdotally
the long-break group took a 6 week diet cussed (5,6). some athletes report improved adher-
break after the seventh week of dieting, Aguilar et al. (1) also reported on the ence when they implement these strate-
and the short-break group took a 2 week effects of intermittent carbohydrate re- gies. Although there are many ways to
break after the third, sixth, and ninth feeds versus continuous dieting on lep- apply intermittent dieting strategies,
week of dieting (38). During the diet tin concentrations in a subsample of there are a few principles that must be
breaks, the participants were instructed the participants, from the larger cohort adhered to (a) while some diet breaks
to stop all weight loss efforts (38). studied by Campbell et al. (5,6). In this and/or refeeds may make use of periods
Although the diet breaks naturally slowed pilot study, 9 resistance-trained partic- of eating over maintenance, an overall
down the process of weight loss, the over- ipants were randomly placed into energy deficit must be maintained if con-
all weight lost between 0 and 5 months or either a refeed group or a continuous tinuous fat loss is to occur. For example,
0–11 months did not differ between the diet group in conjunction with a 4 days if an athlete had an average energy
groups that incorporated the diet breaks per week resistance training program expenditure of 2,500 calories per day
and the group that dieted continu- for 7 weeks (1). All participants (17,500 calories per week) but consumed
ously throughout the duration of the adhered to a 25% kcal reduction from 20,000 calories per week by using 2 days
study (38). their baseline calorie intake over the of eating at 5,000 calories for “refeeds”
More recently, Byrne et al. examined course of the week; however, the re- while eating 2,000 calories on their 5
whether IER improved weight loss effi- feed group implemented 2 consecutive “normal” days, they would likely gain
ciency compared with a continuous days of elevated carbohydrate/calorie fat or at minimum not lose fat due to
energy restriction (4). Fifty one obese intake (to maintenance calories) fol- overeating on a weekly basis. (b) These
men were randomly placed into either lowed by a 35% caloric restriction for techniques are only appropriate if the
a continuous 16-week energy restriction 5 days each week while the continuous athlete maintains their adherence. If
group or an intermittent diet group that diet group adhered to a continuous these strategies cause the individual ath-
alternated 2 weeks of energy restriction 25% caloric restriction every day for lete to be less adherent to their overall
with 2 weeks of weight maintenance 7 weeks (1). Leptin concentrations nutritional strategy, then they may be
calories (4). Clearly, both groups under- and body weight were measured at inappropriate for that particular athlete.
went the same 16-week diet interven- baseline and after the diet intervention It is important for athletes and coaches
tion; however, it took the intermittent (1). Although both groups significantly to understand that more aggressive in-
diet group 30 weeks to complete the 16 lost body weight and had significant creases in calories on refeed days will

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MARCH 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
mean that the athlete will need to be an athlete would probably like to use Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
even more energy restricted on nonre- the minimal amount of time spent in The authors report no conflicts of interest
feed days. Likewise, incorporating long- a diet break that provides the maximum and no source of funding.
diet breaks, such as the 2-week diet benefit, so that the overall preparation
breaks used in the study by Byrne et al. phase is not extended longer than nec-
(4), will significantly extend the duration essary. The longer the total preparation Guillermo
of the total competition preparation phase, the less time spent in the offseason Escalante is an
phase. Therefore, it is important for muscle building phase by default. As associate profes-
coaches and athletes to consider how such, the goals of leanness and retaining sor of Kinesiology
much time they are prepared to spend lean body mass and resting metabolic at California
in a deficit as well as how much total rate must also be balanced with spending State University
preparation time (number of weeks in enough time in the offseason gaining San Bernardino.
a deficit as well as maintenance) they phase to build the requisite amount of
are willing to commit. It is also important muscle mass to be competitive. As of
to note that diet breaks and refeeds do now, it is not known if a 1-week diet
not have to be mutually exclusive. break may provide the same benefits as
Although single-day refeeds likely do 2 weeks of diet breaks, so any further Bill I. Campbell
not confer any additional fat loss benefits discussion is speculative. is a professor of
compared with continuous dieting, mul- Exercise Science
If we were to speculate on an optimal
tiple day refeeds may provide a protective and Director of
usage of diet breaks, we might recom-
effect on fat-free mass (;0.9 kg) and the Performance
mend a graded diet break frequency
metabolic rate (less than 100 kcal per & Physique
during the contest preparation phase.
day difference) (5,6). Although these dif- Laboratory at the
That is, less frequent diet breaks when
ferences may appear small, a physique University of
the preparation begins and resting
competitor would likely find an addi- South Florida.
metabolic rate, leptin, testosterone,
tional 0.9 kg of fat-free mass to be advan-
and T3 are still high from the offseason
tageous during a competition where
overfeeding phase. As the competitor Layne Norton is
muscularity is valued. In addition, main-
progresses through prep and body fat the President at
taining a slightly higher resting metabolic
drops, gradually incorporating more BioLayne LLC.
rate (;100 calories) over the course of
frequent refeeds to maintain resting
their contest preparation could assist in
metabolic rate and lean body mass
their ability to burn more calories with-
during the most difficult phases of prep
out doing any extra activity. Further-
more, if a few higher calorie or may be more optimal than maintaining
maintenance days per week improve the same diet break frequency the
adherence for the individual athlete, then entire preparation phase. As fat is lost
it is a worthy addition. Diet breaks seem and adipocytes become depleted, it
to have a more robust effect on protect- becomes more likely that energy will
ing lean body mass and attenuating de- be liberated from lean tissue versus
creases in resting metabolic rate; fat tissue (9). Perhaps providing more
frequent diet breaks for athletes as they REFERENCES
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diet Refeeds and Diet Breaks for Contest Prep

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