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From the Law office of



Ref: AJ/2016/LN Dated: 01/06/2024

Client Kanchi Sai, Divili Durga babu c/o Kanchi sattibabu, 2-12
Srungavruksham East godavari Vinayaka temple Street

Subject: Legal Notice.

Under the instructions of my client Gurpinder Singh s/o Lal Chand R/o
Village Dhamomajra, Near 24 no. Phatak, Patiala I hereby serve upon you with the
following legal notice:-

1. That in discharge of your liability/ part debts, you issued cheque bearing No.
031174 of Rs.1,00,000/- dated 01/06/2024 drawn on Bank of India, Kanchi
Sai from A/c No. 655310100003557 in favour of my client and you assured
my client that the said cheque would be encahsed as and when presented by
my client that as and when the cheque would be presented for encahsement
there would be sufficient funds in your account.

2. You Are Filing Wrong Income tax,,You don't have pay 72000 Ruppies Other
Wise Our Finance Services will Be fine The court You have To Come To
Delhi For councelling For Vayidha Monthly 2 or 3 Times

3. That my client was astonished on receiving the dishonoured cheque and he

approached you and told you about the dishonour of cheque and requested
you to make the payment of cheque amount, but you flatly refused for the

AB Associates, Chamber No. 117, Ground Floor, Mahatma Gandhi Complex,

District Courts, Patiala

4. That you issued the cheque with malafide intention and knowingly that you
did not having enough balance in your account at the time of issuance and
presentation of the said cheque and due to this reason, the aforesaid
cheque was not honoured, hence this legal notice.

Through this notice, you are hereby directed to clear the cheque amount
i.e. Rs.72000/- to my client within the period of 6 months from the date,,You Have
to Come Vayidha Monthly Monthly You have to come To the Court..of receipt of
this legal notice, failing which my client shall be constrained to proceed against
you, in that event you will be liable and responsible for all the costs of litigation, so
incurred by my client in this behalf.

Copy retained in my office for further proceedings.

Arun Bansal

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