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Best Practices for Writing

Lightning Web Components

(LWC) in Salesforce

sweety kumari
LWC Component Bundle Naming Convention:

Naming conventions are crucial for maintaining a

consistent and readable codebase. In Lightning
Web Components (LWC), different parts of the
component bundle follow specific naming

Component Bundle:
Use camelCase: Name your component
bundles using camelCase.
Example: myComponent

HTML File:
Use camelCase: Name the HTML file
using camelCase to match the component
bundle name.

sweety kumari
Use kebab-case: Reference the component
in the markup using kebab-case.
Example: For a component bundle named
myComponent, the HTML file is
myComponent.html and referenced as <c-my-

<<!-- parentComponent.html -->


JavaScript File:
Use PascalCase: Name the JavaScript class
in PascalCase.
Example: For a component bundle named
myComponent, the JavaScript file is
myComponent.js with a class named

sweety kumari
Modular Architecture:

Break down complex components into

smaller, reusable components.
Follow the single-responsibility principle to
enhance maintainability.

Use Lightning Data Service (LDS):

Leverage LDS for CRUD operations instead

of calling Apex directly.
Benefits: Simplified code, built-in caching,
and reduced server round-trips.

sweety kumari
Use @wire for Reactive Properties:

Use @wire decorator for reactive

properties to automatically fetch and
update data.
Ensures efficient data loading and state

Avoid Inline Styles:

Use CSS stylesheets or SLDS (Salesforce

Lightning Design System) for styling.
Enhances consistency and maintainability.

sweety kumari
Import Object & Field References:

Prefer importing schema references using

Ensures compile-time checking and easier

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import NAME_FIELD from
import getAccountList from

export default class AccountList extends LightningElement {

accountObject = ACCOUNT_OBJECT;
nameField = NAME_FIELD;


sweety kumari
Error Handling:
Implement robust error handling for Apex
calls and data operations.
Use try-catch blocks and user-friendly error

sweety kumari

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