Copy of BG-240430-Weekly Progress Meeting-MOM-Consolidated 3

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting

Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702

Revision No: 00

Project Title: KAZ Power Station 800xA HMI Upgrade Project Code:
Customer: Basrah Gas Company Customer Code:
End User: Basrah Gas Company Date of Meeting:
Location: Iraq Form Filled on:

Agenda of Meeting
Weekly Progress Review Meetings


Sr # Name Organization /
1 Philip, Robson BGC
2 Salim, Ahmed BGC-Production - AS BGC
3 Greg Hewson BGC
4 Usman Dodhy INTECH
5 Haris Zaman INTECH
6 Hamza Naqi INTECH
7 Hajra Sarwar INTECH
8 Kainat Batool INTECH
9 Saad Akbar INTECH
Sr # Name Organization /
1 Philip, Robson BGC
2 Salim, Ahmed BGC-Production - AS BGC
3 Greg Hewson BGC
4 Umair Ali Sheikh INTECH
5 Usman Dodhy INTECH
6 Haris Zaman INTECH
7 Hamza Naqi INTECH
8 Hajra Sarwar INTECH
9 Kainat Batool INTECH
10 Saad Akbar INTECH

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Role & Responsibility

Asset PACO Obsolescence Proj. Manager

Asset PACO C ontrol & Automation Engineer
Asset PACO Obsolescence Proj. Manager
Project Manager
Project Controller
Lead Engineer
Project Engineer
Project Engineer
Project Engineer

Role & Responsibility

Asset PACO Obsolescence Proj. Manager

Asset PACO C ontrol & Automation Engineer
Asset PACO Obsolescence Proj. Manager
Portfolio Manager
Project Manager
Project Controller
Lead Engineer
Project Engineer
Project Engineer
Project Engineer

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting
Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702
Revision No: 00

Meeting Sr. # Description Responsibility Target Date Action(s) taken Status Closure Date
Date <dd-mmm-yyyy> <dd-mmm-yyyy>
Meeting started with brief overview over Kick-off
22-May-24 1 meeting action items with BGC team. Info

BGC enquired INTECH about PO palcement to ABB,

INTECH said PO placement process is in final stage of
approval and will be placed by the end of this week.
22-May-24 2 And then ABB's team will be available for meetings. Info

INTECH will share delivery milestone schdeule with BGC

after PO placement to ABB and coordination with ABB's Will be shared in Project
22-May-24 3 team. INTECH 45442 In-Progress
progress report

22-May-24 4 BGC agreed on the final 20% payment milestone to be a Info

safeguard in case INTECH goes behind schedule.

INTECH to share detailed list of activities to be

performed at site with BGC and then BGC team will
5 INTECH/BGC 45437 Site Survey Plan shared with Closed 45434
22-May-24 revert on this with comments.(If Any).
BGC to confirm the site survey date for INTECH's
engineer mobilization.

INTECH updated BGC's team on project's current

22-May-24 6 progress that INTECH is working on BOM, Panel related Info
drawings and documentation and target submission
date for first batch will be end of next week.

Meeting started with the brief overview regarding last

29-May-24 7 progress meeting's action items. Info

INTECH updated BGC that ABB PO has been issued, and

ABB team would be joing weekly progress meetings
29-May-24 8 from next week onwards. Info

INTECH reminded BGC to align DCCs meeting, BGC said

their resource (Ihab) aligned over email is on leave for
two weeks, and now they will arrange another suitable
29-May-24 9 point of contact to align DCCs of INTECH and BGC. BGC 45447 Closed 45456

INTECH enquired BGC details regarding site survey

activities, BGC said their resource Rizwan is working on
29-May-24 10 preliminary work of site survey so as to provide BGC 45445 Closed 45450
information required to kickstart procurement and will
also share a list of tools with INTECH required for
extracting the configuration and backup files.

INTECH asked BGC if site survey would be possible to be

conducted next week. BGC said to wait until their
29-May-24 11 resource Rizwan provides information by the end of this Info
week after conducting first phase of the survey and
then re-assess regarding the files extraction of switches
and IEDs to which INTECH agreed.

BGC asked INTECH to share document index formally

with list of deliverables. INTECH proposed to submit
29-May-24 12 internally prepared MDR (Master Document Register) INTECH 45442 MDR shared with BGC. Closed 45441
with list of deliverables for BGC review and official
submission would be done after DCCs meeting.

BGC asked INTECH to share details on the roles and

13 INTECH 45447 SOW responsibility matrix Closed 45447
29-May-24 responsibilities of INTECH and ABB team for this
shared with BGC.
project. INTECH to share with BGC.

5-Jun-24 14 Meeting started with introduction of ABB Info

representative to BGC.

5-Jun-24 15 INTECH briefly discussed last progress meeting action Info

items and enquired BGC reponse on them.

INTECH enquired DCCs meeting alignment details to

5-Jun-24 16 BGC, BGC resource Salim said he will check with their BGC 6-Jun-24 Closed 45456
DCC and share meeting invite in this week.

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting
Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702
Revision No: 00

Meeting Sr. # Description Responsibility Target Date Action(s) taken Status Closure Date
Date <dd-mmm-yyyy> <dd-mmm-yyyy>

INTECH asked BGC update regarding site survey, BGC

resource Rizwan updated about the completion of
suvey of ABB control system and switchgear part. He
would upload the collected information along with
5-Jun-24 17 picture by then end of this week in the shared BGC 9-Jun-24 Closed 45450
Also Rizwan mentioned to wait for his provided
information and BGC internal discussion regarding
survey over which INTECH would decided if further
survey needs to be done or not by INTECH resource.

BGC informed that they will give us a complete update

on site survey activities by the end of this week, to
which Intech replied that they had planned thier Site
5-Jun-24 18 Survey also within this timeframe as per initial schedule Info
and now sending a resource(incase required) just next
week will be a bit difficult considering limited duration
left before the EID holidays.

BGC teams shared concerned regarding list of

deliverables and they presented their purpose of
getting detailed documentation from INTECH in "As-
5-Jun-24 19 Built" code for the complete KAZ Power plant which INTECH 11-Jun-24 Closed 45454
ABB commissioned and had prepared.
INTECH will check on this with proposal team internally
and then revert on it to BGC.

5-Jun-24 20 ABB representative Jagadish gave brief overview of Info

project SOW to BGC team as enquired by them.

5-Jun-24 21 INTECH shared list of pre-requiste ABB team required Info

from site to kick start the project activities to BGC team.

INTECH said BGC to provide CID Files (For IEC61850

Engineering) backup from IED's. BGC team said they
22 BGC 11-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In-Progress
5-Jun-24 have the configuration tools available in their
survey completion
engineering workstation which would be utilized to
extract IED backup files.

INTECH enquired BGC to provide the PMS library license

23 BGC/ABB 11-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In-Progress
5-Jun-24 BGC will check of license file is available. If not then ABB
survey completion
to propose alternate method for retreiving it from PMS

INTECH team asked BGC to provide fresh maintenance

backup. BGC said Maintenance backup taken during site
survey Nov 2023 could be shared with ABB to proceed
5-Jun-24 24 with the engineering. Some few modifications will be Info
done whose track record would be maintained by BGC
and shared with INTECH and ABB to be implemented in
upgraded 6.1.1 version backups before commissioning
on site.

INTECH asked BGC to share Snapshots of programs and

features for all system nodes at site.
25 BGC/ABB 11-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In-Progress
5-Jun-24 BGC team said once Data collector tool is available in
survey completion
the engineering workstation at site they will provide
required data. ABB to share details of the tool.

INTECH said BGC to share IO list & Mapping list for

5-Jun-24 26 IEC61850 CID files. BGC 11-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In-Progress
BGC would check for the mapping list. If not available survey completion
then backup to be reverse engineered.

5-Jun-24 27 INTECH asked BGC to share Document submission BGC 6-Jun-24 Closed 45456
template and submission portal/media between DCC.

INTECH asked BGC to share IEC61850 OPC Server

Backup file.
28 BGC 11-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In-Progress
5-Jun-24 Rizwan said he can provdide the CET backup after
survey completion
checking the configuration tool in the IEC6150 OPC
connectivity server.

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting
Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702
Revision No: 00

Meeting Sr. # Description Responsibility Target Date Action(s) taken Status Closure Date
Date <dd-mmm-yyyy> <dd-mmm-yyyy>

INTECH asked BGC to share monthly reports if available

5-Jun-24 29 as acquired by ABB. BGC said they have only Info
handwritten reports available in Arabic.

5-Jun-24 30 BGC to share document containing IED's site survey BGC 7-Jun-24 Closed 45449
related information with INTECH via Rizwan.

Meeting started with brief discussion over last progress

12-Jun-24 31 meeting action items and enquired BGC reponse on Info

INTECH enquired update regarding DCCs meeting. Salim

said will check on it again and share meeting invite by
32 BGC/INTECH 13-Jun-24 INTECH & BGC's DCCs meeting Closed 45456
12-Jun-24 today.
Additionally, he share the meeting link and set the DCCs
meeting for tomorrow.

INTECH informed BGC team that the first set of cabinet

drawings & documents had been completed. We would
want to share these in the INTECH template for now for
12-Jun-24 33 BGC's technical review. And after the DCC meeting, we Info
will update them to BGC template to prevent any
additional delays in the design process.
The BGC team advised waiting for the DCC meeting and
then share accordingly.

INTECH shared and briefly discussed the Site survey

checklist with remarks against each activity that which
information is provided by Rizwan or which one still not
12-Jun-24 34 Rizwan said to share the INTECH's incorporated BGC/INTECH 45457 Closed 45457
commented checklist with BGC so they will revert back
with their remarks against each activity. And in
summary, backups and configurations part has not been

About 800XA or maintenance backup BGC said as

discussed in last meeting consider that last backup
12-Jun-24 35 taken by INTECH back in 2023 as final one. As there are Info
no significant modifications done and if any minor
changes made in future then will update on it.

Regarding AGA part site survey, Rizwan informed that

12-Jun-24 36 there is a document that provide details on AGA and he BGC 45461 Closed 45461
would share with us.

INTECH enquired about Network topology related

information and Rizwan said he shared the block
12-Jun-24 37 diagram and an excel file containing point to point INTECH
information in shared folder so INTECH should get it
reviewed and then revert if anything is missing or
futher needed.

INTECH said BGC to share IED's IO list if available, BGC

38 BGC 18-Jun-24 Information awaited till site In progress
12-Jun-24 responded they had IED's IO list and will share with
survey completion

INTECH asked BGC when to deploy resource for site

survey so BGC team said to align after Eid holidays as
INTECH's resource details and
39 resource would have access to the necessary local INTECH 45461 Closed 45463
12-Jun-24 site survey schedule shared with
support to gather all the information from the site.
INTECH said after checking internally we will share
details regarding resource mobilization with BGC.

12-Jun-24 40 BGC to share the comments on INTECH's provided list BGC 17-Jun-24 Closed 45459
of Deliverables.

BGC requested to check on all parties meeting schedule

planned on 25-June and reschedule it for another time
12-Jun-24 41 as BGC have another meeting planned at same time INTECH 18-Jun-24 Meeting held on 27-JUNE-2024 Closed 45470
INTECH said will check on it and share meeting link

INTECH said BGC that next week progress meeting will

12-Jun-24 42 be resehuled due to Eid holidays and invite will be INTECH 16-Jun-24 Closed 45459
shared accordingly.

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting
Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702
Revision No: 00

Meeting Sr. # Description Responsibility Target Date Action(s) taken Status Closure Date
Date <dd-mmm-yyyy> <dd-mmm-yyyy>
Meeting started with brief discussion over last progress
20-Jun-24 43 meeting action items and enquired BGC reponse on Info

INTECH proposed to submit the first set of deliverables

20-Jun-24 44 on the template from the past projects and BGC DCC INTECH 21-Jun-24 Closed 45464
can review and revert back to us on the format.

INTECH informed BGC of the site survey activities

pending and to mobilize its resource to close out the
20-Jun-24 45 remaining checklist points. BGC asked INTECH to share INTECH 20-Jun-24 Closed 45463
the email containing the information of resource to be
mobilized for site survey with list of activities to
conclude the site survey.

INTECH informed BGC about the document related to

Fuel gas metering PLC which Rizwan had mentioned in
the previous weekly meeting. BGC will check and revert
20-Jun-24 46 back on this. BGC/INTECH 20-Jun-24 Closed 45463
INTECH also informed BGC that the remaining Fuel Gas
Metering related information will also be covered
during site survey.

BGC enquired about the access to the sharepoint link

shared with Rizwan and Philip. INTECH informed about
20-Jun-24 47 the internal SOP update of company and will share the INTECH 24-Jun-24 Closed 45467
new sharepoint shared repository of BGC project with
BGC team members as soon as the directory is created.

INTECH informed BGC that MV room information is

20-Jun-24 48 remaining from the survey conducted by Rizwan. BGC 24-Jun-24 Closed 24-Jun-24
INTECH asked BGC to prepare the PTWs as per the
survey checklist so as to avoid delays.

INTECH discussed the list of deliverables shared by BGC

20-Jun-24 49 to be included in the SDRL and the mutually agreed INTECH 21-Jun-24 Closed 45464
deliverables would be updated in SDRL.

BGC recommened to combine the General

Arrangement and Power Distribution Drawing in one
20-Jun-24 50 deliverable as per the server cabinets HW configuration INTECH 21-Jun-24 Closed 45464
document shared by the BGC.
INTECH agreed and will share the drawing as one
package delievrable.

BGC recommened to combine the Heat and Electrical

20-Jun-24 51 Load calculation document of respective cabinets. INTECH 21-Jun-24 Closed 45464
INTECH agreed and will share the heat & Electrical load
document as one package delievrable.

INTECH discussed the comments of Rizwan on MDR

20-Jun-24 52 document (list of deliverables shared by INTECH Info

BGC asked about the BH GE system time

20-Jun-24 53 synchronization with ABB servers. INTECH responded to INTECH 24-Jun-24 Point discussed with BH team on Closed 45468
give them time to check with the project team meeting dated 25-Jun-24
internally and will respond accordingly.

Meeting started with brief discussion over last progress

27-Jun-24 54 meeting action items and enquired BGC reponse on Info

INTECH asked BGC about the Rizwan concern related to

27-Jun-24 55 shared documentation format (Combined files). BGC Info
clarified to follow the one stated by Mr. Salim over an

27-Jun-24 56 INTECH said BGC to review the submitted documents BGC 3-Jul-24 Open
and share their initial response over email.

BGC enquired INTECH about access to BGC's Assai

system. INTECH said we have not get the access to it.
27-Jun-24 57 BGC resource Usman said there is some info missing in BGC/INTECH 27-Jun-24 Open
TPA form and INTECH advised to share comments on
TPA form so, we would update and share the updated
one for Assai access.

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Consolidated Minutes of Meeting
Document Ref: BG240430-MOM-240702
Revision No: 00

Meeting Sr. # Description Responsibility Target Date Action(s) taken Status Closure Date
Date <dd-mmm-yyyy> <dd-mmm-yyyy>

27-Jun-24 58 INTECH enquired BGC about the INTECH's Share point Info
system access. BGC confirmed the Access to it..

INTECH briefly discussed the current project progress

27-Jun-24 59 with BGC team regarding the design documentation Info
phase and site survey activities.

27-Jun-24 60 BGC said INTECH to share monthly project progress INTECH 3-Jul-24 In-Progress
reports over the emails. INTECH agreed to it.

27-Jun-24 61 INTECH informed BGC that the revised BH meeting link INTECH 27-Jun-24 Closed
will be shared for next week meeting.

27-Jun-24 62 INTECH informed BGC that the Project Schedule would INTECH 7-Jul-24 In-Progress
be submitted by the next week.

BGC said for next week and onwards Wednesday is the

27-Jun-24 63 suitable day for project progress meetings. INTECH Info

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