ILO- Vision Standards

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Appen A Vision standards Testing All tests needed to determine the visual fitness of a seafarer are to be reliably performed ‘by a competent person and use procedures recognized by the relevant national authority. Quality assurance of vision-testing procedures at a person's first seafarer examination is particularly important to avoid inappropriate career decisions; competent authorities may wish to specify this in detail: — Distance vision should be tested using Snellen test type or equivalent. = Near vision should be tested with reading test type. - Colour vision should be tested by colour confusion plates (Ishihara or equivalent) Supplementary investigations such as lantern tests may be used when appropriate (see the International Recommendations for Colour Vision Requirements for Transport of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE-143-2001, including any sub- sequent versions)), The use of colour-correcting lenses will invalidate test results and should not be permitted. — Visual fields may initially be assessed using confrontation tests (Donders, etc.) and any indication of limitation or the presence of a medical condition where visual field loss can occur should lead to more detailed investigation. — Limitations to night vision may be secondary to specific eye diseases or may follow ophthalmological procedures. They may also be noted during other tests or found as a result of limitations to low-contrast vision testing. Specialist assessment should be undertaken if reduced night vision is suspected. Visual correction Medical practitioners should advise persons required to use spectacles or contact lenses to perform duties that they should have a spare pair or pairs, as required, conveniently available on board the ship, Additional guidance If laser reftactive surgery has been undertaken, recovery should be complete and the quality of visual performance, including contrast, glare sensitivity and the quality of night vision, should have been checked by a specialist in ophthalmology. All seafarers should achieve the minimum eyesight standard of 0.1 unaided in each eye (STCW Code, section B-1/9, paragraph 10). This standard may also be relevant to other seafarers to ensure visual capability under emergency conditions when visual correction may be lost or damaged. Seafarers not covered by the STCW Convention's eyesight standards should have vision sufficient to perform their routine and emergency duties safely and effectively. 23 Guidelines on the medical examinations of seafarers STCW Code table A-1/9: Minimum in-service eyesight standards for seafarers STOW Category Distance Nearintermediate Colour Visual Night Diptopia Convention of seafarer vision aided” vision Vision? fielés* —_blinaness* (double regulation vision) ‘One Other Both eyes together, eye eye aided or unaided wit Masters, deck 0.50.5 Vision required for ship's See_——Normal_ Vision required No signifeant mt offeers and rathgs raaigation (eg, chart and Note 6 visual to perform a canton we required to undertake nautical ableton relrence, folds nacessary functions evident ws bhok-out dutes use of bridge stumentation bn darkness without wa and equipment, and ientt- compromise us. ceaton of aids to navigation) vue vit 04° 04° Vision quired toread in- See _—SuffisintVison required No sgnifeant wt stumenis in chse proimiy, Note 7 ysual to partrm a W2 officers, elecro-tech to operate equioment, and to fields nacessary functions evident ws a ratings and identity syiems/components in darkness without |W ratings o oxhors ‘as necossary compromise WS forming par of an WB = engne-oom watch wr ve mt ‘BWDSS radio (04 04 Visionroquied to read in- See Sufficient Vision requod No 2 operators strumons in chs praxiity, Noto 7 visual to poform a sigfeant tw oparate aqulpmnt, and to files nacessary functions conatton identity systems/components darkness without evident as necessary compromise Nate Vales nin Selon cciralrttn. = jhe of alas, ene ee reineerde eae the ok of net urge cts, "Att oe eras a re re Cnet aaa Teng (E4320, egy *sijet ta asesert by a fl sn pecs tries byl eit cs. > Erg depron esl nl ha stn sgh ws ol kat 0.4 * chreaburisen sane tor (cob sen sane 1,268 2

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