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The mass shall begin with the procession of the priest and all altar servers and with the other
ministers needed in the Eucharistic Celebration. The Holy Mass will commence in its ordinary
form until the part of the homily. After the homily, the rite below is inserted.


In the body of Christ,

there are a variety of ministries,
especially evident when we gather around the altar
to worship God.
Through our baptism in Christ,
some of us are called to serve
as ministers of the liturgical assembly.

A commission of lay individuals

has been appointed to aid the parish community
by facilitating the celebration
of the sacred liturgy.

Their main role is to support the clergy

in guiding the congregation during prayer
and to help the faithful in their worship of God.

The guiding principle of the Ministry of Altar Servers

is encapsulated in the phrase

This phrase is drawn from the biblical passage

wherein the Son of Man is described
as having come to serve rather than to be served,
and to sacrifice His life for the sake of many.

The motto highlights

in the ministry,
emphasizing the role of the altar server
as a servant of the church and its congregants.
we ask God to bless these new altar servers abundantly
as they begin their liturgical ministry
in our parish and chapels.



Coordinator: Atthis time,

we are about to witness

of Parokya ni San Jose, “Ang Tagapagtanggol”

and its chapels.

These individuals have answered God’s call

to serve the Lord at His altar.
Let us pray that our brothers and sisters
who will be accepted today
will be faithful to their promise to God.

As I call your name, please stand

and go to the foot of the sanctuary.

The candidates from the community of :

The candidates from the community of

The candidates from the community of

The candidates from the community of

The candidates from the community of

The coordinator will call out the names of the aspirants alphabetically, and they are to come in
front of the altar with their folded vestments, saying:

Member: Here I am.

Coordinator: Reverend Father _______________,

In virtue of my position
as the Overall Ministry Coordinator
of the Ministry of Altar Servers
of Parokya ni San Jose, ang Tagapagtanggol,
before you and the community of believers
I present to you the aspiring altar servers
who have undergone the necessary training
to answer God’s call to serve at His Holy Altar.

These altar servers are now qualified

to become certified members of the ministry
to serve at the Eucharistic Celebrations
based on the formation programs
they completed prior to this rite.

Parish Priest: Ourbeloved brothers, your presence before God and his
people affirms your willingness and commitment to serve
Jesus as Ministers of the Altar. Do you know what this

Candidates: Yes, we are aware that by being present, we are showing our
commitment to serving Jesus at the Eucharistic Table, serving the
community through the Holy Catholic Church, and living out our
baptismal promises through good examples to our fellow men.

Parish Priest: Willyou give and show your faithfulness and loyalty to
this Parish and Church Authorities?

Candidates: Yes, we will.

Parish Priest: Areyou ready and willing to commit yourselves and your
time to serve wholeheartedly to this kind of service and
with full responsibility?

Candidates: Yes, we are ready.

Parish Priest: Areyou ready to serve at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
assist at Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and
take an active part in other Church functions?

Candidates: Yes, we are ready.

Parish Priest: Do you promise to conduct yourselves outside the church
in a way that will make all proud to have you as their
representative in assisting the priest at God’s Altar?

Candidates: Yes, we promise.


The presider will now bless the new vestments of the new altar servers. H will extend his hand
and pray:

Coordinator: Please all rise for the Blessing of Liturgical Vestments.

Parish Priest: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

All: Who made heaven and Earth.

Parish Priest: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Parish Priest: Let us pray.

Heavenly Father,
all-powerful and ever-living God,
you have appointed Your Son
as the Mediator of the New Covenant.
Please bestow the gifts of Your grace
upon Your chosen ministers of Your sacred mysteries.
As they wear these vestments
and officiate at Your holy altars,
may they serve Your people
by presenting the Word and Bread of Life.
May they stand out
through their integrity of faith
and may they be known
for their observance of the Gospel precepts.
Almighty, everlasting God,
who, from the time of Moses,
has appointed servants in your Sanctuary
to attend your holy altar,
and has commanded they be dressed
in the purity of heart:
receive the offering of these garments ✠
that those who wear them
may serve you with dignity and devotion.

We make this prayer

in the name of Him
who was Servant of all,
your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord,
together with the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.

Candidates: Amen.

The priest will now bless the vestments with holy water.

Parish Priest: Wear this

in which you are vested,
with the greatest respect,
for it is part of the armor you shall wear
as an Altar Server in the service
of your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

Coordinator: Everybody, please be seated.

May we now ask
the senior and junior altar servers
to assist the candidates
in putting on their vestments.


The black cassock symbolizes the religious vocation of altar servers
and their commitment to serve God and the Church.


The surplice represents the simplicity, holiness, humility, and
service of the servers, as well as the purity of the ritual of baptism.
The pin signifies that the wearer is a fully pledged member of the
ministry and is called to serve the Lord and the church, rather than
to be served. This serves as a reminder of their commitment and
service to Jesus and the church as altar servers.

The cross symbolizes Jesus Christ and serves as a constant
reminder that Christ has conquered sin and death, and ultimately
conquered evil. The cross also offers protection against evil and

The senior and junior servers will now help the altar servers with putting on their new


Coordinator: All rise for the prayer.

May we now ask
the candidates to kneel
and raise your right hand
as you say your vow and
commitment to service.

Parish Priest: Beforeyou serve at various Church Liturgies,

make your vow and commitment to service
before God and this community of believers.

The candidates kneel as they pray the following prayer.

Candidates: Lord Jesus Christ,

we are here to serve You.
We shall strive hard, to the best of our ability,
to be ever loyal and faithful to our duties
and responsibilities in serving at the Holy Mass
and other Church liturgies.

We will offer our simple service

to our parish and chapels
with the
that you have given us.
We pledge
to be good examples to our fellowmen
and to help the Church
build Your Kingdom here on earth.
We are called by God to serve

We vow to serve with all our hearts,

together with the authorities of this ministry.
May we be ever faithful
in our service to You,
dear Lord,

through the intercession

of the , our Mother,
our loving patron in this ministry.


With hands extended the priest says the prayer of blessing over the ministers.

Parish Priest: God of glory,

your beloved Son
has shown us that true worship
comes from humble and contrite hearts.
Please bless our brothers and sisters
who have responded to the needs of our parish
and wish to commit themselves
to your service as altar servers.
Grant that their ministry
may be fruitful
and our worship pleasing in your sight.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Candidates: Amen.

The priest will now bless the vestments with holy water.

The newly commissioned altar servers will now stand. The senior servers and junior servers will
embrace them as a sign of their fraternal acceptance and joy.
Parish Priest: We have seen the love
of these young men and women
for our Lord Jesus and His Church.
May they faithfully live-out
their promises and serve
as good examples to our community.

We celebrate their efforts

and applaud them

Afterward, they will bow to the altar, face the congregation, return to their seats, and prepare for
the offertory. The newly commissioned altar servers will lead the offertory as they bring their gifts
and offerings to the Lord.

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