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The Vinci were once amongst the poorest people in Tyria, a meager
collection of villages built on swampland. Without any source of
wealth, they were subsistence farmers who were largely disregarded by
the wider Empire and other outsiders as mere peasants.

When the Great Rift opened, the Vinci’s homelands were devastated by
violent earthquakes. Soon after these quakes however, glowing stones
began to emerge from the depths of the swamps. At first, the stones
were simply used to create jewelry, but soon the stones started to affect
people’s minds and made them smarter, leading to a new time of
technological and cultural progress. They became known as
Mindstones soon after, and it was not long before the Vinci had taken
every stone that they could find until almost none remained

INTRO Influenced by their Mindstones, the Vinci started building machines to

drain the swamps and reclaim the land. They expanded their farmland,
The Duchies of Vinci are an army of highly advanced humans assisted
built great cities, and became very rich, very quickly. The Vinci
by their robotic automatons. On the battlefield, they rely on ranged
established universities that attracted the best minds in all the land,
warfare using crossbows and cannons, supported by the more resilient which led to the invention of robots, known as Automa. These robots
assisted the Vinci with farming, construction, and generally served to
boost the advancement of the Vinci even more.
They were once a collection of poor villages who discovered the
intelligence-enhancing Mindstones in the aftermath of the Rift. The As the Vinci began to prosper, they found themselves surrounded by
Vinci have gained great wealth and knowledge, but guard their secrets enemies. Outsiders sought to claim these newfound riches for
and their Mindstones closely to protect themselves from poverty.
themselves, and began to stake claims upon the Vinci and their
However, over time, their isolationism has fostered rivalry between the
Mindstones. When conflict broke out, the Vinci armies turned the tides
Duchies, causing them to stagnate. and soon conquered their neighbours.

ABOUT OPR In order to defend themselves from future conflicts, the Vinci turned
OPR ( is the home of many free games which their cities into fortresses and expelled all foreign diplomats and
are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. scholars. The isolated Duchies became even more reliant on advanced
technology to make up for their losses in trade. Now, Universities are
the real power in Vinci, while Dukes have become mere figureheads.
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist This led to them being highly insular and suspicious, with their
thanks to the support of our awesome community. universities waging secret wars of sabotage and espionage on each
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can
support us on How will you ensure the prosperity of your duchy?

Thank you for playing!

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Vinci Leader [1] 4+ 4+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) Hero, Tough(3) 40pts
Vinci Scholar [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A3) Hero, Tough(3) 25pts
Militia [10] 5+ 5+ 10x Hand Weapon (A1) - 65pts
Harlequins [5] 5+ 5+ 5x Club (A2, AP(1)) Trickster 70pts
Assassins [5] 4+ 5+ 5x Dual Armblades (A2) Ambush, Stealth 80pts
Automa Drones [5] 5+ 5+ 5x Bot-Bows (18", A1, AP(1), Rending), Automa, Flying, Good Shot 100pts
5x Rotor Blades (A1)
Aerea Guard [3] 5+ 4+ 3x Dual Claws (A4, AP(1), Rending) Flying, Good Shot, Tough(3) 140pts
Automa Guard [5] 4+ 5+ 5x Arm-Bow (12", A1, Rending), 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Automa 85pts
City Guard [5] 5+ 4+ 5x Crossbow (24", A1, Rending), 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Good Shot 100pts
Scouts [5] 5+ 5+ 5x Rapid Handbow (9", A2, Rending), Good Shot, Scout, Signal Flare 135pts
5x Hand Weapon (A1)
Snipers [3] 5+ 4+ 3x Snipebow (30", A1, Rending, Sniper), Slow 125pts
3x Hand Weapon (A1)
Automa Brutes [3] 4+ 3+ 3x Heavy Handbow (18", A4, Rending), Automa, Tough(3) 265pts
3x Brute Lance (A3, AP(1))
Automa Cavalry [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Lance (A1, Lance) Fast, Impact(1) 90pts
Heavy Cavalry [3] 4+ 3+ 3x Lance (A1, Lance), 3x Metal Tusks (A1, AP(1)) Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3) 170pts
Vita Aerea [1] 4+ 2+ Crossbow Crew (24", A6, Rending), Crew Attacks (A3) Flying, Tough(6) 180pts
Support Wagon [1] 4+ 2+ Repeater Crossbow (18", A6, Rending), Hooves (A2) Tough(6), Transport(11) 180pts
Carro Armato [1] 4+ 2+ Cannon Array (24", A3, AP(2)), Fear(2), Impact(6), Protected, Tough(9) 310pts
Repeater Crossbow (18", A6, Rending)
Vinci Artillery [1] 5+ 5+ Ribauldequin (18", A6, AP(1)), Crew (A3) Entrenched, Good Shot, Immobile, Tough(3) 75pts
Vinci Titan [1] 2+ 2+ Heavy Mortar (36", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Indirect), Fear(4), Tough(24), Transport(21) 1305pts
Cannon Array (24", A6, AP(2)),
Mouth Cannon (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6)),
Titanic Stomp (A12, AP(2))


Artillerist: Once per this unit's activation, pick Choking Fog (1): Target enemy unit within 12”
one friendly unit with Entrenched within 6”, takes 3 hits.
which may either immediately shoot or move Fury Herbs (1): Target friendly unit within 12"
by up to 6". gets +1 attack next time it charges.
At the Double: Once per this unit's activation, Clearview Leaves (2): Target 2 friendly units
before attacking, pick one other friendly unit within 12" get +6" range next time they shoot.
within 12”, which may move by up to 6". Deep Rot (2): Target enemy unit within 9" takes
Augmented Bolts: Once per this unit's 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
activation, before attacking, pick one friendly Mesmer Oils (3): Target 2 enemy units within
unit within 12”, which gets AP(+1) next time it 12" get -4" next time they Advance, or -8" next
shoots. time they Charge/Rush.
Automa: Whenever a unit where most models Neurotoxin Gas (3): Target enemy unit within
have this rule fails a morale test, it counts as 18” takes 1 hit with Blast(9).
passed instead. Then, roll as many dice as the
number of wounds it would take to fully destroy
it, and for each result of 1-3 the unit takes one
wound, which can't be ignored.
Bombing Run(X): Whenever this model moves
over enemy units, pick one of them and roll X
dice. For each 2+ it takes 3 hits with AP(1).
Good Shot: This model shoots at Quality 4+.
Precision Fire: This model and its unit get +6"
range when shooting.
Protected: When units where all models have
this rule take hits, those hits count as having
AP(-1), to a min. of AP(0).
Repair: Once per this model's activation, before
attacking, if within 2” of a model with Tough,
roll one die. On a 2+ you may remove D3
wounds from that model.
Signal Flare: Once per this unit's activation,
before attacking, pick one enemy unit within
18”. Next time a friendly unit shoots at it, it gets
+1 to hit.
Takedown: Once per game, when this model
attacks in melee, you may pick one model in
the unit as its target, and make 1 attack at
Quality 2+ with AP(1) and Deadly(3), which is
resolved as if it's a unit of 1.
Trickster: When in melee, roll one die and
apply one bonus to all models with this rule. On
a 1-3 attacks get Rending, on a 4-6 attacks get
Warning Cry: Enemy units can’t be set up
within 12” of this model when using Ambush.

Vinci Leader [1] - 40 pts Assassins [5] - 80 pts Automa Cavalry [5] - 90 pts
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Quality 4+ Defense 5+ Quality 4+ Defense 4+
Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) 5x Dual Armblades (A2) 5x Lance (A1, Lance)
Hero, Tough(3) Ambush, Stealth Fast, Impact(1)
Replace Heavy Hand Weapon: Upgrade all models with any: Replace all Lances:
+5pts Heavy Lance (A3, AP(1), Lance) +5pts Poisoned Blades (Poison in Melee) +40pts Rapid Handbow (9", A2, Rending),
+5pts Poisoned Armblades (A4, Poison) +20pts Throwing Knives (12", A1) Hand Weapon (A1)
Upgrade with one:
+15pts Advanced Rapid Handbow Automa Drones [5] - 100 pts Heavy Cavalry [3] - 170 pts
(9", A3, Rending) Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Quality 4+ Defense 3+
+25pts Advanced Crossbow 5x Bot-Bows (18", A1, AP(1), Rending) 3x Lance (A1, Lance)
(24", A2, Rending) 5x Rotor Blades (A1) 3x Metal Tusks (A1, AP(1))
Upgrade with: Automa, Flying, Good Shot Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3)
+10pts Automa Pigeon (Warning Cry) Replace all Bot-Bows and Rotor Blades:
Upgrade with one: -20pts Bot-Sawblades (A2, Rending) Vita Aerea [1] - 180 pts
+10pts Master Assassin (Takedown) Quality 4+ Defense 2+
+20pts Captain (Precision Fire) Aerea Guard [3] - 140 pts Crossbow Crew (24", A6, Rending)
+50pts War Master (At the Double) Quality 5+ Defense 4+ Crew Attacks (A3)
+60pts Munitioner (Augmented Bolts) 3x Dual Claws (A4, AP(1), Rending) Flying, Tough(6)
Upgrade with one: Flying, Good Shot, Tough(3) Replace Crossbow Crew:
+10pts Automa Horse (Fast, Impact(1)) Replace all Dual Claws: +15pts Crossbow Crew (24", A4, Rending),
+65pts Automa Boar (Defense(1), Fast, +25pts Crossbow (24", A2, Rending), Gunship (Bombing Run(+1))
Impact(2), Tough(3), Bash (A2) Upgrade with :
Metal Tusks (A1, AP(1))) Replace any Crossbow: +10pts Forward Deployment (Scout)
+135pts Automa Bird (Defense(1), Fear(1), +5pts Shotbow (12", A4, AP(1), Rending)
Flying, Tough(6), Upgrade all Crossbows with one: Support Wagon [1] - 180 pts
Heavy Claws (A6, AP(1))) +15pts Flame Bolts (AP(1)) Quality 4+ Defense 2+
Upgrade with one: +20pts Heavy Bolts (Ignores Cover) Repeater Crossbow (18", A6, Rending)
+5pts Bot-Bow Drone Hooves (A2)
(18", A1, AP(1), Limited, Rending) Automa Guard [5] - 85 pts Tough(6), Transport(11)
+5pts Sawblade Drone Quality 4+ Defense 5+ Replace Repeater Crossbow:
(A2, Limited, Rending) 5x Arm-Bow (12", A1, Rending) +25pts Light Mortar
5x Hand Weapon (A1) (24", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Indirect)
Vinci Scholar [1] - 25 pts Automa
Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Upgrade all models with: Carro Armato [1] - 310 pts
Hand Weapon (A3) +15pts Self-Repairing (Regeneration) Quality 4+ Defense 2+
Hero, Tough(3) Cannon Array (24", A3, AP(2))
Upgrade with one: City Guard [5] - 100 pts Repeater Crossbow (18", A6, Rending)
+5pts Bot-Bow Drone Quality 5+ Defense 4+ Fear(2), Impact(6), Protected, Tough(9)
(18", A1, AP(1), Limited, Rending) 5x Crossbow (24", A1, Rending)
5x Hand Weapon (A1) Vinci Artillery [1] - 75 pts
+5pts Sawblade Drone
Good Shot Quality 5+ Defense 5+
(A2, Limited, Rending)
Replace any Crossbow: Ribauldequin (18", A6, AP(1))
Upgrade with one:
+5pts Shotbow (12", A2, AP(1), Rending) Crew (A3)
+5pts Explosive Gears (12", A1, Blast(3))
Upgrade all Crossbows with one: Entrenched, Good Shot, Immobile, Tough(3)
+5pts Sleeve Gun (12", A2, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: +10pts Flame Bolts (AP(1)) Replace Ribauldequin:
+40pts Alchemist (Caster(2)) +15pts Heavy Bolts (Ignores Cover) +15pts Spingarde (30", A2, AP(1), Blast(3))
+60pts Munitioner (Augmented Bolts) Upgrade one model with one: +30pts Heavy Spingarde
+75pts Inventor (Artillerist) +5pts Sawblade Drone (30", A2, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Upgrade with one: (A2, Limited, Rending) +60pts Heavy Mortar
+10pts Automa Horse (Fast, Impact(1)) +5pts Bot-Bow Drone (36", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Indirect)
+35pts Automa Helper (Repair) (18", A1, AP(1), Limited, Rending) +60pts Scout-Bomber Slingshot
(24", A2, Blast(3), Indirect, Reliable)
Militia [10] - 65 pts Scouts [5] - 135 pts +65pts Scout-Gunner Slingshot
Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Quality 5+ Defense 5+ (24", A1, AP(1), Deadly(3), Indirect, Sniper)
10x Hand Weapon (A1) 5x Rapid Handbow (9", A2, Rending)
5x Hand Weapon (A1) Vinci Titan [1] - 1305 pts
Upgrade up to three models with one:
Good Shot, Scout, Signal Flare Quality 2+ Defense 2+
+5pts Sergeant
Upgrade all models with any: Heavy Mortar (36", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Indirect)
+10pts Musician
+15pts Wings (Ambush, Flying) Cannon Array (24", A6, AP(2))
+15pts Banner
+25pts Metal Spurs (Impact(1)) Mouth Cannon (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
Replace all Hand Weapons:
Titanic Stomp (A12, AP(2))
+20pts Halberd (A1, Rending)
Snipers [3] - 125 pts Fear(4), Tough(24), Transport(21)
+35pts Spear (A1, Counter)
Quality 5+ Defense 4+
Upgrade up to two models with one:
3x Snipebow (30", A1, Rending, Sniper)
+5pts Bot-Bow Drone
3x Hand Weapon (A1)
(18", A1, AP(1), Limited, Rending)
+5pts Sawblade Drone
(A2, Limited, Rending) Automa Brutes [3] - 265 pts
Harlequins [5] - 70 pts Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Quality 5+ Defense 5+ 3x Heavy Handbow (18", A4, Rending)
5x Club (A2, AP(1)) 3x Brute Lance (A3, AP(1))
Trickster Automa, Tough(3)
Replace all Clubs: Upgrade all models with:
+30pts Self-Repairing (Regeneration)
-5pts Juggler Bombs (12", A1, AP(2)),
Knife (A1)

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Lucrezza [1] 3+ 4+ Cressian Falchion (A3, AP(1)) Carmia, Hero, Tough(3), Unique, Veteran Enforcer 95pts
Ignatio [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A3) Hero, Mindstone Detector, Tough(3), Unique 70pts

Carmia: Once per this unit's activation, before
attacking, pick one enemy model within 24”
and roll one die, on a 2+ it takes 1 hit with
Mindstone Detector: Once per this unit's
activation, before attacking, pick one enemy
unit within 18”. Next time a friendly unit shoots
at it, it gets +1 to hit.
Unique: This unit may only be taken once per
Veteran Enforcer: This model's melee weapons
get AP(+2) against units where most models
have Tough(3) or higher.


Choking Fog (1): Target enemy unit within 12”
takes 3 hits.
Fury Herbs (1): Target friendly unit within 12"
gets +1 attack next time it charges.
Clearview Leaves (2): Target 2 friendly units
within 12" get +6" range next time they shoot.
Deep Rot (2): Target enemy unit within 9" takes
1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
Mesmer Oils (3): Target 2 enemy units within
12" get -4" next time they Advance, or -8" next
time they Charge/Rush.
Neurotoxin Gas (3): Target enemy unit within
18” takes 1 hit with Blast(9).

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