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School LNPSTHS Grade Level 7& 8


Time & Dates Quarter Third Quarter

The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concept in the
A. Content preparation of materials and tools using the different forms in masonry.

B. Performance The learner independently prepares appropriate masonry materials and

Standards tools using the different forms in tile setting based on industry standards.
1. Learning LO3. Received and inspect masonry supplies, materials and tool
Competencies/ 3.1 A. Check, inspect and receive items on the list.
Objectives (Write
the code for each
LC) T.L.E _ IAMS7/8UT-Ob-3
Check, inspect receive items needed in masonry work
A. Subject Matter
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Learning Outcome Page 2 of 20
2. Learner’s K to 12 ,T.L.E. , Industrial Arts , L.M. 22-25 (Masonry) Exploratory
Material Pages Course
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning Activity sheet
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s
Review on materials, supplies Learner’s answers may vary.
and tools use in vegetable
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the new
Class, who can give example of
garden tools?

1. Have you tried receiving, Yes sir, mostly of them are

B. Establishing a inspecting and borrowing tools in gardening tools and supplies in our
purpose for the your E.P.P. gardening work in the elementary grades.
lesson elementary grades?

C. Presenting Teacher shows laboratory shop in

examples/ the class. “Here we have rules Learners observe the conduct of
instances of the and regulation to observe for inspection
new lesson proper management”.
Further discussion of the lesson
on the effective material Learners check the masonry
D. Discussing new
management which is very materials, forms and tools.
concepts and
essential in many ways for T.L.E.
practicing new
shop work in masonry services or
skills #1
in company and office.
Activity Sheet 3.1 ( LM page 26)
Directions: Draw your own
schematic diagram for each of the
E. Discussing new
procedures on receiving,
concepts and
inspecting, and handling of
practicing new
materials, tools, and equipment.
skills #2
Prepare them on three different
sheets of short size bond paper.

The teacher explains the main

F. Developing purpose of material management
mastery to the class.
Learners awareness of material
G. Finding practical
management is useful in
applications of
becoming a competent mason
concepts and skills
in daily living
Effective material management is
H. Making very essential in many ways and
generalization and make it a point everything is in
abstractions about proper order and perspective to
the lesson ensure effectiveness and
efficiency in masonry services.
1. Explain the importance of
I. Evaluating learning material management in
masonry work?
Answer Self- checked3.1 pp.25in
J. Additional activities the K to 12 Learning module
for application or Industrial Arts - Masonry-
remediation (Exploratory)



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

Remarks: Add on
 Reviewing the lessons please, enumerate the said garden tools( detailed lesson plan man
gud sir, the response of the students must be stated).
 Part F and G, require learners activity to deepen the learners understanding of the lesson
and particular application in line of the lesson.
Examples: role plays on the processes in checking, inspecting and receiving the tools. Or
group representative to explain to the class the processes on the following.
Sir: after nimo maka add on sa mga g remarks nako,paki check sa English nato..daun ikaw
na mag submit sa Group Chat.

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