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UCBb Gopalgonj Branch

127, College Road, Gopalgonj

Phone# 02-6682248
Cell# 01,714-16'7441
E mail:

Letter of Commitment for Bank's r.rndertaking for Line ofCredit (PW3-7)

lnvitation Reference No: APP ID no: 196856
Tender/Proposal Package No: DDIRWSP/GopalganjfMuksud plr 123 -2 4 tRD -02

Executive Engineer D^te: - 23fi16/2|24


We llave been informed that M/S. Kamrul & Brothers, Proprietor: Kamrul Islam, Address: -
253,Mohammad pa.ra, Gopalgonj, Bangladesh, (hercinaffer called "the Tenderer") intends to
submit to you i1s Tender (hereinafter called '1he Tender") for the Widening & StrengtheniDg
of Batikamari UP Office-Pererchar GC via Haldiayiata Bazar Road from Ch. 00-5300m
(BC Road=5300m, Protective Work=562m) under Muksudpur Upazila, District:
Gopalganj [Road ID No: 33558201U (Salvage Materials Cost Tk 21,55,980.00), Tender
ID No-985953 under the above Invitation for Tenders (hereinafter called .,the
IFT").Futhermore, we undeNtand that, according to your conditions, the Tenderer's Financial
Capacity i.e. Liquid Asset must be substant iated by a Letter of Commitment of Bank,s
Undefiaking for Line of Credit.

At the request ol and arangement with the Tenderer, we United Commercial Bank Ltd.
Gopalgonj Branch do hereby agree and undertake that M/s Kamrul & Brothers, propdetor:
Kamrul Islam, Address: 253, Mohammadpar4 Gopalgonj, Bangladesh, will be provided by us
with a revolving line of credit In case awarded the Contlact, for Widening & Strengthening
of Batikamari UP Office-Pererchar GC via Haldiaviata Bazar Road from Ch. 00-5300m
(BC Road=5300m, Protective Work=562m) under Muksudpur Upazila, District:
Gopalgenj [Road ID Nor 335582011] (Salvage Materials Cosl Tk. 21,55,980.00). T€nder
lD No- 985953, for an amount not less than BDT 330.00 f-ac (Tk Three Hundred
Lac Only) for the sole purpose ofthe execution ofthe above Contact. This Line of Credit
will be maintained by us until issuance of.,Taking-Oyer Certificate,' by the procuring Entity.

In witness whereol authodsed representative ofthe Bank has hereunlo signed and sealed this
Leller oI Con'miimenl.

Shahed toh-r
_ Executivc Olltc€i
AsC UcrPesns& aneirr; .
ElD.aAs ElD4an)'
unri.t colnnErcht E.nt ttc t tedColrrmarEi;i Banr t ,r ar.rch rnpdgani Branchl

United Commercial Bank PLC
Corpo.ate Ottice; Ploi-CINS(A)-1 Roao No-34.
Gulsh€n Avenue. Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh, B
Phoner +880-2-55668070, +8809610999999, E-mait: B

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